Are you diagnosed as autistic or otherwise non neurotypical?

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Are you diagnosed as autistic or otherwise non neurotypical?

I am neurotypical/not yet diagnosed


I am diagnosed non neurotypical, but with a condition other than autism


I am diagnosed as being on the autistic spectrum

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Are you diagnosed as autistic or otherwise non neurotypical?

Post by EveryHisaoMustDie »

I apologize if anything i say here is seen as insensitive.

Being diagnosed myself, i have noticed that within communities that are based on the platonic or sexual appreciation of peoples different from the norm, especially when desires of genuine understanding and finding the lack of difference under the surface is involved, there is a disproportionately high amount of nonneurotypical peoples, which makes a lot sense considering the likelyhood of shared feelings of alienation. So i'm asking this to get statistical confirmation of my impression here as well. I had seen a paper on it years ago that confirmed what i thought but it only asked womens and i can't remember the name of it or find it, research into the psycho/neurology of non normative sexuality is frustratingly lacking.

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Re: Are you diagnosed as autistic or otherwise non neurotypical?

Post by MagicalMelancholy »

Would suggest there being an option for "undiagnosed but highly suspect". Autism explains a lot of what is wrong with me but I haven't been diagnosed because frankly it feels like a lot of effort and money to get diagnosed with something that medication won't even fix the bad parts of.

Did get tested for ADHD recently though, since it also explains a lot of what is wrong with me (meds can fix some of the bad parts of that + I can get assignment extensions). Waiting for results now (and wishing my mom listened to my relatives when they suggested I get tested like over a decade ago because it would've saved my self-esteem a lot of trouble).

Who cares how intoxicated I am, if it means I can dream.
Who cares how mad I become, if it means I can wake up from this nightmare.

(From Len'en ~ Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle, Scoundrel Team vs Para)

I'm not actually that depressed dw, I've just really wanted to use that as an edgy forum signature for a while and this place is actually active. He/Him and my arms hurt.

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