The piano and a change


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Re: The piano and a change

Post by Smoku »



The disappearance of Kenji Setou Mistery just got resolved before my very eyes. There was... someone who definitely looks like Kenji. But he has no glasses. Which makes him look like a totally different person. I decided to investigate further.

I entered Kenji's room. He didn't seem to bother. Actually he was busy with... cleaning stuff.
Kenji was moving around a lot of papers.
-Oh, hey, man. Anythin' I can help ya with?- he asked me while still cleaning up.
-Um... What happened to you?
-Oh, you mean this?- Kenji pointed his head.

No, I meant the new scarf.. Offcourse I mean the damn eyes! Oh, wait... scarf... where is it??
-Who are you and where's Kenji?
Kenji laughed at that.
-Man, I had an operation. They said somethin' bout a tumor in my brain. They removed it and snap, I see. Simple.
I gasped. Holy shit, that's...
-That's awesome! Congrats, Kenji! So... What are you doing now?
-Ah, just some cleanin. I got a guest comin over tonight.

Kenji? Socializing? No... impossible.
-The Feminist Conspiracy Manly Brotherhood is gathering?- that would be possible IF Kenji had anyone who believed his theories.
-Huh? Nah, Emi's comin' by.- He answered just like that.

I couldn't comprehend this info so I decided to ignore it and quickly forget to prevent my mind from exploding. I must've misheard it. I decided to watch what he was so busy with.
New stacks of paper began to appear on Kenji's bed. He pulled them out from everywhere: from under the bed, from his closet, under his PC, even from behind his trash can.
The last thing he put on the bed was a thick stack labeled “Ibarazaki Emi”.
-Oi, maybe you could give me a hand with those, man?- he asked me suddenly.
-Uh, sure.
What else could I answer?
Kenji picked up half of the papers off the bed and I took the second one. On the other hand the stack I had was labeled “Tezuka Rin”.
I followed Kenji with the papers outside the dorms. He led us into the forest a bit away from the dorms. We found a hole with some ashes. This looks like an often used mini camping site.
-I found this while jogging with Emi- Kenji stated another crazy thing. I managed to swallow it down tough. My mind was reaching to the stop called “insanity” pretty fast.
-K-Kenji? You are friends with Emi?- I asked, putting the papers on the ground, just like Kenji did.
-Ye, and that Tezuka guy. Um... girl guy. They're awesome.- Kenji stated.

Maybe that operation really changed him more then just making him see better...

Kenji pulled out a steel lighter with words “Die, whores and bitches” engraved in it's front side and started to burn the Emi paper stack. He pulled another lighter and handed it to me when he started his crazy act. This one had “haters gonna hate” engraved.
-Um...- I felt unsure. Maybe Misha and Shizune added some kind of drug to my tea in the tea room and I'm dead asleep or just hallucinating- What are we doing?
-Burning trash and false information, mate. You burn the Tezuka files.
I checked the so called “tezuka files”. There I found tons of pictures with Rin painting her mural. A note was attached saying “The feminist spy encoding messages for the feminist decoders” and something like that. Well, that's expected from Kenji but... burning them?
I mean, logically it's all well and good. This is pure crap but...
-Why are we burning those?
-As I said, it's false info. All of it is not true, I checked. It seems that the feminist cohorts are dwindling and are in the middle of a rebellion or some kind of inner crumble. As at least these two are innocent.


-Oh, I also have a lot more to burn. There's a lot less of bitches in the school, I think. But stay on your guard, brother! We may have won the battle, but the war ain't over.

Now that's the Kenji I know. But... Well, he backed of with the conspiracy stuff a bit. He cleaned a few females from their connections with the evil feminists, it seems.

We spent the rest of the day burning crazy feminist files. Kenji changed... freaky.
-Well, man, thanks for your help. Here- Kenji handed me 2000 yen.
-I can't accept these.
-Aww... Shut up and take'em. You helped a lot and I'm in a hurry.
I took the money. Who wouldn't? I had to screw around a bit and pretend to be polite. He owed me some anyway.

I departed to my room, seeing that Kenji did so as well. Oh, well... maybe some things tend to change in the world. Who knows? Maybe tomorrow I'll lose a leg or my heart will miraculously heal. Kenji regained sight... maybe I should start praying to God again?

I lied down on the bed thinking strange stuff after a bizarre encounter with Kenji. I nearly felt asleep. And after a while I just remembered: I forgot to return him his glasses and room key. I decided to do so right now.
As I approached my door and put my hand on the door knob, sudden sounds started just outside. What is this? Sounds like footsteps. But a bit heavy. I took a peak through the key hole. The view was just enough to see a fragment of the corridor.

Before my eyes appeared a girl with twin pigtails in a light green dress. She looked very feminine, as the dress was showing off her naked shoulders as well. I caught a glimpse of white frills decorating the dress as well as white... stockings? Well, looks like she is the cause of the loud footsteps. She appeared to knock on some door near mine..

Wait, that's Kenji's door. Oh, that's Emi! In such a dress? What kind of an occasion is this?
I opened the door a tiny bit to see better of what was going on.


