Flutter - Level Thirty Six: Invincibility [18/5/24]


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Re: Flutter - Level Twenty Nine: Prestiging [24/9/23]

Post by Silentfrost »

Absolutely adore this fic sharpo. Keep up the good work.

I said on discord that your Rika is very reminiscent of scissorlips' suzu and I stand by that. She's a particular brand of endearing dork that I just vibe with and I can't wait for more :)

The only bit I disliked was the Saki situation. I wasn't a fan of her being a giant bitch to begin with, but then for it all to just be an act felt too convenient. Then again who knows maybe she is still a bitch and had cameras set up to catch Rika smoking/on the roof or she's going to try and drown her at the pool when nobody is looking or something who knows.
Saki = Emi = Suzu > Lilly > Misha > Hanako > Miki > Shizune > Rika. Rin is off to the side somewhere pondering about what a tier list tastes like.

“Try explaining the concept of suicide being empowering. It doesn’t go well”
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Re: Flutter - Level Twenty Nine: Prestiging [24/9/23]

Post by Sharp-O »

Silentfrost wrote: Sun Oct 01, 2023 7:59 pm Absolutely adore this fic sharpo. Keep up the good work.

I said on discord that your Rika is very reminiscent of scissorlips' suzu and I stand by that. She's a particular brand of endearing dork that I just vibe with and I can't wait for more :)
Thanks, Frost! I still need to refamiliarise myself with Scissor's Suzu story because I can't remember if I read it back in the day or not but that's a nice comparison, thank you!
Silentfrost wrote: Sun Oct 01, 2023 7:59 pmThe only bit I disliked was the Saki situation. I wasn't a fan of her being a giant bitch to begin with, but then for it all to just be an act felt too convenient. Then again who knows maybe she is still a bitch and had cameras set up to catch Rika smoking/on the roof or she's going to try and drown her at the pool when nobody is looking or something who knows.
It wouldn't be a Sharp-O Story™ if the drama seemed to resolve entirely too quickly/easily! :lol: I don't think it helps that I cast a Big Fave as an antagonist but I hope people will understand my ideas when Saki's story concludes
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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty: Frame Trap [3/10/23]

Post by Sharp-O »

As the night creeps in all around us and the air becomes chillier, Hisao has to all but drag me away from my reverie. As much as I want to work toward the future, living in the moment still has it’s benefits.

“Come on, you. I don’t want you catching a cold.” He says, placing his jacket around my shoulders. I slip my arms inside and hug his free arm in appreciation. We walk the path back toward the Trattoria and further onto the coffee shop on the edge of the park.

With decaf coffee and tea in hand, we cross back into the more suburban area of Shogen, taking a little detour toward one of my old haunts.

“So yeah, this is my Junior High.” I say in a tone that is fully aware of how mundane it is. “Just a regular ol’ Junior High school.”

“I can see that. You said you didn’t have many friends, but there must have been some.” Hisao glances between me and the school across the road, sipping at his coffee.

“Yoko Hase and Satoshi Sano.” I chuckle, remembering those two. “We were the school’s designated weirdoes. All chuunibyous to some extent.”

“We had some of those at my school. Real oddballs.” He says, a pitying look on his face before he catches me staring. “I-I’m sure you guys were cool though!”

“Stop bullying me!” I play-whine, pouting cutely as I turn away and begin walking. As he jogs to catch up, I reveal a reassuring smile to let him know I didn’t really take offence.

“Oddballs would be charitable for us.” I admit, shaking my head. “Yoko got into Wicca so she was all witch-y but in a more pastel colour scheme. She was always looking for a big floppy witch hat but could never get a good one. Only the cheap ones they do for Halloween.”

“The ones that shouldn’t go near open flames.” Hisao says in a way that sounds like a story but, unfortunately, it’s my back-story we’re focusing on.

“Right, and then Satoshi probably was an actual psychic, thinking about it. I know it was all make believe for me but his little guessing games were a little too close to the truth sometimes.”

“Maybe he’s just an empathetic person? Or had an overactive imagination.” Hisao offers and it’s true, that’s probably what it was but still… Spooky how accurate he was. “And what about you?”

I see his eyes focus on me, a delightfully devilish smile on his lips. Like he can’t wait for me to embarrass myself. My cheeks burn as hot as the drink cupped between my hands as I let out a sigh and confess something I hoped I’d never have to.

“I actually was a goth.”

“You’re kidding me.” Hisao’s amusement is clear as a huge grin creeps over his lower face. Hisao, please… “And after I defended you against Mai!”

“Hey! I never actually said I wasn’t!” I exclaim, pressing a finger into his stupid handsome face. “Besides, I’m a reformed goth!”

“It wasn’t like that Lolita goth stuff, was it?” Hisao cringes and I can’t blame him.

“God no! Not full flouncey dress, anyway. Black and red and white frills, kinda like the dress I wore in that picture with Shoji.” I explain, putting to Hisao as if to cue his memory.

“So not Victorian doll flouncey. That’s something at least. That stuff is a little too freaky.” He looks me up and down a little before continuing. “I could totally see you as more of a graphic tee, spiked leather bracelet, proper little metalhead kind of goth, though.”

“With blown out hair like I’m in a grungy emo band?” I laugh incredulously.

“I think you’d look pretty cute.” He shrugs but the blush on his cheeks tells me I should be teasing him a little over.

“Is that your way of asking me to dress up like a scene kid?” I ask, expectantly, looking at him in a way that asks ‘Really?’

“I’m just saying…” He offers his hands up in protest but he’s clearly thinking about me dressing up for him. Maybe. As a treat.

“But anyway, we were friends but more out of solidarity than actual friendship. Like, we were the weird kids so we had to hang out together?”

“Safety in numbers.” Hisao interjects.

“Yeah, but when I left for Yamaku, we didn’t keep in touch. I don’t even know if they still live around here…” I ponder, getting closer and closer to home.

“Activity for tomorrow?” Hisao smiles sweetly. He’s trying his best to make this trip as worthwhile to me as his was to him but I don’t think I really need it as much as he did.

“I’ll ask my Mom when we get back.”

Mom?” I call into the darkened house as I hit the lights. I know we weren’t out as late as her curfew but it shouldn’t take nearly two hours for her to get groceries, surely. Hisao almost seems to jump across some invisible gap that extends out of my Grandpa’s room. Still a little wary, it seems.

“She must be getting a lot.” Hisao says as he observes the contents of the fridge for himself, his nose wrinkling a little. “I can only imagine how long some of this crap has been in here…”

“Please don’t judge the eating habits my poor, overworked doctor of a mother - who, I might remind you, is letting you sleep in her daughter’s bedroom instead of on the couch.” I close the door with the flat of my hand and give Hisao a stern look.

“No judgement, honest!” He steps back. “Just thought a doctor would eat healthier, is all.”

“That sounds judgemental to me, Hisao.” I cross my arms defensively. Keep talking smack and I might make you sleep on the couch.

“No, I just mean… Okay, it’s a little judgemental.” He sighs, finally admitting his thoughts. “Sorry, guess I’m a pretty rude houseguest.”

“I’m sure she appreciates the concern but yeah, just a touch rude.” I reassure him with a hand on his chest. “You gonna be okay? I know we talked but I want to make sure you’re comfortable staying with us.”

He looks a little perturbed, whether it’s the threat of a haunting or feeling guilt about his out-of-pocket remark I can’t be sure. He smiles, despite himself, and places his hand over mine. “I’ll be fine. Just gotta be on my best behaviour, right?”

