The Coming Storm -Now with 100% LESS Kenji...


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The Coming Storm -Now with 100% LESS Kenji...

Post by kosherbacon »

Here's a silly little short fic.

No prize for figuring out who the mysterious caller on the phone is.

Fun fact: Batrachotoxin is found in poison dart frogs and can induce cardiac arrhythmia. Iwanako used 1/4 of what is considered a lethal dose for a 150 lb human. Still, anyone who can take that straight to the heart must be Conan-the-Barbarian tough. Wikipedia is the awesome.


A lone figure slouched into her lounge chair and looked out the window. The air was still and heavy. Dense clouds hid the moon and the stars. The room was pitch black but the lights of the school buildings and the nearby town shone through the window onto the woman's face.

Nights like this helped make the long struggle seem worthwhile. The coming rain will wash the filth from the grounds of Yamaku High School like she was going to sweep the filth away from the world. For thousands of years, the world has been tainted by those who only know how to kill and fuck. The only good that ever came out of men were the seeds that fathered girls. Man-kind was slowly killing the world with his wars, his pollution, his stupidity, and his hate for everything good and wholesome. By Goddess, she was going to do something about it.

The occasional crash of distant lightning sporadically lit up the room, revealing a sparsely furnished room, dominated by a large central table with a well worn but current geopolitical map of the world covering much of the surface. Marker pieces from board games such as Chess, Risk, and Battleship marked various locations on the map. Although the true significance of the pieces and their placement was a closely guarded secret, an outsider could make a pretty good guess as to what some of it meant. Naturally, a white queen was firmly planted on Japan, placed roughly where Yamaku High School was. She gets up to pick up a black pawn, placed it over some distant town, and slid it over to the white queen piece. With a flick of her finger, she knocked the pawn over onto it's side, dead.

The woman moved over to a large bulletin board on one of the walls. The school portrait photos of several dozen of the most significant students in the school were pinned to the board, with color-coded lines of yarn crisscrossing between them, signifying relationships and attitudes between individual students. Using this board, she could plan her machinations when it came to school politics. A rumor here, an instigated fist fight there, and she could easily turn a red string of love into a black string of hate. Scattered along the floor below the relationship board were students, most of them male, who have outlived their usefulness. Inconvenient students at Yamaku are easy enough to eliminate. Many kids set foot on campus already frail or deeply disturbed. Nobody thinks twice if appears that a student succumbs to a lifelong illness or take the easy way out to escape their pain. Even without assistance, it happens. It's unfortunate, but it's a sad fact of life.

A flashing red light pulses in the corner, synchronized with a monotone beeping. The lone woman sipped from a teacup before picking up the red phone. It was a smooth blend, handpicked from minefields in Southern Uzbekistan. Very pricey stuff indeed but unmatched when it comes to reanimating an atrophied larynx. Nonetheless, the tea goes down like boulders down a bathtub drain. She murmurs as she tries to force her voice back into use. The caller will just have to wait until a conversation was physically possible.

"What is it?" she asks in a coarse, gravelly voice followed by a phlegm dislodging cough.

"It is done." A young girl's voice chirps through the earpiece.

"Only now? It's been over two months since we've heard from you. I was going to send for another."

"My apologies, Mein Führer. As per orders I maintained radio silence until the subject's fate was been unambiguously determined. I shadowed him for several weeks before ceasing surveillance."

"And? Is he still alive?"

"Yes. But only just. He is expected to become fully functional eventually, but he is now a lifelong slave to life-preserving medication."

"You almost killed him? He should have been merely crippled. You must have made a mistake."

"Negative. I used twenty-five micrograms of batrachotoxin-R diluted in saline and injected directly to the cardiac muscles via syringe, just as ordered. I did not miss, nor did the target feel a thing."

"Hm, then it seems that we should lower the recommended dosage for further use." The lone woman's voice had nearly returned to normal.

"Preliminary work has begun towards transporting him to your location, Mein Führer. I wired a more detailed report to the Deputy Commissar's desk. Heart Breaker, out."

After the caller hung up, the Führer punched a button on the phone's speed dial and summoned the Deputy Commissar.

Within moments, Misha burst through the door and kowtowed in front of Shizune.

"Mein Führer, Heart Breaker's report is accurate. A Mr. and Mrs. Nakai have inquired with the school's admissions office requesting paperwork so that they may transfer their son here."

