Favorite girl.

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Poll ended at Wed Jan 09, 2008 3:53 am

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Re: Favorite girl.

Post by Smoku »

My favorite is Lilly.
The personality, the looks and the overall aura. My type.
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Re: Favorite girl.

Post by raven8 »

I'm badly torn. Lilly was my first ending, and I still expect her to be my first ending in the finished game... but Hanako is so close I could see myself waffling throughout and ending up with NEITHER, depending on how the game is written. Shizune I really, strongly disliked through all of my playthroughs until I got her for completion. She got a LOT more attractive once I was on her path. I generally really dislike tsunderes, but her tsundere element is pretty light--it's not like she's browbeating the character like so many do.

What I hated about her is what a bitch she is to Lilly, and how she was willing to extend that to Hanako. I'm looking forward to learning about what caused their enmity; it feels like it goes beyond the obvious personality conflict, and all Act 1 presented was "Hi, I'm Shizune, and I'm going to be a bitch now because Lilly is nearby!" It was physically difficult to make myself click the option that sided with Shizune during their classroom spat.
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Re: Favorite girl.

Post by G3n0c1de »

I like that you actually gave Shizune a chance, unlike many others who simply write her off as a bitch. The problem is that you still write her off as a bitch. This can't really be helped. Hanako and Lilly are arguably the most popular of the girls, so when Shizune argues with Lilly, and scares off Hanako, she'd pretty much delegated herself to being the 'mean one'. As a Shizune fan, it is sad to see such things. But I take comfort in the fact that Shizune has the most satisfying ending in act 1.
It's a good thing Shizune is deaf, she is the only one who can stand (not) hearing "Wahaha~!" over and over.
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Re: Favorite girl.

Post by raven8 »

G3n0c1de wrote:I like that you actually gave Shizune a chance, unlike many others who simply write her off as a bitch. The problem is that you still write her off as a bitch. This can't really be helped. Hanako and Lilly are arguably the most popular of the girls, so when Shizune argues with Lilly, and scares off Hanako, she'd pretty much delegated herself to being the 'mean one'. As a Shizune fan, it is sad to see such things. But I take comfort in the fact that Shizune has the most satisfying ending in act 1.
She really does have the most satisfying ending; I'll give you that unreservedly. And, like I said, she was a LOT more attractive once I got past the argument in the classroom. It's entirely possible that after that point, I'll absolutely love Shizune's entire path, start to finish; I DO like her little cat and mouse game with Hisao, and there could be a lot of enjoyment in that aspect of her personality carrying into romance. The problem is, I can't think of any event in the past, even if Lilly were at fault, that would justify the sort of unprovoked rudeness and cruelty she displays toward Lilly, and "you like so and so, so I hate you, too," is the kind of behavior that makes me hope a person gets hit by a bus.

Not every aspect of every character should be endearing, and I'm very, very glad to see the KS devs writing characters that aren't all picture perfect personalities (one of my favorite aspects of the first Ar Tonelico game was seeing, when you got to deeper levels of the girls' minds, that no matter how much they liked you, or how nice they were, they had a twisted side to them). That said, as the eternally unpopular guy growing up, the one victim to all the unprovoked antagonization, there's really nothing in the world that can justify that sort of behavior to me. Shizune is the sum of her parts--she's not JUST a bitch, but bitch is definitely in there.

Edit: Also, Shizune, cross-armed, blushing, and glaring with her little upside-down V frown is arguably the cutest sprite in the game, right up there with Hanako actually showing a smile.
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Re: Favorite girl.

Post by Smoku »

As Lilly being my number one, I always viewed Shizune as the number 2, actually. It is pretty extreme, but I'm kinda used to such girls like Shizune. the bitch side is pretty cute still tough.
Rin and Emi are cool. I can't decide who I like more tough. Rin talks pretty much like I WOULD if I took on arts. I'm sticking to philosophy tough, so her talk is not at all gibberish in any part (and I heard opinions of people who said it is). Emi is just soooo cute.
And Hanako. she's very popular and all but all the emotional scars and being so extremely shy is not my game...

Shizune isn't bad even at the beginning. Just the argument with Lilly was pretty evil tough. I'm looking forward to know more about the roots of their enmity too.
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Re: Favorite girl.

Post by raven8 »

Smoku wrote:Shizune isn't bad even at the beginning. Just the argument with Lilly was pretty evil tough. I'm looking forward to know more about the roots of their enmity too.
The argument is what set me off. The constant "join the student council!" was mildly annoying, but only in a perfectly reasonable, "Jesus Christ, I just got here; let me get my footing!" sort of way. If the scene with Lilly and Shizune were removed, the worst adjective I could apply to Shizune would've been "pesky." I'm used to people like Shizune too (in the "I hate her so I'm mean to her" sense, not the whole package, obviously), but my reaction is different from yours: it's not, "I'm used to this, I can deal," for me. It's "I'm sick of this; I don't want to be around such a nasty person."
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Re: Favorite girl.

