Thank God for Hangovers


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Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Extremist_Line »

Hey guys, some of you might have noticed that last week I was mentioning on the fan-character contest thread that I had made my own character but never got around to submitting him. Not wanting him to go to waste, I decided to make a fic. So, here it is! Hope you guys enjoy it! Yeah, I know fan-character fics aren't very original, but I haven't seen that many of them on KS (Or maybe I haven't looked hard enough).

I tried my best not to make my character into a 'Gary Stu'. This is the first narrative piece I've written in a while, so don't rag on me too hard if you think I did.

Let me know of comments, questions, criticism, ect.

Here's a little info on my character:

Name: Luke Fisher
Gender: Male
Birthday: March 30, 1990
Height: 6 ft 5 in
Weight: ~200 lb
Blood Type: O
Hair: Black/Dark Brown
Eyes: Blue
Appearance: Tall, large build, curly medium-length hair, sometimes has a five o’ clock shadow
Interests/Likes: Video games, reading, browsing the web, Japanese culture, firearms, military
Dislikes: Bullies, being the center of attention, unfaithful people, backstabbers
Trademarks: Always wears a wristwatch on his left wrist, as well as a cross necklace

Chapter 1: Welcome to Yamaku

It wasn’t too far of a walk from the airport to the town. Like my old town back in America, this town appeared to have a smaller local airport not too far outside the city limits. Maybe ‘airport’ was too generous, it was more of a landing strip. It was still two miles to the school, quite a while to walk with three bags strapped around you. I wish I could have gotten a taxi or something, or better yet, I wish my parents could have come with me.

They weren’t with me though. Helped save money they said. Yamaku’s enrollment fee wasn’t very high, not as much as my old school; the brunt of the expenses were just from the travel costs. And when you could save quite a bit by simply having one flight down, why not take it? After all, who would mess with the 6 foot 5 inches tall kid from America? Well, they might if they thought they could get a hold of his bags, and I did have three rather large bags on me. A duffel bag around each shoulder plus my laptop case strapped across my chest. Seemed like a good haul if you could gang up on me. I fingered the knife in my pocket. I read up on it before I left: Japanese law doesn’t prohibit the carrying of a concealed knife as long as the blade length and overall length were under a certain amount. They were. Thankfully, it seemed that, in fact, no one wanted to mess with the huge kid. I got a few funny looks going through town, but nothing too serious.

After a while, as well as a stop about half-way for some water and rest, I finally reached the top of the hill that The Yamaku High School for Disabled Children was perched upon.

“For Disabled Children”…

Ugh, I had convinced myself before I even left: It’s not a High School for disabled students. It’s a school for students with special needs. There’s a difference.

I’m not sure I still believed that.

I don’t have any “special needs”. I’m just a little…shy, and a little violent sometimes, maybe slightly depressed….

Damn it, I’m just depressing myself here.

I’m not disabled, I have my own reasons for being here.

I sighed deeply and took a look past the rather nice gate.

The school looks really elaborate. It doesn’t even look like a High School, it almost looks like a small college.

Of course, there were reasons it was so big.

I reached into my pocket and took out a crumpled piece of paper, unfolded it, and read it. It was all in Japanese. If you could talk to the me from about a year ago, I would have told you that there was no way I could read all these random lines. Countless hours of hard work with programs and tutors fixed that though. I started to re-read the paper. I skipped past the directions to the school and read the bit after that:

“…After you reach the school gate, proceed to the main lobby. It’s the largest building directly forward after you enter the gate. Tell someone in the main office that you are the new transfer student, and they will give you a key to your dorm room.

After you drop off your things at the dorm room, keep a lookout for a female student with short blue hair and glasses. Her name is Shizune Hakamichi, and she is the class representative for 3-3. Any questions you have can be addressed to her.

Before the end of the day, you need to visit the head nurse. You can find him in the auxiliary building”

I shoved the paper back into my pocket and started straightening out my necklace, I guess I wanted to look nice. For a moment, I wondered if I should even display it. I wasn’t sure how the staff would consider my display of a cross necklace. Japan wasn’t a country that was big on Christians. But, surely they wouldn’t care? It’s just jewelry. Man, I’m already thinking too deeply about stuff…

I sighed again and pushed open the gate, making my way in. Maybe this won’t be so bad. I mean, I have always wanted to go to a boarding school, but I miss not having any familiar faces to help me out...I feel like I've just started a new life. Some might think this as a good thing. Not me, I despise change.

