Fragile (OC) Yamaku with Medical Weed! Conluded.


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Fragile (OC) Yamaku with Medical Weed! Conluded.

Post by SnigendePind »

I felt this kind of fanfic was needed. That's why I wrote it. Don't blame me for any grammar mistakes.

Edit: Proof read it, fixed some grammar mistakes.


I stand in front of the school gate. Great. Finally here. Can we just get moving please? I pull my baggy pants up, they look like something right out of a veteran army store. I grab my bag and swing it up on my shoulder. The wind rustle in my t-shirt, which is baggy too, of course. My dreadlocks dangle around like a bunch of brown tails. It would be a pretty awesome picture, if just someone with a camera came by. I stroke my goatee and pull a spliff out of my pocket. Gotta get my medicine. As I light up, I take a big riff, keep it in for 5 seconds, then blow out. Ahh, the virgin hit is always the best. I start walking, and I'm a good deal into school grounds soon, puffing my spliff. The other kids look at me as if they're hallucinating. No doubt they are, with all their pills and shit. I'm glad my medicine is this. Gotta hate my condition, but this helps me live an okay normal life. Now, where's the boys dorm again?

I enter the largest door, thinking that it will lead to some central place, and I should be able to get to the dorms from there. Still puffing on my spliff, I walk up to the nearest person who is a large man with a long brown coat. He is unshaven and looks like a troubled guy. Never mind that, he might be able to guide me.

"Hello. Are you Taima Toke?" He asks me. Where the fuck does he know my name from? And what a lame Japanese way of pronouncing it. It's more like "Toeke" instead of "To-ke", learn it already.

"Yeah bro, that's me, just call me Toke. Who are you again?" I answer, still lively puffing on the now soon roach I'm holding between my thumb and middle finger."

"I'm Mutou, your homeroom teacher. Will you please stop smoking inside? And what's that smell?"

"That's my medicine. I have multiple sclerosis," I show him how skinny I am, "This helps with the pain and spasms. So if I ain't stoned twenty four-seven, then it's hello to the wheelchair, and I don't want to sit down all day."

"What is that actually? Some herbal mix? Nevermind, do you want to introduce you to your new class?"

"Sure, why wouldn't I?" I answer, looking weirdly at Mutou.

"Uh, some students are a bit shy, if it's just after an accident or such, if you understand..." he answers.

"Yeah, it's cool bro, I understand."

"Alright, let's head for the classroom."

As we walk up some stairs and down a hallway, I happily puff on my spliff. Mutou doesn't seem to care when it's my medicine. As we stand in front of the classroom door, we look at each other. Mutou then opens, and walks in.

"Hello class. Today I'd like to introduce you to a new classmate. He's a transfer student from Denmark, but I'm sure he'd like to tell you all it himself." chirps Mutou, and signals to me to come in. While he was speaking, I had a good look around the classroom. There's people here with no legs, and someone miss an ear, and some fat bastard is sleeping in the back of the class. There's some cute girls, though. Especially the blue haired one with the glasses. I throw the rouch outside, but blow the smoke inside my new classroom. Nobody seems to notice the smell yet. I start talking.

"Hello. My name is Toke Taima, but just call me Toke," I see that people are confused with me speaking fluent Japanese. Well, my mom teach Japanese, so why the fuck wouldn't I? "I've just moved here from Denmark, where I've been living before. I'm half Japanese, so it should be cool. I have multiple sclerosis, so that's why I'm so skinny." Great, done. That didn't sound bad. I stroke my goatee.

I hear some muttering, and something about my hair. I figure that half a meter of dreadlocks on a tiny Japanese dude isn't normal around here.

"I enjoy kendo and reading, so if anyone could give me some info about any kendo or literature clubs, then please contact me. Also, don't be scared of me. I might be acting strange, but that's due to my medicine. I don't bite or anything. I do dress weird though." I finished off by giving my best smile to the girls. It always work.

"Alright, you can sit beside Ichigo," says Mutou while pointing at an empty table next to a girl with prosthetic legs. I sit down, and class start.

I wake up because someone is poking my shoulder.

"Wahahahaha~!" I spot a giant pink spaghettimonster thingy grinning the fuck at me. I nearly shit my pants, but I keep cool.

"Who the heck are you?" I ask the pink thing.

"I'm Misha, and this is Shizune!" she points to the cute blue haired glassed girl. "She's a deaf mute, and I'm like her translator." I see the hand signals she's doing. She must be translating while speaking. Crazy multitasking. "Shizune says that you look extraordinary," Misha spouts out, while Shizune is giving me the elevator. What the fuck man, shouldn't it be me who gave it to her? "So Tocchan, you wanted to join some clubs?" she ask me in a mostly curious way.

"Yeah, you know any? And who is Tocchan?" I ask.

