Thank God for Hangovers


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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Extremist_Line »

I'm glad you guys like this chapter. I never would have thought it would actually send chills down people's spines, but I'm glad to see it did. My intention was to try to show that Luke had a really messed up past, and never got any love.
Member22 wrote:Well done, I wonder what will happen next? Keep the chapters rolling in!
I made it pretty easy to figure out what the next chapter will be about:
Hanako wrote:“Well…I was planning on going to visit my mother, and…I wanted to k-know if you’d like to come…”
Anyways, since today is Friday, I will post the next chapter later tonight.

I'm going to be working on some of the story-filling one-shots over the weekend. Dunno how many I'll get done though, because prom is Saturday (and I'm dateless! yay!) but I'll do my best. I hope to have two finished, but I'll at least get one done. I might even begin work on my next story.
"Anyone can say they're your friend, few can prove it." -Me
Hanako >/= Lilly > Shizune > Emi > Rin
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Snicket »

Whoa dude, :shock: you went really 'dark' in your story all of a sudden.
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Extremist_Line »

It's Friday, I'm bored, so here's chapter 9. Hopefully it makes up for the sudden dark twist in the previous one.

In case you don't know, wallabies are formal-type shoes that look somewhat like moccasins. They're fairly popular where I live.

If you couldn't tell, the outfit Hanako is wearing is the one from the 100% completion image. I tried to describe it the best I could. Here it is for reference:

Chapter 9: Think Only of Me

The next day….
Monday, April 29th, 2007
I finished straightening out the collar on my polo shirt and fixed my necklace. Today was the day. Me and Hanako were going to head to her mother’s house for the day. To be honest, I was really nervous. I mean, what was Mrs. Ikezawa going to think of me? I’m six-foot-five and about 200 lbs. I’m not really the ideal looking boyfriend. I was more than a whole head taller than Hanako. The nice clothes were probably going to be the only thing that would give her a slight hesitation before the saw the rest of me and started fearing her daughter’s safety. Of course, I was painting her as being an overly-protective mother mainly because of her lack of a father.

I hope one day I can get married and have kids, that way I can scare the living crap out of my daughter’s high-school date.

Mr. Ikezawa, if you can hear me, I really wish I could have met you sir. Your daughter is amazing.

“Ok, I’m done!” I heard from inside her room

I opened the door. I’m really curious as to what Hanako was going to wear. I actually haven’t seen much of her in anything other than her school uniform and my own pajamas. We spent almost the entirety of yesterday in my room, chatting, playing a game here and there, maybe a kiss or two. It was fun.

She was wearing a long brown colored dress with no sleeves itself, but she wore a long-sleeved black shirt underneath it that acted as the sleeves. She also wore some black stockings.

Damn, she looks nice.

She came running towards me, wrapping me in a hug and giving me a kiss.

“You look really nice Luke.” I had a brown polo shirt along with a black jacket, with some khaki pants and wallabies. Pretty standard guy’s look good attire, but it always seemed to get the job done.

“You look really nice yourself. So, has your mom called yet?”

“Yeah, she said she’s going to be here soon. Come on, let’s go wait for her.” On the way out she grabbed a purple colored scarf and wrapped it around her neck. The color perfectly matched her hair.

We made our way down to the main gate. She insisted that we hold hands, and I obliged. On the way down, we met some familiar friends: Hisao and Kenji.

“Hey Luke! Woah, when did you and Hanako become a couple?” Hisao asked me

“Oh, about a day ago.”

“Haha, I can’t believe you managed to rope in the shyest girl in the class in only a week! I didn’t know you had it in you man! You must’ve been a chick magnet back home, huh?”

“Eh, not exactly…” I looked down at Hanako. She was blushing and fidgeting a little.

“Well, regardless, congratulations!”

“Hey Luke, can I get a second?” Kenji asked me.

“Uh, sure thing man.” I said, then I leaned down and quietly whispered to Hanako: “This must be important.” She nodded and let go of my hand. Kenji led me a little ways away and began to whisper to me.

“So, you’re infiltrating their ranks, huh?”

“Yeah, you could say that.”

“You’re a brave man Luke, I couldn’t imagine going undercover, I’d be too scared.”

I put my hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry about me Kenji, I’ll make it back.”

“God-speed, brother.” You know, Kenji’s a lot of fun to be around if you can get past his rambling and joke along with him. I made my way back over to Hanako.

“Well, we’re going to go to her house for the day. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

“Alright, have fun man!”

We made our way over to the gates. A car pulled up to the gates just as we arrived. A woman who looked to be in her mid-30s got out of the driver’s side. She had the same long violet-colored hair as her daughter. Hanako immediately ran from my side towards her.

“Mom!” She yelled as she jumped into her waiting arms for a hug.

“Oh, it’s so great to see you honey, how have you been?”

“Oh, I’ve been great mom! I’ve been having so much fun with my boyfriend!”

She turned her attention over to me. “Boyfriend?”

I swallowed. “Um, hello Mrs. Ikezawa. My name’s Luke Fisher, Hanako’s boyfriend. It’s really nice to meet you.”

