Lilly's date


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Lilly's date

Post by chaix »

hello forums, I decided I've extracted all the d'awww I can out of Hanako for now so I decided to move on to her best friend! Any girls (or anyone else for that matter) with a problem with how i'm writing Lilly, please go ahead as I have very little clue as to how most female minds work. This is part one of three in order to keep the post size down.

I walk up the stairs, counting each one as I go. Which one did he say? Second, third? My hand runs over the door frame at the entrance to the hallway as I slowly make my way along. A space opens up under my hand. The material feels wooden; at least if it isn’t Hisao’s I can ask.

Knock knock.

Hi:“Who is it?”

It seems to be my lucky day.

Li:“It’s Lilly.”

Hi: “Give me a second.”

There’s a metal clank as the lock slides back.

Hi: “What brings you here?”

Li: “It’s Friday and Hanako is...”

Hi: “Ah, got it. Let me see what I need.”

His footsteps retreat into the room and I hear several muttered words and scratching before he returns.

Hi: “Ok, got my list. Shall we get going?”

Li: “Thank you.”

As we head downstairs I count the number of stairs. As I reach the bottom step I step out expecting level ground, and find the edge of another step. As reflex tightens my grip on the rail, I feel someone holding me back.

Hi: “You okay?”

Li: “Y-yes, I think there were fewer steps on the way up though.”

Hi: “Huh? Maybe it’s one of those weird supernatural things. ”

Li: “M-maybe it is.”

I don’t actually believe in things like that of course, but I’d prefer to not ruin the moment by actually saying it.

We work or way out of the boy’s dorm, out of the school and down the hill. The tapping of my cane and our breathing are the only sounds until we reach the town. Even then, it’s quiet. Occasionally I can hear a bird or some people talking on the other corner.

Li: “Hisao, could we take a walk through the park?”

Hi: “I guess so.”

I feel a slight tug as he guides me around the corner. The chirping gets louder as I assume we get closer to the town’s park. The sounds of the town fade to a slight murmur in the background until the sound of chirping and my companion’s breathing overtake them.

Li: “Do you need to sit down?”

Hi: “I think so; I can feel my heart pounding.”

The sound of his footsteps travel off to the side, there’s a slight creaking just after the footsteps stop. I follow the sound until my cane hits something around the level of my knee. I sit down and slide over until I hit something warm and soft. It recoils a bit from my body.

Hi: “Lilly?”

Good, his voice is the one beside me.

Li: “I’m sorry Hisao.”

I fight the smile creeping up on my face and move a little closer to him.

Li: “Um... Hisao, could you let me feel it?”

Hi: “Wha?”

Li: “Your heart.”

Hi: “Uh, yeah I guess. As long as you don’t punch me or something I’ll be fine.”

I reach over, placing one hand on his chest and one hand on mine. I can feel it thumping against his chest, compared to mine it’s like someone is beating a drum inside his chest. After a few seconds it calms down to match mine. I try imprinting the peeling into my memory as it might be useful later.

Hi: “Uh Lilly?”

Li: “Sorry, are you rested now?”

Hi: “Yeah, we should probably get to the store before it gets dark.”

I bite my cheek as he helps me up. I gave him a perfectly good chance and he didn’t seem to notice, Of course he could just be more gentlemanly than I had given him credit for...

Hi: “Thinking about something?”

Li: “Hmmm?”

Hi: “You stopped using your cane a little while back.”

Li: “I did?”

Hi: “There’s no one else around so I guess you’re okay. It must be important if you’re thinking that seriously though.”

Li: “I... suppose it is important, at least to me.”

Hi: “Anything I can help with?”

Maybe if I wasn’t so stubborn.

Li: “No, It’s more of a...”

Hi: “Got it, girl stuff, won’t bother you about it again.”

I suppose it is a ‘girl’ thing. A boy would just be able to go after their interest without having to drop hints left and right.

He hands me the basket and I fold up my cane. I reach out and feel the cuff of his shirt... maybe I should-

Hi: “Lilly?”

His voice breaks my train of thought and my hand reflexively takes hold of his. I can feel it slowly getting warmer as more and more blood is rapidly pumped through both our hands.

Hi: “Heh, so I’m as good as Hanako now?”

It’s saddening how oblivious he seems to be, I barely hold Hanako’s cuff, just like I did with you before.

Li: “Sorry, your voice suddenly startled me. If you want I could-”

Hi: “Don’t worry about it, besides, it’s not like we’re actually together or anything ha ha ha.”

