Yamaku: The Place Where Dreams Come True - A Clannad Crossover - (Chapter 20, 10/22/2024)


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Chapter 17

Post by guthrum06 »

We just got Chiyo into my room and got her into my bed. She's still crying.

Akane and I cry all the time. But I've only seen Chiyo cry like this on stage.

Akane and I go to the other corner of the room. Akane whispers “What should we do?”

“I…don't know. Comfort her as best we can.”

Akane frowns and her eyes get wide. Then she touches her right ear, “Shit. I thought things sounded weird. My processor is gone on this side.”

“O-oh. I saw it come off when she hit you. It's outside. Your fair prizes are still out there too. I forgot about it all with everything going on.”

We open the door and Akane immediately sees the little black piece of plastic. She picks it up and clicks her tongue while I pick up her prizes.

When I turn around she's holding two pieces of plastic in her hand. The part that hooks around her right ear is broken off.

She hooks it back up to the piece on the right side of her scalp. But when she goes to put it back on her ear, it won't stay.

She sighs and takes off the part on her scalp too, and puts them in her pocket.

She whispers, “Don't tell her. I can get another transmitter from the nurse in the morning. It's not a big deal.”

I nod and then Chiyo, who seems to have had a lull in her crying says, “A-Akane?”

Her voice sounds raspy and her nose is stuffed.

Akane doesn't move or react. It confuses me at first, but then I realize she must not have heard her. Especially since Chiyo's voice is quieter than usual. And the ear closest to Chiyo is the one that is missing the usual equipment.

I say, “She called you.”

Akane nods and goes over to the bed and kneels next to it.

Chiyo locks eyes with her and tearfully says, “I'm…I'm so sorry. I shouldn’t have hit you. Again. I'm horrible. You're my friend. I…I don’t think you're a bitch… I’m the bitch” Chiyo trails off and starts crying hard again.

Akane laughs softly and takes her hand, “It's okay, Chiyo.” She hands her the tissue box from my desk.

Chiyo uses the tissues to wipe her tears, “No, it isn’t!”

Akane shrugs, “I do crazy stuff when I get really upset too. It’s fine.”

Chiyo sighs, “Ever hit someone?”

Akane smirks, “No. Do you do it a lot?”

Chiyo shakes her head, “I’ve only ever hit you.”

“Aw, it’s our special thing.”

Chiyo laughs wryly, “I…guess it is.” She frowns, “I guess…I just wanted to blame someone. I thought I'd feel better. But it just…made me feel worse.”

“Well…don’t feel too much worse. I probably still deserved it for last time.”

“But I hit you really hard. Your cheek is still red. My hand even kinda hurts. So your face must.” She holds it up and stretches it, “Are you really okay?”

“Yep! I'm tough. I’m just glad you hit me instead of Nagisa. That's why I stepped in front. You'd feel way worse if you hit our little angel.”

Chiyo laughs, “That's true.”

I kneel next to the bed too, “Do you…want to talk about what happened?”

She sighs and rolls on her back and looks at the ceiling, “A little bit. I don't have it in me to talk about more than the broad strokes.”

“Th-that's okay.”

She sighs, “He stopped me when I was confessing.” She sniffles, “A-and said…that he couldn't be around me anymore if I felt that way.”

Akane looks to me expectantly. I don't know whether it's because she didn't hear all of that or she just thinks I should be the one to respond.

“I'm sorry that happened. A-and…sorry we were wrong. We didn't want you to hurt like this. Or lose him as a friend.”

Chiyo takes a deep breath and exhales, “It's fine. It…needed to happen. I couldn't keep going on the way I was. I just…I can't believe he doesn't even want to be friends anymore.”

“Yeah…me neither.”

Chiyo sighs and sits up, “I'll go to my room now. I'm exhausted from the play and…this.” She smiles at each of us, “Thanks for helping. I'm probably gonna be a complete mess for a little bit.” She shamefully looks at Akane, “But…I won't hit anyone again.”

I nod, “Feel free to come by or call if you need.”

She nods thankfully and stands up.

Akane smiles and says, “Hold on.” And scoops her prizes up off of my desk and drops them on the bed, “Do you want a little pick me up? Nagisa and I are rolling in fair prizes.”

Chiyo laughs, “Where did you two get all this?”

I feel my cheeks flush, “My dad. H-he's good at fair games.”

Chiyo chuckles and picks up the plush cat, which is certainly the item in the pile that is the most useful in times like these.

After that she hugs each of us and leaves the room. I look at Akane, who looks confused.

“Did you…hear all of that?”

Akane says, “Mostly. Reading lips and my good implant filled most of it in. I think I missed a few things, though. Because that made no sense to me.”

“What do you mean?”

“Did she say that he said he couldn't be around her if she loves him?”

“She did.”

She crosses her arms and thinks, “Why would he say that? Like…why would it be hard for him?”

“I don't know. Maybe because he thinks it would be harder for her?”

She taps her finger on her chin, “Yeah…maybe. She said that he interrupted her too before she finished confessing, right?”

I nod.

“Then that means…he already knew. So why would her confessing make a difference?”

I bow my head and quietly say, “I…don't know.”

She lets out a frustrated sigh, “I didn't hear that. I kind of need to see your lips right now to be sure of stuff. Having only one implant doing its job is like having a really bad radio signal. I can tell you made a sound, but not really what if was.”

I look up at her, “Oh, sorry. I really need to learn sign language. I had gotten so used to your implants but…this must happen sometimes.”

“Yeah, every now and then there's an issue. They are pretty reliable but they don't do their job 100 percent of the time, that's for sure.” She winks at me, “I'm ready to start lessons any time.”

I smile, “I'd like that. But um…all I said earlier was that I didn't know.”

Akane nods and then scrunches up her face while she thinks, “I admittedly don't know much about boys, but I'm so sure he likes her. You think so too, right?”

“Yeah but…I don’t know much about boys either. So maybe we were both just wrong.” I sigh, “I…wish we could talk to him.”

“Well…maybe we can? Does he have a phone?”

I shake my head, “And it’s way past curfew now.”

“Okay. Do you think you could get him to explain?”

“I…think so. I'm not as close to him as Chiyo or Daiki are. But I think he'll talk to me.”

Akane smiles, “Okay then, I have an idea. I can get you past security.”

“Y-you can?”

She winks, “Yep. I've used this trick a few times.”

“What do you two think you’re doing? It's well past curfew. Go back to your dorm.”

Akane and I are outside the boys’ dorm. A large and imposing security guard saw us and is shining a flashlight in our faces.

Akane goes into class rep mode, “We know that, sir. But I’m the Class Rep for 3-1, and this is the class secretary.” She gestures to me, “We needed to bring these worksheets to a student who has been out sick.” She brandishes a manila folder.

“And why couldn't you do that before curfew?”

Akane looks at me.

She told me I might have to answer since her hearing is bad right now and she can't see lips in the dark. I don't like lying to this man, but Akane said to treat it like I was acting. And I need to do this.

I bow my head, “We should have sir, w-we made a mistake. We lost track of time with the festival. But this student really needs this assignment or he’ll fall behind a-and…we’ll get into trouble.” I start to sniffle.

It's really not that hard to cry right now. I just have to think about Chiyo.

He sighs and clicks off his flashlight before crossing his arms, “Fine. But only one of you can go. And you're giving me the room number. And if you aren't back here in 10 minutes, I’ll come drag you out of there. I don’t care how much you cry.”

I nod to Akane, who hands me the manila envelope and practically shoves me towards the door.

I’m standing in front of a door in the boys’ dorm. I’m 90 percent sure it's Ken’s. I have only been here once before, though.

I don't have much time. 90 percent has to be good enough.

I knock on the door and am very relieved when I hear Ken’s voice, although it sounds gruffer than usual, “Uh…who is it?”

“I-it's Nagisa.”

He sighs loudly, “Come in.”

I open the door and find him sitting at his desk. It looks like he’s reading.

He turns around in his chair and in an exasperated tone says, “How did you even get in the dorm at this hour?”

As I close the door behind me I respond, “U-um…acting, actually.”

He laughs wryly, “Okay, then.” After a moment he says, “Well…I'm guessing you’ve gone to such lengths because Chiyo sent you?”

He doesn't sound like himself. His demeanor right now reminds me of when I forgot to move the futon during rehearsal.

His hostile attitude has me unwilling to go any further in the room, so I stand with my back almost to the door.

I shake my head, “Chiyo doesn't know. But…she is why I’m here.”

His voice gets even harsher, “Alright, get on with it then. I'd like to get this over with. I'm pretty tired.”

He's right. I don't have much time anyway.

“D-do you really not like her?”

“I rejected her, didn't I? Seems like a pretty clear sign.”


He hisses at me, “Spit it out, Nagisa.”

I almost take a step back just from how angry he sounds. But I hold my ground, “I-it…seemed like you liked her…you were always with her. And she always makes you smile. A-ad you were always blushing. And always made sure she was touching you. Even when you didn't need her help.”

He takes off his glasses and pinches the bridge of his nose, “None of that matters. We can't be together.”

Does he know about her health somehow?

“So…you do like her? You didn't deny that.”

He shrugs, “It doesn't matter how I feel. But it's my call to reject her. You don’t get a say in it just because you know the two of us.”

I narrow my eyes at him and take a step closer to him, “You do like her. I even think…you love her.”

He sarcastically claps his hands and says, “Good for you.”

I take another small step and start to feel more confident, “E-every time you don't deny it, I’m more sure of it. I just don’t understand why you turned her down.”

He scoffs, “And guess what? You don’t have to.”

I sigh, “It's true. I don't. B-but Chiyo deserves to know whatever the truth is, especially since you won't even be her friend.”

Maybe it's playing dirty, but I’m running out of time. And it's the truth.

“She’s heartbroken, you know. She cried in my bed for about an hour.”

I see the first crack in his hostile expression, as his knitted eyebrows start to waver. I take another small step forward.

“You’re her best friend. And I think…the most important person in the world to her. I think she can take the rejection of her feelings…but taking away your friendship, too…”

His voice starts to waver too, “I-it's what's best for both of us.”

I take another step closer to him. I can reach out and touch him now, “Now I know for sure you love her. You’d only say that if you did. Do you really want to hurt the woman you love so badly?”

He clicks his tongue, “I didn't know you could be this ruthless. Or relentless.” He sighs, “I certainly never thought you’d break me during an interrogation.”

