Short Story - Legacy


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Short Story - Legacy

Post by LiteracyIsNoLimited »

"My father always reminds his students to seek new knowledge and enjoy life, you know".

These words, echoed through the hall entrance of beloved Yamaku High School. Currently there's a opening speech about inauguration of memorial statue.
The one who speaks for Yamaku, is the new principal of the school. He replaced the previous principal who retired that year, Mr. Yuki Sakamoto.

"Father said that he did not believe in the social gap between students with disabilities and normal students. Father understands that this view is what creates all the problems in the field of literacy. And father always fight hard and reminds me this everyday, until his passings two years ago".

All the audience remained focused on listening to the new principal in delivering his speech. No one looked at their phones. Yamaku's publication team continued to document and many camera flashes were directed at the man.

"Dad knows because he is an alumni of this school. And he was also transferred to this school because of his heart problem, arrhythmia. He also had difficulty mingling with all the students who had disabilities when he first entered. Because he felt he was invading an area that should not be entered carelessly. Dad also had difficulty finding a conversation that did not touch on physical conditions.

He was silent for a moment, but he managed to find something to say again.

"Dad also felt a deep loneliness because he had to leave everything, the things he experienced before the Arrhythmia incident. But Dad kept reminding us that in every moment, we can find hope and love. That's when Father found his love of life on this very same school".

"My mother, Hanako Ikezawa, is also a student at this school. But she has a rather difficult psychological condition. She was a victim of a fire incident in her childhood, which caused her to lose her father and mother. My father met my mother in the Library, can you believe that? It started with a rather awkward meeting. But, after that, my father and my mother getting closer, opened up about each other scars of the pasts, and my father always be there for her, support her, and they are become couple and also be an example to their family."

The old woman with dark purple hair with a burn on one side of her body, blushed and laughed. She sat with the wife and son of the new principal. And it was seen, the wife of the new principal was holding a portrait of a man who looked old and was smiling.

"My father, Hisao Nakai, is also the one member of Yamaku that teach science educations to students, always give his time to them and become wonderful father and grandfather. When the board of Yamaku approach me about this statue project, i am simply humble to agree with this project, because his contribution to Yamaku and society are tremendous and beautiful".

"So i, Shinji Nakai, promise to live up my father's legacy as a successor who will not forget the aspects of educational and life values ​​that are inherited. Thank you, and now i want to inaugurating the statue !!"

He lowered the curtain from the statue and revealed a statue of a man standing proudly and holding a book in one hand.

And the statue had the inscription:

"Hisao Nakai. He believed that we could all transcend our limitations"

"I Believe Somewhere, Sometime, Someday, we can achieve our own happiness."

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Short Story : Beach Walk

Post by LiteracyIsNoLimited »

Hello, everyone. So i decide to gather more ideas for current REMAKE fanfic before i do continue (and also improve my grammar because english is not really my primary language, and since i am Indonesian, most of my writings are based on what i learn back then, and again, i am sorry for many writings and grammar mistakes on previous post, but i will try better).

So, i decide to improve with writing a simple short story, which taken after Hisao ask advice from Lily (Hanako Route, Act 4). Please enjoy !

For no reason, I decided to take a walk around the beach near Yamaku High School. It’s outside the town near my school, actually.
Probably because I have nothing to do right now.
Lily is in Scotland right now, accompany her sick aunt with her family and Hanako still shut in on her room.
I take Lily’s advice to trust Hanako on give her space and time. I think I make a right decision.
But, I am ending up lonely. I miss both of them, especially Hanako.
Hanako is my dearest, and I think it’s feeling wrong to leave her alone. But, again, I decide not to disturb her. Let her face her own fears.

“You should decide to focus more on ending your own listlessness since you are moving to Yamaku, Hisao. Please take care of yourself too”

Yeah, I still have no idea what I am gonna do after graduation.
To be honest, I still looking for what is the best for me.
I put my hand on my chest, feeling the surgery scar spot. My new identity as different human. The boy with Severe Heart Arrhythmia.

Ha. That’s should be a funny joke, if I want to introduce myself with such title.

But it is not the best way to do, though.
And, I bring Iwanako’s letter too. I tried to read them with content. Especially the final part,

“Now that the distance between us is also physical, it also feels more final, somehow. I wonder if we will meet again. Perhaps it's for the best if we don't? Still, if you would like to correspond with me, by all means write me back. I'd very much like to hear about your new school and how you are doing. I wish you all the best.”

Iwanako…….i am so sorry for what happened between us. But I really hope you can move on. I am truly tempted to reply you but, still not a right thing to do.
Especially, I am not really good at express things on paper.

I decide to put her letter back on my jacket pocket and keep walking on the beach.
This beach is truly calming and peaceful. I wish I can bring Hanako here.
“I think I am truly hopeless, am I ?”
I sigh and keep walking.
Until I lost track of time.


Time to go back to dorm, I think.
Hope Hanako attend tomorrow’s class.
It’s truly lonely without you. I hope i can see you tomorrow.
Or maybe, sometime later.

"I Believe Somewhere, Sometime, Someday, we can achieve our own happiness."

