KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Lilly, Hisao, Page 18


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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Akira + Hisao on Pg 2

Post by kosherbacon »

Extremist_Line wrote: I have no artistic talent,
I can't draw people for crap. That doodle took me about five hours to do :oops: , well, most of that time was spent relearning photoshop, but yeah...

I guess time for more practice practice practice.
Extremist_Line wrote: You know, I wouldn't mind seeing your character in one of your fics...

I currently don't have any immediate plans on using her for any fanfictions, she's a full two years behind the rest of the characters and I'd probably uninentionally self insert(that didn't sound right did it...) or turn her into a Mary Sue. Maybe a small appearance in a gym/rehab scene where she tries using a treadmill unassisted, only to collapse in a flurry of agonized swearing, trying to beat the crap out of the equipment.

edit: 10 minutes later, I'm already thinking about it. Dammit... :lol:
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Iwanako vs Path Girls (Pg3)

Post by kosherbacon »

A silly bunch of shorts featuring a different version of Iwanako meeting a different path girl when Hisao brings them back home to visit. I might rework the Rin scene into a larger fic eventually.



"Oh no! It's fine." Hisao tried to reassure Rin as he blotted the chocolate stain on his shirt with a wet napkin.

"No, once chocolate sets in, it won't wash out." Rin tugged at Hisao's shirt with her toe. "It's worse than paint."

"Really? Alright then," Hisao slid out of the booth and dismissed himself to the bathroom. "Play nicely, girls."

"Does this sort of thing happen all the time?" Iwanako asked when Hisao was out of view.

Rin was visiting Hisao and his family for the long weekend and while were going for a walk downtown, they encountered Iwanako, who invited them both to an ice cream parlor to catch up on old times. Rin spilled some of her sundae onto Hisao's shirt while trying to share some with him.

"Sharing ice cream with his old friends?" Rin wasn't sure what the hell Iwanako was talking about so she drew upon the first thing that came to mind. "No. I'd say this is the first time."

"I mean you making a mess while trying to be all lovey dovey." Iwanako flicked her bangs out of her eyes and fluttered her conspicuously perfect and feminine fingers. "After all, there are some things you just cannot do."

Rin glared at Hisao's ex. She wasn't just being tactless, she was insulting Rin.

"Did that bother you, when I gave him a hug when I saw him? Can you do that?"

"Hisao and I have different ways of expressing ourselves," Rin replied, regaining her composure as she gathered her anger into an imaginary soy bean and swallowed it. "What we have, works."

"Oh yeah?" Iwanako smirked. "Do you pet him with your stumps? Your legs? How about holding hands? No boy wants to hold onto an empty sleeve."

"Does it matter if we're in love?" Rin calmly stated, her interest quickly fading as her mind returned to more important topics, such as ice cream.

"I've sent Hisao to the emergency room with the power of my love. What can YOU do?"

"Hey, you gonna eat that cherry?" Rin pointed at Iwananko's ice cream with her tongue.

"Huh? Go for it."

Rin swung her leg out from under the table and plucked the cherry off with a spoon.

"As I was saying..." Iwanako continued as Rin loudly smacked her jaws around with the cherry in her mouth. "No offense intended, but Hisao deserves a girl who can offer more than someone like you can. I hope you understand."

Iwanako paused for a moment, annoyed, and looked at Rin, who was paying more attention to the food in her mouth than Iwanako's words of wisdom.

"You might not realize this now," Iwanako lectured, trying to regain Rin's attention, "but someday he's going to wish he had a girl who could do things like-"


Rin spat the cherry stem at Iwanako, bouncing it off her nose and onto the table.

"Things like that?"

"Wha... how...?" Iwanako stammered, seeing that the cherry stem had not not merely been tied in a knot but an actual bow.

"You think that's cool?" Rin boasted victoriously. "You should see what I could do with my toes."


"Nakai? Hisao Nakai, is that you?" Iwanako called out, jogging towards Hisao and his companion in the park.

"Iwanako? Oh wow. It's been a while. How have you been?"