There’s an odd nervousness in his laugh, probably because he’s trying to make me feel better. It doesn’t help. We travel through the aisles, picking up our items one by one and paying for them as if everything is completely normal. Our walk back to the school is in complete silence, save for a few insects and my cane. Eventually Hisao’s pace slows down to a crawl and his breathing gets louder and more laboured.

Li: “Are you alright?”

Hi: “Yeah, I think it’s just ‘because the bags are a little heavier than usual.”

Li: “I could take some of them...”

Hi: “I’m fine, I can just write this off as more training for Emi later. Maybe she’ll even give me the day off!”

He laughs half-heartedly, knowing that the chances of any such break are unlikely at best. Flashes of several female voices run through my mind. That’s right; Hisao has several other women in his life. It is entirely possible he has feelings for another. As I think about this, I am filled with the ugly desire of wanting to kick something. The twists of the sidewalk grow more and more familiar as thoughts continue to race around in my mind until we reach the entrance to the dorms.

Hi: “Hu hu hu, finally back.”

Li: “Are you sure you are fine?”

Hi: “Positive, just need some sleep. Here are your bags”

He places the cloth bag’s straps into my hand. I take a step closer, the two sides of my mind fighting over what I should do.

Hi: “See you tomorrow Lilly.”

With that I hear his steps move off toward the door.

Li: “Thank you for coming with me.”

I just barely manage to spit out a basic gesture of gratitude before I hear the door swing open and closed. No feeling in it besides haste, almost robotic.

I make my way to our dorm, focusing on the tapping of my cane against the concrete, then the linoleum, then the plastic ledges of the steps, then the wood along the side of the hallway to stop any sudden outbursts. I quickly place all of the food in its proper place before changing into my nightgown and laying down in my bed.

(Time skip)
Last edited by chaix on Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lilly's date

Post by kosherbacon »

YES! I was hoping your next one would be another Lilly-centric ff.

I eagerly await your next release.
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Re: Lilly's date

Post by Smoku »

Hmm, Hisao either loves someone else or he's plainly dense... go on ;P
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Re: Lilly's date

Post by chaix »

^he's not entirely dense, he just can't believe Lilly is hitting on him. to be fair though, he is a a little dense, what guy isn't?


Brrrriiinnnggg brrriiinnnggg brrr-

I right myself in my bed, finally reflecting on last night. At the very least I don’t think I damaged our relationship but...

Li: “I suppose I’m just not satisfied with waiting for him.”

I put on my robe, and grab my cane before heading into the bathroom, hoping for an idea, any idea, to leap out at me. The thoughts keep going as I go through my morning routine, each one intertwined with a wish for some magical romantic idea to simply reveal itself.

Nothing does. I end up walking to school, with what I assume to be an aura of despair radiating from every part of my body.

Mi:“What’s wrong Satou?”

The bubbly voice of Shizune’s companion rings in my ears.

Li: “Nothing, nothing. How are you on this fine morning?”

Mi: “Whahahahaha I’m fine, Sicchan’s worried about all the club equipment requisition forms piled on her desk though.”

I suppose that means they are together right now?

Li: “I hope that you can finish your work quickly for everyone’s sake.”

Mi: “It’s better than doing nothing and forgetting deadlines.”

Li: “I suppose it is. Well then if you will excuse me.”

I turn around and start toward my classroom with a renewed vigour. I do not wish to become involved in a dispute with her today; she could easily end up twisting anything I say. Everything I said would only end up benefiting her.

An unfortunate idea finally pops into my head.

(Time skip)

I stand at the entrance to hell, prepared to make a deal with a demon. It’s not a prospect I’m particularly fond of, but then I suppose last resorts never are.

Mi: “Ah Satou, what are you doing here, come to drop off some late forms? We’re kind of of swamped right now.”

Li: “I’m sorry for interrupting your busy schedule, but I have an... issue that I believe Shizune can help solve.”

A chair off to the side moves, and several footsteps imply that Shizune is now standing in front of me.

Mi: “What is it; need another due date pushed back?”

Li: “No, it is somewhat more... personal than that.”

Mi: “Well then spit it out!”

Li: “I request your aid with-”

The words stop in my throat. I can’t seem to force them out in a sentence no matter what I try.

Mi: “c’mon c’mon tell us!”

Li: “I need help with my love life.

The words sound like they had come out from a mouse.

Mi: “What was that?”


Mi: “Eh?”

