Flutter Bonus Levels (One-Shots) - All-Out Attack (18+) [21/7/24]


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Re: Flutter Bonus Levels (One-Shots) - Okiagari [30/11/23]

Post by Map217 »

All these bonus level chapters have been great! I've really enjoyed getting to see the experiences of all these other characters in the story. Really looking forward to the next chapter and Rika's return though, she certainly missed a lot while she was out.

Keep up the great work!

I'm a bit late to all this huh?
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Re: Flutter Bonus Levels (One-Shots) - Okiagari [30/11/23]

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Damn, I sure hope I will never have a doctor like Rika's mom... And she did that not once but twice!

"Sir, I regret to have to inform you that there have been complications with the birth of your daughter... As a consequence she did not start breathing... until the nurse slapped her on the behind. Also your wife is dead... Wait a moment, I have to get this... Yes? Yes, Of course, see you then, love you, bye!... Where was I? Oh yes, your wife is dead-tired after the ordeal, but she'd like to see you.. Why are you looking at me that way? No, stay away from me! HELP!!!"

Joking aside, that's not how doctors are trained to deliver a medical diagnosis to relatives.

Also, I don't know if you've ever been to an ICU... I had the displeasure once, and it's nothing like a regular hospital visit, with having to wear gloves and a medical... hasp? is that what they are called? Never needed that word ever before... Anyway, you're certainly not allowed to bring plushies :-( Not sure about being allowed to even touch the patient, but that might vary on a case by case basis.

Anyway, the medical stuff aside, those were really great additions to the main story - and it feels as if more happened in those two or three days than in the two or three months before that. :-) Though that might also be because of being able to read all of it in one go...
I especially appreciate learning more about Fuuka just after complaining/admitting that I had mostly forgotten about her character.

Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Flutter Bonus Levels (One-Shots) - Okiagari [30/11/23]

Post by Sharp-O »

Mirage_GSM wrote: Mon Dec 04, 2023 2:26 pm

Anyway, the medical stuff aside, those were really great additions to the main story - and it feels as if more happened in those two or three days than in the two or three months before that. :-)

The medical stuff was always going to let me down but I tried my best with it.

Mirage_GSM wrote: Mon Dec 04, 2023 2:26 pm

I especially appreciate learning more about Fuuka just after complaining/admitting that I had mostly forgotten about her character.

I do like Fuuka but my biggest regret was making her a little too much like Myth!Akio. She's still gonna be a major player going forward though.

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Re: Flutter Bonus Levels (One-Shots) - Directional Influence [22/1/24]

Post by Sharp-O »

Having rumours spread about you is part of being the top bitch of a school, I came to terms with that, but having your classmates whisper and mutter and pass notes about something you actually did is something else entirely. It’s embarrassing. Not unwarranted but still embarrassing.

Then there was the whole tie thing at the door. There’s plenty of whispers about the how and why, but especially the who. I don’t feel great about people judging Taro based on my reputation, or worse… that people think he’s not ‘good enough’ for me when it’s the complete opposite.

For the first few lessons I feel observed, exposed, and very anxious. Probably not the kinds of feeling my classmates would expect from me usually but here we are.

“Hello.” A voice pulls me out of my quiet reverie and back into the classroom. I blink a couple times before my brain registers the girl standing at the corner of my desk. A passive-looking, armless redhead. My classmate; Rin Tezuka.

“Hi, Rin.” I say with a slight smile, looking around and noticing the distinct lack of Rin’s bouncier counterpart but definitely a few curious eyes. “What’s up?”

“Lots of things although that’s not the question.” Rin answers and I internally sigh as I attempt to declutter her mess of words. “Not my question, anyway.”

“You want to ask me a question?” I cautiously ask, casting a glance sideways to the room again.

“Yes.” She looks at me with her usual somewhat vacant expression before looking away. “No.”

“It’s okay, Rin. Take your time.” I smile sympathetically as she shuffles in place, her face contorting in a few curious ways before I decide to help. “Is this about earlier? Outside the classroom?”

Rin’s focus returns to me, verdant green eyes slightly shining. Rin never struck me as the judgey sort so maybe this is pure curiosity on her part. I don’t mind entertaining that kind of interest.

“Is this about Taro?” I ask, a little expectantly. Given her curious look earlier, I guess she might have questions but I’m surprised she’s the first to ask.

“Yes. Lots of people are talking about you.”

“I thought they might…” I sigh, trying to maintain a smile. “Did you want to know something in particular?”

“Are you dating? Taro, I mean, not in general.” Rin tilts her head, her cheeks still pink. Am I sensing a little crush? I didn’t know Rin was capable of such a thing. She always gave me this asexual kind of vibe…

“Taro and I are… friends.” I answer honestly. We haven’t really established if we’re dating or if he really even likes me yet so that’s as good an answer as I can give. Though my attempt at a kiss and then his kiss on the cheek muddies that clear-cut definition some…

“Friends… who kiss each other goodbye.” Rin cuts through my bullshit and I can’t help but smile.

“That’s new. And complicated. I don’t really know what we are yet.” I look down at my desk, equal parts confusion and embarrassment.

Hm. Like a chrysalis.” Rin nods, seemingly understanding but I’m not sure if she does. She’s one of the few people I could never get a read on here but considering how wrong I’ve been recently, maybe I should re-evaluate my perception of her.

“What do you think, Rin? Of me and Taro possibly dating?” I ask, a little bit curious about her opinion and what kind of metaphor she’ll use.

“Taro is nice. Helpful. You are…” Rin’s expression becomes blank again and my heart sinks. I’ve probably been bad to her at some point; I must have.

“I’m sorry.” I mutter reflexively and Rin’s expression remains neutral but she starts talking again.

“I think you and Taro are like magnets. Sometimes the ends snap together or sometimes they push apart. That’s more science than feelings though so maybe that’s not right…” Rin frowns, earning a chuckle from me.

“Are you saying opposites attract?” In your own way? Taro’s nice and I’m not? That’s pretty apt, honestly…

“Maybe.” Rin nods slowly in some agreement. “Is it good that opposites attract?”

“I hope so. Relationships are meant to be about compromise and balance but I’ve never really had relationship - a real one anyway - so I’m kind of winging it and hoping I don’t screw it up.” I admit.

Rin closes her eyes and I look around, a lot of the curious eyes seemingly have lost interest. Weird that this is possibly the longest conversation I’ve had with Rin where I’ve mostly understood the subject.

“I hope you don’t screw it up too.” Rin finally says with a pensive look. “Taro is nice.”

“Thank you, Rin. I think he’s really nice too.” I smile at her and notice the faintest tug of a smile in return. Yet another person looking out for Taro. I don’t think Rin would fight me for his honour but I really need to be careful it seems.

“Rin! I got our lunches!” Emi calls from the doorway, drawing our combined attention.

“I should go.” Rin says, not turning to acknowledge me as she walks towards the door.

“Bye, Rin.” I chuckle, shaking my head as I look back out of the window.

Classes end for the day and I make my way to the next classroom down the hall, seeing a stream of students pile out of Class 3-3. One figure almost bowls me over as they rush out of the class room, gently pushing past the others. I only catch the faintest glimpse of Hisao as he rushes off.

In any other circumstances, I’d assume he’d gotten bad news but judging by the grin on his face, I can only assume something good happened with Rika. I hope something good happened. That’s a guy who needs some peace of mind. Speaking of…

I look into Class 3-3 and see my target on the far end of the nearly empty classroom, near the window. Taro looks tense, tired; a far cry from his energetic self earlier today. Sitting at the desk next to him is the probable cause.

Ritsu’s talking at a rapid pace, smug and superior, while Taro’s face looks like a rock face worn away by the constant barrage of the sea. Guess I ought to go save him. I’m about to enter the classroom when Miki appears from my right, and calls me over with an annoyed look.

“Please tell me you’re here to kick her ass.” Miki whispers with exasperated eyes as I step away from the doorway. “She’s being giving Taro shit all day and I’ve been told not to smack her so please. For me?”

I can only give Miki an unsure look in response. I had some idea of what I’d say and this is only going to strengthen that idea but I still hate that he’s catching flak because of me.

“No promises but we’ll see what happens.” I shrug, stepping back and through the doorway.

I step through the desks and approach the two desks at the rear of the room. The knot in my stomach tightens as I reach into my bag. Ritsu doesn’t miss a beat and immediately goes on the offensive.

“Well, well, well! Look who it is, Taro!” Ritsu sneers, her face mimicking the same sort of smugness I would use on people. “We’ve been having a lovely chat aaaaall~ about you, Saaakiii~!”

That’s Ritsu’s big problem; she’s a social chameleon. She takes on the traits of the strongest personality in the room, looking for validation by copying others. Maybe she’d be different if she’d gotten with Taro… Maybe she’d be better. Instead, she got me and now she’s…

A show off, a blowhard
You're equal parts hot air and gall
And no one would doubt me
Without me, you're nothing at all

“Ritsu. I think you forgot something.” I utter with a soft matter-of-fact tone to lure her into a false sense of security.

Tch. Don’t think so. You don’t have anything I’d want.” Her right eye twitches, the exact same way mine does when I get really angry.

“I didn’t say I had something of yours; I said you forgot something…” I continue the tone as my fingers wrap around the math compass rattling loosely at the bottom of my bag.

In one fluid motion, I pull my hand out of my bag and slam my fist into her desk. The loud bang of hollow wood and metal makes Ritsu and Taro flinch but the real treat is seeing Ritsu’s face as I reveal her math compass.

“You forgot who the fuck I am.” My tone becomes harsher, authoritative. Her veneer of assertiveness cracks and while it’s sickening to see my worst traits mirrored back at me; I do take a small amount of satisfaction in tearing down the old me by proxy.

“Oh, I remember juuust fine! I’ve been telling Taro about all the awful things you’ve done.” Ritsu’s shock wears off quicker than I thought and she’s back on the offensive. “Y’know… Really let him know what kind of bitch you are.”

I cast a glance sideways at Taro and he looks sad. I’m probably going to have a long conversation with him after this but right now, I need to make sure she doesn’t mess with him anymore.

“You wanna drag my name through the mud? Fine, fill your boots, but don’t drag other people into this because you’re too scared to take me head-on.”