“So you’ll explain?”

“Yeah, but partly because once you and she know the truth, you’ll hate me anyway. So the result will be the same. Only…she won't be hurting as much since she'll hate me.”

“Wh-why would she hate you?”

“Because I'm jealous of her. That's why we can't be together.”

I blink several times, not even sure what he means in this situation, “J-jealous?”

He nods, “She's an amazing actress. Has a future as a professional. I…don't. Mr. Fujita came to see her, not me.”

I’m stunned so it takes me a moment to respond, “He…did? But I thought-”

His gruff tone returns, “Well…you thought wrong, didn't you? Mr. Fujita has hinted that my sight will make it hard for me to be an actor. And he's probably right. You know first hand what a mess it is to work with a blind actor.”

“I-it isn’t a mess! You're a good actor.”

He scoffs, “Whatever. Mr. Fujita praised you ten times as much as he praised me. I'm going to be in the troupe, but I think he only wants me because of Chiyo. And I can't live with that.”

I stand in silence for a moment, unsure what I can possibly say.

“I…I think you’re a good actor. And I think you got in on your own. B-but even if we imagine you’re right about all of this…you’re saying you can't be with a girl if she’s more successful than you?!”

He crosses his arms and nods, “If she has the career I wish I had…I don’t think it would work. I would resent her forever. I already do resent her. As you…can probably tell.”


He sighs, “Yeah. I'm a real asshole, aren't I? I bet you'll both hate me now. Now get out of my room.”

He turns around in his chair so I can only see his back.

“I don't hate you.”

He sighs, “Just…leave, Nagisa.”

“I will soon, but I'm not done.”

He groans and turns back around, “Fine. Say your piece.”

“You can't know how your career will go right now. Or hers. Or how you’ll react if she is more successful. Y-you're assuming the worst.”

He laughs wryly, “You sound like her.”

“Well she's right, you are a pessimist.” I pause for a moment as an idea springs to life in my mind.

“You should come to breakfast tomorrow with me, my parents and Akane.”

His eyebrows shoot up, “Um…huh? That seems random. And they'll definitely think we're dating.”

I laugh, “I'll tell them we aren't. But I really think you should talk to my dad about all this.”

His look of bewilderment intensifies, “Your…dad?”

“Yep! You heard him say he used to be an actor right?”

Ken nods.

“He loved it. And was very good. But um…h-he gave it up because of me and my health.”

Ken’s bewildered face goes away, “Gotcha. So he knows about love and ambition.”

“Yes, I…I think so.”

Ken sighs and then nods.

“Okay. Fine. I’ll go.”

“Well…he showed. That's good. Not sure we could get in the boys’ dorm again.”

Akane and I are walking towards Yamaku's front gate, where we’ve just seen that Ken is waiting for us.

I turn my head towards Akane as I reply, “Yes, I was pretty sure he would.”

She still doesn't have all of her equipment on her right side. She’ll get it after breakfast when the nurse’s office is open. So I’m on her left side and making sure to speak loudly and in a way where she can see my lips.

As we get closer Akane says, “Are you sure this is a good idea? Your dad’s nice but…I don't think I would use the word 'wise' to describe that man. He’s not the kind of guy who you go to for advice, you know what I mean?”

I laugh, “I’m sure. Both my parents are pretty good at this.”

Akane doesn't look like she buys it.

When we get to the gate we greet Ken, and then I say, “Do you want to hold on to my arm for the walk?”

As expected, he shakes his head and gets his cane out, “I know this walk pretty well. I’ll walk in front so I know where you are.”

We’re quiet for the first several minutes of the walk. I expected that, between Akane’s hearing and Ken’s mood. I’m surprised when Ken is the first to say something.

“Akane - I’m glad you and Chiyo are friends again.”

I look at Akane who looks towards Ken and then at me. She shakes her head.

She can't see his lips and he’s a ways in front of us.

So I reply, “Did you say you’re happy Akane and Chiyo are friends again?”

Ken is understandably confused, “Um…yes?”

Akane smiles and hurries ahead, “I’m gonna get on your right side. I’m not hearing very well right now. So I need to be closer if we talk.”

Ken replies, “Oh. Okay.”

Akane gets next to him and says, “Is here good?”

Ken nods and says, “Anyway…she’s never told me what happened between you. Said it was…girl stuff. I thought maybe you two fought over a boy or something.”

Akane laughs, “Nope. It definitely wasn't that.”

Ken replies, “Okay then. Well…either way, she was really happy when you two mended fences. So, I’m glad you did.”

“Yeah, me too. We have Nagisa to thank.”

Ken laughs wryly, “It seems we all have something to thank her for at this point.”

The three of us just walked into the Shanghai to find my parents waiting at a table. Akane runs ahead and hugs my mom, and then I do too. Akane explains her hearing issue and takes a seat next to my mom that is to the right of everyone else, so she should be able to hear us.

Ken stands around awkwardly while this is going on. I return to him and say, “Mom, dad…this is Ken, who I told you about.”

My parents greet him, and then I pull out a chair for Ken so he can sit down across from my father. I take a seat next to him.

We all order some coffee and pastries and chat about little things while we enjoy them.
But once we’re settled, my dad crosses his arms while glaring at Ken, “Come to ask permission to take my daughter away from me, boy?”

Ken gets a look of panic on his face and turns to me, ‘I told you this was a bad idea.”

My mom sighs and lightly slaps my dad on the arm and then cheerfully says, “Don't listen to him, Ken. He's just being silly. He often is.”

This makes Akane and I crack up while Ken still looks unsure.

I reassure him with my hand on his shoulder, “He knows you want to talk about Chiyo. He’s just joking.”

As I’m saying this my dad studies Ken and when I finish he says, “Listen to me, boy.”

“U-um…I am, sir.”

My mom sighs and shakes her head at my father, “Why don't you tell us what the issue is. We've heard from Nagisa, but I'm curious to hear from you.”

Ken nods, “W-well…I'm in love with Chiyo, my co-star from the play. But I also really resent her because she's a better actor. She…confessed to me yesterday, but I rejected her and told her we can't be friends either.”

My mom frowns and replies, “Oh my. Why do you think you can't even be friends?”

That's a good question. I didn't have time for it last night.

Ken sighs and fiddles with his napkin, “Because we'll end up together if we keep spending time together. Now that I know for sure she has feelings for me…I won't be able to ignore mine.”

My dad scoffs, “So, don't.”

Ken shakes his head, “We'll both just get hurt worse because of my resentment.”

My dad says it like it's the most obvious thing in the world, “So, stop resenting her.”

Ken looks beyond confused, “How?”

My mom chimes in, “Well, you resent her because you think she's a better actor than you. Not because she thinks she's better. It's all up to you to solve this problem.”

“But she is better than me.”

My dad scoffs, “You're right, she is.”


He waves a hand at me without looking away from Ken, “But who cares if she's better?”

“Well…I do.”

My dad scoffs, “Take it from a man who works every day with his beautiful wife – it's a wonderful thing to work together with the woman you love.”

My mom beams at my dad as he continues.

“We have different strengths. Sanae is better with the accounting and the customers, but I'm better at making the bread. I wouldn’t say either of us is better at running a bakery than the other, would you?”

I'm glad Ken's blind right now. Because my mom’s lip quivering at the mention of my dad's better baking skills would have made his message a little less meaningful.

Ken thinks for a moment while stirring his spoon in his coffee, “No. I wouldn’t. I…am better at voices and dialects than she is. And character analysis. I always help her with that.”

My father smiles, “You see? And I'm sure with time you'll find other strengths. And you two can support each other every step of the way. Making each other better. You can run your bakery together, too.”

My mom nods, “As equals. You must see yourself as her equal, or you're right, it won't work out. And communicate about how you feel, too.”

Ken massages his temples for a moment. And then exhales before saying, “Okay. Y-you’re…right. I just need to look at things more positively.” He chuckles, “Which is what she's always telling me.”

My mom smiles and excitedly asks, “So you’re going to return her feelings?”

He nods, “If…she's willing to have me after all this.”

I smile ear to ear while my mom claps her hands together joyfully, “Wonderful!”

My dad nods, “Good luck, boy.”

Akane who has been watching intently all along is staring at my dad with her mouth hanging open, “My hearing must really be off this morning. Because Mr. Furukawa sounded like he knew what he was talking about. That can't be right, can it?”

Akane and I are sitting in the lobby of the performing arts center. Ken and Chiyo are currently talking in our club room.

After talking to my parents, Ken asked Akane and I set up the meeting between them. Ken said he was going to tell her everything. I am fairly confident she will forgive him. But I can't be sure. He did really hurt her.

Akane and I have been anxiously waiting on a bench in the lobby for the last 30 minutes.

I'm so tired. I haven't slept enough several days in a row. The run up to the play and everything with Ken and Chiyo made it hard.

As I close my eyes and lean against the wall, I hear Akane exhale and say, “Oh, thank God.”

I open my eyes and see Chiyo and Ken walking arm in arm. I don't know for sure if that means he decided to return her feelings, but it at least means they are still friends.

When they reach us, the two of them stop. From the redness on Ken's cheeks and the size of Chiyo's smile I feel even more hopeful.

She says, “We talked about everything and apologized…a-and returned my feelings.”

Ken nods, “Thank you. Both of you. I was…really in my head and I don’t think I was going to come out if it weren't for you two. And Nagisa’s parents.”

Chiyo laughs, “It took a village to get me to confess to you too. We were both overthinking things pretty hard.”

Akane laughs, “That's how we know it's true love. Two stubborn, pessimistic people. Good luck, you two.”

We all laugh, but when my laughter ends I see Chiyo looking at me. She gets choked up as she looks at me, “H-he said you snuck into the dorm last night to talk to him?”

I nod, “Yeah. I’m not an angel after all.”

Chiyo laughs and hugs me, “Yes you are.” Then she extends her arms wider and invites Akane to join us in a group hug, “Both of you.”

Akane whispers, “When you say you talked about ‘everything’-”

Chiyo breaks the hug, smiles and loops her arm with Ken again, “I mean everything. He was hiding something from me…so, I told him what I was hiding, too.”

This takes away what little anxiety I was feeling about them. Now I feel absolutely elated.

I take a step towards Ken but then realize I should warn him, “Ken…can I hug you?”

He sighs, but with a smile on his face, “If you have to.”