"Did they forward a medical record to the nursing office?"

"Yes. Aside from his heart injury, he is perfectly healthy. There are no unusual illnesses known within his family."

"And his intelligence?"

"His school transcripts indicate that he would probably excel in studies here if properly motivated."

"Good. We need him to sire useful daughters for the Revolution. I'm tired of having to weed out all the imbeciles and weaklings we have been getting."

"Do you think he would cooperate with us?"

"Only if we can get to him before that loose cannon Satou does. I trust that you will help me ensure that none of that happens."

"Yes, I will not fail you. And another thing, Sir."

"What is it?"

"It's good to hear your voice again. It's... beautiful."

Always a sucker for a compliment, the leader knelt down and kissed her subordinate. This was cause for celebration. Soon, another acceptable set of genes will walk into her trap, where his physical condition and mental fitness will be tested and judged for worthiness.

If a decoding of his genes indicate no flaws, his material will be added to the laboratory's database, where his traits will be randomly distributed throughout the manufacture of synthetic male reproductive cells. Here, he can be watched, analyzed, and paved into a stepping stone for the long march towards a world with no men.
Last edited by kosherbacon on Mon May 31, 2010 10:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Coming Storm. (Feminists, lol)

Post by Smoku »

haha, good, good! It makes sense :D
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Re: The Coming Storm. (Feminists, lol)

Post by Xuan »

For a moment I felt real chill right there...
" It would be hard to believe I was nearly killed by a love confession."
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Re: The Coming Storm. (Feminists, lol)

Post by Sgt_Frog »

I never understood the whole "feminist" thing going on here. If she were to kill all the men on the planet, how could the human race possibly survive?
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Re: The Coming Storm. (Feminists, lol)

Post by kosherbacon »

Sgt_Frog wrote:I never understood the whole "feminist" thing going on here. If she were to kill all the men on the planet, how could the human race possibly survive?
That's where the synthetic sperm cells come in.
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Re: The Coming Storm. (Feminists, lol)

Post by Smoku »

There was this really good polish film called Sexmisja (Sexmission) where a pair of guys takes an experiment and go to hibernation for a very long time (a few decades). They wake up in a world ruled by women. Men kind is extinct. They reproduce using laboratory stuff.

I wouldn't say it's realistic but it's fun and it's like a Kenji nightmare come true :P
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Re: The Coming Storm -Now with 100% more Kenji! (April 5)

Post by kosherbacon »

I just downloaded Sexmission. A quick scan over shows it to be rather lulzy. I shall give it a full watch on my next day off, maybe.
Extremist_Line wrote:
I'd love to hear the rest of this story.


Man, Shizune's mom is fucking brutal.

Pitchfork Fungus

"Operation Pitchfork" started off smoothly at first. Kenji managed to sneak out of his room two hours past curfew and navigated his way through the dark halls to the student council room. Using his student ID card to slide open the door's bolt, he opened the door and went inside to retrieve what he hoped would be the President's and Vice-President's diaries. A daytime search of their rooms were fruitless; hopefully the valuable intelligence would be in their stronghold.

Finding nothing in his search through the cabinets and shelves he could open, Kenji turned to the locked file cabinet in the corner. With his attention consumed by his efforts at picking the lock, Kenji failed to notice that he was no longer alone in the room.


"My Lady, we found this man-child snooping around in the council room. What shall we do to him?"

Kenji awoke to the voice of Shiina Mikado ringing through his ears like nails on a chalkboard. Stripped of his clothes, his hands and feet were shackled to each other with a chain running between. An attempt at getting up to survey his surroundings was met with a boot stomp to the back of his neck.

"Stay down, boy!" Misha commanded.

From his prostrated position, Kenji could see that he was in a dark room that was illuminated only by a spotlight focused on himself, surrounded by about a dozen figures in the shadows. Directly in front of him, he heard a deathly wheezing noise. A high pitched, nasal voice that sounded like a child that had been sucking on helium finally addressed him.

"Welcome, Kenji Setou." The unfortunate-sounding squealing pierced the room, silencing the murmurs around the room. "After all these years, you've finally made it here."

"The fuck are you talking about? Who are you?"

"Who am I?" The squealing feminist laughed scornfully. "Who am I?? I'm your fucking worst nightmare, that's who. Consider yourself privileged. You're among an elite few to know my voice."

