Have you changed your mind over which girl you prefer???

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Re: Have you changed your mind over which girl you prefer???

Post by techk8 »

When I started to play the game, I targeted Hanako (INTERNET WHITE KNIGHT), but then, but then, oh God, I meet Lilly. Oh man :oops:
techk8 wrote:In all honestly, I don't care if it's an OVA or a whole series; it needs to end with the Lilly Good End, damnit! IT'S FUCKING CANON AND I'LL TAKE THAT TRUTH TO THE GRAVE.
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Re: Have you changed your mind over which girl you prefer???

Post by Notguest »

When I started out, I was going for Lilly. Actually the entire reason I got interested in the game was because I heard there was a blind character and was curious how it was portrayed.
Anyway, after actually plaything through the game, Rin is now my favorite. She is a much more interesting character.

Shizune's path seems a bit repetitive. The constant forcing-Hisao-to-do-stuff-he-apparently-doesn't-want-to-do plot gets a bit grating after a while.

Re: Have you changed your mind over which girl you prefer???

Post by Guest »

I went in not knowing too much about the game, and only knowing what they looked like and basic personality. At first, the order was Hanako>Emi>Lilly>Shizune>Rin

The moment I went through Rin's path, she became my favorite. I think it clicked when she was talking about the color of when you wake up from a dream you can't remember, but you know it had the meaning of life in it.

Shizune seemed a bit less bitchy after going through her's, but I personally just wouldn't have put up with her long enough to see the good side.

Emi seemed so.... I dunno. I guess it was a letdown. Adorable, and a bundle of DAWW, but just didn't appeal to me.

Playing through Lilly's made me love her almost more than Hanako. She was polite, nice, and towards the end even a bit playful. Ended up loving her.

Hanako was adorable. The moment I saw her I felt my 'Need to help her.' instincts kick in. She is someone I would love to help and care for and support. She also plays chess and the tile game, both my favorite pasttimes.

At the end of it all, it turned out like this:

But if Misha was playable, she would have won, hands down.
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Re: Have you changed your mind over which girl you prefer???

Post by Vysetron »

Originally, it was something like this:


Now, it's more like this:


Not too different, though Lilly jumped quite a bit. Go figure.
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Re: Have you changed your mind over which girl you prefer???

Post by Malus_Phasmatis »

Originally my list would have been:
Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune > Emi.

However, that has since changed to:
Rin > Lilly/Shizune > Hanako > Emi.

I still like all of the characters, of course. My list might change again when they become more fleshed out. Who knows?
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Re: Have you changed your mind over which girl you prefer???

Post by Deimos »

After some weeks of of letting the "vibe" of each girl be filtered through time and various discussions on this forum I might have come up with my final ranking for Act 1.

At first glance I would have gone for Hanako or Shizune, Lilly, Rin and Emi in that particular order. Hanako and Shizune were first on that list just because they both reminded me of two of my ex-girlfriends, both in some looks and personality traits and I am a very very shallow person :) .
Lilly was just plain right with no obvious flaws.
The artist among the bunch was hard to get (a late thanks to all the people who pointed out the innuendos!) but fun to watch interacting with other characters.
Before actually playing the game I suspected that Emi was just the usual cheerful petite girl with a definite need of a "big bro" and that's a minus in my book.

And now for the final ranking:

1. Hanako
Something here is just well done in my eyes. She looks pleasant and someone who reads a lot of books (and probably can discuss them) along with the manly need to protect her and her (unwanted because burn-related) extreme modesty fits too many things I look for in life as well in the heroines of my preferred choice of books, films and other types of entertaining media.
2. Emi
Act 1 left her path a little bland but that is a good thing to see in fiction from time to time. She is more ordinary and therefore not a girl catering to a very specific type of males. She seems to feel like a real attempt at a slice of life story about the high school life of disabled people. And she is normal and tries to stay healthy - I see flaws in her and I like it.
3. Shizune
She is a little bit too polarising for me. Her path is quite good but does not fully redeem her in my eyes. On a related sidenote: I happen to be for stem cell research. Maybe that's the reason.
4. Rin
As I said in another thread I do not know what she wants or needs and I tend to be cautious in case of nasty surprises when it comes to people I cannot comprehend. Although that can lead to a wonderful surprise in the end, I admit.
5. Lilly
My superego is tingling more than ever every time I want to see her in a sexual light. I want to liken her to a wonderful portrait I once encountered, I loved it and I wished it was mine but I also knew that I was content looking at it. And that is my problem with her - I can only see her as an ideal image rather than an actual person with wants and needs.
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Re: Have you changed your mind over which girl you prefer???