“I’m not the one who’s been hiding! But you can’t run away from what you’ve done and I’m going to make sure everyone knows who and what you are!” Ritsu scowls, some real venom in her voice.

“You don’t know a damn thing about me! The stuff you don’t know about me couldn’t fit into that empty head of yours!” I spit back, tossing my bag to the side. “But if you wanna hurt others to get to me then I will gladly drag you down with me!”

“Yeah?” Ritsu laughs, standing and balling her fists. “How about I just kick the shit out of you instead? Break that pretty face of yours and make sure no one, not even wide-load here, will ever want to touch you again.”

“Knock it off, Ritsu…” Taro weakly says, sounding as tired and annoyed as I’d expect.

“I can’t believe you are defending her!” She wheels on Taro. “But I guess you’ve always had a kink for broken bitches.”

“Hey! Leave him alone, he’s done nothing wrong!” I shout, reaching over the desk and pushing her shoulder.

“I’m sorry, am I playing with your toys? Guess you know what that feels like now, huh?” Ritsu spits back, smirking despite the anger in her voice.

“You want an apology? Is that it?”

“No, I want to tear your fucking face off but since you seem to care about fatboy so much, maybe I’ll mess with him a little.”

“Yeah, I’m not playing your games…” Taro mutters bitterly. As Taro rises, Ritsu steps up to him and presses herself against him, her hands snaking up around his neck. My shoe squeaks against the floor as I go to move but Taro is already handling it.

“Aww, c’mon big guy…” Ritsu looks over at me as Taro pushes her off, his face red with anger.

“Get the fuck off me!”

“Is she really that special? I mean; why settle for second-hand goods?” Ritsu’s look of seduction effortlessly shifts to one of contempt as Taro moves down the aisle to just behind me. “She’s as used as they come.”

As Ritsu picks up her backpack, I look back at Taro concerned but he doesn’t meet my eyes. He just sighs, adjusting his own bag and walks toward the door at the front of the classroom. I see Miki waiting there, glaring at me to do something. My heart breaks as I glance back at the sullen Taro.

He probably knows a lot of the bad I’ve done now and there’s not a damn thing I can do to fix that… What she did. Forget what damage she did to my connection to him; she made him look like that, made him feel like that.

Without evil, there could be no good
So it must be good to be evil… Sometimes.

“Like you haven’t had your share of sloppy seconds.” I seethe, the words hissing through my gritted teeth, turning back to face Ritsu. “You had mine, after all.”

Her smirk disappears in an instant as we lock eyes and we both know what I mean.

“You’re a real piece of shit, Saki!” She growls and I paint on a confident smirk while my stomach knots again. A strong memory of a day last year where a scared girl came to me with a problem and I used my money and connections to make that problem disappear.

I really am a piece of shit to use this information like a silver bullet but she hurt him and that just makes me want to hurt her more.

“At least when I let losers like Shura cum in me; I have the sense to use protection.”

Ritsu screams and launches her backpack at me, following it up quicker than I thought she could. As the heavy bag hits me in the face, I stumble back into another desk. I have a sudden realisation as her fist streaks towards me, inches from my face.

I’ve never been in a fight before.

I hiss with pain as I apply the ice pack the Nurse gave me to my left eye. He tuts as he steps back and looks over Ritsu’s bruised right hand.

“Superficial at most. No real harm done.” He comments but without his usual upbeat tone. He looks to the principal and nods before leaving the room. The principal steps around her large oak desk, resting against it as she tilts her head at Ritsu and me; each sitting in chairs at least eight feet away from each other.

“Now then, ladies… I like a scrap as much as the next girl but you should know that I take a poor look at my students brawling.” The principal, Mrs Machio, is a slight woman but she has a reputation as a big personality. She’s stern but fair and, based on the wrestling mask in a glass display on her book case, is every bit a fan of fighting as she says.

“Now why don’t you tell me how you two came to blows?”

I lick my teeth and double-check that one of the teeth on my left side is still loose. Yup, that’s a lost cause. I look over at Ritsu as she sinks into her chair, arms folded.

“We had a disagreement and I escalated the issue, ma’am. I started the fight.” I admit as calmly as I can with my face hurting like it does. I turn my gaze to Mrs Machio, her eyebrow raised curiously at me. “Ritsu was just reacting.”

Mrs Machio nods, taking in my words before focusing on Ritsu. “And is this true?”

“She started it and I finished it, yeah.” Ritsu spits, not looking at me.

“And what was the disagreement?”

“She knows what she did!” Ritsu’s mutters under her breath, a low grumble in her throat. I wince and adjust the icepack on my face as Mrs Machio eyes me suspiciously.

“I see… And what was that, Saki?”

“I slept with her boyfriend and transferred club presidency over to someone other than her.” I answer honestly and matter-of-factly, much to their combined shock. “When I went to speak to her more about it, we got into an argument. I pushed her and that’s what caused the fight.”

It’s mostly accurate; it’s not entirely a lie, its fine…

“You physically pushed her?” The principal asks and I nod. “And you think a punch to the face is an appropriate response, Ritsu?”

“She fucked my boyfriend and threw it in my face so I threw something back!”

“So you instigated the violence?” Damn it…

“I started the fight, Mrs Machio.” I interject but I don’t think it helps.

“But you didn’t throw the first punch from what I’m hearing; Ritsu did.”

But I deserved it!” I plead and that’s what changes Ritsu’s scowl into something closer to confusion. “She had every right to hit me after what I did.” And what I said.

“Yamaku Academy doesn’t see corporal punishment amongst peers being an acceptable way to resolve disputes, Saki. Whether both parties feel it’s warranted or not.” She says with authority, closing her eyes and folding her arms across her chest.

“At the very least, she shouldn’t be punished worse than I am! I was in the wrong way before she was.”

“Damn right you were!” Ritsu shouts and the principal holds up her hands to stop any further outbursts. She considers both of us before sighing in that disappointed way teachers do.

“I obviously can’t turn a blind eye to this incident. Your parents will be notified and you’ll both be placed into on-campus suspension in the interim, on the proviso that you both promise this will be the last fight I hear about between you two.”

Crap… I didn’t know my parents would be called. I thought I’d just be thrown into OCS. Maybe they won’t care? It’s not like it’s a performance or a showcase that they can use to show-off so maybe they won’t bother…

“Sound fair?” Mrs Machio’s voice brings me back into the room. She looks at me expectantly before Ritsu answers in my stead.

“I’ll stay out of her way as long as she stays out of mine.” She says and I nod in agreement.

Mrs Machio outlines the terms of our punishment and what room we’ll be reporting to tomorrow and then dismisses us; Ritsu leaving first. As the door closes, she gives me one last glower before disappearing and I breathe a sigh of relief.

“Saki, is everything alright with you?” Mrs Machio asks and I nod. Better than sitting here in silence for a few minutes, I suppose.

I can’t help but allow a bitter ‘heh’ escape my lips before coughing and shaking my head.

“No, ma’am, I mean yes, I’m fine!”

“You’re a terrible liar, Saki.” She gives me an unimpressed look. First time for everything, I suppose… “But I just want to make sure you’re not actively looking for… Trouble.”

“No, ma’am. I just… Don’t want to hold onto the things that make me unhappy anymore.”

“Is that why you quit the music club?” She asks and I affirm my decision with a nod. “Your music doesn’t make you happy?”

“It hasn’t for a long time, if I’m honest. Same with art. Not in the same way it used to.”

“Is this something you’d like to talk to Ms Tsunemori about?” The principal invokes the school’s staff therapist and I shake my head vehemently.

“I’m not depressed or anything; I just don’t want to waste my time with stuff that I only ever did for other people.”

Mrs Machio raises an eyebrow at me and I turn from her scrutinising gaze.

“Am I excused, ma’am?”

“Yes, Saki… But if you ever feel you need to talk; my door is always open.”

“I appreciate that, Mrs Machio, I really do. Sorry for taking up your time.”

I exit the principal’s office and am thankful to find the nurse waiting for me. I hand the icepack to him with a crooked smile before I leave the Foundation building. I take a deep lungful of fresh air and groan loudly in lieu of screaming.

“How’s the face?”

I flinch and look over my shoulder at Taro leaning against the wall, apparently waiting. His face is pointed downward but his eyes are focused on me.

“Holy shit, Taro! Are you okay?!” I rush over to him as he pushes himself off the wall with his shoulders. I throw my arms around him but he doesn’t do the same.

“I’m fine. Just… How’re you?”

“Forget how I am! I want to make sure you’re okay! You looked so sad earlier and that’s all my fault!”

“I mean… Yeah.” He shrugs and I finally let him go. He didn’t hug me back and he’s looking everywhere but at me. “But not really.”

“I’m sorry, I should have told you about the bad stuff I’ve done. You deserved to hear it from me, not from Ritsu.”

“Maybe…” He sighs before finally looking at me. “But I can understand why you didn’t. Not right away anyway. God knows I wouldn’t have said I have anger issues if I knew you were interested in me. Makes me sound like a rage monster.”

His crooked, self-deprecating smile makes me giggle a little before I give him a sympathetic smile. “But your actions reflect a very different Taro. It might not be how you see yourself; but a lot of people say you’re a good guy.”

He blushes furiously and looks away, pursing his lips. I look down at my shuffling feet, unsure on what I can say next.

“Well, I think… You’re trying your best and that’s more than most do.” He smiles and it almost makes the pain in my face hurt a little less. Almost. As I wince, he moves to look at the developing bruise.

“Wow that looks tender. I’m surprised you just stood there and took it.”

“Honestly, I don’t know how to fight. Never been in one. Who knew trying to be good could make you feel so bad?” I laugh but hiss when the muscles under my eye hurt.

“Like the old saying goes; no good deed goes unpunished.” Taro nods sagely.

“No act of charity goes unresented…” I quietly sing, mostly to myself, before I notice Taro’s curious gaze on me. “S-sorry, I was just quoting a musical…”

“You like musicals?” He asks with mild surprise.

“More like love them! Especially Wicked!” I can feel a grin stretch across my face as Taro licks his lips then smiles, a devious look in his eyes.

Really? Well, how about instead of ending today on a downer where you tell me about all the horrible things you’ve done; you tell me about the musicals you love instead.”