“I don’t know about best…” I tease in a sultry tone, leaning up to kiss him tenderly. The latch turning and the door opening cuts off our kiss and we both groan in frustration before looking at each other and giggling.

Rika? Hisao? You guys home?” Mom calls out and we appear in the hallway, Hisao rushing to help with the groceries. “Oh, thank you, Hisao! I have more in the car!”

My chivalrous boyfriend picks up the four plastic bags and shuffles down the hall towards the kitchen. I give him an appreciative peck on the cheek as he passes and go out to the car. Mom is deep in the trunk of the car, grasping several more bags, but there’s something about her hair that bothers me as I approach. I swear it didn’t look like that when we left her earlier…

“Everything okay, sweetheart?” She asks as she turns. “You look worried.”

“Huh? Sorry, no, everything’s fine. Just got lost in thought for a second.” I shrug, offering out my hands, making a grabby-grabby motion. Mom puts the bags in my hands but she raises an eyebrow at me as she grabs the last few bags.

“How’s things with you and Hisao? Enjoy your walk?”

“They’re good. Great, even. I actually told him that I loved him.” Mom’s eyes go wide. “Not here, at school, a couple days ago.”

“And what did he say?”

“He said he loved me too.” I beam, my face goes red and my arms full of shopping sway like pendulums.

“Oh, sweetheart…” Mom smiles and kisses my forehead. “And did that affect your heart? Physically, I mean.” She titters to herself.

“Increased heart rate, a rush of dopamine, and butterflies in my stomach but that’s as close to a flutter as I felt. Heck, I haven’t had one in months.” I sigh with a smile. I’ve been doing so well, even with all the drama and hormones.

“I’m glad to hear that. And I’m happy for you, Rika.”

We enter the kitchen and find Hisao holding a carton of eggs, looking confused. He looks from the fridge to the cupboard I know we keep mugs in before settling on us.

“I was going to start packing things away but I don’t know where your family keeps eggs? Mine puts them in the cupboard because they’re not chilled in the store but I didn‘t want to presume…” He rambles as I place the bags down and pluck the carton out of his hand.

“Well they don’t go in the cupboard with the mugs, that’s for sure.” I laugh, opening the fridge and placing them right at the back. That’s something I remember Grandpa telling me. They go at the back of the fridge because the temperature is more consistent there.

“Oh! Um, and the ketchup?” He asks, fishing the green and red bottle out of the bag next and my Mom and I speak in unison.


Ugh. Here we go…

Mom, Hisao, and I settle in for the evening in front of the TV, watching a movie about a high school in the 60s that came out a couple years ago. It’s basically about two star-crossed student lovers from different worlds. My Mom thinks she’s soooo slick.

“Would you fight a bunch of hooligans for me?” I whisper to Hisao and he laughs.

“Not a chance. Would you learn to play guitar for me?” He pulls me into a tighter cuddle.

“Pfft, nah.” I place my hand on his chest, drumming my fingers against it.

“I thought it was romantic!” Mom interjects. “You kids have no sense of romance.”

Hisao and I share deprecating looks with each other. I think we do. But maybe Mom’s idea of romance is a little more old-fashioned. She returns the DVD to its case and switches the TV back to regular programming; some panel show.

“Have you had any more thoughts on your career, Hisao? I remember you wanted to do something in the sciences.” Mom asks thoughtfully.

“I’m actually thinking of becoming a teacher. A science teacher.” Hisao explains, straightening up a little for the more serious discussion.

“That’s a wonderful idea. I imagine it could be quite rewarding.” Mom claps her hands together.

“Mr Mutou, my homeroom teacher, actually gave me the inspiration.”

“You’ve really helped me when we’ve studied so I think you’ll be a good teacher.” I offer sincerely.

“What about you, Rika? Has Hisao’s path given you any ideas?”

“Not really. I’m working harder, for sure. I’m taking my health more seriously. But in terms of a job? Ehhhhh.” I loll my head back as I groan, earning a chuckle from Hisao.

“You could always be a games tester.”

“That’d just make something I love into a job and that sounds awful.” I frown at him.

“That’s exactly what I’m doing!” He jabs back.

“No, you’re becoming a science teacher, not a scientist. It’s different.” I counter. We playfully glare at each other.

“I see Hisao hasn’t been that much of a good influence on you then.” Mom smirks, pulling a box out from under the coffee table. “But you’ve definitely come a long way from where you were.” She shakes the box threateningly with an evil grin toward me.

“Mom, please, no!” I scramble over Hisao to grab the box but she pulls it out of reach, laughing maniacally. Don’t do this to me!

“Sorry, Rika! But Hisao needs to see… the pictures!”

Hisao grabs me and laughs. “Yes! The pictures!”

“Betrayers! Betrayers and butts, both of you!” I cackle as my arms are grappled by Hisao and I watch as Mom spills old photographs out onto the coffee table.


“Oh my god!” Hisao grins. “You were so cute!

“Noooo! I wasn’t cute! I’ve always been a gremlin!” I flail uselessly as Mom shows pictures of me when I was very little.

“This is my favourite.” Mom sighs with as she shows a picture of me where I have to be four or five, grinning brightly with a cute white and blue dress. I don’t remember the particular day but I recognise the garden as the same one outside this very house.

“Rika! You were so tiny and adora-” Hisao holds the picture with a huge smile which fades as he inspects it closer. His expression becomes sad. “Your scar… I know you’ve been living with it all your life but…”

He trails off as I look at the picture and sure enough, the tell-tale scar on my tiny child chest is there, just as it is now. Well, it doesn’t look nearly as gnarly there but I’ve had multiple operations since. Hisao’s eyebrows curl downward, almost angry.

He’s probably looking at this tiny innocent thing with that ugly scar and thinking she was robbed of what others would describe as a normal life. He’s justified in the anger in that respect. It’s a thought I’ve had myself.

“Yeah, Hisao. She’s scarred.” I say, taking the picture from him with one hand and placing my other on his face as he turns it towards me. “But she doesn’t look sad, does she?”

I smile reassuringly, hoping it will bring a smile back to him. I don’t want you dwelling on my pain because it will only make you think of your own, Hisao.

“Rika was a terror, Hisao!” Mom sighs, putting on an exhausted look. I give her a knowing smirk. “She’d get into everything and climb all over the furniture.”

“I was a kid. I thought I was immortal.” I chuckle. “Still kinda do.”

Hisao looks at me strangely, like I’d grown an extra head. “Whatever doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger.”

“Dad was a big fan of telling her that.” Mom adds, smiling to herself. “It would only encourage her. Such a little troublemaker.”

“Well, she didn’t grow out of that.” Hisao declares, a little smile forming.

“Oh! Look at the bunny pyjamas!” Mom squeals, holding up another picture of an older me.

“Where did that plush even go? I loved that thing!”

“Hugged to death, sadly. Busted the stitching.”

Hisao fishes around the photos, finding various pictures from across my life. I’m so thankful I burned the ones from my goth phase.

“Is this Fuuka?” He asks, holding up a couple recent ones.

“Yup! She spent Christmas with us during our first year at Yamaku!” I grin. It was a wonderful time and bringing a new friend home was great.

“And I remember this.” Hisao smiles with a blush, picking up a photo Mom took of us when we went to Ichigo just before the summer.

“You two were just too cute, I had to add it to the collection!” Mom gushes.

“I’m surprised he didn’t bite about the ‘long-lost relatives’, I would have.” Mom says as we make drinks in the kitchen. Hisao went for a shower not to long ago so I felt it best to give Mom a play-by-play of the stuff she missed doing… Whatever it was she was doing.

