Destined Encounters


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Destined Encounters

Post by madhippy »

My first fanfic, Ill do my best, Its my first time but I took great pride in writing (typing) it up.
If you read it I appreciate feedback of all kind and appreciate the time you spent,
My intention is to make a series of short stories about individual pairings and their interactions with others.

Emi's Little Escapades

As I lie in my small bed I am swept away in the dreams of complete tranquility, all the stress I feel during the day, on my heart and on my mind are eased away. I drift through a sea of darkness that despite the emptiness only seems to reassure that this is true peace. *knock* *Knock* Sounds I cant place make wakes in the dream that irritate the peace that had consumed me that night. *Louder knock* *louder knock* As the noises got louder I couldn't help but drift from the dream and finding myself more and more drawn into the waking world.

???: Hisao! Hisao! ARE YOU UP YET!!!

It was with these intruding noises I opened my eyes to see the same dark room that I had last scene just before I fell asleep last night. I roll over and look at the clock on my nightstand.

Hisao: *groggy* What the hell its only 2:00am

I crawled out of bed with the enthusiasm of a sloth and walked to the door. As I approach the voice yells again, this time I recognized the voice.

Emi: Hisao! Don't tell me you aren't awake yet!

I opened the door and I spot a short girl with a nasty scowl. Her light brown hair tied neatly into two pigtails on either side of her head. She bounced up and down on her prosthetic legs. She was wearing her running legs. with their shining metallic color with hook shape, they gave an unnatural aura around them.

Emi: Finally Hisao! Wait are you in your pajamas! You just woke up did...

Hisao: Emi tone it down! your going to wake up the entire school!

Emi: *pout* what are you doing, I told you to be awake at least an hour ago to be ready.

Hisao: I don't know what your talking about Emi and I cant imagine why I would need to be awake this early in the morning.

Emi: I told you last week at the track Hisao! I was going to take you on a special training exercise today since its the weekend and we don't have any classes for today.

I remember now Emi had said something about her going to enact her "master plan" today and work me to the bone. I was so tired and so irritated by that days session, I must have blocked the memory.

Hisao: Emi cant we do this tomorrow, I'm not ready for this today.

Emi: No! I arranged everything for today and have it all scheduled out!

Hisao: And what if I just say no and close the door right here.

Emi then started doing her insane puppy dog stare at me. Damn I cant beat that. Its feels as if I had just kicked my dog...

Emi: You wouldn't do that Hisao, you may be saying this now, but your not mean like that.

She got me in a corner, if I resist any further I'm afraid my heart couldn't take it.

Hisao: Alright you win, but I hope you haven't completely gone overboard with this alright.

Emi: Don't worry Hisao I know you have to take it easy so I toned it down to your level

Hisao: Emi I swear to you here if this kills me I will haunt you.

Emi gives me a troubles look and then goes back to her puppy stare.

Emi: It wont! Trust me!

Hisao: Alright; does your schedule give me enough time to change into my track clothes or am I running in pajamas.

Emi: hmmm I think we can fit it in if you make it less than 20 minutes, oh and we will have to skip 3 breaks.

Damn... I'm more motivated now to comply with Emi's demands than I was a few minutes ago but this still sucks...
I changed into appropriate track clothes and even managed to grab some bread i had planned to us for lunch yesterday.

Hisao: Alright I'm ready what first.

Emi: *wide grin* hmmm, not bad alright first we will warm up with a short run around the track.

The next several hours were a series of exercises I had never even heard of broken apart by a series of stretches with were equally foreign to me. After about an hour Emi started for the main gate of the school and asked how I would like to continue outside. I was too tired to even voice an objection, so I just followed her while she grinned happily.
I couldn't stand it, I'm so exhausted I haven't had any heart problem so far, but if my heart didn't give out it wouldn't be long before my legs did. As the dawn sun began to rise over the the trees lining the hillsides I stop and lean on the closes street lamp.

Emi: what you tired, Hisao *checking her watch*. alright you've earned a 30 minute break.

I hobble over to the nearest tree and collapsed under its giant branches.

Hisao: Where did you come up with these exercises Emi, I thought we were just going to run.

Emi: *with a grin* Oh my dad has this friend over in America in the Marines Corps. He just finished boot camp and sent us a video of his exercises he was doing and...

Hisao: Are you telling me you've been training me to join the Marines! *sigh*

Emi: *giggling* No Hisao I just thought it would be fun! Its not like we are really pushing are selves like those Marines are, I toned it down for you Hisao.

Hisao: *sarcastic* thanks

Emi: *giggle*

After 30 minutes (felt like 5) Emi dragged me away from my comfy place on the ground and started MARCHING me again.
We had just made are 5th lap around the town when Emi comes to a complete stop in the middle of the town park around 9:00am. She turned to me with her cheeks flushed red. At first I thought her face was, like mine was red from exhaustion, but I could see there was something different.

Hisao: Hey Emi whats wrong. You cant be that tired, you don't get tired (I said mockingly).

Emi turned her back to me. she asked me to sit down on a near by bench will she went to by some soda from a vending machine. I felt something was off and reach out and grabbed her arm before she could sprint away. The look of surprise on her face as she turned around caught me off guard, but I may have been thrown more off guard by how absolutely red Emi's face was.

Hisao: Soda? Emi are you feeling alright?

She turned her head back around to hid her complexion and replied.

Emi: D-Don't worry Hisao, I was only t-testing you, and you passed c-congratulations, Ill go buy us some f-fruit juice.

Hisao: *fake laugh* Hahaha oh is that it.

I played cool, but I still had a a strange feeling.
Emi ran across the street not looking back at all as she did.
I saw her dig in her pockets for change to put in the machine, I was half hoping she didn't have enough so she would have to come over and face me when she asked for some of mine. Unfortunately that didn't happen. Two drinks drop out of the machine and she grabs then and runs back my way. I notice that even though she is facing in my direction she isn't staring at me or anything, she seems to be in her spacing into her own world, no she was hiding in her own world.
I looked down the street and noticed that a car was approaching dangerously fast. AND RIGHT TOWARDS EMI !

Hisao: Emi! Look out!

I run towards her faster than I ever have before, I didn't even feel the any of the exhaustion that I had built up this entire time.
Emi had stopped and looked up at me with surprise she still hadn't seen the car approaching her. I screamed as I ran to her.

Hisao: Emi! What are you doing get out of the road!

Emi followed my eyes to the speeding vehicle approaching her and as she saw it coming ever toward her. Her eyes widened and her body froze. Time seemed to freeze as the car got closer and closer. Then I heard Emi scream and every part of my body was screaming for me to move faster.


