Katawa shoujo featured on Kotaku.

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Re: Katawa shoujo featured on Kotaku.

Post by SirMax »

Dunno, I think they mostly talk about 4chan for the same reason the game's title still uses the word "Katawa". You can't really avoid this whole "made by 4chan" label because so many people already know it, so it's better to address and neutralise it than try to ignore it. That said, it still would have been nice if they'd added a bit more about the actual game, I just don't think that the 4chan stuff necessarily needed to be removed.
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Re: Katawa shoujo featured on Kotaku.

Post by EternalLurker »

SirMax wrote:Dunno, I think they mostly talk about 4chan for the same reason the game's title still uses the word "Katawa".
On that note, anyone with a Kotaku account wanna address that angry post about the issue by doogfood? (Yes, two Os after the D) I wish the article had mentioned it to head off such comments before they started, as other articles have done, but it was too busy talking about 4chan, as everyone's pointed out.
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Re: Katawa shoujo featured on Kotaku.

Post by Blue123 »

I'm surprised Japan didn't do this first, and of all people it was the fine ladies and gentlemen of /b/.
A nice idea, but what about girls with mental disabilities- more specifically autism?
I'm immediately disgusted by the fact that they use the word "Katawa"
The creation of this game can be pretty much summed up by the following: "Anonymous is legion"
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Re: Katawa shoujo featured on Kotaku.

Post by Bara »

Big fat anon wrote:For those saying the article focused too much on 4Chan I personally would say they are deluded.
Try and say something about the article; not just a kneejerk, "Wah! You don't wub 4chan!" response to my opinions of the article. :lol:
I think the focus of the article was off target. I say if 4chan was so responsible and supportive of KS why is there 4LS at all? I believe it is because 4chan is NOT the right place for serious development work on a complex and long term project. No one denies, or even tries to deny, KS's origins on 4chan, but it is a fact that there had to be a break at some point where KS left the fecund, chaotic, sprawling environment of 4chan and made it's own way as a project to either be completed or to wither away to "just another Duke Nukem Forever" status. The author ignored this development; leaving the impression in me when reading that KS sprang full blown from 4chan's forehead. If the writer had made it clear that they were only focusing on the origins of KS and leaving off mentioning anything of the post 4chan development I'd call it a very fine article.

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Re: Katawa shoujo featured on Kotaku.

Post by Fengjeii »

Hey guys just though i should say im one of those people who yesterday saw the Kotaku article and was interested enough to dl Act One. After a night without any sleep im now at 100% and my god the story is amazing. Better then anything i have seen in a looooooooooong time i now like everyone here can't wait to see the rest of it and soon.

Im sure others like me have been converted by simply reading the article they saw on Kotaku and persuing it further.
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Re: Katawa shoujo featured on Kotaku.

Post by Smoku »

pretty cool. popularity of this marvelous project increases then. ppl will download and see with their own eyes how cool and well made it is and will want more.

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Re: Katawa shoujo featured on Kotaku.

Post by kosherbacon »

Come for the fetish fuel, stay for the love. :lol:
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Re: Katawa shoujo featured on Kotaku.

Post by coldacid »

The Reddit comments for the article at least let you downvote the idiots, and I'd like to think that I'm doing a good job of explaining why KS isn't something bad. Help's always appreciated though.
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Re: Katawa shoujo featured on Kotaku.

Post by Nestor »

I really didn't like the article because it seemed to go on for far too long about 4ch, and Alexander seemed to spend more time trying to figure out why the game was made than on the game content itself, but I suppose publicity is publicity. People like Fengjeii above keep me hopeful, though.
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Re: Katawa shoujo featured on Kotaku.

Post by Bara »

coldacid wrote:The Reddit comments for the article at least let you downvote the idiots, and I'd like to think that I'm doing a good job of explaining why KS isn't something bad. Help's always appreciated though.
Sorry, I'd like to lend a hand but it is a subject I can't very well be balanced on since I hold 4chan in a generally low opinion and tend to place KS up on a bit of a pedestal. Not a combination that creates a voice for reason and persuasion. :lol:

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Re: Katawa shoujo featured on Kotaku.

Post by lurk moar »

4chan makes for a better story than 4 Leaf Studios, because it's a something people recognize and, in general, don't feel neutral about.

The start of the article talks about Nurse-Kin (and links to Shii's wiki) which was, undoubtedly, a /b/ thing. Then it goes on to talk about how, despite the rampant lack of political correctness, /b/ did manage to show some sort of empathy in this situation. Then it brings up the question of "well if KS started on HORRIBLE HORRIBLE 4chan, then is it just a fetish fapfest?" and says "no, it seems to be very polished, thought-provoking, and respectful" because disabled people are people too, and everyone needs love, and it's something that 4channers seem to understand. D'awww... (Those are not direct quotes, I just like pretending.)

If anything, the article should have made a bigger point of the "we will talk about anything and everything, especially if it offends you, but don't take it too seriously, because most of us are pretty alright people offline" aspect of 4chan that helped make this game come true. Or something like that.
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Re: Katawa shoujo featured on Kotaku.

Post by G3n0c1de »

lurk moar wrote:4chan makes for a better story than 4 Leaf Studios, because it's a something people recognize and, in general, don't feel neutral about.
The problem there is that they might already hate 4chan. And by association hate the game.
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Re: Katawa shoujo featured on Kotaku.

Post by Bara »

G3n0c1de wrote:
lurk moar wrote:4chan makes for a better story than 4 Leaf Studios, because it's a something people recognize and, in general, don't feel neutral about.
The problem there is that they might already hate 4chan. And by association hate the game.
I guess we should hope the old showbiz adage is true, "Any publicity is good publicity.". At least with the Dev team doing this on their own we don't have to worry about negative press killing the project. It isn't like they have quarterly quotas to meet on this and a board of directors in some office suite to answer to. :wink:

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Re: Katawa shoujo featured on Kotaku.

Post by Ultra nigger »

G3n0c1de wrote:
lurk moar wrote:4chan makes for a better story than 4 Leaf Studios, because it's a something people recognize and, in general, don't feel neutral about.
The problem there is that they might already hate 4chan. And by association hate the game.
If not for the association with the final boss of the internet 4 Leaf Studios would not even be regarded as worth mentioning by a third rate blogger who nobody reads.
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Re: Katawa shoujo featured on Kotaku.

Post by techk8 »

Ultra nigger wrote:
G3n0c1de wrote:
lurk moar wrote:4chan makes for a better story than 4 Leaf Studios, because it's a something people recognize and, in general, don't feel neutral about.
The problem there is that they might already hate 4chan. And by association hate the game.
If not for the association with the final boss of the internet 4 Leaf Studios would not even be regarded as worth mentioning by a third rate blogger who nobody reads.
You. Get out.
techk8 wrote:In all honestly, I don't care if it's an OVA or a whole series; it needs to end with the Lilly Good End, damnit! IT'S FUCKING CANON AND I'LL TAKE THAT TRUTH TO THE GRAVE.
[10:59] <@cpl_crud> Penises aren't spoilers; they are just disappointing in general
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