"I'm good. Wow, you're looking well. I heard you were back in town so I... who's this here?"

"Oh, sorry! This is my girlfriend, Emi. Emi, this is Iwanako, an old friend of mine."

"Nice to meet you!" Emi extended her hand in greeting. "Would you like to join us today?"

"Well, I don't want to get in your way." Iwanako replied. "What are you guys up to?"

"Just shopping and stuff. Hey, what makeup do you use?"

"None, actually... why?"

"Just curious," Emi smiled. "I was wondering if those dark circles under your eyes were from makeup or if they were your actual skin."

"Excuse me? What?" Iwanako exasperatedly asked.

"It's probably a symptom of a poor diet. You really ought to eat more fiber."

"Gee... thanks?"

"Don't mention it. I'm only happy to help. Hey! Are you doing anything tomorrow morning?"

"Uh, no, why?"

"Hisao and I are going to go for a run down by the river." Emi reached out and jiggled Iwanako's flabby upper arm. "You should join us!"

"Well I..."

"It'll be fun!" Emi grinned, flicking at Iwanako's sides. "We'll get you started on a routine and before you know it, your muffin top will just melt..."

"Um, sorry, s-something just came up... I-igottago! Nice seeing you again Hisao!"

As Iwanako ran off to go purge in the bathroom, Hisao scowled at Emi.

"Was it something I said?"


Iwanako's peripheral vision slipped away, her focus locked on the amethyst eye in front of her. She kept trying to sneak a peek of the other one, hidden under a curtain of hair, her heart skipping a beat whenever a chance movement or slight breeze parted the girl's bangs enough to show both eyes.

How did she get here? Oh, that's right. Hisao invited her out to a picnic lunch along with his girlfriend from school. He said she was pretty but not like this. Iwananko's food and the conversation aimed at her might as well have been on another planet. All she wanted was to taste those soft, shiny lips and to cradle that delicate flower of a girl in her arms forever.

None of it made sense to her. Iwanako didn't even like girls. And by all logic, there was no reason why she would even consider this girl pretty, with her scars, her crippling shyness, her asymmetrical haircut. Yet somehow, that innocent, reserved girl managed to pull it off magnificently. She was living proof that beauty did not need to make sense at all.

Iwanako couldn't take it anymore. Her heart was tearing further apart every moment she was physically separated from the girl. If she didn't have her, she would regret it for the rest of her life. Forget food, water, and air. Hanako's lips were all she needed. Just one kiss wouldn't hurt, right?

"So there Kenji was, standing in the middle of the women's showers, his junk hanging out... Um, Iwanako?"

Iwanako had pounced over to Hanako's side of the picnic blanket and knocked her over and began aggressively making out with her. Hanako meekly reciprocated, mostly out of consideration for Hisao's friend.

"Hanako? Are you okay?" Hisao pried Iwanako off of her just as she was about to get her shirt ripped open.

"Yes. I-I'm S-Sorry." Hanako looked up, apologetically.

"There's nothing to be sorry for. All that matters is that you're unhurt."

"I-I know. S-Sorry."

"Whooooaaaah. Man," Iwanako shook her head and pounded her chest as if to dislodge a big wad of perversion from her throat. "I dunno what came over me!"

"Hanako, Hisao..." Iwanako pouted, her face red with shame. "I'm sorry, I just..."

"I-It's okay," Hanako held up her clasped hands to her face looking like a hurt puppy. "I-I'm fine."

"No... It's not. You guys were nice enough to invite me along and I got all weird and took advantage of..."

"No, really. It's fine." Hisao calmly said, holding Hanako close to him. "She's got that effect on people. It's not the first time..."

"Oh? Well... Okay then." Iwanako normally wouldn't believe something like that, but after what she just did, she could be convinced that the sky was red. "I still wanna make it up to you guys. How about you two come over to my place later and I'll make dinner. My parents are out of town and..."

"Wait." Hisao raised his eyebrow in attention. "Your parents will be gone? You don't plan on doing anything to my girlfriend, do you?"