"Wait, you're..." Kenji looked up and saw the Feminist leader's silhouette against the spotlight and recognized her. "Oh you gotta be shitting me. Hakamichi?!"

"Bingo! WAHAHAHA~!"

Kenji was further driven into confusion by Shizune's use of what he previously thought to be Misha's signature laugh. Her silly voice did give him a good laugh inside, though.

"He's seen too much," Lilly Satou's voice chimed in from behind. "I think we should kill him. Allow me to..."

"Don't be hasty now," Shizune interrupted, overriding Lilly's suggestion. "He is quite valuable to us alive."

"Might as well kill me now," Kenji grunted. "I'll never help you bitches out."

"Oh?" Shizune asked, her curiosity piqued. "Tell me, boy, what do you know of this school?"

"What about it? It's a school for gimp kids and you people are trying to take it over."

"Wrong!" Shizune enthusiastically corrected him. "We aren't trying to take over Yamaku. The school has ALWAYS been ours. Everything involving this school has been our doing. Nothing happens here that we don't approve. Do you believe in fate, Mr. Setou?"

"Fate? Fortune? You think I believe in that bullshit? A man has his fate right in his hands..."

"You're right. Well, only half right. Fate IS bullshit. But you know what else? Man doesn't have fate in his hands. It's in mine. How do you think you got to this school?"

"Don't flatter yourself, toots." Kenji scoffed at Shizune's blustering. "I'm only here because my doctors and parents thought it was a good idea."

"Oh, you men. Always thinking in such... two dimensional ways. Always inventing easy answers while your little brains choose to ignore the truth. The fact is, we bought you to this school. We hoped your genetic material could be of some use to us, but, we found you sorely lacking."

"My genetic material? What the fuck are you babbling on about this time?"

"How did it feel to lose your virginity, Mr. Setou?"

"Wait, what?" Kenji felt his guts tighten up when it started to seem that there was some truth to Shizune's blabbering.

"Did it hurt? Did it feel... strange? Was it just you, or perhaps you encountered a woman with a special vaginal implant of our design. Perhaps she didn't just take your load... maybe she ripped it out of you so she could get as large a sample as possible?"

"No, no. That can't be true. What do you want with my jizz anyway?"

"You might have been told that the human genome was decoded oh, like seven years ago. Actually, we've had it figured out for decades. Yamaku is a collection point for genetic material. We've been trying to collect the best and the brightest from around Japan. Combined with our partners from around the world, we will have enough samples to synthesize a near infinite amount of artificial seed to breed a master race of strong, intelligent baby girls. Think of it, Setou. Soon, we will have no need for your kind."

"A fucking crippled school to find the best and brightest? Are you guys stupid or something?"

"You're assuming that everyone's disability is an act of Goddess and not of our design. Who do you think injected neurotoxins into Hisao Nakai's heart and sent him here?"

"Hah, you guys are fucked, you know that?" Kenji defiantly cut in. "Once the villain tells the hero about their plans, they're guaranteed to lose."

"WAHAHAHAHA~! You think YOU'RE the hero? What do Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Caligula, Attila the Hun, Vlad Dracula, and Kenji Setou all have in common? They are all MEN. Your kind has raped the world since the beginning of time, and you dare call ME a villain?"

"Whatever, yo. Why are you telling me all this anyway? There's no fucking way I'm keeping quiet about this. The world is gonna find out about this."

"I'm counting on it, Setou. Your lunacy will be the perfect smokescreen for us. Go on and write to all the newspapers, post this on the internet, yap at your hall-mate until his ears fall off. Tell your teachers! Everybody! Nobody would believe a single world you'll say. The only men who know the truth, such as the school staff, know better than to oppose us for the sake of their families. The more you spread the word, the more unbelievable the truth will seem."

"Amazing how a misogynist like yourself would end up one of my greatest allies." Shizune continued, snickering and snorting like an intentionally annoying character from a sitcom. "You'll be released soon enough and be allowed to either help us by acting or help us by not. Either way, boy, you're nothing but an insect in the palm of my hand, WAHAHAHA~!"


The monotony of Kenji's cell was interrupted by a visitor unlocking the door. His shackles were now secured to the floor and his glasses were seized before his incarceration so he was effectively blind. Not that it mattered anyway; the cell was too dark to see anything.

