Could you?...In real life?

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Re: Could you?...In real life?

Post by brythain »

Downix wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:51 am
Mirage_GSM wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2018 11:16 am
Downix wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2018 2:39 am
Don't worry, that's not because of you. It's just because Monopoly is a shitty game :-)
Them's fighting words!!
I think all your quotes are in the wrong order.
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
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Re: Could you?...In real life?

Post by RaginFro »

If they were likely to be as interested in me as they were with Hisao I would not have had as many issues as Hisao did with misunderstandings and being blind curtain situations.

That aside I would have most likely be interested in either Hanako or Lilly romantically. The rest I would be attracted to but we would not share enough interests for me to see them as anything more than friendly acquaintances.

Being Hanako and Lilly's friend would have been cake for me but romance would have been much more difficult for me as I was a coward. The second things became more than friendly I am sure I would have became quiet. If I had the time to fight past that I am sure I would have done much better than Hisao in many of the situations.

I think I would have told Hanako I was interested in her before her birthday (who knows if that would have helped or not). With Lilly I am sure I would have asked her to stay way before Hisao did because I think I am more selfish than him.

I was not great approching girls in HS but with a smaller school and more opportunity to befriend these girls anything could have happened.
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Re: Could you?...In real life?

Post by b12c2018 »

YutoTheOrc wrote: Mon May 23, 2016 10:53 pm
As for the thread topic:
1) I'd want to get with Emi, but I'd never have the balls to stay out of her affairs and not judge her
2) Get along swimmingly with Hanako, but stick her in the friend zone
3) Hopefully get together with Lilly and she would hopefully smarten my former self up before I did in Uni
4) Have a decent friendship/rivalry with Shizune, especially when it come to board games
5)Avoid Rin and get annoyed by her
6)Almost certainly be best friends with Misha :lol:
Let me contribute a little:
1) Emi: Not boasting myself or anything, but since the scene "Detached", when they started to have problems, I had been yelling at the game, "Please, idiot, say 'I love you' to Emi. It's the only way to solve the problem!" All the way until "Saving Throw", when I found that the idiot finally spoke the three words that broke through Emi. But, yeah, I don't like stubborn girls, so I would still have to be careful not to bump into her walls.
2) Hanako: Same, friend zone. She is too fragile for me to touch.
3) Lilly: I made all the correct choices, and I would have chased her to the airport too.
4) Shizune: Definitely refuse to cheat against her. I would have taken more initiative though, given that she is the only one that Hisao formally confessed to her first. I would have chased her more. Maybe because she is my favorite girl. I am pretty confident that if I were Hisao, I would have gone more aggressively and would surely bring her back home.
5) Rin: Cannot communicate with her.
6) Misha: Same, but definitely no cheating. Cheating hurts.

"I lost so much when I came to Yamaku. I was... depending on you, more than I ever thought I did... After losing my entire life, and everyone I'd known, the thought of losing you, as well... I love you, Hanako. I love you so much, that the thought of losing you frightened me so much..." -- Scene Adulthood

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Re: Could you?...In real life?

Post by HarvestmanMan »

I may have mentioned this before but my girlfriend of 5 years (going on 6) has 22q deletion syndrome. It's a genetic disorder with the most obvious effects being a cleft palate, distinctive facial features (such as a small mouth), learning disabilities, chronic exhaustion, and in her case, lots of breathing problems. I was only around for one of her surgeries but I know how relieved she was to be done with them for a while.

We broke up last week since we had become something closer to good friends rather than boyfriend and girlfriend. Sometimes it was difficult communicating with her, as if we spoke two different languages. She isn't stupid by any means but she does process information a lot differently. There were various other physical differences which I'm not sure whether or not they were related to 22q. Anxiety was a huge issue as well, one which we never really worked out unfortunately.

So, been there done that. It's been forever since I took a look at KS but the theme of pandering to someone's disability versus accommodating it was a very real thing at some points. Not really sure what else to say apart from that.
Last edited by HarvestmanMan on Tue Apr 27, 2021 11:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Could you?...In real life?

Post by OtakuNinja »

HarvestmanMan wrote: Tue Apr 27, 2021 11:39 am I may have mentioned this before but my girlfriend of 5 years (going on 6) has Q22 deletion syndrome. It's a genetic disorder with the most obvious effects being a cleft palate, distinctive facial features (such as a small mouth), learning disabilities, chronic exhaustion, and in her case, lots of breathing problems. I was only around for one of her surgeries but I know how relieved she was to be done with them for a while.