"Wahaha~! Tocchan is your new nickname! Get used to it. And yeah, me and Shizune are in the student counsil, and we know what clubs there is. Or, well, we have a list with them. We can tell you tomorrow if there's any literature clubs, since I know that there's a kendo club. Talk with Lilly Satou in class 3-2! She's the team captain!" Aw sweet, I'll go ask her later. But now for lunch. I got the biggest munchies ever.

After waiting for 30 minutes, I finally arrive at the gorgeous buffet, and haul in some junk food. How come a school like this got food like this? Oh well, for people like me who are so thin. When I then find out that I don't have to pay, I haul some more, and decide to skip classes the rest of the day. Well, not skip, Mutou said it was ok to get used to my dorm room, and I needed a nurse check too, so it was no use to me to go to class.I grab a bag, stuff the burgers in it, and leave to find my dorm room. People are also looking funny at me, it must be my clothing and the fact that my katana is hanging out of my bag, and I'm smoking a spliff. Yeah, try and report me, I got cards for both.

As I find my way to my room, I see a glassed dude leaving from the room after what's supposed to be my room. He spot me, and quickly run inside his room again. What the fuck? I decide to not care, those kids are fucking drugged out of their minds. I turn the key in the door to my room. It opens. Freaky. I turn on the lights inside, and see that all my stuff is here, even my stereo. Oh fuck yes, my stereo. I got to hook that up, and then find my CD collection. I drop my bag, and walk to my window and pull the curtains apart. Sun fills my room. It's spring, and we're pretty south, so of course there'd be sun. I hear someone knock on my door. I walk towards the door and open it. It's that glassed dude.

"Hello my new neighbour. I'm Kenji!" he yell out. He reek of booze, and I spot the bottle in his right hand. Jack D, nice choice. "You gotta meet my other neighbour, so the alliance against the Female Conspiracy can grow! Now, I must leave! There's need for me elsewhere." he says, and then run off. Weeeiiiird dude, I gotta stay away from him. I shut my door, and go back to my burgers. Gotta unpack later. Then nurse check. Can't wait for the urine test.

(time skip)


I'll write more when I blaze up again.
Last edited by SnigendePind on Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:22 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Some people don't have arms. So what? Some people don't see colors, either.
- WetCrate

<@Raide> why does it sad to be touched? shouldn't you get a boner?

90% of the students were actually sent to Yamaku for being too lesbian. All those disabilities going around are just curious coincidence.
- Minister of Gloom

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Re: Fragile (Original characters) Now Yamaku with Medical Weed!

Post by UnKreativ »

Haven't read it yet. (I will, I promise....)

But I get the feeling that Yamakus student body will soon be composed of 70% Gaijin.
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Re: Fragile (Original characters) Now Yamaku with Medical Weed!

Post by Csihar »

I utterly approve of this. Please continue. 8) First thought when I saw the title: Harold and Kumar Go to Cripple School!

Of course, since I don't think medical marijuana prescriptions transfer between countries and weed is about as taboo/illegal/hard to acquire as heroin in Japan, this would probably never actually happen. Which is a shame, because a lot of Japanese food and anime is really good high....
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Re: Fragile (Original characters) Now Yamaku with Medical Weed!

Post by SnigendePind »

I figure that since it's 1:30 in the morning, and I just chugged a liter of coffee while still baked, I might as well write some more.

EDIT: Proof read in the morning.



Ah man, that feels good. Almost like that movie with the indian and asian guy I watched once. How long did that take? I look at my clock. It's 4PM.

"Fuck!" I say to myself. Should have been at the nurse hours ago. I get out of bed, brush the crumbs off, and grab my rolling paper, filters, and my weed. As I walk around the school grounds, smoking my newly rolled spliff, I spot a map hanging on the wall of the main building. The nurse office isn't far from here, which is certainly a good thing. I head there, and finish my spliff outside. As I knock on his door, there's an instant reply.

"Come in." I hear a male voice say. I enter, only to find a grinning, blue haired, young guy in a white coat staring at me.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. Fell asleep after lunch, in my dorm room." I tell him. It's true, so I don't feel bad.

"You must be Taima Toke, 17 years old, class 2-3? Also, no problem, glad to hear you've found your room to be comfortable. Now, for more serious business, let's have a look at your medical stats. Hmm, multiple sclerosis, though doing well, no other problems, only medication is... Marijuana? Oh, so it is you who all those herbs are for! I started to wonder if some of the students had begun to use natural medication."

Of course he think like that. Most people in Japan doesn't even know what marijuana is. I was just lucky enough to get a medical card here in Japan; I had to get 4 doctors to swear on that I need marijuana to function. Best part is, since they don't know anything about weed here, and the weed as medication is dirt cheap, I ordered 100 gram a week, and it got accepted. I don't have to worry about papers, I'm the front person for RAW! rolling papers, so I get them for free. The little "sick kid rolls with RAW! and lives on" trick has earned them good money.