The courtyards were nice and big, with grass everywhere. There weren’t many students around. It was a Sunday after all. Still, with this being a school for dis….er, students with special needs, I might have expected some of the students to be required to stay on school grounds.

I made my way to the specified building. The main office was just inside the lobby, and as I came in, a young woman behind the counter turned to greet me.

“Hello, may I help you?” she said in the foreign language that I was used to by now.

“Um, I’m the new transfer student…” I uttered in the same tongue.


“Fisher, Luke Fisher.”

“Ok, just a second.” She started typing on a computer in front of her. “Alright, you’re in room 118. Do you know how to get to the boy’s dorm?” she said as she handed me a key

“I have directions, thanks.”

“Ok then, don’t forget to visit the head nurse before the end of the day.” She said. I nodded and turned to leave the room. I made my way back into the courtyard and followed the instructions I had memorized from the sheet.

As I approached the boy’s dorms, I noticed two girls sitting on a bench just in front of the dorms. They seemed to be making gestures to each other. One of the girls has long, bright pink hair that formed into a strange spiral shape at the ends. The other had short blue hair and glasses. They were both pretty eye-catching, not just because of the one girl’s hair color, but from where I was standing, they both looked fairly cute.

…Wait, short blue hair…that must be the class representative I was supposed to see! Ah, what was her name again….?

I didn’t really have time to think about it, the pink-haired girl seemed to notice me and turned to look at me. The other girl followed. Well, it’d be rude to just stand here and stare at each other, so I approached them. Some fear was creeping through my body, but I pushed it out of the way.

“Uh, hello.” I muttered as I brought a hand up in greeting. “Um, are you….” Damn it, what was her name, what was her name? “…the class representative for 3-3?” whew.

The blue-haired girl looked at me for a second, then turned her attention to the pink-haired girl, who made some more of those gestures I saw them using.

Sign language…I guess. I’ve never been around someone who was deaf, so I don’t really know…

“Yes, I’m Shizune Hakamichi, are you the new transfer student? Well, Sicchan, he must be! Why else would he have all those bags?” the pink-haired girl said, in a rather loud voice. Deaf and mute? But, why did she say that second sentence out-loud if Hakamichi can’t hear her? I guess I gave off a look about the same as my thoughts, because the pink-haired girl started talking again.

“WAHAHAHA!” her sudden laughter caused me to jump and do a quick scan with my peripheral vision to see if anyone was staring at us. I hate getting attention drawn to me. “You look a little confused. Sicchan is deaf, so I act as her interpreter. I’m Misha, nice to meet you! So what’s your name?”

“Luke Fisher. I’m the new transfer student, and I was told to meet with Shizune Hakamichi if I had any questions or anything…”

“Ok! Have you looked around the campus yet? Me and Sicchan can give you a tour if you want.” I notice that she’s not only signing everything I say to Shizune, she’s signing everything she says as well. I guess that’s so everyone can get in on the conversation, so to speak. That’s awfully considerate of her…

“Um, I wouldn’t mind a tour, but I need to drop my things off first….”

“Ok! We’ll be right here when you get done!”

I made my way through the dorms. At the end of the initial entrance corridor, I see what looks like a common room, with TVs, couches, vending machines and the like. There are a few students watching TV and talking. I decide to get moving before one of them spots me.

At the end of a hallway, I find rooms 117, 118, and 119. There are actually four rooms, but what I guess is room 116 doesn’t have a number plate on it. I guess they only put the plates on when a student moves in. I reach down into my pocket, past my PSP, for the room key, but just as I pull it out, I hear the unlatching of way more locks than I feel are necessary on the door to room 117. I quickly try to slide my key in and turn it before he can come out, but it’s no use.

A bespectacled head pops out of the doorway, looking in my direction and yells “Freeze! Who is it!?”

Well, that’s not the kind of welcome I was expecting.

“I-I’m Luke Fisher, I just transferred here….”

“Are you really? Or are you just using that as an excuse to get into his room and jack his stuff? Huh!?” what the hell is up with this guy? Is he messing around or what?

