Coffee Deficiency Disorder
The gang returns to Yamaku to tackle their greatest challenge of all: school responsibilities!
PoV: Hisao
The infernal sound of my alarm clock drags me kicking and screaming from the wonderous land of subconscious into the realm of sleepless reality. Is it morning already? I need coffee.
I reluctantly pull myself up and rub the sleep from my eyes, them slowly adjusting to the morning light. Yeah, it’s definitely morning. Though, in fairness, it’s been morning since we got back to Sendai. We got back around… 4:00, I think? The only reason I’m even awake at the moment is because we managed to get a little sleep on the train. Apparently, my shoulder makes for a very comfortable pillow, at least, according to Hanako. Once we boarded, she made it a stunning 3 minutes before passing out. I vaguely remember having a conversation about something or another with Lilly while Hana slept. I swear, that girl could sleep through a typhoon. I need coffee.
Well, no use in delaying the inevitable any longer. I’d better get going before I’m late, or worse, I bump into Kenji in the bathroom and have to suffer a lecture on the feminist plot to paint the Moon pink or something as utterly ridiculous. God, I’m so tired… I need coffee.
Looks like all that rush was for nothing. Half of the class isn’t even here yet, and the other half is only here in the physical sense. This is all despite the fact that the bell rang over 5 minutes ago, though that’s pretty inconsequential right now, since Mutou is among those who are absent. Hanako was barely able to muster the energy to wave at me when I entered the room, which unfortunately, did not go unnoticed by the ever-diligent Student Council President and her human bullhorn who is currently grinning at me. Oh, no, of all days, not today… maybe I’ll be lucky and they’ll just-
“Well, well, well! Isn’t this interesting~!”
“Welcome back, Hicchan~! Fun-filled weekend, I presume?” says Misha with a level of energy that, if I’m being honest, I’m envious of at the moment. Of course, I know the question is coming from Shizune, and that means it’s designed to squeeze as much information out of me as humanly possible.
“Hi, Misha, Shizune. How was your vacation?” I don’t have the energy to sustain a full-frontal assault from the dynamic duo right now, but maybe, I can stall them long enough until Mutou gets here.
“Perfectly a-de-qu-ate, Hicchan, but that’s not what we’re here to discuss~!”
Or not…
“I have it on good authority that you, Satou, and Ikezawa over there arrived pre-pos-ter-ously late this morning! That’s right, a little birdie told us, Hicchan~! Aaaand~! What’s even more interesting is what she saw you doing!”
I can’t catch a glimpse of Hanako from where I’m sitting, but I can imagine she’d rather be anywhere but here after hearing that. I’m so sorry, Hana. Well, the secret’s out then, not even… five hours since we got back, and people know about us. Honestly, I’m more impressed than upset; who’s up at four in the morning, on a school night no less, spying on people kissing goodnight? Not only that, to then have the time and energy to inform the Student Council just, what, three hours later afterward takes… something. I’m not quite sure what word to use right now. Still need that coffee.
“And who, pray tell, is this ‘birdie’ of yours whom has provided you this information?” She said ‘she’ so it must have been a girl, one who knows us well enough at least to recognize us, even in the dark.
“Ah-ah-ah! The Student Council never reveals its sources, Hicchan~! Besides, Rin isn’t really a bird, she- ooop!” Misha’s eyes practically pop out of her head as she covers her mouth in shock, meanwhile, Shizune pinches the bridge of her nose and exhales deeply. Well, that was easy. I doubt Rin is the kind to spread rumors for the sake of it, no doubt that Shizune somehow coerced it out of her (which is a miracle considering Rin is… well, Rin). Well, no sense in denying it. Besides, it’s not like we wanted it to be a secret or anything like that.
“Fascinating. To answer your question, yes; Hanako and I are dating.”
Before Misha or Shizune can respond, our attention is drawn to the surprisingly energetic Miki Miura, who’s just entered the classroom with the not-surprisingly unenergetic Suzu Suzuki.
“Haha, yes! You hear that, Suzu? You owe me five!”
“Superheroes don’t shake their sidekicks down for cash,” responds her teal-haired companion. Huh?
“I’m off duty! Pay up!”
“Later. Too tired.”
Err, OK? So, anyway… What was I talking about? Oh right, Misha and Shizune.