“Oh, he’s definitely thinking about it.” I respond, handing over the jar of decaf coffee. “He’ll keep it to himself until we’re alone. He probably doesn’t wanna bring up my donor around you.”

“You can just call him Dad. Or Father.” Mom looks at me a little displeased.

“That would imply that he took any kind of role in my life.” The indifference to the subject in my voice is the same as it always is when this topic is brought up.

“You know that’s not his fault, Rika. I’m the one who didn’t tell him.” Mom says guiltily. I forgave Mom for that choice and understand the whys of it but it still stings a little. Not as much as the other half though.

“Yeah but he knows now and guess what? He’s not here. He hasn’t supported us. He’s nothing but a bum.” I can’t help but spit that last part with a little venom. While he may not have known about me when I was born, he definitely knew I existed as I grew up - Mom made sure of it. I’d rather not think about what he thinks of me but it can’t be helped. That thought hurts too.

“You and Grandpa are the ones who raised me, who loved me. That’s all I’ve ever needed.”

“And that’s what you’re going to tell Hisao?” She posits and I affirm my choice with a nod. I take my tea and Hisao’s decaf coffee into the living room and Mom follows, her phone in one hand and a mug in the other.

“Yeah, it’s the truth. I always tell him the truth.” I mean, eventually. I’ve gotten a lot better at it, anyways.

“It’s good how open you both are with your feelings. Relationships thrive on communication.” She muses, looking at her phone with a smile as she sits.

I shouldn’t pry but I feel like I should. She’s my Mom, I don’t want to talk about her dating life but I also want to know she’s safe and happy. Ugh, is this what being a parent is like? This sucks. It’s hard enough worrying about a boyfriend.

I go to ask my Mom the question searing itself into my brain but Hisao appears in the doorway, clad in a t-shirt and shorts. I guess it can wait for now.

“I’m glad to see you’re finally making yourself at home, dear.” I smirk at him, passing his coffee as he sits with one leg under his knee.

“Back to domesticity feels good, not gonna lie.” He nuzzles my nose and Mom looks over curiously.


“Yeah, I kinda came to this realisation in Meguro…” I look at Hisao and he encourages me with an upward nod. “Since we spent a lot of time without Hisao’s parents around, we kinda got into this groove that felt like we were living together. It was nice.”

“It was.” Hisao smiles at me as I blush and Mom lets out the girlish squeal I’ve ever heard from her.

“Oh, you two are just precious!” Her eyes are huge as she cups her face with her hands.

“Okay, stop it, Mom. It’s embarrassing when you say stuff like that.” I blush harder, hiding a little in my bangs.

“She was just the same when I said it was cute.” Hisao comments. You’re not helping!

“Then I won’t embarrass my daughter any more and I’ll head off to bed. What do you two have planned for tomorrow?” Mom says, effortlessly shifting forward to get up off the couch and heading towards the hall.

I look to Hisao and he nudges me with a knowing tilt of his head. Oh, right.

“Mom? Do you know if Yoko and Satoshi still live around here?” I ask, leaning over the back of the couch. Mom stops and taps her phone against her chin in thought.

“Pretty sure the Sanos moved away last year but I think the Hases are still at their old house. Going to catch up with Yoko?”

“Gonna try, at least.” I shrug with a nonplussed expression. I met Hisao’s friends, it’s only fair.

“Okay, sweetheart. Just let me know when you’re done and we can make us lunch!” Mom smiles sweetly. “Goodnight, you two. Don’t stay up too late!”

“G’night, Rui!” Hisao calls but I go the extra mile and jump over the back of the couch and tackle Mom from behind.

“Thanks for having us, Mom. Love you.”

“I love you too, Rika.” She leans back and kisses my forehead. She waves to Hisao and disappears up the stairs as I slink back to the couch and roll over the back, my head landing on Hisao’s lap.

“Thanks for dropping in. Did you want to watch anything?” He asks, his fingers interlocking with mine.

“Be my guest.” I hand him the TV remote and close my eyes. Content with a little bit more domesticity before bed.

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Last edited by Sharp-O on Sat Apr 27, 2024 6:38 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty: Frame Trap [3/10/23]

Post by Feurox »

Absolutely adorable! Brilliant upload as always Sharp-O, though I have no idea where its going as always. No drama, just wholesome love, it's adorable. No axes to fall, except maybe Rika's father...

Anyway, thanks a bunch man! Looking forward to more :)
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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty One: Earthbound [12/10/23]

Post by Sharp-O »

Ugh, the sun didn’t have to be so bright this morning but, as with a lot of things in the past twelve hours, it is determined to test me. Much like Hisao’s barrage of questions regarding my absent… father - which has been his favourite subject for most of the morning despite my honest, but purposely curt, answers.

Maybe it’s because Hisao had both of his parents growing up. The idea that I wouldn’t be the least bit curious about that man both fascinates and baffles Hisao. Like this is the strangest thing about you know about me, senpai.

“Can you just drop it?” I whine, reaching under my sunglasses to rub my eyes with my thumb and middle finger. A migraine on top of everything else. Joy.

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry.” Hisao relents, scratching his cheek. “It’s…”

I shoot daggers at him over the rim of my shades and he finally shuts up. Thankfully we arrive at Yoko’s house so this should prove to be a good distraction. The last time I called on her… Had to be a couple days before I left for Yamaku. I think I promised to keep in touch. That sounds like something I would’ve said. …Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.

“You gonna ring the door bell or…?” Hisao peeks into my periphery. I blink a couple times and hit the doorbell. The door opens to a girl I only sort of recognise. The hair is the same but gone is her pastel-palette, her favourite colour now vibrant and harsh. Leather straps replacing lacey frills.

This is kind of what I had in mind when Hisao said what kind of goth he imagined I would be but to see it on Yoko feels… Odd.


“Well, well, well! Look who it is, Midnight! My best friend in all the world; Rika Katayama!” Her voice is just the same thankfully - her cheery expression is as bright as ever. I feel my lips curl into a grin but my anxiety only heightens as Yoko Hase’s expression twists into a scowl that I have never seen before. “What the fuck do you want?”



“Oh, so you remember my name, that’s something at least. Seriously, what do you want?”

“I… I wanted to c-come say h-hi.” My voice cracks a little. I don’t understand. I know we haven’t spoken in a while but still. Her face contorts into an incredulous expression.

“For real!? You don’t speak to me for two years and you think it’s just okay to come knock on my door like nothing’s happened?” She exclaims, letting the chunky cat in her arms jump to the floor. “You got some real nerve.”

“B-but I thought…” I thought we’d still be friends. Then I remember what I told Hisao. That we were friends because we were the school weirdoes, not out of actual friendship. We were more acquaintances than anything.

“No, I very much doubt you thought about me at all.” She spits. “Over there at your special cripple school.”

Hey!” Hisao jumps in but his assist isn’t going to help this time. She’s right, I actually didn’t…

“And who the fuck are you, clown boy?”

“Someone who doesn’t appreciate being called a cripple. Or a clown.” Hisao hisses but I place my hand on his arm. This was a mistake.

“Hold on, Hisao…” I mutter, my gaze going from my angry boyfriend to my once-friend. She’s right.

“You brought your boyfriend too? Jeez, Rika…” Yoko rolls her eyes and leans against the door frame, folding her arms.

“You’re just gonna let her talk to you like that?” Hisao asks and I sigh, nodding.

This was a mistake. Sorry to have bothered you, Yoko.” I bow and turn away quickly as the emotion gets the better of me. I was a terrible friend. Not even a friend.

Whatever.” Are the last words I hear before the door closes and Hisao finally catches up to my side as I wipe my eyes. He looks between me and the house we’re walking away from and he’s, thankfully, speechless. Just alternating looks of anger and concern.