"We got you medication ready," the nurse says, reaching into a drawer. Out, carrying in his hands, is the biggest bag of weed I've ever seen. "Here you go, 100 grams. One bag a week. Oh, and here's the pipe you ordered with it" He unpockets a nice glass pipe. "Also, we gotta run some blood tests before you leave."

"Uhuh." That's all I can answer, my eyes glued to the giant bag of weed on the table. Everything inside me screams to me that this school is gonna be fucking awesome.

(time skip)

The blood tests went easy, needles doesn't scare me. I'm on my way to class 3-2 to look for Lilly Satou. As I get to the classroom, I don't find her, only 2 girls with very thick glasses doing some cleaning. They tell me that she can usually be found in the tearoom at this hour. They tell me how to get there, and I'm on my way.

Disregarding every school rule, and still not wearing my school uniform, I roll and smoke a spliff on my way there. I had some pre-grinded skunk from my own stash, didn't bring my grinder, so can't smoke the new dispensed weed until I get back to my room. It's all right though, I got plenty left of my own stash.

As I get to the tearoom, I knock on the door.

"The door is open, just come in." I hear an elegant female voice say on the other side of the door. That must be Lilly. A Captain of a kendo club must be pretty... Stiff. I open the door and look inside. My eyes fall on a beautiful young blonde sitting at a table by the window. "Excuse me, by who are you?" she asks me.

"Oh, hey, I'm Toke, nice to meet you. You must be Lilly. I came here to speak to you about the kendo club. I'd like to join." I say to her.

"Oh, please, come inside. Would you like some tea?" A cup of tea is never declined.

As Lilly start making tea, I notice something. How come she keep her eyes closed all the time? It's kinda freaking me out.

"I'm sure you wonder about my eyes," she says. Is she a psychic or what? If so, then she's a psy-chick. Rawr. "I'm blind. As you can see, I also use a cane."

That's true. She's holding a cane. Why didn't I see that before?



She's blind? And captain of the KENDO club? Something doesn't make sense.

"Now I'm sure you wonder about the fact that I'm captain of the kendo club," spot on again, she's like a psychic ninja, "It's because you don't have to rely on your view only to fight with a sword. Sound, smell, and touch are enough."

Just from that I figure she's at a completed 'nother level of fighting. I'm pretty sure that either I or my opponent would die if I didn't have my vision, and that wouldn't be popular at training.

"Wow, words from a true master," I say. "But can I join then?"

"How about coming to training tomorrow? It's at 5PM in the gym on 2nd floor." she says. Sure, we can do that. She might also have a join form in the gym. I decide to ask her about the literature club too, and she gives me the instructions to get to the clubroom. She said that it only consisted of one member though.

I figure "what the fuck", and checks it out anyway. This school is actually pretty chill to walk around in. There's a lot of paintings on the walls. The literature club wasn't far away from the tea room, so I'm there within a couple of minutes. As I knock on the door, I get no answer. I try again, no answer either. Just as I'm about to knock down the door, it's opened from the inside, resulting in me getting the door slammed directly in my face. As I regain my senses, I see a tiny, grey haired girl with glasses, blushing and writing something down in a tiny notebook she's holding in her left hand. That scene almost made me go into cardiac arrest, it was too cute to take. Made me ignore the awful pain building in my nose. She handed me the notebook, and I read what it said.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay? I didn't expect you to be standing there." I look at her again, and I can see that she's making a clear "give-it-back" sign.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Gonna hurt tomorrow, though. Is this the literature club?" I ask her. She looks at me as if I just said something perverse. Her face get all red. She starts writing again.

Yes, this is the literature club.

"Great, I'd like to check it out." I said. She was still red, and just responded with a quick nod. She let me inside, and my eyes fell on a tiny room with 3 shelves full of books, a window, a sink, and some random kitchen accessories. There's a desk in the middle of the room, on which a computer is standing. She grabs a fold out chair from a corner and hands it to me. Then she moves back to her own seat, pick up her book, and start reading again. I put up my chair, and go to the nearest shelf. I pick "Huckleberry Finn", sit down, and begin to read.

Time passes. Don't know how much. It could be hours, or just 5 minutes. It's like time's frozen in this room. Then I suddenly look up, and ask the girl:

"So, what's your name?"

She grabs the notebook and pencil, and start to write.

"I'm Emma Itsuki, sorry about the whole writing thing, I'm a mute, so I can't speak." Her girly handwriting form those words on the paper.

"It's ok, I'm Toke Taima. Nice to meet you."

Nothing more is said. We turn our faces back into the books we're holding.