“Whaha~! Well, good for you two, Hicchan! However, I must remind you that such public displays of affection are usually frowned upon. Awww, c’mon, Shicchan! It’s not like anyone saw!”
“OK ALRIGHT! Jeez!” That probably came out a bit louder than I intended, but I had to stop her before the whole damn floor heard her and got the wrong idea. I’m really happy that Naomi and Natsume aren’t here yet, I can’t imagine Hanako would even consider asking to join the Newspaper Club if they heard all of… that.
“Look, we’re not looking to become the center of attention or anything, OK? We’re just a normal couple. Could you just… try to keep it down?”
Shizune gives me an analytical look before adjusting her glasses and nodding, then signing something to Misha, who gives me a thumbs up. That’s a good thing, I think. I hope.
“You know, Hicchan~ I always thought that if things didn’t work out with Lilly, you’d go after Emi! Rumor has it she had a bit of a crush on you, and she’s a great kisser~!”
“That’s… flattering, Misha, but-”
Wait, WHAT?!
“Um… how do you…?”
“Heheee, use your imagination, Hisao~.”
Well, this has been an… interesting morning. First, my relationship gets outed, then I overhear that Miura and Suzuki placed bets on my love life, and now I find out that Emi and Misha… well, it doesn’t matter. They’re my friends, I think, and I’m not the type to break friendships over that. However, I cannot allow her to get away with teasing me without due retribution.
“I’ll take your word for it, Shiina. Anyway, whatever the case, I’m happy with Hanako. Guess- oh.”
My thought is interrupted as Mutou enters the room, looking more disheveled than usual. Damn! I had a really good comeback, too. He somehow appears to be even more exhausted than we are, as impossible as that may seem, yet still manages to engage into full lecture mode as soon as he drops his belongings on the desk.
“Ah… now everyone… exams. Get ready for them. Now, onto today’s lesson…”
How enlightening. My riveting conversation with Misha cut short, I steel myself for what I can just feel is going to be a very long day…
The chimes of the bell are probably the most soothing sound I’ve heard all day. Thank God, it’s over. With classes done for today, I wonder if Hanako would like to go somewhere or perhaps study together for the exams? I’d ask, but she’s currently talking to Naomi and Natsume about, presumably, joining the Newspaper Club. In that case, I’ll-
And there goes that idea.
“That’s unusual. What’s up, Shiina?”
“Aw, c’mon, don’t be like that! Fine, fine, Hicchan. I forgot to ask you earlier, tell me about the trip!”
That’s really unusual. Since when is Misha interested in… oh. I see what’s going on here. I have to admit, that was clever; a true disciple of Shizune, this one.
“Nice try, but you’re not getting a detailed play-by-play of how Hanako and I got together.”
“Awwww~! You’re no fun, Hicchan. Not even a little bit?”
She’s never going to stop, is she? Maybe I’ll throw her a bone just to get her off my back for a while.
“Later, OK? I’ll tell you all about it some other time, but right now, I want to focus on the exams and enjoy the little time I have left before them.”
Misha’s… everything drops considerably at my mention of the exams, I guess she’s not as prepared as she’d like. Then again, who is? Just as quickly as it left, her energy returns.
“Fine, fine! You better keep your promise, Hicchan~!
“Promise? I didn’t-”
I feel an overwhelming sense of dread, as if I’ve just stepped into the mother of all traps. Suddenly, the exams don’t seem so worrisome.
The soothing sound of my girlfriend’s voice brings me back to reality. When I turn to look at her, I notice the beaming smile on her face. I don’t need words to confirm it, so I just offer her a hug, which she accepts.
“Congrats, Hana. I knew they’d let you in.”
“W-well, almost. I still have some forms to fill out and some other things… but it’s a start.”
“And that’s worthy of celebration! Wanna head to the Shanghai for a bite?”
“Um, Hisao… aren’t you… broke?”
… Fuck. Hanako picks up at my forlorn side-glance, but rather than the usual stammering apology, she lets out a small giggle.
“I’ll cover it, don’t worry.”
“Hana, I can’t-”
“Shhh…” She silences me with a finger to my lips. After making sure I won’t protest, she removes it. Alright, I guess it’s OK, this time…
“Then… meet me at the gates in 15 minutes? I want to get changed.”
She nods, gives me a quick peck on the cheek, and heads off. That was… new. Hanako is blossoming more and more every day, which I’m very happy to see, but also a bit nervous about. I hope I can keep up.