We walk in silence for a while, idly following the roads in no particular direction. Hisao’s hand slipped into mine somewhere along the way but I didn’t really notice when. I knew coming back was a mistake but noooo, I wanted to do the whole ‘getting to know me better’ crap for Hisao. I knew there was nothing here but I brought him anyway.

I eventually find a spot to sit down as we wandered through Shogenfuchi Park, just across the road from a 7-11. I reach for my purse and offer out a bill to Hisao.

“Would you mind getting me a coffee and something decadent yet chocolatey, please?” I ask, offering a weak smile. My boyfriend raises his hand to take it but shakes his head, his hand retreating.

“I’ll get it. You clearly need ice cream.” He kisses my forehead. “You gonna be okay?”

“Yeah, ice cream sounds nice. Thank you, Hisao.” I pull my phone out as he leaves and dial the only person I’ve wanted to talk to since we left Yoko’s front yard.

“Heyyyyy, girl! How’s things at home?” Fuuka’s familiar, friendly voice is the salve I needed after my encounter with Yoko.

“Not the best, honestly… Wishing you were here with us.” I admit with a groan, rubbing my face and staring at the ground.

“What happened? Are you okay? Is Hisao okay? Are you and Hisao okay?” She fires off question rapidly and it makes me laugh.

“We’re both fine, Fuuka. Well, relatively. He’s scared my house might be haunted.”

“To be fair, it totally is.”

“It is not!” I protest as we both giggle.

“And what about you? What’s up?” Fuuka asks and I rub my neck with my free hand.

“Things are weird and I’m questioning why I bothered coming back here. All this bullshit I don’t want to deal with keeps coming up… I think my Mom is dating someone… I think it’s a waiter at this restaurant we went to. Hisao asked about my father and just wouldn’t drop it. And the only friend I thought I had here hates my guts sooooo… Yeah.” The line is silent for a moment as Fuuka digests what I just told her.

“Is he cute?” She finally says. Dammit, Fuuka. I can’t help but smile at my friend’s question.

“He’s got an awful wispy moustache.”

Gross. Your Mom can do better.”

“That’s what I think but if she’s happy…” She seems like it, at least.

“And your dad’s a prick so I’ll tell Hisao to back off for you.” Fuuka says determinedly. My smile is wide as she offers to help.

“No, it’s okay, I think he’s got the message now.”

“As for the other thing… Screw her, I think you’re pretty awesome.” She says sincerely.

“I’m pretty and I’m awesome?” I tease and she’s quick to agree.

“You bet your butt you are! All the others would say so too!” I think about Molly, and Taro, and Akio, and Miki and smile a little. I close my eyes, feeling so much better for having heard her voice.

“You’re my best friend -you know that, right? Like, I actually love being friends with you.” I say softly as I open my eyes and wait for her response. I hear a little sniff before her voice comes through again.

“Alright, you sappy bitch, I know. Snff. Does that mean you actually like my smutty jokes?”

“I love your smutty jokes; despite what I say.”

“Remind me to tell you about the one about the master baker. And hey, love being friends with you too.”

I see Hisao approach from across the road and smile genuinely at him. He seems relieved to see me smiling again. “Hisao’s here, did you want to say hi to him?”

“Oh hell yeah, pass the phone to him.”

“Fuuka wants to say hi!” I offer my phone to him and he trades off the plastic bag of goodies.

“Hey Fuuka, how’s things?” I watch his expression change from cheery to wide-eyed embarrassment as his cheeks turn crimson. “Yeah of course I-O-okay… Uh, sure. Bye, Fuuka.”

“What did she say?” I narrow my eyes a little.

Something I’d rather not repeat in public…” His cheeks burn as he hands me my phone. “Ice cream was a good choice. Yes. Nice, wholesome ice cream!”

He offers me a chocolate and vanilla waffle cone as we sit back down and retrieves a vanilla one for himself. We sit in silence for a minute or two, just enjoying the ice cream. I keep casting glances sideways to Hisao and his face is still flushed.

“Seriously, what did she say that made you turn redder than her hair?” I laugh, disbelieving that she could come up with anything that could shock either of us at this point.

“She said that you need cheering up and that…” Hisao looks concerned for a moment, looks around to see if there’s anyone in ear shot before leaning in and whispering into my ear as I giggle. It can’t be that bad…

I should fuck you silly.”

Oh. My body erupts into goosebumps and pinkness at the thought and then rapidly warms because Hisao huskily whispered that into my ear. God bless and damn that redhead.

“Yes! Ice cream! Good idea, Hisao!”

Returning home just in time for lunch, Hisao and I do our best to hide our flustered expressions from Mom but I highly doubt it’s working. We didn’t really talk about what Fuuka said but it was definitely on our minds as we walked back.

“I’m sorry to hear that, sweetheart. People do drift apart, unfortunately.” Mom, thankfully, is not in a teasing mood though bringing up Yoko isn’t much better. I feel like I’m getting emotional whiplash from bouncing between one extreme to the other the other.

“I spoke to Fuuka afterwards…” Hisao shoots me a glance from across the table, mid-chew with a mouth full of sandwich. Hisao swallows with a little relief as I continue. “She reminded me how lucky I am to have friends at Yamaku.”

“And she’s given me some other stuff to think about with this trip.” Hisao’s eyes widen again at me and I chuckle a little, Mom looking between us from the side.

“Should I be concerned that I’m clearly not in on whatever this is?” She asks, pointing between the two of us. Oh, like you’re one to talk!

“I dunno, Mom, feel like sharing with us about who you’ve been texting so much recently?” I lean on my elbow, looking smugly at her. Her cheeks pinken as she puts the phone she's currently holding down.

“Um, just a friend…”

“A boooooyfriend?” I lean in a little as she becomes more flustered.

“I don’t think that’s any of your business, Rika.” She huffs, folding her arms.

“C’mon, Mom.” I tilt my head and offer a genuinely warm smile. “I just wanna know if you’re happy.”

Mom looks down at her phone in thought and then to me. She unfolds her arms and clasps her hands together on the table.

“I am dating someone, yes. You’ve already met him at the restaurant; Koji.” Her pursed lips curling into a smile to herself before looking at me. “It’s early days but… I like him.”

“I’m happy for you, Mom.” I reach across to her hands and place mine on hers supportively. “Now, I think it’s time we had the talk…”

“Oh my god!” Mom laughs, pulling her hands away and picking up her phone as she leaves the table. “I can’t believe you’re doing this in front of Hisao!”

She points to my boyfriend who is choking a little on his sandwich while trying not to laugh. It only seems to annoy Mom more, despite her own clear amusement at my antics.

“I want to be sure you kids are being safe!” I call out to her as she enters the kitchen area, a huge grin on my face.

“I’m not going to be parented by my own daughter, I refuse.” She covers her ears and pouts. “Especially when she’s got a boy staying in her room!”

“Wasn’t that your idea, though?” Hisao finally coughs out and Mom scowls.

“Don’t take her side! You’re supposed to be the rational one!”

“Now, now, young lady, don’t take that tone with your daughter’s boyfriend!”

“I can’t believe this.” She shakes her head, laughing. “I’m being scolded by a pair of teenagers in my own home, how did my life come to this? You’re sleeping on the couch tonight, Hisao!”

What?” Hisao turns his head toward her, surprised that he’s caught the flak. “What did I do?”

“You laughed! And sided with her!” Mom points at me as I flop onto the table cackling. “I thought you were cool!”

