Afternoon Astral Projection (everyonexeveryone) Alt endings!


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Re: Afternoon Astral Projection (Hisao&Rin) *Continued Feb.21*

Post by kosherbacon »

Yeah, for some reason I just enjoy imagining Hanako as being some kind of unhinged Lillysexual instead of merely being gay or bi. I'm really sorry about that. No I'm not. :mrgreen:

The word of the day is Handie.

Benzene Pt. 1

Hanako slammed through the bathroom door and planted herself in the first stall she found with an open door. This was the second time today and Saturday classes have only just been dismissed. This was bad, really bad. She thought that finally getting a boyfriend would put an end to these sudden urges but it only seemed to make them worse.

Hanako reached into her backpack and opened up the resealable sandwich bag she had kept inside. She had stolen a pair of underpants out of the laundry yesterday and was going to use them as an aid for her quick afternoon escape. Usually she'd go for a release at night in the safety of her own room, but once in a while the urges would get so bad and so distracting that she'd have to take care of things on “bathroom breaks” between classes or during lunch.

"I'm so sorry." She whimpered, thoroughly disgusted at herself.

Eyes closed, Hanako held the underpants up to her face and inhaled deeply. They didn't smell dirty at all, but rather sweet and vaguely flowery. Well, they smelled that way to her anyway. Perhaps one person's stink was another one's perfume. She felt that what she was doing was wrong on many levels, but she'd worry more about feeling remorse and shame when she's finished. With her olfactory aid still in her face, Hanako reached under her skirt and pried her fingers into one of the leg holes of her own panties to get started with business.

“You shouldn't do that here, it's unsanitary.” Said the inquisitive green eyes that were now staring Hanako in the face.

“Ah-ah-o-occupied.” squeaked Hanako, who was too deep into shock to come up with anything other than the standard response to someone inquiring from outside a bathroom stall.

Rin stood back and cocked her eyebrows in curiosity. “You handies really ought to close the door more often. I'm not a hard person to evade, you know.”

“R-Rin Tezuka, right?” Hanako recognized the girl as being one of Hisao's friends from the art club. “Um, um, I, I like your paintings.” Rin's face tightened up with contempt.

“You're not one of those art critics, are you? I hate artists. And art critics. And art people in general.” Hanako cocked her head sideways, confused. Wasn't Rin one of those “art people,” herself? She straightened up on the toilet and stuffed the evidence in her bag, hoping that Rin would just think it's a handkerchief.

“N-n-no. Pleasegetout!” Hanako yelled, wanting Rin to leave the stall and go on with whatever business she had in the bathroom so that Hanako could leave without anyone watching.

“Aww. Okay then. I guess I got to see what I came here to see.”

“Wait, wait. What did you see?”

“I wanted to see why you go to the bathroom so often.” Rin said with a wink. “I was hoping to see something sordid and, my dear, you did not disappoint.”

“Omygod! Y-you noticed?! P-please don't tell my boyfriend about this!” Being caught by a near stranger was bad enough, but Hanako feared word of this coming back to Hisao like she would fear the end of the world.

“Mmm, maybe. Hm... Lilly Satou, huh? Your boyfriend has a pretty name. Reminds me of this one girl I think I know...”

“H-huhwhat? Thats not his name! Where did you hear that??”

“That's the name written on the panties you were sniffing. If that's not his name then would I right in assuming that your boyfriend gets his kicks wearing womens' underwear and for some reason he wrote that name on them? Maybe he's cheating on you. Or maybe that's his other name and he's living a secret life...” Hanako looked down at her bag and saw the panties were still hanging out of the zipper, with Lilly's name and dorm room number visibly written on the waist. It was not unheard of for clothes to get lost or stolen out of the laundry room, so Hanako labeled most of Lilly's undergarments to prevent mix ups and thwart thieves.

“I-i-its... not his.”

“Oh. ...Ooooooh.” Rin's eyes widened as she added it all together. “This... is scandalous indeed. I think I shall add you to my collection, Ms. Not-Lilly's-Girlfriend.”

“Collection??” Hanako's face winced in terror at the ominous use of the word “collection.” She began to hyperventilate at the thought of Rin holding onto this dark secret of hers to blackmail her with later.

“Whoa whoa whoa, Ikezawa. Don't cry. Here. Since I know a secret of yours, would you like to know a secret of mine?”

Hanako shook her head and choked out a barely audible “why?”

“Because if we know something about each other, then we could be friends.”

“K-k-kay.” Hanako was still convinced that she was being extorted and was caving into Rin's apparent demands.

Rin looked around to confirm that the bathroom was in fact empty and straightened her face, as if she was going to reveal the universe's darkest secrets.

“I like gloves. I collect them.” She flapped her arm stubs a little to emphasize how shocking this confession really was. Hanako's choking fit broke and her eyebrows furrowed.

“That... that's notta secret. That's just ironic and weird.”

“Is it?” Rin thought it would be shocking. “Okay then ask me something and if the answer is a secret then you'll know one.”

“Why were you watching me?”

“Oh, that's easy. Because I can't do what you were doing. Not like that anyway.”

“Can't you use your foot or something?”

