Shimmie Entry 1575 FIXED!!!

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Shimmie Entry 1575 FIXED!!!

Post by MAnonymous »

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Re: Shimmie Entry 1575 FIXED!!!

Post by G3n0c1de »

A valiant effort, but this pic may be too far gone...
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Re: Shimmie Entry 1575 FIXED!!!

Post by Csihar »

Much improved. There are still things to nitpick but on the whole I always thought it was always pretty nice except for DAT NOSE.
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Re: Shimmie Entry 1575 FIXED!!!

Post by MAnonymous »

I Believe in order to make this pic even more pleasing to the eyes than the Original ive decided to do this>>>>V
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Re: Shimmie Entry 1575 FIXED!!!

Post by Panty Supervisor »

I don't really mind the big nose in the original. It's just that artist's style, I guess. It looks a little strange, but not bad imo.
As for the more subtle changes in Hanako's facial expression, I think you made her look more neutral. It's like she is thinking about something or spacing out. The old Hanako looked like she was watching something, smirking a little. The new version looks more proper, but I kind of liked the old version better, because you could just read more into it.

However, you did a good job. If I only saw the new one, I'd hardly be able to tell that it was photoshopped.
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Re: Shimmie Entry 1575 FIXED!!!

Post by Bara »

Oh, where did the pic of Carl Malden cosplaying Hanako come from? Oh no, wait he is dead isn't he... ummm, never mind..... :wink:

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