I hear the car screech as it drove passed us and sped around the corner.
I had barely made it, I was so close to being to late, but I made it.
I had reached Emi before the car and had jumped, pushing her out of the way. I was lying on top of her now, I looked down and I saw emi's crying face. I move to get up, but emi is still grasping hold of my shirt.

Hisao: Emi Emi its alright. Your okay now.

Emi: *sobbing*

Hisao: Emi what were you thinking, you could have gotten yourself killed, I was so god damned worried.

Emi: *sobbing* I'm sorry I'm sorry

A crowd of people had now begun to congregate around the scene. People were asking if anyone had gotten the drivers license plate and if we were okay.
Emi's grip on me began to loosen around my back. I began to stand u and took her hand.

Hisao: Are you okay Emi, nothing hurting, let me help you stand up.

Emi took my hand but then here face turned pale and she began to cry again. I turned my head and found out exactly why. One of her legs was completely smashed. There was no way she was walking on that.
I told her that this wouldn't be a problem, she would be okay. I picked her up with her back resting in one of my arms and the back of her knees resting on my other.

Emi: *flushed* Hisao...

I carried her back to the park and laid her down on a bench.
She was still crying and apologizing. She was clearly too upset to answer my questions but I thought talking to her would help.

Hisao: Emi, tell me whats wrong with you today? You are acting so strangely and now this, I don't care what it is Ill help you!

Emi: I-I-I I was... I was...

Like I thought if I wanted an answer I would have to wait till she calms down alittle.

Hisao: Its alright! Take a deep breath, come on I want you to relax.

Emi took a couple deep breaths before she started weeping again.
The crowd that had gathered earlier was was a short distance away. Many peered towards us inspecting the scene as if this wasn't real and just another of there drama TV shows. I couldn't help but give an angry glare at many of them.

Emi: *heavy breathing* I think I'm okay now, Hisao... t-thank you... thank you, and I'm sorry *starting to cry*

Hisao: hey hey hey! don't get yourself crying again alright.

Emi: *whipping the tears away* O-Okay.

Hisao: Emi, I think we should head back to the school, we can have Nurse take a closer look at you when we get back up there.

She nods her head, but I could tell she wasn't looking forward to having to tell Nurse what had happened and get another lecture.

Hisao: Emi it'll be easier if I carry you back on my back...

Emi: W-What!?

Hisao: Whats wrong, oh I get it you want me to carry you up like a princess in my arms (I said kiddingly)

Emi: *blush*

I began to notice her flustered reddish features returning to her face. I checked her forehead for a fever, but there was no fever. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, she was blushing! had I said something that shaken her than bad, what about before this whole affair what was it then...
I was deep in thought, but I remembered I still needed to get Emi back to the school.

Hisao: Emi don't argue or fight with me, I'm going to carry you back up to the school now, so hop onto my back and don't let go.

Emi: *blushing* okay, *pant* your going to have to help me onto your back Hisao.

Hisao: OH! Sorry! *lifts her* that help?

Emi: YA, thank you.

It was now 11:00am and the town was fully awake and on the move. Emi was holding on to me tightly. Occasionally I had to ask her to redo her grip several times, because she was starting to choke me. when I got to the hill she started talking to me again.

Emi: Hisao don't wear yourself out, if you need a break lets just stop and take a breather.

Hisao: Don't worry Emi, I wont go dieing on you here, plus your not all that heavy anyways. Hell if u drop the prosthetics, I could probably run up this fill haha.

Emi: Don't joke like that, maybe I should leave my prosthetics on the side of the road, its not like this one is going to do me any good.

So Emi dropped her prosthetics even though I insisted it was okay if she left them on.
I was starting to feel the stress on my heart affecting me again, it hurt but I believed I could go alittle further without having to stop.
Behind me I heard Emi growling behind me, she let go of me with one arm and started to beat my back with here fist.

Hisao: OWWWW!!! Emi what are you doing!?

Emi: Hisao you stupid idiot! You cant hide it! I can hear your breathing and even your heart beats are to damn loud! Put me down and take a break!

Hisao: Okay! Okay! Just stop hitting me.

I place Emi on the ground gently and turned around to see she was scowling at me with her cheeks puffed out, its good to have her back to her old self again.

Emi: You really are a moron!

Hisao: Ya Ya, but don't you remember this morning?

Emi: Hmmm what?

Hisao: Don't remember I said if this trip killed me I would be haunting you forever haha.

Emi: Whats funny about that?

Hisao: For one you would never be alone again.

Emi; *blushing* ya I guess that's true.

Hisao: Want to get moving again?

Emi: I don't know! If we do are you going to die before we get there or not!?

Hisao: Awwww, does that mean that you don't like the idea of me haunting you anymore haha.

Emi: I think I prefer you alive.

Hisao: Alright in that case lets get going I'm sure I can make it from here.

Emi: *puppy dog look* You sure?

Hisao: *Smiles* Ya.

I began thinking how I could have avoided all that if I had just asked someone in the crowd to call the school for a lift, or maybe if I had I would have actually missed all this. I guess it all has to do with perspective. I pick Emi up again make my way up the hill. I didn't feel any stress on my heart the rest of the way up, but I'm still troubled by something but I'm now to embarrassed to ask. What made her so flustered this morning...
As we approach the school gate I work up the nerve.

Hisao: *stopping at the gate* Emi?

Emi: What is it Hisao, why did you stop?

Hisao: I need to know why you were so flustered this morning. I mean that was really dangerous.

Emi: *blush* I-I don't want to s-say.

Hisao: EMI!

My persistence seems to have convinced her.

Emi: *Deep breath* I-I LOVE YOU HISAO!!! *she yelled*

And with that my heart started beating so hard I thought I was about to have an attack...

Hisao: *in awe* Emi...

Emi: I have loved you since you promised to me to be my track partner that day before the cultural festival.
These practices have been more to me than keeping you healthy, its been my way of staying close to you.

Hisao: Emi I never knew, I'm sorry it must have hurt whenever I acted like those practices where nothing but a chore.

Emi: No its okay I mean it would be for everyone, I was just glad you would keep your promise each morning and come to run with me.

Hisao: I still don't understand something?

Emi: What?

Hisao: what happened at the park, you never acted that way when we were exercising or in a previous practices.

Emi: I got really flustered when I thought of how I could turn it into a date.

Hisao: That's sound like you *laughing out of control*

Emi: Don't laugh at me like that!

Emi then began to pummel my head with little slaps. It was funny in its own way.

Emi: *pouting*

Hisao: Come on lets keep going we still need to get you checked out by the Nurse.

Emi: Ya.