The sudden and violent release appears to have stunned them, I use the few seconds of silence to collect myself before the inevitable battle.

Mi: “Satou likes a boy?”

Li: “I do not believe that such a thing is strange for a female high school student.”

There are several seconds of near silence, their fingers making audible cuts through the air. I prepare myself for the oncoming barrage.

Mi: “Alright Satou, who is it?”

Li: “I do not feel comfortable leaving that information in your hands.”

Mi: “then what exactly do you want help with?”

Li: “I am currently unaware of whether he returns my feelings, or even if he regards me as a possible match. Furthermore, I am having trouble attracting his attention in... that way.”

Mi: “An un-unrequited love?!”

I feel someone grab my hands quite firmly and begin shaking them.

Mi: “We aren’t going to help you for free- what do you mean Sicchan? A maiden’s pure heart is at stake, we can’t demand payment!”

The hands let go and the air is once more torn to shreds.

Mi: “We’re going to your room Saitou!”

Li: “What?”

Mi: “Sicchan and I are disagreeing so I’ll just help you myself Whahahahaha!”

She drags me out of the council room and over to the girl’s dorms at a pace I can barely manage to keep up with. By the time we reach my room I’m beginning to feel like Hisao did last night.

Mi: “So Satou, who’s the lucky guy? Sicchan’s not with us anymore.”

Li: “Can I have your promise that nothing will leave this room?”

Mi: “I swear on love itself!”

‘Love itself’? Just what does this girl do in her spare time?

Li: “I suppose that’s good enough.”

Mi: “So, who is it? That shut in Kenji from your class?”

Her aggressiveness is astounding, I feel as though she is so close her face is almost touching my own.

Li: “n-no-”

Mi: “That cute soccer player from the third year?”

Li: “Of course not. I don’t-”

Mi: “Can it be Hicchan? It is isn’t it?! You can’t hide your face Satou, you’re turning bright red!”

Li: “Yes, I would like to be with Hisao. Now will you help me?”

It’s a good thing we left Shizune back in the council room. I’d hate to think of what would happen if she found out.

Mi: “Of course, I will never abandon a fellow disciple of love!”

Li: “Disciple.... of love?”

Mi: “So what have you tried so far?”

Li: “I have sat next to him on a bench...”

Mi: “And?”

Li: “I held his hand instead of his cuff when we were shopping.”

Mi: “And?”

The disappointment in her voice is growing by the second.

Li: “I have affectionately teased him”

Mi: “Is that it?”

Li: “I believe so.”

Mi: “Awwwww, no love letter? No attempted confessions? No ‘It’s not a date’s?”

Li: “I suppose last night was sort of a date...”

Mi: “What did you do?”

Li: “We walked around the park, we sat on the bench together and I felt his heartbeat, and then shopping while I was holding his hand.”

Mi: “Apart from the heartbeat thing, that’s stuff he could do with his mother or sister! You need to attack!”

Li: “Attack?”

Mi: “Slip a love letter under his door, hug him, wrap yourself around his arm, kiss him on the cheek, something proactive!”

Her voice is reaching levels that are best left for concerts and runways. It appears she is.... quite enthusiastic about the subject of love.

Li: “I- I don’t think I could do any of that. He could already have an interest in someone else.”

Mi: “Someone else? Think of someone else as the enemy that must be defeated in order to save his heart!”

Li: “I do not... I do not wish to have someone else who may reciprocate his feelings hurt in such a way. I have already done too much damage interfering in those kinds of situations”

Mi: “You could always try accidental coincidences.”

Li: “Accidental?”

Mi: “He just happens to forget his lunch the same day you made an extra, or you accidently end up in each other’s arms under and large tree on the night of a full moon.”

Li: “What about Hisao’s feelings if he... is attracted to someone else.”

Mi: “We just ask him!”

Li: “Directly? But that would-”

Mi: “Not directly, we get a guy to ask for us! That way, he’ll be more honest.”

Li: “Are you sure?”

Mi: “Pretty sure, that’s what most of the people on TV do. I think I know the perfect guy too ask too.”

Li: “Are you certain you want to help me? I doubt Shizune would approve.”

Mi: “Uh huh, I can’t ignore a maiden in love, even if it’s my best friend’s enemy.”

Li: “May I repay you in some way then?”

Mi: “If you go ahead and pursue him, then I’ll ask that you follow my instructions.”

That kind of promise seems dangerous, although I was expecting something of the sort from Shizune. This seems to be much safer than what I believed this might cost me.

