Katawa Meido, and other KS RPG ministats

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Commissar Mecha Milk
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Katawa Meido, and other KS RPG ministats

Post by Commissar Mecha Milk »

Inspired by the KS Bliss Stage thread, I got the idea of statting the rest of the characters in other RPGs, or at least the ones I know of. First off, Maid RPG (yes I've played Maid stop looking at me like that). Note that I will be going into far more detail with Maid than with the other systems I'm proposing, not just because Maid is easy to pick up (and stat), but also because it fits with KS's tones a bit better than the other games I'm used to.

On a lonely mountaintop somewhere in Japan, sits Yanmaku Mansion, where the sickly young master Hisao Nakai resides. Gravely ill, his family has put out a request for maids capable of understanding his condition, a request vigourously opposed by his butler. Can you prove yourself, and maybe, just maybe, find a little love in the process? Welcome to the world of Katawa Meido!

All Maids start with the Injury SQ to reflect their disabilities.

Lolita, Boyish
Athletics: 4
Affection: 3
Skill: 1
Cunning: 2
Luck: 3
Will: 2
SQs: Android, Uniform: Tights
Weapon: Bazooka
Stress Explosion: Racing (on foot)
Maid Roots: Loyalty
Maid Power: Super Evasion

Cool, Boyish
Athletics: 3
Affection: 1
Skill: 2
Cunning: 3
Luck: 2
Will: 4
SQs: Easygoing, Membership (Shadow Clan): Ninja Painters
Weapon: Psychic Powers
Stress Explosion: Sleeping
Maid Roots: Who Knows?
Maid Power: Hard Work

Sexy, Cool
Athletics: 2
Affection: 2
Skill: 3
Cunning: 4
Luck: 2
Will: 2
SQs: Glasses, Criminal Tendencies: Sadist
Weapon: Hand-to-Hand
Stress Explosion: Teasing
Maid Roots: Business
Maid Power: Punishment

Boyish, Sexy
Athletics: 3
Affection: 2
Skill: 3
Cunning: 3
Luck: 2
Will: 2
SQs: Hairstyle: Drill, Accent: WAHAHAHA
Weapon: Internal weapon: Sonic Assault
Stress Explosion: Teasing
Maid Roots: Childhood Friend: Shizune
Maid Power: Stalking, Trespass

Pure, Sexy
Athletics: 2
Affection: 4
Skill: 3
Cunning: 2
Luck: 2
Will: 2
SQs: Foreigner: United States(?), Angel
Weapon: Bokken
Stress Explosion: Violence (see: Pimmy's Lilly Konbini video)
Maid Roots: Loyalty
Maid Power: Windows of the Soul

Heroine x2
Athletics: 2
Affection: 5
Skill: 2
Cunning: 2
Luck: 0
Will: 4
SQs: Shy, Trauma: Father's death
Weapon: Internal Weapon: Moe-ness
Stress Explosion: Seclusion
Maid Roots: Orphan
Maid Power: World For Two

And of coure, our butler, Kenji:
Elite Shadow
Athletics: 6
Affection: 3
Skill: 3
Cunning: 4
Luck: 2
Will: 7
SQs: Glasses, Emaciated
Weapon: Tanks
Butler Powers: Trap, Now You See Him...

Finally, our Master, Hisao:
Natural Born (17 years old)
Athletics: 1
Affection: 2
Skill: 3
Cunning: 2
Luck: 1
Will: 2
Likes: Heroine maids
Power Sources: Popularity, Assets
SQs: Bishonen, Oracle
Commissar Mecha Milk
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Re: Katawa Meido, and other KS RPG ministats

Post by Commissar Mecha Milk »

And now, some mini stats for my other game systems, just in case you feel like playing KS characters in any of them:

Dark Heresy: Hive World Guardsman, Soldier of the Margin Crusade
Exalted (Solars): Dawn Caste
Exalted (Infernals): Slayer, favours Adorjan
(nWoD) Mage The Awakening: Thyrsus, Adamantine Arrow
(nWoD) Hunter The Vigil: Cheiron Corporation

Dark Heresy: Forge World Techpriest, Disciple of Thule
Exalted (Solars): Twilight Caste
Exalted (Infernals): Defiler, favours Adorjan
(nWoD) Mage The Awakening: Acanthus, Free Council
(nWoD) Hunter The Vigil: Ascending Ones

Dark Heresy: Void-Born (Battlefleet Calixis) Arbitrator, Calixian Pattern Killings
Exalted (Solars): Zenith Caste
Exalted (Infernals): Malefactor, favours SWLIHN
(nWoD) Mage The Awakening: Mastigos, Silver Ladder
(nWoD) Hunter The Vigil: Malleus Maleficarum

Dark Heresy: Imperial World Cleric, Redemptionist Firebrand
Exalted (Lunars): Shizune's Nightingale Totem mate, No Moon
Exalted (Infernals): No Moon Akuma
(nWoD) Mage The Awakening: Obrimos, Mysterium
(nWoD) Hunter The Vigil: Malleus Maleficarum

Dark Heresy: Imperial World (Maccabeus Quintus) Adept, Hetaireia Lexis
Exalted (Solars): Eclipse Caste
Exalted (Infernals): Fiend, favours SWLIHN
(nWoD) Mage The Awakening: Mastigos, Silver Ladder
(nWoD) Hunter The Vigil: VASCU