Post by Esa94 »

There are only two things that bother me when playing the Shizune path in act 1; First of all not siding with Lilly at Cold War really makes me feel like I'm a horrible person and secondly Shizune being mean to Hanako makes me feel she is a horrible person.
Then I feel better when I find out that Shizune isn't in fact a horrible person. And the ending is just awesome.

That said, I'm the most attracted to Hanako, but I also like Rin much because her way of thinking resembles my own. I think I like Lilly and Shizune only a bit less than the first two girls. Emi is the 'last' one since there really wasn't much of her in Act 1. She's really cute, though, and I hope the full version shows much more of her and her personality.

If I met the girls in real life, I'd probably befriend Lilly and Rin. My own shyness would make it hard to approach a girl like Hanako who I'd probably find incredibly attractive, and Shizune wouldn't probably like my personality at all. I can't really say what I'd think of Emi, though.
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Re: Favorite girl.

Post by DESU »

hanako is mai waifu. I love her with all my heart.
I white-knighted for Hanako before the rest of you.
>Completion 28%
I got my Hanako path. To me, that's 100% completion.
My steam is my nexus of stuff so yeah. Also I have a chan. Ask me shit.
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Re: Favorite girl.

Post by Niko Sharquez »

Rin is in first because she is my type through and through. that sort of mild loopyness is perfect.

Hanako is tied for first because you know a hardcore yandere is hiding in there... and I loves me some boiled bunny..

Shizune is next because she is dominating which is hot in its own way... Plus with Misha, can you say threesome?

Lily is very sweet and it feels nice to have someone relying on you (although she's largely independent) But blonde hair blue eyes isn't my thing.

Emi... Emi... Emi... Emi... You are cute as a button but that's all you'll be till we get some more character depth...
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Re: Favorite girl.

Post by EternalLurker »

G3n0c1de wrote:Hanako and Lilly are arguably the most popular of the girls, so when Shizune argues with Lilly, and scares off Hanako, she'd pretty much delegated herself to being the 'mean one'.
She could be arguing with Misha, who I dislike immensely, but if she did it in that way I'd still wanna slap her in the face hard enough to smash her through a few concrete walls. My opinions of the target of her idiocy (Lilly, who I like) and the illogical secondary target (Hanako, who I don't) have nothing to do with it. She whines about Lilly and Hisao not taking preparations for the school festival seriously when she doesn't take school itself seriously except when she wants to show off, which makes her ridiculous notions of school spirit completely hypocritical, and she takes out her anger towards Lilly on Hanako because it's easy to attack such a weak, timid target. Pitiful. Add that to her completely misplaced narcissistic arrogance and she's simply disgusting.
G3n0c1de wrote:I take comfort in the fact that Shizune has the most satisfying ending in act 1.

Re: Favorite girl.

Post by Guestman »

The school festival is something that demands personal involvement - more than any lesson. Like with Rin it's an opportunity to express yourself outside of the normal currciculum. Maybe that's what has led to Shizune taking it so seriously.

I would be skipping schools as well if my teacher would be like Dr. House. :lol:
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Re: Favorite girl.

Post by Smoku »

Niko Sharquez wrote:Shizune is next because she is dominating which is hot in its own way... Plus with Misha, can you say threesome?
this! dominating + threesome. hawt.
for a night or two tough only...

ok, maybe three.
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Re: Favorite girl.

Post by Mikage-sama »

Ha guess the moetards couldn't beat Rin's awesomeness!! I obviously love Rin because she is too awesome personality wise for a moeblob, a loli, a blonde, a deaf with glasses?, or a fatty with drill hair to beat her.
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Re: Favorite girl.

Post by G3n0c1de »

Mikage-sama wrote:Ha guess the moetards couldn't beat Rin's awesomeness!! I obviously love Rin because she is too awesome personality wise for a moeblob, a loli, a blonde, a deaf with glasses?, or a fatty with drill hair to beat her.
The poll got hacked or something so the results are inaccurate. Back when there was a legitimate poll, Hanako held the lead from the start, more or less.
It's a good thing Shizune is deaf, she is the only one who can stand (not) hearing "Wahaha~!" over and over.
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Re: Favorite girl.

Post by Mikage-sama »

Well it is kinda obvious since
1- I couldn't vote.
2- There are not that many Rin fans.
3- Moetards would obviously make Hanako win with their retardedness that blinds them the second they see/watch/read something moe. Want proof? K-ON!. 'Nuff said.
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