"I cannot promise that I won't"

"W-What t-time should we come over?" Hanako asked, blowing a kiss back at Iwanako.



"Hisao? Is that you?" Iwanako looked up from the stack of magazines she was inspecting at the bookstore.

"Hey Iwanako. Long time no see."

"Yeah, you're looking good. Are you feeling better now?"

"Pretty much. I'm still on all kinds of drugs, though. Oh yeah, Allow me to introduce my gi..."

"Hi! I'm Shizune! Hicchan's girlfriend!"

"Hello Shizune," Iwanako nodded politely and turned to face Hisao's other companion, who was discretely making hand gestures behind her back. "I'm Iwanako, what's your name?"

"I told you," The first girl answered again. "I'm Shizune, Hisao's girlfriend. WAHAHAHAHA~!"

"I know, you told me that already..."

"Oy, sorry about that. They really get a kick out of confusing strangers." Hisao laughed, patting the shoulder of the quiet girl to his right. "Actually, this is Shizune. She's deaf."

"Ooooh, I see." Iwanako said, figuring it out, then turning to the pink-haired girl she spoke to first. "Then you must be Shizune's inter-"

"Actually, I'm Misha, Hicchan's girlfriend!"

"You... what?" She confusedly turned to Hisao. "Don't tell me that you're dating both of these girls."

"Well," Hisao nervously scratched the back of his head in slight embarrassment. "I guess you can say I am. You see, Shizune and Misha are a bit of a package deal. Two halves of a melon and all."

"Just, how does that sort of arrangement work?" Iwanako asked, staring at Shizune and Misha as they started to kiss, hoping to weird her out further.

"Quite well, actually," Hisao explained. "It started as a matter of necessity since my sign language was pretty rotten. You see at first I fell for Shizune but I needed to go through Misha. As I started to get better at it, I realized that I was in love with both girls. I was worried that I'd have to chose one or the other but it turned out that they had the same concerns and after sorting things out, we decided to all stay with each other."

"Yeah-huh." Iwanako looked at Hisao, cockeyed. She was rather mortified that a guy she actually liked would so readily jump into such an unusual relationship.

"Well, um, I'm happy for you guys." Iwanako excused herself as Misha squeezed her chest together to taunt Iwanako with her superior cleavage, while Shizune slowly raised her skirt up to show off her thighs. "It was nice seeing you again. Keep in touch, okay?"

"Bye, Iwanako. Your email is still the same, right?"

"Yeah!" Iwanako left her planned purchases behind and quickly exited the store.

"Jeez, she's no fun!" Misha pouted. "What do you think, Shicchan?"

"Yeah, what a prude."


"Well, well, if it isn't Hisao's new girlfriend?" A girl's voice addressed Lilly, as she waited outside the park bathroom for Hisao, who was suffering from a debilitating bout of sudden food poisoning.

"Hello there." Lilly bowed towards the voice in friendly greeting. "I'm Lilly. How do you do?"

"Will ya look at this?" The strange girl spoke to her nonspeaking companions as their footsteps gathered around. "Hisao got himself a goddamned ojou. Can you see this, princess?"

The girl's sleeves flapped as she raised her forearm to give what was surely an obscene gesture.

"Doh ho ho ho, Oh my." Lilly gave a ladylike laugh and tried placating the girl's hostility by playing along.

"What's so funny?" The stranger orbited around Lilly, flicking at her hair. "Her royal highness doesn't like my leftovers?"

"Leftovers? I do not understand."

"Dontcha know? I was Hisao's girl once. He must've been sicker than I thought to suddenly be into snobby foreigners with cow udders."

"Oh, you must be Iwanako then. It's nice to meet you. I suppose I have you to thank for being able to meet Hisao."

"Yeah, I've heard about you too. I hear you went to an all-girl Catholic school. So which are you?"

"Which what?" Lilly innocently shrugged.