I openned the gate to the school and walked inside with Emi on my back. Her words still floating around in my head. It seems wrong to not say anything more, but if I tried to say anything I think I'd just trip over my own words and just make a fool out of myself so I decide not to, for now.
Several students are out in there groups around the campus, some turn to look others don't notice us outright. Its fine though, I wouldnt want anyone to interfere at this point anyways. We reach Nurse's office after an hour hike up the hill and through the school. the clock on the wall confirmed that it was 1200pm.
I hear Emi behind me try to swallow her fear as I approach the door. To tell the truth I dont blame her, Im going to tell him the whole story (minus the confession) and get this over with but I'm still nervous, this isnt going to end pretty...
I knock on Nurse's door and hear a friendly "Come in!" from the other side. I turn the door knob and open the door. On the other side sitting in his chair is Nurse with his ear to ear grin. As soon as he say us however you could just see is smile fade away. Emi looked away, but I wasnt going to try to play this off.

Nurse: *sigh* What happened let me guess heart... no wait Emi!

Hisao: Ya

I then began to tell him the story from the very beginning. From the boot camp exercises to the car accident, and even to carrieing her up.
Nurse then began a furious lecture at Emi who was lying down on the bed, with her head down in shame. I placed my hand on her back to comfort her through her lecture. I didn't pay much attention to Nurse's lecture, I caught a few of tid-bits here and there

Nurse: *facepalm* Emi! Do you even realize the signifigance of what happened! If Nakai wasnt as quick and observant as he was then you could have DIED!!! & *sign* You even put Nakai at risk! What if Nakai over exerted himself while carrieing you!

I wasnt sared either...

*Yelling* Are you idiot! There is a whole crowd of people surounding you with cell phones and instead of calling for help you decide to carry her up! What were your trying to play the Damn Knight And Shining Armor!

After his lecture he took a closer look at Emi. He said she was okay, hell not even a scrap on her back. He asked her if she had any spare legs. She said yes. He finished by saying he was going to go out and get the paperwork to replace the broken leg.
As Nurse left the room. I turn towards Emi.

Hisao: Damn, well that sucked, but its okay it least we have a health... well you do Im still a ticking time bomb.

Emi: *glared*.

Hisao: Sorry

Emi: *turn towards hisao* Hisao back at the gate I answered your questions now you need to answer mine...

Hisao: *nervously* What is it?

Emi: What do you think of me now that you know?

Hisao: I dont know if I love you, but you are a very important person to me

Emi: *blush*

Hisao: And I'd love to have the chance fall in love with you. Emi lets start dating.

Emi: YES! *with tears in her eyes*

I move my head closer to hers. I could feel her breath on my lips. I watched as she slowly closed her eyes. As my lips touched hers she embraced my lips with hers and and opened her mouth for a passionate kiss. As my tongue moved into her mouth and played with hers, I failed to notice that the door had openned.

Nurse: *Clears throught*

Emi jets up with surprise, Im alittle shocked, but I think Id rather take another lecture for another few seconds.

Nurse: well if you two are done over there please fill these forms

The rest of the day is what can be best described as a "bureaucratic nightmare". Filing forms, ignoring glares. Me and Emi finally escape Nurse"s "Lair"
It was now late at night. I couldnt believe that took so long. We walk back to the dorms and stop at where the girl dorms and boy dorms split.

Emi: Hisao thank you for everything.

Hisao: No need to thank me I got more than enough out of it

Emi: Im glad you liked it, its more important than you think; it was my first.

Hisao: *blush* same here.

Emi: *blush* heres your second...

Emi gave me a kiss just before saying Good Night.
Momento Mori: Latin: remember you shall die.

Remeber this inevitable truth, or it may just surprise you someday
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Re: Destined Encounters

Post by SnigendePind »

madhippy wrote:Hisao: Emi! What are you doing get out of the road! You're a person, not a car! You don't even have wheels!
Nice attempt at a first story, but there's some minor things I'd like to point out.

First of all, get your punctuation right.

Second, I find it annoying with the constant *pouting* or *wide grin*. Instead of, let's say this sentence:

Hisao: *sarcastic* thanks

Then write something like:

"Thanks," Hisao replied in an obvious sarcastic tone.

Just some ideas to improve. :D
Some people don't have arms. So what? Some people don't see colors, either.
- WetCrate

<@Raide> why does it sad to be touched? shouldn't you get a boner?

90% of the students were actually sent to Yamaku for being too lesbian. All those disabilities going around are just curious coincidence.
- Minister of Gloom

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Re: Destined Encounters

Post by Xuan »

I skipped the part when Emi said I LOVE YOU for obvious reasons to some people. Scrolled a bit. It wasn't too bad.

Seriously saying, waking 2am in the morning and run should have caused him to have a heart attack. In fact, it's one in a million chance that he does not have one.
" It would be hard to believe I was nearly killed by a love confession."
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Re: Destined Encounters

Post by Member22 »

Xuan wrote:Seriously saying, waking 2am in the morning and run should have caused him to have a heart attack...
I kind of agree with this... 2 am is a little extreme, especially on a weekend. Maybe 6 am or later would have been ok... but still, I would imaging Emi is the most likely person to wake up anyone at 2 am for track lol
"If Hisao took one thing away from his time at Yamaku it was the fact that people who have handicaps don't actually have handicaps. People like Lilly and Shizune are more able-bodied and well-adjusted than most of the kids at Hisao's old high school. He shook his head slightly. No, students at Yamaku weren't handicapped; everyone else was." - WetCrate
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Re: Destined Encounters

Post by SnigendePind »

Xuan wrote:I skipped the part when Emi said I LOVE YOU for obvious reasons to some people. Scrolled a bit. It wasn't too bad.

Seriously saying, waking 2am in the morning and run should have caused him to have a heart attack. In fact, it's one in a million chance that he does not have one.
Member22 wrote:
Xuan wrote:Seriously saying, waking 2am in the morning and run should have caused him to have a heart attack...
I kind of agree with this... 2 am is a little extreme, especially on a weekend. Maybe 6 am or later would have been ok... but still, I would imaging Emi is the most likely person to wake up anyone at 2 am for track lol
I figure that you guys have never been scouts, eh? Waking up at 2AM to do hard physical work isn't the worst thing, it's actually pretty nice to sweat while it's dark and cold. And no, the thing that would send him into cardiac arrest would be the Navy S.E.A.L. training program, not the time when they're exercising.
Some people don't have arms. So what? Some people don't see colors, either.
- WetCrate

<@Raide> why does it sad to be touched? shouldn't you get a boner?