Finished with the cleaning I was dressing myself. Today is the day I go out with Emi.
Everything is planned. We talk a bit here, then have a walk in the park, go for dinner at the city.. and then what? Fuck! No idea.
Wallet? Checked. Enough money for a decent dinner. Thank God my parents sent me some. Oh, right, they plan to visit since I see normally... No mater now! Oh, crap I'm nervous. What else I got in the wallet? Money, documents... a condom. Why the hell did I put this here? Ah, every man's rule: “You never know when it'll come in handy”. U-um... I can't have these thoughts about her! It'll ruin everything. Besides she's so... so pure, innocent and lovely...
I smack my face to calm down.
I put on blue jeans, a black t-shirt with a sign “Punk RAWK”, my best (and only) black jacket made of skin... I-Is this style ok for a d-d-date?? ah, hell no....

I opened my closet in panic. She'll be here any second now! What do we have here? A tie? Ok, a tie. I put on a navy blue tie... on the t-shirt??
*knock knock knock*
a knock to the door. So soon?? I run and open it, trying to look composed.
And before my eyes shines an unearthly beauty in a green dress, with snow white frills and a yellow artificial flower above her chest on the right side, exposed silk shoulders, a swan neck... and the beauty starts laughing as soon as she sees me.
Emi is almost suffocating from laughter seeing me dressed in a tie and the t-shirt, with a bit messed up jacket.
-Ahahaha, I'm- I'm sorry Kenji, it just looks so crazy on you, hahahaha- she managed to say.
She's so cute when she giggles like that and I can't stop laughing myself. I'm a man! I won't back of and admit a loss in such a trivial matter as cloths!
I inhaled some air in my lungs and stuck out my chest, trying to be manly.

But Emi only laughed a bit more.


Emi's laughing. So am I seeing Kenji's dress. But hm... it's not so funny to laugh so long. Ah, well, the show is nice enough to watch a bit more. I have a feeling I'm not the only guy watching this spectacle as well.

-How did you know I like punk music, Kenji?- said Emi after her laughter attack.
-I didn't- mumbled Kenji- I just ... um... put on my best clothes. Let's go.

Oh, he tries to be manly and composed. Good luck, man.
Kenji closed the door. And went out with Emi.

Oh, I gotta see this.
I snatched my phone and called Lilly:
-Hello?- Her lovely voice was heard from the other side
-Hello, dear. Guess what...

(to be continued. This was supposed to be shorter But I just got smacked by Heaven's Light and got this idea of Emi and Kenji's date)
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by Wren »

Funny how Hisao is in a state of denial at first. Good read so far, keep it up! :)
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by neumanproductions »

Really continuing to like this tale of yours. You keep them coming and i'll keep reading.
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by Mag »

I lol'd pretty hard when Kenji put on a tie with his punk rawk shirt on. That reminds me of how one of my friends dress's like. Obviously Kenji had a reason for looking like that. He was in a panic and apparently that was his best cloths. My friend, on the other hand, is an idiot. No more is needed to say for that.

Anyways I am really liking how this story is unfolding. Please do go on good sir for I am reading intently and enjoying it very much so. Plus it would be funny if Hisao is sneaking around with Lilly. LOL Lilly would probably be asking, "What's happening now?" a lot.
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by kosherbacon »

NOOO! NOT THE FILES! I love the references to various bits of fandom you make, like the PUNK RAWK shirt :lol: Even though Kenji himself has mutated, you still demonstate a good gasp of his character with the description of his documents. I lol'd at “The feminist spy encoding messages for the feminist decoders”

Keep going, brah.
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by Smoku »

I'm highly amazed of how many of you like to read this. Hope you have as much fun in reading as I do in writing.
I hope everyone now knows what the title means now, no?

Oh, and I just played KS again and I had this Hisao- Nurse talk:
Hisao: this is like a hospital then?
Nurse: You could say that, but we don't do brain surgeries.

I had no idea xD Well, the Nurse did have NEW surgeons to come from Tokyo just to operate Kenji, so I guess I barely didn't screw up.



-Oh, my. I don't know if it's such a good idea to follow them around, Hisao- said Lilly.
We were quite some distance away from Kenji and Emi in the park. The sun was slowly setting down making the sky look orange-like.
-Don't worry, Lilly. I'm pretty curious of what's up with this. Aren't you too?-I asked
-Well... maybe a bit. this is rather unexpected to know that Kenji can see now. And he's going to stay in our class to the end of his education here too, as I heard.

We moved our way casually, keeping an appropriate distance between our targets, like stalkers. Or like Ninja! I imagined Lilly in a tight ninja leather suit, showing of a few parts of her body. And blood rushed to my cheeks. I looked away and allowed the wind to chill me a bit.
-So what are they doing now?- Lilly asked after a bit of an awkward silence.
-Looks like they're happily chatting and having a nice walk holding hands.
-Then did you dragged me all over here not to do the same?- She asked blushing a bit.
That's... damn straight right. I wanted to do so. What was I thinking? I just got a real girlfriend and I was treating her like a kid would a friend to play around making pranks on others together. Grow up, Nakai.
I took Lilly's lovely soft hand. Oh, the sensation of drifting away to this dream-like world...