We broke up last week since we had become something closer to good friends rather than boyfriend and girlfriend. Sometimes it was difficult communicating with her, as if we spoke two different languages. She isn't stupid by any means but she does process information a lot differently. There were various other physical differences which I'm not sure whether or not they were related to Q22. Anxiety was a huge issue as well, one which we never really worked out unfortunately.

So, been there done that. It's been forever since I took a look at KS but the theme of pandering to someone's disability versus accommodating it was a very real thing at some points. Not really sure what else to say apart from that.
I'm sorry to hear that. You seem to be taking things fairly well so that's something I guess. I hope you can get through this and find someone special to share life with soon again.
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Re: Could you?...In real life?

Post by HarvestmanMan »

OtakuNinja wrote: Tue Apr 27, 2021 2:36 pm
HarvestmanMan wrote: Tue Apr 27, 2021 11:39 am I may have mentioned this before but my girlfriend of 5 years (going on 6) has Q22 deletion syndrome. It's a genetic disorder with the most obvious effects being a cleft palate, distinctive facial features (such as a small mouth), learning disabilities, chronic exhaustion, and in her case, lots of breathing problems. I was only around for one of her surgeries but I know how relieved she was to be done with them for a while.

We broke up last week since we had become something closer to good friends rather than boyfriend and girlfriend. Sometimes it was difficult communicating with her, as if we spoke two different languages. She isn't stupid by any means but she does process information a lot differently. There were various other physical differences which I'm not sure whether or not they were related to Q22. Anxiety was a huge issue as well, one which we never really worked out unfortunately.

So, been there done that. It's been forever since I took a look at KS but the theme of pandering to someone's disability versus accommodating it was a very real thing at some points. Not really sure what else to say apart from that.
I'm sorry to hear that. You seem to be taking things fairly well so that's something I guess. I hope you can get through this and find someone special to share life with soon again.
Thanks. It helps that we were able to part on good terms. I guess this is the "neutral" ending for her route, ha ha.
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Re: Could you?...In real life?

Post by cerebralpolicy »

This is a really haunting topic, it's taken a while to post in here. I genuinely have no idea, but such a school would have been a godsend for my own self-esteem. In grade eight I had my first breakdown, severe sleeping issues. I ended up in a psych ward with crippling anxiety. It took me until Grade 11 to get back into school, but I never had much dating success. Had a breakdown again in Grade 12 due to a falling out with my a close friend, absolute mess. It would have been different in a school full of people like myself... I can't say I would end up with anyone, at least not necessarily the five routes given to Hisao. Honestly the Newspaper Club seems like what I would have gravitated to. I would be too caught up in feeling somewhere I belonged for the first month.
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Re: Could you?...In real life?

Post by MagicalMelancholy »

Well first I'd be super duper happy about being a cis man because that means I don't have to spend thousands on transitioning now! But I'd probably still have to spend a lot in medical bills and well, I still have a scar on my chest either way.

Actually I just wanted to make that joke. The rest of my response assumes I was always Hisao Nakai but with my personality because I don't feel like putting in the effort for a "I reincarnated as a harem protagonist" scenario.

I think I'd befriend Lilly and Hanako since they're more chill, and I do like reading. Haven't played the game in a while so I don't remember exactly how their routes go, but if it's anything like "Hisao is the one to confess", I'm just gonna end up friendzoning myself forever because that's pretty much what I did through high school. Lilly is the closest to my type from back then so I'd probably crush on her and end up coping with not confessing like "Well she ended up in Scotland anyway so it wouldn't have worked out ;-;".

There's a small chance of me forming an acquaintanceship with Shizune over the fact she has Risk (it would probably reawaken the Civ Addict part of me that had been dormant for years at that point), but I had a lower annoyance threshold back in my Senior year of high school than I do now so that probably wouldn't have happened (I don't really like it when people are pushy, and Misha is loud so that wouldn't have helped matters at all). I'd probably agree to help her the first time she asked if I had nothing better to do though.

Who cares how intoxicated I am, if it means I can dream.
Who cares how mad I become, if it means I can wake up from this nightmare.

(From Len'en ~ Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle, Scoundrel Team vs Para)

I'm not actually that depressed dw, I've just really wanted to use that as an edgy forum signature for a while and this place is actually active. He/Him and my arms hurt.

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Re: Could you?...In real life?

Post by nl4real »

Lol, no, my high school self isn't making it to the roof with Kenji, much less into a relationship.

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