Winter writing (xmas story end pg8)


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Winter writing (xmas story end pg8)

Post by chaix »

A (Relatively) Bad Day
Dinner and Defeat
Emi's Ensalvement: CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5
Painful Choices: CH1 CH2 CH3 Lilly End Hanako End
A Demon's Visit: CH1 CH2 CH3
Flurries, a Flower, and crazy Females: CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6

Don't ask how I came up with this one, it's pretty much just a random thought that occurred to me while working on something else that I tried to write out.

#1 a (relatively) bad day

Ha:“L-Lilly do you want another cup of tea?”

Li:“No, I have to *beep* ah perfect timing, I’m having dinner with my sister.”

Hi:“Need us to do anything?”

Li:“Just make sure you clean up when you are ready to leave.”

Hi:“Got it, see you tomorrow, say hi to your sister for us.”

Li:“Play nice with each other now.”

She left without making a sound leaving Hanako and I to clean up.

Hi:“Anything you want to do?”

Ha:“N-not really.”

She turns around and begins cleaning the tea cups.

Okay Hisao do it now, the conditions are as good as they're going to get.

Hi:“Uh Hanako-”

Ha:“What is it?”

What comes out is a bunch of nonsense consisting of me stuttering, uh’s and er’s. Damn it man just say it!

Ha:“Is... is something wrong?”

She turns around which only causes me to shut my mouth. Not only is she now worried but she's giving me those eyes that have been turning my legs to mush for the past few weeks.

Ha:“If...if I can help-”

Hi:“No, don’t worry about it Hanako.”

I walk over to the corner and begin hitting my head against the wall. Why the hell can’t I just spit it out?!

Ha:“I-I’m sorry Hisao, b-but if it’s important enough for you to start hitting yourself... then I want to know.”

That’s the whole damned problem isn’t it? If I could say it I wouldn’t be trying to give myself a concussion.

Ha:“C-could you please at least stop trying to injure yourself.”

She manages to get me turned around and I get a close up view of her entire face. I’ve become used to the scarring awhile back ad it doesn’t even faze me anymore.
Unfortunately at about the same time I became really attracted to her, so I still end up averting my eyes so I didn’t turn into a blabbering idiot. This time however, I have no chance to do so, her eyes apparently have magnets embedded in them, every time I try to look away my entire body resists.

Ha:“I’ll... I’ll help anyway I can if you just-”

She stops midsentence. My arms have apparently gained their own mind and have wrapped themselves around her.

Ha:“H-Hisao? Wh-what are you doing”

The comment is almost entirely lost on me. By the time she finishes saying it, my body is on autopilot; well either that or I’m just stopped caring. Her eyes open wide, deer caught in the headlights wide, as my body moves in and or lips connect. I can feel her pushing against my chest, not enough to actually move me or make me think my heart's in danger.

After what seems like a few minutes the arms drop, or that’s what I think happens. I can only feel the pressure stop on my chest and I can’t feel her hands anywhere else. At some point afterwards I release her, step back and open my eyes to a much fuzzier world. Some unbidden instinct tells me to drop to my knees, at the same time I can feel my body fill up with guilt.

Hi:“I’m sorry Hanako, really really...”

Right about then my vision goes black.

I notice one thing as I wake up, I’m definitely on my back, and it’s not how I remember being positioned when I blacked out. I keep my eyes shut for fear of seeing that ceiling again, that room. I can hear the familiar beep of the heart machine, no dripping of an IV tube though, that’s good. I can feel all my limbs too, that means no anesthetic. Okay, time for confirmation. Bland room, hospital curtains, it doesn't smell the same though. I right myself to get a better view.


Hanako’s head pokes through the curtain and she... what I’ll forgivingly call a hug. I can tell my heart’s speeding up, not just from the blood pounding in my veins, but from the steady beep turning into a rapid fire.

Nu:“Could you please refrain from agitating the patient Miss Ikezawa?”

The nurse’s voice makes Hanako snap upright. I’m torn between thanking the nurse from stopping a potential heart attack and wanting to punch him for stopping Hanako.

Ha:“I-I’m so sorry, I’ll be going...”

Hi:“Uh actually could you stay? I need to talk to you about uh...”

Nu:“There’s a chair in my office if you want to sit down. I just need to check a couple things.”


She shuffles out of the room, looking more worried than usual. I have to remember to apologize later.

Nu:“Nice girl, are you going out with her?”

Hi:“N-no, I-I mean not yet, er no that's... ugh”

Nu:“Complicated eh? Sorry for bringing it up. Bit of good news though: looks like it wasn’t a heart attack.”

Hi:“What happened then?”

Nu:“I believe you fainted.”

Hi:“Fainted? You’re kidding me.”

Nu:“What happened just before you blacked out?”

Hi:“Uh...just the one thing I can think of. You can’t tell anyone right doctor patient stuff right?”

Nu:“Within certain limits, yes.”

Hi:“Something uh... broke and I kissed Hanako.”


Hi:“It was like my body started moving on its own.”

Nu:“Oh. One of those, not quite as bad as I thought. Though judging from a minute ago, that could’ve been dangerous if it went on for too long.”

Hi:“Dangerous... kissing a girl is dangerous? And what is one of those?”

Nu:“If we change your medication a bit I think I can make sure you don’t... or rather that she doesn’t accidently cause an episode if you go farther.”

Farther? After kissing her once I felt like I’ve committed a crime and he’s talking about doing that?! and what the hell is one of those?!

Nu:“Sorry, sorry. I guess guys your age don’t talk about that kind of thing yet huh?”

I don’t think guys your age are that open either.

Hi:“Could I talk to Hanako now?”

Cause I really don't want to hear whatever you're coming up with.

Nu:“Alright, I’ll make the changes to your prescription and you can pick them up tomorrow morning. Just try not to do anything to aggravate your heart.”

His smile as he walks out... there’s a couple feelings all crumpled up in me, anger, embarrassment, and the intense urge to do something stupid... again.

Ha:“Are you... okay?”

Hanako slips in and moves the closest chair over.

Hi:“Yeah, apparently I just fainted.”

Ha:“Fainted? F-from...”

Hi:“Uh yeah, I’m really sorry about that.”


Hi:“I’m not sure why I did that. I mean I can’t believe that.”

Ha:“Wh-why? D-do you regret-”

Alarm bells are ringing in my head, if I don’t find a way out of this now, Hanako’s going to hate me.

Hi:“No- I mean I don’t regret kissing you, I regret uh...”

Ha:“Wh-what do you regret?”

Hi:“Grabbing you like that, you tried to stop me and uh... I’m sorry.”

Not helping, I still feel horrible about it.

Ha:“Th-then why did you?”

Hi:“I don’t have a clue; it felt like I was watching a movie or something. I had zero control over my body.”

