The Manly Tea Party. (Kenji, Lilly)Part 5-end on P2.


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Re: The Manly Tea Party. lol part 2 posted.

Post by kosherbacon »

Snicket wrote:You have sparked my interest, please continue.
:) Part 3 is mostly done and should be up after I return from work this evening.

Btw, what scene in KS features Kenji talking about the life draining vagina? It's going to get mentioned and I want to make sure I got my facts straight. Thanks in advance.
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Re: The Manly Tea Party. lol part 2 posted.

Post by Esa94 »

kosherbacon wrote: Btw, what scene in KS features Kenji talking about the life draining vagina? It's going to get mentioned and I want to make sure I got my facts straight. Thanks in advance.
I'm fairly sure it's the actual manly picnic.
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Re: The Manly Tea Party. lol part 2 posted.

Post by Snicket »

Esa94 wrote:
kosherbacon wrote: Btw, what scene in KS features Kenji talking about the life draining vagina? It's going to get mentioned and I want to make sure I got my facts straight. Thanks in advance.
I'm fairly sure it's the actual manly picnic.
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Re: The Manly Tea Party. lol part 2 posted.

Post by Captain Niggawatts »

So you can't reference it, because of how that scene ends. I'm sure you could still have Kenji talk about it, though, seeing as the event in question he is referring to happened before the game even begins.
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Re: The Manly Tea Party. lol part 2 posted.

Post by kosherbacon »

Snicket wrote:
Esa94 wrote:
kosherbacon wrote: Btw, what scene in KS features Kenji talking about the life draining vagina? It's going to get mentioned and I want to make sure I got my facts straight. Thanks in advance.
I'm fairly sure it's the actual manly picnic.
Reading > Me.

I could've sworn that it was earlier in the game. It's all good. All I wanted to know was when it happened and if it was only once, I didn't plan on expanding on it, just mentioning it.

Usually when I replay the picnic scene I just fast forward through to when Hisao dies. :P
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Re: The Manly Tea Party. lol part 2 posted.

Post by kosherbacon »

kosherbacon wrote:
Snicket wrote:You have sparked my interest, please continue.
:) Part 3 is mostly done and should be up after I return from work this evening.
And by "after I return from work" I meant after I've returned from work, taken a three hour nap, eaten dinner, gone out for dessert, watched TV, and rewritten half of it. Yes, this story is actually going somewhere! :lol:

FUN FACT: "Goddammit" is in Firefox's spellcheck dictionary, but not "Goddamnit."


Kenji stood back and visualized how bad-ass his command post must have looked. He had traded in his old equipment towards much newer and nicer gadgets at the second hand electronics store. Laser microphones, radio frequency jammers, high-definition video camcorders, shortwave radio, blu-ray recorders, a battery backup, and those night vision filters that supposedly let you see through womens' clothes. All of it was hardened against electromagnetic attack. It was just like one of those spy movies. If the feminists were going to make a move, he'd be the first to know.

"I can't wait till Lilly gets a load of thi- erk!" Kenji caught himself in the middle of an internal Freudian slip. "Hisao! Yes, Hisao Nakai! He'd totally be blown away with my new gear."

"Psh, who am I kidding? Hisao doesn't give a shit about this sort of thing, he never did." With that, he realized the truth. He wanted to show this off to Lilly more than anyone else. She would at least pretend to be impressed. She was always nice like that, and until recently, Kenji hated her for it. The more he tried to forget his infatuation for Lilly by going overdrive into his hobbies, the deeper he got. Suddenly everything reminded Kenji of her. Was she even a Feminist anyway? Did being a woman automatically make her one? Even objectively, Kenji could tell that he grossly overestimated the threat she posed, based on the time they've spent together lately. The dossier and psychological profile he had written up long ago was all wrong. If it wasn't for those ovaries of hers, she would definitely have been his friend. But she had them, so what did that make her?

Kenji was about to get back to work calibrating and re-calibrating his equipment when a knock on the door interrupted him. He jumped to the door and flicked the locks open without his usual vigilance. Lilly said she might come by that day, and now was his chance to show off.

"What do you want, Satou?" he asked, pushing the door open without confirming the identity of his guest.