"Which type of Catholic schoolgirl are you? A slut or a dyke?" Iwanako's insulting query was met with a cacophony of immature female giggles surrounding them. Lilly realized that she had been surrounded and decided to defuse the situation.

"Oh dear." Lilly sighed. "It seems that we've gotten off on the wrong foot. "Perhaps it would be best if we parted company now and started fresh some other day." Schoolyard incidents like this one were the true reason Lilly switched schools. Calmly, she called upon her extensive experience with teenage conflicts to seek a resolution.

"Oh no, bitch, you ain't getting rid of me that easily." Iwanako grabbed hold of Lilly's cane that was leaning on the wall next to her and threw it to the ground.

"How 'bout that?" Iwanako and her posse laughed as Lilly dropped to the ground and groped around looking for her cane. "I've got the ojou on her hands and knees."

Iwanako stepped closer, audibly grinding pavement gravel under her shoes as she approached. After a pause, one foot lifted off the ground and swung back, lined up with Lilly's face.

"Oh? Still looking? I've got your cane right here-"

Lilly caught Iwanako's foot by the ankle mid swing with her crossed forearms. Digging her nails into exposed calf flesh, she pulled backwards with her legs and yanked her opponent to the ground and heard a thud when Iwanako landed on her back. Estimating the location and orientation of Iwanako's torso, Lilly threw her left elbow into her stomach, knocking out whatever breath she still had after the fall.

"T-The fuck?!" Iwanako wheezed as she scrambled backwards.

Lilly cautiously got back up, her arms spread out, ready to deflect any blow heading at her. Iwanako jumped at Lilly and grabbed at her hair. Back in Lilly's old school, girls used to put razorblades and needles in their hair just to prevent such an attack.

With Iwanako scrambling to pull out her hair, Lilly swung her right arm in to clutch her enemy against herself. Armed with the knowledge of the positioning of Iwananko's body and limbs, she relentlessly punched away, first at Iwanako's ear, then her armpit.

Iwanako hooked her leg around to trip Lilly backwards, but was forced onto her own back due to her own lighter weight. With Iwanako on the ground again, Lilly pinned her down between her knees and repeatedly slugged her in the face until Iwanako ceased clawing at her. Lilly heard her cane get kicked around by Iwanako's flailing legs and halted her onslaught to retrieve it.

"Goddammit!" Iwanako addressed her backup as she stumbled away from the site of her beat down. "Why the fuck are you skeezers just standing around? Help me!"

"We... we thought you had it handled." One girl said.

"Yeah," another replied, "she's just a blind rich bitch. You couldn't take her on her own?"

"Oh, and to answer your question, my dear..." Lilly yelled at Iwanako as she drew her cane sword open. "I'm THIS kind of Catholic schoolgirl!"

"This chick is crazy, we're outta here." Iwanako's friends abandoned the scene, the footsteps from their clunky shoes filling the air like applause for Lilly's performance.

"Lilly! Are you okay? What happened?" Hisao came running out of the bathroom while pulling up his pants, belt still undone.

"H-Hisao?!" Iwanako went running away after her friends, clutching her split lip and broken nose. "It was nothing, bye!"

"I'm perfectly alright, Hisao." Lilly fixed her hair and dusted herself off, looking almost like nothing happened. "Your friend just took a fall and hurt herself."
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Iwanako vs Path Girls (Pg3)

Post by Beld »

Damn, this is awesome. You keep rockin' on, kosherbacon.
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Iwanako vs Path Girls (Pg3)

Post by Esa94 »

So Hanako's presence makes people lesbians, Iwanako is a bitch and Lilly is a fucking ninja?
Rin seemed to be just herself. Which was good, as she's weird enough already ^^

That almost makes sense.
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Iwanako vs Path Girls (Pg3)

Post by Quidoo »

These literally made me punch the air in triumph...on multiple occasions. Iwanako got a right rollocking.