-Haha, yeah, and then he smashed the guitar on the moron's head- I laughed.
-Yes! Precisely. That was awesome- Emi giggled as well. We talked a lot about music and just recalled a punk concert from our favorite band, which happened to be 6 years ago somewhere in USA.

Wait, we're holding hands. When did this happen? Ah, nevermind. Who cares.
We walked around the park in an orange sunset. Everything just as planned. Well, it's not like I planned much anyway.
-Oi, Kenji?
-Someone's following us- Emi stated with a smile.
-Huh?- I attempted to look behind
-No, don't look or they'll notice that we noticed- Emi stopped me.
-Who are they?- I assume it's the feminist assassins finally after my head and probably after Emi, their rebel. They discovered our plans of pulling Yamaku on to our side already? Impossible. Well, I guess we shall stand and fight.
-Looks like it's Lilly Satou and Hisao.- Emi giggled a bit more.
-O-oh..- I knew it! Nakai IS a traitor! And I trusted him, that bastard. How foolish of me. Fuck! Guess I can only trust Rin and Emi then.
-Haha, why such a serious face? Don't worry- Emi said with a happy smile and hugged my arm.
Woah, I just fell her body on my arm. And her breasts, at that... gah, It's suddenly so hot here.
-A-aren't you afraid of a feminist attack?- I asked, trying to regain my manly composure.
-Oh, you still believe in that... uh, that is, naaaah, they're innocent. Me and Rin checked them up throughout. They're clean. Ahaha. I think I know why are they following us.
-Why?- Well then, maybe Nakai was fine anyway, if she says so...
-You're the new star of the school- Emi stated something totally stupid.
-W-What are you talking about? I get, a joke, eh?
-N-No... Actually, you are a new discovery. You finally look like a man. And a *murmur* man at that...
-What's that? A what man?
-A........ m-man....
-Louder, Emi. I can;t hear if you say it so quietly.
-a HOT man! There!- Her face automatically got colored red like an apple. And she turned away not to look directly at me.
-huh? M-me? D-don't be stupid...
-Oh, yes! All the girls at school just can't stop blabbering about a b-b-bishounen at school. A new transfer student. And they're all targeting you now. Yes, that's what they do.
Wha- targeting me!? HA! So they ARE feminists who aim to kill me! I ain't going down laidies, oooh no. Kenji Setou will show you how badass he can be.
-B-but I'll protect you.- said Emi giving me another hug.
S-so cute... I hope I won't get a sudden nosebleed.
-W-would you?- my badass attitude suddenly melted.
-Yes, so allow me to do so, ok?- she said with those damn puppy eyes again. I swear, this could someday turn me into her zombie servant.

We left the park and headed towards the city. Looks like Nakai was still behind us. The hell does he want?


-And what are they doing now?- Lilly asked. She was asking this quite often. Well... for obvious reasons.
-Oh... Like t-this?- Lilly wrapped around my arm giving me a warm hug and laid her head on my shoulder.
-Uuuhm... y-yes, s-something like this.

We walked like this for a bit, the weather was nice but it started getting colder as the sun was practically waving goodbye by the horizon.
-You know, Hisao... I.. well, I was always a bit jealous about Hanako.
-Hm? Why is that?- She surprised me with this sudden confession.
-W-Well, I never knew who of us do you prefer and it was sometimes a bit frustrating...- Lilly sighed. I couldn't even imagine her getting angry and about such an issue.
-T-Thanks for telling me.- I gently put my hand around her back, to change our position and walk more closely and look more like a couple.
-It turned about she planned to bring us together for a while now, didn't she?- Lilly said.
-Y-yeah. And looks like she played her cards well, eh?

Oh, snap. I almost forgot about Kenji and Emi. Looks like they left the park. We stealthy followed them behind, clinging to each other walking straight in the middle of the sidewalk. They would be masters in espionage to catch us!


The sun had already set when we got to the city.
I calculated that we shall reach our destination in a minute. On our way we passed an old lady surrounded by all kinds of colorful roses.
-Buy a flower for your girlfriend, young lad?- She asked me when we approached.
I too a peek at Emi. She was looking at the flowers with curiosity. Especially towards the blue roses. Hm, seems she likes blue.
-Uh, sure. I'll take one of these- I pointed at a blue rose.- And one of those.- And then I showed a red rose.
The old lady gently wrapped the flowers with care, handling me both.
-Aaah, youth- she said when she received the money for the flowers.- Such a cutesy. You're one lucky man.
I couldn't help but blush. I turned to Emi, also blushing red, and handed her the flowers.
-T-thank you- she said, smelling the roses. She liked them both.

