Within a Looking Glass – A Rika pseudo-route


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Re: Within a Looking Glass – A Rika pseudo-route

Post by Downix »

ProfAllister wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2018 8:04 pm
Downix wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2018 2:29 pm
brythain wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2018 2:19 pm It's nice to see another Rika pseudo-route attempted. It flows well so far.

I have a few complaints, though, because the fluency of your writing masks some problems... :)

1. Rika has reddish irises in her eyes, not blue. You can see this from the art provided in the AFD original post.
That we can blame on my color-blindness. I will correct this.
Interestingly enough, it's generally implied/assumed that Rika has albinism. Red eyes are stereotypically associated with albinism, but blue are more common.
The two people I know with it have blue eyes so my wife says. But, I know of certain corrective lenses which can make eyes red as well.
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Re: Within a Looking Glass – A Rika pseudo-route

Post by Downix »

Rika_Act2.png (280.7 KiB) Viewed 5614 times
Act 2: Down the Rabbit Hole

The Knave of Hearts:

“Hicchan...” came the bubbly voice next to me.

“What?” I grumble out, lifting my head enough to look at Misha standing over me. Class has not started yet, but I forgot to disable the alarm I had set for the morning runs with Emi, and woke up over an hour early.

“Are you feeling well?” I guess this came from Shizune, standing on the other side of my desk gesturing to Misha.

“Better than some others,” I look around the classroom at the bleary eyes. “You two seem to be in good spirits.”

A few signs between them later, “Since you are a new student, we’ve been cutting you some slack. Please don’t expect this to be allowed in the future. Your class needs you to fully contribute for future events.” A few more signs, “Did you enjoy the festival then?”

I nod. “More than I thought I would, yes.”

Shizune gets that gleam in her eyes I’ve seen before. Uh oh.

“Was it the festival itself, or was it who you were sneaking around with up on the roof that you enjoyed? You Casanova you! Hicchan, honestly, hitting on a second year! WAHAHAHA”

It’s easy to tell where Shizune ends and Misha begins in this conversation.

I feel my cheeks turning pink. “No, it’s not that!”

Misha winds up to hit me on the back, then stops herself as Shizune’s eyes go wide and she snaps her fingers quickly to get Misha’s attention and signing something to her very rapidly. It takes a moment before Misha looks up at her hand, then at me, and slowly lowers her hand, saying “Oh….” in a very quiet voice.

“Relax, I’m not that fragile,” I tell her.

“I’m sorry Hicchan,” Misha says. “Shichan reminded me of why you were here.”

“I’d rather not make a big deal of it, but thank you for not hitting me.” They are still looking in my direction, so I sigh. “So, how can I help the Student Council this fine morning?”

“Do we need something from you in order to socialize? We just want to establish that you are engaging in appropriate behavior with Miss. Katayama. And you two are so adorable too Hicchan.”

“And you’re not going to ask me to do something for you?” I ask, suspecting something is afoot. They are being far too friendly to me.

“Hicchan, we are offended that you would even think of such a thing! However if you were to volunteer to help disassemble the booths today after school, we might overlook such things.”

I tap my chest. “Can’t, literally.”

Misha looks disappointed. “Oh.” Shizune however glares at me, like she does not fully believe me. That only lasts a moment before she nods, then her look returns to her usual one.

Guess there’s some advantage to telling folk about my heart after all.

Thankfully Mutou’s arrival ends their opportunity to further attempt to rope me into Student Council work quickly.

We set to work. It’s so unfair to have a test first thing Monday morning.

The lunch bell signals a reprieve. I notice Hanako quickly exiting the room, likely to join Lilly. I realize I have no idea what to do for lunch, so I consider my options.

“Hello,” comes a girls voice from the door which breaks my concentration.

Looking up I see a medium sized girl with dark hair cut short standing there.

Behind me comes the loudest voice I can imagine, “Hello Keiko, are you dropping something off?” I see even Mutou flinch at Misha’s volume.

She nods. “I have to attend to something after school, so rather than being late with today’s paperwork, I figured to drop it off earlier.”

As she walks across the room I notice two more figures in the doorway, a lighter haired girl and the other I immediately recognize from her white hair.

Smiling a little I pipe up “Hey, Rika.”

She glances at me before giving a little wave.

Keiko looks at me before returning to handing over papers to Shizune. Misha gives me the same look before breaking out in a wide grin.

The unnamed girl looks over at Rika. “Oh, now I understand why you came with us to drop off the paperwork.” She giggles and I notice Keiko has a smirk as well as she returns to the pair.

Rika rolls her eyes.

I could hear the two girls giggling.

I look up at Rika. “Was there something you wanted?”

“I thought you might like to join us for lunch…. If you don’t have plans…. That is.”

I nod. “Nothing planned here. Sure.” I get up in a hurry, almost feeling the glare from Shizune behind me.

As we enter the hall, Rika slaps her closed parasol across our path, and looks decidedly to the right. Turning to follow her gaze, I am witness to Emi, once again running through the halls, zip past us carrying a stack of papers. Emi looks so focused that I doubt she even knew we are there.

“Someday she’s going to send someone to the nurse,” Keiko says out loud.

I rub the back of my head. “She, uh, already has.”

Keiko turns to look at me, alarm upon her face.

“Last week, she ran into me. Don’t worry, she got lectured by Shizune and Lilly afterwards.”

Keiko’s look becomes one of amazement. “You mean Hakamichi and Satou actually worked together on something?”

The not yet named companion laughs at that. “That must have been something.”

Our walk continues down the stairs in the cafeteria’s direction. “I wouldn’t know, I was still making sure I was alright.”

The cafeteria is as busy as normal. There is fortunately a table free for the four of us. Once we sit down with our food, Keiko shoves Rika’s shoulder. “You still haven’t introduced your friend.”

Rika looks over. “Oh, um, Hisao, this is Keiko Tsukino, my class representative, and her good friend Aoi Yamata.”

I try to put on a smile. “Hello.”

Aoi was the next to pipe up. “So, you’re the transfer from 3-3?”

I nod. “Only began last Monday.”

Keiko jumps in. “How many times has Hakamichi tried to recruit you for the Student Council?”