“Only if you tell me about stuff you love!” I giggle and link arms with him excitedly, pulling him along as we head off toward the cafeteria. As he bashfully says that I should prepare myself for some very geeky topics, I reassure him that mine will be just as geeky.

As I enjoy the new feeling of the two of us sharing more with each other, I feel a gnawing doubt in the back of my mind as I remember a later verse in the song that spurred this conversation;

One question haunts and hurts
Too much, too much to mention
Was I really seeking good
Or just seeking attention?

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Re: Flutter Bonus Levels (One-Shots) - Getting Good [21/4/24]

Post by Sharp-O »


I rap my knuckles against the Nurse’s door a couple times before I hear a voice on the other side call out. “Come in!”

I open the door and the Nurse swivels around on his stool to face me, his tired face subtly shifting to a friendlier demeanour.

“Well, if it isn’t my favourite patient! What can I do for, Miss Enomoto?” He smiles and I do him the courtesy of smiling back. It’s not often I have to see the Nurse because my family can afford private healthcare so I only really see him whenever I need my prescriptions filled. This is the first time that I’ve consulted him on something really important.

“I was wondering if I could talk to you about my medication if you’ve got the time. I need a little bit of… Clarification.”

“Of course. I’m happy to answer any questions you have.” I certainly hope so but I doubt you’re going to like them… He points me to a chair in front of his stool and I dutifully take a seat.

“Thanks. I’ve been on my current medication for a while now and I’ve been taking them as prescribed but…” I pause and think about my next words carefully as he leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees while his fingers tent into a point.

“How long would I be able to go without them before my condition really began to deteriorate?” I ask cautiously as horrific images flash in my mind. I’d rather not think about it but it can’t be helped.

“Have you run out of your medication?” Nurse asks immediately and I shake my head.

“No, no, I have plenty. I’m thinking more hypothetically. Like, if I did run out orrrr if I couldn’t afford the specific drugs I’m on. That sort of thing.”

Well…” Nurse furrows his brows in concern, no doubt imagining the similar outcomes to me. “Obviously I recommend making sure that you’re covered by your family’s medical insurance but, outside of that, a general practitioner would also explore alternative drugs with you.”

He pauses again and looks like he’s second-guessing what he’s about to say. I imagine it’s a tough question to answer.

“That way you could still receive treatment but the alternate drugs might not be as effective or as readily available as the ones you’re on now.”

“Right, that’s what I figured. And what about not having them at all? What would happen to me?”

“Is everything okay, Saki? Is there something going on that you’d feel more comfortable speaking with Ms Tsunemori about?” He asks and I laugh but when I notice his confused expression, I clear my throat and explain.

“Sorry! You’re not the first person to suggest that this week. No, I’m just making sure I have all the information I need.”

“After the little scuffle you got into and now this; I have to express my concern, Saki.” He says flatly and I can hear the scepticism in his voice as he asks the next question. “Because you want to know how quickly your condition could worsen without treatment… purely hypothetically?”

“Certain things have been getting harder to control…” I offer honestly but vaguely, hoping he won’t ask me to elaborate. “And I guess knowing how bad it could be without my current medication would give me some perspective. Make me appreciate what I have, I guess…”

“I see… I won’t mince words with you, Saki, because I wouldn’t want someone to if I were in your position…” I nod and he continues. “But the lack of any sort of medication for someone with your condition would be far more terminal.”

“O-oh.” I really didn’t expect him to be that blunt with his prognosis but then again; the idea that my slow decline is somehow the better outcome is kinda horrifying in its own way. “WowThat’s…”

“It’s a lot for anyone to deal with and I’m sorry that someone so young has to, but you’re in the best place to receive help; medically, emotionally, and logistically. I know we haven’t seen a lot of each other but I hope you know that I’m here to help in any way I can.”

My worry is somewhat calmed by the warm smile the dishevelled nurse gives me and, weirdly, I believe him. Maybe I don’t have to be vague. I’ve seen the teachers bend to the whims of my parents; why wouldn’t the medical staff? No… They have oaths and laws and all that other stuff. They shouldn’t hear about what’s going on with me unless I tell them.

“I’ve…” C’mon, Saki. You can trust a nurse. You have to. “I’ve recently been… w-wetting myself. I can c-control my bladder most of the time but s-sometimes I just can’t… Do you have anything that can help with th-that?” My eyes can’t meet his but I see him nod in my periphery.

“There’s certain medications that can but I’m not certain what the long-term effect of an anticholinergic would be with someone with ataxia so I’ll definitely look into that for you.” The nurse says thoughtfully but with a confidence that makes me feel better.

“In the mean time; we do have some incontinence underwear I can give to you.” My jaw drops as quickly as my heart sinks at the idea of wearing diapers but the nurse is quick to continue his suggestion. “I know how it sounds but there are a few students who also suffer with this problem and we were mindful to source a range that are discreet and comfortable.”

“S-so people w-wouldn’t kn-know?” I stammer as my anxiety spikes. He shakes his head with a smile, trying to reassure me. “O-okay… C-can I see them?”

“Of course.”

“All good?” Taro asks when he notices me step into the art room. I look around and find the usual suspects working away at the benches and desks around the room. Taro and Rin stand by the storage cupboard while President Chiharu, Maeda, and Kintsugi talk on the opposite side of the room. No sign of our errant supervisor… Good.

“Yeah, got what I needed for the time being.” I smile. I feel more self-conscious than I think I ever have before. More than my performances, more than the dinners and galas with my parents… I walk slowly, unsure if people can hear the soft rustle of my new ‘underwear’. The padding is comfy and it’s not all that different to a pad but it’s still new and weird.

“Cool, I was just waiting on you to tell me which ones you wanted to keep and Rin started asking me about them.” Taro explains as he takes pulls another canvas out of the cupboard and places it in the slanted stack of others that I recognise as mine.

“You like my paintings, Rin?” I ask, a little bewildered by the idea. Rin makes no facial expression and simply blinks at me. Maybe not.

“I asked Taro what he was doing because they’re clearly your paintings and he said he was helping you but you weren’t here yet.”

“Then she asked how I can be helping you when you’re not here and we somehow spiralled into the topic of predeterminism and then you walked-in.” Taro smiles, almost relieved while quietly muttering. “Thank you.”

“Oh! Taro’s helping me recycle my old canvasses.” I clarify for Rin and her eyebrows rise curiously. “Just the ones for club activities and some that have already been counted toward my coursework and that’s, what, six? Seven?”

I look to Taro who is pulling two more small canvasses out and he simply shrugs. “You tell me; I’m just here to help.”

“You don’t want to keep any of them?” Rin asks with a tilt of her head.

“Nah. I don’t think they’re all that good and it’s not like anyone would want these anyway.” That last part’s actually a lie. I know that my parents and Mr Nomiya have discussed selling some of my pieces, something I know Rin has experience with. Fuck that. I’m not letting someone else decide what my legacy is anymore and I’m certainly not going to let someone like Nomiya profit from it.

“So it’s gonna be these two.” I take the two A4 canvasses from Taro’s hand and nod toward some of the larger life studies and experimental pieces Taro flicks through. He separates the designated pieces out and puts the others back in the cupboard. Grabbing three large canvasses and gripping them tight in his singular hand, Taro points me towards the work area where two tables connect, side-by-side.

I put the canvasses I have on the tables and then trot past Taro, throwing him an appreciative yet flirty smile to grab the last large canvas. Rin follows and takes her usual spot near the corner window, which is open as wide as it can be, along with several others in front of our makeshift work space.

“Are you sure you want to sit there, Rin? We’re going to be using some strong chemicals and you’ll probably get some fumes.” I say to her as Taro goes to talk to Chiharu. She simply closes her eyes and rests her head against the wall as the wind blows into the room, gently wafting her red hair. Okay then…

“Taro asked me to open up the Forbidden Locker~” Chiharu appears, waving her arms and voice like a ghost. She’s odd but aren’t we all in our own ways. “So I have to ask what you want to do with the isopropyl alcohol before I do.”

“Me and Taro are just gonna strip these canvasses so they can be used again.” I then point with my thumb to the girl behind me with a smirk. “Rin’s supervising.”

“She’s clearly cat-napping.” Chiharu comments, her fists on her hips.

“I don’t have to have my eyes open. I have supervision.” Rin responds in her usual deadpan way that makes the rest of us chuckle.

“I can see that, Rin. And you can’t just paint over them with white? It was good enough for Van Gogh.” She asks me but Taro answers.

“That’s fine with acrylics but a couple of these are gouache and that stuff gets mouldy over time so better to just get rid of it all together.”

“And Van Gogh was mentally disturbed. I like to think we’re a little more with it.” I add before kinda regretting it given present company.

“Alright, alright, I can open the Forbidden Locker~ but you have to wear gloves and masks. Even you, Rin.”


“The mask, obviously, you little smartass.” Chiharu shakes her head as she goes to retrieve the key to open the locker we keep all the chemicals and other toxic supplies. I thank Chiharu after we assemble what we need before helping Rin put a mask on while Taro puts on his own.

“Can you…?” Taro asks, holding out a latex glove toward me and I nod. I take the glove and try to slip it onto his waiting hand but the material only stretches and finally tears around his large fingers. Oh. A really inappropriate thought occurs to me and sends a shiver up my spine as I peel the torn latex from his large… fingers… Fuck me, it’s warm in here…

“It’s okay, I forgot you have to blow - it first.” Taro says, pulling his mask down. I have to what!? My eyes widen as my cheeks burn under the mask. He looks at me confused and holds up another glove to his mouth, inflating it like a balloon.

“O-oh! Blow into it!” I respond, more than a little flustered as Taro looks at me confused.

“Yeah, that’s what I said.” Taro chuckles and offers the now warm, limp glove to me. Oh my god, Saki, get it together! I take the latex glove and slip it onto his waiting hand much more easily this time.

“I think I saw that trick in a crime show. Helps get it on without tearing it.” Taro explains. Get it on? Did you have to phrase it like that? You’re killing me here…

“Right, so I should… blow too…” I mutter as I do the same for my gloves. I try to watch Taro from the corner of my eye but I can barely focus right now. Why did I get so horny out of nowhere!?

“Are you alright?” Rin asks from her perch in the window and it honestly makes me jump.