Ha:“Th-then you didn’t want to-”

More alarm bells, this has got to be one of the worst love confessions in history, right up there with the last one I was involved in.

Hi:“N-no, before that I was trying to-”

The words all bunch up in my throat, I can hear my pulse quicken slightly. I look around for a pad of paper. If I can’t say it maybe I can at least write... wow a written
confession, I really do sound like a criminal now.

Hi:“Could you get me a piece of paper?”

She gets up, takes a notebook and pen out of a bag sitting near my bed and hands them to me. I flip to an empty page an attempt to write it out. Five seconds later I
scratch it out and try again. I repeat this process several more times until the pages looks like random scribbling.

Nu:“Actually Hisao, I think I have everything I need here so I can give you the new stuff tonight- something wrong?”

Hi:“Damn it damn it damn it!”

He walks over, checks the instruments and takes a glance at my unreadable chicken scratch and appears to have a moment of inspiration.

Nu:“Hisao, I hope I’m not stepping outside my bounds but as a medical professional, but since this seems to be causing you physical problems I hope you’ll forgive me. Miss Ikezawa, It is of my opinion as a medical professional and as a man that this guy is in love with you.”

.... He didn’t just... he did.... the nurse just...WHAT THE HELL?!

My head falls back on the pillow, I can’t say anything, I can’t move. My entire body has gone limp from shock and I doubt Hanako is doing much better.

Nu:“Uh... I guess I’ll just let both of you sleep here tonight...”

I hear a thump on the bed down near my waist followed by mumbling that sounds a little like ‘he loves me’ repeated several times before I black out again.
Last edited by chaix on Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:11 am, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: Summer stories

Post by Sgt_Frog »

This is hilarious and awesome. People might be getting tired of the "romantic comedy" genre, but I really like this!
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Re: Summer stories

Post by Esa94 »

chaix wrote: Nu:“Uh... I guess I’ll just let both of you sleep here tonight...”
For some reason this slightly reminds me of my own story.

Therefore it is awesome.
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Re: Summer stories

Post by Xuan »

Sweet as honey pie, funny to boot, and would stab Hisao repeatedly at his heart no matter young or old.
" It would be hard to believe I was nearly killed by a love confession."
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Re: Summer stories

Post by kosherbacon »

I hear a thump on the bed down near my waist followed by mumbling that sounds a little like ‘he loves me’ repeated several times before I black out again.
Dohohohoho, don't faint now...
Esa94 wrote: For some reason this slightly reminds me of my own story.

Therefore it is awesome.
Also reminds me of a Iwananako x Hanako short I did.

Feel the power of the Moeblob. Do not fight it; let it consume you...
(scroll down for Hanako)

:D What's next, Chaix?
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Re: Summer stories

Post by Smoku »

haha, this one's cool. I hope you'll go on
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Re: Summer stories

Post by chaix »

It's too late, they're both out of it: he's going to be out until morning and she's so shocked that she'll fall asleep before she can actually have a coherent conversation. can't imagine it getter better for awhile.

I actually have 2 that have the romantic part cut out: one's more like that episode you see halfway through the harem anime, the one where the other guys go after him for being popular. In the other... bad things happen, really bad.

Next we have our favorite student council president (I felt bad about making her evil... and I don't want to get killed by Shizune fans)

edit: wow, I just found a major error. lesson learned: don't stop writing halfway through a sentence, you might just forget what you wrote!

#2 Dinner and Defeat

I’m screwed, completely and utterly screwed. With enemies on all sides, my comrades are getting ready to desert. Not that there’s any place to run to anyways unless you want to throw away your pride and beg for your life to the enemy. From across the battlefield, a voice rings out:

Mi:“Whahaha you have no chance! Surrender and you might be spared!”

Hi:“Not a chance in hell!”

The forces pick themselves up and muster their courage for one last attack; one last charge to take back what was lost. They charge over the trenches like on those great movies and race across the no man’s land. They don’t get far before they are taken out, cut down by some giant cleaver moving a meter or two above the surface.

Mi: “And that’s game Hicchan!”

Hi: “Don’t be so confident Misha, you were gone in what, five turns?”

Mi: “Awww but did you both have to go after me?”

Shizune and I briefly turn to each other to confirm and we nod.

Hi: “Basic rule of warfare, take out the weak one first.”

Mi: “But if you took Sicchan out first you might win.”

Hi: “And then I’d be facing you with weakened forces. Sorry Misha, it’s just common sense.”

Mi: “Oh well I have stuff to do tonight anyways.”

Hi: “Oh you both have to go?”

Mi: “Nope, just me. Get along with Sicchan okay?”

Hi: “Er... I guess so, see you tomorrow then.”

Shizune pulls a notepad out of her bag and slides it across the table.

Hi:-where’s she going?-

Sh:-I don’t know. I don’t go into her room often.-

Hi:-What do you want to do now? There’s still an hour or two left before we have to be in the dorms.-

Sh:-Have you eaten?-

Hi:-nope, you?-

Sh:-No. Order out?-

Hi:-can you cook?-

She looks at me with this odd stare, but I can’t actually tell if she can or not. I put on my best ‘I don’t know what you’re saying look’

Sh:-I can, but now well. I don’t have anything to make food with either.-

Hi:-guess order out then. Not enough time to go to town. Who’s turn is it?-

Sh:-Misha’s. skip her and it is mine.-

She pulls one of what I now know is a collection of local take out menus. Last time I was in town I checked, they have one from every place in there, sometimes two. Within minutes we have ordered and fallen back into idle conversation.

Hi:-how much work do you think there’ll be tomorrow?-

Sh:-Not much, weekend is usually slow.-

Hi:-oh, so I might be able to get to taste your food tomorrow?-


Hi:-can’t be that bad. If you had a recipe it should be fine.-

Sh:-Not the problem. Misha has been talking strangely when you are not around.-


Sh:-Something about flags and paths. Earlier she said I was ‘clearing Hisao flags at an alarming rate’. I have no idea what she is saying.-

Hi:-ask her?-

Sh:-She stops when she realizes it, then changes the topic. The food will be here soon: you get the drinks, I’ll get the food.-

She slides it over one last time before placing a few coins on the table and walking out the door. I collect the money and follow. When I reach the machine I realize Shizune never said what she wanted. I close my eyes and randomly pick one for her, some kind of fruit thing. Surprisingly, Shizune made it back before I did.

Sh:-What took you?-

She holds the notepad up to my face so I can clearly read it with the correct emotions behind it.

Hi:-I didn’t want to sit around doing nothing, so I took my time.-

She flips back a few pages and passes me the stuff I ordered. Conversation dies until we finish for obvious reasons.