"The Student Council would like to have a word with you." Said the pink blob that was surfacing into his field of vision. A pair of fierce, predatory, gold eyes leering at him confirmed his worst fears. Shiina Mikado had paid him a visit. No doubt, her handler was there too. A glance to the left confirmed that, sure enough, Shizune Hakamichi was there as well, flicking orders around. They weren't just part of the Feminist Conspiracy, they were THE Feminist Conspiracy in Yamaku High School.

"Bitches leave." Kenji grunted as he sized up the enemy.

"Perhaps you misunderstood us, Mr. Setou. We've got business with you."

"'bout what?"

"Oh, about a matter of moral misconduct perpetrated by Student Council Class Representative Lilly Satou. We understand that some di-di... ...thank you Shicchan... debauchery occured in this room earlier this week. It seems that you were a victim of a rather heinous act. We understand that your esteemed classmate came to your room, got you drunk, and had taken advantage of you. And she didn't even stay to help you clean up! But don't worry, we're here to help you seek justice against our common enemy."

"Not interested."

"Oh? Perhaps you would be more interested in an intensive contraband shakedown of this hall? WAHAHAHAHA!"

"Bring it on. You ain't gonna find shit."

"Very well then, expect a secu... eh? Eh?" Misha stops and looks towards Shizune, as if her thought processes have been telepathically overridden by her master. She creeped closer to him while unraveling her collar.

"Surely we could come to some sort of agreement." Misha said as she slowly unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it open. "Perhaps there is something that the Student Council can help you with in return for your assistance."

"Goddammit Satou, what'd you get me into?" Kenji thought to himself, pretending to be captivated by the undulations of Misha's breasts. The student council had literally whipped out the big guns. Whatever trouble Lilly was in, it was big, and it was standing right on Kenji's door step. So much for Ms. Satou no longer being a threat...

"Sounds interesting. Get in."


"Expelled?! She wouldn't go that far, would she?" Hisao's yell shattered the usual tranquility of the tea room. He had spent the last few hours after school helping Lilly out with paperwork related to her duties as class representative. Hanako would have been there as well if she wasn't busy writing a paper for their science class. Hisao had finished early so he had been sent ahead to help Lilly out. Perhaps it was better that Hanako wasn't there, because Lilly wasn't sure how she would react to the news that had been postponed until just then: On Sunday of the previous weekend, somebody from the student council saw Lilly return to her room while visibly intoxicated, and had threatened to report her "moral misconduct" to the Vice Principal. Expulsion from Yamaku was unfortunately a very likely worst-case scenario.

"I'm afraid that the blame rests squarely on my shoulders, Hisao." she said with an air of defeat. "These rules exist for the benefit of us all, and I can't be exempted from them. My classmates expect me to set a good example and I really failed them."

"I'm sorry. It's... really my fault, I should've dragged you along when Hanako and I went out." That was a lie. Hisao didn't really blame himself, he really just wanted to wrap his hands around Kenji's little neck and strangle the living daylights out of him for corrupting Lilly.

"Please don't. I don't want to hear about any more blame being thrown around. Besides, it wasn't all bad." Despite shaking from fear and dread, she wore a genuine smile on her face.

"What do you mean?" asked Hisao, still angry yet puzzled.

"Honestly, it gets tiring sometimes. My whole life I've been juggling expectations. Every move I make reflects on me, my classmates, my friends, and my family. Sometimes it feels like everyone expects something exact and perfect from me and I really don't know if I can deliver. After a while, it all feels like a lie. Even I want to let my hair down and go wild once in a while. Doing something a little wrong just makes me feel, well, real. I'm sorry, this must all seem strange."

"I-I had no idea. Look, if I'm making you feel uncomfortable like that let me know, okay."

"No, no, no." Lilly tried to giggle. "You're doing just fine. Just be yourself and I'll do my best to do the same, okay? Just keep me out of trouble once in a while, okay?"

"Ah, well. You know, with this image of yours, I don't think Shizune's complaint alone would be taken seriously. I mean, it's not like anyone else is complaining about you, right?"

"Hmm, well. I guess you're right." Lilly was visibly relieved. Not entirely, but at least she was feeling hopeful now.


"WAHAHAHAHA! Well look who finally decided to wake up!" Misha's voice was the sort of high pitched squeak normally attached to bratty little girls on sitcoms. Her voice would fit any spoiled princess who got all the other characters in trouble but would get off scot-free.