I blink for a moment. “Uh… 7 I think.”

Keiko and Aoi nod. Rika looks elsewhere, the discomfort clear on her face.

“Do you guys often eat together?” I finally ask.

“Keiko and I do almost every day,” Aoi says. “This is the first time Rika’s joined us.”

I blink, then look over to Rika.

She shrugs, not looking at us. “I heard they were dropping papers off at 3-3, and… I, uh, wanted to...”

I shake my head. “Uh, ok.”

Keiko bursts out with, “What are you doing after classes today?”

“I have nothing planned, why?”

She nods. “Rika’s been wanting to join us for our weekly card game for ages, but lacked a partner. If you come, then she could join us. You’ll come, right?”

Rika stiffens visibly at this, still not looking in anyone’s direction.

I feel like I have been left out of some important part of this conversation.

“Uh, sure, I guess. But you told Shizune you had an important task to attend to.”

“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her,” Keiko smiled. “I don’t want to spoil a good evening dealing with her.”

“Alright, see you at 4, the girls dorm lobby,” Aoi pipes up.

The bell rings, ending any further inquiries into what they are talking about. I sit in puzzlement over how quiet Rika was, compared to how talkative she has been before.

It feels a bit odd going into the girl’s dorm. But, I am invited, and it would be polite to show up. Their lobby has several tables, around one a half dozen people have gathered. Aside from Keiko, Aoi and Rika, I notice two girls from my class, uh… Miura I want to say her name is, and across from her is Suzu.. Suzuki… damn I need to remember names, along with an older boy I don’t know.

I wave as I walk up.

“Oh good, the last person’s here,” pipes up Keiko.

“Does that mean I can leave now,” the boy says with a groan.

“Yeah, thanks for making sure nobody stole the chair,” Miura says.

I look around the room, and realize that here are all of the chairs in the room. I wonder what happened to the rest.

“Well, at least he’s cute, and don’t be late to practice again Miki,” the boy says as he walks off.

I blink at that and look after him.

Miura looks up at me. “He’s always a sport. Glad you could join us Hisao.”

“Hello Miura,” I respond as I take the now empty seat opposite Rika.

She laughs. “Call me Miki, everyone else does. So I understand it, you know Keiko, Aoi and Rika, have you met Suzu yet?”

“I’m afraid not. Hello.”

Suzu looks up and smiles. “Hello Hisao.”

Aoi starts to shuffle the cards. “Do you know how to play Kakeya Toranpu, Hisao?”

I shake my head.

“Ok, then let’s get started in teaching you.”

It is not a hard game to learn, and an hour passes in pleasant company. I am partnered up with Rika, while Keiko partners with Aoi and Miki with Suzu. The game itself apparently is popular in Shimane prefecture, where Aoi’s family is from.

The small talk eventually turns to me as the game goes on.

Miki starts, “So, how are you enjoying Yamaku so far?”

I shrug. “I don’t hate it, but I’m not entirely comfortable either. It’s all new to me.”

“Give it time,” Keiko says with enthusiasm.

“Joined any clubs?” Suzu asks.

I shrug. “Never really was a club joining sort.”

Last hand is dealt. Rika and I lose the last Go stone in our pile, signaling the end of the game. “It looks like you two won,” I say to Miki and Suzu.

“Yeah! Want to play again?” Miki winks at me.

“We just spent an hour here, and I do need to get some studying done.”

“Spoilsport.” Miki gives a displeased face.

I get up. “And I’m hungry. Need to get dinner before it’s too late.”

Rika gets up too.

I look across to her. “Are you joining me?”

She just nods and follows me out of the building without saying a word.

The cafeteria is open for another hour, and is still packed with people. Rika and I pick a table away from the main horde and idly sit eating what we’d selected for dinner.

I finally break the silence. “You were a lot quieter today. Is everything alright?”

She hesitates. “I, uh, enjoyed last night.”

“Me too. But…?”

She inhales, like it’s a lot of effort to say what she has to. “When I got back to my dorm, I ran into… some other girls. They… They… saw us on the roof, and… teased me, saying I had a boyfriend.”

I nod. “I got much the same from Shizune and Misha. I figure it’ll blow over soon enough.”

She does not look very reassured. "Keiko has been helping to... keep the taunting down. Nobody wants to do it around her."

I nod. "Sounds like a good class representative. Put it out of your mind. Let’s talk about something else, alright? So, they’ve wanted you to join them for cards?”

“I have wanted to join, but… it’s a partner game. Must be an even number of players.”

“Ah, makes sense. I’d never even heard of it before”

Rika nods. “I used to play… with my grandfather.”

“I’m sorry if my inexperience lost the game for you then.”

She just smiles, the troubles from earlier now apparently having been banished. “You did well for a new player. Next time we’ll… do better.”

A comfortable silence descends over us. The din of the room comforting in itself.

“The nurse mentioned that you needed to be more active. Did you play anything… before coming here?”

I blink. “You know it’s impolite to listen in on people’s conversations.” A moment later I continue. “Well, I used to play soccer, with my friends. I wasn’t planning on going pro or anything, but I enjoyed it. Now, well….”

Rika nods. “When I was younger I wanted to do… gymnastics. But, the strain… it would have been too much. My father made sure… I didn’t do anything… dangerous.”

“Like how you don’t have to do the physical education classes now?”

She hangs her head a bit. “I can’t even do morning jogs… like the nurse wants you to do. Father says it could cause an embolism… give me a stroke. Which reminds me… are you still… running?”

It was now my turn for the uncomfortable look. “Well, no, I didn’t go this morning…”

Rika then looks at me sternly, her eyes doing that slight tremble I noticed before. “Hisao, you can run. Don’t miss this opportunity you have.”

She sighs, deflating a bit. “I’m not good… at this. You can do something that I can’t, and… I don’t want you to be weak… like me.”

I chuckle a bit and raise both my hands in a placating gesture. “But Emi is trying to kill me, I swear.”

She rubs her hands a bit. “Promise me, ok?”

I nod. “Alright, alright. Now I have two cute girls trying to get me to run. That’s terribly unfair.”

Rika’s face goes straight, and her cheeks flush pink. “You think I’m cute?”

“Well, I, er...”