I walk up to him and hug him gently and say, “Sorry, but I do have to.”

I think I'm finally going to get a good night's sleep.

Last edited by guthrum06 on Mon Sep 30, 2024 10:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

My Stories
Yamaku: The Place Where Dreams come True (Ongoing) - Nagisa Furukawa transfers to Yamaku.
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Re: Yamaku: The Place Where Dreams Come True - A Clannad Crossover - (Chapter 17, 9/29/2024)

Post by MagicalMelancholy »

Congrats to the couple! Akio's advice about having different strengths is pretty nice...

Who cares how intoxicated I am, if it means I can dream.
Who cares how mad I become, if it means I can wake up from this nightmare.

(From Len'en ~ Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle, Scoundrel Team vs Para)

I'm not actually that depressed dw, I've just really wanted to use that as an edgy forum signature for a while and this place is actually active. He/Him and my arms hurt.

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Chapter 18

Post by guthrum06 »

Chiyo and I are in the club room. The four of us cleared the stage today and deconstructed our set.

Now we are laying out an array of sweets and snacks and drinks we got from The Shanghai and the cafeteria. Now that the set is taken apart, we are having a little party to commemorate how well the play went.

The boys went to return our library books. I told Daiki that he didn't need to worry about that today, but he insisted. Something about wanting to put the play completely behind us. Ken decided to go with him, apparently he has some Braille books coming in.

In addition to celebrating when they get back, I'm also hoping we'll talk about how to save the drama club. I kind of hoped our play would get some younger students interested, but it’s been 3 days now and we haven't had any interest.

I’m worried that if I bring that up, I'll bring down the mood. No one else seems as worried as I am about it. And I guess we have plenty of time to work on that.

I feel like we are also celebrating Ken and Chiyo finally getting together. So maybe I should focus on that.

We just sat down at our usual table, and Chiyo is smiling and humming to herself as she munches on an anpan. It makes me smile too.

She never seemed like an unhappy girl, but now that she's with Ken she always seems to be smiling. He's more reserved than her of course, but I can tell that he's very happy too.

They both were very stressed out about things they were hiding from one another. Getting them off their chest must feel really good. Especially because they both accepted one another. I actually haven't had much time to talk to her about any of it, since the two of them have become even more inseparable now. She hasn't dropped by my room since they got together so I haven't actually spoken to her about it.

I lean back in the chair and cheerfully say, “So…how are things with Ken?”

She sighs happily, “Magical.”

I laugh, “Good. Have you gone on any dates?”

She looks surprised, “No. I hadn't thought about that, actually. I guess we should.”

“You…hadn't thought about that?”

She laughs, “Nope.”

“What do you do if you don’t go on dates?”

Her cheeks flush, “Um…you know. Just…hang out in each other's rooms. Talking and…cuddling and um…s-stuff.”

Now my cheeks flush, “Ohhhh. I get it.”

She looks at me with raised eyebrows, “Y-you do?”

I nod.

“A-and…you don't disprove? I thought you'd think…it was too fast.”

I shake my head, “You're in love. Th-there's nothing wrong with…doing um…that with someone you love.”

She laughs and rolls her eyes, “Says the girl who can't even say the word.”

“I-I can say it!”

She smirks at me, “Oh yeah? Then say it.”

I clench my eyes shut and take a deep breath, “Se-”

I'm startled when the club room door gets thrown open with a bang and an out of breath Ken rushes in. He looks really upset.

“A-are you two still here?”

A very worried Chiyo says, “Yeah, we're here. What's wrong?”

He comes up to the table and shakes his head, “D-Daiki got hurt. They took him to the hospital.”

Before I know it I'm on my feet, “Wh-what happened!?”

“H-he…fell down the stairs.”

I immediately feel pressure in my throat and sick to my stomach. I try to think of what I should say, but I find myself unable to speak. It's like this conversation is just happening around me and I'm not part of it. It sounds like it’s happening on a television in another room.

Chiyo replies, “I-is he okay?”

“I'm…not sure. A teacher called an ambulance right away…b-but I was at the top of the stairs and everyone was in a hurry and all anyone told me was that he was going to the hospital…” He adjusts his glasses, “…I couldn't see what happened. But I think from what I heard…he was unconscious. He wasn't responding to anyone.”

He is barely choking back tears, something I've never seen Ken do.

“I-it's my fault. I should have made him use the elevator.”

Chiyo walks up to Ken and grabs him in a tight hug, “It's not your fault, okay? He’s a stubborn one. You couldn't have made him. Right, Nagisa?”

I nod, still feeling oddly paralyzed by what I've heard.

Chiyo gives me a worried look and takes my hand and loops elbows with Ken, “For the record Ken, she nodded. L-let’s go see if we can find out more.”

We're at the nurse's office trying to find out the missing details of Daiki's fall. I still feel like I'm in a haze.

The nurse looks at each of us in turn and sighs, “I'm sorry, I can't really tell you anything.”

Chiyo frowns, “Oh.”

The nurse gets out a pen and looks at us hopefully, “Do any of you have his parents’ contact information? We haven't been able to get a hold of them.”

I notice Chiyo looking at me expectantly, but I can’t bring myself to say anything.

She sighs and turns to the nurse, “I don't have their number but th-they have a vet clinic in Sendai. Matsuzaka vet clinic.”

The nurse nods while he writes something down, “Okay. I don't know if we tried there. Thanks.”

He puts his pen down and looks up at us with a sigh, “I still can't tell you anything. But…you know that he's at the hospital. And there's only one near here. So…”

Chiyo smiles and nods, “Got it.”

“Are any of you family?”

Chiyo, Ken, and I are at the hospital. She still has her arm looped with Ken's and is holding my hand.

Chiyo replies “N-not…technically, ma'am but he's our friend. We're very close.”

She's having to do everything. But I don't feel like I can. Ken must be feeling similar. He hasn't said much since he told us what happened. Thank goodness for Chiyo.

She looks at our uniforms, “Yamaku students too?”

“Yes ma'am.”

“I'll have to ask my supervisor if you can see him. We normally allow classmates that the patient has approved of to visit, but we don't have a list for him.”

Chiyo pleads, “B-but…can't you ask him, ma'am? He would want to see us.”

The nurse frowns and looks away from us and replies, “...like I said, I'll ask my supervisor.” The nurse goes off down the hall.

“Okay, thank you very much ma'am.”

Chiyo guides us over to a seating area near the nurses’ station. Ken sits down and she whispers something to him. He nods and then Chiyo looks at me and says, “I need to use the restroom. Do you want to come with me?”

I nod, prompting another frown out of Chiyo. Then she guides me to the bathroom. Once we're in there, she looks around and then puts both her hands on my shoulders and locks eyes with me, “A-are you okay?”


She frowns, “You don't look like yourself. Y-you haven't said a word since Ken told us. And you've sort of just been staring into space and not really responding to anything. I think if I had let go of your hand I would have lost you. It's freaking me out.”

“O-oh. I didn't mean to worry you.”

She looks relieved, “You're apologizing for something dumb. That sounds like you. So…you're okay?”

I bow my head, “I…I don't know.”

“You know why we're here, right? You…know what's going on?”

I clench my eyes shut and nod.

“I need you to say it. So I know you're doing okay. So I know you're here with us.”

I close my eyes shut even tighter and do my best to speak despite my trembling lip, “We're here b-because…b-b-because…D-d-daiki…” I burst into tears before I can finish.

She hugs me and I cry into her shoulder for what feels like a very long time. When I'm done she breaks the hug and looks me in the eyes, “You look more like yourself now. That's a relief.”

I nod, “I…feel kind of better. More like I'm actually here. I felt…hazy. Crying helped.”

She gives me a relieved smile, “Good. Come on. Let's see what we can do for him.”

“So, we spoke with his parents, who are on the way. Are you three in drama club?”

Chiyo nods, “Y-yes ma'am.”

She nods back, “Okay. They said you could see him. I should warn you, he…hasn't regained consciousness. And he has some significant injuries. Are you…sure you want to see him?”

Ken and Chiyo nod. Chiyo looks at me and then I nod too.

The nurse nods, “Okay, follow me.”

The three of us follow, still connected to one another by our limbs. I feel very, very scared. So I'm glad to have Chiyo's hand right now.

After walking down a couple of hallways, she opens the door for us. We go in, and she follows us. When I see Daiki lying in a hospital bed, my eyes get wide and I put my palm to my mouth. Chiyo has a grim expression on her face.

She asks the nurse, “C-can you…tell us anything?”

She shakes her head, “We're still waiting on all of his results.”

“O-okay…thank you.”

The nurse leaves and then Ken says, “Can you…tell me how he looks?”

Chiyo grimaces and starts to describe things as I continue to focus on my badly injured friend. Hearing her say it out loud helps me process things.

“H-he has lots of bruises and cuts on his face. Especially on the right side. It's very black and blue a-and red.” She takes a deep breath, “He has lots of bandages and stuff. Some small ones on smaller cuts, but he also has one wrapped around e-entirely around his forehead.”

Ken sighs and with a shaky voice says, “Shit. H-how's the rest of him?”

Chiyo studies Daiki for a moment, “He's under a blanket b-but…from what I can tell, he doesn't have any casts or anything. His hands are a little bruised b-but…nothing like his face.”

Once she's done Chiyo looks down at the ground.

Ken says, “S-sorry…you have to do that for me. Can't be fun to relay that information.”

She clicks her tongue, “Hush up. It kind of helped me actually. I wouldn’t have assessed things so much otherwise.”

Ken nods, “So…between how his face and head looks and his unconsciousness…he must have really hit his head.”

Chiyo sighs, “Yeah, I think you're right.” She reaches out and gives my hand a squeeze, “How are you doing?”

I look from her to Daiki, “I-I'm okay.”

After about 20 minutes in Daiki's room with no activity from the medical staff, Chiyo sighs, “I wish we could do something. But we really can't. And his parents will be here soon. We're kind of gonna be in the way. Why don't you two go back to campus? I can relay info.”


She looks at me in disbelief, “Huh?”

“I-I'll be the one who stays. You two go back.”

“Nagisa, you're having a really hard time-”

“I-I'm okay. Promise. I'm upset and worried, but so are both of you. I'll feel better…if I stay. I can’t t-take not knowing what's happening.”

Chiyo studies me for a moment and then smiles and nods, “Okay. You'll text updates?”