Dark Heresy: Mind-Cleansed Psyker, Living Nightmare
Exalted (Solars): Night Caste
Exalted (Infernals): Scourge, favours Ebon Dragon
(nWoD) Mage The Awakening: Moros, Guardians of the Veil
(nWoD) Hunter The Vigil: Lucifuge

Dark Heresy: Hive World (Gunmetal) Guardsman, Mara Landing Survivor
Exalted (Solars): Night Caste in throes of the Great Curse
Exalted (Infernals): Scourge, Favours Malfeas
(nWoD) Mage The Awakening: Obrimos, Guardians of the Veil (ex[?] Seer)
(nWoD) Hunter The Vigil: Knights of St. George

Dark Heresy: Inquisitor
Exalted (Solars): The Unconquered Sun
Exalted (Infernals): Ligier
(nWoD) Mage The Awakening: Archmage
(nWoD) Hunter The Vigil: Head of Task Force: Valkyrie
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Re: Katawa Meido, and other KS RPG ministats

Post by EternalLurker »

Maid RPG, among others, was mentioned here.
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Re: Katawa Meido, and other KS RPG ministats

Post by Commissar Mecha Milk »

EternalLurker wrote:Maid RPG, among others, was mentioned here.
Gah, didn't see that.

Heh, I was planning to stat out the characters in my other systems, but considering making an Exalted character would take a full day... nah.
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Re: Katawa Meido, and other KS RPG ministats

Post by EternalLurker »

The chance of a disabled person Exalting is incredibly low, isn't it?

Anywho, having now seen two references to this Maid RPG on this forum, I guess I'll have to check it out. *searches*
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Re: Katawa Meido, and other KS RPG ministats

Post by Commissar Mecha Milk »

EternalLurker wrote:The chance of a disabled person Exalting is incredibly low, isn't it?
Oh, it is, but not impossible; in fact, Scroll of Heroes allows you to make a disable Exalted to the point of parapelagia, though I should think such a character would only be playable as a SWLIHN-aligned Infernal.

And yes, Meido is awesome.
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Re: Katawa Meido, and other KS RPG ministats

Post by EternalLurker »

Ah. I just recall a line from the core book about it, but I guess that's just Solars. *finds*
White Wolf Publishing wrote:The majority of those who are Exalted are in good health and do not have any crippling injuries or deformities. There are exceptions, but almost all Exalts are suited to serve the Unconquered Sun both on and off the battlefield.
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Re: Katawa Meido, and other KS RPG ministats

Post by The Commissar »

Also, Solars have a medicine charm fairly low in the tree that allows you to heal Crippling effects (blindness, loss of limbs). Magically repairing limbs for Exalted is an everyday thing for them, along with punching Cthulhu in the face.
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Re: Katawa Meido, and other KS RPG ministats

Post by Commissar Mecha Milk »

The Commissar wrote:Also, Solars have a medicine charm fairly low in the tree that allows you to heal Crippling effects (blindness, loss of limbs). Magically repairing limbs for Exalted is an everyday thing for them, along with punching Cthulhu in the face.
Pffft, Solars. I play Infernals, the Exalted of REAL MEN AND WOMEN™. And not just any Infernal, but a Rinfernal!

Then again, it's mostly because I get to use Principle-Invoking Onslaught to make killer puns, like:

"Why are you attacking me? I'm defenceless! See for yourself- PERFECTLY ARMLESS!" *waves stubs as foes die*
"Let me give you a hand!"
"Things are getting out of hand, aren't they, Mr. Hero? But why? I can't quite put my finger on it."
"Be careful! As you can see, I'm well-armed!"

And so on so forth. Gods, Infernals are so much fun. :twisted:
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Re: Katawa Meido, and other KS RPG ministats

Post by EternalLurker »

Best pun in that post: "killer" puns. Get it? Cuz they're so horrible they'll kill your brain? Right? Right?!

.............................Wasn't what you meant? Oh.
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Re: Katawa Meido, and other KS RPG ministats

Post by Commissar Mecha Milk »

EternalLurker wrote:Best pun in that post: "killer" puns. Get it? Cuz they're so horrible they'll kill your brain? Right? Right?!
And the damage rolls over to Aggravated. By the Dragon, I knew I should have bought more Hardened Devil Body Charms!
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Re: Katawa Meido, and other KS RPG ministats

Post by The Commissar »

Shoulda been a Raksha and taken Bastion of the Self (Ring). Oh, your puns do nothing to my mind.
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Re: Katawa Meido, and other KS RPG ministats

Post by Tsundere Lightning »

Commissar Mecha Milk wrote:On a lonely mountaintop somewhere in Japan, sits Yanmaku Mansion, where the sickly young master Hisao Nakai resides. Gravely ill, his family has put out a request for maids capable of understanding his condition, a request vigourously opposed by his butler. Can you prove yourself, and maybe, just maybe, find a little love in the process? Welcome to the world of Katawa Meido!
This line, it sold me on the concept. Oh, wow. :twisted:
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Re: Katawa Meido, and other KS RPG ministats

Post by Deimos »

I somehow feel that this picture is relevant to the thread.

Ahh, Morticia? I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way, what bliss.
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Re: Katawa Meido, and other KS RPG ministats

Post by Commissar Mecha Milk »

Deimos wrote:I somehow feel that this picture is relevant to the thread.

No, THIS is:

Got a drawfag on /tg/ to help out. It's Lilly as a Fiend of the Ebon Dragon with Witness to Darkness on. :twisted:

Or maybe a suitably twisted Abyssal, I dunno. Don't play Abyssals much.

I am SO using this.
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