“I’m still cool, I’m still cool!” Hisao protests and my head starts to throb from laughing so much. I feel lightheaded. The dull pulsing quickens and my vision darkens. Not ag-

“-’s coming round now, Hisao.” is the first thing I hear as my eyes creak open to see the ceiling. Mom’s warm smile is the next thing to come into focus, looking up and out of my field of view.

“Is he worrying?” I weakly ask, Mom looking back to me smiling a little. Hisao kneels beside me, looking relieved.

“Was it syncope again?” He asks, his eyebrows curling upward in the middle with concern. Grunting and pulling my legs off the chair they were elevated on, I nod.

“I’m guessing… What’s the diagnosis, Doctor Mom?”

“Yeah, looks like all that laughter made you pass out, sweetheart. Has this happened before?” She turns her attention to Hisao who blushes.

“Yeah, just the once. It’s no biggie.” I wave it off, pulling against Hisao’s offered palm to sit up.

“It is a ‘biggie’, even if it was only the once.” Mom’s in doctor-mode. “You told me you haven’t had a flutter in months.”

“And I haven’t!” I shoot her an annoyed look as Hisao helps me onto the chair I was sitting on before. I cup his face with a thankful smile. “Passing out doesn’t count.”

“It’s still not a good sign.” Mom frowns. “What happened, Hisao?”

“We were, um…” Hisao visibly shrinks at her accusatory gaze and I have to step in.

“We were fooling around and I passed out. Woke up like a minute later, it’s not a big deal, Mom!” I groan, rolling my eyes. Both Mom and Hisao looked shocked that I just came right out and said it. No point beating around the bush. Heh, Fuuka woulda laughed at that.

“…Hisao, would you mind giving us the room?” Mom says calmly but in her doctor voice that drips with authority. I’m in for it now…

“Yeah, sure…” He looks to me and I answer with a nod of agreement. I’ll be okay, Hisao. He slinks out of the room and I hear his feet ascend the stairs as Mom pulls up a chair to me, picking up my wrist to check my pulse.

“Fooling around, huh?” She asks, matter-of-factly. “Are we going to have to have the talk?”

“No, Mom…” I whine, catching an eyebrow being raised at me by her. Oh, don’t give me that look… “We’re both fully aware of what’s at stake. We’ve…”

Ugh, it was bad talking to the Doc about this but my Mom? Who is also a doctor?

“We’ve been t-taking things slow.” I affirm, trying to be as vague as possible.

“I’m glad you’re both taking this seriously.” She nods, releasing my wrist. Her expression becomes more playful as she ruffles my hair. “But I’m way too young to be a grandmother so maybe a little more slowly?”

“Ugh, Mom…” I mutter as she embraces me. I wrap my arms around her torso. “Please don’t say that to Hisao, one blackout is enough for today.”

“Darn, that would have been funny though…” She chuckles into my ear. Yeah… I’ll tell him later when he’s a little less tense.

Previous Level <---> Next Level

Last edited by Sharp-O on Thu Oct 19, 2023 7:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty One: Earthbound [12/10/23]

Post by StealthyWolf »

Sharp-O wrote: Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:34 pm I feel like I’m getting emotional whiplash from bouncing between one extreme to the other the other.
Emotional whiplash indeed...

Unfortunately the meeting with Yoko didn't go too well. I kinda of relate to how this went down since it's sort of been a fear of mine on some level. I have a tendency to just think things are fine and dandy and have issues reading social cues on top of a tendency to quite simply forget to do things. Not out of being malicious or neglectful... it just happens. Chores. Little tasks I'll "definitely" remember to do. Remembering to mention something to someone. Actual duties. Or, in the worst cases, quite simply reaching out to talk to people. It's hard to say if Rika has quite the same mindset as me here, but it at least feels familiar. The thought of unintentionally pissing someone I care about or thought a friend just by being me... well it's not a fun thought. Time flies before we know it. Sometimes it feels like you blink once and nothing changes, but blink twice and everything changes. That is to say that I can sort of "put a hold" on the status of a relationship and think it'll stay that way whenever it comes back up. However not everyone feels that way.

Yoko was clearly hurt, or at least felt insulted by Rika just disappearing from her life so completely and returning as if nothing had changed. The bond they had, no matter how superficial or surface level it might have been, was broken. Maybe there's a way back, but sometimes it's just better to move on.

As for everything else, much more fun. I love how Fuuka and Rika's friendship gains even deeper levels of affirmation in the aftermath of Yoko's scene. Then Hisao and Rika are as adorable as ever, and that's not to mention Rui and her teasings. Very fun and cute fluff.

That being said, it comes with a small drawback. Rika has another... let's call it "medical episode" of sorts. Now, this could absolutely just be a fact of life type of scene and set-up in the story, and I'm probably reading a little too deep here, but I thought I'd bring it up as I think it brings up an interesting story-line. There's been mentions and ponderings about where this story is going, so I thought I throw my thoughts/predictions in the ring. The first one that has been mentioned is the idea of Rika's father playing some sort of big role coming up. I could definitely see that, but I also could see it being a red herring. So my real prediction is... Throughout the entirety of the story Rika and Hisao's conditions have always been a cornerstone of the most emotional moments, big and small. Everytime the two get a little closer, or take their relationship just a little farther, they either stop it themselves by being wary of their conditions or their conditions actually do stop them. Scenes that come to mind are their first meeting where Hisao falls in the pool, the thunderstorm at Hisao's home, this quaint dinner scene turned into a black-out, and the mentioned intimate scene from before as well. So I think maybe it's building up to a larger medical event, and in the fall-out of this event we'll either see a tragedy (which I think is unlikely) or Rika and Hisao's bond grow that much stronger in spite of everything, contrasting Hisao's original heart attack and fall-out resulting from it and showing that their lives are moving forward together.

Well, that's just a prediction anyways. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if I was wrong. Amazing updates as always Sharp-O, I'm excited to see where Flutter's going!
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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty Two: Touch of Death

Post by Sharp-O »

“Okay, Grandpa, room’s all tidy!” I tuck the dusting cloth into the back pocket of my jeans as I rise from my knees and stand proudly before the shrine with my hands on my hips.

“Looks good to me!” Hisao cheers and I look over my shoulder to see my boyfriend sitting cross-legged on the wrong side of the door frame. The big chicken simply refused to step inside this time.

“You’re right, Grandpa, he is a smarty-pants!” I agree with the silence in the room, earning an incredulous look from Hisao.

“I’m okay with paying respects to the departed but I draw the line at being slandered to them.”

“Oh yeah? And how you gonna stop me, scrub-pai?” I lean forward, hands still on hips and flashing just a little cleavage from my loose vest top. “You’re too chicken to step foot into a room.”

“And you have to leave said room eventually.” Hisao smirks, rocking his head from side to side and rolling his shoulders. “I can wait.”

“Oh yeah?” I narrow my eyes at him and plop down in place, crossing my legs. “I guess we’ll have to see!”

We sit there for a couple minutes; giving each other the stink-eye like gunslingers in the old west, turning our heads to give the other pause at possible motives, playing footsies with looks alone.

“Alright, knock whatever game this is off.” Mom says as she appears in the doorway, confused. “Come grab your lunches, and we’ll hit the road.”

The last day at home was being cut short due to Mom having to cover an emergency shift but she insisted on taking as much time as she could to spend with us, so she’s driving us back to Yamaku. No rest for the wondrous.