“Y-Yeah! Totally fine!”

“Because you’re all red. Really contrasts with the gold of your hair.” She says boldly and I can hear Taro trying not to laugh behind me.

“Um, thank you?” I offer and Rin seems… Satisfied? She’s even harder to read with a painter’s mask on.

I try to shake the naughty thoughts of Taro’s appendages out of my mind as I prepare a cloth soaked with isopropyl alcohol. I hand it to Taro, my fingers lingering on his a little more before I quickly go about my work, letting the cloth soak into the canvas then rubbing away the acrylic.

Everyone else in the club is busy creating while we’re over here destroying. The vibe is calm as everyone is solely focused on the task at hand, with only small snippets of conversation and the underlying music from the radio playing in the background.

Taro leans back and wipes his forehead with his arm, mussing up his fringe in the process.

“It’s hot in here, huh?” He asks and I wonder if he knows what I’ve been thinking.

“Y-Yeah!” That’s about as much of an answer as I can muster as I keep scrubbing.

“You alright over there, Rin?” Taro calls over to the redhead in the window and no answer comes. I look over my shoulder and see that her eyes are closed.

“The only thing she’s supervising is the inside of her eyelids.” I joke and Taro laughs.

With the bulk of the paint removed from the canvasses, we soak more cloths and leave them draped across the canvasses to dry out.

“And then we just use warm soapy water to finish them off.” Taro explains and once more my imagination runs wild. I swear I see a fraction of a smirk behind his mask for a split second. Is he messing with me?

“So we can just leave these for a while?” I ask and he nods, moving one over to the window counter. The soft clatter seems to wake Rin and she blinks twice, taking a look at what’s happening and then slips off the counter out of the way.

“Saki, I’d like to take my mask off.”

“Oh! Sure! Gimme a sec.” I pull the gloves off my hands and then the mask from Rin’s face. She breathes a little sigh of relief and then looks towards the canvasses.

“You did very well today. Top marks.”

“I didn’t realise you’d be grading me.” I chuckle, slightly worried that she secretly does that with everyone.

“I’m your supervisor.” She says, sounding more serious.

“I don’t think that’s how that works, Rin.”

“Oh.” She stares blankly for a moment before blinking. “Good job.”

“Sounds better.” I smile at the weird girl. She bows and silently leaves the room to go do whatever it is she does.

“That girl is so odd.” I whisper.

“Yeah… Fun, though.” Taro responds with a laugh. I help him remove the latex glove and he runs his naked hand over his sweaty forehead and through his fringe, leaving him with a kinda cool slick-back look before he tugs the mask from his face. He smiles down at me and my knees feel much weaker all of a sudden. “Thanks. Wanna go get some fresh air?”

I nod rapidly. Fresh air sounds good. I could do with some fresh air. And a cold drink.

Maybe a smoke.

“Are you alright, Saki?” Taro asks, the baritone of his voice both soothing and demanding. I take the cold can of soda out of his hand and lean back against the bench outside of the art wing with a sigh.

“I’ve had a weird day.” I offer as he takes a seat next to me, moving the can around and cracking it open one-handed. His continuous, effortless, dexterity amazes me and that’s not the horny talking. “I went to the nurse about my… incontinence.”

There’s a flash of concern on his face before he sips at his can. “That must have been hard to talk about.”

“Yeah. I’m actually… Wearing…” I gesture vaguely with a tilt of my head and his cheeks grow pink, his eyes widening. “Yeah.”

Oh. Um. I don’t know… What to say to… That.” He admits slowly with a slight look of guilt about him that makes me laugh.

“I know, I’m not sure what to say about it either but thought it was worth sharing.”

“Thanks?” He responds with a half-hearted chuckle and a look of wariness.

“Well, you were there when…” I shudder at the embarrassing thought then remember the kindness of the guy sitting next to me. “So I guess I wanted to make sure you weren’t worrying about it? I dunno. I think I just want to be honest with you about everything…”

“I can see that.” Taro sighs, placing his can on the bench and turning toward me, resting his arm on the back of the bench. “Can I be honest with you?”

I’m slightly taken aback at the question. He’s never really shied away from his opinions so having to ask permission to say something is weird. Am I over thinking things? Cautiously, I give him permission to speak with a perturbed nod.

“Since we’ve been hanging out… I’ve been waiting for your mask to slip. For this…” He gestures between the two of us before looking down at his open can. “To be a trap. A cruel trick you’ve been playing on me after you found that Rika wasn’t going to be bullied anymore. That I was a new target for you.”

My heart sinks. I don’t blame him for thinking it but it hurts all the same.

“I haven’t entirely trusted you since the night you confessed because I thought this was a game. I’ve been bullied before, as you can imagine, and while I’m in a better place; those old anxieties play up.”

“I wouldn’t…” I respond meekly. Though that doesn’t sound so far-fetched given my history…

“I haven’t reciprocated your feelings yet because I didn’t know if they were genuine.” He looks up with a sad smile. “And, honestly, I’m still not sure.”

Oh.” My body feels heavy. I thought I was making progress… I thought he was beginning to trust me…

“But,” His hand plants itself firmly on my shoulder and I look up expectantly to find what I hoped; his smile. “If there’s one thing I’m a sucker for; it’s a redemption arc. You’re trying to break out of old habits and I should be meeting you halfway.”

“Does… Do you mean?” Oh my god, is he confessing? Is this it?

“I may not be as well-versed in double entendre as Akio is but I have been trying to flirt with you today. You were saying a lot of suggestive things and I couldn't help but tease you a little. Seemed like it was working.” Taro chuckles, a slightly embarrassed look about him. He was messing with me!

“I…” My cheeks burn and I grip the open can I was nursing so tightly that some liquid spills and fizzes out of the hole. “Fuck!”

Taro laughs as he quickly grabs the fizzing mess out of my hands and places it on the ground as I shake my hands. I’m annoyed that I have to wipe my hands on my skirt but I can’t help the smile on my face.

“Geez… Miki was more subtle than you are.” Taro shakes his head, laughing as he rises back up, meeting my surprised stare. “What? Did you think I couldn’t see you looking at me every couple minutes in there?”

“That’s… You…” I try to articulate but my flustering isn’t helping. I groan in annoyance and reach for his face with slightly sticky hands, pulling him into a kiss. He isn’t stunned by a shock confession, his tie doesn’t come loose, he reciprocates…

Taro kisses me back as his hand finds my cheek.

I inhale noisily through my nose and pull him tighter but then I feel a bit of resistance. I slide along the bench as he pushes me away and I see the reason why; his can that was sitting between us is now on its side and quickly spilling everywhere. He jumps up, patting away at the damp patch on his left butt cheek while I set the can upright again.

“Sorry!” I laugh, raising my hands to my mouth to hide my laughter while he gives me a frustrated look before chuckling himself.

“It’s okay, it’ll dry quickly enough in this heat. Sorry for shoving you.” He offers his hand out to me and I take, quickly being pulled up onto my feet and into his arm in one smooth movement.

“Oh! You’re…” Smooth. I look up at him and my mind goes blank as he leans in and kisses me of his own volition. I could melt into a happy little puddle but the universe, once again, conspires against me.

“Miss Enomoto! I would like a word with you!” An annoyed elderly voice calls out as the doors of the art wing burst open. We both breathe lamentable sighs as we press our foreheads together.

“We’re jinxed, aren’t we?” I say and Taro nods slightly.

“Maybe. But I’ve got your back.”

I leave Taro’s embrace but keep a firm hold of his hand as I address the stooge who dares interrupt this moment. I can barely hide my contempt as I address the garish club supervisor storming towards us, a fact Taro seems to take amusement in.

“And what do you want to talk about, Mr Nomiya?”


I savour the chocolate-coconut cookie in my mouth while I formulate my thoughts. Not the best I’ve ever had but I appreciate Jiro offering one to me anyway.

“You don’t look impressed.” Jiro observes with an understanding look on his face. I flop my head from side-to-side as I try to finish the mouthful I have so I can respond.

“It’s nice! Really!” I give him a half-hearted compliment but Fuuka is quick to defend her boyfriend’s honour.

“You have no taste!”

“I think he has excellent taste.” Rika’s voice purrs in my ear as she wraps her arms around my neck from behind. I tilt my head to look toward her, smiling as I offer the rest of the cookie to her. She opens her mouth and gently engulfs it, her lips scraping softly against my fingers. She gives me a cheeky smile as she chews and I return to my point.

“It’s not a flavour I’d go for but it’s not bad, Jiro.”

“That’s fine, man. I was just trying something different. Experimenting. Baking is just science for hungry people, after all.” I can tell he’s trying to engage on my level with what little he knows about me. Our girlfriends are best friends so it’s only natural that we should make an effort to be friendly.

“That’s a good point, Jiro. I learned to cook for myself but I don’t have the where-with-all to cook for more than two people. It’s a really creative and useful skill to have.” I offer the best I can.

“Thanks.” He smiles earnestly and I check-in with Rika as I feel her swallow. She gives me a mildly impressed look and turns her attention to Jiro.

“That’s pretty good! Though I wish I could have tried some of the cookies you made while I was in a coma.”

“The fruit spice ones? I think I have some of that stuff left…” Jiro ponders and I take the moment to look at Fuuka while he and Rika talk. Fuuka acted a little cage-y earlier about Rika going for her check-up and then went very quiet when she arrived.

Her face looks a lot like how I imagine mine looks; carefully studying the person in front of us. It’s definitely a look of concern but she didn’t say anything other than Rika was going for her check-up.

“What do you think, Hisao?” Rika asks and I flinch. I haven’t been following the conversation and now Fuuka knows I’ve been looking at her. Crap, uhhh…

“Sorry, I kinda spaced out thinking about an assignment.” I scratch my cheek, causing Rika to tighten her grip around my neck. “Sorr-!”

“Senpai! I was just saying you were so attentive too!” She laughs, rocking me a little. I tap out and she releases me with a kiss on the cheek, finally sitting down beside me.

“Everything go okay with the Doc?” I ask and there’s a twitch from both Rika and Fuuka. Something’s definitely up.

“Yeeeeah! Just the usual medication adjustment. You know how it goes.” Rika says, shrugging.