Rin kicked off one of her slip-on shoes and lifted up her foot to show Hanako how cracked and filthy the back of her heel was from frequently walking barefoot and using her feet for everything.

“Then, how do you, you know, t-take care of things?”

“At this rate I'm going to run out of secrets when I only know one or two of yours. But yeah, one of my friends helps me with that. In return, he gets to practice being with a girl. Oh! Now you can tell me something else about you since we're secret-friends. Why don't you just screw your boyfriend instead diddling yourself in public bathrooms?”

“I'm s-scared and I-I-I don't want him to see me.” Hanako said, covering the right side of her face with both hands. Rin had a hard time understanding why a complete girl would be so ashamed of her looks.

“Then what about the owner of those panties?”

“Sh-she wouldn't do things with me anymore. Not since we've got b-boyfriends.”

“Ohh. Hmm. Well then Ikezawa, how about this? How about once in a while you help me get off and you can pretend that I'm this Lilly person? If she is who I think she is, then I'd be a good substitute, right?”

Hanako shook her head. Rin looked nothing like Lilly, but her proposal was intriguing. If fooling around with her could get Lilly out of her head, Hanako was willing to give it a shot.

“Sh-sh-sure. H-how about tonight?” It was rather crude to jump into such a proposition so soon, but she still hadn't gotten her satisfaction for the day.

“Wow, so eager. I'll tell you what. Meet me in the common room by the entrance of the girl's building a half hour before curfew and we can get to business. I'll tell the dorm mom that you're gonna sleep over and help me brush my teeth or something.”

“Can we do this with the lights off?” Hanako's request was two-fold. First she didn't really want a girl she didn't know to see her body, second it would make pretending that Rin was Lilly all the easier. Hopefully things would be more enjoyable if her partner in role playing was rendered visually impaired.

“I'm okay with that. Oh hey what's your boyfriend's name anyway? Is it pretty too?”

“It's Hisao.”

“Oh. Darn.” It wasn't a very pretty name at all. After that, Hanako kicked Rin out of the bathroom stall for good so she could actually use the toilet. As Rin left the building to look for Emi at the athletic field, some of her cognitive gears clicked into place belatedly.

“Wait. THAT Hisao??”
===============================================TO BE CONTINUED!===================================================================
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Re: Afternoon Astral Projection (Hisao&Rin) NSFHanakofans Page 2

Post by Xuan »

Eh hehe. Two timers in every locker of Yamaku.
" It would be hard to believe I was nearly killed by a love confession."
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Re: Afternoon Astral Projection (Hisao&Rin) NSFHanakofans Page 2

Post by Smoku »

Ah, that's the story I reviewed ^^ it's cool!
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Re: Afternoon Astral Projection (Hisao&Rin) NSFHanakofans Page 2

Post by kosherbacon »

Smoku wrote:Ah, that's the story I reviewed ^^ it's cool!
Haa, thanks for pre-screening it for me. I still felt kinda apprehensive about even posting the previous part knowing that this will come after. :oops:

Yeah, this part definitely left me with a feeling of "what the hell did I just do??" You see, I'm not really into reading lemons(hell, I usually skip or quickly scan through sex scenes if they pop up in manga). Things aren't that explicit and I tried avoiding the use of saucy language and euphemisms. I really just wanted to see if I could manage to write a sex scene for a crack pairing that wasn't absolutely godawful. Smoku didn't admit to being nauseated so I guess I did okay.

Silliness will return for the conclusion. :)

My high-school age nephew honestly believed that traffic lights here are controlled manually via video feed.
Benzene Pt. 2

"Ow! Not so hard." Hanako whined, nursing the spot on her scalp where her hair was almost pulled out.

“Cuhwee oo ih yeh?” Rin spat the hairbrush out of her mouth. “Can we do it yet?”

The two girls sat in the dimly lit room on Hanako's bed, with Rin's back against the wall. Hanako sat forward of Rin, resting her head on her chest. Rin's masculine uniform smelled of slightly musty sweat and paint solvents and had to be tossed aside for the sake of fantasy. She was wearing one of Hanako's summer uniforms, skirt and all. To complete the ensemble, A lock of Rin's short hair was tied back with a ribbon. Rin had been attempting to brush Hanako's hair while embracing her with her legs.

“I.. guess.” Although Hanako's libido was still going strong, she needed this act of skinship to set the right mood. Usually her experiences with Lilly would start with something innocent and tender like this.

“J-just a second.” Hanako got up from the bed and pulled the night light out of the wall socket, flooding the room in darkness. Unbuttoning her pajama top, she crept back to her bed and gently pushed Rin onto her back. Hanako looked into Rin's eyes, just barely visible through the whatever scant amount of moonlight made it through the curtains.

As she lay there, getting her own blouse unbuttoned, Rin tried wrapping her mind around what she was doing. It was okay for her to have sex with Hisao as long as she has sex with his girlfriend too, right? Two wrongs make a right, as they say. Or was it that they don't? Can girls even have sex with each other? Well, they must, it allegedly happens all the time. Then what specific act between girls would count as sex? Did dry-humping Emi count? Who decides these things anyway? And who controls traffic lights? Is there a little guy in a dim control room who watches video feeds of every side of every intersection? That must be a terrible job to have. The guys who control the doors that open for you at super markets have a much easier...