After our little post-syncope chat, the evening was fairly mundane. Hisao fussed and was checking on me constantly, just like he did in Meguro. Mom, of course, found it adorable but I threatened to end him once again and he went back to normal. The night was even less eventful…

Between Mom’s request playing on my mind, and Hisao’s general nervousness whenever something happens to me, we agreed that cuddling was the most either of us could handle that night. Didn’t stop me thinking about crawling over to his tatami mat in the middle of the night though…

We find ourselves outside the school gates within an hour and Mom is quick to hug each of us in turn.

“It was so nice having you, Hisao!” She beams, tightly squeezing him.

“Thanks, Rui. I had a lot of fun.” He smiles genuinely as Mom releases him and shuffles towards me with a pleading pout.

“And Rika! I’ll be seeing you soon, okay?” She says, pulling me in. “Make sure to get your homework done and to keep up your routine. I don’t want you to be worrying about History or Math when you should be focussing on recovery.”

“I know, Mom. My friends are already helping me.” I pat her back and nuzzle against her shoulder. “I’ll see you in a week.”

She nods enthusiastically as she holds me by my shoulders before heading back to the car. “Good. You two look after each other! Bye, Hisao! Love you, Rika!”

Hisao and I share a look, wordlessly agreeing to do just that. As we’re waving her off, a couple familiar voice sound off behind us.

“Yo, is that Rika’s mom? Doctor, doctor, give me the news!” Akio purses his lips through a smirk but is reined in by Molly and Fuuka by dual smacks to his arms. I all but leap onto Fuuka and squeeze her tightly while Hisao greets his friends.

“God, I missed you!” I whisper into Fuuka’s ear. She hugs me a little too tightly in return.

“Sorry, Akio. Dr Katayama is off the market, apparently.” Hisao jokes, much to Akio’s seeming dismay.

“Really?” He asks me and I nod, giggling. “Damn! Fuuka, what’s your mom look like?”

“Oi! No hitting on mums!” Molly chastises with a cuff to Akio’s bicep. “That’s not on!”

“Things haven’t changed much around here then.” Hisao chuckles.

“I wouldn’t say that… But I’ll tell you guys all about it at the Shanghai?” Fuuka’s invite is intriguing but I did have other plans for the rest of the day. Hmm. I look at Hisao and he gives me a little shake of his head.

“We actually have lunch plans, sorry. Mom made us bentos so we’re gonna have a little picnic date and try to clear my assignments before next week.” I explain, knowing that’s only half-true.

“Sounds saucy.” Akio jokes, waggling his eyebrows at Hisao who bops his arm.

“It’s sweet, Akio. Let me know if you need any help with History or English, Rika.” Molly offers with a cute head tilt. “

“And call me if you want some actual help with English. Molly will have you spelling things with extra U’s.” Akio teases his British classmate, who glares back a little.

“Thanks, guys, I appreciate it more than you know.” I say with earnest. I’m gonna need all the help I can get. “If I can get all my outstanding assignments done before the summer ends, that’d be a big help.”

“She’s getting special consideration due to her being in recovery when the new term starts.” Fuuka elaborates for me. “So I’ll be able to cover those lessons with all the notes I’ll be taking.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Hisao agrees, knowing he’s got Science and Social Studies covered for me. I blush a little as I take hold of his hand.

“We’ll see you all later though! Have fun!” I call as I pull Hisao quickly towards the girls dorms.

“Waaaah, why is Math so convoluted!? Why do we need to do multiplication with letters? Whoever thought of adding letters into Math problems was stupid.” I push the infuriating textbook off the bed and moan into my pillow as Hisao laughs at me. Sitting there with his back against my bed, he checks my Science assignment. “You can shut up too!”

“Is it actually that bad or are you just feeling hangry?” He pulls up the textbook and scans it as I look over his shoulder.

“Probably both… Pass my bento pleeeeeaaaasee!” I stretch out my arm towards the table and Hisao retrieves the box, handing it back to me. I kiss my dutiful boyfriend’s cheek and tuck in.

“Hm, yeah, I remember some of this stuff. This is a little advanced but hey, learning curves are there to overco-” He pauses when he looks over his shoulder at me with a mouthful of food.


“You should sit up, you’re going to get a tummy ache.” He shakes his head and turns his attention back to the page. I get a cheeky idea and sit up, scooting along the bed and draping my legs over his shoulders. He scoffs as my legs slip into the gap between the book and him but he adjusts his arms so he can keep reading. I then gently lean on his head with the arm holding my bento.

“Comfy?” He mutters, a slight annoyed tone in his voice.

“You were right, this is much better! Oh, see, this one! This is the one I can’t get!” I lift one foot slightly and point to the Math problem with my big toe.

“Alright, Tezuka, I get the picture.” He chuckles to himself and I lean over to show my face of confusion. Who?

“See, Tezuka uses her feet for everything, no arms.” He waggles his elbows up and down, as if he had no forearms. “And she’s a painter so, heh, getting the picture?”

“Oooooh! The girl who painted the mural! Redhead, really dopey.” I point my chopsticks at him when I get a clear picture of who he means.

“She’s not dopey, she’s just… Rin.” Hisao defends the girl but seemingly runs out of steam when he can’t think of an adequate descriptor for her.

“I didn’t mean it in a bad way, she seems really nice!” I scramble before chuckling myself when I don’t find a good enough word of my own. “Just a little… Rin, I guess.”

“But yeah, variables can be a little tough in the abstract. Here, lemme see if I can explain it…” He reaches for the table and just manages to grab his notepad before nestling back into the embrace of my legs.

He takes the equation I was stumped by and begins methodically breaking it down into parts. He’s careful and measured in his speech, soft and understanding. He asks if I’m following at every step and, to be honest, I’m not but I say yes. I’m just enraptured by the way he speaks.

I feel a warm smile slowly spread across my face as I place my bento down onto the bed next to me as he finally reaches the conclusion and tilts his head back to look at me.

“Does that make sense?” He asks, with a brilliant smile. I take his face in my hands and gently kiss his forehead.

“You’re going to be a wonderful teacher, Mr Nakai…” I compliment, stroking his face ever so gently. He blushes hot pink while gazing up into my eyes before blinking and focusing on the task at hand.

“Um, thanks… But do you get it now?”

“I kind stopped paying attention about halfway through and was just listening to your teacher voice, sorry…” I give him a crooked, apologetic smile as he frowns, tucking his arms under my legs and tipping me backwards onto the bed. I let out a shrieking giggle and he moves to the opposite side of the table in a huff.

“Alright, you, no more distractions. Time you knuckled down!” He taps the desk several times then gesture for me to join him on the floor.

“Yes, Mr Nakai I purr as I slink down off the bed and am greeted by an eraser to the face and a playfully stern look from my boyfriend.

“Knock it off, Katayama!” Yes, sir…

The following days were interesting mix of study sessions and exercise routines. I’d study a subject with another combination of my friends and then go do some laps in the pool with Hisao or Fuuka. Strangely, I never saw Saki at the pool. Maybe it’s because I don’t dread her being there anymore and that’s done something to the universe where it doesn’t conspire to throw her in my way as much?

Or maybe she went home for a week, hell if I know.

The fact that the week leading up to my last procedure was so mundane was a little unnerving, honestly. Like, this is the last hurdle, it should be harder than this, right? Why are you tempting fate, Rika? Why, oh, why…

I feel confident in the doctors, I feel confident in myself, and I have a good support network. I even have a great boyfriend, too! I have a real shot at something here… And there I go tempting fate again. I should really do something cathartic and something that isn’t just playing video games. Something, I dunno, productive. Meaningful. But what

What helps people get things off their chests? Talking, duh. But Hisao is such a worry-wart sometimes and I know he’s already pretty worried… People write in diaries, right? It’s not something I’ve ever really done before…

I pull my A4 pad of lined paper out my backpack and begin writing. Just general thoughts on what’s going on, what’s going to happen, how worried I feel in this very moment…

Living with death was a lot easier when you had nothing to live for. Ugh, that sounds like Goth Rika coming out, being all faux intellectual and deep. Not inaccurate though. I’m not scared of dying, I don’t think I have been for a long time. I feel lucky to have lived long enough to meet amazing people. To be loved, to find some kind of meaning in my life.