"Well, well, well." Lilly's voice came down from above. "Without your glasses, you and I are the same. Those things in your eye sockets might as well be considered vestigial organs, like your appendix. Hanako, hold him!"

Kenji felt a pair of boots clamp the sides of his head still, while some fingers pried his left eyelid open, scratching his eyeball in the process. Soon, the faintest of images floated in from the darkness: A needle, heading right for his eye. He quickly looked away, hoping to protect his pupil and cornea.

"AAARRRGHH!!!" He screamed. "What the fuck? Your boss said I was going to go free!"

"Well, she just wants you alive to tell your story," Lilly replied. "She didn't say anything about not torturing you. Okay, other side now."



Several hours later, someone came in to release Kenji's restraints, but locked the door behind her. It was probably already morning and if Shizune was really going to release him, she sure was taking her sweet time. Adding insult to injury, his eyes were burning from Lilly's torture. The faint impression of daylight creeping in from under the door was the only indication he had that he still wasn't completely blind.

Not content with waiting for his fate, Kenji began groping his way around the room for a way out. Luckily, he found a ventilation duct close to the door. After unscrewing the grate with his thumbnails, he dove in and made his way out of the feminist headquarters.

Kenji soon found that crawling around in heating ducts was certainly a lot harder and a lot less awesome than it appeared to be in movies. For what seemed like hours, he squirmed around, trying to get a bearing on where he was. Finally, he located the sounds of shower heads and locker doors. Figuring that he stumbled over the men's gym lockers, Kenji hoped to be able to run over to his own locker and put on his gym uniform so he wouldn't have to roam the halls naked. Perhaps there, he could also find someone to walk him to the Nursing office and get a new pair of glasses.

"Who's there?" A girl's voice called out from somewhere in the soupy fog of the showers. Kenji had miscalculated and found himself in the wrong locker room. Immediately, he heard other female voices question the commotion of Kenji dropping in from the ceiling. For whatever reason, none of the voices seemed to have any clue that a boy had somehow ended up showering among them. Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed Kenji from behind and groped his face.

"Come with me." Lilly whispered into his ear, pulling him by the hand towards the sounds of gym lockers and gossip. "Stay quiet or the coach will come in and find you."

Not having any other option, Kenji followed Lilly to her locker and was given a pair of sweatpants, a t-shirt, and flip flops.

"Where are you taking me, Satou?" Kenji asked, finally out of the women's locker room. "And how come nobody else noticed me?"

"We're going to my room. All the girls in gym class this period are visually impaired. You're a very fortunate man. By the way, How are your eyes feeling?"

"Like you ripped them out and shoved hot coals into my sockets. You're going to kill me, aren't you?"

"Oh my, what gives you that idea? If I was going to do that, I would've slit your throat back in the showers." Lilly switched to her gentle public voice, no longer using the menacing tone Kenji heard the previous night. "I never planned on hurting you. I would have merely made you disappear."

"Disappearing" certainly didn't fill Kenji with hope and optimism. Not being accustomed to navigating blind, he let Lilly lead him to her room, where he was told to stay put for the time being. He would've never went along if he wasn't so helpless. As he laid on Lilly's bed, his mind raced from one direction to another, trying to formulate an escape plan, before falling asleep from exhaustion.


"K-Kenji? W-Wake up."

Kenji opened his eyes to a surreal view of Lilly's room. It was already night time and the moon was shining through her curtains, casting very sharp looking shadows everywhere. But it wasn't just the shadows, suddenly the whole world looked very sharp. And crisp. It was like he was looking at the world through a high-quality photographic print pressed up against his face. Kenji's eyes were no longer burning but his head was starting to throb from sensory overload.

Next to the bed sat his company, a dark haired girl with mottled scars who was presumably Hanako Ikezawa, along with a towering blonde amazon he immediately recognized as Lilly.

"My eyes...!" Kenji frantically patted down his face and poked at his pupils trying to find some magical corrective device. "What the hell happened to them?"

"It was a fungus." Lilly answered. "A relatively benign fungus, unknown to mainstream science, that the Feminists cultivate. The human immune system reacts to it by filling the infested area with fluid. Usually, you wouldn't even notice it. However, when introduced into the eye, it causes varying degrees of blindness by heavily distorting the retina and clouding the vitreous fluid. Shizune was not lying when she said your arrival at this school was by design."