The pinball game that went on in Rin's head came to a sudden halt when a cold, wet sensation on her neck sent a chill down her spine. Hisao never bothered kissing her neck when he was “practicing” on her. Rin wasn't sure she liked the sensation but she did appreciate Hanako's extra effort. More chills were felt as Hanako's tongue ran from just behind Rin's ear to the bottom of her cheek.


“A-am I doing it r-wrong?”

“No, it's nice, but it just tickles.”

Rather than continue, Hanako planted her lips on Rin's and slowly opened her mouth, gesturing Rin to do the same. Rin was too distracted enjoying the flavor of Hanako's toothpaste to fully notice a hand pulling up the old gym shirt of Emi's that she opted to wear instead of bothering with a bra that night. It was all quite surprising to Rin. She never figured Hanako to be the type to take the initiative in bed.

Figuring that Hanako would want to be held at this point, Rin moved her legs up and apart so that she could wrap them around her. Hanako misinterpreted the gesture as an invitation and flipped open Rin's skirt. Somewhat roughly, Hanako pressed Rin's knees together and began tugging her panties off. Once they were safely thrown across the room, Hanako backed off the bed, knelt on the floor, and pulled Rin's hips towards the edge of the bed.

This wasn't the first time anyone's gone down on her, but it was the first time someone's dove in with such gusto. After a few exploratory licks, Hanako looked back up towards Rin's face, more visible now that their eyes were accustomed to the dark.

“I-Is it okay if I...” Hanako intentionally let the question trail off into nowhere while she was holding up two fingers on her right hand.

“Huh... yeah that's fine. Just don't be too rough on me okay?” The minty residue from Hanako's toothpaste tickled Rin whenever Hanako exhaled in that vicinity.

“I-I won't.” And with that. She went back to work. For a while, Hanako's free hand caressed Rin's stomach occasionally but that soon disappeared back over the edge of the bed. Rin couldn't see where it went but it was a safe assumption that Hanako was also taking care of herself.

For a few moments, Rin began to wonder if Hisao knew that his girl was so ...skilled. Was he aware that she's been with girls before? Did she like girls better? Maybe the real reason why they haven't been intimate is because she just plain doesn't know what to do with boys. With no answers forthcoming, Rin decided to quit while she was ahead and give her undivided attention to what was being done to her for the next couple minutes.

“Ah-A-Aah. Aaaaahhhh. Erk!” Rin was gasping for air, her thighs twitching, her toes grabbing at Hanako's hair. Once the electricity had run its course through her system, Hanako looked up at her.

“Did you...”

“....yeah.” She had not yet caught her breath. Her heart was pounding so hard that she wondered if it'd snap through her ribcage. At times like this, she pitied Hisao and wondered how his heart feels whenever he finishes.

“Um. Can you...?” Half-asked Hanako, as she crept back onto the bed, her pajamas long gone. She held back the actual subject of her request as if it was embarrassingly unreasonable but it didn't take much guessing to figure out that she wanted to be serviced as well. It would only be fair, after all.

“Say, uh. I've never done this before.”

“I-I-its easy. You... just do what I was doing- Oh! Sorry.” She had briefly forgotten that Rin lacked fingers and covered her mouth to try keeping any further faux pas from escaping.

“I'll try. Umm, how are we going to do this...” Rin asked, trying to think of a position that didn't require arms for support.

“Here.. scoot back.” Hanako said, gesturing Rin to lay on the bed lengthwise with her head by the pillow. Once Rin was in position, Hanako shuffled up the bed on her knees until she was almost straddling Rin's face, holding onto the headboard for support. In the shine of the moonlight, Rin could see the mottled texture of the scars that ran up and down Hanako's right side. Was that what she's worried about Hisao seeing? Sure, it was dark, but she could see well enough to know that it wasn't grotesque or anything. She actually thought they were interesting to look at. Whatever they were, they definitely weren't ugly.

“C-can you breathe okay?” Hanako had lowered her hips onto Rin's face and was making sure she wasn't being suffocated.

“Mmmhmm.” Rin gave a lick just in case that wasn't clear enough. Hanako quietly gasped in response.

“More... like that.” Hanako requested under her breath. And Rin obliged, sucking on her for good measure. Satisfied that they found a way for Rin to take care of Hanako, they continued for a few minutes.

Rin's ears rang as Hanako involuntarily squeezed her head with her thighs and shook. Once the twitching stopped, Hanako released her grip, and dismounted, kneeing Rin's forehead in the process.


“Sorry! Sorry! A-Are you okay?” Hanako anxiously asked, Cradling the back of Rin's head with her hands.

“I'm fine.”

Hanako bent down and kissed her briefly, before recoiling away. Some girls don't mind tasting themselves on their partners' mouths. Hanako was not one of them.

"T-Thank you... for this."

===============================================TO BE ENDED!===================================================================
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Re: Afternoon Astral Projection (Hisao&Rin,Rin&Hanako) Pt4, Pg2

Post by kosherbacon »

Yes, I used to daydream about the walls and ceilings of my room like that.