“Well, hopefully your system will acclimatise soon.” I reach out and take her hand in mine. It’s still colder than it should be. “So how was the rest of your day?”

Rika talks about the assignments she got while I rub my thumb on the back of her hand affectionately, all the while keeping a worried Fuuka in my periphery.

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Re: Flutter Bonus Levels (One-Shots) - Getting Good [21/4/24]

Post by StealthyWolf »

Its nice to see Taro starting to feel comfortable enough to open up to Saki, as scary as it is. Lots of fun interactions there.

Also, Rika pls stop giving me anxiety.

[edit] Also, also, congrats on 1k posts on the forums Sharp-O! Always excited to see what your stories have in store for us!

Last edited by StealthyWolf on Sun Apr 21, 2024 3:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Uncertainty (A post Emi-Good Ending Story)
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Re: Flutter Bonus Levels (One-Shots) - Getting Good [21/4/24]

Post by hdkv »

Rika, Rika, you'll be in a trouble, little girl...

Saki part is so sweet I need to check my blood for sugar level.

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Re: Flutter Bonus Levels (One-Shots) - Getting Good [21/4/24]

Post by Yukarin »


Saki part is super sweet, dear lord.

And that arm being cold might means some circulation problems? Just worried that that might escalate into something major. Rika pls

Nice bonus level! Time to relentlessly mash the refresh button till aby of the two topics gets update, hehe.

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Re: Flutter Bonus Levels (One-Shots) - Counter Breaker [31/5/24]

Post by Sharp-O »

“Is that all I can get for you, Saki?” Yuuko asks, and I nod appreciatively.

“That’s great, Yuuko, but my Mom will probably want something when she arrives.” I smile and she does the same, bowing before heading off onto the next table. I pull the worn sleeves of my maroon hooded jacket up my arms a little; unzip the front to reveal a faded grey t-shirt and brush down my shapeless dark jeans.

I hear the bell above the door chime, then the man behind the counter call out a welcome, turning my focus toward the woman and younger man entering the Shanghai. Don’t tell me…

Saaakiii~! I’ve missed you!” Mother’s high-pitched, fake-cutesy voice grates like it always does. I get up as she trots quickly over to me in heels and embraces me with a huge smile. I hug her out of habit but I can’t help but focus on the guy who seemingly came with her.

I can’t believe she’s doing this… I thought this was going to be a real conversation…

“Who… is this?” I ask, quietly enraged that Mother decided that what I hoped would be an honest talk about what’s going on with me has turned into yet another opportunity for her to set me up. I’m just glad Father isn’t here because I don’t think I’d make it out of here without a confirmed date with this rando.


Daaarliiing~, don’t be rude.” Mother chuckles before giving me a stern stare. Even now it’s a look that can make me flinch but I have to work past that if I’m going to get anywhere today. “This is Taishi Kasoura, the son of Mr Kasoura; the man who invited us to the Spring Gala.”

I remember having to put on a stupid dress and perform like a trained bear. Cheap entertainment for an expensive party; it doesn’t really matter who it was for.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Saki. I’ve heard a lot about you.” The guy looks like a model, all clean-shaven and pricey-clothes. He would seem like my type but the fact that Mother is introducing us is a massive red flag for me.

“How old are you, Taishi?” I try to put my Mother’s glare out of direct line of sight while I get rid of this guy as quickly as possible.

“I’m 24. I’m actually just finishing up my degree in busi-”

“And you want to date a high-schooler?” The question throws him and I can’t help the smile form on my face as I go full Bitch Mode. “No luck with girls your own age?”

“I-I-I-” His confidence being broken that easy is another red flag. I know guys in my year that could turn that around in a snap. He looks to my mother and I follow his eyeline to see she’s gone from stern to livid.

“I’m sorry, Taishi, it seems my daughter has lost her manners.” She says, unable to hide her annoyance, as she tries to make excuses but I’m not letting her do that for me.

“Not at all; it’s just that I recently had to start wearing diapers and I have enough of my own shit to deal with.” The look of shock on both of their faces… I shouldn’t enjoy it but I do.

“D-diapers?” The word sticks in his throat as he looks down at my dark grey jogging pants.

“S-Saki! I-Is this one of your silly jokes?” Mother asks, trying to laugh it off and failing as I shake my head.

“Nope. Just my degenerative disease, that is killing me day-by-day, taking its toll.” I know for damn sure she’d have left out little nugget of information and Taishi’s face going ghost-white confirms it.

I’m sorry to hear that…” He offers quietly. Alright, maybe he’s not all bad but still; kind of a creep for coming here knowing I’m still in high school.

“I appreciate that, Taishi, but if you don’t mind; I need to speak to Mother about some very serious topics.”

“O-of course. Nice to meet you both.” He bows slightly quickly to both of us and leaves just as quickly; leaving me with my dumbstruck Mother.

I gesture towards the two-person table in the quietest corner that I picked out earlier and Mother huffs at me before following and taking her seat across from me.

“I can’t believe you embarrassed us like that!” She leans toward me to whisper-shout before leaning back and clicking her fingers in the air a couple of times.

“Yuuko will be here in a second; give her a minute.”

“She should be here now. The service here is terrible.” She says, loud enough for other patrons, and Yuuko, to hear. And she says I’m embarrassing…

“This is the first time you’ve ever been here.” I look at her incredulously but I’m not at all surprised at her attitude.

“Don’t take that tone with me, Saki Enomoto. You’re not so pretty that you can afford to act this stupid! The Kasouras are good friends and now I’m going to have to think of what to say next time I see them! I thought we raised you with some respectability.” She says, clicking her fingers twice again.

“It’s amazing that you talk about respectability while being so disrespectful.”

“What is wrong with you? Where is all of this attitude coming from?” She shoots daggers at me and again, I flinch a little. C’mon, Saki, shake it off.

“Maybe it’s because when you called me - wanting to talk - I expected it was because I’d gotten in trouble at school, not to be set-up with yet another in a laundry list of losers.”

“Oh yes… Your Father informed me of your squabble with that girl. And of your other recent poor decisions.”

“What… Ah, me quitting my clubs. And I can guess who told you about that…” I roll my eyes.

“Mr Nomiya was just worried that you’re being influenced by troublemakers.” She says, almost convincing me with that concerned voice of hers.

“My friends aren’t troublemakers!” I swear, if that asshole has been bad-mouthing Taro… “And besides; what I do with my time isn’t any of Nomiya’s business!”

“But you can see why your teachers are concerned about your recent behaviour… Getting into fights, destroying your artwork…”

“I doubt Nomiya gives a damn about me, personally. He just wants to get in your good graces and maybe get a kickback on the artwork he’s so worried about. Dead artists make bank afterall.” I dismiss Nomiya’s made-up motive and cut to the truth of the matter.

Mother points a finger at me and begins to open her mouth when Yuuko arrives back at our table with a warm hello. Just as she begins listing the specials, she is rudely cut off by Mother. God, at least look at the person taking your order.

“Coffee, black. And I hope it gets here quicker than you did.”

“S-Sorry! R-right away!” The nervous waitress-cum-librarian glances quickly at me and I mouth a ‘sorry’ to her. I return to my Mother’s disapproving gaze as Yuuko bolts to the back of the coffee house.

“So what about this fight you got into?”

“I… I did something stupid, something I knew was wrong, and got punched in the face by a clubmate.”

“No wonder you don’t feel safe enough to stay in your clubs if they’re full of thugs and troublemakers! Who is this awful girl? What’s her name?” She snarls. It’s surprising to see her be almost protective but then I see the Enomoto come out of her. “I’ll sue her family into the ground.”

“N-No, that’s not the reason I quit the clubs!”

“You can’t just let people smack you around, Saki. Not without taking them for every cent they have.”

I deserved a lot worse.”

“Nonsense! You’re an Enomoto and I will not have my daughter be assaulted by some common tramp!” This isn’t getting me anywhere, I have to tell her and maybe that will stop her.

I’m the common tramp! I fucked her boyfriend!” I exclaim just as Yuuko returns with Mother’s coffee. There’s an awkward silence as she places the mug on the table, it squeaking ever-so-softly as it’s slid toward my mother.

Excuse me…” Yuuko meekly says and bows out of the conversation. Now that was embarrassing.

“You slept with another girl’s boyfriend?” I’m honestly surprised at the look of disgust Mother shows. Hurt, a little, but mostly surprised.

“Yup.” Several times but I don’t feel that adds any better context to the story. She quietly takes the coffee mug in both hands and stares at it for an uncomfortably long time. She sips at the liquid as I take a sip of my own tea.

“What is going on with you, Saki? You’re not acting normal at all.” She finally says, placing her mug down.

“This is who I am, Mother.”

“No, it’s not! You’re disrespectful, you’re dropping out of clubs, and you’re sleeping around!”

“I’m not ‘sleeping around’, Mother.” I add the air quotes for emphasis. “He’s the only guy I’ve slept with.”

“But you slept with him while he was with your friend.”


“Why?” She looks at me, confused.

“Because I’m not a good person. Or, at least, I wasn’t. I’m trying to be better.”

“You are a good girl, Saki!”

“You’re only saying that because, up until now, I’ve done everything you’ve asked of me. Played the dutiful, compliant daughter. And because I did as I was told around you and Father, you didn’t have a clue what I was doing at school.” I sigh, rubbing my forehead in frustration.

“What do you mean? Your teachers have only ever said nice thi-”

“Because they’ve had no fucking idea either! I’ve been a bully for as long as I’ve been at Yamaku. I’ve used and abused my way into being the top bitch just because I could and it’s honestly scary that no one in authority took notice.” I admit, gripping my biceps as I spit venom at my own actions.

“So you were a little overzealous but being ambitious isn’t a bad thin-”

“It wasn’t ambition. It was just… Control.” I interrupt and Mother stares, demanding elaboration.

“Do you know how much I hate being trotted out as entertainment for Father’s friends? Or you setting me up with their sons? Or having the likes of Nomiya look at me as a business investment? All the while ignoring the sword of Damocles hanging over my head.” I explain but when Mother’s dumbfound expression doesn’t change; I continue.

“I just wanted to feel like I was in control of my life for a change. I was left to my own devices for the first time in my life and wanted to do things just for myself. Not for you, or Dad, or anyone else. But all that really happened was that I took out all of my anger and spitefulness on the other kids.”