She smiles slightly. “That’s ok.” She then turns her face down and away in a shy manner. “I don’t mind.”

She shifts subjects. “Have you been to the town yet?”

“Yeah, once or twice.”

Rika nods. “Must be nice.”

It is my turn to blink. “You haven’t?”

“I can’t. Father forbids it.”

“Oh, sorry.”

“Don’t, please. It is what it is. But, um, next time you go, could I… ask you to pick things up for me?”

I smile. “Sure, gladly.”

I ponder a moment. “Your father sure seems to put a lot of restrictions on you.”

She sighs. “He does not want me to take any risks.”

I shrug. “Life is risk when you get down to it. I’m one careless basketball away from lying on the ground dead. I can’t stay in my room forever. Could have just stayed in the hospital otherwise.”

She considers this. “How long were you in the hospital?”

“4 months,” I tell her.

She nods.

“My last time in the hospital I was there for a week,” she tells me back.

“What hurt the most wasn’t the time, or the hospital, but that I lost my friends. Sure, they visited at first, but within a month, nobody. I feel like I was abandoned.”

Rika nods. “I’d visit you.”

I smile. “Thank you. And I mean that. But, I’d rather not go through that again.”

She smiles and nods. “Don’t blame you at all.” Then considers a moment. “What were you in there for?”

I pause. Well, I opened this door, it’s a bit late to be squeamish now.

“Heart attack. That’s how they found out about my heart,” I tell her.

Her eyes go wide. “Hisao! That’s horrible.”

I shrug. “I don’t like talking about it.”

“You don’t have to,” Rika says.

“It’s ok when it’s you. Because you’ve been here too.”

She smiles. “Thank you Hisao.”

“For what?” I ask.

“For trusting me with this.”

I smile. “I guess I do, don’t I?”

She beams. It is very adorable.
Last edited by Downix on Tue May 15, 2018 12:35 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Within a Looking Glass – A Rika pseudo-route

Post by Mirage_GSM »

“Hello,” comes a girl's voice from the door and breaks my concentration.
Still a bit clunky...
I could hear the two girls giggling.
Rika slaps her closed parasol across our path, and looks decidedly to the right. Turning to follow her gaze, we are witness to Emi, once again running through the halls, zipping past us carrying a stack of papers.
The not-yet-named companion laughed at that
“How many times has Hakamichi tried to recruit you for the student counsel?”
the girls' dorm lobby
A few lines down you have "girl’s dorm" which is also incorrect.

Quite a few more SPaG issues than in the previous chapters. One or two more past tenses that I didn't specifically cite.

The chapter itself is good again. Not sure if you're overdoing Rika's condition a bit. Passing out from a light walk is quite extreme - plus there are supposed to be busses :-)
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Within a Looking Glass – A Rika pseudo-route

Post by Downix »

Going to have to take a day to revise and cleanup. But, still want to get the next two sections out while I'm thinking of it.

Bill the Lizard:

My alarm goes off early. I remember what I’d promised. But, what if what happened before happens again? I could just roll over and get a little bit more sleep.


The knocking at my door jars me.

I open the door snarling “Dammit Kenji! What now?”

In the hallway before me, Rika stands there, her parasol over one shoulder folded up.

Immediately I feel my anger vanish. “Oh, um, sorry.”

She looks me up and down. “You’re shirtless again.”

I look down, and realize I am.

“You promised the nurse you’d try running with Emi. I’m making sure you… actually show up.”

I blink. “Hold on, let me take my medicine and get dressed. Just, wait out here this time, please?”

She nods curtly, and leans against the wall across from my door. I quickly go through my morning routine, and get dressed. As I finish, a thought crosses my mind.

As I step into the hallway, I ask, “The nurse put you up to this, didn’t he?”

Rika smiles a bit. “He may have mentioned that you might need motivating.”

“But what will you do while I run?”

She shrugs. “I’ll watch. I like watching.”

Under her parasol and with her sunglasses, she was an odd sight at any time. But, it still made me smile a bit. She is unique, in a good way.

Emi is already on the track when we show up. It takes her a moment to realize we are there.

“Hey, I didn’t expect to see you here again. Usually if someone misses the third day, they’re gone for good.”

“Yeah, well, I had someone watching my back.

Rika goes to sit on the stands. “The nurse wants Hisao to run, so… I’ll bug him too.”

Emi breaks into one a wide grin. “Teamwork!” Then she turns to me with a stern look on her face. “Still, by not showing up yesterday you cost me 500 yen.”


She smiles. “I’d bet Rin that you’d show up. Alright, let’s get stretching!”

The routine in warming up is brief, but I will admit I do feel more limber. Running however is still hard. By the third lap, I am feeling every gram of sweat. My heart is beating hard, and my breathing is almost a gasp. By the end, I can hear my heartbeat clearly, but without the pain I had been expecting. Instead, it’s my lungs and limbs which are filled with sensation.

As I cool down, using Emi’s advise for putting my hands behind my head, I take a moment to look over to Rika. There she remains, watching me, eyes lost in their singular focus. An audience of one. It is a kind of interest I’ve never seen before, like I’m the only person in the world for her. Something in this scares me and I don’t know why. Maybe because the eyes are analytical, almost detached from the world.

I am aware of the other runner on the track, but it is more of an afterthought than anything else. When I finish the cool down, I look once more to the stand. Rika sits there, just watching, with a slight smile on her face. While Emi does her sprints. Rika stands up as I step off the track, and walks over.

“Hey Rika,” I gasp as she gets near.

“You are breathing hard. How does your chest feel?”

I smile a bit. “It feels fine. My legs feel like they’re ready to go on strike however. I should check in with the nurse then get showered and change. No need for you to hang about. I’ll catch up with you later?”

She considers a moment, then nods. “Okay.” She turns to walk away, then hesitates.

“Is everything alright?”

“Hisao, I… Ah… Do you… Have… Ah… Dinner…” she stammers out.

“I would love to have dinner with you. Meet you at 6?” I smile at her.

“Ok,” she says as she walks away at a brisk pace.

As she walks off, Emi finally strides up. “Poor girl,” she says.

I look over at Emi.

“She’s spent a lot of time at the hospital over the last year. Seems like every other month she winds up there for up to a week. Must be hard for her,” Emi concludes.

