Akira Oneshots


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Francois De Aeruiu
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Akira Oneshots

Post by Francois De Aeruiu »

Hello to all of you. I am a new name on here, yes, that's primarily because I didn't know this forum even existed til about two weeks ago. I found KS about six months ago now and loved it the instant I played it. Eventually I found out about this forum and immediately found the fan works section. From there I proceeded to read a few works featuring Emi, as she was my favorite route in the game. Only recently did I finally even touch Lilly's route, it was great, but from that experience I began looking for something I wasn't sure I would find. Something focusing on a character whose appearances I think I can count on one hand (maybe two, I'm having trouble recalling the exact number right now) something well written, something long, and maybe, if I was lucky, a new route as seems to be the fashion on here. Well, find that something I did, dear reader. I was initially amused, that being followed quickly by feelings of awe, surprise, astonishment and finally happiness chased with peace and longing. I had found something rare, something special, and when I finished it I wanted more. So I set to searching, and with plenty of help from some kind people on Discord, found more. Alas, even that wasn't enough, as within a week I had devoured just about all the content I could find. I soon came to realize that for whatever reason, my favorite suit clad Satou just didn't seem all that popular a target to write about. Such is a travesty, I know, but upon this realization (after overcoming my trepidation at dipping my toes into a new community where my input was potentially unwanted) I set to writing. I don't seek to replace anything with my efforts, there is no conceivable universe where I could do better than has already been done. I simply seek to provide a bit more content for people, like myself, who think a world without an abundance of Akira fiction is not a world they want to live in.

Now I've gone through all those theatrics above to say this: I will be posting Akira stories here for as long as I have ideas to write about. I can't guarantee any specific posting schedule, I'm currently working on a much larger story on another site and it takes a significant portion of my time, Ive decided that writing Akira oneshots is a good way to unwind from time to time so that pretty well describes the likely frequency of posts in this thread.

Now that all that rambling is done, on with the story:


We sat together at the bar, the band currently playing a tasteful wordless number consisting of primarily saxophone and trumpet. I have a decaff coffee which I had been nursing for the past few minutes. It was unseasonably cold this evening and I had ordered it in hopes of warming up. The comforting heat from the cup was finally starting to dissipate, meaning I’d probably have to finish it soon if I didn’t want to drink it cold.

Akira sits on the stool next to mine. Having evidently chosen a different way of warming up as she finishes off her second glass of scotch. The silence wasn’t awkward between us, both merely enjoying the other’s company. We didn’t get much chance to sit like this. Even after finding a job that didn’t leave her at the mercy of her father, she still worked long hours and got very little time off. It was nice to just sit, sometimes, and enjoy being with each other.

“Hisao?” Akira asked and I turned my head to look at her

“Hmm?” I answered

“I’m bored.” She said turning to me with a grin “c’mon, I’ve got an idea.” She grabbed my arm and pulled me along as she turned and got up off the stool.

I got up myself, draining my mug of coffee as I did, and followed her. She lead me to the familiar area in the back where the billiard table sat. She turned around to face me and leaned back against the edge of the table. Her pinstriped suit jacket unbuttoned, she stretched her back and rolled her neck before looking back to me.
“Up for a game?” she asked a smile on her face.

I mulled it over for a minute. She was probably going to want to wager, that’s just how Akira was, but I had been practicing myself when my group of friends from university would go out together. I was actually getting pretty good. Part of me did briefly consider turning her down, but I quickly decided that part was an idiot.

“Sure, I’m up for a game, what’re the stakes?” I asked walking over to start getting the table set up.

“Hey how do you know there’s stakes?” she asked in mock offense.

“You always want to play for something.” I answered back sarcastically. “heck even the first time we played you made me pay for drinks for the rest of the night when I lost.”

“Oh come on, you know you like the excitement of a bet just as much as I do.” She said before adding more jokingly “Even if you always lose.”

“Hey I never said I was against it! And maybe this time I’ll get lucky, you don’t know.” I jabbed back playfully finally having the table set up.

“Oh yeah? Confident today are we?” Akira grinned, shark-like, and continued “well maybe I’ll give you some incentive to back it up with.” She smirked at me as she walked over to the cue rack along one wall, taking one for herself and tossing one to me. I, surprisingly, caught it without issue. “If I win then you get to foot the bill for my little shopping spree tomorrow.”

“You’re going shopping tomorrow?” I asked her, figuring she’d have mentioned if she were going to go shopping on the only day both of us reserved for our dates.

“When I win I am!” she laughed.

That brought a bit of worry to the back of my mind. There was an actual monetary value to this game now, even though I didn’t know precisely what it was. Akira maintained her smirk as I mulled this over in my head. “Ok then, if I win, you finally let me see you in a skirt…” the mirthful expression on her face vanished “…in public…” her eyes went wide “…on a date.” I finished. Akira still looked stunned, but she quickly hid it.

“Well, it’s not like you’re gonna win anyway, so it’s a nice thought, but that’s all it’ll ever be.” She said with a sweet smile.