I nod.

Ken and Chiyo left about 30 minutes ago. Not long after they did, the radiologist came in and told me about the results of his X-rays. All things considered, the results were pretty good.

I think he made the assumption I was family. I feel a little bad about not telling him. But once he started talking I didn't want to stop him. But now, I'm worried how I'll explain that to his parents when they get here.

Just as I'm stressing about this I hear, “Hey there…it's Nagisa, right?”

I look up and see Daiki's father who has just walked into the room. He's trying to smile, but his eyes tell me that he's very worried. I also notice his mother standing at the threshold of the door. She's looking towards Daiki with her hand over her mouth and tears on her cheeks.

I stand up from my chair and force my own smile, “Th-that's right, sir.”

Mrs. Matsuzaka has entered the room now, and is standing next to her husband when she asks, “D-do you know what happened?”

I nod, “Um…h-he fell down the stairs at s-school.”

She snaps at me, “Why was he using stairs? Doesn't that school for the disabled have an elevator?!”

I flinch at her voice but then nod, “I-it does, ma'am. But he doesn't like to use it.”

She turns towards his bed and makes a face like she wants to scold him, before realizing that he probably wouldn't hear.

Mr. Matsuzaka asks, “Are there any updates?”

I nod, “They just told me about his X-Rays. He has three b-broken ribs and a broken collar bone. And lots of cuts and bruises on his face. But…no skull fracture. That was their biggest worry.”

Both of his parents look slightly relieved, which is how I feel too.

Mr. Matsuzaka asks,“Has he been awake at all?”

I sigh and look down before shaking my head, “Not since he fell.”

Mrs. Matsuzaka walks up to her son and gently puts her hand on his. I think I can make out the faint sound of her sniffling.

Mr. Matsuzaka asks, “Are they doing anything about that? Has he seen a neurologist?”

“I-I don't know for sure, sir. They did tell me he had a brain scan and some blood work they were waiting on.”

He nods, “That's probably neurology.”

I nod, “Um…I w-want to apologize.”

Mr. Matsuzaka looks confused. Mrs. Matsuzaka turns around from Daiki's bed and looks at me with some anger in her eyes.

I deserve it.

She asks, “Did you have something to do with his fall?”

I clench my eyes shut and shake my head, “I wasn't there.”

Mr. Matsuzaka says, “Then…what are you apologizing for?”

I look up at him, “Because th-they told me all that stuff. I think they assumed I was family and I didn't correct them.”

To my surprise, Mrs. Matsuzaka approaches me and takes my hand. She says, “Don't be silly. We'd have to wait a lot longer to find all that out without you. Thank you for being here for Daiki and answering all our questions.”

Mr. Matsuzaka gives me an animated nod, showing me he isn't mad either.

I smile, “O-of course.”

It's been about 30 minutes since the Matsuzakas got here. After our initial conversation we've been very quiet. I think we're all very worried and anxious to hear the results of Daiki’s other tests.

Mrs. Matsuzaka has stayed near Daiki's bed, holding his hand sometimes. Mr. Matsuzaka and I are sitting next to each other on a bench in the room.

Just as I'm about to offer to get them drinks, a man in his 50s wearing a lab coat comes into the room. He's a short, bald man with a goatee. The three of us all turn to him the moment he comes in.

“Hello, are you the Matsuzakas?”

Mr. Matsuzaka replies, “Yes, we are.”

He nods, “I’m the neurologist. Dr. Saito. I wanted to talk with you about your son's results.”

Mrs. Matsuzaka comes and sits down between her husband and I. She takes her husband's hand. And then to my surprise, she takes mine. It makes me feel a little better.

Mrs. Matsuzaka says, “O-Okay. We're ready.”

The doctor nods, “At this point, it would be correct to say that he's in a coma based on his brain scan.” Mrs. Matsuzaka and I both tighten the hold on one another’s hand. However, his blood looks good, and based on the results of our diagnostic test, his coma right now is a rather shallow one.”

I surprise myself by being the first to speak, “Th-that's…good, then? He’ll wake up soon?”

The doctor frowns, “I can't say that definitively. Comas are tricky, it isn't always like a broken bone that will slowly heal and get better. There is always a chance he’ll get worse. What I can say is, based on the results of his tests it is very likely he’ll wake up in the next 2 to 4 weeks, and very unlikely he will progress to a vegetative state. We’ll keep monitoring him every 6 hours to see if there’s any change.”

Mr. Matsuzaka sighs, “Thank you doctor.”

After that the doctor leaves. Mrs. Matsuzaka lets go of our hands and sighs,“Well…it's not good. But hearing it's likely he wakes up soon made me feel…a little better.”

Her husband nods, “Agreed.”

I nod to show my agreement. Then Mrs. Matsuzaka turns to me with a smirk, “Can I ask you something?”

“O-of course.”

“How close are you two, anyway?”

“Um…pretty close. I’m in drama club and classes with him. He’s one of my best friends.”

She smirks at her husband who shrugs before she raises an eyebrow at me, “Friends, is it?”

“Yes ma’am.”

She chuckles, “If you say so. I don't see any other friends here, dear.”

“W-well…they were here earlier.”

Her mom smirks again, “But not now?”

“N-no, ma’am. They had to go get some rest.”

“But you didn't?”

I shake my head, “I wanted to stay.”

“And why is that, exactly?”

Just as I’m struggling to answer her question Mr. Matsuzaka says, “Leave the poor girl alone, dear. She's had a long day.”

She sighs, “Fine, fine. You’re right. Teasing her was a good distraction. But there’s no time for that.” She gets more serious and looks at her husband, “What do you think we should do?”

He sighs, “I was going to see if we could get him moved to a hospital in Sendai. This place doesn't have a coma ward, and we need to get him to one. The sooner the better.”

She nods, looking determined, “Okay. Should we go back to the city and do some leg work and make some calls?”

He nods, “That's probably best.”

She frowns, “I don't like leaving him.”

“Me neither, but I think we can get a lot more done in person. And besides,” He smiles at me, “...he's in good hands.”

I smile back, “I-If you give me your numbers, I can update you.”

It's the next day. Chiyo and Ken are stopping by to visit Daiki again.

Not long after walking in the door, Chiyo asks, “Hey, Nagisa, can I talk to you? Outside?”

I fidget, “B-but…I don't want to leave him.”

Chiyo smiles, “I know that. It’ll just be for a minute. Besides, it's kind of about that. Ken will stay with him.”

Ken nods and takes a seat on the bench.

I sigh and follow Chiyo into the hall, feeling a little annoyed. Why couldn't we talk in the room?

“You stayed here all night?”


She frowns and tilts her head to the side, “Shouldn't you take a break?”

I shake my head, “What if he wakes up? Or his parents come by again? Or the doctors see that his status has changed?”

She smiles softly at me, “You…have to be here for those things, do you?”

“I do.”


“I…I um…I don’t know. But I feel I have to. I hadn't really thought about it. I’m j-just…really worried, and I have to be here when he opens his eyes a-and…I want to take care of him. Help him.”

Chiyo gives me a bemused look, “That's what I thought.”

Maybe it's the fatigue, but I have no idea what she's talking about. I sigh, “I don't know what you mean.”

She looks surprised, “You haven't figured it out?”

I shake my head in confusion.

Chiyo sighs and frowns, “You’re in love with him. Tough time to figure that out…but you are.”

For a moment, I want to argue with her. And say we’re just friends. But then…I think about everything I’ve felt and done since Ken told us he fell. I’ve been very focused on doing everything I can for him. And not thinking about anything else.

Putting someone before everything else is kind of the definition of love, isn't it?

Oh. His mom. THAT'S WHAT SHE WAS ASKING ABOUT?! I’m so dense.

She figured it out too. Just like Chiyo. Why didn't I?


Chiyo just said something but I missed most of it because I was in my head.


She shrugs, “I said… maybe I’m wrong. You are the nicest person ever. Maybe this is what you would do for any one of us. But…it looks like the actions of a woman in love to me.”

I shake my head, “I-I don't think you’re wrong. I h-hadn’t realized. I was so focused on… I…I I am in love with him. You’re right.”

Somehow, that doesn't make me feel better. It gives me a bad feeling in my stomach.

Chiyo smiles and gives me a hug, “That's great. He's definitely still crazy about you. He’s got a nice little surprise waiting for him when he wakes up.”

I start to sniffle and I choke out the words, “I-if he….” before suddenly bursting into tears.

Chiyo guides me to a chair and strokes my hair and rubs my back as I cry. The bad feeling in my stomach and my negative feelings leave me with my tears. As my tears start to slow down, Chiyo softly says, “He will, Nagisa. I know he will. Especially with a cute girlfriend like you waiting for him. I'll go whisper to him that smooches from you are waiting for him. I bet he'll be back in no time when he finds out.”

This makes me laugh, and I wipe my tears.

Chiyo smiles at me, “I’m really not gonna convince you to go back to the dorm and get some rest, am I?”

I shake my head.

Okay, but don't you want to be as cute as possible when he sees you? No offense, but you look like a girl who has been in the hospital for 36 hours. Sleep deprivation and no baths isn't the best for anyone's looks.”

I smile at her, “H-he told me…I’m a beautiful, amazing woman when he confessed. I-if he really loves me…he’ll still think that when I look like this.”

Chiyo chuckles and shakes her head, “Fine, fine. I’ll leave you alone about it for today. But if he still hasn't woken up by tomorrow, I’m breaking out the big guns to get you back to campus.”

“Y-you mean-”

She laughs, “Yep, Akane will literally drag you back kicking and screaming if she has to, don't you think? I've barely been able to keep her from doing it as it is. She's really worried about you. So really, you probably don't have a choice in the matter.”

I frown and begrudgingly say, “Fine, I’ll go to campus for a little while tomorrow for a shower and a nap.”

She pats me on the head, “That's a good girl.”

I just got back to the hospital after taking a shower and nap on campus. Akane was a little annoyed that I didn't take a longer nap. But I didn't want to be gone for too long.

Since I realized my feelings, I've been sitting next to Daiki and holding his hand when I'm in here with him. It makes me feel a little better. And I hope he knows I'm here too. On some level.

Just as I'm looking down at my phone and slowly replying to a text message from Daiki's mom about his status, I feel Daiki's hand move in mine. It startles me so much I drop my phone.