Li: “Then... we have a deal Miss Mikado.”

Mi: “When’s the next time you can be alone with him?”

Li: “I suppose that would be next Friday. Assuming Hanako is too busy to come again.”

Mi: “Hrrrrmmmm anything before that?”

Li: “We have lunch together, however Hanako is usually with us.”

Mi: “Then Friday it is then. I’ll make a plan and get everything together.”

(Time skip)
Last edited by chaix on Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lilly's date

Post by kosherbacon »

:D My opinion of Misha has improved considerably.
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Re: Lilly's date

Post by Mag »

I have an eerie feeling in my spine that makes me want to rip it out from the base all the way up to my skull... that's just me when i feel like something bad is going to happen but I'm also excited on watching it unfold. Misha's plan is going to be evil (in a funny way), drastic, and also hilarious since it's Lilly. But this is just me thinking on what Misha is going to plan. It is up to you to create something awesome. I'll be waiting for part 3.
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Re: Lilly's date

Post by U.T. Raptor »

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Re: Lilly's date

Post by chaix »

well it's monday (technically) so for the conclusion, please proceed to the theater, please do not bring in outside food, and refrain from talking until it's over. after that you can scream all ya want :p
edit: something's going wonky with the last paragraph, working on it...
edit 2: fixed

A loud voice rings over the sound of the others gathering their things and discussing their weekend plans.

Mi: “Lilly! Over here!”

I navigate through the crowd of people and meet Mikado just inside the door.

Li: “Hello Mikado, did you find out...”

Mi: “According to him, he isn’t interested in anyone.”

Li: “Oh, that is disappointing.”

Mi: “Whahahaha you didn’t see what happened after he said that. Sicchan started asking questions like a TV cop.”

Li: “I suppose that means you were the one asking him then.”

Mi: “Er kinda, but when Sicchan started naming other girls, he got really red!”

Li: “He was... blushing? I suppose that means he does find other girls attractive.”

Mi: “He got really red when she mentioned ‘that lazy blond Lilly’.”

Li: “That... may have just been anger. He tends to react badly when someone insults his friends.”

Mi: “I say it means he likes you, so it means he likes you!”

As much as I’d like to believe her conclusion, I have doubts about her logic.

Mi: “Oh, I almost forgot, I need to give you this.”

She presses something small into my hand.

Li: “What is it?”

Mi: “It’s something you put in your ear so I can tell you what to do. It goes in like this.”

She twists the little object and guides it into my ear. It’s not... painful, but it does make me hope that this event will end quickly.

Mi: “What time do you usually meet him?”

Li: “I’m not entirely sure. Sometimes we meet at the gate, sometimes before that.”

Mi: “Hmmm I suppose we can just wait for him at the gate.”

Li: “He may have left already if he thinks Hanako is coming with me.”

Mi: “Then we need to get moving!”

She grabs my hand and pulls me through the hall and down the stairs. I find myself struggling to both keep my balance and match her pace.

Mi: “Hu hu hu.... m-made it.”

Li: “A-amazing Mikado... that was quite a sprint.”

Mi: “I’ll go and hide, you wait for Hisao here.”

Li: “Are you sure this will work?”

Mi: “Positive. If it starts to fail, then we’ll use love to hold it together!”

I can hear her running off, leaving me to wait for-

Mi: “Can you hear me?”

I nod, I expected it to be much louder than it was, for her this must be like whispering.

Hi: “Lilly?”

Li: “Ah, Hisao?”

Hi: “Yeah, Hanako mentioned she might not make it tonight.”

Thank you Hanako, I’ll have to remember to do something for you later.

Li: “Shall we get going then?”

Hi: “Sure.”

Mi: “Hold his hand and lean into him a bit.”

The sudden sound of Mikado’s voice nearly causes me to trip over my own feet. I feel Hisao’s hand grab mine in an effort to keep me standing.

Hi: “You okay?”

Li: “I believe so.”

I grip his hand but I decide not to try and push myself onto him, I would rather not force myself onto him if he doesn’t want to be that close. Thankfully he doesn’t seem to be too put off by it. I do however hear a squeal of what I assume is delight from my left ear.

Mi: “Try to get him into the park, and then tire him out.”

I’d reply that this is what I tried last week, but she neglected to give me any way to respond to her. Then again, I suppose I did say I’d do what she said.

Li: “Would you like to walk around the park again?”

Hi: “I guess so; did Emi ask you to make sure I exercised?”