90% of the students were actually sent to Yamaku for being too lesbian. All those disabilities going around are just curious coincidence.
- Minister of Gloom

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Re: Destined Encounters

Post by Xuan »

Have been one, have woke up around that time before, but we're talking about a heart patient here, not some random young 14 years old new recruit.
" It would be hard to believe I was nearly killed by a love confession."
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Re: Destined Encounters

Post by Member22 »

SnigendePind wrote:I figure that you guys have never been scouts, eh? Waking up at 2AM to do hard physical work isn't the worst thing, it's actually pretty nice to sweat while it's dark and cold. And no, the thing that would send him into cardiac arrest would be the Navy S.E.A.L. training program, not the time when they're exercising.
I was going to join the armed forces once I finished high school, but the uni's option was better... so most of the time I spend awake deep into the night is either pulling off all nighters in exam season, or going to all night parties, or pulling off all nighters playing games on weekends. IMO, I think that all nighters are a wee bit more comfortable than sleeping late and waking up early (both of them are definitely tiring).
"If Hisao took one thing away from his time at Yamaku it was the fact that people who have handicaps don't actually have handicaps. People like Lilly and Shizune are more able-bodied and well-adjusted than most of the kids at Hisao's old high school. He shook his head slightly. No, students at Yamaku weren't handicapped; everyone else was." - WetCrate
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Re: Destined Encounters

Post by SnigendePind »

Oh well. I still think it wouldn't cause a cardiac arrest.
Some people don't have arms. So what? Some people don't see colors, either.
- WetCrate

<@Raide> why does it sad to be touched? shouldn't you get a boner?

90% of the students were actually sent to Yamaku for being too lesbian. All those disabilities going around are just curious coincidence.
- Minister of Gloom

Made you look.
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Re: Destined Encounters

Post by Member22 »

SnigendePind wrote:Oh well. I still think it wouldn't cause a cardiac arrest.
Speaking of cardiac arrest, I remember seeing this on a site I study from (see attachment).
long_qt.gif (8.55 KiB) Viewed 7122 times
"If Hisao took one thing away from his time at Yamaku it was the fact that people who have handicaps don't actually have handicaps. People like Lilly and Shizune are more able-bodied and well-adjusted than most of the kids at Hisao's old high school. He shook his head slightly. No, students at Yamaku weren't handicapped; everyone else was." - WetCrate
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Re: Destined Encounters

Post by madhippy »

Fair enough advice, I respect everything you said and honestly while I was typing it I had many of the same thoughts, but decided against changing anyways. Especially the confession, I honestly started from the beginning in finnishing it as a romance, but perhaps I pushed to much...

SnigendePind wrote:
Xuan wrote:I skipped the part when Emi said I LOVE YOU for obvious reasons to some people. Scrolled a bit. It wasn't too bad.

Seriously saying, waking 2am in the morning and run should have caused him to have a heart attack. In fact, it's one in a million chance that he does not have one.
Member22 wrote:
Xuan wrote:Seriously saying, waking 2am in the morning and run should have caused him to have a heart attack...
I kind of agree with this... 2 am is a little extreme, especially on a weekend. Maybe 6 am or later would have been ok... but still, I would imaging Emi is the most likely person to wake up anyone at 2 am for track lol
I figure that you guys have never been scouts, eh? Waking up at 2AM to do hard physical work isn't the worst thing, it's actually pretty nice to sweat while it's dark and cold. And no, the thing that would send him into cardiac arrest would be the Navy S.E.A.L. training program, not the time when they're exercising.
I appreciate this alot from everyone, its try I probably pushed the time, but Ill correct mistakes like that overtime.
I also appreciate the advice on puntuation and expressing emotion and actions, punctuation is just something Ill get better at overtime, but I think you were right next time Ill adjust that aspect of my writing.
Momento Mori: Latin: remember you shall die.

Remeber this inevitable truth, or it may just surprise you someday
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Re: Destined Encounters

Post by madhippy »

Second story I will try to use some of the ffed back I have received so far to better my writting (typing). Rin's not going to be easy, her personality makes her harder to predict and harder write. But Im hoping with time I can get it just right.

Rin's Abstract Trip Part 1

I know I agreed to join the art club, but what is this...
A few other members are sitting in there respective corners either just staring blankly at the equally blank canvas in front of them. It almost seemed just as empty as it was the first time I walked in.
A sole flash of color illuminated the room. An odd mix of colors that didnt seem to form any shape or form. Two silhouettes hover around the half painted canvas. One I recognized immediately as the art teacher Mr.Nomiya. The round (fat), obnoxiously brightly dressed man whos laugh could give even Misha a run for her money. Looking past him I recognize the other figure. It was rin, no surprise there seeing, I cant very well describe it other than "that". As I approach she turns her head around an give me her usual stare.

Rin: "Oh hello Hisao."

Hisao: "Good evening Rin and you too Mr. Nomiya."

Nomiya: "Well good evening to you too hisao!" he exclaimed. Say what do you think about this painting, I say it should have some more red"... He is cut off.

Rin: "No, it should have more blue", she interupted

Looking extremely defiant Mr. Nomiya turns to me awaiting my responce.

Hisao: "Well whats it supposed to be anyways, I cant tell by looking?"

Rin: "Its not anything, thats why it needs more blue"

I should have known, If I cant understand what Rin said during normal conversation how could I ever understand any of her motivations for art.

Hisao: "Well I wouldnt know what it should be but maybe you could figure it out over a short break."

Rin looking at her half finished painting with dismay so presses her lips together and looks especially stressed.

Rin: "No, No, it needs green not blue..."

Nomiya: "GREEN!!!"

Something inside me was sure, even if I had no idea about art itself, that green was not the color anyone really wanted.
I put my hand on her shoulder and insisted she take a break.

Rin: "Alright" she sighed, "but Im sure its green"

I take a quick glance at Mr. Nomiya who looked like he was the one with a heart defect at the moment. Man... some people take art WAY TOO SERIOUSLY... its not healthy...

Hisao: Come on we'll find Emi and grab something from the cafeteria, my treat.

Rin: Lead the way.

As we leave the art room I ask her where we might start looking for Emi.

Rin: I wouldnt know.

Hisao: Not even a guess?

Rin: Nope

I suggested we begin on the track and field area, clases may be over but clubs are still going. Perhaps, no we will probably find her still running around.
As we walk out of the school building and down the path to the track, I began to notice the erie silence. It made me wonder if Rin was still even behind me. I turned around to check, she was. She was staring off into the scenery with that look. I wondered what she was thinking about, so I asked.

Hisao: Hey Rin you seem pretty deep in thought, anything interesting on your mind?

Rin turn toward me not changing her expression in the slightest,

Rin: "Just thinking about the painting, its was obviously not green." with that she gave a nasty scowl of disapproval at herself.