Hi:-pretty good. Did I get the right drink?-

Sh:-Yes, you picked it randomly didn’t you?-


Sh:-Try to remember next time.-

Hi:-right, i’ll remember for tomorrow.-

Sh:-I’m not making anything tomorrow. I believe I have made this clear already.-

Hi:-oh, so you’re going to get delivery again? Maybe I’ll come over for that.-

Sh:-I dislike physical conflict Hisao, I suggest you do not insist any further. I believe you have had my cooking before anyways.-


Sh:-Just before the festival.-

Hi:-that wasn’t bad.-

Sh:-Why are you so interested in this?-

Hi:-no idea, I guess the idea of you cooking just intrigues me.-

Sh:-I do not wear an apron when I cook.-

She passes it over with another odd look. The glare says ‘I know what you’re thinking’; the smirk says ‘ha ha I win’. The competitive urge in me build up again, if she thinks she’s winning, I’m going to fight every step of the way.

Hi:-oh really? So you’d have to change if you spilled. I can see why you wouldn’t want me there now.-

And so it begins.

Sh:-If you looked you would be dead in less than a minute.-

Hi:-I thought you disliked physical confrontation.-

Sh:-My radiant body would cause you to have a heart attack.-

You have no idea how true that might be.


Sh:-Oh well since you asked so nicely-


Sh:-No, sarcasm doesn’t translate to writing.-

Hi:-Can I pay for it?-

Sh:-What can I ask for?-

Hi:-you name the price first, I’ll decide if it’s reasonable-

Sh:-1. No one else will know
2. You have to eat whatever I make
3. You leave before curfew
4. While In my room, you must comply with my requests-

I check through each one, carefully thinking through each condition.

Hi:-I agree with one condition on my end, I get to make my own choice about #4 on a case by case basis.-

She seems surprised that I actually agreed, but she can’t back out after doing that. I put on my smug little ‘I win’ grin, something I haven’t been able to do often.

Sh:-we have work tomorrow, come here after you wake up. And take that smile off you face before you leave.-

(time skip)

I let my head rest on the desk, or rather, the stack of papers on the desk.

Mi:“Hicchan you’ll get a nasty paper cut if you do that!”

Hi: “Doubt it.”

A hand thrust down on the table shocks me back into an upright position.

Mi: “we can’t have a student council member trying to sleep on the job.”

Hi: “Actually, I’m done. I just feel bad if I leave before you do.”

Mi: “Really? Didn’t we give you enough work?”

Hi: “I just got through it faster than you did. Maybe you’re getting slower.”

Mi: “Whahahaha, no chance of that Hicchan. Sicchan can complete a form in thirty seconds on a bad day.”

Hi: “Well, I have something to do after I finish so I guess I just had more motivation.”

Shizune briefly falls into her death stare before going back to stern taskmaster.

Mi: “Then whatever it is will just have to wait.”

She moves over to her desk, splits the ‘in pile’ in half and drops the top half on my desk.

Mi: “Wow Hicchan, what did you do? Sicchan seems really mad.”

Hi: “No idea.”

Mi: “Better lay low then Hicchan, Sicchan can keep a grudge for awhile.”

Hi: “Got it , I should shut up and hide behind the paper.”

Mi: “Pretty much Hicchan, at least until we leave.”

For the next fifteen minutes I turn into a machine: pull, read, stamp, slide, pull, read, stamp, slide. By the time I finish, not only have Shizune and Misha left, but I have no clue how long i’ve been sitting here. my wrist is apparently in pain, I have a few paper cuts, and my butt hurts.

Hi: “I hope she’s calmed down by now.”

I get up and head to the door and try the knob, The room is of course, locked. Knocking would alert Misha, and It wouldn’t even get her attention. There’s nothing on the door or on the nearby wall that would help. I set my head against the door, making sure I don’t make unnecessary noise. A few seconds later, I feel the door give under my head. I right myself as the door opens just wide enough for an arm to reach out and pull me in.

Shizune begins signing something at what I believe is a pace indicative of anger or frustration. Not that it helps communicate anything other than that vague feeling. Eventually she grabs a notepad and scribbles on it hard enough that I suspect she’s nearly ripping the page.

Sh:-just how long were you out there?!-

Hi:-Not long, how did you know I was out there?-

Sh:-You stepped on the switch.-

She points out a wire running under the door and ending in a small easily visible lamp.

Sh:-Were you seen?-

Hi:-not unless it was by a ghost, your dorms are dead.-


Hi:-not a sound, no one walking around, it’s different from the guy’s dorms.-

Sh:-I suggest you make a complaint with your dorm mother then.-

Hi:-actually I find it to be reassuring, it means I’m not alone in a building with Kenji.-

Sh:-Sit down.-




Sh:-Condition 4: do what I say-

It seems reasonable enough so I obey. She disappears off to somewhere and I’m left in silence. At least when Misha’s around I have someone to talk to while Shizune goes off to do... whatever it is she does. Right about then, a lightshow started. Flashing colours all over the room, kinda like the fireworks or what I assume an aurora looks like. Shizune pops out with a look of horror on her face and she writes something very large on the notepad.


I look around and decide that the closet would be the best place. as I close the doors behind me a curl up, I hear her front door open and... silence again. It gets boring fast in this little dark cage. I can feel something on my face, it feels soft, definitely not one of our uniforms. Wonder if I’ll ever get to see it actually being worn. I wonder who’s out there? Misha seems like the only person who’d actually show up to Shizune’s room this late.

She opens the doors of the closet, at first blinding me, then giving her a glowing aura when my eyes start to adjust.

Sh:-I am sorry for asking you to hide. Misha can be hard to get rid of once she starts.-

I briefly look back to see what was against my face for the last couple minutes. I turn back immediately and realize that I won’t be seeing it for a very long time, if I ever do.

Hi:-no problem.-

Sh:-The food is ready-

She brings out two plates with food on them I barely recognise.

Hi:-looks good-

The sound of us eating breaks the silence that had settled in this room for so long. It’s very disturbing to someone who’s lived in the city to suddenly go into a room and hear nothing. This must be one of the most oddly comforting things I’ve ever heard. When we’ve both finished the pad is taken out again.

Sh:-Your opinion?-

Hi:-good. It’s better than I expected.-

Sh:-You didn’t expect it to be good?-

Hi:-I didn’t know what to expect. It was really good though.-

Sh:-If you lie I’ll make sure you never seen the bottom of your in pile.-

Hi:-that’s not too different than normal.-

Sh:-Would you prefer me to try and set kenji and Misha up-

Hi:-how is that a threat?-

Sh:-Misha and kenji, next door. All night.-

Hi:-you evil demon.-

She gives me that victory smile, I have no possible way to survive such a horrible punishment.

Sh:-I’ll take that as a compliment.-

Hi:-thank you for dinner.-

Sh:-I’ll see you tomorrow and... on Thursday.-


Sh:-I made dinner for you, so you have to do the same.-

Hi:-I can’t cook though.-

Sh:-Really? I guess you will just have to buy dinner for me then.-

I suppose that means I lose and that I get a date... good enough for me.