Li: “Would it make a difference if she did?”

Hi: “Yeah it would, if I refused her request, I’d be chained to the track for the entire weekend.”

Li: “And if not?”

Hi: “Then I’d feel guilty that I turned down a simple request from a pretty girl, horrible either way really.”

Somewhere in my mind I’m jumping up and down like a little girl in elementary school, which I assume is supposed to look rather silly and childish. We reach the town and once more head for the park. The birds seem much livelier today. I can hear more of them singing than last week. Eventually I begin to notice Hisao’s breathing becoming louder and his pulse steadily increasing. I stop when I feel my cane hit something hard and metal. A few quick taps confirm that it is an empty bench.

Li: “Please sit down.”

Hi: “Thanks.”

His body makes a thud against the wooden seat while I calmly take a seat beside him.

Mi: “Get closer.”

I nudge myself a little closer to him until our legs are roughly one hand width apart.

Hi: “Cold?”

Li: “No, it’s just easier if I can feel that someone else is nearby.”

I instantly regret saying it. It sounds just like what it is, a horrible lie used to allow someone to sit closer.

Hi: “The ‘I need something to anchor myself to’ feeling, I got that the first time I walked in that gate.”

Li: “Yes, I suppose it’s a bit like that.”

I feel him slide over just far enough that we’re almost touching, coupled with another squeal from Mikado. I just hope he hasn’t seen through me yet, I’m not sure how well I could handle the embarrassment.

Hi: “I think I’m better now, shall we get going to the store?”

Li: “Of course.”

Mi: “His hand!”

I try to grab his hand without much success. I end up giving up on it after the third failed attempt. There’s not even an attempt at conversation from either of us. The birds have all gone to sleep, the people are all eating dinner inside, Mikado seems to have gone quiet as well. At some point I notice that the tapping of my cane is absent once again.

Hi: “Lilly, here.”

Li: “Hmmm?”

My hand searches around and finds the usual feeling of the convenience store’s basket; we must have walked inside the store without realizing it. I reach out to find some piece of Hisao to hold onto, after a few seconds of searching I feel someone else’s hand lightly grab my own.

Hi: “C’mon Lilly.”

I fight the blood rushing to my cheeks before he manages to notice.

We get our groceries without incident, the only words exchanged being absolutely necessary. When we get out of the store I finally hear Mikado’s voice ring in my ears, I had almost forgotten that she was nearby.

Mi: “Get close to him!”

After I extend my cane I position myself close to Hisao, if I was any closer-


I move a slight bit closer. Any closer and I’d probably end up having to explain myself.

Mi: “Grab his arm and put your head on his shoulder!”

My brain blanks out for a second. His arm, that would be the point of no return, it would be impossible to explain such an action without telling him... everything. If we were seen, it would mean our names would be-

Mi: “Do it Satou or I tell Sicchan to go after him!”

Losing Hisao... to her? No, I will not allow him to become the puppet of that woman. I wrap my left arm around his right as he stands up. While he doesn’t say a word, I can just feel his pulse quicken and his muscles tensing up from nervousness. As we head back I relax my hold on his arm as I grow more comfortable with the situation.

He slows his pace as we approach the dorm entrances.

Mi: “Hey Satou, it’s time for the main event.”

Main event... wait she can’t...

Mi: “A romantic kiss under the full moon! Whahahaha”

Hi: “Lilly could you excuse me for a second?”

Li: “Um Hisao-”

Hi: “I’ll just be a second.”

He places his bags on the ground and moves toward the grounds.

Mi: “Wha- he’s... no no no no-”

Hi: “Hello Misha.”

He walks back, Mikado presumably being the one shuffling behind him.

Li: “What’s wrong?”

Hi: “Misha’s been spying on us all night”

Mi: “Wha- When did?”

Hi: “The park, you aren’t that good at hiding. And I heard muffled sounds coming from Lilly.”

Li: “I’m sorry for not being honest about-”

Hi: “I don’t mind that, but Misha?”

Mi: “Hey what’s that supposed to mean?”

Hi: “Have you ever actually gone out with someone?”

Mi: “Nope! I just play- uh it doesn’t matter. Uh...enjoy your evening.”

She sulks off muttering something about a ‘capturing goddess’ that I can’t quite make out.

Hi: “Now Lilly-”

Li: “I am truly sorry for all of the trouble I have caused you this evening and I hope that you can forgive me.”

The automatic apology races out of my mouth before he can finish.

Hi: “Can I just blame it on Misha?”

