Fragile (OC) Yamaku with Medical Weed! Conluded.


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Re: Fragile (OC) Yamaku with Medical Weed! Part 2, chapter 1 up!

Post by Member22 »

Nice chapter... well done!

I really like how Toke acted in this situation, it really illustrated the mature side of his personality... its an example of one of the many facets of becoming/being a man i.e not abandoning your loved one, standing tall despite being overwhelmed and putting the welfare of others before onself (after his fight)

Speaking of the topic of manhood and being a man, this website may help:

Keep the chapters coming!
"If Hisao took one thing away from his time at Yamaku it was the fact that people who have handicaps don't actually have handicaps. People like Lilly and Shizune are more able-bodied and well-adjusted than most of the kids at Hisao's old high school. He shook his head slightly. No, students at Yamaku weren't handicapped; everyone else was." - WetCrate
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Re: Fragile (OC) Now Yamaku with Medical Weed! Chapter 4 out!

Post by kosherbacon »

Toke is a pretty cool guy. Eh brakes his hands and does not afraid of anything.

That was an epic chapter. Lesbian OCs and Hanasex are a-okay in my book and I always enjoy seeing Rin opening up in a story. =D
SnigendePind wrote: When are we gonna see the Emi x Rin fic you said you're writing? I might write one if you don't.
Go for it. Mine wont be posted till perhaps this coming weekend when I get back to my computer and it'll be part of a larger story where everyone is bumping clams. It is done, I just have to get home and post some things ahead in my backlog first.

So if a story comes to you please do share. The more, the merrier.
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Re: Fragile (OC) Yamaku with Medical Weed! Part 2, chapter 1 up!

Post by Xuan »

This story rocks man.

And if he could do Rin 7 times beating up a couple of lousy tards is no problem at all :twisted: .
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Re: Fragile (OC) Yamaku with Medical Weed! Part 2, chapter 1 up!

Post by Jojje »

Well hey neighbour, Swede here.
I like it alot, keep it going.
"Yeah, I like doing it in a horizontal position more, if you know what I mean.
But it can't be helped, can't ask the wall to lay down."
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Re: Fragile (OC) Yamaku with Medical Weed! Part 2, chapter 1 up!

Post by SnigendePind »

Time for a new chapter.


The cold night air mix with the burning THC in my spliff, leaving to another drag of fresh fun tobacco. I really enjoy my midnight walks around Yamaku. It's fantastic to get the feeling of the school when it's completely empty of students. As I inhale once again, I turn around the corner which leads to the girls dorm. I recall the first time I was here, where I saw Lilly and Shizune doing their thing. A slight grin appears on my face. They're not here tonight, which is just my luck, since I then don't have to take a detour. As I get closer to the girls dorm, I see something that wasn't there yesterday. Something has been painted on the walls outside. As I get closer, I can see that it's large, red, latin letters, written with spray paint.

"DOWN WITH THE FEMINIST CONSPIRACY!" it says. Oh boy, I know a certain neighbor of mine who's gonna get in trouble tomorrow. As I get closer, I see that the paint is still wet. The writing is pretty bad, I doubt Kenji have ever heard of can control.

You can do better than that.

Shut up, I don't want to listen to you.

You can't hide your past. It's in you forever.

I know. That still doesn't make it right to do.

You know you want to.

He's right. I do want to. Actually, there's nothing more right now that I want to do. All those tags down town makes me cringe every time I see them, and the spray cans in the art room makes my fingers itch. But I mustn't. It's a long gone addiction. Keep that in mind.

There's no one around. Everybody's sleeping. The art room is only 10 minutes away from here.


Look at that wall! It's spoiled now! You could make it prettier, you know. No one would know it was you. Heck, they might even keep it.

I cannot resist any more. I start walking back toward the boys dorms. Not good, not good, NOT GOOD! But I can't help it, the urge is too great! As I make it back to the dorms, I quickly enter my room, and lock the door behind me. Toke, what are you DOING?! Nothing good. I grab the same sports bag I used to carry the weed to Rin's place, and open my window. My room is, to my luck, placed at ground level. I land silently on the ground below, look around, and start sneaking back to the school. Why am I so nervous? There's nobody around, I know that for sure. It must be the old paranoia.


I enter the art room without making any noise. This gotta be quick and silent. I head towards the "Art Supplies" cabinet, and my eyes are pleased by the staggering amount of Krylon cans which are neatly placed on the lowest shelf. I carefully take them out, one by one, and place them in my bag. There gotta be around 25 of them, at least. I grab some caps from the box besides the cans, and sneak out again. That was easy.


I stand in front of the wall outside the girls dorm, the giant red letters still clearly readable in the moonlight. As I unpack my weapons of mischief, I ponder once again on what I'm about to do.

"No turning back now, huh." I say silently to myself. Better get to work.


3 hours later, I stand back to look at my piece. Not bad, not bad at all. One of my better works, if I may say so. I take a look at myself. My hands are completely covered in paint, so are the sleeves on my school shirt. Fuck. I'm just glad that I got 2 extra shirts back in my closet. I take a look at my watch. 3:45AM. I feel panic rise in me, until I remember that it's Saturday tomorrow, so we don't have classes. Phew. I can still get my sleep then. I leave the cans behind, as I sneak back to my room. Hopefully, no one have noticed me.