"So those needles from last night..."

"That's right. You have been cured of your visual impairment. I think you for your assistance."

"M-My assistance?" Kenji replied, confused. "But you're the one who fixed my eyes."

"I needed your help in testing the cure." Lilly opened up a small box containing two syringes while Hanako flicked on the lights. "I needed to know if it worked before using it on myself."

"Yourself? Why would the Feminists cripple one of their own?"

"It's what they do." Lilly solemnly drooped her head while Hanako tried comforting her by patting her back. "It's never been about advancing womankind and saving the world, it's always been about Shizune taking over the world. She engineers disabilities to bring women under her control just as often as men. Before I was even born, I had already been recruited due to my family's status. My condition was intended to bring me to Yamaku as an asset."

"Shizune couldn't have possibly done this to us." Kenji gasped in disbelief. "Something like this takes decades of planning."

"Well, actually it's Shizune's family. Her mother was the last would-be dictator in charge, as was her mother's mother, and her mother's mother's mother, and so on. The Feminist cells around the world? They're run by Shizune's extended family."

"So?" Kenji questioned, appalled that the Feminists of the world turned out to be mere pawns for Shizune. "Why don't you people just bump her off?"

"Her clan runs things the same way male dictators do. Through terror." Lilly sighed.

"You know Emi Ibarazaki? She never cared for the Feminist cause. She had legs too, until one day Shizune's mother decided that she needed to be made into an example. Same with her friend, Rin. Miss Tezuka was a voice of dissent against the old lady until she was force fed LSD and turned into a nonsensical wreck."

"A-And Mrs. Ha-Hakamichi... sh-she punished my m-mom for leaving the organization and starting a family by..." Hanako choked and broke down in tears before finishing her sentence, not that any more needed to be said.

"So what do you want from me?"

Lilly reached into a drawer on her night stand and dumped a pile of flash drives and memory cards into Kenji's hands.

"Hanako tells me that these contain details of every feminist plot in the last three hundred years, including the planned male extinction event. I need you to make copies of these, lots of copies, and share them with the world. People need to know about this."

"Why should I help your faction? Suppose you do bump off Shizune. What's keeping you or some conniving bitch we don't know about from taking her place?"

"Nothing. But I will tell you this: If Shizune continues unimpeded, her people will develop an infectious disease that latches onto the Y chromosome and will ultimately kill all human men."

"Crap." Kenji scratched his stubble as he pondered his lack of options. "Lesser of evils, huh? I've gotta defeat Feminists by siding with Feminists."

"You're wrong, Kenji. Hanako and I are not Feminists. We never were. We don't want a world ruled from the shadows by some secret cabal. Men and women can and do get along. There's no need for secret plots to achieve harmony."

"It's a pipe dream. But... it is a nice one. Lucky for you, I find that there's nothing more honorable and macho than a valiantly fighting a hopeless battle against a determined foe."

"So," Lilly and Hanako's faces lit up. "You'll help us?"

"Yeah, I guess. Why me, though? Why not someone like, I don't know, Nakai?"

"You heard Shizune last night. She doesn't consider you a threat. As for Hisao... she's already got her claws into him."

"But enough of that..." Lilly took Kenji's hand in her own and smiled with a tint of hope. "Your eyes work now, right? How do I look?"

"Not too bad." Kenji replied with a smirk.

"I'm glad." She slid onto the bed and sat next to Kenji. "From you, that really does mean something."

"Wait," Kenji squeaked, feeling warmth rush to his face. "What do mean by that?"

Lilly gestured Hanako to inject the antidote into her eyes.

"Stay with me tonight. I want you and Hanako to be the first things I see."

That night, the lone savior of man-kind forged an alliance with two unexpected allies.

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Re: The Coming Storm -Now with 100% more Kenji! (April 5)

Post by Smoku »

Sexmission? as THE sexmission? 1984, polish comedy?
I watched 15 times and still like this work of my fellow natives.
I'm impressed.
And the fic is great :D
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Re: The Coming Storm -Now with 100% more Kenji! (April 5)

Post by Sgt_Frog »

Oh snap! I was wondering why Rin was in Yamaku in the first place, since thalidomide (the supposed reason she was born arm-less) was banned around the 60's or 70's. It all makes sense!
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Re: The Coming Storm -Now with 100% more Kenji! (April 5)

Post by Snicket »

Hm interesting.