PoV: Hanako
Phew! I’m glad he took that well. I was afraid I’d been a bit too forward, but thankfully, he accepted my proposition without much protest. Hisao is very kind to offer, and even though we’re celebrating my almost joining of the Newspaper Club, I’d like to treat him to something, for once. True to his word, he arrives just in time and dressed in his new shirt.
I can’t help but wonder how long it’ll take him to find out what it says. I’m fairly decent at English, but having Lilly there to confirm it was all the reassurance I needed. Truth be told, it’s a miracle neither of us burst out laughing at the time. Hehehe.
“What’s so funny?”
“N-nothing! J-just, ah… remembering something.”
“Uh, OK, then? Shall we?”
We make our way down the hill and into town, chatting all the way. Most of our conversation is in regard to the Newspaper Club and what my responsibilities will be, at least, preliminarily. Naomi and Natsume were very nice and open to the idea of me joining, which was honestly a surprise. No doubt they must have heard all the rumors and gossip that has been spread about me over the years; the fact they were willing to overlook it all and accept me into their circle is very reassuring. It… feels nice, meeting people. First Lilly, then Hisao, now Naomi and Natsume. I never thought I’d think that way again, but… I’m so glad that, perhaps, I was wrong.
Before I realize it, we’re standing in front of the Shanghai. Hisao makes an exaggerated ‘ladies first’ gesture and beckons me inside. Oh, gods, this man…
As we enter, we spot Yuuko at the front counter, but something isn’t right. She looks terrible. Yuuko has always been a little… scatterbrained, but she always finds a way to brighten up eventually. Right now, though? I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone, other than myself on a few occasions, look this dejected and tired. She hasn’t even noticed that we’re here, despite clearly being in her line of sight.
“Huh?! Oh, hi, Hanako, Hisao. Welcome to the Shanghai. Yes, we’re open. Please do not stand on the tables.”
Um… what? What on Earth was that about? Yuuko seems completely lost, I don’t think even she knows what she just said. How should I approach this? I remember something my therapist once said about-
“Is everything OK, Yuuko? You look… really tired.”
… Never mind, then. Ever the diplomat, Hisao addresses the issue directly. While I prefer him to be direct and honest with me, I have to recognize that not everyone will… appreciate it the same way I do. He does look to be genuinely concerned though, so I can’t fault him too much.
“Oh! Yeah, I’m sorry! I did it again, didn’t I? My boss told me to keep it together but it was just such a sudden rush and so chaotic and they just kept piling on orders and screaming and-”
“Whoa, whoa! OK, how about you start from the beginning. Slowly.”
“Sorry, sorry! It’s just that a couple of days ago, there was a sudden downpour, and a ton of kids showed up out of nowhere. It was such a disaster, they just kept shouting and jumping around and catcalling some poor girls from the school…”
That sounds absolutely horrid. I thank every deity I know that I was on the other side of the country when this transpired; I don’t even want to imagine what would have happened if we had been here.
“This place was a warzone by the time they left. It’s been days and I still haven’t recovered…”
“Damn. Sorry you had to go through all that, Yuuko.”
“It’s OK, I’ve survived worse.2 Oh! I’m sorry! Let me get you a table!”
Just like that, Yuuko leads us to an empty booth near the back. Once we’ve settled in, we place our orders and Yuuko heads to the back. Hisao and I make brief small talk before she returns with our meals, which she’s barely managing to balance in her hands before-
… she slams them on the table. By some miracle, nothing breaks. I’m not exactly the prime example of grace and poise, but I find it surprising that Yuuko can hold this job down, what with her… ah… klutziness. Based on the admittedly limited information she’s let slip out, the manager of the Shanghai doesn’t seem like the most patient of individuals. Then again, doesn’t everyone complain about their boss?
“Say, Lilly’s not with you guys today? Or did you come up with an excuse to be alone together?”
Oh, that’s right; Yuuko doesn’t know that Hisao and I have started dating. Well, there’s no need to keep it from her.
“Actually, Hisao and I are… I’m his… h-he’s my b-boyfriend.”
“Oh yeah, I knew that already!”
“Wait, what? How?” asks Hisao. Admittedly, I’m curious, too. Lilly hasn’t been here, and the only other people who know are… oh.