But that’s kind of the problem. I’m not scared to die but I am terrified to leave everything and everyone I love behind. And the hole I’ll leave in their lives when I’m gone. Okay, that sounds a little egotistical but it’s not unreasonable to believe that Hisao, and Mom, and Fuuka would be devastated, right? I don’t want them to be scared for me or to be hurt by my absence.

Through the process of writing down my ramblings, I finally piece together something. Something so obvious yet I’d never have thought about it had I not gone through what I had these past months. I look at the words on the page and realise what I’ve been doing; I’ve been writing Iwanako’s letter.

Okay, not the exact letter - it’s nowhere near as full of empty platitudes that would piss me off if I read them but they’re my genuine thoughts. Thoughts I’ve shared before and thoughts that I hope would bring hope, or closure, or some sense of relief to whoever read it.

I tear the page out of the pad and put it in front of me on the table. I read it over again, making note of what thoughts are relevant and what aren’t, and then I put pen to paper once more.

Dear Hisao

Over the course of an hour, I write the three most important letters I’ve ever written. Okay, they’re the only letters I’ve ever written, but that’s partly why they’re important. Should’ve asked Iwanako where she got her stationary from, these look pretty bland by comparison. I fold each three times, as if they’re going to slip into envelopes. Note to self: get envelopes. In the mean time, I hide them away where they’re the least likely to be discovered.

I slide my bedside drawer open, and wedge the letters behind the non-descript white box that I wedged into there after I got back from Shogen. A full compliment, still unused. They can last a little longer, just until after I recover… My cheeks warm at the thought as I rub my biceps slowly. Two-three weeks. I can last just a little longer, right?

I want to call Hisao.

I pick up my phone and think better of myself. It’s definitely too late to call him. Too late for anything, really. [12:04am]. I have a big day tomorrow. Today.

Today’s the day. I should really go to bed. But the increasingly hot thoughts of Hisao mean I won’t be going to sleep just yet…

Dawn of the Final Day.” I breathe a quiet chuckle into the morning air as I step outside of the girls’ dorms, overnight bag stuffed with everything I’ll need for the foreseeable. Okay, it’s neither dawn nor my final day but it feels appropriate, I think. My sweet Hisao wouldn’t appreciate the reference, however.

He’s painting on a warm, supportive smile as he walks across from the boys’ dorms, dressed all neat in his uniform for the first day back. Even through the veneer of smartness, I can tell when he’s worried and I don’t blame him, I’d be just the same in his position. I’ll have to do my best to show him I’m not scared and he shouldn’t be either.

“M-Morning, Rika.”

“Good morning, Hisao!” I cheerily step up to him and kiss him on the lips. “I hope you slept well?”

“Um…” His smile disappears as his expression becomes confused by my early morning cheeriness. Well, that didn’t work.

“I haven’t gone crazy, Hisao.” I reassure, cupping his face. “You look like you’re about to invert yourself with worry. Chill out, would you?”

“I’m trying, Rika, I really am.” He nuzzles into my palm. My dear, sweet boy…

“I know and thank you for offering to come with me, but it wouldn’t do for you to miss the first day of the new term.” I explain to him again, like I have at least three other times. He missed a lot of school already, he doesn’t need to miss more because of me.

“I wish you weren’t going in there alone…” He laments with a sigh.

“I won’t be alone, silly. Mom is going to be with me.”

“I know but I… I should be there for you. You would be for me.” He meets my eyes with a determined look. He’s sweet when he’s chivalrous. I lean up and kiss him again.

Tch, get a room!” An unfamiliar voice calls out from the girls’ dorms and we both look to see a pair of girls reaching the end of the ramp. One is Saki, done up to look her best in her school uniform, and the other is a brown-haired girl with an orange headband.

“Get a life, Tainaka…” Hisao rolls his eyes at the girl, a move she doesn't appreciate as she clicks her tongue at him again.

Saki, meanwhile, lags behind a little to look at me. I give her a nod of acknowledgement and a smile, hoping our truce or whatever still stands. She mouthes the words ‘good luck’ and gives me a wink before catching up with the Tainaka, linking arms with her.

“That was the last thing you needed.” Hisao’s right eye twitches a little but I shake my head at him.

“Nah, it’s good. Spite is one hell of a motivator!” I wink at him and nudge his ribs, finally earning a laugh out of him. More and more students begin to filter out of the dorms and we hold hands as we move towards the gates, stopping about halfway there.

“You really need to get to class.” I give Hisao a disapproving look but a little smile just afterwards.

“I will when your Mom gets here.” He grips my hand a little tighter. I don’t want to let him go either, honestly.

“She’s only gonna be another ten minutes! Go on, I can stand at the gates without a chaperone, senpai. You, however, have to answer to the Student Council and you don’t need that kind of drama.”

Hisao pulls me into a tight embrace and sighs just behind my ear. “I love you and I’ll see you soon, okay?”

“I love you too, now get your rear in gear!” I push him away from me, a playful smile on my lips. He smiles back, walking backwards for as long as he can before he has to turn into the stream of students and head into the main building.

“See you soon, Hisao.”

“I’m glad to see you’ve been taking measures to improve your overall health, that will definitely help you. I know this will be old hat for you, Rika, but I still have to outline the prospective side-effects you may experience post-op, so please bear with me.” Dr Horishi Miyagawa says with a warm smile. The sandy brown-haired man in his late-forties has known me for the better part of my teenage life.

He was the one who performed my Glenn procedure when I was fourteen. He’s funny, kind and - most importantly - straight with me about my condition. A lot of doctors I’ve met sugar-coat my prospects but Dr Miyagawa never did. He recognised that I, as a long-term survivor, didn’t need to be coddled.

I trust this man, sitting on the edge of my bed running through all the information I already know, with my life. I have before. He tilts his head as he finishes his explanation.

“Does that sound about right to you, Rika?”

“Yup, glad to see you remembered it this time without notes.” I playfully jab at him and his bassy laugh is strangely soothing.

“A positive attitude and a sense of humour are often the first casualties with these kinds of procedures so it’s refreshing to see you haven’t lost yours.” He pats my leg as he gets up off the bed. “The nurses will be along shortly to prep you for surgery and I’ll see you in there!”

“Thank you, Dr Miyagawa.” My Mom and I say in unison and he nods genuinely as he slides the room door closed.

“How you holding up, sweetheart?” Mom asks, placing her hand on mine.

“Usual levels of anxiety but feeling pretty confident, though!” I reassure her, squeezing her hand. “Though there’s something I need to tell you.”

“Please don’t say you’re pregnant, my heart couldn’t take it!” Mom jokes.

“No, hehe, not pregnant. I need to tell you…” I take a moment and a deep breath. Time to be serious. “There’s three letters in my room, in my bedside table. One’s for you, the others are for Hisao and Fuuka.”

Rika…” Mom frowns as she interjects but I slip my hand out from under hers and place it on top, squeezing gently.

“No, Mom, listen. Please. I’m totally confident in Dr Miyagawa but we both know things can go wrong with even the most routine procedures. Those letters are…” I close my eyes before choosing my next words carefully. They’re certainly not my last will and testament, more like… in case of emergency: break glass. “They’re for the absolute worst case scenario.”