“Don’t her friends visit?”

Emi shrugs. “I can’t think of anyone I would really call her friend.” Emi then looks at me. “You seem to have taken up a friendship with her though.”

I smile a bit. “I guess, still don’t know her that well. I mean, how well can you know someone in less than a week? We bonded over heart conditions, of all things.” I sigh and look after her. “Is that what I get to look forward to?”

Emi shakes her head. “That’s why the nurse wants you to exercise, right?”

I muse, then nod. “Right.”

“So, you joining us for lunch again?”

I shake my head. “Nah, I have to hit the library. Maybe later, alright?”

Emi pouts. Why does she have to use those puppy dog eyes? Gah! Then she breaks back into a smile. “Alright, I’ll let you off this time.”

Let me off? I’m free to enjoy lunch where I please!

Emi goes first with the nurse. While she is in there, I sit down and take a moment to focus on my heartbeat. It’s irregular beat is almost becoming normal to me. I suppose it should, because it’s the only beat I will ever have.

Emi rushes out of the office, waving to me as she heads out, forgetting that she shouldn’t be running in the halls, again. I let out a long suffering sigh as I get up for my own checkup.

The Nurse seems in a cheerful mood this morning. “So, as I understand it, you had help in getting motivated this morning?”

“Yeah, Rika refused to let me miss the run.”

The Nurse breaks into one of his characteristic grins. “Well, good. Surprising, but good.”

“Why surprising?”

“Ah, I can’t say. Patient confidentiality and all that.”

“Her heart I know about. We discussed it a bit.”

His look becomes more serious. “It’s the combination of issues, not a single one. If you are curious, ask her. She’s pretty open about it.”

I nod. “I’ve noticed that. We had a discussion of medication doses the other day”

He smiles. “Well, don’t get any funny ideas!”

What kind of funny ideas could I get?

He drops the grin and continues. “You sound fine this morning. Be sure to check in next week, or if something else happens. See you around.”


Class goes by quickly enough, and I find that I have a few hours to kill before I meet Rika for dinner, so I head back to the library.

The library is comforting to sit in. The beanbags towards the back has only one person, and it’s not Hanako this time. Sunk into them, asleep, I see Suzu, a book open on her chest.

“Hey, you ok?” I shake her gently.

Her eyes open groggily. She blinks a moment, then looks at me. “Oh, hi Hisao.”


She nods. “Sorry.”

I ask her, “Where’s Miki? You two are usually inseparable.”

“Track practice. I have Literature Club...” Suzu looks at her watch. “In a half hour.”

“Ah. Makes sense. Literature club, huh?”

Suzu nods. “Why? You interested?”

“Maybe, I certainly am not joining the Student Council.”

“Well, we’re really all full up. You could do track like Miki.”

I rub the back of my head. “I tried running when I came here. Got me a few hours in the nurses office. But Emi and Miki both seem to enjoy it.”

Suzu shrugs. “Sorry.”

“Hey, it’s no big deal,” I tell her. “I don’t have to join a club, after all.”

Suzu yawns again. “Sorry.”

I sit down in the other beanbag with my book. “Nothing to apologize for. My medication throws my sleep schedule once in awhile, so I get it.”

Suzu laughs quietly to herself. “Not quite the same. Do you know what Narcolepsy is?”

I pause. “Um… makes you sleepy or something?”

She shrugs. “Or something, but that’s the layman’s version. It’s just hard to stay awake at times.”

“Are you doing ok in class?”

“I have to borrow notes when I drift off, or fall into automatic behavior,” she tells me, looking at me behind droopy eyes.

“Automatic behavior?”

She nods. “My brain falls asleep but my body keeps going, repeating whatever I was doing.”

“Wow, that’s…”

She yawns, breaking my thought.

I change gears. “If you ever want to borrow my notes, let me know.”

She smiles. “Well, Miki’s notes are no good, so I may take you up on it.”

I return to my book. In a half hour, I see people shuffling to the literature club room. I check, and Suzu is laying there asleep again. I shake her awake once more.

“Your club is about to meet.”

She nods sleepily. Then looks around at her chair. “I’ve been eaten by the beanbag.”

I get up then offer her a hand. She takes hold and I pull her up.

“Have fun. It’s about time for me to meet Rika for dinner,” I tell her.

Suzu smiles. “Have fun there.”

She wanders off to the club room. Pity they’re full up, I would have enjoyed the Literature Club I think.

When we sit down for dinner, it has been a busy day.

I consider the club discussion with Suzu, and realize I have an opportunity here. “So, something I’ve been wondering about are clubs. When I tried to ask about them before, I had a pair try and rope me into the Student Council. Are you in any clubs?”

Rika nods. “Theater.”

I can’t hide my surprise. “I didn’t know you could act.”

Rika laughs. “No, I can’t act. Can’t wear the makeup, father says I break out in a rash. But I can sew, so I help out with costumes.”

“Sounds like fun.”

She smiles. “It is fun. Something thrilling in watching something you’ve made entertaining the audience.”

“So, your father says? How does he know?”

Rika shrugs. “He says that I broke out in a rash when I was a baby. So, I avoid all forms of makeup now.”

I consider a moment. “Do you wish that you could?”

Rika looks down. “Wishing does not make something come true.”

I smile at her. “You surprise me, you know that?”

Rika looks up, clearly not expecting that answer.

“First you tell me you wished you could do gymnastics, now you tell me you wish you could act in theater. You are full of dreams. I like that.” I feel my smile getting bigger.

Rika looks pensive. “What’s the point of them if you can’t follow them?”

I feel my smile slip. “Want me to drop it?”

Rika nods. “Let’s.”

“So, if you are with the theater club, why weren’t you busy for the festival?”

Rika perks up a bit. “I took the morning shift. Meant I was done by noon.”

I consider this. “Good thinking. You’re smart.”

Rika beams at the praise.

“Want to hit the garden for a bit?” I ask her. “The sun’s set, so you don’t need your parasol or sunglasses, and it looks like it will be a clear night.”

She looks down, and realizes we finished our food. “Oh, sure! Let’s get this cleaned up.”