Also, the way you write Rin never ceases to amuse me.
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Iwanako vs Path Girls (Pg3)

Post by SirMax »

So does that mean Iwanako is like Hisao and just has radically different personality based on which girl Hisao chooses?
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Iwanako vs Path Girls (Pg3)

Post by kosherbacon »

SirMax wrote:So does that mean Iwanako is like Hisao and just has radically different personality based on which girl Hisao chooses?
Somewhat. Really I was having fun giving her any personality I saw fit since she canonically has almost none.
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Iwanako vs Path Girls (Pg3)

Post by Snicket »

lol poor Iwanako, she just wanted to be loved. :twisted:

Anyway great stuff, though i found it a bit odd that Iwanako has such different personalities, depending on what girl Hisao has with him.
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Iwanako vs Path Girls (Pg3)

Post by PharaohSauron »

Emi, you manipulative bastard. :twisted:

And now I can't get the image of Misha squeezing the melons together out of my head. Not necessarily a bad image; I had just never thought of it.
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Iwanako vs Path Girls (Pg3)

Post by kosherbacon »

PharaohSauron wrote: And now I can't get the image of Misha squeezing the melons together out of my head.
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Hanako & Misha

Post by kosherbacon »

Here's another silly one for y'all. This one was written somewhat differently than my previous FFs. I started out with a small collection of loosely connected scenes, then I rewrote and rearranged into a story. Next up will be a Hisao+Rin story that was done the same way, but much better.

I've got an idea for a somewhat similar Hanako-coming-out-of-her-shell story in mind, but paired with a different character and hopefully with more potential for lulz.


Misha gave the new prototype one final inspection before takeoff. The aspect ratio of the wings was increased by fifty percent, and a precise load of ballast had been paper-clipped into place. Mr. Muto would have been impressed with the amount of careful calculations and experimentation she's expended in the project. As a student council officer, she would gladly approve funds for anyone wanting to start a school-supply aerodynamics club.

With the test vehicle finished, Misha prepared it for catapult launch. Aiming with her left hand, she took the paper airplane in her right and flung it across the room.

Success! The test flight terminated normally by way of collision with the classroom wall. Now to commence series production. With all council business finished for the weekend, Misha spent the rest of the day fighting off the boredom brought on by Shizune's absence. She settled on converting the empty student council room into a design laboratory for the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency.

"JAXA One, you are clear for launch. Five, four, three, two, ONE!" Misha shot her next experiment towards the open door.


Misha's test flight turned into a kamikaze attack when Hanako stumbled into the flight path.

"Direct hit! WAHAHAHA~!"

"E-Excuse me. Um, I..." Hanako creeped into the room, winding up strength to dash out of the room as soon as her business there was finished.

"Gimme that." Misha impatiently got up and snatched the papers out of Hanako's hands and read them.

"Blah blah...blah... Hey, these forms are from Class 3-2. You didn't transfer homerooms on me, did you?" Misha scratched her chin and wondered if Hanako managed to slip out of Muto's class once and for all. She had gotten so good at being invisible that Misha wouldn't have noticed if she really did.

"No I... I helped Lilly fill these out." Hanako timidly answered.

"Figures. Satou stole another one of MY classmates to do HER work, huh? Anyways, I'll give these to the president to sign when she returns."

"O-Okay. Well I'm d-done so..." Hanako turned to jump towards the door when Misha grabbed her by the shoulder.

"Hey Ikezawa, what are you doing later today"

"I'm b-busy." Hanako tried squirming out of Misha's death grip. "Why?"

"Because," Misha confessed with an uncharacteristically pitiful look on her face. "Shicchan isn't here and... I'm... BOOOOORED! What the heck do you have planned on a lovely Saturday evening that could be so awesome?"

"I-I was going to go to the library..."

"You're kidding, right?" Misha playfully wrapped both arms around Hanako and squeezed. "As student council vice president, it is my sworn duty to attend to the morale of my classmates. Don't you worry, Miss Ikezawa, you're in good hands.

"But... Ms. Mikado..."

"Puhleeeze. Ms. Mikado is my mother. Call me Misha, okay, Hach... um, Nako... AH! Hanachan!"

"Okay, Sh-Shiina."