“Guess who~!” says the all-too-familiar voice of Misha, whose head has just popped out from the booth behind ours. I knew it. So much for peace and quiet…
“Hi, Hicchan, Hanachan~!”
‘Hanachan’? Oh, gods… I suppose it could be worse. Hisao turns towards her with an expression that just screams ‘what have I done to deserve this?’
“Say, Hicchan, I like your new… wai… BWHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! AHAHAHAHA~!”
Hisao slowly turns to me, then to Yuuko, but neither of us has any idea what’s got Misha so riled up. This is the loudest I’ve heard her laugh in… ever, actually. What could be so funny that-
Oh. Oh, no. Nonononono. Suddenly, I remember that Misha had mentioned her plans to study in America and that she’d even practiced English with Lilly before her and Shizune had their falling out. She knows. She knows and she’s going to tell Hisao and I’m completely screwed-
“Jeez, Misha, what is up with you?” says Hisao between Misha’s loud bursts of glass-shattering laughter.

- Consolidation Shanghai Misha Shirt.jpg (744.43 KiB) Viewed 6198 times
“Yyyyhhhahahahaha, your shshshshahahahahaha!” She can’t get a word out, but gestures at the left side of her chest; the equivalent of where the offending text is located on Hisao’s shirt. Don’t say it don’t say it don’t say it don’t say it don’t say it don’t say it-
“Oookay, then…” Hisao slowly turns his attention away from her and begins to eat his meal. Misha slinks back into her booth as her laughter dies down, presumably to relay what just happened to Shizune, who I’m assuming is there with her and has no idea what just happened.
I can’t bear to look at him right now, not because I’m ashamed or embarrassed… well, maybe a bit of the latter, but because I just know that he’ll read my expression, and the truth will come out. I’m starting to think this was a seriously bad idea. Damn you for convincing me otherwise, Lilly…
We finish our meals, I pay, we get the hell out of the Shanghai before Misha has a chance to corner us. Rather than returning to school, we decide to head to the park in town for a breather. I suddenly feel very tired. We find a vacant bench near some shade, my head immediately landing on Hisao’s shoulder as we sit.
“I’m glad to be out of there.”
“Yeah, sorry, Hana. Didn’t think our dinner would come with a side of punctured eardrums.”
I let out a tired but genuine laugh. Hisao is a pretty funny person when he wants to be. This is quite reassuring, it’s just what I need to decompress after that whirlwind of unpleasant thoughts from earlier.
“It’s… OK. It was still a fun time.” I mean that, I truly do. Spending time with Hisao, just the two of us, is new and refreshing. Of course, there was the occasional chess game or silent reading session in the library, but they’re not the same as this. I wonder, is this what ‘dating’ is like? I like it. Very much.
We stay in the park and enjoy the afternoon air for a while, Hisao eventually checking his watch and gently tapping me on the side.
“Ready to head back up?”
Hands clasped together, we make our way back up the hill and past the gates of Yamaku. Along the way, the realization dawned on me that exams are just around the corner. This means that Hisao and I will be preoccupied for a while, so this is probably one of, if not the last social outing we’ll have together until they’re over and done with. It only slightly dampens my mood, though; I know that we’ll have plenty of time for a proper ‘first date’ afterward.
Reaching the entrance to the female dorms, we kiss and part ways for the night, Hisao keeping an eye on me until I’m safely inside. I love that man, more than I’ll ever be able to express with words. In that case, I hope my actions can do my feelings justice.
PoV: Hisao
And there she goes. God, I love that woman. Looking up at the sky, I notice the slightest change in its color. That means I better get a move on if I want to make it on time. Time for some detective work.
If I remember correctly, the Newspaper Club is right around… here! I recall that Hanako had mentioned they had computers here, which is exactly what I need. I’m sure there’s probably a computer lab or something I could have checked, but one, I don’t know where that is, and two, I don’t know anyone who does. I kind of stopped exploring the school after the festival.
Luckily, Naomi is still here, though she looks like she’s just about to wrap up and head to the dorms. I hope I’m not intruding too much. Truth be told, I’m starting to have second thoughts about this. I don’t really know her nor Natsume, but I’m at a loss for options. Right now, this is the only hope for completing my quest: I need to find out what it says on this shirt.
Steeling myself, I make my presence known.
“Oh, hello, Hisao!”
“Ah, hi, Naomi. Good to see you,” I manage… and I’m all out of things to say. Crap.