When I look up at him his eyes are moving. His right eye looks swollen shut. His left eye moves toward me. Then he squeezes my hand and quietly says, “N-nagisa…?”

I open my eyes wide, “Y-you’re awake!”

Hd smiles at my response and then winces in confusion, “That…hurt.” He uses his tongue to feel his swollen lip. “Talking…hurts.”

I nod, “Don't try to say or do too much. You’re in the hospital. You have some injuries. You were unconscious for about three days.”

He looks confused for a moment and then quietly says, “…stairs?”

“Yes, you fell.” I stand up and push the call button without letting go of his hand.

I should have done that sooner, but I was too excited to remember.

“The doctor and nurses will want to come look at you. Oh! And I'll call your parents.”

He looks confused about that last part.

After Daiki woke up, the medical staff took him away for a series of examinations and tests
But now Daiki is back in the room and the news is very good.

In terms of his head injury at least, there's nothing too serious. He has a concussion, but other than that his brain scan was normal and he hasn’t lost any motor function or anything. And the concussion should improve with time.

He still has other injuries of course, but they aren't dangerous and will heal on their own. He's going to hurt for a while though.

Now he's back in the room and I just took his hand again. He’s on some pain medication now, so speaking doesn't seem quite as painful. Only some words sound strained now. In fact, he mostly seems like his usual self.

He smiles at me , “Might…need to have… comas more often.”

I frown at him, “D-don't joke about it.”

He laughs softly, “Sorry. I guess it was…scary for all of you. For me it was just like…one minute I fell down the stairs, next minute I wake up to you holding my hand. Worth…it.”

“E-even with all the pain?”

He laughs, “Yep. Um…when I talked to my parents, they…said they thought you had been here the whole time. Is that…true?”

I nod.

“I left for a few hours because Akane and Chiyo made me. But other than that, I've been here. I didn't want to leave.”

He smiles, “I bet you…would do it for any friend.”

I smile at him, “M-maybe but…I wouldn't be holding hands with any of them.”

His smile gets wider, “You wouldn't?”

I shake my head, “No.” I pause for a moment as I mull over whether to say this now.

I was thinking I'd want until he got out of the hospital to confess.

I don't think I can hold it in any longer, though. Ever since Chiyo made me realize these feelings, it's been this warm feeling in my chest. And now…that he's awake, my face and heart feel like they are on fire. I have to say it.

I lock eyes with him, “I don't want to hold hands with anyone else. I know…m-maybe this isn't the best time to say this. But…with everything that's happened…I realized that I’m in love with you. I know…I rejected you before…And I don't know if you still-”

He smiles broadly, only wincing slightly this time from his facial pain, “Are you kidding? Of course I still feel…the same about you. Even a traumatic brain…injury didn't knock it out of me.”

This makes me feel happier than I have ever felt. Even if I'm also a little angry he's joking about this.

He reaches his hand out and puts it on my cheek. Although it's more like the entire side of my head. I hold his hand there with both of mine while we look into each other’s eyes.

“I love you too, Nagisa. So much. I have for quite some time. I'm so…happy you feel the same.”


Daiki groans as his mother enters the room and I feel my face flush. He pulls his hand away from me and I look down at the ground.

“Were you just…standing there watching us?”

His mom grins like a child, “Mayyyybe.”

“That's…so creepy!”

She shrugs, “I got here and you two were having a serious conversation. I was gonna walk away. But I couldn't pull myself away when I saw what it was about.” She claps her hands together and I can practically see hearts in her eyes when she says, "So…are you two a couple now?”

He sighs, “Well, we haven't…talked about it. Which…you know. Because you were literally watching the…conversation! We might have if someone didn't interrupt…us.”

She clicks her tongue and looks at me, “He's always so annoyed with me, Nagisa. Even when he's seeing me for the first time after some serious medical trauma. Think you can do something about that?”

“U-um, I'll try.”

She laughs and then she gets a serious look on her face, walks over to her son and hugs him gently. He hugs her back. It's a sight that makes me smile.

They might bicker a lot, but they love each other.

She breaks the hug and winks at him, “I'm sorry for being extra annoying. I'm just very happy you're awake. It was scary there for a minute.”

“Y-yeah, I know. It's okay, mom. Y-you're not being that…annoying.”

She laughs, “You're a horrible liar since you're usually so honest.” She looks at me with a silly grin, “Good trait to have in a boyfriend, wouldn't you say?”

My face flushes again and I nod before looking down.

“Mom, stop embarrassing…her, please. Focus on me, at…least.”

She laughs and comes and sits next to me and puts her hand on my shoulder, “Really, truly - thank you so much, Nagisa. My husband and I could tell you would take good care of him. It really allowed us to do what we needed for him. It gave us so much peace of mind.”

I nod, “Y-you're welcome, ma'am. I w-was happy to do it.”

She nods, and then stands up, “Well…whatever you kids decide, just know that she’s got the stamp of approval from me and your father. We’ve already discussed it.”

I smile at her, as I feel my face flush again, making Mrs. Matsuzaka laugh.

“Speaking of your father, I’m going to track him down. I couldn't get through to his phone because it keeps being busy. I think he’s calling every doctor in Japan, or something. We’ll be back later I’m sure. So enjoy some parentless time, you two.”

An exasperated Daiki says, “Okay, mom. Thanks.”

His mom leaves and Daiki leaves a sigh of relief, “She’s…annoying. Sorry.”

I laugh, “She embarrassed me a lot, but she's really nice. And…when you meet my dad…you’ll see he’s far worse.”

Daiki smiles, “I’m…going to meet your dad, am I?”

Shoot. We still haven't discussed what our relationship is.

I clench my eyes shut, “W-w-well…yes. If you um…still want to be my boyfriend you will, y-yes.”

I feel his hand on the side of my face again and open my eyes.

He smiles, as best he can right now, “Of course that's what I want.”

I feel myself smile ear to ear, and before I know it, I’m standing up and gently pressing my lips to the side of his mouth that isn't injured.

I’d like to give him a better kiss than this one, but that will have to wait until he heals.

My Stories
Yamaku: The Place Where Dreams come True (Ongoing) - Nagisa Furukawa transfers to Yamaku.
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Chapter 19

Post by guthrum06 »

It's been about a day since Daiki and I became boyfriend and girlfriend. And we've spent almost all that time together.

Yesterday, his mom came back with his dad and he congratulated us, but in a more restrained way than his wife. I also went back last night and slept in my dorm room, but came back early this morning.

It's been nice spending time with him and helping him however I can. He's doing really well overall. I thought his recovery would be slower since he was unconscious for so long, but now that he's awake things are going much better.

His pain is manageable with less intense medication, and his face isn't quite as swollen anymore. But they don't want him moving around a whole lot between his already bad knee, concussion and broken bones. He'll probably have to stay at the hospital another week or two.

He just finished eating his dinner and when I come back from returning his tray, I'm surprised when I see him look at me with worry on his face. He smiles and then pats on the chair I've been sitting in and I slowly approach it, feeling a little nervous about his demeanor.

I sit down and put my hand on his, as I often do now, “I-is something wrong? Can I help?”

He shakes his head, “Nothing's wrong , but I am a little worried about you.’

“A-about me?”

He nods, “I really appreciate you being here so much…but now that I'm awake and on the mend, you probably do need to spend a little more time at school. You've been here constantly for several days at this point. That can't be good for you.”

I sigh, “I know. I was thinking about that too. I'll go to classes tomorrow. On school days, I'll just come in the evening for a couple of hours.” I smile at him and feel my cheeks flush, “I-It is hard to leave you though.”

He smiles back, “It was really hard for me to tell you to come less, so I know what you mean.”

I nod and take a stern tone, “Since you told me something you're worried about

…there is one thing I'm worried about that I want to talk about before I go for the day.”

He looks a little worried. Probably like I did a minute ago, “Um…okay.”

“You have to take the elevator from now on.”

He sighs, “I know. Jeez, I knew that was coming at some point. Didn't know it would be so soon.”

I cross my arms, “Well…it's important. Why are you so stubborn about it, anyway?”

He frowns, “You’ll still be my girlfriend if my reason is stupid, right?”

I laugh, “Of course.”

He sighs and looks down. Then he mumbles something.


He sighs again and says, “It's because I'm embarrassed about how damn big I am. I take up the whole elevator and slow everything down. A wheelchair can't even fit in there with me. And there are other students who need it.”

“W-well…it's nice of you to think of other students. But…I think you are one of the students who needs it.”

He laughs wryly, “Yeah...obviously I was in the wrong. As evidenced by my battered, broken body.”

He fidgets a little in his bed and then looks at me, “Y-you don't…mind that I'm so much bigger than you?”

I smile at how cute and bashful he's being, “Do you mind that I'm so much smaller?”

“No. But…truth be told it did make me more hesitant to confess.”


He shrugs, “It is…a little bit of an obstacle, isn't it?”

“I don't think of it that way.”

“But…it'd be easier to date a normal-sized guy. Especially because you're so small. We'll look funny together.”

“I don't care about that. I feel happy when I'm with you. Who cares if we’re different sizes?”

“You really aren't worried about it?”

I shake my head, but he still looks unsure.

It's embarrassing, but I'll tell him this to make him worry less.

“A-actually…when…I was talking to Chiyo and Akane about how to respond to your confession a couple months ago, they asked me about it.” My cheeks flush and I look at the floor, “I…actually realized that I like that you're big.”

He raises his eyebrows and chuckles, “Oh. Huh. Somehow…I never thought that a girl might like it.”

My cheeks are burning now, “Well…I do. I like…all of you.”

He smiles, “That's nice to hear.”

“So…i-it sounds like I'm your first girlfriend?”

He nods, “I didn't have much interest in romance, to be honest. Not until I met you.” He sighs, “I think that's why my mom is making such a big deal out of everything.”

I laugh, “It's sweet that she's so happy for us. Um…my parents are too.”

Well, my mom is. My dad has mixed feelings. But he would about any boy. And Daiki doesn't need to know that. He'll come around.

He smiles, “That's good.” He adjusts himself in the bed a little and asks, “Y-you've had a boyfriend right? That guy in your hometown is your ex?”

Oh. Tomoya. I haven't even thought about him once since all this happened.

That's a good thing I think.

I shake my head, “We never dated. I never confessed. S-so you're my first boyfriend.”

He nods, “I see. And…you're not still in love with him?”

Without hesitation I say, “No, silly. I'm only in love with you.”