Benzene Pt. 3

Rin looked upon the surface of the alien planet she was orbiting. The topography wasn't much like Earth; it was marked with vast, flat plateaus with shallow canyons between them. There were no signs of water or any sort of natural activity that would explain the shapes she saw. Upon closer inspection, she saw that the canyons were flooded with liquid benzene, with little islands poking through the surface. In contrast with the wind-swept desolate highlands, the benzene rivers were teeming with life. Yellow moss and blue trees without leaves crept up the canyon walls. Eyeless squid fish jumped in and out of the “water.” Miles above, a hovercraft from an Earth expedition was racing across one of the plateaus, unaware of the wonders that they were missing out on. Just how did Rin get there anyway? A beeping electronic chime off in the distance snapped her out of it.


Despite making plans to have a sleepover with Hanako, she fully expected to return to her own room eventually and get to sleep on her own bed. Somehow that didn't happen. Instead of sleeping soundly this Sunday morning, Rin was trapped in a strange bed, with Hanako wrapped around her as if she was a living hug pillow. It wasn't a very comfortable position, so Rin wasn't even sure if she managed to even get any sleep that night. It didn't help that Hanako seemed to have a habit of playing with nipples in her sleep. All she can remember doing is spending the last seven hours trying to make sense of the ceiling, populating the painted drywall surface with an exotic alien landscape.

Rin looked down and saw that Hanako was using her left shoulder as a pillow. “Could be worse,” she figured. At least her arm wasn't asleep...

“Hey, Ikezawa. Are you alive?” Some of the concern was genuine. A deathly cold puddle of saliva had accumulated on Rin's breast.

“Hrm... wha issit Lilly?”

“I'm Rin.” She wondered what the hell was up with sleeping people calling her by different names. “I think your phone rang just now or something.”

“R-Rin?” Hanako peeks up at her through hair that draped over her face. “Rin! Omygosh um... what time is it?”

Hanako grabbed at the sheets from the foot of her bed to try covering up, stopping herself when she realized the futility of modesty considering what she and Rin just did.

“I dunno. Your phone woke me up. It beeped a couple times”

“It, it must be a text message.” Hanako released Rin from her death grip and rolled out of bed, picking up her pajama top off the floor to throw on.

“Oh no! I-I must've slept through my alarm.” Hanako squealed as she opened up her phone to read the message. Rin recalled to herself that there in fact was no wake up alarm that morning.

“We were supposed to be up earlier? I don't think it's even noon yet.”

“I-I was gonna go out for breakfast with Hisao today. He's on his way here!”

“That's cool. I'm getting hungry anyways.”

“N-no you don't understand! He can't find you here!”

“Oh yeah, that's right. Sucks to be you then...” said Rin, rolling over so that she may finally get some sleep that morning.

Just then, a knock on the door made Hanako jump with fright.

“Heeey Hanako. It's me. Are you ready to go?”

“J-Just a minute!” One advantage she had in always behaving like a deer in headlights is that nobody could ever tell if she was actually scared or if she really was just being her usual self.

“Um, so hide under my bed for a little while, okay?” Hanako whispered to Rin as she rolled her onto her back. “I-I guess what I'll do is I'll tell Hisao that I need a couple minutes to get ready. When he's waiting we'll both get dressed. Once we're gone, you can leave. I-is that okay?”

“Yeah. Okay.”

Rin crawled under the bed while Hanako shoved some of Rin's clothes in after her, then yanked some sheets over the side of the bed.

“I-I'll be right back.” She said, following it up with an unexpected and rather unnecessary kiss before Rin disappeared completely under.

With the corners of volumes of girls-love comics poking at her backside, and facing the underside of a box spring that looked like it was sheathed in compressed spiderwebs, Rin again found herself trapped in an uncomfortable position with nothing to do but imagine that the surface above her was something more interesting that what it really was. She wondered why she even had to be under the bed. Couldn't Hanako just tell Hisao that she wasn't ready through the door? “Whatever..” she thought. At least she wouldn't be here long.

“H-Hi Hisao..” Hanako said as she opened the door. “Um, I... slept in so...”

“It's okay. But about breakfast...” Hisao's eyes were drawn to the fact that Hanako was currently bottomless and that he was laying eyes on territory that as far as he knew, was unexplored.

“So, I was thinking, since it's a weekend and all, the place we were going to go to for breakfast is sure to be hella packed.” he slyly mentioned as he closed the door behind him. “Maybe it would be better if we just hang out for a while and go get brunch after the crowd dies down.”

“Sh-sure... Okay.”

“Hisao, you dog. Today might be your lucky-wait a minute!” Rin thought to herself, as her mood went from impressed to bewildered, listening to the progress in the room. Peeping under the curtain of bedding, she saw two pairs of feet head towards the bed and disappear over it. Past the creaking of the bed, Rin could hear the sounds of passionate kissing.

“Are you sure you're okay with this? I mean, I don't want to rush you..” said Hisao under his breath, reciting one of the standard lies boys say as they're trying to get into a girl's panties. It was a load of crap. Hardly a day went by without Hisao complaining to someone that Hanako wasn't putting out.