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Short Story - Finish Line

Post by LiteracyIsNoLimited »

Hello everyone, still working on Remake's ideas and i think i get so many inspirations. Meanwhile, i read guthrum06's fanfic and i really love them, especially about Hisao and Emi reconnect (so lovely, bless you man). But when i read the epilogue, i am tempted to write something about that. So, here i do share my tribute to the awesome fanfic.

I think I am not really great at writing a letter, especially on this age.
So many words I want to write, but I want to make it a little bit meaningful.
Damn, my education, I can't find the words to say
With all the things caught in my mind

…….Funny, now that’s more like Oasis’s Don’t go away.
Alright, let me write some words and then, Emi, called me out,

“Hisao, it’s almost late. Are you not about to bed as soon as possible?”
Me, look at my wife, beautiful wife,
“Coming right up, beloved. Let me finished with this one.”
Emi being curious, approach me and see me with pen and a letter.
“What do you want to write?”
“Honestly, I am not sure but I just want to write a letter. Maybe to our daughter.”
Emi, stare at me like I write my last will to our daughter,
“Hisao, please don’t say that. You are still here. With us.”
While Emi pinch my cheek, I am just simply laughing,
“I know, I know, dear. I will join you to the bed soon, okay? I will get over with this”
Emi, sighed, decides to back to our room and later,
“Hisao. I love you, you know? Please don’t do anything weird, okay? I am here for you”
I simply stand up, approach her, and kiss her on the forehead and the lips,
“I love you too, Emi. So am I for you.”
After that, Emi give me a hug and back to our room.
Now, I need to finish the letter. And prepare some stuffs.
For our daughter. Kayoko.
To know that she is our beloved daughter. Although we are not bound by blood, but I still love you so much.
I wish I can still be there the day you will receive this letter, Kayoko. I wish.

It’s weird, it feels time fly so fast.
I just got to bed around 12 AM and it’s morning already.
Emi still sleeping beside me.
I am smiling to her, and I think I want to take a walk around.
Before that, I want to see Kayoko.
I opened Kayoko’s room and she still sleeps. How time passes that she has already grow up since the day we adopted when she still a wee baby.
I decide to not bother her sleep and proceed to our toilet.
I wash my face and when I see myself on the mirror,
I am still alive; despite I have a heart condition for years.
I am 57 now, I am impressed with myself.
I hope I can still around with my Emi and Kayoko.
Then I hop in my chair and put on my running shoes and jacket.
After I close and lock the door, I proceed to take a walk.

I already walk and walk, little bit fast
It’s weird, why I ended up run around a forest?
I think I just aimlessly walk because I am really like to morning jog.
And later, I saw a weird wooden door.
Never see this since we are moving to this neighborhood.
My curiosity got me better I decide to check up what’s behind the door.
Too small, I need to crawl.
Must be children’s playground. Full with leaves and lots of fabric hanged around the place.
Then I, curiously enter one room and
I saw a little version of myself, playing with toys. Must be me around five years old.
Then, he is gone. I curiously look around. I remember all of this. My childhood toys……
I remember all of them suddenly. Then I hug the teddy bear I used to play back then. I am crying.
What is this…….. Is this kind of Memory Lane?
Then I leave the room and approach another room, and I saw something unexpected...
I saw…. Saki
She simply sleeps on her bed, and suddenly she’s awake and see me. She sees me with her sad face, but somehow, she wants to comfort my soul.
Without saying anything, she crawls from her bed and touch her hands on my face. Then I remember our memories together, from Yamaku, marriage until the last day She lives.
And Saki wipe out my tears and she is gone too….
What’s just happened?
I am still confused, then I decide to approach another room, and I saw
An old man, sitting on his chair, reading his newspaper…..
Then I remember again how my father has always done back then. The old man smiles at me and vanish too.
Don’t leave me please.
Then I saw another room, and probably the last room
This is my parent’s kitchen…..and I saw my mom and little version of me.
Then I remember again how I play with my mom in the kitchen, and watch her cook all of the time.
And then all memories appear to me.
The day I got heart attack for the first time, the day I move to Yamaku, the day I met Saki, Emi and other friends, the day I ask Saki out, married at 18, then live together until her death, and then…..i met Emi again and married and live together again, with adopt Kayoko.
All memories surge out to me, I am screaming but I can’t hear my scream.
And then, somehow, I am in the field of grass. At night.
And I see everyone. Everyone I know in my life. Mom, Dad, Mr. Mutou, Saki, and other friends and people I met.
Where’s Emi and Kayoko?
And then I saw them, pass through these people and approach me.
They help me stand and grab my hands.
Then I saw everyone throw sort of balloons with candle inside it.
I am curious but, Emi whisper me this,
“I love you”
Then I watch all flying balloons, and suddenly
Everything empty.

It’s around 7 AM.
Emi wake up and she is smile at Hisao, sleeping.
When she touches him, suddenly she feels his body is cold.
Emi, know what happened, try to shake his body and call him out.
Then she cried loudly, holding her husband’s body.
Hisao Nakai, 57, has passed away in his sleep due heart attack.
And when she saw Hisao’s face. She is in disbelief.
He is smiling. Peacefully.

"I Believe Somewhere, Sometime, Someday, we can achieve our own happiness."

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