I wake up. The first thing that hits me is that I'm not in jail. That's a good sign. I look at the clock on my bed table. WHAT? 2PM? Holy shit, I've slept most of the day away. I grab some clothes on the floor, avoiding the paint-stained shirt, and open my door. I hide my hands beneath my towel and clothes, as I head for the showers. A throughout scrubbing later, and my hands are clean, literally. As I head towards the cafeteria, after dropping off my towel and toiler stuff in my room, I spot Kenji walking down the hall the opposite way, looking angry as fuck.

"Hey man," I start out. Kenji almost jump from hearing my voice.

"Who's there? Do I know you?" he say in his usual offensive tone.

"It's me, Toke, your neighbor." that seems to ease him up a bit, though he still look angry, "something troubling you, bro?"

"Certainly, there is. Last night, I went outside, even though of the curfew," We have a curfew? "and painted anti-feminist propaganda on school property. I was sure it would start a riot, but apparently, some idiot have painted a giant graffiti all over it!" I feel the excitement developing in my chest. Does everyone know already? "And you know what the worst part is?" Kenji rambles, "People like it, especially the girls, since it's painted on their dorm!"

God. If you're there, I wanna thank you for not making me go to jail for this, but rather made it so that people finally enjoy my art.

"Well, sucks to be you bro," I just tell him, leaving him behind as I continue towards the cafeteria. As I get there, I spot Shizune and Misha eating lunch by a table in the corner. They're not noticing me at all, since they're having a conversation. Well, a sign conversation. I grab a sandwich from the buffet and head for their table. As I sit down beside them, Misha is already over me.

"Tocchan, have you heard?" she asks me in an excited tone.

"'Eard wha'?" I ask, munching on my sandwich.

"Some unknown person have painted a giant mural outside the girls dorm here, this night! Can you believe it?" I nearly choke on my sandwich. Yeah, everybody knows by now.

"Oh really," I answer her in the most uncaring way I can act up, "so, are they looking for that person or what?"

"Not at all!" she replies to my big surprise, "Everybody thought it was Rin Tezuka to start out with, until they realized that she can't use a spraycan, and they have no other leads. The student council have long been discussing the fact that Yamaku need some outdoor decoration. Rin Tezuka's mural from the Cultural Festival started it, but now it seems that they don't have to think about it any more. The student council have together with the teachers decided to keep it, as a way to show that Yamaku is 'with the beat'" I cannot help but giggle at Misha using such an expression, when I realize that she's translating what Shizune is saying. That just make me giggle even more.

"Well, that's certainly nice. Anyway, see you guys around." I leave the table, leaving the rest of my sandwich behind. I need to check up on this. I head outside, and towards the girls dorm where I last were 11 hours ago. As I turn around the corner, I'm delightfully surprised.

At least 20 persons are admiring my work, some taking pictures, some discussing it. Someone are even having a picnic in front of it. My cans are still there from yesterday, people are looking at them, even picking them up. I grin, and pull out a spliff, which I quickly light. Heh. Job well done. Now I just wonder how long it will take until they realize that 25 cans are missing from the art room.


Yeah, well, uh. I just had to write that.
Some people don't have arms. So what? Some people don't see colors, either.
- WetCrate

<@Raide> why does it sad to be touched? shouldn't you get a boner?

90% of the students were actually sent to Yamaku for being too lesbian. All those disabilities going around are just curious coincidence.
- Minister of Gloom

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Re: Fragile (OC) Yamaku with Medical Weed! Part 2, chapter 2 up!

Post by Xuan »

Now it remains to be seen whether this addiction of his is healthy or not.
" It would be hard to believe I was nearly killed by a love confession."
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Re: Fragile (OC) Yamaku with Medical Weed! Part 2, chapter 2 up!

Post by SnigendePind »

Xuan wrote:Now it remains to be seen whether this addiction of his is healthy or not.
I've lost several braincells due to this addiction, so I can clearly state that it is not healthy.

Also, try and write a fanfic before going to bed. You will have wicked dreams about what you just wrote.

I dreamt that Rin was a hardcore graffiti artist. Too bad that will never happen. ;_;
Some people don't have arms. So what? Some people don't see colors, either.
- WetCrate

<@Raide> why does it sad to be touched? shouldn't you get a boner?

90% of the students were actually sent to Yamaku for being too lesbian. All those disabilities going around are just curious coincidence.
- Minister of Gloom

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Re: Fragile (OC) Yamaku with Medical Weed! Part 2, chapter 2 up!

Post by Jojje »

SnigendePind wrote:Also, try and write a fanfic before going to bed. You will have wicked dreams about what you just wrote.
Now I feel compelled to try this. Dunno if I'm that good a writer though. :)
"Yeah, I like doing it in a horizontal position more, if you know what I mean.
But it can't be helped, can't ask the wall to lay down."
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Re: Fragile (OC) Yamaku with Medical Weed! Part 2, chapter 2 up!