Mom’s eyes glisten with emotion as I open my own to look at her. It’s probably the last thing a mother needs to hear but I hope the doctor in her understands my reasoning.

“I didn’t tell Hisao and Fuuka about them because they’d only worry and probably read them early…” I smirk a little. They’d probably toss my room looking for the letters if I told them.

“Oh, but I wouldn’t?” The laugh leaving her lips is choked through the emotion swelling in her throat.

“No, because I trust you to know me better. You know it’s just me being practical, maybe a little cautious, and that there’s no one I trust with this more than you, Mom.” I shake her hand a little, indicating with my head that I’d like to hug her. She obliges and stands, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

“When did you become so grown-up?” Mom quietly sniffles into my ear.

“What can I say? I was raised tough.” I grin through the wetness pooling in the corners of my eyes.

“Damn straight, you were.”

A little while later, I’m trundled out of my room on a gurney by the nurses.

“Guess I’ll see you in a few hours.” I smile crookedly up at my Mom as she kisses my forehead. Okay, the anxiety is getting the better of me now.

“Yeah, you will. Love you, sweetheart.”

“Love you!” I call back as my hand finally leaves hers and I’m escorted towards the operating theatre. Okay, here we go… I shift a little on the bed and tighten the bow keeping my braided hair rooted to my skull.

“Soooo… How’s your day going?” I ask the nurse nearest to me with the same crooked smirk. She’s nice enough to snort in amusement but doesn’t answer as she pays close attention to controlling the gurney.

The fluorescent lights and door ways passing overhead change very little until we enter the operating theatre. From a cursory look around the room, I see the team of strangers making little preparations for the work they’ll be doing on me for the next four hours or so. When they catch sight of me looking at them, they smile behind their masks, bowing a little toward me.

“All set, Rika?” A masked man on the opposite side of my field of vision asks. I turn my head towards him and immediately recognise his eyes. Oh good, I was getting worried for a second that he wasn’t here.

“Th-think so. Just a quick tune-up and a n-new set of tires right, Dr Miyagawa?” I can feel my somewhat confident smile falter a little even as he pats my shoulder.

“You’re in safe hands.” His reassurance is appreciated. I know he’s going to do his best. The anaesthetist places the mask over my head and adjusts it over my mouth and nose. I give her a little thumbs up when it’s comfy.

“Okay, Rika, think you can count backwards from ten for me?” Dr Miyagawa asks and I nod. I close my eyes and take a deep breath as I hear the near-silent hiss of gas filtering into the mask.

“Ten.” Here goes everything, I guess. My thoughts immediately shift to Hisao, sitting in class, hopefully doing his best too.

“Nine.” I’ll see you soon.

“Eight.” I promise, Hisao

“Seven.” This won’t be


Game Over.

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Last edited by Sharp-O on Sat Jan 20, 2024 7:24 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty Two: Touch of Death

Post by hdkv »

And now I'm scared and really want the next chapter as soon as possible. Hope Rika survives.

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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty Two: Touch of Death

Post by Map217 »

Game Over.

Nahhh. Don't do us like this man, I know it's gona hurt.

Looking forward to the next chapter!

I'm a bit late to all this huh?
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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty Two: Touch of Death

Post by Feurox »

A good chapter, and a nice little homage to reality by Rika at the end, that sometimes stories are a bit anticlimactic and surgery just goes wrong. The story ends mid sentence.

Narratively though it would be a bit dull to end here - which we know you’re not anyway ;) Now if I was writing this, I may have the next scene open with Hisao reading his letter. Now THAT would twist the knife and I would probably come north and give you a big kiss for it, but you’re too good at fluff and lovey dovey stuff to do that ;)

Looking forward to more! Great work Sharp-O.

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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty Two: Touch of Death

Post by Sharp-O »

hdkv wrote: Thu Oct 19, 2023 9:53 am

And now I'm scared... Hope Rika survives.

Map217 wrote: Thu Oct 19, 2023 10:42 am

Nahhh. Don't do us like this man, I know it's gona hurt.

Feurox wrote: Fri Oct 20, 2023 6:45 am

Now THAT would twist the knife and I would probably come north and give you a big kiss for it, but you’re too good at fluff and lovey dovey stuff to do that ;)


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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty Two: Touch of Death

Post by Peorth »

Sharp-O wrote: Fri Oct 20, 2023 10:06 am


I'm watching you.

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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty Two: Touch of Death

Post by Christov_Jones77 »

I finally caught back up and to my pleasant surprise, it was just updated!

This has been a fantastic story you've written with character that feel like real people, not just characters. I may just be a some guy in his thirties, but I appreciate well written storiesnand characters, especially in my romantic stories.

On a personal note, this was a story I needed to read in this time of my life. I had a a few heart surgeries similar to your characters at a young age and coming up on my own tune up. Seeing someone portrayed with not just accurate but very reliable thoughts and feelingsl, does my heart a world of good, pun very much intended.

I apologize if this is too much for the forums but I wanted to express that your story is not just well done, but has made someone's life a little better in a turbulent time... Even if your cliffhanger is (my kind) of evil lol. Keep up the great work and again, thank you.

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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty Two: Touch of Death

Post by Mirage_GSM »

So, it has been a while since I read the start of this series. I know I should restart from the beginning, but right now I'm trying to catch up with all the stuff that was posted since I was last here, so that will have to wait.
It does mean that I don't really remember OCs like Fuuka, though...

A few comments I noted down while reading:

...his intent eyes pouring over his notes.

Poring, but it's not usually just the eyes doing that.

“You basically told her to go kill herself, Rika. She’s a bitch, for sure, but you know that’s not something you just say!”

Not really, no. She told her to die, which for Saki is something that will happen all on its own. You could even argue she encouraged Saki to do more with her life, which is the opposite of telling her to kill herself.
Definitely not a nice thing, but going after others' weak spots and making fun of their disabilities is something Saki has been doing all along - indeed, just 5 seconds before - so she has no leg to stand on if she complains.
Also: Reading this Saki almost back to back with Learning to Fly kinda gives me whiplash...

Any secret tips or tricks to boost my Social Link with your mom?”

Oh, Persona reference...

Hisao and I finish setting up his tatami mat near the window

Didn’t stop me thinking about crawling over to his tatami mat in the middle of the night though…

Those were probably supposed to be "futon".

No axes to fall, except maybe Rika's father...

Spoiler: It's going to be Hisao's dad... :roll:

A full compliment, still unused.


hdkv wrote:

And now I'm scared and really want the next chapter as soon as possible. Hope Rika survives.

Well, this story is from Rika's PoV... If she doesn't there simply won't be another chapter...

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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty Two: Touch of Death

Post by Sharp-O »

Mirage_GSM wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 9:37 pm

So, it has been a while since I read the start of this series. I know I should restart from the beginning, but right now I'm trying to catch up with all the stuff that was posted since I was last here, so that will have to wait.
It does mean that I don't really remember OCs like Fuuka, though...

Genuinely; I've missed your scrutiny on my work, Mirage! It's always very helpful and has helped me improve as a writer in the past so thanks for taking the time to catch up with my silly story and offer some insights. Luckily, Fuuka is the only major OC and she's not that big of a player in the main plot.

Mirage_GSM wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 9:37 pm

Oh, Persona reference...

Isn't the first and definitely won't be the last! :lol:

Mirage_GSM wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 9:37 pm

Spoiler: It's going to be Hisao's dad... :roll:

Out of all of rampant speculation about Rika's dad, this is one I haven't seen. It would be the most bat-shit reveal and that's why I like it.

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