(time skip)

So, now I'm officially tired, and officially in the literature club. Those 3 hours or nearly silence, and chilling with a good book made me decide to join already. I filled the form in silence too. It's not because I didn't want to speak, Emma just kept silent all the time. I walk around the grassy paths outside the school, smoking a goodnight bowl in my new pipe. As I walk around a corner, I spot Lilly and Shizune standing in front of the entrance to the girls dorm. Wait, what is it that they're doing? It's beginning to become dark, so it's hard to... Wait, are they KISSING!?! There they are, standing in public, kissing... Wow, who'd thought that. Oh well, there's enough space in this world for everyone.

I take a tactical detour so I avoid them and still get to the boys dorm. My half-hourly spliff, frequently enjoyed outside while taking a walk, have already given me a good feeling to how this place is, and it's not that hard to find your way around. As I turn around another corner, I find myself standing in an open square, with a direct view at the stars. Wow, think about it. Those giant burning orbs of gas, so many billions of kilometers away.It makes you feel kinda small. Suddenly, I notice 2 people, 2 girls to be more specific, sitting on a bench in the middle of the square. One of them is Emma, the other one is a girl I haven't seen, she's wearing a boy uniform and got short red hair. If it wasn't because of her big rack, I would think she was a boy. She also got no arms. How do you survive like that? I notice that her and Emma are communicating the same way we were this afternoon. I wonder what they're talking about. Maybe the stars. I take a long drag of my spliff. Maybe they're talking about me. The thought makes me cough like a bitch, so I hurry behind a bush before they spot me. I sneak all the way back to the dorms, and avoid the glassed dude before sneaking into bed. I might be a bonghead, but I care about my personal hygiene, so I brush my teeth, clean my face, etc, and then head to bed.

Tomorrow, kendo club and reading with the cute mute girl again. And smoke. Stayin' alive.
Some people don't have arms. So what? Some people don't see colors, either.
- WetCrate

<@Raide> why does it sad to be touched? shouldn't you get a boner?

90% of the students were actually sent to Yamaku for being too lesbian. All those disabilities going around are just curious coincidence.
- Minister of Gloom

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Re: Fragile (Original characters) Now Yamaku with Medical Weed!

Post by Xuan »

Well, even my country knows about weeds and stuff so that part's really, really off but who cares...

The part where Shizune and Lily kissing, is he hallucinating or is it real?
" It would be hard to believe I was nearly killed by a love confession."
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Re: Fragile (Original characters) Now Yamaku with Medical Weed!

Post by SnigendePind »

Xuan wrote:Well, even my country knows about weeds and stuff so that part's really, really off but who cares...

The part where Shizune and Lily kissing, is he hallucinating or is it real?
It is real, this story is happening just after kosherbacon's Lilly x Shizune lesbian fanfic. (

And I know that Japanese people know about weed, this is just what the dude I write about thinks.
Some people don't have arms. So what? Some people don't see colors, either.
- WetCrate

<@Raide> why does it sad to be touched? shouldn't you get a boner?

90% of the students were actually sent to Yamaku for being too lesbian. All those disabilities going around are just curious coincidence.
- Minister of Gloom

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Re: Fragile (Original characters) Now Yamaku with Medical Weed!

Post by SnigendePind »

Just finished chapter three. Now it's getting exciting.


Chapter 3.

Multiple Sclerosis. Two unfamiliar words that you don't want to be in the same room with. What this disease do, is pretty much to make your bones fragile, which result in horrible pains and spasms. I've had it since birth, took a lot of pills to keep it down. I was still confined in my wheelchair, though. When I was 10, I smoked my first spliff, and my life got changed. Suddenly, I could walk and act like a normal person. It was the miracle cure for me, the thing that saved my life. When I was 13, I convinced my doctors to prescribe it to me. I've been smoking ever since.

You can say that I've adapted to it. I pretty much dress like a stoner, act like one, eat like one, and so on. But I'm still able to function normally, most of the time. That's why I can practice kendo. It required some serious mental training, though.

I wake up, and the first thing that comes in mind is “Where the fuck am I?” Oh yeah, I'm in my new dorm room, and my new school. A cripple school, if I may call it so. It's quite fitting, since I'm a cripple myself. Or am I? What defines a cripple? One who's not able to live their life normally, due to some physical problem? Best description I can think of. But am I a cripple then? I'm able to function normally, just by smoking weed. I only came to this school, since it has a 24 hours nursing staff, which is what I require. I'm still deadly sick.