There are over fifty known sexually transmitted diseases known to medical science. Kenji was currently feeling as if he had been hit with ALL of them. He was tired. Dead tired. He had been hit with the student council's ultimate attack. Despite having experienced this twice before- once the previous year, and again that past weekend, Kenji was fully unprepared.

Sex had given him conflicting and inconsistent results so far. The first time he experienced womankind's ultimate weapon, he experienced a sudden rush of fatigue, so jarring that it became the driving force of his life for the past year or so. The second time was completely different, he felt drained but that sensation came with bliss and contentment. It was actually quite nice; nice enough to throw Kenji's entire belief system into doubt. Today was like none of that, though. He felt like he just had his soul ripped out and only now was it trickling back into his physical self, just enough to make him incredibly self-conscious about the compromising position he was in..

"Dying" was a calculated risk for this mission. Even Kenji's most optimistic simulations guaranteed it would happen during this scenario.

"Must... not... surrender!" Kenji muttered to himself, trying to recover his wits. Last week, he had been a mere grunt in a thousand year war of attrition between the sexes. Today, he was smack dab in the middle of a Feminist power grab and the only way out was to persevere. One thing was certain, Lilly Satou was going to PAY for the crap he had just gone through. The only thing left to do is to continue with the plan. Now, what to do about these shackles...

"There are papers for you to sign on your desk. The Student Council thanks you for your help, Kecchan."

===============================================TO BE CONTINUED!===================================================================
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Re: The Manly Tea Party. Part 3 on Page 2!

Post by Smoku »

lol >< I'd gladly shoot Kenji with a shotgun :D
and Shizune and Misha are sluts :P
But the story's fun! move on
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Re: The Manly Tea Party. Part 3 on Page 2!

Post by kosherbacon »

WOOT! 99th post, y'all!


“You're terrible, Kecchan!” Misha pouted, arms folded in disapproval.

“You just had your brains fucked out by the two hottest girls in the whole school and you're making demands? You greedy little boy!” She found Kenji's reluctance to be an even bigger annoyance than her repeated attempts to get dressed being constantly interrupted by her need to translate for Shizune.

“I didn't agree to any of this. It was all on you. What you two failed to realize is that I took an oath of celibacy last year and none of your dirty tricks could possibly influence me.” Kenji didn't really know what the word “celibacy” actually meant, but he did know that it was the sort of thing an incredibly dedicated bad-ass monk from a kung-fu movie would say when an enemy tried to tempt him.

“Celibacy?! Do you even know what that means?” Misha's fingers were starting to get tangled together trying to convey her frustration to her partner. Wanting to break the stalemate, Shizune let out a deep breath and signed some new instructions to Misha.

“Fine. What do you want?”

“Power. Oh, how about a seat on the student council?”

“Okay Kecchan, once this is over with, the position of class rep for 3-2 is as good as yours.”

“Class rep? You have any idea how much work that is? I've got a medical condition that makes me allergic to my own sweat. I can't do that! How about a job where I can dick around all day and cut class without actually having to do something? Maybe an actual officer ON the student council?”

“You've got to be joking.” Misha grimaced. Shizune stood at the other corner, looking just as horrified at Kenji's impudence. Reluctantly, the two conspirators gave into his demands. “Fine, how does Treasurer sound? You can skip out on school all you want, just keep out of our way when it comes to the daily operation of things. And do come to the meetings once in a while will you?”

“Sounds cool. Would I have any actual power?”

“You get to to sign paperwork whenever a request for money is involved. Aside from that, no.” Misha disdainfully looked at at some of the boxes from Kenji's recent electronic purchases. “It will be an easy job, but if we find that you've been blowing our funding at the hundred yen store buying toys, we'll personally hunt you down.”

“Works for me. So what do you need?” With that, Kenji had everything he needed from the meeting, now he was trying to expedite things to get the two hussies out of his room.

“Here's a complaint form. It's already adressed to the Vice Principal in charge of student discipline. Just make sure your story matches ours and we'll turn hand them in together at a special meeting tomorrow. This is very very important Kecchan. We aren't sure if we have enough clout to take out Lilly without you backing us up.”

“Fine, fine. Now with all due respect, bitches leave.”

“It's been... interesting doing business with you, Student Body Treasury Secretary Kenji Setou. WAHAHAHAHAHA!” The girls exited the room, with Shizune leaving last, slamming the door on her way out. She probably had door slamming as one of her unknowing bad habits.