We moved to the Shanghai.
But Emi stopped me.
-No, wait. Shanghai is boring. I've seen it a million times. Let's go elsewhere. I have something in mind.
Emi pulled me a few streets away and we got to an even smaller restaurant called “The Troll”.
As we entered and took a table I noticed that Nakai and Satou aren't coming. We lost them?


We went to the city after the couple. My thoughts drifted away way too often together with Lilly. L-looks like we have a date of our own. I looked behind just in case to see if we ourselves aren't followed by anyone. Nope. No ninjas in sight. Haha.

On our way we passed an old lady, selling flowers on the street. I took a look and immediately the lady began to speak:
-Ah, yet another fine couple this evening. How nice.
She was selling many colored roses, lovely looking. I especially liked the white ones.
-I'll take one of these, please- I pointed the white rose.
-Excellent choice, lad.
-What's going on, Hisao?- Lilly asked surprised.
-Oh, I stopped to buy this lovely white rose for you, dear.
-Ara, ara. Why, you shouldn't have.- Lilly giggled.
The old lady seemed to notice already that Lilly couldn't see. Well, figures. There's a disabled kids school just by the hill. They come by here often.
-Ah, wait- She said suddenly and took out a light blue ribbon from a bag behind. She took the rose and the ribbon, also took out a pair of scissors and cut the rose a bit. She played a bit with the flower and the ribbon, I had no idea what was she doing.
-Complete, here, I'll put this on the pretty lady- The old woman showed the flower attached to the ribbon so skillfully, it looked like professionally fabric made. She tied the ribbon to Lilly's wonderful hair. It looked great with the flower on it.
-Thank you- Me and Lilly said both together.
I payed the lady and we waved goodbye.
How nice of her.

Hm, we lost sight of Kenji and Emi, but I didn't care anymore. It would be nice to find a comfortable place to spend time together. As we passed by, I noticed a cinema.
-Fate/stay night: the movie... - I read out loud.
-Hm? I always wanted to listen to this. Hanako said she'd download it for me, but I guess she forgot...- Lilly looked excited.
Hm, cinema? With a blind girl? Uhm, if she wishes so, then ok.
-Ok, then let's go.

I think she forgot about kenji and Emi as well.

(guess what, it's not over yet)
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by Mag »

Mag wrote:LOL Lilly would probably be asking, "What's happening now?" a lot.
I called it...ok maybe she asked twice but hey it's more than once.

This story was pretty damn good. I liked how Emi played along with the whole feminists existing and how she would protect Kenji. Found that to be quite adorable. Also liked how the stalking of Kenji and Emi turned out to be a nice date for Hisao and Lilly. I lol'd pretty hard when Lilly said Ara Ara.

Just one last thing. Has anyone noticed something of Hisao? He decided to stalk Kenji and Emi, he called himself a Ninja, and he looked back to see if any ninjas were following him and Lilly. Hisao somehow changing to Kenji? I mean sure he doesn't need the glasses but he believes that ninjas are following him just like Kenji thought the Feminists were following him. Or maybe I'm just reading a little too much into this....or am I?
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by kosherbacon »

Smoku wrote:I imagined Lilly in a tight ninja leather suit, showing of a few parts of her body.
Lilly in a leather catsuit? I like the way you think.
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by chaix »

Lilly watching UBW? are you trying to set up a lily saber cosplay (not that that's a bad thing of course)?

also, 'The Troll' <-this sounds like the perfect place for Kenji

serious mode: well the stalking thing can be rationalized quite easily, two of his *ahem* friends are on a date, with the one apparently having his personality changed recently. the checking for ninjas... well we could assume that Lilly might have other friends/admirers besides Hanako who would be interested in her going out with a guy. also it's less paranoid when you have actual evidence for the situation.

thought: people may be stalked by others while they are on a date.
evidence: he was stalking to people on a date

for a humorous image: couples stalker chain, starts with Kenji+Emi, ends with uh... Rin+blind painter guy? Shizune +Lelouch?
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by Smoku »

The troll is based on a pub I often visit (same name) and a few crazy stuff...



We entered the strange looking place Emi wanted to visit. The shabby looking wooden sign in the front said “THE TROLL” painted in red. Emi seemed happy of the place.
Inside we had actually three ways to go: straight we had stairs leading on the upper floor and left and right were tables and other guests of the pub.
The Troll was decorated with lots of Voodoo masks, some bone amulets and such. I had no idea Emi liked such stuff. Odd.
We were greeted by a man dressed in a suit, but he hadn't put it on quite right as if he had no idea of how to wear such a thing. He didn't look quite healthy, at least judging by his a tad bit greenish skin and he had quite big....teeth. Rather pretty like tusks. He approached us gladly.
-Hello, mons. What can de troll do for ya tonight?- he asked in Osaka accent. At least I think so.
-Table for two, please- said Emi, unmoved by the oddity of the waiter.
-Comin' right up for da luvely couple. Right upstairs we go.
-Uh, we're ... well...- I started, but he ignored me.

We followed the waiter upstairs. I blushed a little when he mentioned the couple thing. Am I really with Emi now? I mean we ARE brothers in arms against the forsaken feminist empire!