By the time we sit down, dusk is almost over. The cicadas in the air make their melody. It would be normally a romantic evening. But, that’s not what we are here for. Instead, we just sit on the bench, and enjoy watching the world going by.

As before, we fall into silence. But instead of watching people, I find myself watching Rika watching people.

I find myself envious of her. The comfort she has in her condition, I wish I had that. She’s been through a lot worse than I ever have, and is still standing, still here.

But she is also stuck, isn’t she? Someone with dreams she can’t ever fulfill. And that thought makes me sad.

If there is any way I can help her fulfill those dreams, I must do so. Because if she can’t, then what hope do I have?

Am I going to be the same way, filled with regrets over what I can never do? And what can’t I do to begin with?

It’s all so confusing.

And here is this girl, like me. If she can make it, so can I.
Last edited by Downix on Tue Mar 20, 2018 6:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 155
Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2018 7:39 pm

Re: Within a Looking Glass – A Rika pseudo-route

Post by Downix »

Humpty Dumpty:

Time goes by surprisingly quickly. For lunchtime I try and find a new place to eat each day, and explore the school a bit. There are a remarkable number of places on the school grounds to visit. Each of them has their own crowd of regulars.

For dinner however, Rika and I always share a table. Most nights, we are studying while eating, with little conversation between us. Others, we find a topic and just jabber until curfew. I find this routine comforting.

By Sunday, I feel that I’ve really explored everywhere I can on campus. Plus my supplies of food in my room have run low, so I should likely go into town. That reminds me, I promised Rika that whenever I went into town next, I would pick things up for her.

But what? I should ask, but where would she be?

A quick check of the girls dorm lobby, the roof, and the gardens proves fruitless. Then I notice the crowd down by the track. I vaguely recall Emi mentioning that there was some kind of track meet today. A crowd to watch, maybe she is down there.

Approaching, I notice a familiar figure standing away from the stands.

“Hey Rin,” I say as I walk up.

Her gaze wanders over and past me. “It’s you.”

“Well, if I was anyone else, things would be weird.”

She puts on a look I now recognize as one of amusement.

“So, why are you here,” I ask her.

“To see Emi.”

“Wouldn’t you see her better from the bleachers?”

Rin’s eyes go wide, like I am saying something profound. She turns on her heel and starts walking up the bleachers. My gaze sweeps it, looking for that distinctive parasol, to no luck. I did see that Rin is sitting with an older woman at the top of the bleachers however. They seem to be talking, or rather the woman is talking and Rin just being Rin.

I shrug, feeling defeated. Well, I tried.

As I exit the gate, I am surprised to see that distinctive parasol over at the bus stop. As I approach, I see Rika sitting there, her sunglasses sweeping over the road down the hill. As I’ve seen when she is relaxed, she is kicking her legs and humming to herself. Next to her, I notice that she has a rolling case, which appears to have books and papers in it.

“Going somewhere,” I ask her as I walk up.

“Going to the city. Father is taking me to lunch,” she says, turning to look at me. The smile on her face is far warmer than I’d seen from her all week.

“Ah, I was actually just looking for you. Felt like walking into town, and I’d promised to pick some things up for you,” I could not help but return her smile.

She twirls her parasol a bit while tilting her head slightly. “You remembered? Thank you. Yes, uh, do you have a pen and paper? Wait, I do!”

She pulls a small note pad and pen out from her case and writes down a few things before handing the pair over to me. I look over the list, pretty basic things, snack sticks, rice crackers, some instant noodles.

“Alright, sounds good. I’ll drop them off when I meet you for dinner. How about we meet up at your room so I can drop them off first, alright?”

She nods. “Sounds good.”

She waves at me as I strike out down the hill.

Once I’ve picked up everything, I feel like I should explore the town a bit. It strikes me I have not eaten anything all day. Guess that’s why my stomach is being all noisy. Next stop, the Shanghai.

As I open the door, I feel a tapping on my shoulder. Turning to look, I recognize Shizune standing there, by herself. I look around, no sign of Misha. I think this is the first time I’ve seen her without her pink haired companion.

She signs something, I would guess it’s some kind of greeting. I wave in response, and hold the door open for her. She smiles, bows slightly, and enters.

Yuuko stands there, the sole person in the entire establishment. “Hello! Thank you for choosing to patronize our establishment!” She bows deeply.

How does this place stay in business? I’ve never seen anyone else here.

As I sit down, I realize Shizune has joined me. Yuuko says “You’re here early, what can I get you?”

I reply simply, “Coffee, please. And Shizune always takes tea. Plus sandwiches for both of us”

Yuuko bows and shuffles off to prepare our drinks.

I look across the table, realizing that I have no idea how to communicate with her. Then, an idea strikes me. I take out the notepad Rika gave me, and write down “How are you?”

She smiles, and writes back a response. “Fine. You don’t leave campus often.”

I nod and write a response. “Don’t want to tax myself.”

She considers this a moment before saying, “We really could use your help with the Student Council.”

I nod. “If it’s paperwork, I could likely do some help a few days a week.”

Shizune puts on a big smile, and then nods. “Deal.”

While this happens, Yuuko sets down our order, bows, and heads back to her position by the door. Shizune then writes down “Are you settling in alright?”

I consider this a moment before replying. “I guess so.”

It is now her turn to consider what to say. “You are doing better.”

After seeing my puzzled look, she takes back the pad and writes more. “You were depressed.”

I nod. “I was in a hospital for 4 months.”

Her eyes go wide, and she seems now uncertain what to write. Then she looks at my bags from Aura Mart, and writes, “You sure buy a lot of stuff.”

I can appreciate the change of topic. I write “Picking up things for me and Rika.”

Shizune now gets an amused look on her face.

I hastily add “A favor. She’s helps me in the morning.”

The amused look hasn’t gone away.

“Ok, and we have dinner together.”

The look remains, perhaps a bit more probing than before.”

I add, “Not like that! We’re friends.”

It then sinks in, I guess we are friends. It feels good to say that.

“Thank you for being concerned about me,” I write after a break.

She smiles, “That is my job as class representative.”

“I know it is a thankless job. I want to give my appreciation.”

After we finish our drinks, we head back to campus. I’ve become much more comfortable with silence as of late, it helps me reflect on things.