“Y-Yes. I'm ready. I'm sorry for making you wait. It's... my first time...” replied Hanako, winning the award for Lie of the Century. Rin pouted slightly at the possibility that Hanako's “first time” meant being with a boy and that last night didn't count.

“Geez, she really did forget about me. She shouldn't have let him inside. What was she thinking?” Rin grumbled to herself, resigning to her fate of forever being stuck staring at the underside of a bed. She wondered whether she was a victim of Hanako's weak plan being foiled by chance, or if Hanako had planned all along to make Rin an unwilling voyeur.

Rin's attempt at turning her surroundings into a fantasy land were soon interrupted by rhythmic squeaking of the springs above. Evidently neither “virgin” was all that interested in foreplay. It did give Rin some hope, though. If they moved this fast, then maybe they'll finish up quicker and Rin would be able to escape back to her room.


“Oh. My. God. They're still at it.” Rin cried to herself some forty-five minutes later. She was quite fed up after listening to the couple above shifting positions about a dozen times. Rin pondered the feasibility of sneaking out of the bed and out the door. Hopefully, the busy lovers would be too into each other to notice. The distance to her own room was a long run to make while naked, but Rin's neighbors were used to her odd behavior. It shouldn't seem that unusual by now.

“Okay, next time I hear a climax coming, I'm outta here.” Rin decided to herself, quietly pushing against the wall with her feet to move herself closer to the edge of the bed. Just as she managed to get her body right next to the edge, a thrust from above dislodged a sizable speck of dust, which landed just below her nose.

Rin tried desperately to deal with the dust by wiggling her upper lip, then by strongly exhaling through her nose. The latter complicated the situation by sucking in the dust as she inhaled. Inside her nostril, the nearly invisible speck seemed to grow tenfold, as if it was a full sized hairball scraping the insides of her nasal cavity.

“ah-haa... AHCHOObpth!” Now, the dust was out of her nose.

“Uh, what was that?” The bouncing on the bed suddenly stopped.

“It uh... uh-um, um. I-it's prolly nothing!” Hanako's normally borderline terrified speech was now audibly panicking.

“No, no, I definitely heard something. Wait a sec.” Hisao jumped off the bed and inspected the floor near the bed.

“What. The. Fuck, Hanako...?” he growled, finding a boy's uniform pants and a necktie half hidden under the bed.

“T-t-t-they're yours, remember?” That wasn't going to fly. The trousers obviously too small for Hisao. Even if they weren't, he wore casual clothes to Hanako's room that morning.

Adrenaline pumping and with all synapses firing on “fight mode,” Hisao blindly threw his arm under the bed and grabbed the first bit of flesh he found. Tightly clutching someone's thigh, he yanked the intruder out from under the bed and onto the floor.


“Oh hey, Hisao. What's up?”

“Oh, this and that. The usual, finding out my girlfriend has been cheating on me with a girl and stuff like that. What are you doing here?”

“Not much, finding out that my jack-off buddy was cheating on his girlfriend with me. The usual.” Rin replied, with a sly smirk. The damning remark was completely missed by Hanako, who had withdrawn into a corner and began sobbing. Never in her wildest dreams did she think that she would get caught in such a horrifying way.

Despite starting out as the innocent victim, Hisao too felt stuck in a trap of his own doing. Should he chastise Hanako and risk Rin spilling the beans about their own activities, or should he let it slide so that Rin would keep quiet but risk letting Hanako think it was okay to cheat on him? Could Rin even be persuaded to keep quiet? She didn't exactly have much to lose, since it was apparent that she could replace Hisao as her fuck-buddy at any time.

“Did you... and her?” He mouthed at Rin, pointing at Hanako with a tilt of his head.

“I'm sorry.” Rin replied as she nodded. After that smart-ass exchange, Hisao certainly didn't expect anything resembling remorse from her. “I didn't know she was yours... and by the time I knew, stuff just... happened. What do we tell her?” she asked with a whisper.

“I have nooo idea.” answered Hisao with a bewildered shrug. Everyone involved had somehow gotten themselves stuck in a quagmire of lies with no clean way out apparent to themselves.

“Um. I-i-it was gonna be a s-surprise!” Hanako burst out suddenly. “Y-you told me once that you wanted to be with two girls at once so I invited Rin over s-s-so we can d-do it. I-I didn't expect you to show up so early and I g-got scared.”

Hisao would never share that kind of fantasy with Hanako. He knew that she was too insecure to take that sort of thing at face value and not get freaked out. However, an opening was an opening so he decided to humor her.

“Really?” Hisao asked Rin, pretending to begrudgingly check with her if Hanako's story was true.

“Um... sure.” Rin confusedly replied, pretending to fake a confession.

“S-so.. are you still mad? I-I'll make it up to you I p-promise!” Hanako pleaded, with a glint of hope in her eye.

“Well, I-I I guess not. I can't say that I'm pleased, but well... just don't surprise me like this again, okay? I guess I'm okay 'cause it's not like you two were having sex with each other without me right?” said Hisao, unconvincingly acting like he fell for Hanako's explanation.

“I'm sorry it will never happen again I promise!” Hanako was visibly relieved that she “got away with it.”