I was smart enough to unpack my bed sheets last night, so I slept comfortably. The bed is nice. However, the rest of my room is a total mess of cardboard boxes and different hardware. I take a look around. There's 7 boxes in total, my computer, and my stereo. All the stuff I need. I grab an ok-clean set of clothes, and head for the showers. I haven't had time to wash my clothes, so that's all I can use right now, even though it annoys me. There's another guy at the showers, he got short, brown hair, and a large scar across his chest. We nod at each other, and I proceed to the first unoccupied stall. After a quick shower and my morning cleaning routine, I head for the cafeteria for some breakfast. I grab a prerolled before I leave, and happily toke while passing several students, some who send me pretty weird looks. Then I realize that I've forgotten to put on my uniform. I head back to my room, and look inside the closet. 3 sets of boy uniforms hang side by side. I grab a set of pants and a shirt. That must be enough. I also recall reading somewhere that it's ok to modify your uniform to fit your own needs. Awesome.

I finally arrive at the cafeteria, eyes open wide as I gorge at the breakfast buffet. It's like one of those you get at a 5 star hotel. I grab some cereal and some solid looking buns, and look around to find an empty spot. No need for that, since the giant pink thingy is waving like a retard towards me from the other end of the hall. Breakfast with Misha and Shizune, great.

“Mornin' Tocchan!” I'm greeted as I close in on them. I sit down beside Misha, Shizune in front of me. She's munching on something that looks like bran flakes, while Misha is swallowing her fruit salad.

“Morning. Thanks for your help yesterday, I'm in the literature club now, and I'm gonna visit the kendo club later today,” I reply. I can't help but think about the scene I saw yesterday at the girls dorm. Shizune looks at me, then signs something to Misha.

“Are you alright?” Misha asks. Apparently, I stared at Shizune in some way.

“Yeah, it's nothing. Just thought of something funny.” I reply. Shizune looks at me in a weird way, then return to her bowl of cereal. “What our first lesson?”

“Classic literature,” Misha replies. “Class starts in 45 minutes.”

Awesome, I love classic literature. I've always enjoyed reading. When you're stuck in a wheelchair, there's not really anything else you can do. And video games get boring fast, so I've always read instead.

(time skip)


Lunch break starts. There's a murmur of people, chairs scrambling on the hard floor, and the sound of doors opening. I grab my schoolbag, and head out of the classroom. My high is coming off, so I have to smoke before lunch. I figure that I might as well get some air. Is it possible to get up on the roof of this school? I walk aimlessly around the school, until a friendly guy tells me the way to the roof. I finally find the stairs, and my lungs fill with fresh air as I step outside on the platform. Oh, there's someone else up here?

In the other end of the roof, there's a couple of benches placed. Apparently, students tend to use this roof a lot. On one bench, there's a tiny, bright haired girl with pigtails sitting. Our eyes meet, and I walk towards her, lighting up as I sit down on the bench beside her. She's wearing a short skirt, and it's only now I realize that her legs are fake. You can see the way they connect to her stumps right below her knee.

“Hey, mind if I join you?” I ask.

“Sure, but what is that you're smoking? It doesn't smell like tobacco.” she replies, looking at my joint. The wind blow the smoke directly to her face. She might get a second hand high if I continue smoking. The thought amuse me.

“It's my medicine. It's not like tobacco, this is not harmful. It makes me able to walk.” I tell her. I can see that her face change, might be because she got problems walking too.

“All right, then I guess it can't be helped I'm Emi Ibarazaki. Nice to meet you! And you are?” she chirps at me. Such energy.

“I'm Toke Taima, just call me Toke. What are you doing up here?” I ask her. Her facial expression is changing, she's starting to smile a bit more. Guess the second hand high is setting in.

“I'm waiting for a friend. Wow, what is that stuff? The smoke is making me light headed.” She says, and lets out a little giggle.
“It's normal, nothing to be scared about. Ever heard of marijuana?” I ask her.

“Isn't that a psychoactive drug? And isn't it illegal?” Suddenly she's all flustered.

“It also got a lot of positive medicinal effects, such as helping me with my sclerosis. As I said before, I wouldn't be able to walk without it.” I reply calmly. The number of times I've been asked that, I wouldn't be able to count them on my fingers and toes. “Just enjoy it, you'll just get more relaxed.

15 minutes later, her friend arrives. It's that red haired armless girl from yesterday. At this moment, I'm looking fascinated at Emi. She's strolling around, giggling like a little girl, far too close to the edge of the building. The red haired girl looks at Emi, then at me, then at Emi again. Her facial expression doesn't change at all.

“What happened to Emi?” she ask me.

“She got a second hand high from my medicine,” I reply, “it'll be over in an hour or so.

“Oh. I see.” she says, placing herself beside me. “Are you eating lunch with us too?”

“Nah, I just came up here to get my medication.” I say. Were they gonna eat lunch up here? I look under the bench where Emi was sitting, and see 2 neatly looking lunch boxes. The red haired girl see them too, and nods.

We both look at Emi, who is now tiptoeing on a line drawn on the ground.

“One hour you said?”


“By the way, I'm Rin Tezuka. I like painting and clouds. Who are you?”