The waiter showed us a table in the back of the second floor. A wooden, looking like made by a guy who never saw real tables but clean and in a bit better quality then the ones downstairs. The chairs were just chopped logs as well.
We sat down and the man handed us the menus. Let's see:
Roasted chickinz
Fried gnome
Gnome in a pie
Gnome stew
Gnome salad

-I'll take roasted chickinz, I guess... And you, Emi?- I asked her
-Oh, I'll take the gnome salad. My favorite. They still refuse to tell me the ingredients tough. That's too bad... How do you like it, Kenji? Neat, right?- she looked at me with a happy face. If I said I don't like it, she'd go all gloomy.. But the place actually isn't that tragic. I'm a man, I've seen worse! And this place doesn't look like touched by unholy females.
-Oh, it's cool. I, uh... never thought you liked voodoo and such.
-I like these things a bit. I used to draw such motives before I lost my legs.
-Em...- Now this is awkward.. she mentioned her disability. She doesn't seem sad tough- sorry, I uh...
-Oh, it's fine, it's fine, I got over it. I wouldn't have all these good times in Yamaku if I didn't have this accident and such.

We talked a little bit then the same water came.
-What be your orders, mons?- he asked.
-I'll take the gnome salad and for my boyfriend roasted chickinz- Emi took the lead and order before me. Wait... B-boyfriend? I almost choked with my own spit going through the wrong hole...
-Wow, ya ok there, mon?- the waiter hit my back a bit.- We don't want ya to roll over in the place.
I got over the choking. The waiter departed for our food.

-S-so that's what we are?- I thought loudly.
-Hm? oh... you don't like to be my boyfriend?- She asked a strange in a bit childish way. Again with the puppy eyes. God, I swear....
-N-No, it's fine by me!
-That's great!- she momentarily cheered up like nothing happened.

Oh, damn. A g-girlfriend... ah, well, whatever. She's no feminist bitch, like the succubus slut I had to deal with in the past. It's gonna be fine now. We must stay close in this battle with the feminists. Who knows when an assassin comes to kill us in our sleep.

The waiter came back with the food. I got a plate of chicken legs in some kind of barbecue sauce and Emi had a big salad with pretty much unknown to em vegetables.
-I'll let you go with this kind of food just this once, Kenji- She menacingly pointed her girly finger at me.
The waiter noticed this as he wanted to depart but stopped:
-Ah, yar wuman be in charge here, eh, mon? Dat be heartwarmin'. Stay away from the voodoo- he said and went downstairs.
Again, we are viewed as a couple. Slightly disturbing, but... I like it. Let's leave it like this. Whatever.
Emi was happily eating her salad and I started the “chickinz”...


-And now that Shirou guy has departed to his room for some sleep.- I whispered to Lilly's ear. I had to whisper her everything that was going on in the movie and in an appropriate volume not to have her fail to hear the sound of the movie AND not to disturb other people watching.
Lucky for us, the cinema wasn't crowded. We chose our seats at the back, secluded and alone. Pretty romantic actually.
And whispering to ear of the girl I happen to fell in love with is pretty nice. I have her close enough to feel the warmth of her body and the smell of her blond hair.
-Sorry for making you so much trouble, Hisao- Lilly suddenly said.
-oh, that's no problem, dear- I took her hand to express myself a little bit. She smiled as she felt my hand on hers.
-Quite the movie. What happens now?- she asked with curiosity.
On the screen there was a eastern style plain room, the protagonist was just trying to put himself to sleep and then someone started silently knocking on his room door. He said “come in” and the blond girl, one playing a very important role, came in.
I didn't need to tell Lilly this for it was easy to guess judging from sound alone.
The boy had quite a serious talk with the girl and in the middle of it he confessed his love for her. She replied that she has a duty as a king and a servant but at the end they finally embraced each other.
I though that now would be a good time for the screen to go black and move to morning but... it didn't.
The girl undressed herself exposing her beautiful body but the movie went onward. That's strange... I took a look at my ticket very closely and there with little letters on the back side was a sign:
“version 2, containing scenes for adults”.

-So, Hisao? What's going on now? I can't quite guess- Lilly asked me a question I feared most in this moment.
A cold like chill went through my spine. How the hell should I say to her that “She put his penis in her mouth”?
-Uhm, well....- I muttered like an idiot- They're, uh... they're...
-Hm? Go on, I want to know.
I felt like every drop of blood has rushed to my face.
-T-They're uh... well... but y-you want details?
-Offcourse. Do tell.
-W-well... they b-began with oral sex...

