In Which I have been reading too much Raymond Chandler


Bleeding Heart

Re: In Which I have been reading too much Raymond Chandler

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Re: In Which I have been reading too much Raymond Chandler

Post by Goldilurks »

As they say in the vernacular, fuckin' A. I do look forward to its completion.

That said, there's an error in the thread title. There is no such thing as reading too much Raymond Chandler. (Hell, if you ask me there is no such thing as reading enough Raymond Chandler. Raymond Chandler to a mystery novel lover like myself is like dakka to an ork.)
This one needs to lurk moar. This one lurks too much! Ahh, this one lurks juuuuust enuf.
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Re: In Which I have been reading too much Raymond Chandler

Post by axiomatic »

Sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar. Albeit one with a bottle in a paper bag.
Gentile or Jew,
O you who turn the wheel and look to windward,
Consider Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you.
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Tom Noble
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Re: In Which I have been reading too much Raymond Chandler

Post by Tom Noble »

Has it really been almost two months since someone commented on this?

The sudden change from the school we're familiar with to a mobster environment was a bit odd at first, but I adore this kind of stuff so its okay with me.

Anyway, I REALLY hope that you start writing this again, because I personally enjoyed it.
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Re: In Which I have been reading too much Raymond Chandler

Post by Sakura Tenshi »

Oh god this is awesome!
All we need is for some of them to be secretly packin' heat!
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Re: In Which I have been reading too much Raymond Chandler

Post by TheHivemind »

In honor of Raymond Chandler dying on this date in 1959 (or at least, 'on this date' if you're living in the US, it's technically 'on yesterday's date' over here), I dug this up, brushed the dust off of it, and polished it off. Now I have to go back to doing other, more important things, so don't keep your fingers crossed for a part five any time soon (or at all, possibly).

4. I came to with a small man playing drums in my head and the uncomfortable feeling that you only get when you're handcuffed to a chair and blindfolded. Muffled voices, one of them male, one of them female, were angrily conversing somewhere outside wherever I was. I coughed, and noted the way the noise echoed. Probably a basement or a shed of some sort, I figured. A new set of possibilities opened up: assuming I was still on campus, who had access to the basements? Student council had access to wherever they pleased, but even if they caught me coming out of Lilly's they would have dragged me in for questioning, not knocked me out and left me chained to a chair. The mysterious third party that Lilly was on about seemed like too wild of an idea to really get behind, but if her tale about faculty support was true then it was possible they dragged me down here. Assuming I was in the shed, well, there was a shorter list of suspects for that. I could have thrashed around, maybe gotten myself and my chair to run into something of my surroundings to give me a little more information, but I had my dignity to consider. Someone would want to talk to me, and that would tell me where I was soon enough.

As it turned out, I didn't have long to wait. A door squeaked open and I heard birds chirping outside just before it swung shut again. “There are nicer ways to get in touch with me, you know. Knocking on my door, for starters. That's always a good one. Not cold-cocking me in a hallway and dragging me to the athletic supply shed. What's the deal, anyway? I can't remember doing anything to offend the track team lately...”

The blindfold was lifted from my eyes and the man on drums was joined by the rest of the band. I squinted in an annoyed manner at the track captain, who was leaning against a wall and politely like a man who'd just seen something he knew he should be impressed by but still isn't. “Impressive powers of deduction, Mister Nakai. I'd be surprised, except for your inability to guess why I had you brought here.”

“I don't like to strain myself too much. Bad heart.”

“Quite simply, Mister Nakai, I had you brought here because I don't like seeing you canoodling with the Student Council. Miki had friends, and we haven't forgotten what they did to her.”

“One of those friends was me, buddy.” I gritted my teeth and tried to swallow back the insults that rose in my throat. “So if that's all you dragged me in for, then get these cuffs off me and I'll be on my way.”

The captain smiled thinly. “Oh, but that's not all that you're in here for. That's just why I won't be shedding any tears in sympathy over your rough handling. You're here because the administration wants your help but they couldn't ask you directly.”

“Sounds complicated. Better count me out.”

“That's funny, I don't recall saying the administration wanted to ask for your help.”

“I don't recall the administration having any leverage on me. I pay my tuition on time.”

“Administration can make leverage.”

“That's a pretty desperate move, even for them.”

“It's a pretty desperate situation.”

“Even for them?”

“Even for them.”

“Fuck me.”

“You ain't my type.”

“You sure you can't count me out?”

“Sure as I'm standing here.”

“Can I at least get these handcuffs off ?”

“I like you better with them on.”

“And I liked your looks better with my blindfold on, but it's an imperfect world and you ain't here to keep me locked up if administration needs me, so cut the bad cop routine and take these damn things off.”

Someone I didn't see or hear come in fiddled with my handcuffs and they drop to the floor. I leaned forward rubbing at my wrists and grateful that she was in there to keep her boss from getting out of hand. “Thanks, kid.”

The response was immediate. “I'm not a kid. I'm older than you.”

“Could've fooled me.”

“Mister Nakai, we're discussing business?” The track captain glared at the girl over my shoulder, and probably got an extended tongue in return.