Post by Xuan »

I am afraid to do so, since my imagination already ran absolutely wild during my brain cooking time (Every single waking second).
" It would be hard to believe I was nearly killed by a love confession."
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Re: Fragile (OC) Yamaku with Medical Weed! Part 2, chapter 2 up!

Post by SnigendePind »

Jojje wrote:
SnigendePind wrote:Also, try and write a fanfic before going to bed. You will have wicked dreams about what you just wrote.
Now I feel compelled to try this. Dunno if I'm that good a writer though. :)
IMO, there's nothing called a "bad writer", just a person with lacking English skills. I say give it a shot. It can't be all bad. If you want a proof read, just PM it to me.

Also, here's what my usual writing schedule is. Might help you out in one way or another. Also, this method will put heavy mental stress on you, do not try this of you have a weak mind. Just sayin'.

1: Get idea for a story.
2: Take a long walk, while getting inspired by my surroundings. Usually, I smoke a joint while taking this walk. It helps me, well, come up with crazy ideas.
3: Head home when idea is complete.
4: Dope myself on coffee, sugar, and more marijuana.
5: Browse the internets until sleep deprivation sets in. (this usually happens around 1:30AM.)
6: Write whatever comes to my mind, and post it here without proof reading.
7: Wake up in the morning, completely crashed after the night of writing. Proof read my story, and laugh at whatever I came up with, since I usually don't remember.
8: Rinse and repeat.

Actually, I think most writers do something like this. Especially Paul Stewart (the writer of The Edge chronicles.)
Some people don't have arms. So what? Some people don't see colors, either.
- WetCrate

<@Raide> why does it sad to be touched? shouldn't you get a boner?

90% of the students were actually sent to Yamaku for being too lesbian. All those disabilities going around are just curious coincidence.
- Minister of Gloom

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Re: Fragile (OC) Yamaku with Medical Weed! Part 2, chapter 2 up!

Post by SnigendePind »

Xuan wrote:I am afraid to do so, since my imagination already ran absolutely wild during my brain cooking time (Every single waking second).
I know the feeling, that's how my mind work. Then just imagine what you can come up with if you dope your brain into a state of absolute crazyness.
Some people don't have arms. So what? Some people don't see colors, either.
- WetCrate

<@Raide> why does it sad to be touched? shouldn't you get a boner?

90% of the students were actually sent to Yamaku for being too lesbian. All those disabilities going around are just curious coincidence.
- Minister of Gloom

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Re: Fragile (OC) Yamaku with Medical Weed! Part 2, chapter 2 up!

Post by Xuan »

If you can count forced depression as a dope then yeah :roll: . However mine only works when describing internal feelings and battle/action scenes, I absolutely sucked when it comes to describing one's surroundings. There's a tree to my left! North! Behind! is my usual perception of reality -.-".
" It would be hard to believe I was nearly killed by a love confession."
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Re: Fragile (OC) Yamaku with Medical Weed! Part 2, chapter 2 up!

Post by SnigendePind »

Xuan wrote:If you can count forced depression as a dope then yeah :roll: . However mine only works when describing internal feelings and battle/action scenes, I absolutely sucked when it comes to describing one's surroundings. There's a tree to my left! North! Behind! is my usual perception of reality -.-".
Some people don't have arms. So what? Some people don't see colors, either.
- WetCrate

<@Raide> why does it sad to be touched? shouldn't you get a boner?

90% of the students were actually sent to Yamaku for being too lesbian. All those disabilities going around are just curious coincidence.
- Minister of Gloom

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Re: Fragile (OC) Yamaku with Medical Weed! Part 2, chapter 2 up!

Post by Leotrak »

Must have more of this 8) Though, I suppose the timeskip between breaking his hands and doing the graffiti thing has to be quite long... Month or more? I don't see broken bones healing faster than that ">_> Unless, of course, the graffiti thing took place before the fight... Might want to clarify that.

Also, I made a screenshot of your writer's block case :twisted:
"ice-cream-flavoured ice-cream" -Rin
"oh moe is me" -me
Numbered Days, my first piece of fanfic
Leotrak's Library, my other depository of written stuffs
Before: Hanako>/=Emi>Rin>Lilly>Shizune
After: Emi>Rin>Hanako>Lilly>>>>>>>>>>>Shizune
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Re: Fragile (OC) Yamaku with Medical Weed! Part 2, chapter 2 up!

Post by SnigendePind »

Leotrak wrote:Must have more of this 8) Though, I suppose the timeskip between breaking his hands and doing the graffiti thing has to be quite long... Month or more? I don't see broken bones healing faster than that ">_> Unless, of course, the graffiti thing took place before the fight... Might want to clarify that.

Also, I made a screenshot of your writer's block case :twisted:
The two "side stories", the reggae one and the graffiti one is all taking part between chapter 5 and part 2 chapter 1. :3
Some people don't have arms. So what? Some people don't see colors, either.
- WetCrate

<@Raide> why does it sad to be touched? shouldn't you get a boner?

90% of the students were actually sent to Yamaku for being too lesbian. All those disabilities going around are just curious coincidence.
- Minister of Gloom

Made you look.
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