“It's.. okay Hanako. Well, I think the crowd for breakfast has probably died down by now, how about we all get acquainted with each other over brunch and try out this idea of yours when we get back?”

“Works for me. I'm starving.” If Rin's sneeze had not given her away, her loudly growling stomach would have by now. “Hanako is treating us, right?”

“Mmmhmm.” Hanako nodded. Hisao said he was going to treat her that day but she felt that she was in no position to be spoiled.

“Hey guys, I don't remember when I took a bath last so is it okay if I take one really quick and then we go eat?”

“Do you need help??” Hanako and Hisao blurted out in unison, before suspiciously glaring at each other.

“Ugh. I'll do it myself or go ask Emi or the dorm mom or something. Just gimme a hand with my clothes.”

Rin had enough of those two this morning. She needed some time away from Hisao and Hanako to replenish her patience towards those two raging hormone factories. Hopefully she'd be able to tolerate them after brunch.

Finally back into her own clothes, Rin finally escaped and headed out into the dorms to enlist help for her bath. Amused at herself for successfully bringing that couple together, she wondered if she could pick it up as a hobby.

“You, me, and Rin, huh? You know, I've always imagined that if we were to have a threesome, you'd invite Lilly.”

“M-me too..”


===============================================THE END, maybe.================================================================
Last edited by kosherbacon on Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Afternoon Astral Projection (Hisao,Rin,Hanako) Pt.5(End)Pg2

Post by Member22 »

DAMN!! I lold soo much, you just made my day man... keep stories coming!!!
"If Hisao took one thing away from his time at Yamaku it was the fact that people who have handicaps don't actually have handicaps. People like Lilly and Shizune are more able-bodied and well-adjusted than most of the kids at Hisao's old high school. He shook his head slightly. No, students at Yamaku weren't handicapped; everyone else was." - WetCrate
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Re: Afternoon Astral Projection (Hisao,Rin,Hanako) Pt.5(End)Pg2

Post by Goldilurks »

Kosherbacon, with your permission, I'd like to write up an alternative ending to the last chapter. You made me lol and I want to return the favor.
This one needs to lurk moar. This one lurks too much! Ahh, this one lurks juuuuust enuf.
Katawa Haha: Disability Mothers
From Shizune's Perspective: a fanfic
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Re: Afternoon Astral Projection (Hisao,Rin,Hanako) Pt.5(End)Pg2

Post by kosherbacon »

Go for it :D
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Re: Afternoon Astral Projection (Hisao&Rin,Rin&Hanako) Pt4, Pg2

Post by Goldilurks »

Adrenaline pumping and with all synapses firing on “fight mode,” Hisao blindly threw his arm under the bed and grabbed the first bit of flesh he found. Tightly clutching someone's thigh, he yanked the intruder out from under the bed and onto the floor.


“Oh hey, Hisao. What's up?”

"What are you doing here?"

"Hanako invited me to sleep over last night," she blurted out. Hanako turned the color of the Yamaku uniform top, to which Rin could only shrug. "What? At this point he should appreciate the honesty."

Hisao thought for a second about what response to give, and settled on grunting in pain before pitching forward onto his face while clutching his chest.


" let me get this straight," the school nurse concluded, rubbing his temple to soothe the migraine. "After putting a congenital arrhythmatic through the stress of an almost hour-long sex session, you told him that his friend with benefits had a short affair with his girlfriend."

Rin found the hospital waiting room an odd place to give a full report, but she supposed that it was acceptable given that they had been in a bit of a hurry at the time. Next to her, Hanako was still recovering from her last crying fit, and could only give a sob and an indistinct nod. There'd been some hasty disclosure of events between her and Rin on the journey here, and she hadn't taken it all well.

The armless girl felt oddly indignant at that wording, though. "Hey, a one-night stand doesn't constitute an affair. And in our defense, I'd put some effort into helping Hisao practice his stamina for this sort of thing."

Hanako burst into tears again, while Nurse just looked heavenward and muttered something about insufficient salaries. "Please spare me the details. Suffice to say, he's abstaining for the next two months at least, unless you're into necrophilia."

Rin winced and shrugged in submission. Couldn't argue with that.

"Anyways, if you're up to it, ask Dr. Ogawa if you can visit Hisao now."

And with that, Hanako was off before Nurse could continue with what he had left to say. Rin could only give another apologetic shrug as she followed.

"And try not to send him into cardiac arrest this time!"



Hisao didn't come around until the second time Hanako called his name. When he first heard his pulse on the ECG, he thought he was somehow back in the hospital where he'd first discovered his arrhythmia, and was surprised to recognize the girls at his bedside. "Hanako?"

"Hisao?" she sniffled. "I'm s-so sorry..."

Rin cleared her throat loudly.

"...but you should have told me about Rin." Hanako gave Hisao a hurt look. "I know I kept you waiting long, but you d-didn't have to turn to someone else!"

"Well, I got mine for that," croaked Hisao drily. "Sorry Hanako. But that goes both ways you know? What was with inviting her after keeping me at arms' length? If you prefer girls, just tell me."