He smiles, “I don't think I'll get tired of hearing that.”

I'm headed to class. I knocked on Akane's door to walk with her, but I've missed several days and didn't tell her I would be going to class today. So she must have gone on her own.

This makes me realize I haven't done a great job of communicating with her since everything started with Daiki. I'll have to apologize and do better with that.

When I get to class, though, she gives me such a big smile that I can’t imagine she's upset with me.

“Hey, you made it to class today? That's good, I was worried you were becoming a delinquent.”

I laugh, “I needed to come back. And Daiki wanted me to come back to campus too now that he's awake. I did need the rest. And I needed to come to class.”

She smiles, “It's really great he's awake and gonna be fine.”

“Yeah, it is.” I smile wide, “U-um…he's also my boyfriend now. I realized through all of this that I could return his feelings.”

She smiles, “Oh…yeah? I was…wondering about that. That's…really great. I'm happy for you.”

She's smiling. But I can tell something is wrong. Akane's normally broad smile isn't reaching her eyes. And she quickly returns her eyes to a worksheet on her desk. I'm about to ask her about it. But before I can, she leaves the classroom without saying anything to me. Just a few minutes before the bell. This is all very out of character for her.

I start to become very worried about my friend. And then I realize I recognize this reaction.

If I hadn't done the exact same thing when Tomoya told me about Kotomi, I probably wouldn't have noticed.

I’m so stupid. I should have seen the signs…but she promised me that she didn’t feel that way, and I believed her.

After thinking about the situation for a minute, I decided I should go to talk to her. When I go to stand up, I'm surprised when I see Madoka has walked over to my desk.

She whispers, “You're going after her, right?”

I nod, feeling more than a little confused that she seems to know what's going on.

She says, “Okay, I'll cover for you two. Y'know, if our teacher actually shows up on time.”

I nod and then rush out into the hall, and when I don't see Akane, I go into the bathroom. I don’t find her right away, but I hear the sound of someone sniffling in one of the stalls. I approach the door and knock on it, “A-are you okay, Akane?”

She clears her throat, “Yeah, I’m good. J-just using the restroom. I um…really need to go, so…privacy please.”

I rest my palm on the stall door, like it will somehow help me get through to her, “P-please…stop lying to me.”

“I-I’m not.”

“Y-you are too! I can tell you're crying.”

She clears her throat, “I am not . I just…I think I have a cold. Or a-allergies.”

“Okay. Must be really bad then if it's making you sound like that. I'll wait and then take you to the nurse. You would take me.”

She sharpens and raises her voice, but it's shakier now too, “Nagisa …j-just… go, okay? Walk out of here and leave me be.”

“I don't want to.”

Now I hear a very clear sniffle, “Just leave me alone, okay? Go b-back to class. Leave me be. Please, Nagisa. P-p-please... ”

I know that her lip is trembling now from how she's speaking. Maybe I should just do what she asks.

“I-if…it's really what you want, and what's best for you-”

“It is.”

I wish I had told Tomoya. Just to get it off my chest.

I sigh, “But…how can ignoring this or lying about it be what's best? Friends don't lie. And they share how they feel. You'll feel better if you do.”

I hear a thud and the stall door moves slightly. She must have kicked it, “God, you're stubborn sometimes. Think you know what's best for me better than I do, huh?”

I sigh, “I-if you're really sure what you think is best is for us to ignore this, I can try my very best to…pretend. But…make sure that you do think it’s best.”

She quietly for a moment and then sighs deeply, “Ugh, FINE. J-just…give me a second. I have to…mentally prepare. I have told myself many times I’d never EVER say this to you. So…it's hard.”

“Okay. Take your time.”

We're both quiet for a while. Then the bell rings. Just when I am going to accuse her of stalling, she starts to sniffle again, “Okay…I'm ready.”

“Me too.”

She takes a deep breath and says, “I’m…in love with you. How could I not be? You're like …the best person I've ever known, and a total babe too.” She half-laughs half-sniffles, “I-I'm…sorry. I’ve been struggling with this for a bit. I've tried… so hard not to feel this way. But I do. I can't help it.”

I knew it was what she was going to say. But I’m somehow still surprised to hear it. Before I came to Yamaku no one had ever fallen in love with me. But here, two wonderful people did. I wish I didn't keep hurting them, though.

“Akane…you don't have to apologize for loving me. I-it's beautiful to love someone. And to be loved too. B-but…what about what you said after we kissed?”

She sighs, “I…lied. I realized I was in love with you when I kissed you that night.”

So…that night, I really DID reject her. And that WAS why she was crying. It makes more sense now. But…

“…why did you lie?”

She sniffles, “I…almost told you a few times.”

“Why didn't you?”

“Because I knew you didn't feel the same. And…could never feel the same. You only like boys, right?”


“So what would be the point in telling you? It would just make you feel bad and put a strain on our friendship.” She sighs, “And I thought it would go away eventually. And to be honest, it started to. Like…since Chiyo has been around more, I haven’t felt it as much. I was able to help when you wanted to talk about Daiki and stuff. But…hearing that you two are together…”

She trails off and sniffles, so I finish for her.

“It hurts?”

She sighs, “Y-yeah. Even though…you had said you didn't like girls. I had this tiny glimmer of hope…that maybe one day we’d be together. Like…maybe since you hadn't had a boyfriend yet maybe…maybe you liked girls and you didn't know yet.” She sniffles a few times, “I know that's dumb. I know it doesn't make sense and isn't even possible.”

I start to sniffle too, “I-I’m so sorry, Akane.”

I hear her stand up. She opens the stall door and glares down at me. She sharpens her voice as tears stream down her face, “Don’t you dare apologize. I’m the one who should be. You’re my b-best friend, and you just started dating a great guy. A guy who is in the hospital and this is my response?” She wipes her tears and holds her moist fingers out to me while looking disgusted with herself. “To cry!? To think about myself first!? I can’t even support you? You’ve done so much for me, and this is how I repay your kindness?! By moping? I-I'm awful…I…I don’t even deserve to be your friend…” Finally the tears she has been fighting overwhelm her and she falls to her knees and starts to sob. It reminds me of the night Misha broke up with her.

I put my arms around her and hold her head to my chest as she continues to cry, “I-I've been where you are right now. With that boy at my old school. I reacted the same way. Put on a brave face in front of him, but then ran off to the bathroom to cry. I felt the same way, like I was a bad friend. Like I was selfish. But…you can't help how you feel. And you aren't a bad friend. You’re a great friend. You're my best friend.”

She puts her arms around my waist and looks up at me, “I should b-be able to put my feelings aside for you. To just…be happy for you.”

“You're trying your best. You came in here to cry so I wouldn’t know you were upset. And then you were going to be supportive, weren’t you?”



“I guess. It would have been better if I had been able to completely conceal my feelings though. Then you wouldn’t have followed me. I underestimated you. I thought you'd be too dense to notice. You have been so far.” She half-laughs and half-sniffles.

“W-well…I won’t deny I’m a little dense about this sort of thing. But…I also believed you when you told me you didn’t feel this way, so I never considered it after that.”

She sniffles and hugs me tight, “I'm sorry for lying.”

“It's okay. I’m glad you told me. I never told that boy back home. And I regret that. I didn't want you to feel the same.”

“You're right…just telling you made me feel a little better.” She groans, “Freaking Chiyo figured it out like two weeks after we made up. She told me to just tell you how I felt. Guess she was right. Don't tell her, though.”

I laugh, “I won't. I am glad you two have been talking about it, though.” I get serious and lock eyes with her, "I want you to know…this doesn't mean you're not good enough, okay?”

She sniffles and smiles up at me, “Y-yeah…you've helped me see that before. I know I'm good enough.”

I squeeze her, “You're way more than just good enough. You're my best friend, okay? This doesn't change that.”

She nods and then looks up at me and tearfully says, “I…really am so happy for you. And I do think Daiki's great. I want you to be happy more than I want just about anything. And I can tell you are. I'll support you every step of the way. I just…also needed to have a mental breakdown about it.”

“I understand.”

She nods and lets go of me and gets some toilet paper to wipe her face, and blows her nose.

Then we go back to class together.

It's Sunday. I'm about to go spend the day at the hospital with Daiki. But I wanted to stop to see Akane before I do.

Things have been good between us since she confessed. But I'm still worried about her. I can't help but remember how it felt seeing Tomoya and Kotomi together as a couple.

I knock on her door and hear, “Misha? Did you forget something?”

“Um…I-it's Nagisa.”

A very flustered Akane replies, “O-oh! Um…hang on a sec.”

I wait for about a minute.

“Okay, come in.”

When I go in, I find her sitting on her bed in crumpled pajamas. Her face is bright red and her hair is a mess. The room also has a different sort of smell than usual.

I don't know much about this sort of thing, but I think I might know what's going on.

“Are you and Misha together again?”

She turns bright red and bashfully shakes her head, “We…just um… we…” She sighs and then quietly says “…spent the night together…”


She sighs, “I’m really stupid, huh?”

“N-no…you’re not. I-if…being with her helps you, then you should do it.”

She scoffs, “Sure, but sleeping with my ex? Not my brightest move. Not that I had a long list of options…” She chuckles awkwardly. “It was kind of a surreal night, honestly. I called her over, fully intending to just have meaningless sex – which we did. But afterwards, I spilled my guts to her about you.Then we held each other and cried and talked about the straight girls we’re in love with. I know that sounds weird but…it was kind of nice. For both of us. I think we’ll probably do it again. Kind of…twisted, isn't it?”

“W-well...I can see why it would be nice. You two have a lot in common.” I sigh, doing my best to hold back tears from hearing about hers.

“W-would getting some space from me help?”

She doesn't hesitate, “No. We don't really have that much time left together. I don't want to waste it. I’ll get space when we graduate.”

I start to sniffle, and she smiles and puts her hand on my arm.

“I know you’re really sweet and tender-hearted and you care a lot about me. And that you hate that I’m hurting. These are some of the many reasons I love you. But please stop crying about me, okay? You just started a new relationship. Your first relationship. With a great guy. You deserve to be happy, and not weighed down by this. I’m gonna be okay, I promise.”

I wipe my tears, “I-I am happy, too. I can be happy a-and…worried about how you're doing at the same time.”

She laughs, “I suppose you can. After all, I'm really happy for you and…also sad about it.” She sighs, “I guess… I need to stop telling you I'm upset about it. That's probably best for both of us.”