Hi:-Alright then, are you bringing Misha?-

Sh:-She will not know about this. Ever, do you understand?-

Hi:-why, Isn’t she your friend?-

Sh:-She is, however I have told you that she becomes enthusiastic whenever she hears a word linked to dating. I will inform her eventually.-

Hi:-alright then. Goodnight Shizune.-

She walks me to the door and waves as I head down the hall. I turn the corner and just as she goes out of sight-

Mi: “Omph, who- Hicchan?!”

Oh ... crap.

Mi: “What were you doing here? Were you on a-”

Hi: “No of course not, I just needed to ask if she took something from the council room.”

Mi: “Oh, then I guess you don’t know anything about someone hiding in Sicchan’s closet. ”

Hi: “Uh of course not.”

Mi: “Hicchan, you’re turning red!”

Hi: “Why would I be turning red? I’m not”

Mi: “Don’t worry Hicchan, you can go out with Sicchan if you want. I don’t have a problem with it.”

Hi: “That’s not the-”

Her face races up toward mine. she`s way too close, one wrong move and Shizune will kill me close.

Mi: “So, did you kiss her yet? Hug her? Confess?”

Hi: “Wow, she was right. You do go nuts for this.”

Mi: “W-well I don’t really get asked out so when I hear about another girl dating, I get really happy and I want to help.”

Hi: “That’s kind of why she didn’t want you to find out.”

Mi: “Huh?”

Hi: “She doesn’t want you to get like that over her.”

Mi: “Oh, well I guess it would be kinda embarrassing for her.”

Hi: “You can keep quiet about this right? Act like-”

Mi:”Hicchan why are you here?”

Hi: “Thanks.”

Mi: “For what?”

She smiles and bounces down the hall leaving me to sneak back to the boy’s dorm. I get back to my room and fall asleep in my bed with visions of Shizune wearing that spinning in my head.
Last edited by chaix on Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Summer stories

Post by kosherbacon »

Sh:-Would you prefer me to try and set kenji and Misha upÉ-

Hi:-how is that a threat?-

Sh:-Misha and kenji, next door. All night.-
Cannot unhear a nasal, screeching "AAAAARRRRRGGGHHHH!!!!" mixed with "WAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!"
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Re: Summer stories

Post by chaix »

and if that was next door, could you sleep? :twisted:

It was the most evil punishment I could think of that he could do nothing about.

wait, where the hell did that e come from?!... fixing
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Re: Summer stories

Post by neumanproductions »

chaix wrote:wait, where the hell did that e come from?!... fixing
I didn't know Shizune was CanadianE.
Okay, I know that's not how it's spelled but all for the purpose of a joke.
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
Random writings and Crossover... New stuff of Neuman (updated 5/6/11)
It's time to Duel... KS Yugioh Deck (updated 3/16/11)
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Re: Summer stories

Post by kosherbacon »

chaix wrote:and if that was next door, could you sleep? :twisted:
Shizzy could.
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Re: Summer stories

Post by chaix »

Now now, no need to pull out the eh, we've been trying for years to get rid of that stereotype.

Besides, there's no way Shizune is Canadian, she doesn't have the instinctual habit of being polite in every situation while simultaneously cursing in the back of her mind.

Because I hate double posting:
my Emi fic is growing larger than I had expected... like the Christmas fic length so i'll put part of it up now. if you see an error tell me, if you want to complain about the premise; I already know it's been used alot.

#3 Emi's Enslavement

The track comes rushing up to meet my face again; I stop myself just before my nose touches the ground. I try to push myself back up... no use; I just let my chest hit the ground.

Emi: “C’mon Hisao, you’ve gotta do five more.”

Hi: “Can’t, my arms are threatening to strangle me.”

Emi: “Are your legs fine?”

Hi: “If I say yes, how far am I running?”

Emi: “I promise, no running.”

Hi: “Then I guess they’re fine...”

Emi: “Then squat down- good, now stand up, and jump!”

I must look like an idiot.

Emi: “Go back down-”

Hi: “This is still exercise isn’t it?”

Emi: “I just said no running.”

That grin, it looks happy. Happy I’ve walked straight into another trap.

Emi: “C’mon Hisao, do it twenty times and I’ll give you a kiss.”

Hi: “That makes me sound like a dog. Besides, I have a feeling that-”


The alarm on my watch goes off, just as I thought.

Hi: “Sorry Emi, looks like we’ll have to cut today short.”

She moves to block my way off of the track.

Emi: “You have to finish your workout!”

Hi: “You need to get to class. And I won’t let you run there.”

She goes into her defensive stance, ready to go into puppy eyes mode at a moment’s notice.

Hi: “Emi, I’m really sorry for this.”

I fire a quick kick at Emi’s left legblade, just hard enough to knock her off balance and loosen the prosthetic. As I hoped, she falls straight into me.

Hi: “Are you going to come with me to class now?”

Emi: “Meanie.”

Hi: “Piggy back or princess?”

Emi: “Just your shoulder will be fine.”

I pick up the legblade and help Emi to the changing room. After I finish I wait outside for Emi.

Hi: “You okay in there?”

Emi: “Just fine, it takes girls a little longer than you guys.”

Hi: “So you’re not planning on going back out on the track the second I leave?”

Emi: “Tch- of course not! Don’t you have to get to class?”

Hi: “Actually I planned in an extra ten minutes so I could make sure you get to class.”

I can hear an audible sigh coming from the other side of the door and the sound of cloth moving around. She walks out several minutes later in her uniform and her other set of legs.

Emi: “There, I’m done. Can I get my leg back now?”

Hi: “Are you going to run in the hall?”

Emi: “Of course not.”

Hi: “And if you do?”

Emi: “I won’t, I promise.”

Hi: “And what happens if you suddenly realize that you have to be somewhere?”

Emi: “I feel really bad?”

She does her best to pull of the most guilt ridden, sorrowful face she can.

Hi: “How about something more substantial. If I hear about or catch you running in the halls... you have to do everything I say for one week.”

Emi: “A whole week?!...What do I get if I don’t?”

Hi: “You can do whatever you want because you won’t be my maid.”

I hand over the prosthetic and she promptly switches over to the blades, putting her normal ones in her gym bag.

Emi: “Thanks, these are much more comfortable.”

Hi: “Alright then, I’ll see you later.”

(Time skip)

The bell Rings for the end of the day and I pack up my things. I briefly take a glance out the window and wonder what to do with the rest of my day. I decide on a walk through the school, I still haven’t seen most of it and I figure it would be better so I don’t get lost later.