I had to describe her every scene bit by bit. As if she couldn't guess by the moans that could be heard quite well...
-Ara, ara.- She said and but her hands together in front of her face. A wide smile appeared on it. I bet she was just teasing me or... she liked to talk about such stuff...
Either way we watched the movie to the end and left the cinema.
-Oh, my, Hisao, what a good movie- She commented as we were making our way back to the dorms, making me even more embarrassed.
We decided to sleep in my room, but for that we had to sneak in to the male student dorms, which wasn't so easy.
Time to use some good ol' dorm knowledge.
I pulled Lilly on the back of the dorms.
-Where are we going, Hisao?
-Don't worry, I got it all wrapped up- I answered as I climbed a bit on the wall and knocked the window of a room I wanted to. Three fast knocks and two slower ones, was that it?
The window was opened by a familiar guy from my class. I learned that he sometimes helped couples get in the dorm at nights.
-Oi, Lelouch!- I whispered him to get his attention.
-Huh? Nakai? What are you doing here so late?
-Stupid questions aren't like you. Am I interrupting something?- I took a peak to his room as much as I could, but nothing special caught my eye.
-Nah, I was just watching some anime. Ok, the lady first- Lelouch replied as he pulled up his sleeves.
I helped Lilly climb up a bit and have Lelouch pull her inside. Looks like he had a little trouble with it.
-Hey, Ritsu, help me here, will you?- he said towards the emptiness of his room.
-Ok already... Lemme get dressed at least, sheesh.
A girl, from my class, actually sitting very close, appeared at the window and helped pull Lilly inside. Now this is interesting...
-Anime, eh?- I asked sarcastically.
-Y-Yeah. Shut up and give me your hand- Lelouch smiled and pulled me inside his room.

-Thanks, man. I'll repay you tomorrow.- I thanked the room resident, bowed to him and his little guest.
- Sure, you will. Have a nice night.

We left the room and, like ninjas, sneaked by to my room.
Lilly was happy of this little espionage action.
We spent the rest of the night together.


As Lilly fell asleep, I couldn't help but to think a bit about everything that happened in the past days.
And then an idea came to my head, striking me like a lightening. If this was a cartoon, a light bulb would appear above my head shining like the sun. But this is an idea for tomorrow. The lover boy must return from his little date first...


We finished eating, I payed for the food and we decided to leave “the Troll”.
Pretty... crazy place. Totally unfitting to the area.
But I had other stuff in mind as we made our way back to Yamaku.
-So, um... - I started- We're... um... a couple now?
-I guess. You... don't like the idea?
I would be a retard if I didn't like this.
-No, it's fine! We... still have some feminist scum to hunt down on the school grounds too. Tezuka is our lieutenant and we are the commanding officers of the Manly rebellion now!- I fired up a bit.
-Riiiiight- Emi said. I'm sire she was happy of this new setting.
-You like the name, eh?
-Uum.... Sure! Sure, I do. Now let's have a night of freedom for now. The feminists are all asleep now. But they won't have any idea what hit'em next time!
-Haha, indeed, man!
-Don't call me man- Emi pointed her finger at me- Just Emi is fine. And we have a mission for tonight.
-What mission?
-We must infiltrate the female dormitory and stealthy get pass to my room. Thankfully I got our men waiting for us there to make the job possible. You're in it, commander Kenji?
-Oh, hell, you bet!
-And no swearing.

We went to the female dorms. Oh, yes, yes! A mission. I wonder why are we going inside. Surely to kick some feminist buts! Ha!
We approached the dorm from behind. Emi took a strangely looking stick from the ground and knocked at a window.
The window opened and a ladder made out of rope came out.
At the window a familiar face came to greet us.
-Tezuka! So your the reinforcements!- I was happy to know that a trusted person came to aid us in our righteous cause.
-Yeah, you can say that. Come up now.- Rin said without emotions.
We went up and closed the window behind, pulling the ladder inside as well.
Emi hugged Rin and we left the room, saying goodbye to her. Looks like she had her outpost here at least for tonight.
-Now, Kenji, be very careful. There are feminists all over the place and it's too dangerous to wake them up just yet.
I nodded. I allied with a real expert!
- No one must hear us. And definitely not those bitches from 112...- Word “bitches” coming from Emi's mouth was pretty bizarre.
-Oh, nobody special, come on.
We made our ways hugging the walls and moving as silent as we could. We passed a few rooms and my eyes were caught by the number 112. I quickly read the sign.
“Room 112
Hakamichi & Shiina”

I knew these were the commanders of Yamaku Feminist Corps!

We went upstairs and entered a room.
-This is my room, Kenji- Emi smiled and showed me her room.- We sleep here tonight. Fun, no?
The room looked pretty normal, like a girls room. I couldn't answer and just tilted my head. So... What's the mission...?
Emi approached me and pushed me down on a bed.
-Huh?- I asked surprised.
-The mission has ended, Kenji. Now, um....- She sat next to me and put her hands around me, entangling me in a tight hug.
The time for words has ended now, I guess.

(to be continued)
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by Sgt_Frog »

I knew Lelouch (or someone who looks a lot like him) was in Hisao's class, but i was like "Ritsu?! From K-On!?" I booted up KS and there, in the back row of the class picture, was Ritsu (or someone who looks a lot like her).