Rin started to speak up. "Actually, I did find her with a pair of -"

“Um. I-i-it was gonna be a s-surprise!” Hanako burst out suddenly. “Y-you told me once that you wanted to be with two girls at once so I invited Rin over s-s-so we can d-do it. I-I didn't expect you to show up so early and I g-got scared.”

Hisao would never share that kind of fantasy with Hanako. He knew that she was too insecure to take that sort of thing at face value and not get freaked out. However, an opening was an opening so he decided to humor her.

“Really?” Hisao asked Rin, pretending to begrudgingly check with her if Hanako's story was true.

“Um... sure.” Rin confusedly replied, pretending to fake a confession.

“S-so.. are you still mad? I-I'll make it up to you I p-promise!” Hanako pleaded, with a glint of hope in her eye.

“Well, I-I I guess not. I can't say that I'm pleased, but well... just don't surprise me like this again, okay? I guess I'm okay 'cause I should have talked to you both about this earlier. I'm sorry.” said Hisao, unconvincingly acting like he fell for Hanako's explanation. Hanako was visibly relieved that she “got away with it.”

"All right, let's go with that," muttered Rin.

Hisao smiled, still feeling weak but glad that things had reached some sort of resolution. “You, me, and Rin, huh? You know, I've always imagined that if we were to have a threesome, you'd invite Lilly.”

“M-me too..”


"Err...I mean, I w-would have chosen Lilly f-first, but Rin was pretty forward and all, and - umm, Rin, not to s-say you're not -"

"You might want to just stop talking at this point," groaned Rin, who decided to leave the room before the conversation took a turn that would prevent her from meeting Nurse's request. "If you wanted a foursome with Lilly, you should have brought it up before the medical authorities declared that he was going without."

Hisao cocked his head. "Wait. I've been banned from sex?...and you'd be okay with a foursome including Lilly?"

"I wouldn't m-mind either," giggled Hanako with a smile. "But yes, they, they said nothing for two months. I hope you'll b-be able to wait...Hisao? Hisao?"


"HISAO!" commented Hanako.

"Someone get Dr. Ogawa to room 417 immediately! We need a crash cart!" agreed the nearest nurse.

"Damn. So close," clarified Rin.

Co-Author's comments: Eh. Needs polish. Hope you find it amusing anyways.
This one needs to lurk moar. This one lurks too much! Ahh, this one lurks juuuuust enuf.
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Re: Afternoon Astral Projection (Hisao,Rin,Hanako) Pt.5(End)Pg2

Post by kosherbacon »

:lol: That was glorious! Thanks for that!

I'm planning on uploading my fics to in case the board dies. Do ya figure that this series might be too dirty? Apparently they don't want NC-17 stories anymore. Maybe I'll edit the hell out of the second to last chapter.
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Re: Afternoon Astral Projection (Hisao,Rin,Hanako) Pt.5(End)Pg2

Post by Shades of gray »

FF changed its tune a while back
mostly due to outcry i might add

so go right ahead
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Re: Afternoon Astral Projection (Hisao,Rin,Hanako) Pt.5(End)Pg2

Post by kosherbacon »

That's good to know. I'll probably upload it, intact, within the next couple days. Not like it's that explicit(or hot, lol).
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Re: Afternoon Astral Projection (Hisao,Rin,Hanako) Pt.5(End)Pg2

Post by Member22 »

LOOOOL!! Such a smart and quick ending! Like you said, it does need some polishing, but this piece is very good as well!

Keep the stories coming guys!
"If Hisao took one thing away from his time at Yamaku it was the fact that people who have handicaps don't actually have handicaps. People like Lilly and Shizune are more able-bodied and well-adjusted than most of the kids at Hisao's old high school. He shook his head slightly. No, students at Yamaku weren't handicapped; everyone else was." - WetCrate
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Re: Afternoon Astral Projection (Hisao,Rin,Hanako) Pt.5(End)Pg2

Post by kosherbacon »

Member22 wrote:Keep the stories coming guys!
Sure, Why not. :lol:

Here's an extended ending. If you replace Hanako's impotence with Hisao's heart attack as being a motivation to make things right, I guess this works for Goldilurks's ending as well.


"I'm very disappointed in both of them," Lilly said, reprimanding the absent parties. "Hanako and Hisao never struck me as the sort who would let such ...crude urges cloud their judgment."

"Well ...some of it kinda was my fault," Rin countered. "I basically did jump on Hisao while he was asleep and Hanako was coping with feelings she didn't understand."

"What kind of feelings?" Lilly questioned, while unhooking her bra.

"Oh she was still hung up on... ah... never mind."

Rin decided to omit certain details from Hanako's story and took a moment to digest the irony of being lectured on decency by a woman who was casually undressing in front of a mere acquaintance. She wondered whether blind people had a warped sense of modesty or if Lilly had merely forgotten that her company had functional eyes.

Rin felt guilty about the fiasco she brought Hisao and Hanako into, so she was trying to enlist Lilly's help in fixing the mess. Catching Lilly as she was getting ready for an upcoming appointment, Rin gave Lilly a quick and abridged account of that fateful morning's events.

"So, you three ended up just um... getting familiar with each other? Sounds like you already came to a resolution of sorts." Lilly dismissed the Rin's proposal, while shuffling through her dresser. "Why do you need me?"