I pulled a coin out of my pocket and waited for her to call. “heads.” She called as she chalked up her cue.

I flipped the coin. “Tails.” I called out as the coin landed. Akira pouted at the result while I got set to take my shot. The cue ball whipped forward and broke the rack, sending balls in all directions. I was pretty confident of my chances this time around, I’d been doing well when I played against my friends, and I’d had a few weeks of practice since the last time Akira and I played. I ended up pocketing two balls out the gate: one solid and one stripe, giving me my choice of which to pick.

Akira nodded at the result, she didn't seem too concerned yet, but that was not unexpected. I’d done this exact thing accidentally in the past. “That’s a pretty good start, big guy, ready to take me shopping tomorrow?” she prodded.

“I’ll take solids” I said ignoring her bait as I got ready for my next shot. I lined up and sent the cue ball streaking towards another solid ball, knocking it into the side pocket. I looked at the state of the table as I lined up my next shot, there were no direct shots I could make from where the cue was now, but I could mix things up a bit and break up a cluster of balls near one end of the table. The grouping of balls cracked as the cue impacted and the balls rolled in various directions. I softly sighed, it looked like that would be the best I'd be able to do for now. I stepped back and let Akira get ready.

As she lined up her shot I took a look around the room, the band on stage had brought out a few more people. As I watched they started up a fast tune accentuated primarily by the bass being plucked at the back and the man with the larger than usual saxophone. I turned from the band as the music kicked off. I walked around behind Akira, who was still planning it seemed, her face screwed up in concentration. I decided to bait her in the same way she did to me.

Grinning, I mused aloud “So, what kind of skirt are you going to wear on our next date I wonder?”

Akira glanced over at me with a sly grin “You can keep wondering, it’s not gonna happen.”

“Aw come on, not even going to consider it? You’re going to look great in it I’m sure.” I chuckled at her reaction, as she bent over to shoot she gave a slight shake of her hips. I’m still not sure if that was intentional or not, but it was a welcome sight, whatever the reason.

She took her next shot, and I immediately saw why she had spent so long planning it, she bounced the cue against two striped balls sinking them both in the same pocket. Akira stood up and nodded smugly at me with a small “hmph.” I was impressed, of course, it was a pretty tricky shot to pull off. Then I noticed where the cue ball had ended up. The white ball was sitting just on the edge of a pocket, Akira didn't have any stripes within easy reach of any shot from there. She was almost guaranteed to foul out this turn. I chuckled and pointed this out to her, her smug grin turned to a frown.

She hit the ball out of its corner but as expected didn't make any impact on the table. She stepped back to let me take my next shot. I studied the table for a minute before my brain came up with a daring plan. I leaned down to line up my next shot and strike. The cue ball cracked off like a bullet, bouncing off one wall of the table and striking two balls on the way back, one stripe and one solid. The solid rolled right into a pocket while the stripe rolled itself to a stop right against a wall of the table.

I studied the table for another moment and quickly saw my next shot. As I lined up I took a look over at Akira, she was biting her lip. While she did look pretty cute like that, she honestly seemed more worried than I’d expect. She noticed me looking and quickly hid her expression. I winked at her and sunk another ball. It was a long shot, but a straight one, pretty much only requiring enough power to make it.

My next shot was a short one, pretty simple overall, though made a bit more difficult to concentrate on making as Akira came up behind me and leaned on my back, wrapping her arms around me. “Y’know, if you let the wager go I won’t make you pay for everything tomorrow. It’s going to be pretty expensive. Do you really wanna risk it?” She asked so very innocently as she walked her fingers up my arm. I pocketed the ball easily despite her flirting.

“Nah I’m feeling pretty good about this game.” I said with a smirk. Akira frowned as she watched me line up the next shot. The ball sailed into the corner pocket without issue. The next ball was way down at the opposite corner of the table. I tried the shot but didn’t have enough power to sink it. I stepped back and let Akira take over.

“Well, I gave you a chance to save face. You didn’t want it” Akira teased as he ran a finger down my shirt along the line of my scar.
She smiled wide and then turned to take her last couple shots. She did so quickly and efficiently, not taking time to distract herself with teasing me anymore, she was focused on winning. I smiled, even though it was pretty clear I’d lost this, it was still pretty fun. Pretty much anything was fun if Akira was involved, I was pretty bummed about my budget this month though; it’d probably end up down the drain after her shopping trip.

Akira sank her last three stripes easily. Then she moved on to the 8 ball. It would have been nice to beat her, just to prove I could, but even just making her sweat a bit in her nervousness was pretty cute.
“So where do you think we should start first tomorrow, big guy? There’s a lot of places I think I want to go.” She quipped.

At first it looked like she was going to shoot normally, but then she changed the angle of her cue stick. She made the cue ball do a small hop as the stick hit it, a trick she'd used on me a few times during our first game, it rolled away and bounced off one wall of the table. The 8 should have been easy to hit given how close to the pocket it had ended up, but the cue ball rolled slowly to a stop, just barely tapping the black orb.