When we get back to campus, I realize that Rika likely is not back from lunch with her father. I then look at the bags in my arms and sigh.

Shizune looks at me in a questioning manner. I grab the note pad and write down, “I just realized she will not be back for a few hours.”

“Drop by the student council room. We have a few forms which need sorting, and you haven’t checked your mail. I think I saw something in there.”

Once in the Student Council room, Shizune waves me over to the mail slots while she picks up a stack of papers to sort and sets it on the desk for me. I shrug, expecting nothing in there, but in my slot, clear as day, a yellow envelope stands out. For her part, Shizune sits at her desk and seems to be doing some paperwork herself.

“Iwanko,” I say out loud, not even realizing I was doing it.

I barely notice Shizune looking up at me as I open it and read.

<We all know the letter>

I set it down and breathe deeply. That day last winter, she confessed to me, and my heart failed. I could feel my heart now, already drumming its odd beat stronger than normal, like it remembers what happened then. Instinctively I rub a hand over my chest, to assure me that it was working fine.

Shizune puts a hand on my shoulder, a look of concern, or maybe sympathy on her face. I don’t even remember sitting down. I breathe carefully as I set the letter down. She gestures as if to ask if she can read it. I nod.

Her eyes go over it quickly. I barely pay attention, focusing on my own heartbeat. Hands and feet not numb, no chest pains, but the memory remains.

She writes out on the notepad, “Girlfriend?”

I shake my head no. As I stare at the letter, on the table after she set it down, I then feel her arm over my shoulder, a very comforting gesture. “Thanks,” I say out loud.

The door to the student council room opens loudly and a familiar voice three times too loud enters the room. “Finished! Oh! Hi Hicchan!” A moment later, in a softer tone Misha asks “Is everything alright?”

I am aware of Shizune signing to Misha, but my focus is on the letter. She confessed, and I nearly died. What if that happens again? Can I ever have a normal life? Will I ever be able to even entertain the idea of a girlfriend, children, a family?

It strikes me that I can’t even indulge the idea of getting close to anyone like that. A lifetime alone. If I did fall in love with someone, then that very thing could tear me away from them. The depression I had started to think was lifting hit me all over again.

Misha’s clearly been talking to me for awhile before I’m aware of it. “Sorry, I’m out of it,” I finally respond.

“Do you want to talk about it,” she asks.

I put the letter and notepad into one of the grocery bags. “Not much to tell. Iwanako slipped me a note to meet her after school. She confessed. I had a heart attack.” The words come out without emotion attached. I can’t even look at them.

“What Shichan? A hospital?” Misha looks almost stunned by what Shizune says.

I nod, answering what would have been the question before Misha even translates. “Took me months to recover. During that time, I lost my friends. She was the last person other than my parents to visit. I couldn’t even look at her at the end. Then, I am sent here.”

A few heartbeats later, Misha translates. “Is being here so bad?”

“No, it’s not that. I just… don’t want to be broken.”

I then have Shizune in front of me, looking me in the eye with a stern look on her face, while Misha translates. “Do you consider me broken?”

I blink, and realize what I’m saying. “Sorry. No, not that. Man, now I feel like a real jerk. I just… I’d thought I’d put all this behind me. No, I tried to forget.”

A pair of arms gives me a hug, the sizable expanse of Misha’s chest making itself known. If I was not so lost in myself, I might have enjoyed it.

“Hicchan, come on, let’s do something to cheer you up. Want to play a game?”


A few hours later, I am tired of board games. Shizune remains as competitive as ever, but it wouldn’t be her any other way. I’m still feeling numb over the letter, but I made a promise which I will follow through on.

I stop before room 316 in the girls dorm. “Come in,” comes Rika’s voice following a brisk knock. Inside I find a pleasantly decorated room, rather cute. Several stuffed animals, a few body pillows, honestly I would have taken it for the room of someone in middle school, not high school.

“Here you go,” I say as I set down her grocery bags.

She was sitting on the bed. When I’d finished making sure the groceries are all sorted, she gestured at her desk. “Since… I intruded on you… I thought…”

I look at see a collection of pill bottles on her desk, not dissimilar to my own.

“Ah, still going with that ‘if you show me yours, I show you mine’ thing?”

She nods.

I sit down in the chair at her desk and look them over. “You don’t have to do that. Did you set them up for me?”

“Uh huh.”

While looking them over, I hear her taking a deep breath. I notice motion in my peripheral vision. I turn, and see Rika is unbuttoning her shirt.

I suddenly feel panic set in. “Uh, what.. no, stop.” I grab her hands to stop her.

She freezes. “But, I saw you without…”

I realize what she is saying. She’d barged into my room while I was changing. Then she was at my door before I had put a shirt on. Inside, an army of emotions hit me. I could feel my heartbeat in my ears. This was not right.

“It’s no big deal, ok?” I try and keep my voice calm. The last time a girl opened up to me was Iwanako. Then the time in the hospital. My heart’s volume continues to pound in my ears. No, not again.

I try and change the topic. “You asked about my heartbeat before. Do you still want to know?”

She looks uncertain, then nods.

I relax, “It does not beat smoothly. It sounds, to me anyways, like a drummer with horrible sense of timing. When I get stressed, I can hear it easily. How about you?”

She fidgets a bit. “Mine, um… imagine for a moment you have a big band, but the drum section has been replaced with those tin drums that children play with. That’s how it sounds to me… like something not strong enough for what it’s there for.”

She looks down, dejected. Did she really want to take her top off for me? And would it stop there? Would I have another heart attack if she did? And why? I barely know her.

“Could I…. could I… hear it?” she finally asks, in a very quiet voice. “You could hear mine...”

“I don’t need to. But sure, you can.” I stand up, and find her wrapping her arms around me in a hug, head to my chest. Three girls have given me hugs today, a new record. I put a hand on her head, and the other around her back.

Strangely, the pounding in my ears begins to subside, the panic replaced by a sense of calm.

I finally say something. “Thank you.”

She pulls away with a puzzled look on her face.

“I was reminded today of what I’d lost, and what I’ve gained. Thank you for being my friend, it means a lot to me.”

Her eyebrows went up, “Oh… you’re welcome.”