“So what's this desperate situation?”

“One of the faculty has broken the rules of conduct. Trying to fill the vacuum created by the... unpleasantness with Miki.”


“Admin doesn't know, and the faculty won't rat on their own. Even if they would, there's no proof apart from rumors and the odd rumblings of some new fish in the pond that have been going around. The Student Council hasn't had a run-in with them yet, but Lilly's crew have. Admin wants to know who's behind the operation—students and faculty—and wants solid proof so they don't have to fight the union. Might even bring in the bulls.”

I couldn't suppress a low whistle at that one. Cops aren't something any school wants crawling around their place. It implies that the school can't take care of itself, to say nothing of the risk of some overeager sergeant finding out all the stuff the administration lets happen on its watch. Add to that the fact that there'd already been cops out here for the Miki affair and, well... things must have been pretty desperate. “I don't suppose they're willing to abide by my usual fee structure, huh?”

“They're offering to keep the whole thing quiet, keep any teachers from harassing you if you miss class, and step in to handle any disciplinary actions that might or might not take place as a result of your work. But that only goes so far—raise too much of a stink and they'll hang you out to dry. Personally, I hope they do anyway.”

“Personally, I'm glad you're not the one in charge.”

“But I am the one you report to. Any findings you give to Miss Ibarazaki, got it? She'll be the go-between. If you need a face-to-face with the administration, come to the track during practice and tell me, and I'll arrange it. You two have history with one another, so your being seen together won't raise any suspicions.”

Ancient history.” Emi spoke up from behind me.

“Glad to know you're happy at the thought of spending time with me again.”

“Happy enough to club you over the back of the head and drag you here.”

“That was you? Nice swing. You should try out for baseball.”

“If you two are done...?” The track captain seemed to be running out of patience. I resisted the urge to open my mouth. “Good. Now I know you're involved with some student council bullshit, but this takes priority. If the administration thinks you're not giving this your full attention, the deal's off and you're gone quicker than Miki was. Any questions?”

“None you'd wanna answer.”

“Good. We're done here.” The captain swung the door open and leaned against it expectantly. “After you, Mister Nakai.”

I didn't feel like responding, and walked into the sunlight heading for my room. The sooner I could get my hands on some aspirin, the better. Hell, the sooner I could get away from Emi and her captain, the better.

“Hey, Hisao! Wait up!”

“What now, kid? Come to kick me while I'm down some more?”

Emi ignored my dig and grabbed on to my arm. “We're going the same way, right? Stands to reason we ought to go together.”

“Girl's dorms aren't this way.”

My response got me a raised eyebrow and a coy smile. “Didn't say I was heading to my room.”

“What happened to ancient history?”

“Figured I needed to study more.”

“Could damage the record.”

“Archaeology has its risks.”

She smiled at me just like she used to, and I remembered 'ancient history' like it was yesterday. I had a feeling that someone had put her up to this, but the part of me that wanted her back put up a better fight. Every job has its perks, I guess.
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Re: In Which I have been reading too much Raymond Chandler

Post by kosherbacon »

I shall endeavour to use "canoodling" in everyday conversation from now on, thank you.
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Re: In Which I have been reading too much Raymond Chandler

Post by Snicket »

I was wondering if/when you were going to do another one of these.
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Re: In Which I have been reading too much Raymond Chandler

Post by Goldilurks »

God bless you, sir.
This one needs to lurk moar. This one lurks too much! Ahh, this one lurks juuuuust enuf.
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Re: In Which I have been reading too much Raymond Chandler

Post by Leotrak »

While I'm wholly against the necromancing of threads, I take it 3 months has been enough of a time-lapse on this :P

TheHiveMind, I'm thoroughly enjoying reading this piece of work. Please continue 8)
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Re: In Which I have been reading too much Raymond Chandler

Post by Oddball »

Time to put the spotlight back on one of our very own Devs and bring attention back to an oldie but … oldie and tonight, the part of Hisao Nakai will be played by … Humphrey Bogart.

In all honesty though, this is a load of fun and once you get past the whole “everybody is more or less out of character” stuff, it's actually really well written.

Damned shame it never got finished. I'm really curious to know how Kenji would be portrayed.
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Re: In Which I have been reading too much Raymond Chandler

Post by TheHivemind »

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Re: In Which I have been reading too much Raymond Chandler

Post by peachboy23 »

Your nefarious past misdeeds have been revealed!
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Re: In Which I have been reading too much Raymond Chandler

Post by Oddball »

If that's the worst anybody can blame you for, you're still doing better than quite a few of your compatriots. :wink:
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Re: In Which I have been reading too much Raymond Chandler

Post by TheHivemind »

Oddball wrote:
If that's the worst anybody can blame you for, you're still doing better than quite a few of your compatriots. :wink:
Oh no this is far from the worst thing I've written. There's far worse to be found on these forums--I'll confess I just went back and read through this all and was almost disappointed when I saw where I'd left off.

I think I had a part five half-written somewhere, but alas! That laptop was stolen.
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