My exploration turns out be mildly interesting, I now know where most of the club rooms are, the staff room. I decide to explore the auxiliary building when I hear a familiar sound coming from around the corner in front of me. I put on my best serious face and try to suppress the smile on my face. As the sound comes up to the corner I flatten myself against the wall.

Emi: “Rats rats-”

Hi:”Ohhhhh Emi.”

Emi:”What is – oh no what are you doing here Hisao?”

Hi: “No one ever got around to showing me around the school so I figured I’d look around myself. What’s the rush?”

Emi: “Uh, I... forgot something important in my classroom.”

Hi: “Oh? What did you forget?”

Emi: “Uh, a textbook.”

Hi: “So... what do you what to do tomorrow?”

Emi: “Eh?”

Hi: “Well I’d rather your first day of punishment not be entirely horrible.”

The smile I had been suppressing slowly leaks out.

Emi: “Stop smiling, I feel bad enough.”

Hi: “Sorry, the jerk in me wants to scream I told you so.”

Emi: “Just do it then.”

Hi: “Uh, I told you so?”

Emi: “Happy?”

Hi: “No, it actually makes me feel worse.”

Emi: “So what are you going to have me do?”

Hi: “Not sure, I was actually hoping I wouldn’t win. I’ll try to make it easy though.”

Emi: “Any chance you could let me off?”

Hi: “Considering that’s what led to this in the first place? No.”

Emi: “So what do you want?”

A couple thoughts run through my mind before I banish them.

Hi: “Just wait for me at the track like normal. I’ll try to think of some stuff tonight.”

(Time skip)

Emi stands at the end of the bench waiting, arms crossed. I guess she was waiting a while.

Emi: “Good morning Hisao!”

Hi: “Morning Emi.”

Emi: “I was up all night because of you.”

Hi: “Uh... why?”

Emi: “I was too nervous; my mind kept thinking you were going to stick me in a maid uniform.”

Hi: “Great minds think alike then.”

Emi: “You’re actually going to-”

Hi: “No, I did think about it though.”

Emi: “So what are you going to make me do?”

Hi: “What am I being forced to do?”

Emi: “Five laps, 25 push ups and some jumping jacks.”

Hi: “Then that’s what you’re doing.”

Emi: “Eh?”

Hi: “My first order is that you go through the same exercise I have to.”

Despite us starting at the same time, she ended up finishing a good couple minutes before me.

Emi: “Ha ha, is everything going to be this easy?”

Hi: “Keep laughing hu hu.”

Emi: “Well, I’m going to take a shower, coming?”

Hi: “Yeah, just give me a second.”

I pull out the small slip of paper and put a line on it.

Emi: “What’s that?”

Hi: “The list of your tortuous assignments for today, I had to cross something off.”

Emi: “Can I see?”

Hi: “No, I prefer to keep you in suspense.”

I get through my shower without incident, though apparently even in my tired state I`m still faster than Emi.

Emi: “So what do you want now? Change into a different uniform?”

Hi: “First things first: give me the legblades.”

She reluctantly hands over her running prosthetics and puts on her normal legs.

Emi: “What else?”

Hi: “This.”

I take off the two hair ties that keep her hair in twintails. It falls down very slowly like in one of those old movies. She actually looks kind of attractive now. Ok before she was kind of attractive of course, but now she’s really.... pretty? Cute?

Hi: “I always wondered what you looked like without those.”

Emi: “You want me to change my hairstyle?”

Hi: “Not permanently, I just wanted to see what you looked like.”

Emi: “Any chance I can get those back?”

Hi: “Yeah, but you have to keep your hair down the whole day.”

Emi: “But... that’s my thing! Everyone is going to ask-”

Hi: “Tell them you lost a bet? It’s pretty close to what actually happened.”

Emi: “Alright then, see you at lunch!”

Hi: “One last thing, I have to walk you everywhere.”

Emi: “What?!”

Hi: “You can’t run if I’m holding onto your arm.”

She appears to be torn between liking the walking with me and being ticked off at having her freedom torn away.

Emi: “Er, okay.”

I grab her hand and walk her to her class before heading over to my own.

(Time skip)

Hi: “Emi, time for lunch.”

A chorus of girl’s voices ‘oooohhhh’ before Emi flies to the door.

Emi: “Er, hey Hisao. Got your lunch?”

Hi: “Yeah, Rin’s probably waiting for us. So what’s with the... uh-”

Emi: “Er, they saw you walking me to class. I tried explaining but uh... you might have to date me.”

Hi: “Why?”

Emi: “Um, I’m uh... kinda popular in my class so everybody got kind of excited.”

Hi: “You did say you were essentially my slave for a week because you ran in the halls?”

Emi: “Uh huh, the guys were cursing and the other girls thought it was romantic.”

Hi: “You’re kidding.”

Emi: “Heh, wish I was. Your only hope is to date me and let me dump you.”

She looks far too happy at the prospect of dumping me.

Hi: “Uh, I think I’ll pass for now.”

Emi: “Jerk”

Hi: “What was that?”

Emi: “Nothing.”

We make our way up to the roof; I’m hoping Rin can make me forget the last few minutes of my day.

Emi: “Good morning Rin.”

Hi: “Anything interesting happen?”

Rin: “Not really.”

Hi: “Shame.”

Rin: “Anything interesting happen to you or Emi?”

Hi: “Uh, not really.”

Rin:“Oh, so what Emi told me was a lie?”

Hi: “You told Rin?”

Emi: “Yeah, she put a bunch of weird ideas in my head.”

Hi: “I know I’ll regret this but... what kind of ideas?”

Rin: “Having her cover herself in chocolate and-”

Hi: “Okay stop right there, I am not liking where this is going.”

Rin: “Really? Emi said-”

Emi: “RIN!”

Rin: “What?”

Emi: “You weren’t supposed to say that in front of him!”

Hi: “Moving along here. Emi, since I have to walk you everywhere, where would you like to go today?”

Rin: “Even to the bathroom?”

Hi: “I guess I’d stand beside the girl’s room if she- uh rewind a bit. Emi, is there anything you wanted to do today?”

Emi: “Uh, well … kind of-”

Rin: “Hisao?”

Hi: “What?”

Rin: “I was asking if Emi was going to say ‘Hisao’ when you asked her what she wanted to do.”

It takes a few seconds for the meaning to register in my brain. I try to stop myself from laughing while Emi’s face changes to a bright red from a combination of anger and embarrassment. Emi then proceeds to grab Rin by the shoulders with both hands and begins to shake her head back and forth.


I manage to break Emi’s grip and pull her away from Rin.

Rin: “Looks like you’re partway there already”

Emi stops struggling and the two of us look at where my hands are. I immediately release my grip on her.

Hi: “I’m-I’m s-so sorry Emi”

Emi: “D-don’t worry y-you didn’t m-mean too right?”

Hi: “O-of course not”

Rin: “So you don’t want to touch her there?”