“Uh, no, I’m really Luke. Can I please go into my room now?”

“How am I supposed to know you’re Luke? Is there some kind of proof you can give me?”

I sighed. Maybe this guy’s the hall monitor or something. Personally, I’m still amazed he could simply hear me walk down the hall.

“Uh, I have my directions sheet…” I said, reaching into my pocket as he approached me.

Now that he has his full body out, I can tell he reminds me of someone…

“That will have to do, let me see.”

I hold out the sheet and he snatches it from my hands. He puts the sheet right up to his face and reads it. I guess he has really bad eyesight, like to the point where even those huge glasses don’t help. I push my own glasses up onto my nose. I have bad eyesight too, but my glasses make it 20/20.

“I don’t have the necessary materials at the moment to test for a forgery, so I’ll let you go for now.” He said, handing the sheet back to me. “Can’t be too sure.”

I wanted to ask why he was so strict with the identification measures, but I held my tongue.

He stuck his hand out to me. “Name’s Kenji.” I give him a firm shake. One of the first things I remember learning when I was younger was to always give firm handshakes. Gives off a good first impression.

“Nice to meet you Kenji.” I said, finishing up the shake.

“There is one thing you need to be careful of. I noticed that you’re supposed to meet with Hakamichi. Be careful with the women of this school Luke.” He leaned in close to me “They can stab you in the back, just like that. Watch yourself brother.” He turned around and headed back into his room. I finished turning the key in my own lock and walked inside. Not really sure if I should heed that warning or not…

The room was a fairly nice size, about as big or a little smaller than my room back home. There was a desk and a window on the far wall, right next to a bed with a nightstand. The bed was large, my parents had sent me the same bed I used to use at home. The staff had let them, which was nice. It’s a queen size, I really needed the space because I shift a lot in my sleep. The closet was on the opposite wall. There was an additional bag next to the bed, which contained arguably the most important part of my luggage. My parents had done me the favor of sending it on ahead. Sitting up against the wall near my bed was a dresser, and on top of that dresser was a TV, also sent on ahead of me. It wasn’t too big, nor was it too small. It’s not the size that would go in a living room, rather one that would go in a bedroom. Not real sure how my parents were able to get those things in, but I’m not complaining. I sat down my two duffel bags on the floor and sat my laptop case on my desk, then I opened the pre-sent bag next to my bed to check it’s contents.

Sony Playstation 2 console, Xbox, GameCube, as well as a couple of the old-school consoles: SEGA Genesis, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, and the classic NES. Assorted controllers for each were also present. I’ve really got to thank my parents the next time I can.

I zipped the bag shut. I’ll set everything up tonight, after I finish with the tour.

I notice on my nightstand my usual assortment of vitamins and over the counter allergy pills.

I slipped my PSP as well as my knife out of my pocket and laid them on the nightstand. No need to carry those things around.

This place really doesn’t seem too bad so far. I wonder what the rest of the place is like…

Seeking to meet that curiosity, I stepped outside my room, locking the door behind me, and set off to go find Shizune and Misha.

I'll be posting the rest of the chapters intermittently. I still have the last two chapters to finish up though.
Last edited by Extremist_Line on Fri Apr 09, 2010 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Anyone can say they're your friend, few can prove it." -Me
Hanako >/= Lilly > Shizune > Emi > Rin
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by kosherbacon »

Woah! You're finally posting it! Have you got the ending figured out?
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Extremist_Line »

kosherbacon wrote:Woah! You're finally posting it! Have you got the ending figured out?
Yeah, had it figured out for a while man, I just haven't had the time to work on it.
"Anyone can say they're your friend, few can prove it." -Me
Hanako >/= Lilly > Shizune > Emi > Rin
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by kosherbacon »

Extremist_Line wrote: Yeah, had it figured out for a while man, I just haven't had the time to work on it.
I might have to redo the one for my original character. She ended up looking like a raging psychopath. (I did not intend this.)
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by neumanproductions »

This guy does seem interesting to me.
But who could worry about video games with all the eligible women running around campus?

......ok, forget what I just said. There has to be a gamer chick around here somewhere.
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Sgt_Frog »

I'm guessing the reason he's at Yamaku will be explained later?