“Just, no need for the show me yours if I show you mine from now on, ok? We’re friends, we don’t need that.”

She blushes and looks away before nodding.

“So, ready for dinner?” I ask, looking to the door.

She smiles. “Of course.”
Last edited by Downix on Fri Mar 09, 2018 1:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Within a Looking Glass – A Rika pseudo-route

Post by Downix »

Mirage_GSM wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2018 10:35 am
“Hello,” comes a girl's voice from the door and breaks my concentration.
Still a bit clunky...
I could hear the two girls giggling.
Rika slaps her closed parasol across our path, and looks decidedly to the right. Turning to follow her gaze, we are witness to Emi, once again running through the halls, zipping past us carrying a stack of papers.
The not-yet-named companion laughed at that
“How many times has Hakamichi tried to recruit you for the student counsel?”
the girls' dorm lobby
A few lines down you have "girl’s dorm" which is also incorrect.

Quite a few more SPaG issues than in the previous chapters. One or two more past tenses that I didn't specifically cite.

The chapter itself is good again. Not sure if you're overdoing Rika's condition a bit. Passing out from a light walk is quite extreme - plus there are supposed to be busses :-)
It strikes me that half of my problem is my own writing history. I rarely dealt with Council's, while I had to write about counsel often. Need to chastize myself.
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Re: Within a Looking Glass – A Rika pseudo-route

Post by brythain »

Downix wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2018 9:46 pm
Mirage_GSM wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2018 10:35 am Passing out from a light walk is quite extreme - plus there are supposed to be busses :-)
It strikes me that half of my problem is my own writing history. I rarely dealt with Council's, while I had to write about counsel often. Need to chastize myself.
English is such a painful language... the plural of 'bus' is 'buses', because 'to buss' is to kiss someone lightly, and hence 'busses' means 'kisses' (verb).

Likewise, you might rarely deal with Councils (no apostrophe, since that'd be a possessive, not a plural). Other than that, we're good. :)
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
Main Index (Complete)Shizune/Lilly/Emi/Hanako/Rin/Misha + Miki + Natsume
Secondary Arcs: Rika/Mutou/AkiraHideaki | Others (WIP): Straw—A Dream of SuzuSakura—The Kenji Saga.
"Much has been lost, and there is much left to lose." — Tim Powers, The Drawing of the Dark (1979)
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Re: Within a Looking Glass – A Rika pseudo-route

Post by Downix »

Before anyone thinks that what I've written for Kenji is too crazy, I took an actual conversation I had with someone very much like Kenji and used it, nearly word for word.


The March Hare:

Our next game night winds up canceled due to Aoi falling ill during class. Rika and I decide on having an early dinner instead.

But something feels off, like Rika wants to talk and is not sure how to go about it. As we sat down in the cafeteria, I decide I need to bring it up.

“Something is on your mind,” I say.

“Hisao?” she asks.


She then looks as if she is unsure what to say. A few moments pass, then she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

“Who is Iwanako?”

That was certainly not the topic I was expecting. My brain all but shuts down as I try and sort out what she just said.

I stammer out, “How did you, um, know of her?”

She looks down, as if embarrassed. “You… left a letter from her in my grocery bag. I didn’t mean to pry, but, it was there, and I… Was she your girlfriend?”

I rub the back of my head. I sigh and close my eyes. “For maybe 5 seconds. She confessed. I had my heart attack. She tried to visit me in the hospital, but I was different, bitter. That letter is the first I’ve heard from her in 3 months.”

Rika ponders a moment. “Do you wish you could go back and change it?”

“No,” I answer without hesitation, looking her in the eyes. “If you asked me a few weeks ago, I would have said yes. But now, I feel like a different person. I guess Yamaku’s been good for me.”

“I’m glad you’re here,” Rika says. Then realizing what she just said stammers out, “I don’t mean that I wanted you to have…”

I laugh. “I know what you meant.” Then I realized, I actually laughed at my condition, and it felt good.

I was alive.

“Are you going to write her back?” Rika says almost to herself.

I ponder this for a moment. “I probably should. She was polite enough to write, but I have no idea what I could write about.”

She looks at her food. “Talk about our school, the friends you’ve made.”

I smile a bit. “Friends like you?” Then I pause and consider. “Not yet. I still have some of that bitterness in me. If I tried to write, it would likely poison the letter, and she deserves better than that. I deserve better than that.”

We fall into silence, our dinner forgotten, lying on the table between us.

She finally broke the silence. “Would you ever want a girlfriend again?”

It takes me a bit to think of the answer. “Honestly? I think I would be too afraid of having another heart attack to enjoy it.”

Rika nods, then looks sad. “Father says if I ever had a boyfriend, it would kill me.”

“We’re in the same boat, again.” I smile at her.

“I guess,” Rika seems less cheerful than I am about it.

“You look sad.”

Rika closes her eyes. “I don’t want to never have a boyfriend.”

“I don’t want to be alone either.” I respond. “But it is what it is. It’s not as if either of us can be fixed. Wishes don’t come true.”

We sit there in silence once again. This time, it feels different, that we each wanted the same thing, but knew it was impossible. I should feel despair, but instead I feel….


“I’m not really hungry anymore,” Rika finally says.

“Me either. Want to go for a walk to help clear our minds?”

She nods.


I have never enjoyed the night sky before. City lights drown out the stars. But out here, I can see them in all of their glory. Stars are distant explosions, yet from so far away they are pinpricks. One gets the sense of the scope of the universe.

It makes my problems seem very small by comparison.

The garden at night is almost always empty. I know curfew is coming up soon, but I want to enjoy this moment. It is nice how Yamaku feels normal to me. I can hear a few people shuffling by as I stare upwards. Next to me, the gentle humming of Rika, walking just a few inches separate from me.

When came the tap-tap sound of a blind person’s cane, I remember reading that they are called probing canes, I pull my head down, expecting someone from 3-2.

Instead, I see Aoi, moving very cautiously, cane in hand. It takes me a moment to process the sight.

I call out to her. “Aoi, are you ok?”

She lifts her head, not staring in my direction. “Um… Hello? Who’s there?”

“It’s Hisao and Rika. Why are you using a cane?” I then mentally kicked myself for blurting that out.