For some reason this kinda reminded me of an episode of star trek, where a specs of almost all female used dna altering bacteria to convert other races into possible mates.
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Re: The Coming Storm -Now with 100% more Kenji! (April 5)

Post by kosherbacon »

Smoku wrote:Sexmission? as THE sexmission? 1984, polish comedy?
I watched 15 times and still like this work of my fellow natives.
I'm impressed.
And the fic is great :D
And the end a midwife discovers a boy among a batch of newly manufactured babies? If yes, then that's the movie I've got.
Sgt_Frog wrote:Oh snap! I was wondering why Rin was in Yamaku in the first place, since thalidomide (the supposed reason she was born arm-less) was banned around the 60's or 70's. It all makes sense!
It's a safe bet that whoever delivered Rin, as well as the surgeons who lopped her arms off were all feminists...
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Re: The Coming Storm -Now with 100% more Kenji! (April 5)

Post by Bringerof_D »

neeed MOAR!!!
~Hello there Kenji, I'm a psychic spy. But dont worry, I know what you're thinking. It wont hurt at all...~
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Re: The Coming Storm -Now with 100% more Kenji! (April 5)

Post by kosherbacon »

Bringerof_D wrote:neeed MOAR!!!
Someone on complained about the first chapter having Shizune talk. Because, you know, she doesn't in the game...



But yeah. I am planning on doing at least one or two more chapters to this.
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Re: The Coming Storm -Now with 100% LESS Kenji...

Post by kosherbacon »

:? Poor girl.

Stem Cell Research

Somewhere in Tibet...

“Master! There is a young woman requesting your audience.”

“A visitor? Odd. Send her in.”

The chanting of the monks in the inner chamber dwindled away into silence following the entrance of a young Japanese girl. With no regard for etiquette, she stomped her way towards the monastery's ancient patriarch.

“I'm sorry, young lady, but this is a sanctuary for men only. If you go a couple kilometers down the mountain, you should find a more tourist-friendly order who would be happy to entertain you.”

“You misunderstand my intentions, Old One. I'm here on business.”

“What sort of business is that?”

“Lady Hakamichi requires five of your best and brightest students. We seek to add their natural talents and learned wisdom to our collection.”

With a raise of the master's gray eyebrow, the room filled with burly looking monks, wielding swords and pole arms.

“Child, tell your mistress that we have no interest in aiding her plans for world domination. We will not stand in her way, but we will not lend a hand either.”

Slowly, the temple guards inched towards the girl.

“I was worried you might say something like that. In that case, I shall merely bring home the five toughest men you send after me.”

With a groaning laugh, the head monk shambled his way up from his meditative position and pulled his robes down to his waist, revealing a mountain of muscle adorned in numerous battle scars.

“Laghahaha! Don't you know where you are? This temple is of the order of manliest of men. We don't take shit from NO BITCH!”

“Is that so? Well then allow me to introduce myself.”

The girl-child pulled open her shirt to reveal the the brand she received as a master of her ancient order, forcing all but the most headstrong of monks to take a step back.

The old master grumbled, unfazed.

“Kill her.”


“Any news from the school?” Kenji asked Hanako after she returned from her scouting mission.

“Nuh-uh,” she replied, shaking her head. “Everything is still taped off, with white vans going in and out of the campus around the clock.”

The Yamaku Academy had been quarantined for the past two months due to a “staph outbreak.” Kenji, Lilly, and Hanako were among the fortunate few to escape the Feminist lockdown of the school. Following their defection, Lilly and Hanako took up refuge in the Setou household, where the three established the new headquarters of the Enlightened Liberation Front.

Their stronghold was no longer safe, however. The Feminists' top problem solver was rapidly closing on their position. Upon reaching the gate of the Setou residence, she effortlessly ripped the brass nameplate off the outer wall, crumpling it in her hand as if it were cardboard.

“Hello Mrs. Setou,” the young girl in the crisp Yamaku uniform addressed the lady of the house, “is Kenji home? I'm here to deliver schoolwork for him to stay sharp while the school is closed.”

“Why yes he is,” Kenji's mother replied. “He should be out back.”