I could hardly believe it. Looking at her it seemed Akira couldn't believe it either. Her triumphant smirk had been replaced by an expression of disbelief. I silently thanked whatever collection of deities conspired to bring this event about because it was clearly nothing short of a miracle. I happily set up my shot on my last solid ball and pocketed it easily. I paused for a minute before I went for the 8.
“Well, I could make you an offer similar to what you tried earlier…” I trailed off as I circled the table. My comment had it’s intended effect though as it gets a genuine laugh out of her.

“Oh shut up and shoot” she chuckled as I leaned down and knocked the 8 into the pocket. “It was pure luck anyway.” She teased.

“What? C’mon you have to admit I’ve gotten better!” I protested as she sashayed over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck
“Ok, maybe you’ve gotten a little better.” She grinned, giving me a peck on the lips.

“But I’m still looking forward to seeing you in that skirt, you know.” I tell her with a smirk.
She pouted. “Didn’t forget about that huh? And I was sure that ‘reward kiss’ bit would work too.” She started to laugh, so do I.
Akira left one arm over my shoulders and I placed a hand on her hip as we made our way out of the club.

The next evening I sat waiting in front of the club, Akira had texted me saying to meet her here at 7. She’s a few minutes late but I’m not too concerned. It was much warmer tonight than last night, so I’ll gladly spend some time outside. I took another look around at the crowds passing by, looking for her familiar blond hair.

I spotted what I thought was her coming around the corner a ways down the street from me. I tried to stand up taller, but it didn’t help much. She eventually got close enough for me to see clearly. I waved to her and she began heading in my direction. When Akira finally came out of the crowd and I caught sight of her full outfit, I was floored. I’d figured she’d look good, but exactly how good still caught me off guard.

She was wearing a skirt, that much is sure. It was green and came to about halfway down her thighs. She was also wearing a button-down blouse under a green blazer. Both the jacket and skirt looked suspiciously like bits of the Yamaku uniform. I guess I know what happened to the blazer I'd left behind at her place, I couldn't for the life of me figure out where she got the skirt from though. No matter where it came from, seeing Akira in a Yamaku uniform is not something I ever expected, it was quite appealing though.

As Akira finally got close enough for me to see her face I noticed her cheeks were burning. She seemed like she was trying unsuccessfully to frown angrily. “Hey, can we go in already, I don’t want to stand out here too long.” She mumbled as she fidgeted.
I glossed over her question in favor of my own “What’s the matter? You look great. Maybe it’s just from seeing you in something different from usual, but this is just- wow!”

I saw her blush harder as she tried to suppress her grin at my compliment, She turned away and started heading for the door of the club without another word. The way the blazer and skirt formed just right to her body, I had no option but to follow her. even if nothing else happened tonight this was definitely going to be sticking with me for a long while.

Last edited by Francois De Aeruiu on Fri Dec 02, 2022 2:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Akira Oneshots

Post by Oddball »

It's a cute little story, but you really need to watch your tenses.

Also, just to make it a bit easier to read, you might want to leave a blank space between lines when you start a new paragraph.
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Francois De Aeruiu
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Re: Akira Oneshots

Post by Francois De Aeruiu »

Oddball wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 11:05 am It's a cute little story, but you really need to watch your tenses.

Also, just to make it a bit easier to read, you might want to leave a blank space between lines when you start a new paragraph.
Now that you've pointed it out I've got no idea how I missed it, and I've honestly got no excuse for it. It's something I should have caught before posting it and I'll own up to that. Should be fixed now though.

The formatting is a bit strange too because I had the spacing set up far better when I was typing it in Word. Seems like when I pasted it over it got messed up. That one should be fixed now too. Here's hoping I don't screw up like that again
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Re: Akira Oneshots

Post by Oddball »

Now that you've pointed it out I've got no idea how I missed it, and I've honestly got no excuse for it. It's something I should have caught before posting it and I'll own up to that. Should be fixed now though.
It happens. Don't worry too much about it, just be more careful next time.
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Re: Akira Oneshots

Post by PsychicSpy »

This was cute, I liked it. Same comment as Oddball in that just check your tenses, but overall I liked it! There aren't enough Akira fics.
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Re: Akira Oneshots

Post by OtakuNinja »

PsychicSpy wrote: Tue Dec 06, 2022 11:14 am There aren't enough Akira fics.
That's a fact. I liked it too! :)
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Re: Akira Oneshots

Post by Decaying_Orbital »

This was super cute, and I really enjoyed reading it. Good job.
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Re: Akira Oneshots

Post by Peorth »

Akira is best girl!
Even if the author is silenced, the performance is stopped, the story will not end.

Whether it's a comedy or a tragedy, if there is cheering, the story will continue on.
Just like the many lives.
For the us who are still in it and still in the journey, send warm blessings.

---We will continue to walk down this path until eternity.
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