"Eh, good enough."

Misha ran over to a filing cabinet and unlocked a drawer with a key she wore around her neck. She took out an envelope full of surplus student council funding that she and Shizune accumulated by overstating expenses.

"Okay, Hanachan. Let's go have us a good time!"


"Okay, keep it steady." Misha instructed Hanako, as they hid behind some bushes and watched Kenji and Hisao bore a peephole to the women's showers from the outside wall. Hanako was tasked with drawing Kenji's attention by aiming a laser pointer at the wall next to him.

"Uh-oh," Kenji noted the red dot that drifted towards his chest. "I've got a bad feeling about this, Nakai..."

"Watch this." Misha flipped open a lighter and ignited a string of fire crackers.

"HIT THE DECK!" Kenji screamed as he pounced Hisao to the ground upon hearing the Feminist snipers open fire.

"WAHAHAHAHA~! DEATH TO MALE CHAUVINISM!" Misha shouted as the two boys ran for cover. "So how 'bout it Hanachan, are we having fun yet?"

Misha looked up at the girl who was ironically the quietest person she knew and saw that Hanako had finally unveiled a playful smile, which she tried hiding behind her hands. Seeking to further assail Hanako with fun activities, Misha opened up her bag and pulled out a large cordless power drill.

"Wh-What's that for?"

"Oh, this little thing...?" Misha grinned. "How about we go check out the men's showers? I think the soccer team should be finishing up their practice right about now."


"Hm. Still, no." The pudgy bouncer with the sour face handed Misha and Hanako's fake IDs back to them.

"What else could you possibly need?" Misha protested from outside the velvet rope, while Hanako stood there petrified at the prospect of being in a dark nightclub, surrounded by intoxicated strangers.

"This is a very exclusive establishment. We don't let any riffraff in here unless they've got something special." The bouncer tried shooing them away with a wave of his hand.

"Something special, huh?" Misha bent over the rope and unbuttoned her blouse to expose her cleavage.

"I've seen better."

"DAMMIT!" Misha backed off momentarily but refused to give up, frustrating the crowd lined up behind them. Misha bribed the yearbook staff into printing out fake IDs and had "borrowed" one of Shizune's nicer outfits for Hanako and she was not about to let her efforts go to waste.

"Okay, how about this..." Misha yanked Hanako away from examining the cracks in the sidewalk and held her by the waist.

"Just follow my lead, Hanachan." She said as she pressed her lips against Hanako's and sloppily kissed her with plenty of visible tongue involvement.

"Not bad. You're in" The bouncer finally cracked a smile and let the two girls in.

"Hey Hanako," Misha asked as the loud, thumping music began to drown out their words. "I thought you said you've never kissed before. You were actually pretty good back there."

"I-I said that I never kissed a... boy."

"Hoooo.... I see."


"No, no, no. Her jugs aren't that big!" Misha yelled at the tattoo artist, pointing at the school portrait he was basing his work on.

"It's called artistic license, Shiina." The mustache and the man attached to it grumbled as he got back to work on the blonde pin-up girl behind Hanako's left shoulder. "A bit late to change things now, anyway."

From her face-down position on the table, Hanako saw that the loud discussion over creative differences attracted the attention of the parlor's other patrons, including a woman who was covered everywhere below the neck and above the elbows in Yakuza tattoos.

The previous day, Hanako was her typical self, scurrying into shadows around even her own classmates and taking refuge in solitude. Since then, she somehow had gotten dragged into the outside world with Misha and was ending the evening half-naked in front of about a dozen strangers, with the school buying her a tattoo.

Hanako naturally objected at first until Misha pointed out that she was in no position to worry about the stigma of having unusual marks on her skin. Still wanting some measure of emotional safety, she decided on artwork based on someone she loved.

"No, they look about right," the decorated woman commented as she pulled out her wallet and retrieved a photograph from the inside. "She really is that busty. See? Here's a picture of us at the beach."

"A-Akira?!" Hanako turned her head to get a look at the familiar sounding woman's face and jerked in fright.