For her own safety, Mrs. Setou had been kept in the dark concerning the situation and was never told not to cooperate with Feminist agents. Even in the deepest depths of misogyny, Kenji always was a mama's boy who cared deeply for her.

“Well, well, well,” the killer remarked out loud, “if it isn't the former Grand Marshall of East Asia. What brings an ojousama like yourself to a dump like this?”

“Why are you here?” Lilly steadfastly challenged, clutching her cane sword. “The Führer said that the heir of this household shall live.”

“Lady Hakamichi changed her mind. With you and your shadow on the loose, I've been tasked with taking care of any and all liabilities to the Sisterhood. I guess I lucked out in seeing you all here.”

“So that's how it is? If you want the others, you'll have to go through me.”

“So be it.”

Lilly unsheathed her blade while her opponent lazily planted her feet and cracked her knuckles. The back yard of Kenji's house had become a battleground between two of the deadliest women in the world.

On one side was Lilly, heiress of the Satou Crime Syndicate, onetime Supreme Warlady of the Far East, and a fencer without peer. Her skill with the sword was a sublime work of grace and fluidity. It was said that her style was driven by a primal need to slice away at the darkness to reveal light.

Her opponent was Iwanako of the Iron Palm Abbey, executioner at the service of the Hakamichi Dynasty and standard-bearer of ten thousand years of warrior nun tradition. Beneath her soft skin was a finely tuned machine of extraordinarily dense muscle, the culmination of generations of selective breeding and grueling conditioning. Iwanako rarely used weapons, they only got in the way.

The two tensely faced each other, doing nothing. Both warriors were at their greatest advantage while on the defensive, specializing in exploiting weaknesses and mistakes made by attacking foes at close range. They rarely started fights, but they always finished them.

“Sooo...” Iwanako idly chatted, “do you know any good ramen places around here? I spent the last month in Tibet and the whole time, I was craving some...”

Now was her chance. Lilly didn't want to take the initiative against someone as dangerous as Iwanako, but if she didn't make the first move, who would? The wind whistled past her ears as she launched, ready to slice Iwanako into barely humanoid ribbons before she'd even hit the ground.


Lilly's decisive strike was met with a thunderous slap to the chest that sent her flying backwards against the wall. Gritty white “snow” fell into Lilly's hair as her impact crumbled the stucco away from the cinder block wall.

“If you're going to fight, fight!” Lilly coughed out as she regained her breath. “Don't just talk!”

“What's the matter, Satou? You're getting winded just keeping up with me? Well, alright then.”

Iwanako casually strolled over to Lilly, not even bothering to hide her footsteps. While Lilly's swordsmanship was grace and agility defined, Iwanako's fighting style was a straightforward application of brute force.

In a flash, Lilly swung her sword out and struck her opponent. Yet her sword wasn't slicing through, it had been stopped on something hard. A thin line of warm blood flowed down the edge and pooled at her tightly gripping fingers.

“You know, Satou, this actually kinda hurts. Do you have any bandages in the house?”

“How did you...”

“What? You thought 'Iron Palm' was just a colorful name?”

Lilly pulled her sword out of Iwanako's hand and twirled it towards where she thought Iwanako's head and neck would be.


A light punch from Iwanako dislocated Lilly's shoulder, forcing her to drop her sword. She scrambled to pick it up with her free hand. There was no time to reset the injured joint.

“Hey, Miss Satou, mind if I test a theory of mine? Go ahead and straighten your arm out. It'll only be a minute.”

Lilly heard Iwanako exit through the back gate. Without letting go of her sword, she struggled to pop her shoulder back into place. Just as she regained use of her strong arm, a shockingly loud clap shot through the air, followed by a piercing ringing noise that drowned out Lilly's world. Lilly dropped to the ground and tried getting a read on any incoming sounds. It was no use. In order to survive the day, she would have to open her eyes.

With her eyes open, Lilly surveyed her surroundings. A metal streetlight in the back alley was vibrating visibly. Iwanako must have struck it to render Lilly's ears useless. Lilly disliked fighting with her eyes. A lifetime of training got her used to going without them. The extra sensory information only served to confuse and distract her.

Lilly shook her head and rubbed her earlobes. Her hearing came back just in time to hear what Iwanako had to say, who was now looking her straight in the eyes.

“Just as I suspected.”



“Lilly! Lilly! Wake up!”