Anyway, many characters at Yamaku have health problems or other various disabilities that make it almost impossible to have a Mary Sue or Gary Stu-like character. Then again, perfectly healthy people do attend Yamaku...
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Snicket »

You know what, i was kinda debating on doing something like this with the character i never got to summit either.
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by GG Crono »

Sgt_Frog wrote:Anyway, many characters at Yamaku have health problems or other various disabilities that make it almost impossible to have a Mary Sue or Gary Stu-like character.
You'd be surprised. Fandom be's kwazy.
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Extremist_Line »

neumanproductions wrote:This guy does seem interesting to me.
But who could worry about video games with all the eligible women running around campus?
The reason he worries about video games is because he's too shy and afraid of rejection to go after any of the girls. Yet.
Sgt_Frog wrote:I'm guessing the reason he's at Yamaku will be explained later?

Anyway, many characters at Yamaku have health problems or other various disabilities that make it almost impossible to have a Mary Sue or Gary Stu-like character. Then again, perfectly healthy people do attend Yamaku...
Yes, the reason he's there will fully be explained at an important point near the end. Until then, hints will be dropped during the chapters so you can try to guess why he's there. I will tell you that he doesn't have any kind of major physical disability, nor any mental problems. The reason he's there is similar to Hanako's case: he just doesn't fit in a regular school environment. I welcome you guys to try to speculate on why he's there until then.

I'll probably post chapter 2 tonight. The first few chapters are kinda boring though, but it's like that with most fics.
"Anyone can say they're your friend, few can prove it." -Me
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Smoku »

Extremist_Line wrote:The first few chapters are kinda boring though, but it's like that with most fics.
I have only a few words for this lovely fic, which my brother and I use :
Yup, it's cool and definitely not boring
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Extremist_Line »

Smoku wrote:
Extremist_Line wrote:The first few chapters are kinda boring though, but it's like that with most fics.
I have only a few words for this lovely fic, which my brother and I use :
Yup, it's cool and definitely not boring
Aw come on, it's really not that good. I wrote eight chapters over the course of five days, surely it can't be as good as some of the other fics on here.

Regardless, here's chapter 2, as promised.

Also, I know that under normal circumstances, Misha wouldn't ask about a student's condition quite so quickly. Just roll with it.

Chapter 2: Settling in

“Ready?” Misha asked as I walked through the door out of the boy’s dorm.

“Yeah, let’s go.” And with that, the three of us made out way towards the main building

“So, you’re from America, huh?" Misha asked me as we walked

“Yeah, I lived in the southern part of it.”

“What made you want to come all the way to Japan?”

“Well, to be honest, both me and my parents don’t really like the American educational system. It wasn’t just that though, I had always wanted to visit Japan, and I had always wanted to enroll at a boarding school. Why not take care of all of that and send me to a school so highly regarded for special needs students?”

“Why do you even need to go to a special needs school? You look fine to me.”

I swallowed. I have no idea what the school’s policy was on asking about disorders…

“Uh…I…” I looked down, then looked over at them. Both her and Shizune were staring at me intently.

“….I don’t really want to talk about it. Isn’t there some kind of policy against asking students why they’re here?”

“Well, there isn’t really an official rule…I’m sorry, I was just curious as to why an American would come all the way here…” She looked down. Shizune gave me an apologetic look.

I felt a little bad, maybe I would tell them when I got to know them better. But not now.

“So, how did you learn Japanese?” She asked, obviously trying to kill the awkwardness in the air.

“Well, thankfully my school was offering Japanese lessons the year right before I left….”

We continued talking and walking until we got inside the main building. The two of them lead me through the first floor corridors, showing me the cafeteria, then lead me to the second floor halls.

“…and here’s the library. It’s open most of the day every day, even Sundays.” We walked a little more until we reached a room that caught my attention for…some reason. I can’t quite put my finger on it.

“What room is that?”

I looked over at them, I noticed Shizune had a scowl on her face. Misha wasn’t quite as pronounced, but she didn’t look like she wanted to be here either.

“That’s just a room for one of the students from 3-2 and her friend in your class to hang out.” They looked like they wanted to move on.

“What are their names?”

“Lily Satou and Hanako Ikezawa, now come on, let’s go see the third floor!”

Something told me that there wasn’t exactly good relations between that pair of girls and this pair.