“So you’re blaming your Father and me for your bad behaviour?” Mother bristles at the insinuation and I answer reflexively.

“Yeah! No! God, I don’t know…” Blaming them is easy but it’s not the whole truth of it. I’m ultimately responsible for my actions but I was shaped by the adults around me. Urgh, I should have rehearsed what I was going to say!

“Then what are you saying, Saki?” Mother narrows her eyes.

“I just, I don’t know, acted how I thought I ought to; to be an Enomoto but for my own ends for a change? But it never worked out the way I really wanted and by the time I realised that, I was too deep. I was typecast.” I bury my head in my hands and just hope that makes as much sense to her as it does to me.

Again, our table goes quiet as Mother sips at her coffee.

“And what is it that you really want?” Mother asks and my mind goes blank. I know what I said to Rika but that isn’t a viable or realistic plan, no matter how much all I really want to do is live in the moment. The day-to-day.

“I know what I don’t want; I don’t want my life to be defined by greedy people who only see my talents or as a trophy wife to further Father’s business ties.” I say plainly. I hope, as a woman, she at least understands that last part.

“What about the family name?”

“What about it? You don’t seriously expect me to have kids, do you?” I can’t believe she’d still think that was on the table but then I watch on as her face contorts into a kind of sadness I haven’t seen since Grandfather’s funeral.

“There’s no way in hell that I’ll risk passing this shit onto someone else, Mother. You and Father might not have known about the risks at the time but I can’t knowingly do it. I won’t.” That’s something I know for sure.

“I always thought I’d become a grandmother one day. I thought I’d be a fun grandma.” She laments whilst also nodding, seemingly understanding my reasoning.

She might have been a good grandmother. Apparently bad parents make good grandparents but I’m not sure how true that is.

“Maybe, but this,” I gesture to my entire body then look at my cane. “This isn’t something I can risk happening to my child.”

“Ironic, then, that that’s exactly why you’d be a great mother.” She says wistfully and I feel a knot tighten in my stomach. A genuine compliment from her shouldn’t make me feel like shit. Why does it, though?

The table goes quiet and we both take a moment to finish our drinks before we exchange awkward glances with each other.

“Diapers, huh?” Mother pipes up and my blood runs cold. I can’t believe I actually admitted that in public like that. “I didn’t know it had gotten that bad…”

“I didn’t want anyone to know and it’s always going to be worse, Mother.” I respond stoically.

“Mm.” She barely responds, simply rotating her coffee mug by its rim in thought.

Yuuko nervously approaches the table again, either out of fear for my mother or because of how intense our conversation has been.

“I-is th-there anything e-else I can g-get you?”

“No thanks, Yuuko. Sorry for making a scene.” I offer to her and I get the feeling she understands by the sympathetic smile she gives me.

“W-would you like anything else, ma’am?” She turns to my mother who is a lot less hostile this time, thankfully.

“No, thank you.”

Mother rises out of her seat and Yuuko bows, returning to the counter in a rush; probably to avoid more scolding. Mother places several bills onto the table - more than is needed, honestly - then looks down at me with a ponderous expression, a smile forming at the corner of her mouth.

“This has been… certainly something.” She begins, almost cheerfully. “I can’t speak for your Father but you’ve given me a lot to think about.”

“O-okay…” I answer, taking hold of my cane and attempting to stand while my legs scream at me to sit the fuck down. Mother, thankfully, notices and waves her hands.

“No-no, don’t get up. You rest, darling. I’ll call you in the week and maybe we can talk again about how we, as a family, can sort through this?”

I don’t know what there is to ‘sort through’ but I answer “Sure.” She stands there awkwardly for a few moments, her face twisted in ways I’ve never really seen before.

“Okay, well… I love you, Saki. Stay safe. Ciao~!” She paints on her usual persona as she leaves and I’m left a little unsure if that went well or not.

Everything’s fucked! Everything was going so well and now it’s fucked!

I… I… I don’t know what to do. I have to do something and I don’t know what! Stupid, stupid, stupid girl! That’s what he called me. He’s right. I was stupid to think I could escape. It was stupid to think that my Father doesn’t own me. Lock, stock, and barrel.

My hands shakes as I bring the lighter to my face, the cigarette in my mouth quivering like a leaf.

“Yeah-yeah, I’ll let you know if I see her.” An exasperated voice says behind me and I look back at the dusky path out of the park. The dark-skinned tomboy eyes me curiously before speaking again. “No, everything’s fine, dude. I’ll see you soon. Seeya.”

Miki ends her phone call, with who I have to assume is Taro, and clambers over the back of the park bench and sits on the backrest, watching my hands shake as I stare blankly at her.

“You look like shit, Kiki. Here, lemme help.” She states the obvious and reaches toward me, plucking the cigarette out of my mouth and the lighter from my hand. She effortlessly tosses the cigarette into her own mouth and lights in one-handed. She takes a long draw on it and holds the smoke as she passes the lighter and lit cigarette to me.

“So… Whose ass needs kicking?” She asks, frowning, as a fog of smoke blowing out of her nose and mouth like a dragon.

“M-mine, I th-think.” I stammer.

“Why? What’d you do?” Her eyebrow cocks toward me and I take a deep lungful of smoke.

“It’s wh-what I’m g-gonna do…” I shakily answer before giving the answer in a whisper. “I’m gonna break his heart, Miki.”

Miki slides down the bench to sit beside me but she looks more concerned than I’d expect after admitting that I’m going to have to hurt Taro. Her dark eyes study my face; red and puffy from crying. She grumbles, rubbing the back of her head with her stump before putting that same arm around me.

“Taro said your dad picked you up at the gate and, apparently, that was worrisome. Kinda see why. What happened?”

I take a long draw from the cigarette before I begin to spin the tale of the past hour. I’d been expecting Mother to show up so we can talk again but that didn’t happen. Father did. He invited me into his town car and his chauffer drove us around for a long time.

I take another puff and explain what Father wanted to speak to me about, or rather, what he spoke at me about. He said that my Mother was being too soft with me, that he had to step in if my behaviour was to be… rectified. He said he was very disappointed in me, that I was letting the family down, and that I was selfish. My breath quivers as I take a huge, shaky lungful of air and continue.

He told me that my ungrateful attitude for the opportunities he afforded was over, that I was to rejoin my clubs, and to stop seeing my new friends, especially Taro. That I was to do as I was told and that if I didn’t; there’d be consequences.

“So you told him to go fuck himself, right?” Miki asks with an expectant wry smirk that makes me laugh despite myself.

“I said ‘like hell I will’.”

“Good girl.”

But that’s when he pulled out a manila folder. Innocuous and plain but a deadly weapon in his hands. He’d heard a lot about my new friends and wanted to get to know them. He didn’t say it but a man of his means can hire private investigators for anything. Like looking into my friends and their families.

He told me things about them that I didn’t even know - that I shouldn’t know. Not without them telling me themselves.Stuff about Rika’s mother. Who her father is. About Taro’s father and his step-mom. Rumours and scuttlebutt, he said, but certainly enough for uncomfortable questions to be asked. For unwanted eyes to take a closer look.

I rub the back of my head as it pulses with a dull ache. They’re not my secrets to share but I still know them and I don’t know what to do with that information now.

“Think he’s lying?” Miki asks and I shake my head, unsure.

“He could be but it was all so specific… What if he isn’t lying, Miki? If I don’t do as he says… He’ll go after them.”

“That fucker!” Miki rages, jumping to her feet, before turning to me. “So that’s it? You’re under his thumb forever?”

“Y-yeah… I guess.” I lower my head but Miki snatching the cigarette out of my hand draws my attention.

“I took you for a lot, Kiki,” She takes a draw then points at me, cigarette between her fingers. “But I never pegged you for a coward.”

“And what the fuck do you expect me to do, huh? Let him hurt Taro and his family? Something you expressly told me not to do? Or Rika?”

“I don’t know, okay? I tend to deck all my problems in the face!”

“Well, we both know I can’t throw a punch to save my life so think of something else!” There’s a moment of silence before Miki cracks up. Which makes me laugh as well.

“Why am I even laughing? Everything’s all fucked-up…” I sigh, wiping my face.

“Maybe…” Miki offers the dregs of the cigarette back to me, allowing me to finish it while she sits back down. She leans on her knees and rubs her stump.

“You’re looking at the biggest fuck-up at Yamaku. I lost my hand when I was eleven, being a dumb fuck on my family’s farm. Put my hand into an old-timey mangle on a bet and it got, well, mangled.” She holds up her left arm, the end of which is always bandaged.

After a certain point, you stop asking, and even wondering, the hows and whys of other people’s disabilities so this is definitely news to me. She places the stump in her right hand as she continues.

“Got it amputated, obviously. The medical bills caused a lot of arguments between my folks and then, when the fighting got too much… Mom left.” Her eyes are laser-focused on her stump as she frowns. “I did that.”

“You were a kid.” I say softly but Miki snorts and smirks back at me.

“But I kept fucking-up. Got into fights, slept around a bit, got kicked out of school. I was - am - a fuck-up. So take it from one fuck-up to another; you can’t stop fighting. Ever.”

“You sound like Taro…” I chuckle.

“The patron fucking saint of fuck-ups! That dude gave me time when I really didn’t deserve it too. Got me through some real shit. Hell, not just me. Really take a look at our little friend group and tell me he doesn’t draw fuck-ups into his orbit.” Miki laughs, quietly and with an almost contemplative smile.

“Me, Akio, Molly - we’ve all felt worthless or wrong before and Taro was the one to give us a… Fuck, I’m gonna butcher this…” Miki pauses and then proceeds in broken English. “Hell-ping han-dough.”

“A helping hand?” I say, subtly flexing that my English is better than hers.

“Yeah, that’s it… It’s why he’s one of my best friends. He’s my good left hand and, between the two of us, we can handle any problem life throws at us. Made me think even I could do a little good.” Miki smiles earnestly and I tilt my head with a smile of my own. I see her cheeks darken when she notices me staring and coughs.

“What I’m trying to say is; you’ve fucked-up before. You’ve hurt people. Hell, you’ve hurt yourself.” She stands, clenching her fist. “You’ve stumbled into one self-inflicted fuck-up after another without any idea of what the fuck you’re doin’! That makes you one of us, Saki.”