I begin to introduce myself once again, wondering how a girl without arms can paint, but is suddenly disturbed by Rin standing up. She's looking at Emi, who is now leaning out from the rooftop, only holding onto a rail.

“EMI, N-!” she cries out, running towards her, but it's too late. The last I see is the top of her head and some pink pigtail disappearing over the edge.

Everything slows down. It's like time is running ten times slower. I feel the blood leaving my head, as I run towards the edge where Emi fell down. Rin is already on her way down the stairs. I look over the edge, and see the little girl lying on the ground, 4 stories below me. One of her legs have fallen off, and people are gathering around her, some doing first aid to her. I spot 2 teachers running towards the accident scene. There's a bit of blood gathering around her head.

“Hoooooly shit. What the FUCK just happened?” I start to panic. As I tumble down the stairs I realize that I'm in really deep shit now. Really. Deep. Shit.


Sorry about the cliffhanger. I will write more later.
Some people don't have arms. So what? Some people don't see colors, either.
- WetCrate

<@Raide> why does it sad to be touched? shouldn't you get a boner?

90% of the students were actually sent to Yamaku for being too lesbian. All those disabilities going around are just curious coincidence.
- Minister of Gloom

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Re: Fragile (Original characters) Now Yamaku with Medical Weed!

Post by Csihar »

SnigendePind wrote:Sorry about the cliffhanger. I will write more later.
You'd better, dammit. :shock:
As someone who uses marijuana for medicinal purposes myself, I was afraid at first that this would be more or less a joke story, and I'm glad it's turning out not to be.
"I don't care," said Pierre, "I'm from France."

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Re: Fragile (OC) Now Yamaku with Medical Weed! Chapter 3 out!

Post by Xuan »

... Wow, the guy must be really, really stoned to let someone normal have marijuana on a ROOFTOP + super-hyperactive-running-around-girl.

On second thought, if Emi survived, I'm not sure whether I want to continue reading this. Two or three stories is one thing, four is totally another world. God bless prosthetic legs?
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Re: Fragile (OC) Now Yamaku with Medical Weed! Chapter 3 out!

Post by kosherbacon »

Lilly x Shizune, a hillarious narrative, AND Emi abuse?! I love this!

You had me loling the whole time, especially Toke's reactions and descriptions of Misha. :lol: I'm all imagining Emi jumping off the roof like it's one of those black and white public information films from the '50s.
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Re: Fragile (OC) Now Yamaku with Medical Weed! Chapter 3 out!

Post by SnigendePind »

Xuan wrote:... Wow, the guy must be really, really stoned to let someone normal have marijuana on a ROOFTOP?
I don't see the problem. I'm normal, and I've smoked on a rooftop before.

Also, I think I'll be writing tonight.
Some people don't have arms. So what? Some people don't see colors, either.
- WetCrate

<@Raide> why does it sad to be touched? shouldn't you get a boner?

90% of the students were actually sent to Yamaku for being too lesbian. All those disabilities going around are just curious coincidence.
- Minister of Gloom

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Re: Fragile (OC) Now Yamaku with Medical Weed! Chapter 3 out!

Post by Member22 »

SnigendePind wrote:Also, I think I'll be writing tonight.
I will eagerly be waiting for the next chapter... so far so good!
"If Hisao took one thing away from his time at Yamaku it was the fact that people who have handicaps don't actually have handicaps. People like Lilly and Shizune are more able-bodied and well-adjusted than most of the kids at Hisao's old high school. He shook his head slightly. No, students at Yamaku weren't handicapped; everyone else was." - WetCrate
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Re: Fragile (OC) Now Yamaku with Medical Weed! Chapter 3 out!

Post by SnigendePind »

I'm sorry guys, I've had this side story in my head all day, and I just NEED to write it out. It's still settled in this universe.


I open the door to the literature club room. It's empty, just as I suspected. No wonder, since Emma got classes for another 45 minutes. I sit down, and grabs my book out of my bag, along with a spliff. "Moby Dick" is what I'm reading. Some super crazy story about some old fisherdude who's trying to kill the king of albinowhales or something. I light up, and open the book on the spot where my bookmark are. Emma doesn't mind me smoking, as long as I use an ashtray.

(time skip)

I hear the door open, and Emma pokes her head inside. She's listening to music on her MP3 player. She pull the plugs out of her ears, and I greet her with a yoyful "'sup."

She sit down, while letting her bag stand on the floor below her chair. She pull out her book, which is "Life of Pi", her cellphone and her notebook. She writes a message, and hand the notebook to me.

"Hey Toke. How's your day been?"

"It's been fine. I've been wondering, wouldn't it be faster to use your cellphone to write messages to other people, instead of this notebook?"

She blush, and quickly write a message back to me.

"No, it wouldn't!"

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes, absolutely! And excuse me for a minute, I have to go to the bathroom."