“Oh, don’t tell me you’re planning on joining the Newspaper Club, too? We’re on a roll!”
“Aha, no, sorry. Actually, I was hoping to ask you a favor.”
“Yeah, see, I don’t really know who or where else to ask about this, but… I’m hoping one of your computers has some sort of translation software or something I can use.”
“Heh, ah… you do know there’s a website for that now, right? You didn’t have to come all this way for that.”
“I was hoping for something a bit more… sophisticated.”
“Oooh, listen to you! You sure you don’t wanna join? We could use someone who uses the big words.”
“I appreciate your offer but must humbly decline your proposition.”
“Gods, I hope you don’t talk like that to your girlfriend. Speaking of which…”
Her expression morphs into a mischievous look, one I’m all too familiar with at this point. Oh no, not another one…
“What are your intentions with my prospect editor, Mr. Nakai?”
I am so not in the mood for this… calm down, Hisao, she’s just being friendly. No need to burn bridges needlessly, just play along. Besides, if Hanako is going to ‘work’ here, I should make the effort to get along with her new friends.
“You have my sincerest assurances that my intentions with Ms. Ikezawa are pure of heart and noble in execution. Now, may I please use your computer?”
And just like that, the Shizune-like interrogation persona shatters and she bursts into laughter.
“Hahahaha! Sure man, knock yourself out. There’s a translation software that should get you sorted out in no time. It’s easy enough to figure out, you don’t even need an English keyboard.”
How convenient, and incidentally, exactly what I need. Naomi gestures with her thumb at one of the computers and I get to work. Alright, let’s see here… English to Japanese, and…
<<M… a…>>
The text that appears on screen is causing two clashing reactions in my brain. On the one hand, I want to laugh like a madman. On the other, I feel so embarrassed that I want to just disappear for a few days. ‘マスターオブロマンス’.
I utter the words out loud in a mix of resigned admission and genuine enjoyment. Naomi turns to look at me with a raised eyebrow, then comes closer to read the screen. Once she does, she turns to look at me with a mix of amusement and worry.
“That’s all you needed to translate? Three words?”
“Um… yes?”
“But that’s super easy! I thought it was, I dunno, like a big paper or something! Jeez man, the exams are in a couple of days! There’s an English one in there, you know!”
Thanks for that grim reminder… right now, though, I have something far more important I need to deal with.
“Yeeaaah. Listen, I gotta go. Thanks for the help, Naomi. I’ll see you in class.”
I stand up and head out, Naomi barely having the time to react and say goodbye before I’m out the door. Alright, Hanako Ikezawa…
I make my way back out to the courtyard and then to the girls’ dorm building, where I run into Misha.
“Hicchan? What are you-”
I raise my finger and keep walking towards my destination, with Misha now in tow. Surprisingly, though, she’s being uncharacteristically quiet with her speech.
“Hisao, wait, hold on! Don’t be mad at Hanachan, it was just a joke…”
Once I reach the hallway that houses Hanako’s room, Misha stops following me and just watches from behind the corner. Good, this will make things easier.
Knock Knock Knock
After a few seconds, Hanako answers the door, clad in her nightgown and looking a bit worried. It’s taking me every bit of energy to keep my composure, but this’ll be worth it.
“Hisao? What’s wrong?”
Without a word, I gently cup her cheek and kiss her deeply. I can hear a faint cry of surprise from her, but she quickly reciprocates my affections and eases into things. After a small while, we part.
“W-wow… w-what was that for?”
“Can’t I kiss my girlfriend?”
“Of course you can!” She blurts out, her cheeks flashing crimson at the sudden outburst. Once she calms herself, she continues.
“It was just… so sudden and… unexpected.”
“Eh, it suits me. After all, I am the ‘Master of Romance’, right?”
And there it is, the moment I’ve been waiting for. Hanako doesn’t utter a single sound, but her facial expression speaks volumes. Shock, embarrassment, fear, relief; they all flash through her face within seconds, eventually settling on a look similar to the one I felt when I first read those words on the computer screen. Mission accomplished.
“G’night, Hisao…” she says as she slowly closes the door to her room.
Hanako’s face is as red as tomatoes, but she’s smiling from ear to ear. This all-too-familiar scene playing out again brings a smile to my face, as well. All is right with the world.
“Love you, Hana!”