Post by Revival »

At first I preferred Hanako, like most of us here, but now I'm leaning more towards Rin.
I still think Hanako is cute, though. It's just so that Hanako-type girls IRL aren't that cute, whereas with girls like Rin, I can talk about nothing at all for hours on end. I'm on the same wavelength.

Re: Have you changed your mind over which girl you prefer???

Post by Elroy »

Went in thinking Hanako would be the supreme Goddess of everything. But now that I've gotten more endings, I can't really put one girl over the other. They all have a lot to them, and are so interesting.

Hanako: Levels of cuteness this high have never been imagined. Think of the amount of nightmares and terror that is wrought from Cthulu, now think the opposite. That's right, Hanako is as insanely cute as Cthulu is insanely terrifying. How she grows and becomes more self-reliant would be something to see, and how she deals with others. I want to see her not give a damn!

Shizune: Thought she'd be the bitchy girl that's mean to everyone. Shizune really grew on me. I got to see that she has a playful side, and is not at all the mean-spirited she-wolf I expected. Also loved her competitive nature, she seems very fun. I want to conquer the world with her!

Lilly: Went in expecting the refined-to-robotic-levels girl. While she is very ladylike, she's human. she gets pissed like everyone else, and is a lot more than the posh girl I expected. I also love her relationship with Hanako, and all her displays of unending kindness. I wonder how she'd be in a close relationship. I want to see some romance with this long-legged lady love!

Rin:....I don't know what the hell I thought she'd be. I love her personality, how she sees things differently than others, but not in a way that makes her seem like she's really trying to, it's all natural to her. Getting to know more of what she's like, and how her world is really intrigues me. I want to see what's behind those green abyss-like eyes!

Emi: Thought she'd be the squeaky, energetic girl who wants attention. Two out of three ain't bad, right? I was surprised to see how caring she is, and her planning things out for the future. That, and The Pout singed off my eyebrows. I'd like to see where her pushing Hisao towards health takes the two. I want to see her tell Usain Bolt to eat a dick!

:| Well damn, the girls of Katawa Shoujo are even more 3-dimensional than more than half of the girls I've known.
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Re: Have you changed your mind over which girl you prefer???

Post by Tweaked »

I went through the game blindly the first time, and happened to come across Lilly. At first, it seemed nice to get to know someone who acted mature while looking stunning, but later on, Rin took my heart and kept it all to herself. Ever since, I'm just stuck with her. Even through all the other paths.
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Re: Have you changed your mind over which girl you prefer???

Post by delta »

Tweaked wrote:I went through the game blindly the first time, and happened to come across Lilly.
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Re: Have you changed your mind over which girl you prefer???

Post by EternalLurker »

I'd kinda figured that was intentional on Tweaked's part.
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Re: Have you changed your mind over which girl you prefer???

Post by shinigami_mai »

I stared out liking Hanako but as i progressed i end up with lilly and do really like her, it feels from the writing that threre is a lot more to lilly than it seems and she is not as hardened as she appears, then there's Shizune, it seem there is going to be a deep story here (side note i am married to deaf woman, so personal experience i may end up liking Shizune in the end), so in the end my top 3 in order would be:

1. lilly
2. Shizune
3. Hanako
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Re: Have you changed your mind over which girl you prefer???

Post by Tweaked »

delta wrote:...
I swear that was completely unintentional, but now I feel bad for laughing at the catch.
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Re: Have you changed your mind over which girl you prefer???

Post by GMKGoat »

Went into this game with the word Shizune burned firmly in my mind. After playing through every path, some twice, Rin is tugging at my heart. Her nonsensical dialogue and general apathy somehow contends with Shizune's Zettai Ryouiki and glasses. The only girls I'm not the least bit drawn to are Emi and Misha, and since Misha doesn't actually have a path, she doesn't really count.
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Re: Have you changed your mind over which girl you prefer???

Post by Tom Noble »

The first person that I was introduced to in the game was Rin, her artistic background and just the way that she SPOKE attracted her to me a bit, but I eventually felt like she could have been a friend, nothing much else.

Then I was introduced to the other characters, at first when I met Hanako I immediately wanted to go for her first, but the way that my decisions went, I was slowly realizing that I felt more naturally in sync with Shizune.

At first... Shizune close to the bottom of the list, she seemed, as Hisao put it at one point "way too Machiavellian." However, as I kept going on, I started noticing her competitive playfulness, her ADORABLE blush, and her child like side that she only began to expose by the end of ACT I.

Okay, I admit, the way that she cracked down on Lilly was a bit... Rough, but honestly the amount of stuff that the student council got stuck with by the end was ridiculous. A little bit of extra effort on the part of the other students could have helped them save a little time and effort.

I think that for now, I could probably put the list as this:

Shizune > Hanako > Rin > Emi > Lilly.

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