Li: “No, I am the one who requested her help. In return, I was to follow the instructions she gave me.”

He’s going to turn me down, or at least say how stupid it was to follow someone else’s commands. Ugh why did I even- wait, what... on my... n-no can’t be. Ears, ch-ch-cheeks- he’s...he’s

Hi: “You uh, did say you had to follow all her instructions right?”

Li: “... You know, it is very rude to steal a young woman’s first kiss without permission. And to do it so... awkwardly-”

Hi: “It’s not like I have experience with this, I actually thought my heart my go nuts there.”

That means... no, focus! He did something stupid and... and...

Li: “Then that was a very reckless and thoughtless thing you did.”

Hi: “Yeah well, I kind of got a feeling in my gut.”

A gut feeling that could have killed him.

Li: “At the least, I require some form of repayment.”

Where are his... ears, jawbone is there, so... that means...

Hi: “What kind of-hrrmm.”

I hastily attempt to recall anything I have read with a description for a kiss. I then attempt to replicate anything I can immediately understand before I begin simply losing my train of thought. My mind becomes a sponge, anything I can recognize becoming a part of the memory: his heartbeat, the sound of an insect somewhere in the distance, leaves rustling in the light breeze, the moonlight on my back. At some point I feel a sudden pressure on my chest, causing me to finally release him.

Hi: “Gahh hu hu hu- wha- you could’ve warned me. I think I started turning blue.”

Li: “I- I am sorry. I don’t quite know what came over me.”

Hi: “A-any chance it could happen again tomorrow?”

An involuntary grin begins taking shape on my face.

Li: “No, and probably not for another week either.”

Hi: “Damn- wait, it’s not damn in that it was bad, I mean as in uh...damn I won’t get one for another week, but I don’t expect you to-”

Li:“Good night Hisao.”

Hi: “Uh, night Lilly.”

I pick up my bags and head back up to my room, at the end of the hall I hear the jangling of metal.


Ha: “Y-yes? Oh Lilly, what... how did it go... b-between you and Hisao?”

Ha:“It went ... well. Are you just getting in?”

Ha:“Y-yes, Yuuko was locking up the library.”

Li: “Have you had anything to eat?”

Ha:“I-I should be fine.”

Li: “I’m sure we could make something, I haven’t had anything either.”

Ha:“I’m not really that hungry so...”

Li: “I’m sorry.”

Ha:“d-don’t worry about it. a-and Lilly?”


Ha:“I-I think you were t-too... i-into it.”

Li: “Into it?”

Ha: “You looked like you two m-might’ve... l-like you two w-were...”

I... think I understand what she’s trying to say. Did it really look like we were that close?

Li: “I...understand?”

Ha:“W-well then, see you tomorrow Lilly.”

She slips inside her room and shuts the door while I’m slightly fumbling trying to find my room key. This one? No that’s the storage room, that’s Akira’s house key, I think this one feels right.The dimples on the back confirm it and I open my door.

I blank out my thoughts for a few minutes and begin performing the mindless chores around my room, doing something to keep m mind from... drifting. By the time my head finds the soft pillow the thoughts fill my mind at an incredible speed, I keep trying to fight off the more indecent ones until all of the hormones and chemicals built up from the night’s events finally recede.
Last edited by chaix on Tue Mar 30, 2010 1:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lilly's date

Post by kosherbacon »

Good stuff, sir. What's next?
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Re: Lilly's date

Post by Smoku »

Misha as a SEPARATE being! awesome :O
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Re: Lilly's date

Post by Juno »

Couldn't help but think of Mei Ling from Metal Gear.
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Re: Lilly's date

Post by Mag »

Nice part 3. Also just being a nit picker, you messed up on the names with hanako and lilly. Got a teeny bit confuzzled there.
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Re: Lilly's date

Post by chaix »

^fixed, thanks for pointing it out.

not sure what i'll do next, I might do something with Emi, I'm also thinking about doing a cyoa with one of the ones i'm stuck on. but you guys might end up pushing me into an even worse dead end :p
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Re: Lilly's date

Post by kosherbacon »

chaix wrote:^fixed, thanks for pointing it out.

not sure what i'll do next, I might do something with Emi, I'm also thinking about doing a cyoa with one of the ones i'm stuck on. but you guys might end up pushing me into an even worse dead end :p
CYOA, you say...?
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Re: Lilly's date

Post by chaix »

if you wanted to scare me outta doing it, you're doing a good job
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