We walked around the third floor corridors, with Misha pointing out our classroom. Thankfully, the classrooms are all marked, so it wouldn’t be too easy to get lost.

After that, they pointed out the girl’s dorm, explaining that students were allowed into opposite gendered dorms as long as it wasn’t past 21:00 (9 PM). I guess that would make sense, seeing as some of the students might need assistance. After that, we headed to the auxiliary building. The sight of a swimming pool there really made me perk up. Good thing I had remembered to bring my trunks.

We parted here, as I had to go visit the head nurse. After saying goodbye, I headed into the building. The head nurse’s office was easy enough to spot. I knocked, and a voice on the other end told me to come in.

I immediately noticed that the nurse wasn’t the only one in here. A girl with light brown hair tied into pigtails was talking with the nurse.

“Ah, hello, could you give me just a second?” I nodded and leaned up against the wall. “So, he has been getting plenty of exercise as well as changing his diet habits?”

“Yeah, he’s been doing well for the past week and a half. He’s not grumpy about it anymore either!” I noticed something rather striking about the girl as I let my eyes wander: she didn’t have any legs. Well, that’s not really true. She has legs down to the knee, but below that was a fairly thin piece of metal that extended to the floor. It kinda surprised me, most of the people I’ve seen that needed prosthetic legs have full on human leg-shaped prosthetics. Maybe they are too expensive for this girl or something.

“That’s great to hear, keep at it Emi, and don’t let him slack off.”

“Yes sir!” She said as she turned around. I immediately noticed her bright green eyes. She looked kinda younger than me, but she was still pretty cute. She gave me a friendly nod as she left.

“Sorry about that. Take a seat?” He asked, pointing at the chair directly in front of his desk.

“No problem.” I said, taking a seat.

“So, I assume you are Luke Fisher, the new transfer student, correct?”

“Yes sir.”

“Alright then, I’m the head nurse, everyone just calls me Nurse.” He said extending his hand for a shake. “So, have you already had a tour? Finding everything alright?”

“Yes sir, everything looks really nice. I especially liked the swimming pool out front, is that freely open?”

“Well, it’s mostly meant for physical therapy, but students who need to get aerobic exercise are free to use it if I approve, and…” He turned around and picked up a folder from the top of his file cabinet “If I’m not mistaken, you have had asthma for a while and aren’t in the best shape, so I give you full permission to use it as you please to improve your condition. I recommend you use it regularly. You can also use the track if you want. We have rescue inhalers and treatments available if you need them.”

“It’s ok, it’s not really all that bad. I haven’t had an attack in over five years.”

“Well, we have them here if you need them. We have several re-fills for your vitamins and allergy medicine available, so if you run out, you can get more. Also, if I’m not mistaken, your…previous events were brought on because of constant bullying, right?”

I winced. I was kinda hoping he wasn’t going to bring that up. I looked down as I answered.


“Well, as far as we know, there is no bullying going on here at Yamaku. We do ask that if you witness any bullying to report it and…don’t take matters into your own hands, ok?”

“…Yes sir.” At least the staff here didn’t treat me like… them.

“Alright then, if there’s anything else you need, feel free to ask me.”

“Ok, thank you.” I said as I got up.

“I assure you, things here won’t be like at your old school. The student body here has a lot of understanding and respect.” I nodded. Maybe they did, but how many students here have had a past like mine?

I wondered if there really were any like me. Maybe if we met up, we could be friends.

I glanced down at my watch after I left the office. It was getting fairly late. I made my way back to the boy’s dorms.

As I approached the hallway with my room, I heard something from down the hall.

“…Come on man, why not? It’ll be fun! It’ll be like a manly picnic!”

Kenji’s voice.

“For the last time Kenji, I’m not going to drink with you on the roof! It seems a little dangerous, why can’t we drink somewhere else?” That voice I didn’t recognize…

“But dude, the roof is awesome! What’s so dangerous about drinking up there? Surely we won’t fall off or anything!”

“I’ve already said no Kenji.”

I decided to round the corner and see what was going on. Kenji and another student were talking in the hall

The other student was one I hadn’t seen before. He had medium length brown hair with a strand that poked out from the rest. He seemed pretty normal, no missing legs or anything.