Hisao: Well you'll figure it out, after all who else could but you.

Perking her head back up with an interested look

Rin: Hmmm, I guess thats true, but what if someone that looked just like me figured it out before me, would that make them me.

I was speechless. I failed to realize a conversation with Rin is like a trip on LSD.
Not knowing who to appropriately answer the question. I just responded with the first reasonable thought to pop in my head.

Hisao: Well even if there was such a person I wouldnt think they could get it right, afterall they arent you.

Rin thinks it over silently. I hope I didnt say anything that Im going to regret later
I a desperate attempt to change the topic (and help my sanity) I tried asking a normal question.

Hisao: Tell me Rin is that painting really nothing, I mean there has to be some inspiration behind it right? Some reason why it should be red instead of green for example.

On second thought I may have just walked into a cobra's nest. There are so many ways she could answer that question and something told me that the odds of getting a clear answer where slim.
But there was no turning back now I had caught Rin's attention and I could see that question bouncing in her head

Rin: There really isnt anything, it just is.

Surprised to get a fairly understandable answer (if not aittle vague) I continued to pry.

Hisao: would you say it was feelings. Not a thought in your head but a feeling in your gut?

Rin: No if I get any feeling in my gut they arent usually good...

Hisao: I meant like just from instinct and not from your head.

RIn: I dont think I'd call it that either.

I was about to ask somemore but we had begun to approach the track field and I was trying to pick out Emi's image from the dozen so that were running the track. After a few second I concluded that I couldnt see her, I turned around to tell Rin, "Emi must not be here". Although Rin was no longer standing behind me. she was walking in at an angle to me now. I followed with my eyes down her projected course. She was moving towards and old equipment shed in the right side of the track. I had failed to notice the dozen or so people standing around the shed, one being Emi.
Just goes to prove that were the conventional mind fails the unconventional succeeds. Racing to catch up to Rin, I look to see where Emi was again and she had apparently noticed us. She was now coming towards us waving her hand as if to attract are attention.

Emi: "Oh Wow!" she greeted us enthusiasticly, "I was just leaving an was going to see if you two were still in the art room! Now I dont have to"

I smile politely, but was really focused on other things. I was hungry. The lunch room wasnt as far from the track field as the art room and we must have been down wind of it because I could already smell the food.

Hisao: Well now that we are all here, lets grab some lunch from the cafeteria, Im starving here aren you Emi?

With a smile on her face like she had just one a prize she happily agrees

Rin: Remember Hisao you promised to treat us today.

Hisao: Right, right, I wasnt going to bail out of my promise, but I said I'd oonly treat you.

Emi: "Your Mean!" she cried with her puppy like look in her eyes.

Hisao: "Relax I was only kidding around. Ill treat you too", I said laughing.

Emi: Thanks!

On are way to the cafeteria, Emi wouldnt stop bugging me about my diet, I agreed to keep running in the mornings but she couldnt control me. Rin on the other hand stayed suspiciously silent. I cant help but to want to ask her whats on her mind again. Even if it doesnt make any coherent sence I still feel like prodding at her brain. Maybe its just for fun or maybe its some genuine curiosity.
I try and easy question to start with.

Hisao: So Rin what were you planning on getting?

I considered the question safe because I was willing to bet her responce wouldnt be to strange since it would have to be something serving at the cafeteria.

Rin: I dont know, you think they have those frog legs?

I was wrong...

Emi: I dont think so...

Rin gave unsatisfied grunt. I was still trying to wrap my head around something. Everytime I try to find a limit to her weirdness, even things that should be easy like food menus, I always get an off he wall responce. Is it just inpossible for her to give a "normal" answer. I began to wonder if Rin was just born insane or she was smoking something good...
We arrive at the cafeteria pretty early. A few people are hear eating there meals, but we beat the crowd. Not being able to win against Emi in an arguement over MY health. I get into the line for a "high nutritious" meal. To my amazement when I asked her why she didnt say anything when Rin got the Curry so replied...

Emi: Because her heart isnt broken Hisao!

Hisao: OOO! Wow that was a pretty low blow...

Not that I could argue with it. Someday Im just going to have to have a heart attack just to spite her...

Hisao: Okay so where should we sit.

Emi: Well we should find someplace else. Rin eating with her feet tends to attract looks.

Hisao: AAA! You dont care what other people think do you Rin!, I say as a grab hold of her playfully.

With Rin's food being carried in her mouth her reply sounded like a garbled "Nope". But then again I couldnt be sure.

Emi: well I think we should eat on the roof like before, plus the weathers still nice.

Hisao: "alright you win." Turning toward Rin, "Oh would you like me to carry that for you RIn that cant be comfortable?"

Again her responce was too garbled to understand but I reached out my hand for the bento in box hanging from her mouth anyways and she gives it to me.

Rin: thanks.

Hisao: No problem.

As we get to the roof top, we open are lunches and dig in. Emi continues eating her meal while chatting away about her day, Rin eats her Curry with the fork between her toes. I still am amazed all the things she can do without arms. This school really is amazing when you look around. From a biologist perspective each student here is in one way or another flawed and shows the weakness of humanity, but also the greatest example of evolution and adaption to ones environment. Emi has overcome the loss of her legs with the prosthetics and has excelled where she should fail. Lilly is able to move place to place by herself even though she cant see. That and she manages to handle all the work as her class representative. Rin of course without her arms you would expect her to be unable to hold utensils, cloth herself, let alone paint! But she can do all that and more just with her feet. Shizune created a symbiotic relationship with Misha to communicate. Misha... She got louder...

Rin: Hisao, Hisao, Hello, you dead?

Rin's word broke my train of thought. I guess I had become lost in thought and started spacing out.

Hisao: Oh! sorry what is it Rin?

Rin: I want to go back to the art room now that Im done eating. I finally figured out that color I needed for the painting.

Hisao: Thats good what is it?

Rin: I was right it was green, but it need someting else going through it.

Hisao: Hmmm

I was interested, I hadnt gotten a clear answer from her before about where her inspiration came from so I decided to try and observe her and find out for myself what made her tick.

Hisao: so what color is going through it, can you describe it.

Rin: Acknowledging my curiosity replied "ya its this color right here."

I see her pointing down, down at her bento box. there was this brownish red color left on the inside of the disposable box where the curry had been.

Hisao: What? Curry Red?

Rin: Ya thats a good name for it.

My hand meet my forehead so quickly that even Captain Picard would be proud (All rights to Captain Picards likeness and image belong to the Star trek studios :P)
But I couldnt help but laugh, alot. I shouldnt have expected anything less from Rin by now.

Rin: Whats so funny do you have a better idea?