“Oh, it’s nice to meet you too.”

“Mom, I was wondering if Luke could stay with us for today? Please?”

“Of course he can stay with us honey, I’d love to get to know my daughter’s first boyfriend well.”

She made her way over to me, put her hand on my shoulder and spoke to me in a low tone.

“My daughter really seems to like you, but I’m just going to warn you once: She is the most precious thing left in my life, my only memory of my husband. If you hurt her in any way, or break her heart, it will be the last thing you ever do, do I make myself clear?”

Holy shit, I was right…

“Uh, very, very clear Mrs. Ikezawa. I promise I won’t hurt your daughter in any way…”

She let go of me “That’s great to hear.” She said in the same somewhat cheerful voice she had before. It was somewhat jarring.

She slid herself into the driver seat. I made my way over and opened up the door for Hanako, like a good gentleman who didn’t want to get murdered by his girlfriend’s mother. She gave me a quick peck before sliding into the seat. I made my way around and sat next to her.

“So, where are you from Luke?” Mrs. Ikezawa said, trying to break the silence as we made our way to their house.

“Uh, I’m actually from America…”

“Oh! America! How interesting!”

The conversation continued for the hour or so it took to get to their house. Breaking off into the various other topics I was most commonly asked by the various students on my first few days.

We eventually did make it to their house. The house was just on the outskirts of a town, off by itself kinda like our house back home. It was pretty nice, single story, fairly large, and it even had a swimming pool. Thankfully, Hanako had mentioned that yesterday, so I brought a pair of trunks. I’d have to remember to swim a bit more when we got back…

It was lunchtime by the time we got there. It was quite nice. During the entire dinner, Hanako was constantly bragging on me to her mother. I mean really, there’s only so far you can go with telling her how I helped her with Shizune and Misha. She was really clever when it came to the hangover bit. She said that she just found me all sick on the bench and said it was from nervousness about school. Normally I might have been acting more modest in these kinds of situations, but I held my tongue, because I knew that I had to get Mrs. Ikezawa to trust me. Mrs. Ikezawa also explained her job as a nurse at a local hospital to me. It really seemed to fit her for some reason.

About an hour after lunch we decided to go swimming. Mrs. Ikezawa had pulled Hanako aside and talked to her a bit before she went off to change. I didn’t really know why…

After I had changed, I sat down on the couch in the living room and waited for Hanako. After a while I heard her yell from down the hall: “Ready!” I immediately turned around to get a look at her.

She was wearing a one-piece that had a mix of ‘cool’ colors on it like purple and blue. I didn’t mind that she was in a one-piece at all. In fact, I think it really suited her. I noticed the rest of the scars on her body: she had some on her shoulder, which extended a ways down her arm, up to her hand. She had a little on her leg as well. I’m really glad I can look past the scars. I didn’t mind them, they really defined her after all.

“Wow, you look great Hanako.”

She giggled. “You know, you’re the only person besides my mom that has seen me like this in a long time.”

“Well, I’m quite honored to.” Oh, I hope that didn’t come across wrong…

“Hehe, come on!” She grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. I guess not…

We swam for…I dunno how long, it was a while. We had a lot of fun, playing all sorts of games, messing around and such. I noticed that Mrs. Ikezawa was watching us from the window. I can understand her concern, but can’t she give it a rest?

However, her mom came outside after a while.

“Hanako, I’ve got some bad news. We have an emergency over at the hospital and I need to be over there until tomorrow. I’m sorry.”

“Oh, it’s ok mom, me and Luke will be fine here!”

“Ok darling, you two have fun.” She walked over to me and whispered: “Remember what I said Fisher. I really don’t want to leave you two by yourselves, but I have to go do this. Watch yourself.”

“I promise I won’t pull anything Ma’am.”

“Ok! See you two tomorrow!” She said as she made her way back to the house. After a bit, Hanako swam over to me. Unexpectedly, she wrapped not only her arms around me, but her legs as well.

“I hate to say it, but I’m kinda glad she’s gone. My mother’s a great person, but I don’t think she trusts you. I really want to be with you right now.” She planted a nice, long kiss on me.

After we broke the kiss, I added: “Yeah, she seems like a really nice woman, but I’m not sure she likes me too much.”

She brushed the wet hair covering my eye away. “You gave your time meeting her. For the rest of the night, it’s just you and me.”

We went inside soon after that, dried off, and changed into our pajamas.

“You don’t have to stay in the guest bedroom now Luke. I’d like you to stay in my room for the night, I think my bed’s big enough.”

I didn’t hesitate at all to move my stuff into her room. We spent the rest of the night hours just laying on her bed talking. There is one topic in particular that we discussed that really stuck out to me:

“So, Hanako, there is one thing that I’m really worried about…”

“What is it?”

“What are we going to do after the year’s over? I’m probably going to go back home…”

She looked at me longingly. “Oh, I almost forgot about that! Luke…I don’t want you to leave…”

I brought my hand up and gently touched her cheek. “We’ll think of something Hanako. I promise that I will never forget you, ever.”