"Well, you see... it seemed to be fun for just me and Hisao. After a while Hanako just kinda withdrew and watched from the corner of the bed. When I left it looked like she was going to cry."

"Well, of course she'd cry. She was watching her boyfriend have sex with someone else... hey do you see a sport bra in here? I'm beginning to suspect that someone's been rummaging through my underwear drawer... Naturally she'd be overwhelmed. Anyone would be."

"Oh... It's to your left." Rin briefly took a detour from her reply to direct Lilly's hands. "No, your other left. Yeah, that one. ...Well, she says she wants to make this fantasy work for all of us. That's where you come in."

"I'm afraid of where you're going with this..." Lilly replied fearfully, shuffling through her closet now that she had a bra and tee shirt on. Eventually her hand landed on a bright pink polyester bowling shirt, with the letters "YAMAKU BITCH-KICKERS" embroidered on the back, along with the male symbol overlaid onto a flaming bowling ball. After running her hands over the back logo to confirm the choice in shirt, she put it on. "What exactly do you want me to do?"

"Well, I suspect that Hanako needs you around in order to comfortable with her sexuality. I don't think she ever got over you."

"...what?" Lilly was visibly caught off guard. "Uh, um. What ever are you talking about?"

"Well... didn't you guys used to be.... involved?"

"Oh yeah, they used to fuck all the time!" A familiar screech came from the door to Lilly's room. Kenji walked in, wearing a matching bowling shirt, carrying a ball-bag in each hand.

"I got balls!" Kenji exclaimed, trying to make some sort of crude joke. "What's Tezuka doing here?"

"Oh, um... just girl talk," Rin answered, planning on making a quick escape. "I'm on my way out anyway."

"Now, now, Miss Tezuka. We're not in that much of a hurry." Lilly was relieved to not be alone on the spot anymore. She turned to her newly arrived reinforcement, latching onto his arm. "When you came in, Rin was in the middle of inviting me into a foursome between herself, Hanako, and Hisao."

"Foursome? Like... for golf...? How the hell would Tezuka play tha... Oh. That, huh? Are they trying to kill Nakai or something?"

"No, Hisao is doing just fine thanks to my conditioning," Rin boasted. "However, Hanako has intermittent problems performing when there's more than two people involved. I was asking Miss Satou if she'd be willing to help Hanako open up more."

"How is that a bad thing?" Lilly refuted. "It sounds like she does just fine when she's alone with Hisao, so I don't see any problem here."

"Besides," Lilly added, running her fingers through Kenji's hair. "I've got more than my own feelings to consider. As much as I'd like to spend ...quality time with her again, Hanako will just have to manage without me."

"That's right, Tezuka..." Kenji said with a disapproving scowl. "I cannot loan Lilly to you for this misguided endeavor unless certain conditions are met."

"Conditions??" Lilly and Rin squealed together, shocked.

"An operation like will most definitely fail unless you make the proper preparations." Kenji put his index fingers to his temples as he formulated a plan. "Your chances of success will increase exponentially if you do a practice run or two. Like a dress rehearsal."

"Wait, you're okay with me... and Hanako, and Rin, and... Hisao?"

"I'm not afraid. Nakai doesn't pose a threat to me. I don't think he could handle you without keeling over and dying. As for Tezuka and Ikezawa... well I know you've been pining to fool around with your ex since before we got together and I'm totally okay with that. It's kinda hot, actually. So now the only unknown variable would be Tezuka. Would you be okay with her?"

"Hm... I think Rin will do just fine," Lilly nodded with approval as she thoroughly groped Rin to evaluate her worthiness. "Are you sure you're okay with this?"

"Which brings me to my next condition..." Kenji excitedly continued. "You can't have a practice run without a stand-in for Nakai. It'll be a rough job but I humbly volunteer my services for this cause."

"Ho ho ho, your true intentions appear." Lilly laughed. "And I suppose we'll be practicing Hanako's rehabilitation in your room, in front of all those fancy cameras of yours?"

"Ain't just for my own amusement. I've been itching to try out this new microphone."

"Why, how considerate of you. Sounds like a plan." Lilly turned to Rin, who was still being fondled. "I accept your proposal, we'll try this out in Kenji's room later tonight, yes?"

"Wait, how is this going to help Hana... ah whatever. Fine." Rin slumped at the realization that the whole school had gone insane. She was beginning to reconsider her career as a freelance sex therapist.

"Great!" Lilly was grinning, with drool pooling at the sides of her mouth. "Bring Hanako over around seven and we'll get to work!"

"Uh, sure."

"Oh! Would you care to join us at the bowling alley?"

"Um, Hands. I have none."

"Oh you'll be fine. Whenever I'm up, Kenji puts up the side bumpers."

"Nah," Rin took her leave, while wriggling her way out of the crazy blonde amazon's arms. "I'll pass."
Last edited by kosherbacon on Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Afternoon Astral Projection (Hisao,Rin,Hanako) Alt endings!

Post by Smoku »

wow, I didn't see this :O brilliant! And I like the pink t-shirt idea.

And this is the first day I'd like to be Kenji. He's actually likable in this version
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