I shake my head.

“W-we talk about everything. I don't want that to change.”

“I know we do, but this one thing probably doesn't need to be a regular topic, you know? I can talk to Misha about it. Or…even Chiyo.”

“O-okay. If that's what you want.”

“It is. One last thing, though. Does…Daiki know?”

I shake my head, “H-he doesn't need to know your secret.”

She nods and thinks for a moment, “You have my permission to tell him. I trust him to keep it to himself. It wouldn't be good to hide it from him. I…basically confessed to you yesterday. He should know about…my feelings.”

I sigh, “O-okay. I’ll tell him, then.” I stand up. “I'm gonna go to the hospital. I promise I'll come back for dinner, though. He'll probably make me.”

She laughs, “Okay. That's good. Any idea when he will get discharged?”

“Maybe at the end of the week.”

“Okay. Maybe I'll come by later? I haven't seen the big guy since he's been in there. I feel kind of bad about it.”

I nod, “He’d be happy to see you.”

“H-hey Akane.”

I've been with Daiki at the hospital for a few hours. Akane just got here for her visit. Daiki greeted her very awkwardly.

She laughs and looks at me and then back at Daiki, “So, she told you, then?”

He raises his eyebrows, “How can you already tell?”

“Because you just said ‘hey’ to me in a way you never have in three years.” She lowers her voice, “Is your weirdness because I'm gay, or because we're…in love with the same person.”

He sighs, “Both. I guess. I mean…I don't have a problem with gay people. I was just surprised…is all. I mean…I didn't expect it from you.” He cringes at himself, “N-not that there is any way I should expect a lesbian to be.” He sighs and his large shoulders droop, “Sorry. I'll stop talking. I um…blame the medication?”

I laugh at how flustered he is and so does Akane, “I told him about 5 minutes ago. So…it's new.”

She puts a hand on his shoulder, “It's okay Daiki.”

He nods, “A-anyway. I think it’s even more surprising…that you're in love with Nagisa. That's why I'm extra flustered.”

She frowns and takes her arm off his shoulder. She looks at me and there's a hint of panic in her eyes. She looks back to Daiki and starts wringing her hands, “Do you…want me to go?”

She thinks he might not want me to be friends with her now. I hadn't considered that. I can't imagine Daiki feels that way, though.

Still, I feel my body tense up a little at seeing Akane this way.

He shakes his head, “I'm…okay with all of it. Just surprised.”

Akane relaxes and so do I, “Fair enough. I want you…a-and both of you, to know that I'll never do anything to…undermine your relationship or anything. I'm…not a rival. I'm really happy for both of you and…my own stuff isn't going to get in the way of that.”

“O-of course you won't. We trust you.”

Akane laughs, “I know you do. But…he kind of needs to say it too.”

“I trust you too. I… am sorry, though. I'm sure it hurts…to feel that way.”

She rolls her eyes, “Jeez, you two really do belong together. Your children are going to grow up to be literal saints.”

I feel my face flush and Daiki looks away from both of us.

Akane laughs at our reactions, “But seriously …it means a lot that you both are trying to see things from my side. Thanks. But…I think we can all be friends, don't you?”

I nod and so does Daiki. Akane laughs, “I do have one joke I have to make though.”

Daiki and I exchange a look and then Daiki says, “O-okay. What is it?”

She laughs, “You beat me on all the tests and you got the girl of my dreams? Doesn't seem fair.”

Daiki and I look one another and then we both laugh awkwardly.

Akane sighs, “Yeah okay, it wasn't that funny. They say things can be funny because they are true, but…that was a little too real, wasn't it?”

My Stories
Yamaku: The Place Where Dreams come True (Ongoing) - Nagisa Furukawa transfers to Yamaku.
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Chapter 20

Post by guthrum06 »

It's lunchtime. Earlier today, I remembered that I promised Lilly I would stop by for lunch to talk more about the play. With everything that happened with Daiki, it was easy to forget. So, I decided I'd go have lunch with her today.

I knock on the door to the room where I visited her at lunchtime before. When I do, I hear the sound of something shattering.

Worried, I push it open and say “L-Lilly? Is everything okay?”

When I open the door, I see someone I really didn't expect to see. It's Hanako, standing stockstill with eyes as wide as saucers and a broken tea cup at her feet. It looks like there was tea in it, too.

Lilly is seated at the table with her back to me, She gently says, “Ah…Nagisa. Thank you for coming by, but could you perhaps come another time?”

Hanako's face relaxes a little when Lilly says my name.

“U-um…yes, of course. Before I go, though…do you want help cleaning that up?”

Hanako relaxes a little more and nods slightly. She walks over to the cupboards in the room and pulls out some paper towels, which she hands me. Then she gets a small broom and dust pan.

She walks over to where the mess is and carefully picks up the large pieces of the cup and throws them away, before sweeping up the smaller pieces. Once her work is done, I start wiping up the spilled tea. I walk over to the trash and throw away the used paper towels before washing my hands.

As I wash my hands, Hanako goes over to the table and bows her head and I can just barely hear her say, “I-I'm really sorry, Lilly…I b-broke your cup”

Lilly smiles warmly at her, “It's nothing to worry about, Hanako. These things happen.” Then she says, “You're still here, right Nagisa?”

I turn around while drying my hands with a paper towel, “U-um yes, sorry. Just drying my hands and I'll go.”

Lilly looks very confused. Not something I've seen on her elegant features before. She looks like she's weighing whether to say something.

“Hanako, do you know Nagisa?”

She nods and then gets embarrassed about it. “Y-yes. We have t-talked a few times.”

This is probably the most relaxed I've ever seen Hanako. I'm glad the two of them have become friends.  

“Would it be okay for her to join us, Hanako?”

Hanako puts her right hand over the right side of her face. Then she looks at me and then back at Lilly. She hesitates but then says, “Y-yes.”

We all get settled at the table. I sit across from Lilly. Hanako sits on the same side as me but as far from me as possible, with her right side facing the wall.

“I must say, I didn't realize there was someone else you felt this comfortable with, Hanako.”

If she weren't blind, I think she'd see that Hanako isn't exactly comfortable. But I guess Daiki said she doesn't talk to anyone.

I think I see a hint of annoyance on her face for just a moment, “U-um, yes. W-we talked about the p-play.”

“That's right. She was in the library when I was looking for plays, and she suggested Living with Father . And she came to one of our dress rehearsals and gave me feedback.”

Lilly nods and smiles, “That's great Hanako. Well done. I'm proud of you.”

This time she looks a little more annoyed, but then it goes away and she smiles ever so slightly, “Th-thank you, Lilly.”

“Speaking of the play, it really was quite remarkable, Nagisa. I was impressed with all of the actors’ dialects, and the emotion you conveyed with your voices was…very moving.”

“Thank you. It means a lot to me that so many people enjoyed it.”

Lilly nods, “The performances were excellent and the subject matter is…something we can all relate to, I think.” For a moment Lilly's eyebrows knit together, “Family is important. And it is very hard to lose them.”

I nod, “Yes, I thought it was a beautiful story. I'm glad Hanako suggested it.”

Lilly nods, “Yes, she is quite well read. I've enjoyed her suggestions too.”

“A-are you going to be an actress?”

I'm a little startled at the question coming from Hanako. 

This is a question I really need to think about. I can join the same acting troupe as Ken and Chiyo, and now that they're together, I think she would be happy for me to go. But I'm not sure if it's what I want to do. I liked acting. But I don’t know if I love it. Everything with Daiki has made it harder for me to find the time to think about it.



Lilly laughs softly, “You've been quiet for quite a while. Hanako was apologizing in case you were upset by her question.”

I smile at Hanako, “Not upset. But…it was a very good question. I think…maybe I'll do that. But I'm not really sure. I need to figure that out.”

I'm in class but it's pretty hard to focus. Daiki is getting discharged from the hospital tomorrow and I'm very excited. Both because he is doing so much better and because it will be nice to spend time together somewhere other than the hospital.

As I'm leaving class for lunch, I'm surprised when Mr. Suzuki calls out to me.

“Furukawa, would you mind coming to the teacher's room this afternoon? Say around 4?”

I turn around and nod, “Y-yessir, I can do that.”

He's never asked me this before. I must be in trouble. Did he notice I was spacing out?

Maybe he’s mad I missed class to be with Daiki at the hospital?

“Ah, Furukawa. Please, have a seat.”

I'm in the teachers’ room for my meeting. I've been nervous about it since lunch. Mr. Suzuki has a chair next to his desk that I haven't seen before. I take a seat as he asked, still feeling unsure about why he asked me to come here. I clench my eyes shut.

Dorayaki .

“Would you like some tea? Or something else to drink?”

I shake my head and shift nervously in my chair.

Mr. Suzuki chuckles, “I know that look. But you're not in trouble, Furukawa. Quite the opposite, really. Try and relax.”

I open my eyes and look at him. He's smiling warmly as he often does. I let myself relax thanks to his words and demeanor.

“That’s better.” He clears his throat before continuing,  “So, as you know, I'm your homeroom teacher. And part of my responsibility is to help you decide what you'd like to do once you graduate. And it's almost time to start applying and taking exams. Have you given it any thought?”

I clench my eyes shut again.

This might be worse than being in trouble. I'm always so embarrassed that I'm older than my peers and so lost when it comes to this.

“N-not…too much. I am considering joining an acting troupe I was invited to join.”

Mr. Suzuki smiles, “Oh, that's wonderful! Your performance was a tour de force, so I'm not surprised.”

“Th-thank you, sir. But…something about doing that doesn't feel right to me. I don't think I love it enough.”

He nods, “Nothing wrong with that. What other options have you considered?”

“Well, my parents own a bakery in my hometown, I'll probably go back home and work there.”

He strokes his beard for a moment and nods, “It’s an admirable thing to have a family business. Do you like running a bakery?”

I nod, “I do. And I love my family. I'm glad my health is better, so I can be more helpful.”

“Then that certainly sounds like a good option. Have you considered university at all?”

I don't hesitate, “No.”

He chuckles, “It doesn't appeal to you, then?”

“I don't think I'm smart enough to keep on studying after high school.”

He raises his eyebrows and frowns, “Whoever gave you that idea?”

I shrug, “I've never been m-more than an average student. So, I guess my grades gave me that idea.”