She quickly leaves the classroom. As the curious bitch I am, I grab her cellphone, and unlocks it to look at the background pic.

"Hoooooooly shit. I did NOT expect that. Can it be that she...?"

I quickly put down her cell the exact place it was before, and grab her MP3 player, which she left on her table. I quickly turn it on.

"Lemme see, menu, artists," I spy over the names listed on the tiny screen.

"Hahaha, just as I expected!" I grin, and put her MP3 player back where it was before. Before long, she returns and sit down again.

"So, Emma, what kind of music do you listen to anyways?" I eye her player. Her cheeks turn a little red, as she grabs her notebook. I suspect her thinking something like "Does he know?"

"Uh, I listen to alot of stuff. It's a bit mixed."

"Ah, ok. I've been alot into Bob Marley lately. Actually, I really dig reggae, it's so chill."

That looked like it hit her with a brick, even though her facial expression didn't change.

"Hey look, I gotta go do some unpacking, I'm not even fully done yet. So catch ya later, bro." I grab my bag and back out of the classroom. She just answered me with a nod.

As I walk down the corridors, on my way to the dorms, I decide to light up. I like to walk around the school, and pretty much everyone know who I am now, so it's all cool that I smoke inside. I ponder upon what surprising aspect of Emma I discovered this afternoon. I cannot help bit laugh.

"Heh, I wonder what other girls got Bob Marley as their background of their cellphone."

I walk back to my room, wondering how I should tease Emma even more with this. Tease her in a good way, of course. I don't wanna hurt the poor thing. Maybe I should smoke her out one day.


My brain farted due to a sudden shift to indica hash from a 2 weeks mass smoking of sativa skunk.
Some people don't have arms. So what? Some people don't see colors, either.
- WetCrate

<@Raide> why does it sad to be touched? shouldn't you get a boner?

90% of the students were actually sent to Yamaku for being too lesbian. All those disabilities going around are just curious coincidence.
- Minister of Gloom

Made you look.
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Re: Fragile (OC) Now Yamaku with Medical Weed! Chapter 3 out!

Post by Member22 »

SnigendePind wrote:I"Moby Dick" is what I'm reading. Some super crazy story about some old fisherdude who's trying to kill the king of albinowhales or something...
LOL, that cracked me up... I wish I could have said that to my english teacher back in high school.

Btw, nice side story! Also, you could take as much time as you need for the next chapter... I really want to see what happens after Emi's fall.
"If Hisao took one thing away from his time at Yamaku it was the fact that people who have handicaps don't actually have handicaps. People like Lilly and Shizune are more able-bodied and well-adjusted than most of the kids at Hisao's old high school. He shook his head slightly. No, students at Yamaku weren't handicapped; everyone else was." - WetCrate
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Re: Fragile (OC) Now Yamaku with Medical Weed! Chapter 3 out!

Post by SnigendePind »

I am in a state of mindflooding right now, so I'm gonna write chapter 4 now.


Chapter 4.

What a mess.

Emi survives with a hip fracture and a minor head wound. She's gonna be in a wheelchair for 3 months, then retrain her "legs". Imagine the guilt I felt when I heard she is the track team captain. They operated on her for 6 hours. The doctors said it was a miracle what happened, since she fell from 4th floor. Her prosthetic legs took the damage.

It's a "drug-related accident", or that's what the police and doctors are telling me. Shit like this happens a lot on this school, students taking from medication and trip balls and get hurt and such. I still can't help feeling that I drugged her, even though it was by accident.

Rin has been freaking out. When I found her at Emi down in front of the school, she was crying like I've never seen anyone cry before, while she desperately tried to pick up the bleeding, unconscious girl, using her stumps. It was a heartbreaking sight.

I'm currently in Emi's hospital room. Emi is sleeping in a hospital bed which looks giant when compared to Emi's body size. Rin is sleeping in a chair in the other end of the room. She looks messed up, no wonder since she cried that much.

I sit and stare at Rin sleeping for a few minutes. It's fascinating looking at a person who's asleep. It shows them in their purest moment. That said, Rin looks fantastically cute while sleeping. I notice her eyes opening, and she sits up straight in her chair, so quick that I wonder if she even were asleep a moment ago. She stands up and walks towards me, stopping right in front of me, giving me a glare from a different world.

"Follow me." she states out of nowhere. She start walking towards the door, and I stand up and follow her. We walk all the way back to the girls dorm, not uttering a word while walking. She stop in front of a door, opens it, and enters. I figure it's her room.

I'm standing in a dim lit room, littered with art supplies and piles of clothes, with Rin standing in the middle, eyes all red from crying. It'd be another awesome photography. If I just had a camera.

"'scuse me, but what are we doing here?" I ask her.

"You're gonna help me relax." she replies, while her face go into a more serious expression.