Hi: “Rin could you stop talking before something horrible happens”

Rin: “Couldn’t this be considered something horrible?”

I can feel Emi begin to drag me to the other side of the roof, she looks as though she’s going to explode.

Emi: “Hisao...”

Hi: “Yeah?”

Emi: “It’s not that I don’t like you but uh...”

Hi: “Rin went too far?”

Rin: “And you two haven’t gone-”

Hi: “Rin? I think Emi’s going to go ballistic on you if you keep talking.”

Rin: “Ok, Could I get my lunch?”

I get Rin’s lunch and drink from Emi’s bag and put them on the bench before returning to the little ball of fury.

Hi: “Uh Emi?”

Emi: “You aren’t going to take Rin’s suggestion are you?”

Hi: “No, not unless uh, can we just forget about this for the time being?”

Rin looks up from her lunch.

Rin: “I thought you two did it before you came here.”

Hi: “Uh... Rin? Not helping.”

Rin: “She’s your slave right? And her hair isn’t done up like usual. Like when she gets out of bed.”

Hi: “Rin?”

Rin: “Hmmm?”

Hi: “You might want to run.”

I say this as I’m fighting to hold Emi back. Her face is probably red, eyes likely glowing with rage.

Rin: “Bye then.”

She puts the lid on her lunch, slides it into her bag and very casually goes downstairs. It’d be interesting if I wasn’t trying to stop Emi from killing her friend.

Hi: “She’s gone now, any chance you can calm down?”

I’m answered with an elbow to the jaw; at least she was considerate enough to miss my chest.

Emi: “Grrrrr what gives her the right to talk like that!”

Hi: “Er, wouldn’t you know more about that than me?”

Emi: “No, she’s never been mean before, just weird.”

Hi: “Couldn’t this count as weird?”

Emi: “No.”

Her answer is accompanied with a glare, the one that says ‘argue and you will be lucky if you live through tomorrow’s training’.

Hi: “Well shall we eat our lunch?”

We sit down on opposite ends of the bench, conversation is nonexistent: I don’t plan on becoming a target, and she’s too busy simultaneously fuming and inhaling her food. Eventually the bell rings to break the silence.

Hi: “Uh Emi?”

Emi: “What?”

Hi: “That was the bell, we have to get going.”

Emi: “You go.”

Hi: “Alright then I’ll let you walk to class on your own, but I have one request first, stand still.”

She gets up and becomes as rigid as a soldier, the death glare still in her eyes. I carefully go through my plan, if she doesn’t react the way I’m hoping... I’m going to be in the nurse’s office for awhile. I lean in and plant my lips on Emi's for a brief moment before I pull away to avoid a potential jaw-shattering slap. I open my eyes and relax now that the deed has been done. She face just looks... stunned, either she can’t comprehend what I just did or she’s about to explode.

Emi: “What was that?”

Hi: “I’m ensuring the safety of your classmates. There’s nothing more dangerous than a cute girl on the warpath!”

I end up yelling the last bit as I dash down the stairs. I’m not waiting to see her reaction, even if it happens to be good.

(Time skip)

As the bell Rings I remember that I told Emi that she had to wait for me to leave... didn’t think this one out very far did I?

When I get to her class, everyone else has left for their club activities or whatever else the people in this class do.

Hi: “Uh Emi?”

Emi: “What took you?”

Hi: “Sorry, I almost forgot I told you to wait.”

Emi: “Bad Hisao!”

She lightly hits me with the book she had been reading. It seems like her mood has improved somewhat.

Hi:"Feeling better?"

Emi: “A little, enough to talk to Rin again.”

Hi: “Good, I’d hate to think I’d accidently killed your friendship.

Emi: “What makes you think you could do something like that?”

Hi: “Let’s get off this subject before something bad happens.”

Emi: “So, do you have plans for-”

Hi: “For?”

Emi: “Achoo! Sorry, I wanted to know if you were going to drag me somewhere.”

Hi: “Hadn’t planned on it. Did you pick up a cold?”

Emi: “Maybe, I probably just need a good nap.”

Hi: “Probably.”

Hi: “Then I’ll walk you over to the dorms. You need anything for dinner?”

Emi: “Nope, I should be okay then.”

Hi: “Well then, shall we get going?”

(Time skip)
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Re: Summer stories

Post by kosherbacon »

chaix wrote: Because I hate double posting:
How dare you sneak this one under the radar! This one was great. The premise took me by surprise as soon as I came across it.

And lolRin :lol:
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Re: Summer stories (Emi fic added: may 1)

Post by neumanproductions »

And once again I am loving your work. I could see some well known topics in this and loved your portrayal of Rin. Gives me some ideas for my fic; once exams are over next week. Some of her suggestions sound very, very, plausable to me. :mrgreen:
Stay Golden.
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
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Re: Summer stories (Emi fic added: may 1)

Post by chaix »

Good news everyone (actual good news)! I got my internet back before (read a month or two) before I expected!

so as a return gift: two chapters of Emi! I'd give you three but I haven't gone over the 3rd yet. I started something else too, something I might allow you guys to decide the end of...

(Time skip)

My morning begins fairly normally for the first half hour or so, right up until I get to the track and find... nothing, a complete and total lack of Emi. Not wanting to incur her wrath if she simply stepped away, I go through my routine from yesterday. When I’m done, I get ready for class as usual with one minor addition: a quick stop at the girl’s dorm.

Hi: “Have you seen Emi today?”

DM:“I usually don’t see her in the morning; she’s out before most of the others. I can go check on her if you want.”

Hi: “I doubt it’s too bad, I think she might’ve caught as cold yesterday though.”

DM: “Hmmm she’s the one who helps Tezuka isn’t she? If she’s sick...”

There’s a look on her face as she turns to go check on the two girls. It’s... interesting, somewhere between being worried and something else probably related to Rin. I opt to wait outside before I start getting funny looks by the passing groups of girls. As the time passes, I begin fighting off an urge to take a nap before class

DM: “Ah, there you are.”

The dorm mother’s voice kicks me out of the sleep I had been falling into.

DM: “Sorry it took awhile; Rin in the morning is quite a handful.”

Hi: “That means...”

DM: “Yes, it appears that Ibarazaki has caught something. She should be fine by tomorrow though.”

Hi: “Would it be fine if I came by her room after class?”

DM: “As long as you don’t try anything with one of my girls, I guess so.”

Hi: “Shouldn’t be a problem.”

(Time skip)

The day passes by slowly... agonizingly slowly in fact. Even worse, all day I’ve had this feeling in the back of my head; like I’ve forgotten something. I try to forget this as I head back to the girls dorm.

DM: “Hello Nakai, back to visit Emi?”

Hi: “Yeah, is it okay if I go up now?”

DM: “Yes, just remember what I said before because if you try anything, you won’t forget the pain for the rest of your life.”