Lilly came to, cradled in Hanako's arms. Her head was still ringing from the blow she received to the side of the head.

“A-Are you okay? I can't believe that witch resorted to such a dirty trick to make you deaf.”

“No, Hanako. She could've killed me right at the beginning. She just wanted to know if I could see. I've been found out. We need to leave here before she comes back. While I go call my sister, you get Kenji and we'll...”

“B-But K-Kenji is missing!”


“Yes, My Lady. They have been taken care of.”

Iwanako momentarily put down the radio's mouthpiece and looked down on Kenji's lifeless body as it shifted around on the floor while the van was in motion.

“Kenji Setou is no more. As for Satou and Ikezawa, you can now consider them to be non-factors.”


Kenji's head bobbed around while his body was tightly restrained in a straitjacket. His ordeal began in the back a van four months earlier, and seemed to be ending in one again. He had been incarcerated in a Feminist dungeon for what seemed like a lifetime.

Even in his wildest dreams, he could not have anticipated the surreal depravity of Feminist torture. For four months, he had been drugged, mutilated, drugged again, stretched, pulled, poked, prodded, electrocuted, and humiliated. The whole time, he would be gagged and strapped into a bed or a chair, unable to groom or feed himself. A minor itch on the tip of his nose four months back grew into a cancerous wildfire of agony while he was unable to scratch. His restraints were such that he couldn't even move his head around enough to see the severity of his mutilation. Not that he'd want to.

“Okay, Mister Setou,” the grinning Feminist agent said, “last stop.”

The van's back doors swung open and Kenji was yanked out and forced onto his disused feet. His straitjacket was unbuckled and yanked off, leaving him bare in the cold late winter darkness.

“Goodbye, Mister Setou,” the girls blew taunting kisses at Kenji as they departed the scene, leaving him naked and alone in an unfamiliar neighborhood.

Kenji collapsed onto his hands and knees and sprawled towards the mansion he was dumped in front of. Shaking, his hand pulled its way up the marble gatepost. With his fingers, he read the raised characters, cast into the house's nameplate.


After the Battle of the Setou House, it seemed unlikely that there would be any help to be found at Lilly's home. It was probably another mindgame to torture him with. Still, he didn't have any other options. Slowly, his hand crawled towards the intercom's button.

“S-S-Satou... It's Kenji. I, I need help.”

Even Kenji's voice was no longer intact from disuse. It sounded like a faint whisper.

“Kenji? Is that...oh my God!”

Lilly appeared at the gate a minute later and helped Kenji back onto his feet. Hanako stood by, shrieking with horror. Kenji was clearly far more disfigured than he imagined for Hanako to be freaked out with his appearance.

“Hanako, go back inside and get some hot towels ready. He's in bad shape.”

Hanako dutifully ran back into the house, shielding her eyes from what she was seeing.

Kenji noted how his unclothed thighs slid past each other without any interference. With his free hand, he reached down to check on his status.

“S-Satou? Satou?! SATOU!! WHERE IS MY DICK?!”

“Kenji, I'm sorry.”


“No, Kenji,” Lilly solemnly turned Kenji around and looked him in the eyes once they got inside the house, “you haven't.”

“The fuck do you mean? I KNOW I had a dick. A towering sequoia of manliness. I know it was there. By God, when they had me strapped down, forcefeeding me mindfuck propaganda, it was thoughts of getting to inflict my cock onto those skanks that kept me sane. I know it was real. You and Hanako had it before, right? It was real, I know it!”

“I-I know, Kenji. It was there. Now it isn't. But that's not all.”

Lilly slowly walked Kenji over to a standing mirror in the hallway.

Kenji's facial hair was gone. His forehead shrank as his hairline descended, rounding out the corners.

His chin was rounded, his facial features smoothed.

His skin was soft, supple.

His penis and scrotum were most definitely gone.

His waist had gotten thinner, the mass somehow shifted to his thighs and rear end.

And he had breasts. Big ones.

“ No, no, no, no, NO!”

Kenji fell against a wall and pounded at it with his suddenly smaller fist. His throat cleared up during his whining. It was definitely a female voice.

Last edited by kosherbacon on Tue Jun 01, 2010 3:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Coming Storm -Now with 100% LESS Kenji...

Post by Smoku »

you finally posted it. great.
Female Kenji. nuf said
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