Hisao: Still laughing I manage to get out the phrase, "no no its perfect."

Emi looking just as confused as Rin leans over and asks her if she thinks Im okay and with that RIn just shrugs.
I hold back my laughter at this point because I seem to be weirding out Rin and Emi (if Rin can be weirded out...) and tell them I just found something really humorous with the color.
With that we pack you are lunches and go back down the stairs to the school below. Emi waved good bye as we went are seperate ways from there.

Rin: So whats so funny about Curry Red.

The name alone made me chuckle alittle.

Hisao: Its not really the color that Im amused at its you.

She gives me a puzzled look.

Hisao: Remember earlier I asked you about your inspiration for what colors you choose and the shapes you draw, well I was amused by how you were inspired by the empty bento box and thought that was so like you.

The face Rin was making now was confusion, I think she was trieing to figure out if she should interpret what I said.

Hisao: Dont worry about it, your just fun to be around and now I've learned your inspiration must be those little things in life.

At this she just shrugged, but if I have taken and step forward in understanding Rin than I think I may have just releaved alot of stress off her.
We arrive at the Art room faster than I expect the time flew walking her. We enter the room, out of all the people that had littered the tables of the art room just a couple of hours earlier only one was left. It was Mr. Nomiya, he had painted a a reprica of what Rin had done, but with alot more red. It didnt look that good, and he knew it too, as he shook his head back and forth.
He noticed us come in and turned to face us. The expression on his face was hard to read, it was kinda half and half. One side seem to show his pride being hurt. Understandable, he just figured out he was wrong, must hurt as an art teacher. But strangely the other seemed to show a great deal of pride. For a reason I couldnt place.

Nomyia: Oh Im glad your back, you were gone so long I thought you had left for the day.

Hisao: Sorry about that we got carried away with are break, but it helped Rin found the color.

A spark of of curiosity jetted across his face.

Nomiya: OH! GOOD! What was it!

Rin: Ill just surprise you.

She walks over to the canvas she had been working on earlier. And begind to make several long strokes using the green paint. Turning to look at Mr. Nomiya who was sitting there patiently if not alittle rigid from the green.

Rin: Hisao help me mix that special color from before

Hisao: Of course.

I looked over at Mr. Nomiya as I began to open the necessary paint cans for mixing. His face had that spark again. He had high hopes for the "second color" he had missed.
As I finished mixing the "splashes" and "flicks" of different paints. It has the amazingly resemblance of "Curry Red". Im quite proud now myself, its a small part but Im happy to make such an accurate "Curry Red" after only seeing it once.
Mr. Nomiya first saw the color as Rin mixed it over the green paint she had just previously painted on the canvas. That look of pride in his face returned, but doubled.
I could now understand what this pride was for early. It was his pride for his student. Above even his own success he seens to take great joy in his students'.


If there was a compliment you had never heard before, you would have hear it 3 times in those few short minutes while he praised her.

Rin: shhhhhh

Cupping his mouth alittle embarrassed by the spectacle he had just made.

Nomiya: Im sorry great work you two.

"you two" like I was really much help. I guess I can except the compliment but it feels alittle undeserved.
A few minutes into Rin's painting she has finished that section and moved onto other colors. Mr. Nomiya puts his hand on me shoulder and with a big grin asks me to step outside with him.

Nomiya: You know Rin is really going places in the art world.

Hisao: Im sure she would be glad to hear that. So what did you want to talk to me about.

I hoped he hadnt pulled me out to just praise RIn. I know she deserves it, but when he does it, it just gets annoying the more and more he does it.

Nomiya: Rins told you right? About the Art show in the nearby city.

Rin: No.

Nomiya: Oh, I guess it never came up.

there was plenty of time to talk about anything if she wanted to talk about it to me.

Nomiya: "Well you see I'm going to display some of Rin's work over this year at the art show." he took a bit of a pause as he formulated the words in his head. "and I want you to go with us to the art show"

Hisao: 'Us' as in you and Rin? Why me?

Nomiya: Well you see I think Rins been under alot of stress lately but it doesnt seem to be as bad when your around and she even seems to show a more creative side around you too. Maybe your a good assistant to her, or maybe your her muse HAHAHAHAHA

Damn that laughs annoying, but wait a second me a muse. What the hells he been smoking. I look back in the doorway and see rin still working on her painting.

Hisao: Wow no ones ever called me a muse before, or helpful for that matter.

He seems to find great humor in this and bellows another obnoxious laugh

Hisao: Well I guess it wouldnt hurt. But I think you should ask Rin first Im not sure she'd want me at some fancy art show.

Nomiya: What are you talking about! It'll be fine, but if you insist I'll ask her when she gets done with painting. Oh one more thing! Could you stay next to here while she is painting. I do think it helps.

Hisao: alright, I wasnt thinking of leaving anyways

Nomiya: GOOD!

With that I walk back into the art room and seat myself next to Rin. Her painting has improved alot in the short time I was out of the room. Swirls of colors mingle together and intertwine in a mesh... that I still cant figure out... oh well

Rin: what were you talking to Mr. Nomiya about?

Hisao: "Nothin" with a grin

Thats the first art of what I think will be two. Honestly I was planning for one but I seem to have made it rather long without realizing.

Remember I respond well to feedback from others, positive feedback only helps a writers self-esteem, while negative feedback helps a writer improve.
I honestly hope I got the feel for Rin right. She's hard to write for because she's so unique, but I tried to give her an abstract feel to her without trying to hard and overdoing it.
Last edited by madhippy on Tue May 25, 2010 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Destined Encounters

Post by Xuan »

Your reply seemed to be more ordered than your story.

Jokes aside, you probably want to double check through your story after you finish writing, since I think you didn't do so. For example 'Emi: Because her isnt broken Hisao' You mean her 'heart'.
" It would be hard to believe I was nearly killed by a love confession."
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Re: Destined Encounters

Post by madhippy »

Xuan wrote:Your reply seemed to be more ordered than your story.

Jokes aside, you probably want to double check through your story after you finish writing, since I think you didn't do so. For example 'Emi: Because her isnt broken Hisao' You mean her 'heart'.
Well Im sorry I do double check but I know I get lazy with it. And my second story has to be worse because I was already tired as I finished it, and my double check was more like a skim through

A appreciate you time and Ill remember to wait to post before I do a FULL review.
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Re: Destined Encounters

Post by SnigendePind »

>Wake up
>Spot new story by madhippy
>Look at title
>"Rin's Abstract Trip."

Gentlemen, I have a proof reading to do.
Some people don't have arms. So what? Some people don't see colors, either.
- WetCrate

<@Raide> why does it sad to be touched? shouldn't you get a boner?

