I Was Brought Here by a Dream

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I Was Brought Here by a Dream

Post by asdfghjkl;';' »

It's my first time visiting here in at least 8 years and I'm here because of a mad dream I had. Thought it'd be funny to share here. First of all though, let me just say thanks to whoever's responsible for keeping the site running. You're doing great work. It's been great looking back through me favourite fan stories here again.

So I dreamt I was back in secondary school, and was going out with Shizune of all people. Only she actually fancied another girl, (hilarious) who unfortunately wasn't Misha, but some sort of leader of a group of school delinquents.

I decided to do the right thing and pass this girl a note one day telling her about Shizune's feelings. While on me way to hand the note though, the floor of the whole school started to collapse. I managed to leap over a giant chasm to get to this girl and give her the note before waking up.

The funniest part for me personally was that this is actually tangentially similar to one of my actual secondary school relationships with a bisexual girl. God knows why the old brain felt like it needed to bring KS into it. Glad it did though.
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Re: I Was Brought Here by a Dream

Post by Oddball »

That's an interesting sounding dream. It might make for a good fanfic if you decided to write it and flesh it out a bit more. I've seen stories start with a lot less to work with.
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Re: I Was Brought Here by a Dream

Post by asdfghjkl;';' »

Oddball wrote: Thu Apr 14, 2022 7:41 am That's an interesting sounding dream. It might make for a good fanfic if you decided to write it and flesh it out a bit more. I've seen stories start with a lot less to work with.
This could be funny yeah haha. Although my initial uncreative instinct would be to set it as a dream Hisao has, and "it was all just a dream" stories aren't the most satisfying to me. :? Maybe I'll be inspired as I trawl through the fan works. I've been having a blast rereading some of my favourites from my teenage years :D Especially Rika's (only?) completed pseudo-route.

All of yous who are still here posting new stories and commenting to each other are amazing btw. I read a fair few by yourself back in the day. Recognised you right away by your avatar haha
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