Personally, I'm surprised Shinji isn't there, since they doo seem to like these references.
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by neumanproductions »

Sgt_Frog wrote:I knew Lelouch (or someone who looks a lot like him) was in Hisao's class, but i was like "Ritsu?! From K-On!?" I booted up KS and there, in the back row of the class picture, was Ritsu (or someone who looks a lot like her).
Personally, I'm surprised Shinji isn't there, since they doo seem to like these references.
I wouldn't be surprised if we saw more stuff like that in the future. We have only seen Hisao's classmates after all; there are more then that in the school.
On topic: Keep it up Smoku, I really got to stop procrastinating to read your stuff. :lol:
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
Random writings and Crossover... New stuff of Neuman (updated 5/6/11)
It's time to Duel... KS Yugioh Deck (updated 3/16/11)
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by Mag »

Nice story Smoku. Did like how the Troll was done. Reminded me about world of warcraft. Thank god i stopped. Damn game was draining my wallet dry. Anyways, great story. Loved the movie scene with Hisao and Lilly. Also liked how both the male and female dorms had people there to help couples get in. Even though Rin and Emi were friends already and only help each other.

Damn Emi, making the moves on Kenji. Bet Kenji is glad he put that condom in his wallet now.
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by chaix »

fanboy mode on:

mode off:
you have concocted two of the best nerd date scenarios, and since you managed to potentially get lelouch into bed with a girl too, I think we need to hand you some kind of trophy.

Extra points for having Hisao describe an H scene to Lilly. Poor guy, his heart must've nearly shut down from embarrassment. I eagerly await the continuation good sir.
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Re: The piano and a change

Post by Smoku »

I got pre-read by kosher.


I woke up with Lilly by my side. We had a pleasant morning but it was time for school. We kissed good bye and thanked each other for a lovely evening. After letting Lilly out of the dorm and finally agreeing to her insisting that she can easily find the way to the female dorms herself, I did all the basic everyday stuff: pack notebooks to my backpack, take a shower, etc. I still remembered my idea but I decided to discuss this with Hanako first and see if she agreed. It was crucial for all of us to cooperate if we want to catch Misha and Shizune in the act of instrument sabotages. I came to school just in time for the lessons. I couldn't wait for the lunch break to talk with Hanako, who was sitting in her usual spot in class...


-Kenji!- a sudden noise woke me up from my dreams and memories of last night, -Wake up Kenji, we're late for school!

I grumbled a bit, but I felt something pulling my left arm. This woke me up a bit and I noticed Emi trying to pull me out of her bed, still half naked.

-Come on, we slept in! We gotta get a move on and get to classes,- she started to dress up quickly.

I decided to get up and search for my clothes, scattered around the room.

-Come on, come on! I'll leave you if you won't hurry up- Emi sounded a bit annoyed but when I gave her a look, she smiled every time at me. It was so pretty I wanted to hug her. But she was right. Time for school.

Emi gave me a goodbye hug and rushed to the school and I went to my own dorm. I looked at my watch. It was almost after the first lesson already. I took a shower, packed notebooks and went to the school, still a bit absentminded after the events of last night, including the great finale- night spent in the arms of Emi. Well... It's good, good that the leaders of the Anti feminist Forces were working so well together, I guess. Let it stay that way.

As I walked by the door of my class, I noticed Satou there already. I wonder why she followed us last night since she's clean.


Finally, lunch break! I quickly got up from my seat, took Hanako's hand and pulled her out of the classroom, in everyone's amazement. She was pretty surprised by the whole thing.

-H-H-Hisao, what are...- she started

-No time, we must talk about something important,- I cut her off.

I took her to the roof. She calmed down, so I started.

-I have an idea about what to do with the sabotage incidents.-

-W-well, I have one too...- She wanted to suggest something but I was too sure of my idea,
-We should ask Kenji to help us.- I finally spitted out

-We should ask Akira to help us- we both said at the same time. Wait, Akira?


-K-Kenji?- again at the same time.

-Wait.. you first- I finally said after a little awkward silence.

-W-Well, I was th-thinking if maybe we could get Akira to help here... I-I mean this is her sister that's l-losing the most here. A-And who knows, maybe Akira has an idea and can do something, l-like interrogate Sh-Shizune...-

Wow. Is it just me or is Hanako proposing torturing the suspects? Because I'm pretty sure that this would be a thing Akira would do if she got to know who is bothering her little sister.

-Uhm... Y-you said s-something about K-k-kenji?- She pulled my mind back on track.

-Ah, yeah... Well, the plan is fairly simple. I wanted to ask Kenji for a little favor. The thing is, he seems to play around with devices, like, you know... espionage stuff.-

-R-really?- Hanako looked concerned.

Come to think of it, who knows where that freak could plant his cameras and stuff... like in the women's showers.

-O-oh, sorry, Hanako, I'm sure all your privacy is safe- I tried to calm her a bit, -Well, the thing is, I wanted to ask him to install a camera in the music room and monitor the situation even at night. I sure hope he has one with night vision.-

Hanako just nodded and after a while she said:
-Y-you know, we can actually m-merge these i-ideas.


Finally over with the damn school. I feel... weird. I'm the only who can see clearly in a class full of blind or near blind people. I'm an outcast. The weird one, the stand-out...