90% of the students were actually sent to Yamaku for being too lesbian. All those disabilities going around are just curious coincidence.
- Minister of Gloom

Made you look.
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Re: Destined Encounters

Post by madhippy »

Story continued from the last one with Rin. I don't expect to get this to get any easier, but I'm hoping you will give your support.

Rin's Unique Trip part 2

I was sitting there endlessly staring at the blank canvas in front of me. It reminded me of the scene I saw in the art room a few days ago. I look at Rin who was already on her next painting. I asked her to try painting a landscape portrait. The request seemed to confuse her,

Hisao: Don't worry about it I was just wondering what it would be like.

Rin: I'll do it, but what would I have to draw?

Hisao: I don't know. Maybe the town or some hills.

Rin: Really Hisao, that's really boring.

Hisao: Well what kind of landscape do you like?

Rin: The sun maybe,

Hisao: The sun? Well Whatever, it will certainly be interesting.

I turn back to my canvas just as blank and devoid of color as as when I started, I try to imagine anything to paint, but I don't know where to start.

Hisao: I'm still not getting this art stuff at all, you have any tips for where I should start?

Rin: "Well you could paint me", she said with a mocking smile.

Hisao: "Ya that'll happen" I joked.

My mind was still on Mr. Nomiya's offer to take me along with them to the art show. I don't think I'm interested in other peoples art, with an exception for Rin's. I couldn't shake what Mr. Nomiya said, about me being some kind of "muse", that's just stupid. I couldn't imagine anything I did was really helping Rin, I mean I mixed paint, but that's it. So why did it bug me....
I get desperate for an kind of inspiration. I turned toward Rin and to sketch her figure. She seem to notice me examining her. I wonder what she was thinking as I began sketching her.
Mr. Nomiya seems to have noticed and started laughing. Like that makes me feel better, now I just want to scrap the whole thing.

Nomiya: Hey Hisao, will you see me outside for a second.

Hisao: Okay

I step outside the room with Mr. Nomiya.

Nomiya: I see your finally getting into art.

Hisao: Well I just don't want to sit around doing nothing.

Nomiya: Well that's good! Your motivated. So have you thought more about what I asked?

Hisao: You mean the Art show?

Nomiya: YES!

Hisao: I'm interested but shouldn't you bring someone who's artistic, I mean why do you really want to bring me?

He looked at me with a grin.

Nomiya: Of course I told you already I think you have a positive influence on Rin's art. You seem to get along well with Rin. She told me how you had helped her with her mural and stayed with her during the cultural festival.

Hisao: That wasn't anything really.

Nomiya: Well I think you should come and Rin agrees too.

Hisao: Rin said she wanted me to come?

Nomiya: "Well in her own way way" he laughed

Mr. Nomiya surprised me there. The thought of Rin personally asking me to come was astonishing. "In her own way" just means she gave a disinterested shrug. It still was quite the accomplishment

Hisao: Well I'd like to get back to my work now if that's alright with you

Nomiya: Oh! of course go right on ahead.

I walk back into the art room, Rin is looking at me. Its like she was waiting for me to come back... Is that even possible...
As soon as I pick up my brush and start sketching again I notice her continue too.

Hisao: hey so did you decide to paint a landscape or something else?

Rin turns towards me very suddenly, did I surprise her?

Rin: I did.

Hisao: So what is it the sun?

Rin: No I didn't want to blind myself.

Okay now I'm confused, blind!

Hisao: What? What would blind you? isn't it just a picture.

Rin: If I try to sketch the sun my eyes start hurting

Hisao: "Then don't look at the sun!" I exclaimed

Rin: you cant sketch it if you cant see it.

Hisao: I guess you chose a place closer to home then.

Rin: Ya its a row of skyscrapers close to my home in the city, Hisao how do you know where my painting was? Are you psychic and haven't told me?

Hisao: No I'm not psychic it was a figure of speech.

Rin: Oh well.

Hisao: How is it coming.

Rin: Better than I expected, worse than I hoped

I took a look for myself .

Hisao: Wow! Is this a picture or a photograph!

The painting was amazing. It looked real like a photograph rather than a painting. The skyscrapers rise into the open sky, piercing the blue background. It was spectacular and breath taking. Brilliance and insanity must be two sides of the same coin. The sheer brilliance of Rin's art could only be compared to her oddity.
Little bits of Rin's eccentricities does show even in her more surreal paintings. The skyscrapers had unusual colors, odd figures could be seen through the window and a UFO was flying in the distant background. But it still looked real which was dumbfounding.

Rin: Duh, its a painting.

Hisao: I mean what did you use as a reference for this picture?

Rin: I just painted what I remembered.

This is how she remembers it...

Hisao: That's incredible,

Rin: Didn't I tell you commenting on unfinished work is bad luck.

I remember, not that I had internalized it. I couldn't see where she hadn't finished though. The whole canvas was colored.

Hisao: what are you missing? You looked done.

Rin: I was. Your not.

Hisao: I don't understand.

Rin: My paintings in yours which isn't done so commenting on mine affects yours.

Hisao: I wouldn't have guessed.

I walked back to my painting and continued in a few minutes I had the sketching about done. I started on paint. I had gotten good at mixing colors and found it easy to make all the right shades, Burnt auburn for her hair, and even that murky green in her eyes.
In the end I finished and Mr. Nomiya said he was impressed, but I thought it was lacking something. It was accurately sketched, and meticulously painted, but it didn't seem to have any life to it. It was just a 2D image. It was nothing like Rin's.

Rin: So what you going to do with that?

Rin was behind me looking over my shoulder. I didn't notice her walk behind me. I felt my heart skip a beat.

Hisao: Oh I don't really know. It would be kinda weird if I kept a portrait of a girl lying around wouldn't it?

Rin: Well whatever your kink, I guess. If you like to keep strange portraits of girls on your wall that's your thing.

It kind of hurt when Rin called it "strange" call it pride, but I guess artists only like it when they insult their work.
I just thought I wonder if I may have offended Rin by asking her to try something different and that was alittle jab back at me.

Hisao: So you want it Rin?

Rin: No thanks I already have a mirror.

Hisao: "Of course what was I thinking?" I asked with a smirk. "so how about you Mr. Nomiya, you want to keep a portrait of your "protege" at work?

Nomiya: Why not, its Rin's first portrait.

Hisao: Really? You've never done a portrait of Rin before, Mr. Nomiya?

Nomiya: Shes never let me paint her before.

Rin: Ya, Hisao be flattered I let you be my first.

She phrased that just to mess with me, and it worked. She got me visibly flustered.
I thought if I didn't say anything I would have lost or something.