"Oy, oy, hold still, will ya?" The artist instructed as he clamped the center of Hanako's back down with his free hand.

"W-What are you doing here?" Hanako nervously asked Akira.

"I had some work to do out here and now I'm celebrating a finished job with some new ink. That cheesecake girl is lookin' good so far, I'm sure Lilly would be flattered if she could..."

"P-Please don't tell her!"

"Eh? Why n..." Akira dropped the subject and decided to respect Hanako's desire for privacy. "...Eh, alright. I won't snitch on you if you won't snitch on me, kay?"

"T-Thank you." Hanako was going to mention seeing Akira(but not where) to Lilly and ask about her body art but decided against it when she noticed a pistol tucked in the waist of Akira's pants.

"So what about you, Shi... Mee... um, Hanako's friend?" Akira asked Misha. "Are you getting work done too?"

"It's Misha," she replied, "and not today." Misha lifted up her skirt and pulled back the edge of her underwear's leg hole and revealed a simplified miniature map of Australia.

"I just got my Risk board finished here last month."

"Looks like they had to shrink it down, can you actually play a board game on your butt?" Akira asked.

"Yeah but it usually ends up leading to a game of something else anyway. WAHAHAHA~!"



"Okay, good. Perfect!" Misha double checked the hand-signs Hanako had been practicing on the way back to school.

Misha and Hanako arrived at Shizune's door at four-thirty in the morning, having snuck back into the dorms by slipping into uniforms they stashed in bags near the school's entrance and returning from "official student council business" in town.

"Sh-shouldn't we knock first?" Hanako questioned as Misha fished out a key and opened the door to Shizune's room.

"Sure, if you want to be here all day." Misha giggled as she reached inside and repeatedly flicked the light switch.

After a couple minutes, a haggard wreck resembling Shizune appeared at the door, hair tangled up, neck swollen, and wearing two layers of sweats and a robe.

"Good morning Shicchan."

"What are you doing here?"

"We are just checking on you. How are you feeling?"

"I'm dying of mono and I've got you idiots waking me up before dawn. How do you think I feel? And why is she wearing my dress?"

"Oh don't be so grumpy, Shicchan. We were just having a good time in your honor. I've even been teaching Hanako some sign language. Would you like to see?"

"No, I don't. I'm going back to bed."

"She says yes, Hanachan. Show her!"

"You are a slut." Hanako slowly but precisely signed the words that she was taught, much to Misha's delight. Shizune, on the other hand, scowled with anger and slammed the door in their faces.

"D-did I do it wrong?"

"Nope. She's just touched that how well you were able to say "Get well soon." She'll get over it. WAHAHAHA~!"

"Come on," Misha grabbed Hanako by the hand and dragged her to her room. "Let's get some shut-eye."


"So, did you have fun last night, Hanachan?" Misha asked, looking down on Hanako, who was pinned between her legs.

"Y-Yes. Thank you, Shiina."

"Don't thank me yet, I've still got some things planned for you."

"Oh no. N-No!" Hanako wiggled free and scrambled into a corner, fearing what Misha was going to do next.

"Don't worry. This won't hurt... much. WAHAHAHA~!"

Misha closed in on Hanako, wielding a six-inch wide conical metal implement that she intended to use on Hanako. After plugging it into the wall, she threateningly squeezed a thumb lever, opening and closing the tool's metallic petals as if she were a medieval torturer trying to break down her prey before getting started.

"Come on, Hanachan," Misha said as she pointed with the chrome cone-of-doom, "the sooner you give in, the sooner it will be all over with."

Soon, Misha's hall filled with the sounds of Hanako's squealing and the crackled sizzles from Misha's torture device.


"Should I go look for her?" Hisao asked as he worriedly checked the time. "She might be stuck in the library."

"Give her a few more minutes." Lilly calmly responded, hearing the time from her own wristwatch. "We're in no hurry."

"H-Hi Lilly, hi Hicchan." Hanako quietly announced her presence as she arrived at the school's front gate.