War is an ugly thing, and today was the ugliest Kenji has yet experienced during his struggle against the Matriarchy. Although part of him regretted ever getting close to Lilly Satou, he did feel slightly thankful for this opportunity to finally strike a decisive blow in the Battle of Yamaku.

“I'm sorry Lilly, you're gonna be collateral damage.” Kenji said to himself, playing with the elastic waistband of the panties she left behind on Sunday. Everything worth doing comes at a price, and in the grand scheme of things, a victory at the price of mere friendship was a bargain.

Now to see if his investment paid off.


“That's so messed up how Kenji turned on you like that. Like, Shizune is a woman too, so I didn't think he'd go along with her plan. You'd think he would just keep to himself and not get involved. You want me to kick his ass or something?”

Lilly hoped Hisao was kidding. He probably wasn't but she hoped that he was so she gave a polite giggle in response.

“Now now, we can't fault Kenji for acting in his own interests. Who knows what he went through before he decided to play along.” It was not unusual for lone students to simply cave in when faced with the Student Council's wrath. Knowing from experience, Lilly truly pitied any student who found themseleves in Shizune's way.

“Hisao? Can you do me a favor?” Asked Lilly, as she and Hisao walked to the Student Council room to learn her fate. She had not told Hanako of the meeting. If things were to go poorly for Lilly, she would be devastated.

“Sure, anything.”

“Even if things don't work out between you and Hanako, I want you two to stay friends and take care of each other even without me. And don't hold a grudge against Kenji. He's a friend of mine.”

Hisao gasped in disbelief. Lilly must be a saint for being willing to forgive Kenji so easily.“Don't be so morbid, Lilly, everything is going to be fine. Besides, she's not as delicate as she seems, y'know.”

“And if I don't see her before I have to leave, tell her I'm sorry about everything and that I will always lo-” Lilly's voice was starting to crack as she fought to kept the tears from escaping.

“Hey, hey. Even if you do get expelled, they're not going to throw you out on the curb this very night. You'll be able to tell her that yourself. Oh, by the way, what are you going to do if you have to leave?”

“My sister said she'd come and pick me up and then take me back home. We haven't told the rest of the family what's going on. I know should have kept them informed but I'm honestly terrified of what they might say.” Running from responsibility was not Lilly's style, but then again she's never been in trouble as deep as this before.

“I'm going to be really busy catching up in my new school, but I will visit before the end of the year, I promise.”

“Lilly, you're being pessimistic again.”

===============================================Don't worry, the end is near!================================================================
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Re: The Manly Tea Party. Part 4 on P2. Hang in there!

Post by Snicket »

Hm interesting, you've taken this into a 'unique' direction.
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Re: The Manly Tea Party. Part 4 on P2. Hang in there!

Post by kosherbacon »



Shizune swelled with pride as she looked upon her masterwork. The Student Council meeting room was packed with any and every relevant person she could find. All of the third year class representatives were there, as well as the most charismatic reps from the first and second years. The staff advisor to the student council was there too, as was Lilly's own home room teacher. Most importantly, the Vice-Principal was present, ready to lay down the law upon Miss Satou. For posterity's sake, Shizune also contacted the school newspaper, or “The Feminist Propaganda Corps” as Kenji called them, and they had sent two of their reporters.

Lilly wasn't just going to be destroyed that day, she was going to be annihilated.

The desks in the room were rearranged from their usual circle to a layout more akin to that of a classroom, with the guests all facing the council officers who stationed themselves at the front of the room. Two desks front and center were still vacant. One was reserved for Lilly and the other for whoever accompanies her to class. Treasury Secretary Kenji Setou was seated among the guests, next to where Lilly would be; he would lose his credibility as an impartial witness if it was known that he was an officer in the student council. In any case, Kenji probably wanted to be able watch Lilly get crushed, up close with his own lousy eyes.

Getting Kenji on her side was essential to Shizune's plan. Given her known animosity towards Lilly, any complaint lodged against her would be dismissed as hearsay and slander. Without an unbiased party on her side, Shizune would have only have been able to unseat Lilly as class representative, a position she might be able to persuade her way back into by sweet talking with some of the teachers. As a sociopath who hated ALL women, including Shizune herself, she had found the perfect unbiased ally in Kenji.

Kenji in on himself was an unexpected challenge. Men respond to three things: fear, sex, and power. Normally it doesn't take much from one of those categories to get a loser on the bottom of the food chain to bend to your will. Surprisingly, Shizune was forced to use all three, in that order. His help had better be worth the trouble.