Her happy way of saying this makes me wonder just how serious she is about that.

DM: “I really hope that you don’t though, most of the girls don’t have a guy that would come over to check on their girlfriend when they’re sick.”

Girlfriend? Did Emi and I become attached to each other at some point? Guess that’s something to put off for when she gets better.

Hi: “What room is she in?”

After I get my answer, I head up and after rechecking three times, knock on the door.

Emi: “Come in.”

I open the door, thankful that I didn’t get Rin’s by mistake.

Hi: “Hi Emi, how are you feeling?”

Emi: “No fever anymore and my sneezing is gone. I should be completely fine tomorrow.”

She sits up as she says this, revealing an old shirt she must be using as pyjamas. Her hair is still down from yesterday, though she still looks a little... off.

Hi: “Good, it was weird without you at the track.”

Emi: “You didn’t skip out did you?”

Hi: “No, I was scared you’d show up and start yelling... or those eyes would haunt me for the rest of the week.”

Emi: “Good, looks like I’ve trained you well.”

Should she really be so happy about me being under her... scratch that, she must be ecstatic.

Emi: “What’s wrong?”

Hi: “Nothing, I think I just got a glimpse into your head.”

Emi: “What did you see?”

Hi: “Something I’d like to forget.”

Emi: “So what did you come for?”

Hi: “To see how you were doing, helping out if I can.”

Emi: “Really?”

Hi: “Need help getting dinner?”

Emi: “Can you even make a salad?”

Hi: “I can ask the dorm mother.”

Emi: “Miss Mikado? Then I should be fine.”

Hi: “Alright, give me a couple minutes and I’ll bring it up.”

Emi: “Try not to burn down the dorm!”

With that vote of confidence I go downstairs and knock on the dorm mother’s door.

DM: “Who is it?”

Hi: “It’s Hisao; could you give me a hand with something?”

DM: “What is it?”

Hi: “I thought I’d try and make Emi dinner.”

DM: “Any experience with cooking?”

Hi: “Uh...”

DM: “I’ll take that as a no.”

For the next twenty minutes I attempt to make a fairly basic meal with the dorm mother fixing my mistakes along the way. The finished product won’t be winning any beauty contests, but I take it upstairs anyways.

Hi: “I’m back.”

Emi: “What did you make?”

Hi: “Um... I actually don’t have a clue. We just kinda chose a bunch of ingredients.”

Emi: “Really? Doesn’t sound promising.”

Hi: “I’m eating it too, so if it’s that bad we’ll both just suffer through it.”

The food turns out to be... bland. There’s a bit of taste here and there, but not much. It’s perfectly mediocre, it’s not horrible, but I must have done something actual chefs would beat me for.

Emi: “It’s not... bad.”

Hi: “No need to be nice Emi, my heart can take a little criticism.”

Emi: “It’s uh... healthy I think? What did you use?”

I pull out a list she had given me before and listed off everything that I had used.

Emi: “She let you use that all together?”

Hi: “She said something about following my heart; my heart said ‘flip a coin for each ingredient.’”

Emi: “Hisao? Visiting hours are up.”

Hi: “Well looks like I’m out of here. Think you’ll be okay tomorrow?”

Emi: “Definitely.”

Hi: “Ponytail.”

Emi: “Huh?”

Hi: “Tomorrow. You have to have your hair in a ponytail. I have a whole list of stuff I didn’t get to today because my servant was sick.”

She lets out a groan as I close the door and head back to my room. I still can’t shake the feeling that there’s something important I had forgotten. I write it off as whatever I made, that stuff is sitting like a brick.

(Time skip)

I finally figured out what I had forgotten. I kissed Emi... the day before she got sick.


I don’t have a thermometer on hand so I can’t actually confirm a fever; I figure that the odds are probably good enough though. I drag myself over and take my medication, then crawl back into bed. To hell with class, to hell with whatever Kenji’s doing over in his room, I just want some-

Emi: “Hisao? Are you still asleep?!”

And there goes my dream of sleep.

Hi: “It’s open Emi.”

Emi: “What are you still doing in bed?”

I answer by turning my head away to sneeze again. She’s still in her track outfit with an added mask over her face and the ponytail I asked for yesterday.

Hi: “Probably the same thing you had yesterday.... and the day before.”

Emi: “The day before? I wasn’t sick then.”

Hi: “I figured it must take a day to show up.”

Emi: “Hmmm, wait a second.”

She leaves the room momentarily and comes back, thermometer in hand. She promptly sticks it in my mouth and pulls over a chair so she can supervise.

Emi: “You had better hope you have a fever.”

Hi: “You’re still on punishment for running in the halls, remember?”

Emi: “That’s why my hair looks like this right?”

She frowns as she turns her head to show the entire thing. It’s straighter than Lilly’s so you can’t see it too well from the front.

Hi: “What? I think it looks good on you.”


Emi: “Thirty-nine? Guess you weren’t just trying to skip.”

Hi: “No kidding, and here I thought the- Achoo! - that that could be done on demand.”

Emi: “I’ll tell your dorm mother that you’re sick. Then I’ll come back up here.”

Hi: “Why come back, I don’t think today’s a day off.”

Emi: “You have to quarantine the sick Hisao, basic rule of health management.”

She leaves, not even bothering to close the door on her way out, leaving me to try and sleep...

I wake up an hour later according to my clock. No sign of Emi in my room, I guess she gave up on-

Emi: “Oh, you’re awake now?”

There goes that thought. She places a tray down at my desk and closes the door.

Emi: “I thought I’d make breakfast.”

Hi: “Are you sure I can eat?”

Emi: “You ate that stuff you made last night right? This will be much better than that.”

She takes a bowl off the tray and displays the contents. It looks like rice porridge; the smell is a little off from what I remember though.

Emi: “Say ahhh.”

Hi: “I think I can feed- ah ah achoo!”

Emi: “And if the bowl was in your hand, you’d probably be jumping up in pain right about now. Now say ahhh”

Hi: “You are really enjoying this aren’t you? Ahhh”

She smiles and shoves the food into my mouth.

Hi: “Well, it may still not look like real food, but it tastes better than what I made.”

Emi: “Of course it does, I actually know how to cook. Open.”

(Time skip)

I wake up again at about... eleven? Guess I was asleep longer than I thought. As I turn to replace the clock I notice brown hair next to me...brown?

Hi: “Uh Emi?”

I shake the small figure next to me a few times before she responds

Emi: “Huh? What time is it?”

Hi: “Around eleven, what the hell are you doing in my bed?!”

Emi: “Sleeping, it got boring after you dozed off.”

Hi: “Boring? Seriously? If you wanted to take a nap I think there were other options.”

Emi: “What? You don’t like sleeping next to a cute girl?”

She wraps her arms around me and goes for the puppy eyes, damn little witch.