"What did you just call m... Hanako!" Hisao freaked out at Hanako's appearance and checked her forehead with his hand for a fever. "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine, Hicchan. D-Do you not like my new look?" Hanako asked, bouncing her freshly cooked hair drills with her palm.

"No, it looks good..." Hisao gritted his teeth in awe of Hanako's shockingly revealing outfit. She had stolen one of Shizune's halter tops, exposing her shoulders to the world. "Did you do your hair yourself?"

"N-No. Shiina helped me with it."

"Of course she did." He muttered under her breath, then noted the bandage on the back of her left shoulder. "Hey, what happened here? Are you hurt?"

"N-No, it's just a little something I had d-done last night." Hanako peeled the edge of the bandage up to show off her tattoo to Hisao.

"A t-tattoo? Did you join a gang or something?" Hisao scrambled to take his jacket off and drape it around Hanako, only to be brushed off.

"Oh my." Lilly happily noted. "It seems that Hanako has had quite an adventure without us."

"MmmmHmm." Hanako snatched Lilly by the collar to give her a kiss. "Sorry t-to keep you waiting. Sh-shall we get going?"

"Um... Okay..." Lilly stumbled, visibly uncomfortable with Hanako's conduct.

"Jeez, what's gotten into her?" Hisao shook his head as he followed the two girls down the hill as they walked, with Hanako's hand around Lilly's waist.

"What's the matter, Hicchan?" Misha snuck up from behind and playfully punched him in the arm. "Broken heart? WAHAHAHAHA~!"

"Misha, what'd you do to Hanako?"

"Just had an old fashioned girls' night out, just the two of us." Misha wrapped her arms around Hisao's shoulders and squeezed.

"Don't worry, Hicchan, I won't let you be a third wheel today. As student council vice president, I shall do my best to improve your morale!"

"Whatever, just don't mess with my hair."

Hanako and Lilly continued down the hill, with Hisao and Misha close behind. Lilly continued fidgeting her way out of Hanako's grip, trying to keep her just close enough to be guided by her.

"Hanako, dear?" Lilly asked after several minutes of soul searching. "Why did you kiss me earlier?"

"B-Because I wanted to." Hanako answered flatly. "I w-won't do that again if it b-bothers you."

"Well, it's not that I didn't like it," Lilly responded, trying to unravel her own confusion. "It just surprised me, that's all."

Hanako contemplated giving a typically Hanako-like response, but something Misha planted in her head earlier gave her other ideas. Hanako shook, struggling to find a balance between her safe, secure, and reserved old ways against her awakened desires to be more playfully callous, adventurous, and drill-hair-ey.

"W-Wa..." She choked out, catching Misha's attention.

"Go on, Hanachan, let it out."

"I-I shouldn't..."

"It's okay." Misha said, patting Hanako on the shoulder. "You're surrounded by your loved ones. Nothing would please us more than to hear you laugh."



Hanako gulped as a torrent of words and sounds rushed down from her brain and battered their way past her lips. Misha pumped her fists in a silent chant of encouragement, while Hisao and Lilly anxiously prepared themselves for whatever would come next, palms ready to meet foreheads in disapproval.

"B-Betcha didn't SEE that coming, didja, Licchan! WAHAHAHAHAHA~!"


Yes, that was a curling iron for hair drills.
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Misha & Hanako (Pg3)

Post by Sgt_Frog »


Hanako would look good in a halter top (the scars on her right shoulder would look AMAZING), have derailed Hanako's character so's hard to recognize her.
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Misha & Hanako (Pg3)

Post by kosherbacon »

Yep. With this one, my character distortion reached critical mass. I confess that it was originally going to be about Misha and Emi, but I found the idea of Hanako with drill hair to be waaaay more appealing.
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Misha & Hanako (Pg3)

Post by Snicket »

Well it was an interesting read, i'll give you that and it was certainly 'outside the box.' How ever the possibility derailed rather quickly. Though it was still entertaining none the less.
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