The entry of Lilly and Hisao into the room suddenly put a halt to the restless shuffling and chattering among the spectators. The sight of Lilly tenderly holding onto Hisao's arm made Shizune's blood boil. She did not like being reminded of her defeats, no matter how minor. And losing Hisao's allegiance to that blind foreign cow and her troll of a girlfriend was definitely not a minor defeat.

The condemned was led to her appointed seat, while her escort exchanged dirty looks with the Treasurer. With all the players present, it was time for the slaughter to begin.

“If there are no objections, the special meeting of the Yamaku High School Student Council will begin. We will begin by reviewing the minutes of our last meeting...” Shizune signals Misha to skip the formalities and cut to the main event. “Oh! Uh, er, Mr. Kenji Setou, do you have something to share with us?” She walks over to Setou's desk and he hands her a plain manila envelope. Lilly must be aware of what just happened because the color drained away from her face. Shizune tries making out the words she and Hisao exchange but all she could read are “It's okay, it's okay” from Lilly's lips. She might have tried putting up a strong front for Hisao, but under the desk she was clutching onto Kenji's hand, much to his dismay. The poor girl was holding hands with the very man who betrayed her. Shizune signaled Misha to open up the envelope and read its contents out loud.

“Eh?! Eh?” Misha freezes in place after quickly reviewing the papers Kenji handed to her. Without signing any explanation, Misha handed the papers to Shizune, who became petrified at the contents.

I, Kenji Setou, hereby lodge a complaint against third year students Shizune Hakamichi and Shiina Mikado. On the date in question, the two students threatened me with bodily harm, physically attacked me, put me in restraints, and sexually assaulted me...

Behind the letter of complaint was a glossy print of a photograph that depicted Shizune and Misha doing unwholesome things to a blindfolded and handcuffed Kenji in his room. Just where the hell did this photo come from? Shizune began to feel faint as she put the pieces together. All the cameras and junk in Kenji's room weren't just for show. Apparently some of it was powered on and they were recording the events of that evening. As a final stab, Kenji wrote on a sticky note attached to the photo.

“This is not the only photo. There are many copies of this one alone. Hurt her and I hurt you.”

The two council members looked up as they tried regaining their composure. All eyes in the classroom were planted squarely upon the two panicking girls at the head of the class. They couldn't see the photos from where they were sitting but no doubt they were confused by the meeting's sudden derailment. Shizune looked at Lilly and her cohorts. True to his word, Kenji had indeed made more copies of the photo, and had handed one to Hisao, whose eyes constantly darted between trying to discreetly inspect the photo and gawking at Shizune and Misha with horror.

After whispering a few words in Lilly's ear, Kenji faced his fellow council members, with a smirk on his face. He raised his right hand, pointed his index finger at Shizune's general direction, and made cocking gestures with his thumb.

Faced with defeat, Shizune hid the damning papers in her bag and dictated an improvised meeting agenda to Misha, who was currently sweating bullets.

“Sorry for the mix up, ladies and gentlemen. Um, we've assembled this meeting to introduce our new Student Council Treasurer...”


“What would you like to do now?” Lilly asked. She had spent the day in town with Kenji and they had both taken a break on a park bench.

“Beats me, bro. Anything else you wanna do?” Kenji was still in denial that he was on a date, and had been calling Lilly masculine nicknames to soften the blow.

“Well, we could go to the theater and listen to a movie.”

“Nah, it's all action flicks you'd actually have to see to get. I don't think the other folks would like me narrating it for you the whole time.”

“Oh my, that would be rude of us, wouldn't it?” Lilly laughed, then switched to a serious tone as she reached into her purse. “ I guess that it has come to this.”

Kenji jumped up from the bench before Lilly could have a chance to put the gun to his temple. Apparently he had been a pawn in Lilly's game all along. Kenji should have known that there is NO “right” side to join when it comes to a fight between feminist warlords. He always knew women and betrayal came hand in hand, but this time, it hurt. A lot.

“Why, Lilly? Why?”

“Are... you surprised, Kenji? Did you really not see this coming?” Lilly sounded troubled, perhaps she too had fallen for her own enemy. She had also gotten up from the park bench. In spite of her blindness, she managed to keep the gun pointed at Kenji, following the sounds of his movement. Although she was no longer right next to him, she probably could still kill him at this distance.