Miki opens and extends her right hand toward me with a brilliant grin. I instinctively want to reach out but I stop. I was ready to roll over like an obedient dog and betray everyone’s faith in me. To spit on the time and effort and friendship offered to me.

“I’m not a good person, Miki. You guys, all of you, are so…” I try to justify not taking her hand but - much like Taro did - she ignores my indecision and grabs hold, pulling me up onto my feet.

“Maybe you’re not good but you’re sure as shit good enough.”

I feel fresh tears well up and Miki pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms tight around this bizarre, scary, wonderful girl.

“Look,” She whispers. “I don’t know shit about Rika but Taro’s big enough and ugly enough to handle his family’s crap. He has been for years.”

“So you’re saying I let my Father win?” I release my hold and step back, confused. That’s not what I was expecting after one hell of a pep talk.

“No, I’m saying you do what you’ve never done before now; you rely on your friends’ strength.”

“And that means?” I ask, hopeful that this strong-willed Amazon will have answers for me.

“Fuck if I know; I was just trying to say what Taro would.” Only to have that hope dashed as Miki ruefully rubs the back of her head with a cheeky grin. I sigh and fish another cigarette out of my pocket, offering the packet out. Miki waves it off and I light a fresh cigarette.

“Well then,” I inhale deeply, allowing the nicotine rush flood my system. “I guess I’ll have to get a helping hand.”

“Thank fuck.” Miki groans, her shoulders slumping. “I don’t know how he does it; this shit is hard.”

“Helping fuck-ups? I dunno. I think you did pretty good.” I smile at my friend Miki.

Good enough, even.

Last edited by Sharp-O on Fri May 31, 2024 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Flutter Bonus Levels (One-Shots) - Counter Breaker [31/5/24]

Post by hdkv »

Sharp-O wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 5:47 pm

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Rika. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

Is that name mistake intentional?

Wonder how hell-ping han-do will help Saki, huh. Nice level, had a good laugh off Saki throwing the guy away xD

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Re: Flutter Bonus Levels (One-Shots) - Okiagari [30/11/23]

Post by Sharp-O »

hdkv wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 10:17 pm
Sharp-O wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 5:47 pm

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Rika. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

Is that name mistake intentional?

It’s what happens when you write two female leads that share three out of four letters in their names :lol: Thanks for pointing it out!

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Re: Flutter Bonus Levels (One-Shots) - Counter Breaker [31/5/24]

Post by Frankyo »

Just wanted to say I’ve read all of Flutter so far and I love your characters and worldbuilding again! Loving the side oneshots as well, the Saki plot is great and love the sorta alternate universe to Monomyth.

Girls: Hanako/Misha > Lilly > Emi > Shizune/Rin
Routes: I realized that every route has its own charms, but felt that Shizune's was lackluster. It has Misha though!

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Re: Flutter Bonus Levels (One-Shots) - Counter Breaker [31/5/24]

Post by StealthyWolf »

War is on the horizon in the Enomoto region. Who will join the fight, and who will be caught in the the crossfire? My prediction, all of Saki's new friends will decide to stand by her and whatever information her dad has on Rika's family will lead us into the next (final?) arc in Flutter.

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Re: Flutter Bonus Levels (One-Shots) - Counter Breaker [31/5/24]

Post by Sharp-O »

Frankyo wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 12:15 am

Just wanted to say I’ve read all of Flutter so far and I love your characters and worldbuilding again! Loving the side oneshots as well, the Saki plot is great and love the sorta alternate universe to Monomyth.

Thanks! I always try to keep the characterisations I made in Monomyth consistent throughout the various multiverse stories so while events may change, characters stay true to themselves. Well, mostly. I've been straying from that more and more but I find that I default back to Taro, Miki, and Akio's general personalities that I established. :lol:

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Re: Flutter Bonus Levels (One-Shots) - Live & Learn [16/7/24]

Post by Sharp-O »


“So how do you think its going?” I ask to the assembled group in the girls’ common room as I check my phone for any sort of text from Rika. I hope it’s going well. I really do. They both deserve it after the last month.

“I’m sure they’re doing fine.” Molly says. Her little weird spat with Taro long over, the two have bonded again over some sci-fi TV show from her country. Something about a blue box and robots; I’m barely paying attention.

“Akio said Hisao seemed a little nervous after he got him all dressed up.” Taro comments, idly sketching in his book as he half-watches the show.

“Yeah, first times are like that. Especially if you’re making a big song-and-dance about it.” Jiro is somehow contributing whilst following what’s going on with the British show and stroking my hair.

“Made a big deal about yours, I take it?” I ask, looking up at him from his lap. He rolls his eyes, looking off to the side, but the blush of his cheeks is telling.

“I’d take that as a yes.” Taro smirks from across the way. “Though that’s not a bad thing. It should be special in a sense.”

“I get the idea but it can never live up to the hype, right? It’s going to be rubbish the first time round if you’re both inexperienced but it’s the emotional high that sells it.” Molly looks to Taro for confirmation and he shrugs.

“Wouldn’t know. Mine was with someone with experience but you are right that emotion plays a big part.”

“Must’ve been someone special though. Someone you like-liked.” I offer. It was with me but then he turned out to be an asshole soooo…

Like-liked?” Taro glances up at me, barely hiding a smirk. Molly shakes her head, elbowing Taro in the ribs.

“Stop teasing; you know what she meant.”

Ow. It was with someone I trust, yeah. After my last relationship imploded because I was cheated on, I needed to really trust someone before going that far.”

Do I detect some present tense there? Is it Miki that you still trust, Taro? If that’s the case, why are you dating Saki? Doesn’t make a lick of sense to me but he seems pretty sure she can be reformed. Maybe a good dicking is all she needs to go from bad to good. Pfft, maybe that’s his superpower.

“What’s funny?” Jiro whispers to me and I realise I’m thinking entirely too much about some other guy’s junk while my guy’s is inches away.

“Nothing, just a stray funny thought. Are you following this show?”

“The dialogue is a little hard to parse sometimes. The accents are all over the place but I can get enough of it. Taro and I were talking about tokusatsu and this has some similar themes.”

“You’re such a nerd.”

“I’m your nerd.” He smiles down at me earnestly and my heart skips a beat. We’ve only been dating for a little while so I hadn’t really considered long term with Jiro. Maybe I ought to reconsider that… He’s hot, considerate, and very sweet…

“Yo! Look who I found!” The boisterous Miura calls out to the room but I don’t see her properly until she brings the object of her announcement into view with her; Saki. Ugh…

“You okay? You look like you’ve been crying.” Taro’s concern as he jumps up off the sofa to meet Saki is really cute, I can’t lie.

“I’m okay, Taro. I, um, I need to talk to you about something and…” She looks around the room before returning back to him. “I think it’s better if we go somewhere else.”

Her voice is quiet and worried-sounding. Taro said she got ambushed by her dad so maybe that went badly. Damn it, I shouldn’t feel bad for her but she looks so gaunt and pasty that whatever happened shook her. Like when Rika had a go at her.

“Sure, we can do that.” Taro reassures her but shoots a look to Miki as Saki turns around. Miki’s eyes get so stern and serious, more so than I’ve ever seen while I’ve been around this group. Saki links her arm with Taro’s as they disappear toward the elevator.

“Fuuka, can I borrow your boyfriend?” Miki groans, rubbing her eyes.

“Huh? Why?” I glance at Jiro and then back to Miki. Molly turns on the sofa to focus on the conversation as well.

“I need someone my speed to work stuff out on.”

“Uhhh, don’t you mean ‘with’?” Jiro asks nervously and Miki shoots him a dirty look.

“What the bloody hell’s going on?” Molly chimes in and Miki emits a bass-y grumble from her throat.

“Saki’s dad is a fucking asshole and I need to de-stress before I decide to go full Taro. Or he does and I have to stop him.”

“What… Does that mean?” I ask, looking over to Molly and she seems just as clueless as I am.

“I haven’t seen Arai angry in a long time. Not since, like, first year. Must be serious.” Jiro comments with a look ponderous pity.

“Yeah. And I’m angry too.” Miki stares at the floor before she balls her fist. “Y’know what, forget it, Shiraki. I’m just gonna go pound a punch bag for a while.”

As Miki storms out of the room, Molly gets up, wobbling on her legs for second before taking off after Miki. “I’ll keep an eye on her.”

I watch the two brown girls leave the common room as Jiro hugs my shoulders. “She’ll be alright.”

“I guess I just never realised how little I know about them. I figured Miki might be a little fighty from time-to-time but I never thought Taro was.” He’s so chill and kind to people, I can’t imagine him angry. Maybe that’s the point.

“Arai and Miki are tough, no doubt about that, but they’re as vulnerable as the rest of us.”

“I’m seeing that… I hope they’ll be okay.”

Jiro kisses my forehead and gets up. Limping over to the DVD player, he takes Molly’s disc out, placing it thoughtfully back in it’s case. I can’t help but bite my bottom lip and watch his butt as he bends down.

“So what do you want to-” He stops mid-sentence and mid-turn when he catches sight of my face. “Really? Is that all it takes?”

“You can’t flaunt that pretty ass of yours around here and expect not to be ogled.” I purr at him. Jiro shakes his head as he limps back to me and kneels onto the sofa, looming over me as I press myself back against the sofa and raise my face to meet his.

“Are you saying I’m asking for it?”

“Yeeeeeah… And so am I.” I peck his lips then tilt my head towards the hall. “Wanna come up to my room?”


“Keep going!” I should have thought this through more… Should have stretched before, at the very least. I rub my chest as I lean my butt on the handrail, watching Rika continue after I encourage her. She’s so in the zone. She looks invincible.

Come on, make me feel until the pain don't matter
Every second here makes my heart beat faster

I wish I could feel like she does. She’s been told that she’s going to have to live with the same condition as me for the rest of her life and she hasn’t missed a beat. Rika looks over her shoulder with some concern for me but I smile back reassuringly. She’s doing great.

I know what it feels like
Come on make me feel alive

I watch my girlfriend hit note-for-note on the DDR machine as effortlessly as she breathes. Apart from her albinism, you’d never know there was anything wrong with her. I wish I knew how she can be the way she is. I wish I could be like her.