"Whoa whoa whoa," I say, surprised by Rin's open statement, "I just met you, and you already wanna have sex? I don't do it that way, ya know?"

"I'm not talking about sex you dumbass," she heads to a drawer, opens it with her mouth, and pull out a bag of some strange brown leafy stuff. She mouths it to me, and upon further inspection I see that it's grit weed. Really shitty grid weed. As I look at Rin again, I see that she have picked a half-a-meter bong out of her closet.

"You're not the only smoker on this school, you know?" she tells me bluntly, "I use this to relax and focus. And it helps my creativity. Emi usually helps me with this, but she's..." I see tears gathering in her eyes.

"I understand, so you need my help instead," I reply, not wanting to move further into that topic, "but you can't be smoking this, it's shit. Not as in THE shit, it's the worst looking weed I've ever seen."

"Do you know how hard it is to get weed around here when you don't have a medical license?" she says, "It's nearly impossible to get better stuff than this.

"I am not smoking that. Let me get some from my own stash." I tell her, and open the door. Why should I get a 100 gram bag a week otherwise? I guess I thought I was gonna smoke someone out even before I got here.

10 minutes later I return, carrying a sports bag. Rin is sitting on the floor on some carpets that she's sat up, probably to make the sesh more comfortable. Her bong is already between her legs, the mouthpiece pointing straight towards her mouth. I can't help but think about Freud.

"Wanna step it up a notch?" I ask her as I reveal the gigantic bag of lush, green dankety dank.

"Why is it green? I've only seen brown weed before." she asks, astounded by the size and content of the bag.

"Because what you've been smoking is shit. Time for the real deal."

I pack a bowl and place the bong so that Rin can hit it while I light it. As the flame from the butane lighter catch the weed tightly packed in the steel bowl, a nice milk-colored smoke builds up in the inside of the glass piece. Rin's eyes open wide, as the smoke of the high quality cannabis enters her lungs. The unique feeling of trying high grade stuff for the first time is fantastic and horrible at the same time. Your mind will be blown, but you will cough like a bitch too.

Rin's lips part with the phallic glass, leaving a clear trail of saliva on the tip. She exhales after 3 seconds, and start coughing her lungs out. I cannot help but smirk at the coughing redhead. When she regain her senses, she looks at me, tear-eyed.

"That was insane. I've never tried anything like that before. I can already feel it." she says, staring at the wall behind me. She pass the bong using her feet, stand up and start searching around.

"What are ya searching for?" I ask before lighting up. Half a second later, I just realize that we shared an indirect kiss.

"Pen and paper. I got to draw what I'm about to see."

"So you're gonna trip balls?" I say as I remove the bong from my lips.

"Probably. I've never tried this strong stuff before." she's kinda cakewalking, and cannot help but bump into her closet.

I exhale. No coughing from me, I've been smoking for 7 years, so nothing really makes me cough anymore.

As she finally find what she need, she sit down and I assist her on a bonghit more. We just sit for a couple of minutes, I notice that Rin's eyes are getting more and more red, though her facial expression doesn't change at all. Then suddenly she pick up her pen with her toes and start scribbling. I am quite amazed about how she manages to do that. After staring at Rin drawing for a while, I start rolling a spliff. As we just sit in silence, Rin drawing and me smoking, peace settles.

(time skip)

We've been sitting, enjoying the peace for a while. i've totally lost my track of time, and Rin doesn't have a clock in her room. In front of Rin is about 20 drawings, all featuring something out of this world. Rin is pretty good at psychedelic art. I've started to notice more and more phallic symbols in her drawings, but that might just be me.

"Toke. Can I ask you for a favor?" she suddenly looks up at me, straight into my eyes.

"Sure, what can I help you with?" I ask curiously.

"This is gonna sound a little weird, but will you please have sex with me?"

It takes some time before I fully understand what she just said. I can feel the blush appear on my tanned face, and that my heart start racing around. Did she actually just say that, or am I just really, really high?

"There's this side effect of weed that I have," she continues, me staring at her, my jaw nearly dropped to the floor, "It makes me horny. Usually, I can take care of that myself, or I get Emi to help me. But I can't control it right now. Not after smoking such good weed. That's why I'm asking you to help me." she states, while I spot sweat drops appearing on her face. She must have a hard time NOT jumping me right now.

So, basically, I'm smoking weed with the best friend of the girl which I just crippled EVEN MORE, and now that friend, which I just met TODAY, is asking me for sex. What the fuck do I do now?


Another cliffhanger. I'm good at those.

Last edited by SnigendePind on Sun May 23, 2010 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Some people don't have arms. So what? Some people don't see colors, either.
- WetCrate

<@Raide> why does it sad to be touched? shouldn't you get a boner?

90% of the students were actually sent to Yamaku for being too lesbian. All those disabilities going around are just curious coincidence.
- Minister of Gloom

Made you look.
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