“Honestly, yeah.” Kenji wanted to give her a eloquent verbal beat down and a tearjerkingly awesome dying speech, but the breaking of his heart kept any defiant words from reaching his lips.

“I'm sorry Kenji.” She walked closer to him, adjusting her aim as she pinpointed the origin of Kenji's voice. Lilly raised the pistol up so her arm was flat and level with her shoulder, and the gun was pointed slightly left of the center of Kenji's face. Manly tears began rolling down Kenji's face as he faced his mortal fate. Although he was to be killed in an enemy trap, he had no regrets.

If any woman was going to kill him, he was glad it was going to be Lilly. Nobody else deserved the privilege.

“DIE, FEMINIST SCUM!” Lilly yelled as she pulled the trigger, releasing a jet of cold water from the gun, drenching Kenji's left ear. He stood there, frozen, not from the shock of having a near-death experience, but rather from hearing his own battle cry come from a woman!

“W-What the hell, Satou! If I was Nakai, you woulda killed me from fright just now!”

“You know, your cause is doomed if you keep letting your guard down like that.” Lilly said, recovering her breath after laughing at Kenji's panic attack.

“Shit, man. If you're going to eliminate me, you should've just done it instead of playing games with me!”

“No, no, no. You misunderstand me, Kenji. I'm joining your faction. I have decided to take up arms against the Matriarchal Insurgency.”

“You can't do that, Satou, you're a girl.”

“I've defected. Just think of me as one of the guys. But prettier.” Actually, Kenji had been doing just that up until now. Lilly was just one another dude to him. Just another dude that he happened to find attractive, occasionally kiss, and had slept with once. He decided to let her play along.

“Defected, huh? I'd hate to break it to you but you're joining the losing side. Things ain't looking too good for us men.”

“Oh really? If I remember correctly, you've somehow managed to singlehandedly foil a major Feminist plot, blackmail the two most powerful women in your school, strong arm your way into the student council, AND you've seduced an influential enemy into joining your side. I would say things are looking pretty good for our cause right now, wouldn't you say?”

“Damn, you're right. You're still in for a struggle though. Women won't forget nor forgive your treason. Ever. I suggest you start carrying your cane sword.”

“I don't have a cane sword.” Lilly giggled.

“What? I thought all you blind people had one. No matter, you can have mine.”

“That's sweet of you. So what's our next move?”

“We go swing by the market and pick up some supplies to bring back to HQ. We have a victory to celebrate.”

Kenji briefly wondered what Lilly's intentions were. Was she really a high ranking Feminazi who had defected? Or was she going to be an infiltrator who was going to try killing him in his sleep? Or perhaps she not a feminist at all, just a girl who was playing along for his sake? None of that mattered, really. Kenji shook those thoughts out of his head and looked up at his new sister-in-arms. She had somehow struck a pose, holding her squirt gun by her shoulder pointing it straight up, looking like a Western action hero on a movie poster.

If only she knew how cool she looked right now. And how beautiful.

===============================================THE END, probably.================================================================

And there you go, I started out just wanting to paint a scene where Kenji and Lilly start to not-hate each other due to their mutual loneliness. Then it all went to hell from there. Hope you enjoyed this half as much as I enjoyed typing it up.

And in the words of a true bro:

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Re: The Manly Tea Party. (Kenji, Lilly)Part 5-end on P2.

Post by Snicket »

An Interesting read,and an interesting end.

good job
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Re: The Manly Tea Party. (Kenji, Lilly)Part 5-end on P2.

Post by Smoku »

Well played, Kenji, well played.

cool story. Made me not hate Kenji's retardation.
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Re: The Manly Tea Party. (Kenji, Lilly)Part 5-end on P2.

Post by Swx »


Wow man that was pretty awsome. Great read.
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Re: The Manly Tea Party. (Kenji, Lilly)Part 5-end on P2.

Post by Xuan »

It was good, but... Somehow Hisao dropped another couple of levels lower in my eyes.
" It would be hard to believe I was nearly killed by a love confession."
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Re: The Manly Tea Party. (Kenji, Lilly)Part 5-end on P2.

Post by Sgt_Frog »

A truly amazing story, with many surprising plot twists. I literally shouted "OH YES!" when Kenji managed to "pull a fast one" on the delightfully Lawful Evil Shizune.
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