Hi: “Er, uh, no. But there are... other problems. Like what if someone walked in?”

Emi: “Who would? The dorm mother knows I’m here, teachers don’t usually come to the dorms, and I don’t think anyone else has a key to your room. ”

Hi: “What about a nurse?”

Emi: “Why would you need a nurse?”

She released me and crosses her arms; danger alarms in my head are going off.

Hi: “I told you what got me here right?”

Emi: “Yeah”

Hi: “Okay, so do you get the idea now?”

Emi: “You mean what just happened? You’re fine.”

Realizing that I’m going to lose no matter what I try, changing the topic seems to be my best option.

Hi: “Is Rin okay with you here?”

Emi: “I think so; she was dressed when I left.”

Hi: “What about her lunch?”

Emi: “Gave it to her this morning, she can handle it from there.”

Hi: “By the way, you’re done with your nap right? So why are you still in my bed?!”

Emi: “I like the company.”

Hi: “Uh not to be insulting here but uh...”

Emi: “Are you uncomfortable with me here?”

Hi: “Just a bit, especially with the bed thing.”

Emi: “Want me to leave?”

Hi: “Unfortunately I’ve wasted all my extra sleep hours already, I’ll probably end up just staring at the ceiling.”

Emi: “Hmm so which is it?”

Hi: “Stay, just don’t jump into my bed without a really good reason.”

She looks... disappointed. Wait, why am I feeling guilty here?

Emi: “So what’s a good reason?”

Hi: “CPR, making sure I’m still alive, important stuff like that.”

Emi: “Alright then, for life saving measures only.”

Hi: “Now that that’s settled, what about lunch?”

Emi: “Lunch? Is it noon already?”

Hi: “Just about, we did fall asleep you know.”

Emi: “Want me to make something?”

Hi: “Do you prefer the sick person making the food?”

Emi: “Which means you can’t object to what I make then can you?”

She slips out the door before I can respond, leaving me to think. This is Emi so it’ll be healthy for sure, but this would be the perfect chance to get back at me for that bet. Or she could skip the revenge part and make something good so she can try and wrap herself around my arm or worse. *grrrllll* I guess that means that I really don’t have a choice this time. Even if she happens to feed me... well if she tries to feed me something deadly I guess I can try to go hungry today.

Emi: “Hi-sa-o”

So which will this be: seduction or revenge? Hell or Heaven? By the look of it it’s not designed to kill, it doesn’t smell horrible...

Emi: “It’s not poison, here”

She energetically takes a mouthful of the food and swallows it. It’s so clichéd I nearly start laughing.

A couple bites in she goes in for the ‘you’ve got something on your cheek’ routine. I know damn well there’s absolutely nothing on my face, the mirror is right behind her!

Hi: “Emi... where the hell did you learn how to try and pick up guys?”

Emi: “What do you mean?”

Hi: “I mean the stuff you’re doing... no one does it anymore for a reason. It’s been done to death.”

Emi: “Well so is the ‘you will be my slave’ bet right?”

Hi: “Actually I just thought of that ‘cause I was reading about it night before. I want to know emi, why are you being so kind to me? are you trying to get me to fall for you or something?”

Emi: “Heh? N-no I’m just a really kind girl! You know feed the strays, help the sick, that kind of thing.”

Wonder if she’d still say that if I tried to kiss her, then again she might just short out with the amount of blood already being pumped to her face. Something to try when I’m not sneezing.

Hi: “Really? Then I’ll be sure to thank you when I get better.”

Emi: “N-no need. II-I think I’ll be going now-”

Hi: “Why?”

Emi: “I – I have to make up for missing yesterday’s training. So uh if there’s anything-”

Hi: “Hmmm stay there for a minute, I’m thinking”

Actually, if she hadn’t mentioned it I would’ve let her go without telling her to do anything.

Hi: “Hmmm I guess I want a lunch made by you. Hmm what hairstyle... I think long hair again... and uh dinner with you too.”

Emi: “I- I guess I can do that, bye Hisao.”

Hi: “See you tomorrow Emi.”

With that I’m left alone, I grab one of the books I’ve been meaning to read from my desk and let silence fill the room.

(Time skip)

Rin:“Hisao? You in there?”

The voice breaks the dream painted by my book.

Hi: “Door should be unlocked.”

My door opens and Rin casually walks in and sits on the side of my bed as if she’d done it a hundred times.

Hi: “What brings you here?”

Rin: “Emi said you were sick, I was wondering what it was.”

Hi: “Cold? I’ve been sneezing and I had a fever, there’s an overall feeling of grogginess too. Any ideas with those symptoms?”

Rin: “No clue. Your room is boring you know.”

Hi: “I guess I just never decorated it. What would you do?”

Rin: “Paint it all the colour of the first dream I had in here.”

Hi: “I don’t think they’d let me paint in here.”

Rin: “Oh well, did you sleep with Emi today?”

Hi: “Do you mean sleep as in sleep or sleep as in...?”

Rin: “I mean sleep, if I wanted to know if you made out or had sex I’d say that.”

Well at least she’s honest.

Hi: “She snuck into my bed and slept beside me, yes.”

Rin: “Oh, I thought it might’ve been more interesting than that.”

Hi: “What were you thinking happened?”

Rin: “That you pulled her into bed curled up with her, kissed and saw each other naked.”

Hi:“... Wow that’s ... wow. I can assure you that didn’t happen. Didn’t expect you to be a... romantic.”

I’m sure that that’s not the correct word, but I’d rather not call Rin a pervert.

Hi: “So what brought on those ideas?”

Rin: “Emi said she had a good day, she was over here most of the day.”

Hi: “I guess that makes sense.”

Rin sense maybe.

Hi: “Hey can I ask you something?”

Rin: “Depends on what something is.”

Hi: “Can you... excuse yourself at lunch tomorrow?”

Rin: “For?”

Hi: “Say you have to go to the bathroom or something, I want to talk to Emi alone for a little while.”

Rin: “Oh, so you want to make out with her without anyone seeing.”

Hi: “Er, that wasn’t really what I was planning, but what the hell it might happen.”

Rin: “Wouldn’t it be better to do it in the morning then? There’s no one around when you’re at the track.”

Hi: “How do you know that?”

Rin: “I asked Emi what one of her fantasies was. She mentioned it was perfect because no one’s around at that hour.”

Hi: “... she wanted to jump me on the track?!”

Rin: “Oops, guess that was clumsy of me.”

Hi: “Rin... you had better go before you say anything more. Please.”

Rin: “Alright, I think she-”

Hi: “Please Rin; I don’t think I want to know.”

Rin: “If that’s what you want.”

I turn around and check my clock. If I get to sleep now I’ll probably be ready for whatever Emi had planned for an exercise centric cure.

(time skip)
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