Kneji noticed me. “Hey, who is that?” The other boy turned around to look at me.

“Uh, hey Kenji, it’s me, Luke.”

“Oh, hey man! Hey Hisao, this is the guy I was telling you about!” He said as he put his hand on the boy’s shoulder and led him over to me.

“You must be the new transfer student, Luke right? I’m Hisao Nakai, nice to meet you.” He said as he extended his hand. “I’m in room 119 over there.”

“Ah, I see.”

“So, how does Yamaku look to you?”

“From what I’ve seen, it looks really nice. Kicks the hell out of my old school, that’s for sure.”

“Heh, well I’m glad you like it. I’ve been here for a few weeks now, so I can help you if you need it. I’m in class 3-3, you’re in that class too aren’t you?”

I nodded. “The school day begins at 8 and lasts until 3 right?”


“Alright then. Hey, would you mind giving me a heads up when you’re about to leave tomorrow? I’d like to walk with someone to class tomorrow.”

“Sure thing.”

“Alright, thanks.”

Hisao turned to Kenji “Hey, you planning on going tomorrow?”

“Maybe, I must make some calculations, and I might not finish by tomorrow. Besides, I was thinking about ordering a pizza.”

Hisao frowned. “You know, you still haven’t paid me back that 1,000 yen for the last pizza you ordered.”

“I shall have it eventually! Anyways, I need to go get some work done, so if you’ll excuse me…” He said as he made his way back into his room.

Hisao rolled his eyes and spoke to me in a low voice: “He’s not all there. He believes there is a vast feminist conspiracy going on and that Yamaku will be the site of the first battle.”

“Sounds interesting, that would explain why he asked me to be careful of Hakamichi…”

“Actually, there’s a tad bit of truth in that. Shizune can be a little hard to along with, but she’s a lot of fun when you get to know her.”

“Mm hm. Well, I need to set up some things, so see you tomorrow.”

“Ok, see you tomorrow.”

I spent a good hour or so setting up everything. I liked to personalize my stuff, so I went on ahead and did that with my room. I put up some posters on the walls that I had brought with me, set up my laptop and game systems, and filled out my closet and dresser drawers. There were enough drawers that I could place my games and spare controllers in a few of them.

I decided to head to bed early. I wanted to wake up early in the morning to take a shower, earlier than any of the other residents would use them. I set my watch alarm to 6:00. After taking my nightly doses of vitamins and medicine and changing into my night clothes, I slipped under the covers, laid my glasses on the nightstand, and shut off the light.

I had a big day tomorrow.

"Anyone can say they're your friend, few can prove it." -Me
Hanako >/= Lilly > Shizune > Emi > Rin
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by neumanproductions »

Yahooo! fist to comment on this chapter.
Anyways, I like this 2nd chapter. I think it will be interesting to see how Hisao and Luke get along, in this crazy school, along with Kenji the most. I also like how you are incorporating the actual story into this fic.
One point of interest though...I don;t think I could learn Japanese in year. I plan on eventually learning but for now just trying to get through with what I know.
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Extremist_Line »

neumanproductions wrote: One point of interest though...I don;t think I could learn Japanese in year. I plan on eventually learning but for now just trying to get through with what I know.
I don't think I really could either. I didn't want to have to spend the whole fic having Luke stuttering with his words or not being able to understand the others though, so just roll with it.
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by neumanproductions »

Extremist_Line wrote:
neumanproductions wrote: One point of interest though...I don;t think I could learn Japanese in year. I plan on eventually learning but for now just trying to get through with what I know.
I don't think I really could either. I didn't want to have to spend the whole fic having Luke stuttering with his words or not being able to understand the others though, so just roll with it.
Now that would be something interesting for someone to post. All you can read is what the main character & narrator is thinking and saying but everything else shows up in Japanese. :lol:
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by kosherbacon »

Mellowcorks wrote:
Sgt_Frog wrote:Anyway, many characters at Yamaku have health problems or other various disabilities that make it almost impossible to have a Mary Sue or Gary Stu-like character.
You'd be surprised. Fandom be's kwazy.
I think the easiest possible Mary Sue in a KS setting would probably be the sympathy type; a raging ball of crippled moe that somehow makes all the other characters go d'aaaaaaaaaaaawwww. I could see someone like that being written.
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