He studies me for a moment, “It's true that many of your marks would be considered average. Especially on exams. But you my dear, are anything but average.”


He smiles, “You're a very gifted writer. One of the best I’ve taught.”

I blink several times, thinking that I must have heard him wrong.

He laughs wryly, “It’s probably my fault you don't know that. I’m not exactly timely about getting your papers back to you, am I?”

“Y-you…think I’m a good writer?” I ask, to confirm I’m not imagining this.

He nods, “Of course. Your written assignments for class have been exemplary. But what impresses me the most is your work in drama club.”

I feel my pride drain right out of me.

Well, that explains why he thinks I'm so great.

“Y-you…know I didn't write the play, right?”

He chuckles, “Yes, of course. I'm quite familiar with Living With Father. That's why I'm so impressed.

“I…I don't understand. Then you know I didn't write it.”

“Yes. But as I understand it, you reworked the play and made the father into a mother, right? You're responsible for all the rewrites?”

I nod slowly, still feeling very unsure I deserve his praise.

He puts his hand on my shoulder, “In some ways, rewriting a play as much as you did, but still making it feel like the original author's work is more impressive than writing a play from scratch. And you did an excellent job.”

I blink several times again, surprised by his praise. “Th-thank you, sir.”

He nods, “You're very welcome. So, you'll consider writing?”

I have really loved all the writing assignments in his class. I just didn't know he thought they were so good. And rewriting the play was hard but also really rewarding. I didn't realize I had done anything special, though. 

I smile at him, “I…I think I will really consider it. Now…that you mention it, I really did enjoy working on the script. And writing poems in your class. More than acting. More than working at the bakery. But until now I…somehow didn't think about the fact I could write for a career.”

He laughs, “Yes, you certainly can. And worse comes to worse, you can always become a teacher like me.” He chuckles, “Well, not ‘like me,’ I have a feeling you'd be a good deal more responsible.”

I smile at him, “Thank you so much, sir. This meeting was very helpful. You've been a very good teacher. Even if you are always late.”

He chuckles, “Why, thank you. Would you like me to get some information together for you about places you might consider applying?”

I nod, “I would.”

He grins, “Great. I'll get them to you soon.” He winks, “And not just ‘soon’ by my standards.”


It's time for my usual evening call with my parents. I'm a little nervous about what I have to tell them tonight. I'm just not sure how they will feel about this. I'm not entirely sure how I feel either, though. So talking to them will help.

After we exchange our usual greetings and small talk about the day. I take a deep breath and say, “My homeroom teacher thinks I'm good at writing…a-and suggested I consider going to university.”

My announcement is met with silence. I clench my eyes shut. I can almost see my dad scowling at me with crossed arms and his cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

Before too long, my mom replies in her usual upbeat tone,  “I think that sounds wonderful, Nagisa! I'm so proud.”

“Th-thank you. Um…what do you think, dad?”

He sighs and sounds more than a little dejected, “Is this because of that boy? He really is taking you away from me, isn't he?”

“N-no. Not really. I haven't even talked to him about it yet. I wanted to talk to you first. I haven't made a decision. I-it's okay if you need me to come and help at the bakery instead.”

My mother says, “Hang on just a moment, Nagisa.”


I hear them put the phone down, and I can tell they are talking. But I can't make anything out. After about a minute they pick up the phone again and my dad breaks out his serious voice, “Is this your dream, Nagisa?”

“I…I'm not sure. But…I think it could be. I really like writing. And I really like plays. More than almost anything. It would be…beautiful if I could write something someday that drama clubs perform.”

My mom says, “That sounds like a very good dream to me.”

My dad sighs, “Yes. It does. If that's what you want to do, we'll support you. Will you go to university far away from us?”

“Um…I don't know yet. I need to talk Daiki and my homeroom teacher about it.”

My dad sighs again, “This boy . Is he part of your dream, too?”

I feel my cheeks flush, and I am very thankful they can't see that, “H-he is, yes.”

“I suppose I'll accept him too, then. But whatever you do, you have to visit home a lot! And…make sure you write a role for your old man in your first big play, okay?”

“You're sure you don’t want to come home for a day or two to recuperate?”

Daiki sighs, “Yes, for the fifth time, mom. I'm sure.”

Daiki is getting discharged from the hospital in a few hours. His parents are here.

His mother frowns, “I guess there is a downside to this whole girlfriend thing.” She grins and looks at me, “Although I can see why'd you want this cutie taking care of you instead.”

My cheeks flush and I look away from her, “Um, I'll take good care of him.”

Mr. Matsuzaka responds, “We know you will.”

Daiki sighs, “You're all talking like I'm not here. I don't need that much taking care of to begin with.”

His outburst makes me and his mom giggle.

He's right. His activity has to be limited to help his bones heal, but he can do most stuff as long as he doesn't overdo it. But we all know how stubborn he is, so we're worried.


Daiki just got into his bed in his dorm room. Getting him there was painful for him. His ribs are especially painful when he's walking. It took a lot out of him. But at least now he's lying down. He looks happy to be in his dorm room.

Once he's settled, I find myself looking around his room in awe.

He laughs and lets out a pained grunt when he does. I frown at him, “Are you okay?”

He nods, “Laughing just hurts.”

“Why were you laughing?”

“Because you were cute. Just looking around the room like it was some amazing thing. I forgot you hadn't been here.”

Daiki's room isn't like any of the Yamaku dorms I've been to. It's twice the size, and he has a much larger bed, desk, and chair.

“Y-yeah. I mean, I never thought about the fact you'd need a special room. And furniture.” I practically have to climb to get into his chair and once I do my legs aren't even close to the ground. I kick my legs to emphasize that fact.

He laughs and then groans again, “God, I miss IV meds.”

I look through the bag of medication on his desk and pull out a bottle, “It's time for you to take your next dose anyway.”

He sighs, “I'm gonna fall asleep if I take that.”

“That's okay. You won't hurt if you do.” I grab a bottle of water we brought with us and bring him the pill.

“Yeah…but still. We're finally out of the hospital and we have privacy. But it's just like…a change of venue. I'm still stuck in bed.”

I frown as I hold out the pill, “I know. But…it won't be forever.”

He takes the pill and swallows it, “That's true. But I wish we could do something…romantic.”

“Well…we can be romantic even with you in bed, can't we?”

His cheeks flush and for a moment I'm not sure why. Then it hits me, and I feel my face burning as I look away.

“I-I didn't mean…that.”

He chuckles, “What did you mean?”

I look down at him lying in bed and my heart starts beating fast. I even feel a little lightheaded.

What's the big deal? We already did this once.

But I guess it was a spur of the moment thing, not something I thought about. 

I take a deep breath, like bringing in air will give me more courage. Then I smile and say, “This.”

I bend down, close my eyes, and put my lips on his. I apply a little pressure with them. I enjoy the warm feeling of his soft lips against mine. It's nice being so close to him.

This time I don't have to worry about hurting his lips. So it's a much better kiss.

He puts an arm around me, and I find I enjoy that contact. I reach my hand out and put it on his shoulder, careful to stay away from anywhere he might hurt. After a few minutes of this, I find I want to be closer.

I break the kiss and he gives me a goofy smile that makes me smile back. 

Just before I can suggest it he asks, “Will you take a nap with me?”

I nod and I get into the bed next to him. My heart starts beating even faster.

I've never been in a boy's bed before. Daiki has sat on my bed before, but that’s much different than this.

I lay on my side facing him, and he puts his arm around me and rests his hand on my back I scoot a little closer to him. 

At first my heart starts beating even faster, but then I find I feel very comfortable being this close with him.

My phone starts to vibrate. It pulls me out of a deep sleep. I feel confused and disoriented at first, but then smile when I see Daiki sleeping soundly next to me. 

My phone keeps buzzing and I'm worried it might wake him up. When I get it out, I feel a little nervous when I see who is calling me. The display on my phone says ‘Tomoya Okazaki.’”

I step out into the hall and answer, “Hello.”

He replies, “Hello there! How've ya been, Nagisa?”

“U-um good, how are you?”

“Good, good. I was just checking in again to see if you'd be back home this summer at all. Kotomi and I would love to see you.”

“Oh um…I probably won't. My boyfriend is having knee surgery, so I'll be in Sendai.”

Tomoya whistles, “Look at you, snagging yourself a boyfriend. My little Nagisa is all grown up!”

I sigh, “I should have known you'd say something silly about it.”

“Haha yep! You should have. Well, I hope his surgery goes well, and we'll see you some other time, okay?”

“Okay. Have a good summer. I'll let you know next time I'm back home. I want to see you guys too.”

“Sounds great, see ya, Nagisa.”

I hang up and exhale as I look down at my phone. I smile when I see the dango charm Daiki gave me. Then I go back into his room, and get in bed next to him with a smile on my face.

In just five months at Yamaku, I got my medical condition under control, made many wonderful friends, fell in love, and finally found a dream to aim for. I'm very glad I made myself walk up the hill on my first day.

That concludes the main story, but I do have three epilogues in the works. One will be at graduation, one will be 10 years later, and one will be several decades later. I'm hoping to have them up by the end of the year.

Thanks for reading!

My Stories
Yamaku: The Place Where Dreams come True (Ongoing) - Nagisa Furukawa transfers to Yamaku.
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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Re: Yamaku: The Place Where Dreams Come True - A Clannad Crossover - (Chapter 20, 10/22/2024)

Post by SilentM »

I know nothing of the source material, but this was wonderfully charming.

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Re: Yamaku: The Place Where Dreams Come True - A Clannad Crossover - (Chapter 20, 10/22/2024)

Post by guthrum06 »

SilentM wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2024 2:24 am

I know nothing of the source material, but this was wonderfully charming.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! It's impressive you stuck around when you don't know Nagisa. I guess to you she may as well have been an OC.

I highly, highly recommend CLANNAD. If you liked Katawa Shoujo, good chance you'll love it, too. They have very similar tones. Fun and cozy and sweet, but also heartwrenching at times. And Nagisa is even disabled, more or less.

My Stories
Yamaku: The Place Where Dreams come True (Ongoing) - Nagisa Furukawa transfers to Yamaku.
Learning to Run (Complete) - Emi x Hisao in their 30s
Yamaku: the Next Generation (Complete) - Emi and Hisao's daughter goes to Yamaku.
Oil & Vinegar - Mutou and Nurse buddy one-shot

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