Hisao: So that means you wouldn't let Mr. Nomiya be your first after all these years

Rin: Yep even though he asked for it alot.

With that we simultaneously turn toward Mr. Nomiya with an accusing look on are faces which seems to catch him off guard..

Nomiya: What! WHAT?

Seeing Mr. Nomiya struggle to defend himself was really amusing. We finished cleaning up the are room and called it a day. It was already late and I went straight to my dorm room, Rin looked like she was just going to wonder around the school lost in her own world. I sat in my room thinking about the upcoming trip. I had made up my mind I was going. If not for Rin than Id just go because its a free trip and Ive got nothing better to do.
The art show would be on Saturday which was the day after tomorrow.
Friday passed with nothing special, met Emi in the morning for are run, Shizune was on my ass about this and that during class, no club today because of the art show, and I only saw Rin at lunch on the roof and she didn't say much the entire time. The uneventful day that had preceded the art show passed by so quickly I was surprised at how quickly Saturday had arrived.
I woke up early that morning, took my meds to their prescribed doses, and left to meet Mr. Nomiya and Rin at the art room. I walked into the art room and noticed Mr. Nomiya chatting with Rin.

Nomiya: Good your here Hisao, we were waiting for you.

Rin: Shotgun!

Hisao: What! Ah shit.

Nomiya: Come on lets get going. there is quite a drive ahead of us.

So we climbed into Mr. Nomiya's car which was packed with boxes. Sitting in the back wasn't comfortable at all and Mr. Nomiya wouldn't shut up the entire way, but I managed to fall asleep. Mr. Nomiya just kept asking Rin question after question. I bet she was just as tired as I was, but couldn't get to sleep with Mr. Nomiyas constant chatter in her ear.
I had drifted to sleep for an hour or so, before I was awakened by a kick to my side.

Hisao: Ow! What?

Rin: We're here Hisao, or were you going to sleep in the car all day?

Hisao: "No I wasn't but you could have been more gentle", I said rubbing my side.

Rin shrugs and walks off. After that I just helped Mr. Nomiya carry boxes to the back of the studio.

Hisao: I knew it I'm just a pack mule.

Rin: But your are favorite pack mule.

Hisao: Thanks

Nomiya: Rin's right. Don't sell yourself short Hisao. We appreciate the help alot.

Rin: Ya, just try imagining me carrying those boxes.

The image of Rin trying to carry heavy boxes in her mouth and between her legs was very funny.

Rin: See told you.

Hisao: Ya right.

I started to unpack the boxes. They were all filled with paintings, I recognized some of them as Rin's and I guess others belonged to Mr. Nomiya.
Mr. Nomiya was talking to the studio director and people Rin called his "Art friends". I guess they may have been the same people Mr. Nomiya introduced to Rin at the cultural festival. One of them walked over to Rin to reach for a hand shake and Rin moved her arm as if reaching for his, but he awkwardly withdrew his hand when he noticed Rin's obvious inability to shake hands. I saw a grin on her face, she wouldn't be offended by something like that. It was just something Rin could laugh at and then move on.

Hisao: "What an idiot" I laughed

Rin: Well at least he was funny.

So for the next couple of hours the other "artists" arrived. Artwork was delicately placed on the walls, and several people went to greet Rin and Mr. Nomiya. I was completely ignored, but that was alright with me. I felt out of place here anyways. I walked around looking at the various art. There was everything from paintings of vivid color to sculptures in odd shapes.
The studio opened that morning with a melancholic air. A handful of guest arrived early, but not to many.

Hisao: "Exciting isn't it" I commented sarcastically

Rin: Yea

Hisao: So what you do at art shows?

Rin: Just sit down somewhere and take it easy.

Hisao: Rin your aren't interested in this at all are you.

Rin: Not really

Hisao: So why do you bother.

Rin: Because I like art. Your not interested in this either Hisao, so why did you come?

Hisao: Its not like I don't like art too, but I came because I like you.

Rin smiled

Rin: I like you too, Lets find someplace to sit.

We found a bench to sit on near where Rin's art was displayed. I saw many paintings that I recognized. There was a picture of her mural at the school, the colorful picture with "Curry Red", and the skyscraper landscape.

Hisao: Hey Rin have you ever named any of your paintings?

Rin: No I haven't.

Hisao: Why haven't you.

Rin: Isn't it more artistic to leave the name to the interpretation of the person viewing it.

Hisao: Well I don't know, your either going to make it funner for them or drive them insane.

Rin: Either way its good for a laugh.

Its funny that Rin finds insanity is funny, because I get the same feeling when I'm with her. Is this what they call irony...
Every now and then Mr. Nomiya would introduce someone to Rin. They all had the same expression of wondering how an armless girl was the mastermind behind these paintings. I imagined if I had been put on the spot like that all day I would just cave in under the pressure, I wonder how Rin does it, how she ignores all those social norms. and behave completely different than your average teenager. Its incredible.

Rin: Another annoying fanboy.

Hisao: Oh so which one was he infatuated with?

Rin: The colorful one.

I'm not entirely sure, but I think she means the one I have only called the "Curry Red one". Although you can never be sure with Rin.

Hisao: You know I'm no expert in art but I just don't get the significance of paintings.

Rin: There is none.

Hisao: If that's true alot of people are fooling themselves.

Rin: Well as long as they are only fooling themselves and keeping it to themselves.

Hisao: Didn't you yourself say you purposely leave your art vague so people will have fun trying to interpret a meaning that's not there.

Rin: Ya but that's a personal thing people should keep to themselves.

Hisao: I think I get it. You want lots of individual interpretations not one single interpretation.

Rin looked at me with interest.

Rin: I guess you can say that.

Hisao: What did I say something weird?

Rin: Ya kinda. Nobodies ever tried to figure me out like you do.

Hisao: Do you not like it?

Rin: No, but nobodies ever tried to understand me though.

Hisao: Well people never can tell a good thing even if its staring back at them.

Rin leaned on me and placed her head on my shoulder.

Rin: I'm not heavy am I?

Hisao: No way. You hardly weigh a thing.

Smiling she fell asleep on my shoulder and a few minutes later i rested my head on top of hers and feel asleep too.

Rin and I stayed together for the rest of the day. Nobody bugged us. The whole world seemed to encompasses just Rin and myself. Even as we left and returned to the school I felt closer to Rin. She would smile whenever she looked in my direction.
I've grown to cherish my friendship with Rin and want to be with her more and more.

I checked this story twice as hard as I did the last. That doesnt mean I think Ive caught every typo and grammar error and thats why I continue to ask for feedback from those that read it so I can improve.
Momento Mori: Latin: remember you shall die.

Remeber this inevitable truth, or it may just surprise you someday
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