I can hear the muffled and exaggerated groans coming from inside her room. Good, she heard me… and probably so did the rest of the floor. Ooops. Eh, oh, well.
Satisfied, I turn on my heels and head down the same hall I came. Misha is still here, dumbfounded and, amazingly, lost for words at the scene she just witnessed. Before she can say anything, I look at her and utter just a single word:
1 Pseud-Pseudo Suzu Route by ScissorLips (Psu-Psu Suzu is best Suzu)
2 Like fucking Kenji.
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Bonus 1: Mini Rin PoV
It’s late. I’m tired. There’s no yellow or blue or orange or red in the sky at this hour. Why is that? Why is black the absence of light but if you mix all paints you get black? If all light makes white then why isn’t the sky-
Oh hey it’s Hisao. And Lilly. And Hanako the library girl. It’s late. How come they aren’t tired? I’m tired. Why is Hisao coming to the girls’ dorms? I like his new green, it’s very Hisao. Hisao green. There’s no guards around. That’s weird. Usually there’s guards and I can see them from my window but I can’t right now because they’re not there.
Oh. Hisao and Hanako are kissing. And they stopped. Lilly and Hanako are coming up the steps but Hisao is going to the boys’ dorms. Bye Hisao. You need sleep. Me too.
Tomorrow I have to talk to the Student Council about Nomiya’s gallery thing. I don’t know if I want to. Maybe I should do it before class so that I can say I did it. Yes. Yes. I should sleep now.
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Bonus 2: Hanako’s Non-Canon Thoughts
(Never really intended to have a Hana PoV here, I just thought this was funny.)
“I have it on good authority that you, Satou, and Ikezawa over there arrived pre-pos-ter-ously late this morning! That’s right, a little birdie told us, Hicchan!~ Aaaand!~ What’s even more interesting is what she saw you doing!”
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck-
“Haha, yes! You hear that, Suzu? You owe me five!”
Oh, thank the gods, something else. Phew, good, maybe their conversation will be enough to steer Misha away from-
“Whaha!~ Well, good for you two, Hicchan! However, I must remind you that such public displays of affection are usually frowned upon. Awww, c’mon, Shicchan! It’s not like anyone saw!”
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Bonus 3: Alternate (Depreciated) Misha Convo
(Yeeeaaah, no. They’re not at the point for this level of friendly jabbery quite yet, even with Hisao as mentally exhausted as he is. Also, does Misha even know what quippy means?)
“I’ll take your word for it, Shiina. Anyway, whatever the case, I’m happy with Hana. Guess that means you’ll get Emi’s kisses all for yourself.”
WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SAY?! Misha looks completely stunned at my words, but her open mouth slowly forms into a wide grin. Thank God, she took it well.
“Ohoho-ho!~ When did you get so quippy, Hicchan? You’ve been hanging around Lilly too much, I think! Wahahahaha!”
Author’s Notes
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Hey Alex, this is your author notes speaking! You know what’s a fan-fuckin’-tastic idea? Knowing how hard it is for you to write for Lilly and deciding to write for RIN TEZUKA! BRILLIANT! Now I can say that I’ve challenged myself and written for the hardest character in all of KS. I’ll get around to treating myself and writing a Kenji scene eventually because I deserve easy writing.
Anyways, this scene was originally called “Back to School” but that’s so dumb and generic that I decided to name it after a condition that does not exist, and you can’t convince me otherwise. Halfway through I realized I’d need to somehow explain how Rin of all people somehow “spread the rumor” that Hisao and Hanako are dating, so I cooked up that mini Rin PoV in like 20 minutes. I’m going to declare that it’s ambiguous enough for it to work and make sense.
So this is Hanasao’s technical first date since they became official. Neither them nor I will count it as a “true” first date though, saving that for later, wink wink. Truly a master of romance moment to have her pay for you, Hisao
I juggled ideas like going to the park or the woods behind the school (get your mind out of the gutter), but settled for the Shanghai plus the park so I could fit in more stuff without it getting too bloated. Up next is the “scar” scene, hoo boy. Big one.
Also, I went back and forth between “Hanachan” and “Hacchan” before settling on the former. I think it sounds nice and, like Sharp-O said, “if you exclusively use the first two letters of a name for nicknames, you're gonna overlap eventually.”
“My headcanon is she’d call her bacon irl” - Tomas