I step off the stage while she continues to dance, pulling my jacket along with me. I’ll grab us some cold drinks. If I worked up a sweat, she’s definitely gonna need a cool down afterwards.

Rika’s had heart issues all her life… By her own admission, she was a pretty sick kid. How can she handle her arrhythmia so well? I was fit and active but now I get winded after a couple minutes of exercise… I just don’t get it.

Ugh, all these options suck… I pick the least repulsive flavour out of the soda machines and put my can against my forehead. Ahh, much better. I turn back to the stage and see Rika leaning against the rail and looking out into the crowds. Above the noise of the people and the machines and music; I can’t hear her but it looks like she’s calling out for me.

As I make my way back, I can see the beads of sweat running down her face, the redness of her cheeks, and the heaving of her chest. I’m not proud to admit that I was kind of glad that she could still get tired like I do. That she wasn’t completely outpacing me.

She’s going to bite my head off if I ask her if she’s alright so I better not lead with it. Play it cool… “All done? Wait, what’s wrong?”

Her expression lightens up some as she wipes the sweat from her head. “Nothing. Just need some air and didn’t want to lose you.”

Her attempt to cover for herself is cute and I simply smile back, offering up one of the cold cans to her.

“Let’s get some air, then!”


The sound of flesh smashing into concrete - reverberating up through the stairwell - makes me flinch almost as much as the sudden act of wanton violence itself or the frustrated growl of Taro as he shakes his fist out with a wince.

Fuck!” He grimaces before the sudden realisation that I’m still standing here hits him. “Oh god, I’m sorry, Saki! That’s… I’m not…”

“It’s okay!” I hold my hands out but I’m a little hesitant to grab his hand, even if it must hurt like hell. I thought he’d be mad but that was… It’s something else to see someone I’ve only ever seen be kind get angry. “I’m sorry…”

“You’ve got nothing to be sorry for, Saki. I shouldn’t have done that… It’s just…” He groans as he squats down onto the stairs. He winces as he flexes his left hand, pained groans with every extension of his fingers.

“Here…” I say softly, kneeling in front of him and taking his hurt hand in mine. His knuckles red and raw but his moving the fingers individually must be a good sign. I rub them gently and he hisses. “Sorry.”

“It’s… Y’know, I thought I left this kind of shit behind. I thought it was all dealt with.” Taro laments as he uses his thumb to pop the knuckle of each finger. It’s gross to hear but if it helps him, I can stomach it.

“I’ve heard all this shit before but since you’re getting the third-hand rumour, I think I better give you the real story.”

“You don’t have to. I d-don’t believe any of what my Father said.” I grimace at Taro having to relive this because of my Father. Because of me.

“I appreciate that, Saki.” He smiles, albeit sadly. “Kyoko worked for my Dad before I was born. When… my Mom died giving birth to me… My Dad obviously didn’t take it well. He lost his wife and was left with a disabled son… He couldn’t cope. Kyoko saw him struggling and offered to help.”

“She sounds like a lot like you.” I smile softly up at him and his smile becomes a little brighter.

“She’s who really raised me, even if she insisted that I never call her Mom. Naturally; one thing lead to another and Kyoko and my Dad ended up married. You can imagine the kinds of rumours that started after that. A lot of people understood the situation but others…”

“That must have been hard.” I move to sit next to him and he shuffles over, squishing his larger frame against the rails.

“It was. Especially since Dad and I couldn’t quite connect. I don’t blame him, not entirely, but it is what it is. Kyoko encouraged my passions, my art, even got me to learn another language.”

“So that’s why you use so much English.” I chuckle and he nods.

“As she was fond of saying…” Taro clears his throat and then speaks in a language I’ve never heard before. “Ahem, ‘un solo idioma nunca es suficiente’. That means ‘one language is never enough’ in Spanish.”

“You speak Spanish, too?” I raise an eyebrow at him.

“No, just that phrase.” He smirks, proceeding in English. “I find my English to be much better.”

“You’re quite the cunning linguist, I have to admit…” I respond in English as well, squeezing his hand gently. Switching back to his native language, Taro continues with a small smirk.

“So yeah, I’m used to rumours about my family. I just never thought they’d follow me here or be weaponised like this. Your Dad’s a real piece of shit.”

“You won’t hear me arguing. I just hate that he’s threatening to bring it all up again.”

“What about Rika? Have you talked to her yet?”

“She’s on her big date with Hisao… I don’t want to ruin their night.”

“Yeah… Good call.” He nods approvingly and puts his arm around my shoulders. We sit together on the stairs, awkwardly content despite the horribleness of my confession.

“I think you should do what your Dad says.” Taro says, out of fucking nowhere, and I can only stare at him, disbelievingly. He sighs and nods, seemingly aware of how ridiculous he sounds. “I know, I know… But as Takeshi Hongo once said; human life is more important than peace and justice.”

“What the fuck does that mean?!”

“That your life - your ability to continue living - is more important than sticking it to your Dad.”

“I’m not going to roll over and let him get what he wants! You all mean more to me than that.”


No! It’s unfair that he gets to ruin the realest thing I’ve had in years! I don’t want to go back to living a lie! I won’t!” I scramble up the stairs as tears well in my eyes. I hear Taro call after me but I ignore him as I take the turn to the next flight but find my legs weaken underneath me.

I slip on the next step, falling forward, but I don’t smash my face into the steps. A meaty arm wrapped around my stomach pulls me upright but Taro stumbles back into the concrete wall, as uneasy on his feet as I am after that little save. He leans off the wall but I push him back against it with all my weight.

“I can’t believe you! I can’t believe you’d see an actual, real-life villain and let him win!”

“I don’t like it, okay?! But you deserve the chance to get the life you want and you can’t do that without your family paying for your meds! You said that!”

“Fuck my meds! Fuck my family!”


“You listen to me, Taro Arai,” I grab his t-shirt collar with both hands and pull him close. “I will gladly kill myself quicker out of spite before I give that bastard what he wants! But… But I…”

“But you can’t now that there’s other people in the crosshairs.” Taro looks at me pitifully then closes his eyes, frowning as I release his collar.

“So help me, Taro. Help me figure out how to get out of this…” I plead, cupping his cheek as his eyes open. He places his left hand over mine on his cheek. We embrace tightly.

“I just need one good idea…” I say, mostly to myself but Taro, as usual, surprises me with his response.

“How about a stupid one?” Taro asks quietly. I disengage and pull his hand, urging him to follow me up the stairs to my room.

“Why don’t you tell me all about your stupid idea.”


I can feel Rika’s pulse through her fingers entwined with mine. Or maybe that’s mine. We’re both excited. We both know what’s about to happen and, honestly, its been a long time coming.

Dressed to the nines, we get a few curious looks from students around the quad but manage to get to the girls’ dorms without being stopped. We both glance inside the common room and don’t see any of our friends in there. Does it say something about our friendship group that we were expecting them to be waiting for us?

The elevator ride up to Rika’s room is tense. We’re gripping each other’s hands so hard, stealing glances and laughing every couple of seconds. The elevator doors open and there’s a definite rush in our steps towards her door. She reaches for her keys and I can’t control myself anymore as my arms snake around her torso and I start kissing her neck.

“H-Hisao!” Rika whispers is protest but with a huge smile on her lips. She unlocks the door and turns, grabbing my collar and pulling me in for a deep kiss. We twirl into her room, pawing and kissing each other, giggling all the way. The door is locked and we’re in each other’s arms. No more footsies, no more games, this is happening.


Jiro lifts me onto my bed and kneels over me, cupping my face and pecking at my lips before going for my neck.

“Door locked?” I ask.

“Yup. Got condoms this time?” He asks in response. I squirm underneath him and open my bedside table drawer. I reveal a long strip of foil packets.

“Oh yes.”



We grin and begin kissing again; more passionately, pulling at each other’s clothes desperately. I’ve been waiting so long for this…


“You’re right; it’s a stupid idea.” I tilt my head back to show Taro my unimpressed expression. I know we were meant to be brainstorming this idea but I really wanted to cuddle up to him after all the shit with my Dad. It’s not exactly conducive to a serious conversation because I’m so comfy, it’s unreal.

“I said it was! But if this is plan, if it’s going to work, it needs a certain amount of… Subterfuge.” Taro admitted as he cradled me in his lap, his left arm wrapped around my back - hand gently squeezing my thigh - while I hold his limp right arm against my chest.

“You mean lying.”

“I mean lying, yes.”

Pretending to rejoin the Art and Music clubs is simple enough. I can show up and not participate as long as I’m seen. It’s the other part… Not hanging around my new friends. Not dating Taro. That’s the hard part.

“Miki’s gonna kick my ass for real; you know that, right?” I say incredulously but end up chuckling along with Taro as he admits that’s a possibility.

“We can always tell everyone. We only have to make it look real for the teachers who are in your parents’ pocket.” Taro suggests but as I pointed out to him; Nomiya and Sakamoto can always ask students about what’s going on with me, which they have done before.

“If this is going to work, it should look as real as it can. The fewer people know; the better.” I heave a heavy sigh and nuzzle against Taro more. “I hate that this is the best we can come up with; more lying.”

“We don’t have to do anything about it right now. Let’s just think it through some more. We at least have until Tuesday when the Art Club meets.” Taro reassures, squeezing me tighter. He’s right, we don’t have to iron everything out tonight. Tonight…

I slink my arms around his neck and pull myself up his body; our faces meeting followed by our lips meeting quickly after. I smooch him over and over; softly, lovingly.

“Taro…” I breathe into his face lustfully.

“Saki…” I kiss him more and our hands begin to wander. His huge hand holds me firm and my body begins to press against him more intently. I look deep into his eyes, trying to form thought.

“Before things…” Get more complicated.

“I want…” You.

“I just want…” This to be real.

Taro’s cobalt blue eyes study my face before nodding, solemnly. “Are you sure?”

“It’s the only thing I am sure about.” I whisper, blushing. Taro takes the initiative, shifting his whole body so he can splay me out on my bed while freeing his working hand.

His fingers trace along my cheek, then down my neck…

Then down further.

Last edited by Sharp-O on Wed Jul 17, 2024 9:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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