I quickly left the classroom to abandon the feeling of difference. Emi was already waiting for me at the track field to go with our daily workout.

We finished, kissed goodbye and I went straight to the my dorm room.

As I began to open all the locks to my room, Nakai approached me.

-Yo, Kenji-

-Yo, man. Sup?-

-I... have something to talk to you...-

He looked concerned with something.

-Well? - I asked since he fell a bit quiet.-

-Let's talk in my room,- Hisao said, pulling me to his dorm room.

We entered his little room, radiantly light compared to mine. He showed me a chair at his desk so I decided to sit down. He, on the other hand, sat on his bed, put his hands together.
So much conspiracy... Wait, could this be...!?

-Kenji...- Hisao started dramatically. I swear I could hear dramatic drums in the background. -I have discovered the main feminist operatives of Yamaku.-


There. I said it. I HAD to come up with something. Don't blame me. Kenji's mouth opened, but he said nothing. I let him gulp down the little lie and then I said -Also, I believe that with Hanako and Lilly we have uncovered their meeting place. You'd never guess where might that be.-

Kenji started sweating a bit, I think.

-The... hidden room on the left of the library counter after pressing the book Feminine Freedom?- he asked me.

-Huh?- Where the hell did he came up with this? -N-No. It's one of the music classrooms.

Kenji still didn't calm down. I think I see... numbers running in his eyes, kinda like in the Matrix. Probably the whole feminist conspiracy data he gathered is now processing in his brain.

-What do you want me to do, brother? You have my axe, my bow, my shotgun, my crot...- I couldn't let this go on.

-Enough!- I cut him off, -I get it. Well, we will be needing some of your little gadgets from your room... especially a camera.

Kenji cooled off a bit.

-B-But... Emi said I shouldn't go with this... that Yamaku is clean..- He looked like he had an inner fight with himself. A tough fight.

-She, uh... did a good job. – Okay, I don't know what the hell did she do or tell him, but it looks like she tried hard to quell this feminist conspiracy thing from his head. Sorry, Emi. I need this dude's help just this once.

-But she overlooked two suspects. Very good suspects, so no wonder that even someone as good as Emi didn't manage to track them down- I went on. It'll be hard to explain that Shizune and Misha got overlooked by such a thing. If there was a feminist conspiracy, I'd say they would be high ranking members in it, which seems quite obvious.

-I shall now brief you in with the plan of attack on those bitches, Kenji. There is just one thing I must add, Miss Satou must not know of all this.-

-And why is that?- Kenji raised an eyebrow

-She deeply detests the feminists and she would stop at nothing to go on a killing spree and an uncontrollable rampage to obliterate them quick, thus screwing up our plan of catching the big fish.-

Kenji's eyes lit with heroic manly fire. Guess everything went fine. I started to describe the whole plan....


-I'm going to the bathroom- said Hanako.

Lilly nodded, while reading a book in braille.

Hanako was sure to have her cellphone in her pocket while she exited their room and headed to the bathroom. After getting there, she browsed the contact list in the phone and finally chose the number signed as “Dirty Work”...


The woman roundhouse kicked the last guy close to her. She let out a sigh and picked up a briefcase lying around on a table close by and departed to her car, leaving countless men dressed in suits, just like her. All of them where littered around the old factory, most unconscious, some trying to crawl away from her.
On her way she stepped on a few still moving guys then she opened her car and stuffed the briefcase on the front seat.

Suddenly something rapidly flew just an inch away from her head. Someone was shooting. She quickly rolled over behind her car, cursing the shooter.
She pulled out a small mirror with an inscription “To my dear sister” on it's lower part, to see how many opponents were brave enough to still try and kill her.

-Get out, bitch! It's over. Hand over the stuff!- a hard voice of an adult man boomed towards her.

Pah, she spotted only seven. She checked her surroundings and the next few steps shown inside her head, like a computer simulation. She rolled from behind the car, picked up a machine gun lying next to the closest body of one of the men in suits and started shooting towards the hostile men. She got down three, but the fourth one managed to do a hole on her suit's left shoulder. Thankfully the shoulder was stuffed a bit and the bullet didn't reach her slender shoulder, going through the suit like a knife through butter.

She noticed it, rolled over towards a few more unconscious men and picked up another rifle.

-THIS IS MY FAVORITE SUIT!- She yelled furiously. -DIE!!-


The work was done. The woman peacefully hopped in her car and started the engine like nothing happened. She'll have to buy a new suit afterwards. Suddenly her phone started ringing. She checked who was it and the screen displayed a pink sign “Hanako”.

-Ah, Lilly's friend,- She said to herself. -Moshi moshi? Yes, dear, hello. ... How's Lilly? ... Hm?... There is WHAT?? ... of course I'm calm! ... Aha, ok, I'm in. I'll be there tonight. Yeah, not a word to Lilly. See ya.-


She turned of the cellphone. She decided to get of the car and play around a bit with the barrels of gasoline and her lighter for a while still at the warehouse.

(To be continued. Last chapter incoming)
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