“Really?” She looked at me, looking like she was on the verge of tears.

I held her hand. “I swear on my life Hanako.”

She smiled.

“And I promise that I will never forget you Luke. You changed my life.”

“And you changed mine.”

We stared at each other longingly for a few seconds. Then, in the blink of an eye, she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a kiss, this time slipping her tongue into my mouth and exploring around inside. I wrapped my arms around her as well and did my part to explore her mouth.

It was…really…really good. Really good.

We broke the kiss, but kept our faces close to each other, to the point where we were just barely on the verge of another kiss. We held ourselves close as she spoke to me:

“To make sure, I want to make this a night you’ll never forget. I just want you to promise, that during this special moment, you will only think of me…”
Did they have sex? Or just a very passionate non-sex moment? I'll leave that up to you, although I can guess what you're probably going to assume.
Also, you get an internet cookie if you can tell me what game the final line was inspired from.
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by neumanproductions »

Okay, I like the chapter but I am getting stumped on the last line.

I know I have read it in something before that I have played

If it is a VN, I've played to many to keep track of nut the best that come to my mind are either LEAVEs, Shuffle, or Princess Waltz. Im not sure which but I am sure I have defintly played it. Just tell me if it is either otherwise I know which ones to try next.
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Extremist_Line »

If it is a VN, I've played to many to keep track of nut the best that come to my mind are either LEAVEs, Shuffle, or Princess Waltz. Im not sure which but I am sure I have defintly played it. Just tell me if it is either otherwise I know which ones to try next.
Nope, it's not a VN. I haven't even played a VN besides Katawa Shoujo. I'll give you one hint: It's an RPG.
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by neumanproductions »

Augh, I know for certian I have heard it somewhere before. I have been less on the RPG/other games and more on the VNs and abridging lately.
:cry: This is going to be bugging me all weekend now.
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Extremist_Line »

neumanproductions wrote:Augh, I know for certian I have heard it somewhere before. I have been less on the RPG/other games and more on the VNs and abridging lately.
:cry: This is going to be bugging me all weekend now.
Here's another hint: it was referenced a few times in this fic.

I can give you an image if you want.
"Anyone can say they're your friend, few can prove it." -Me
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Snicket »

Well this turn of events has gone in an 'intresting' direction.
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Esa94 »

I want to know who Hisao is with if Luke and Hanako are a couple. Shizune? Lilly? Rin? Nobody? Please don't say Kenji :/

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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Extremist_Line »

Esa94 wrote:I want to know who Hisao is with if Luke and Hanako are a couple. Shizune? Lilly? Rin? Nobody? Please don't say Kenji :/


Nobody. He didn't play enough of a role for me to bother hooking him up with someone.

Here's the image for those trying to figure out what game the last line is from.


Ring any bells? If it doesn't, and you're a frequent gamer, I should slap you, because it's one of the best games ever.
"Anyone can say they're your friend, few can prove it." -Me
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Esa94 »

Extremist_Line wrote:
Esa94 wrote:I want to know who Hisao is with if Luke and Hanako are a couple. Shizune? Lilly? Rin? Nobody? Please don't say Kenji :/


Nobody. He didn't play enough of a role for me to bother hooking him up with someone.

Here's the image for those trying to figure out what game the last line is from.

Ring any bells? If it doesn't, and you're a frequent gamer, I should slap you, because it's one of the best games ever.
Aww, darn, nobody?
Well, I suppose if he's not really a major character, it ain't necessary.

Also, what game is that? And which console is it on?
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Extremist_Line »

Also, what game is that? And which console is it on?
Oh, alright.

The game is Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3. It's on the PS2. If you have even a remote interest in JRPGs, I HIGHLY recommend you try it. The story is great, characters are likable, gameplay is solid, and the music is awesome. I just wouldn't recommend you play it if you get squicked out from the idea of people shooting themselves in the head on a regular basis to summon demons (not with a real gun though).

Anyways, the final chapter will most likely be posted later tonight.
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Quidoo »

The final chapter?

Dang, I thought nine was the last one. The fact that there is another is a very good thing, by the way.

Anywho, I don't think i've voiced my support yet. This fanfic is great.
I admit that at first I was very sceptical; my reaction to your character was like that of a disgruntled venomous snake, but i've grown to like the character quite a lot now.
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Extremist_Line »

Quidoo wrote:The final chapter?
Dang, I thought nine was the last one. The fact that there is another is a very good thing, by the way.
I dunno if you can really call it a 'final chapter', it's more of an epilogue. It's perfectly possible to just end the story right here if you wish. I mainly wrote the epilogue to address the issue that was brought up at the end of the last chapter, and allow the fic to end on a slightly bittersweet note rather than a 'sunshine flowers and rainbows' happy ending.
I admit that at first I was very sceptical; my reaction to your character was like that of a disgruntled venomous snake, but i've grown to like the character quite a lot now.
Oh? What about him made you think that way?
"Anyone can say they're your friend, few can prove it." -Me
Hanako >/= Lilly > Shizune > Emi > Rin
Currently:Finished all but Rin. Taking a break for now.
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