fan made spoiler origins

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Re: fan made spoiler origins

Post by EternalLurker »

@Bara: So basically, your post consists of admitting that you don't know the environment that spawned KS yet speculating about it contrary to the opinions of the very creators themselves, correct? If you wanna see what your post describes as 4chan-like communication, take a look at the Shimmie's comments some time. Then consider that those are generally the same people who frequent this forum. I feel about the internet as a whole as you do about 4chan; I hardly think 4chan's significantly worse than the rest of the web.

As for you other two...*slaps you repeatedly for the massive, useless quotes*
*in the face*
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Last edited by EternalLurker on Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: fan made spoiler origins

Post by U.T. Raptor »

Captain Niggawatts wrote:
Bara wrote:
☆♥Aura♥☆ wrote:Putting it like that is maybe a tad unfair to the people who were really trying to make something out of KS in spring 07. It's true that real progress wasn't made until 4LS was formed, but most people involved with KS from January to April were very earnestly trying their best. It just turned out that the first attempts at concerete actions towards making an actual VN weren't sustainable at all in the long run.
Sure I was harsh, especially since I'm just a "johnnie-come-lately-fanboy" of KS myself. I've contributed 0% to KS and claim no reflected glory from the work of others. I like to think I'm honest with myself in that respect.
I seriously doubt if I'll ever be more than, at best, a lukewarm admirer of 4chan; I don't think it is evil though. It is a good place to loose the restraints on your mind and let what is inside bubble out. Unfortunately, so much of that consists of, "Hur, hur! I'd rape dat! lulz!!". 4chan IS a high noise to signal environment and while ideas may be spawned there; any long term project beyond the scope of a single artist is likely to wither and die before completion, due in large part to that noise to signal ratio. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing; because, face it, some ideas don't deserve to come to fruition. :wink:

I'd bet the scenario that created the OP was 3 to 5 people bullshitting for about 20 minutes and one person ducking away for 30 to 45 minutes and coming back with a 1st draft and saying what do you think guys; maybe getting a few additions or tweaks and 10 minutes later the finished product. Then again, maybe it sprang full grown from Zeus' brow. I don't care how or why it came about, it makes me laugh by reflecting some of my KS fanboy attitudes. :lol:
There are more boards than /b/, you know. /b/ has ALWAYS been the worst board. Always, even back when there were only like 5 boards.
It's not just /b/. /co/ has created all sorts of projects, and they all died on the vine. For a long while, I thought KS had fallen into the same trap...

The only successful chan-based project I know of other than... well, us, is the Gaang Jr. project on plus4chan (which, like KS, was inadvertently started with an image, although in this case it was me posting it, which amuses me greatly), and that's on a relatively backwater board.

Re: fan made spoiler origins

Post by Guest »

U.T. Raptor wrote: The only successful chan-based project I know of other than... well, us, is the Gaang Jr. project on plus4chan (which, like KS, was inadvertently started with an image, although in this case it was me posting it, which amuses me greatly), and that's on a relatively backwater board.
/tg/ has had some success with small-scale RPG-related stuff, but that could be because they're projects that get proposed and completed in the same thread. Our attempt to copy off KS is currently dying off exactly like you'd expect it to.
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Re: fan made spoiler origins

Post by Bara »

EternalLurker wrote:@Bara: So basically, your post consists of admitting that you don't know the environment that spawned KS yet speculating about it contrary to the opinions of the very creators themselves, correct?
I'm the first to admit my lack of knowledge of 4 chan; please read the Dev Blog posts of Dec 14 2007, Jan 4 2008, and May 9 2009. You may also feel as Aura does that I was harsh to folks participating in the early formative weeks of KS while on 4chan. After taking a second thought I agreed I was being overly harsh, but I think my comments were in line with what 3 of the Devs have themselves written about the history of KS. If I've misunderstood them they can rap my knuckles. I think I can stand being told I'm wrong. :lol:
EternalLurker wrote: If you wanna see what your post describes as 4chan-like communication, take a look at the Shimmie's comments some time. Then consider that those are generally the same people who frequent this forum. I feel about the internet as a whole as you do about 4chan; I hardly think 4chan's significantly worse than the rest of the web.
I've seen the comments in the Shimmie, but as I can see the art with out having to wade through the comments I ignore them. Probably my greatest dislike of 4chan is that it makes you wade through so much drivel to find something halfway decent in a thread and then any damn fool can come along and piss on it. Life is too short to waste on this. Would I call 4chan evil or even mildy bad? No. Some of the behavior of the Anons IS extremely annoying and meant to be so. I'm sure without even halfway trying we could both think of a few very vile places on the internet that are designed with malice and intent to be so. I would say that for me 4chan is at best a flawed tool which does not serve a purpose well. This is not in the same league as some of the hateful sites to be found on the web.

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<Aura> Our army of teenage girl artists couldn't draw penises without fits of giggling. Does that count?
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Re: fan made spoiler origins

Post by Guest poster »

There is a saying among game developers that a project is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. (or was it 1% to 99%? oh well)

4chan probably deserves credit for the inspiration part, but the 90% of the kudos still go to 4LS for going through with it.
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Re: fan made spoiler origins

Post by Lawls »

Guest poster wrote:There is a saying among game developers that a project is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. (or was it 1% to 99%? oh well)

4chan probably deserves credit for the inspiration part, but the 90% of the kudos still go to 4LS for going through with it.
yes kudos to the dev's but really if someone has an answer to my question other than 4chan did it that would be great
<Aura> "For a long time now, I've thought it doesn't matter one bit whether they are disabled or not."

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