The origins of Misha's name

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The origins of Misha's name

Post by CindehQ »

Seriously. I have to ask, where do you get a name like Misha from Shiina? Is it just a random nickname for her, or is it some weird diminutive of Shiina? Secondly, is Misha even a Japanese name? I know for sure it's Russian. The other names seem like fairly normal Japanese name...

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Re: The origins of Misha's name

Post by Aura »

I kind of hate nicknames, to a degree. I think if it’s something that correlates with who you are, or a shortened version of your actual name, then okay whatever. I’ve been called D a majority of my life by a variety of people. I tend to have my login names either be xdustinx or oceanx on the internet in some formulation. At no point has anyone ever called me oceanx. I did, at one point, figure it’d be clever to be Dustin Disgorge, since I run a label called Disgorge Media; but it didn’t catch on. If people have to call me something beyond my first name, enough people know it’s Dustin Albright. So that’s what I get called. People I don’t know call me by Dustin Albright. Whatever. Sometimes on the internet I get referred to as xdustinx, or xdx, because I’m straight edge, again - whatever. I can’t say whatever enough in the circumstance of what people call me. But xdustinx does represent something of importance to me, and it’s not out of place. Still, though, not as many people call me any of those as they do just “D”. It makes sense, Dustin is a stupid sounding, and awkward (in comparison to Justin, which is what my name always gets mistaken for), name. It probably is easier and is just cooler to call me D. I’m fine with that.

I was curious to who the voice actors in Grand Theft Auto 4 happened to be, and noticed “The Game” came up in a list. I, for some unknown reason, thought it would be a neat idea to read up some info on this “The Game” person, and his (The Game is a person, as far as this noun goes) wikipedia entry is chock full of mentions of other rappers, and feuds with other rappers. It’s funny looking at these feuds because it’s like a big story full of fake characters that don’t exist in real life, with goofy names; except it’s all actually real! There are drawn out stories of epic battles between goofy sounding names like Ja Rule, Spider Loc, 50 Cent (or otherwise called Fitty, or fiddy, cent). The irony behind the latter is that it’s created from improper English. One has 50 cents, a currency. But this person goes by 50 cent. I can’t even wrap my mind around it. It’s the most retarded thing that dumb white (and black) people in America have taken seriously. Yeah, I understand the guy could kill me and probably get away with it, and him and his G-Unit entourage could undeniably fuck my shit up to all kingdom come. But let’s face it, 50 cent is a dumb nickname. I read up on the origin of his nickname, and it apparently comes from a robber from the 1980s, and is a metaphor for change. Really? “I have this whole idea of changing who I am, and rising up - it’s inspired by this guy who used to rob banks”. Makes perfect sense.

I don’t really get the nicknames in the rap and Afro-American communities.

What I also don’t get is when dumb white people decide that they’re going to be cute and coin their own internet pseudonyms from merging their actual names, with other pop culture references. Case in point, I have heard about a girl who goes by the name “Brittycent”. I don’t know much about her. I don’t really care. She may be the greatest person on the face of the earth, but from my guess by creating such a dumb nick name this person doesn’t have a whole lot going for them and is just as much of the same stupid facade bullshit as any of her other friends may be. You have next to no relationship to the rapper at all, I’m imagining, and judging by the type of people I suspect she knows, she probably doesn’t even listen to his music. It’s just a cutesy little nickname that was devised out of what this girl believed was cleverness. It’s not clever at all. It’s stupid. Yob is a stupid fucking nickname too. Boy backwards. Jesus. Just be happy that you have a relatively normal name like Matt Davis and stick with it. I have a friend named Marcie Conway, and for a while (maybe still) would go by Marcie Kanye, because it was cute and similar between that of her last name and the famous retard. Always found it kind of dumb, and never bought into it. I think of names that people I know in KCHC go by, and I think some of those things are appropriate. Shrout, Scott K, Nick Befort, xj-rox (I dont think there is any intention between it and Jennifer Lopez, J.Lo, he’s a goth punk edger and the most awesome dude period, and he hates that pop shit), Micro (my friend Ehren, because he’s under 5’ tall, pretty much), Chris Sarge (he’s a Sergeant in the US Army), Cary Thrasher (his last name is Thrasher, he’s not the first person I’ve met with this last name), and really I can’t think of anyone I know in alt music in KC that goes by stupid nicknames like that.

What I really get irritated with is when these abnormal nicknames actually stick with people, and that becomes how people call them. I have never called Yob, “Yob,” he’s always been Matt. He will always be Matt.

I remember when I was a goth in high school, the cool thing in other faggots like me was to create completely fake, vampire sounding names as nicknames, complete with different middle and last name, but it was also based on playing RPGs, I occasionally ran as Seth Kain Mobliz. Primarily all Final Fantasy inspired. Seth, as part of the Caine/Abel vampire story in White Wolf games, Seth was the third child of Adam and Eve (you can read that in the Holy Bible). Kain was my favorite character from my favorite game in the Final Fantasy series (part 4), and Mobliz is the name of a town in Final Fantasy 6. I like to think even this is more clever than Brittycent.

None the less, it didn’t catch on, even when I jokingly told one of my teachers in high school that I went by Seth as a nickname, which wasn’t true. No one called me that. One of my friends made fun of me for it, and he was right in doing so.

Maybe if more people openly made fun of these silly things, they wouldn’t exist. This entire implication also 110% goes for these fucking retards in Black Metal. The only band this is exempt for EVER is Decapitated.
It's a bit like this guy, if you know what I mean.
<Aura> would you squeeze a warm PVC bottle between your thighs and call it "manaka-chan"
<Suriko> I would do it if it wouldn't be so hard to explain to my parents
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Re: The origins of Misha's name

Post by cpl_crud »

Go watch Hannibal Rising.
My Novel - Now available The Zemlya Conspiracy

<Suriko> Crud would be patting Hanako's head
<Suriko> In a non-creepy fatherly way
<NicolArmarfi> crud is trying to dress hanako up like miku and attempting to get her to pose for him in headphones and he burns money

Re: The origins of Misha's name

Post by WAHAHA~ »

I had a relative who was called Yi-yi because of a little kid mispronouncing "Elizabeth". Weird things like that stick sometimes. It's possible that Misha's comes from someone shortening "Mikado" (her given name) and then slipping on the "k".

If we're getting speculative (why stop now?), this could also have to do with how she learned sign language--she or a close relative/friend had some sort of hearing or speech problem.

More to the point, how does she feel about being the Lord High Executioner?

Re: The origins of Misha's name

Post by WAHAHA~ »

Or not her given name, I suck cocks. Anyway, ... ina#p22809
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