Hello, so i don't really know how to explain this but i just finished the 100% of katawa shoujo (i do have the achievement of clicking on the image on the gallery) but a lot of each heroine endings are still locked for some reasson, anyone has any idea?
i did not use any external save, i just made my own and used the skip tool sometimes, thanks in advance to everyone
Let me confirm. You have the Steam achievement for getting 100% and all the scenes unlocked in the game library, but not the Steam achievements for some of the endings?
Emibro, Hanabro, [Lilly Lover], Rin Kin, Feminist, Two-timer
(Passively working on my KS YouTube series. Someday...)
Let me confirm. You have the Steam achievement for getting 100% and all the scenes unlocked in the game library, but not the Steam achievements for some of the endings?
Sorry i have been out for a few days, yes i do have the achivement and all scenes unlocked
i don't know how can i post an image here but this is an imgur link with my steam achivements (steam ui is in spanish but achivements still show in english) i tried getting support thru steam but they only redirect me here
specifically all endings im missing are:
Hanako good/neutral/bad ending
Rin good/neutral ending
Shizune good/bad ending
i replayed all 3 routes a 2nd time to see if they pop but nope
first run was without, then when some achivements didnt pop i uninstalled the game and installed it with the patch (i saw somewhere that it worked for someone) but nope, didn't fix it for me