If it was too intrusive, she says nothing. “I’m having an episode. For the next few weeks my eyes will not work.”


She nods. “Yes, Devic’s Syndrome. Once in awhile, my body’s immune system goes haywire, and attacks my nerve cells, specifically my spine optic nerves. It will pass. But, during this period, I’m blind and I can get tremors in my hands and legs.”

“Have them often?”

“Haven’t had one in 3 years now,” she states in a matter of fact manner.

“You holding up?” Master of language, that’s me.

“I wouldn’t say no if you were to help me back to the dorms. I was supposed to meet up with Miki, but somehow we missed each other.”

I stand up and walk over to her. “Glad to, as we were already on our way there. I’m holding my right arm out before you.”

She reaches out, and takes hold of my arm. I am reminded of when I helped Lilly out shopping in the town. I know instinctively that Rika is on my other side, falling to her usual distance.

“Will you be able to play next week?” Rika asks her.

“Yes, I do have a braille deck. I still owe Miki and Suzu payback for the last game.”

We all laugh at this. “Well, good. They do have a crown to defend.”

A few minutes pass before we reach the dorms. “It is near curfew, so it is time for me to part. Rika, will you take over from here?”

She nods, then reaches out to take Aoi’s arm from me.

Aoi nods. “Thank you again.”

I watch them enter the dorm.

It is sobering to be reminded that my issues are rather minor compared to other people. There are people here who would trade disabilities in a heartbeat. I have all of my senses. I can walk unassisted. I can cover my scarring with a shirt. Providing I am careful, I could live a full, even if lonely, life. To the outside world, I would appear like anyone else.

I stand there a few minutes, and just watch people heading in to their dorms. I feel connected to everyone, that I’m sharing in their moments from afar.

And that is shattered in a heartbeat as Kenji steps out of the dorm… the girls dorm. I look at my watch, he just missed curfew by minutes. But why was he in there?

He strides in our dorm’s direction acting casually, which itself is abnormal for him.

I decide to follow, at a distance. Inside, he does not head straight to his room, as I’d expected. Instead he ducks behind a stairway. A minute later he reappears, and walks away with his hands in his pockets.

Once he is out of sight, I look behind the stairs, and find an open jar of olives on top of three books. I can see that they are from the school library. I don’t disturb the stack, fearing that Kenji might have been crazy enough to set a trap.

Turning around, I come face to face with him.

“Uh, hi Kenji.”

He looks at me carefully. I hate how he has to be so close. Then he smiles and backs up. “Found one of my emergency caches I see.”

“Yeah, was just… examining it,” I sputter, trying to avoid his glare.

“You’ve been spying, haven’t you?” He looks angry for a moment, then breaks into a smile. “Good job, handling recon! Glad to know you take the threat as seriously as I do!”

“Oh yeah, certainly,” I try and get this conversation over with as quickly as possible.

“But you’ve got them onto you! That vampire chick’s been following you in the mornings, I’ve seen it!”

“Vampire, what?” I am actually confused.

“You know, pale skin, white hair, has to walk around underneath something shady! It’s obvious that she’s a vampire!” Kenji’s statement just floors me.

“You need to eat more garlic, like I do! Keeps vampires away!”

“I don’t think that’s how it works,” I try and correct him.

“Has she bit you yet? Oh no, she has, and made you her thrall! Quick, let me get the holy water and prayer beads!”

I groan. “She’s not bitten me, relax.”

He looks skeptical. “That’s precisely what a thrall would say!”

I sigh. Clearly this isn’t going to work.

He takes out two pencils and holds them in front of him in a cross. I just stare at the ridiculous sight. After a minute, he seems to relax, and puts the pencils down. “Oh, I guess you’re not. Sorry dude.”

“I’m fairly certain...” I start to protest, then realize this is Kenji we’re talking about. The crazy train left that station awhile ago. “… that I’ve got her off guard.”

“Ah, infiltrating in order to find the nest! Smart, being proactive!”

“Yeah, totally,” I say, trying to placate his insane ramblings.

“Now you can find out where her coffin is, and destroy the vampire horde by killing the head vampire!”

You’ve watched way too many bad movies Kenji.

“Just don’t accept any carrot cake or fruit juice from her. That’s how vampires ensnare you into their talons. Then wham, Thralldom!”

“You think I’m foolish enough to let her get that close,” I ask in a mocking tone. Then I process what he just said, “Fruit juice I understand, but why not carrot cake?”

“Because of the foxes, don’t you know anything?”

“Well, I need to turn in. Can’t be caught outside with vampires about at night, can we?” I start to walk towards my dorm room.

Kenji follows me. “Smart idea. I’ll put some extra salt across my doorway and play banjo music to keep them away just in case!”

Banjo, what? This is crazy, even for him.

He smiles as he walks up to his door. “Don’t worry, I’ll turn it all the way up so they can’t get in your room either.”

“No, please, don’t!”

I don’t think he is paying attention to me anymore as he enters his room.

This is going to be a long night.
Last edited by Downix on Sun May 13, 2018 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Within a Looking Glass – A Rika pseudo-route

Post by brythain »

Downix wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2018 1:17 pm Argh, trying to figure out the calendar of events, and realized that there is a timetable issue.

This all is to have taken place in 2007. Assuming Hisao starts on June 4th, the first Monday in June of that year, we have the festival on June 10th. This makes Emi's track meet or when Hisao picks up Kenji's box on June 17th. That puts the big rainstorm on June 24th. Tanabata is on July 7th, with Hanako's birthday falling on the 10th.

Here is where the problem begins. Per history, summer break for Japan began on July 16th, and stretched through to September 1st. But, in Shizune and Lilly's routes, they have far more days going on than is allowed per the timetable given, like a 3 day weekend, Lilly and Hisao have two dates, etc. I am not entirely certain how to reconcile this. Any thoughts?
Since Yamaku is a private institution (such facilities normally are), I've always fudged it by saying that they adjust the national school calendar. Actually, since the summer break is six weeks from Sea Day (or Marine Day), which was 16 July in 2007, you could start term on 27 Aug if that helps. But generally, the private school fudge factor is best.
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
Main Index (Complete)Shizune/Lilly/Emi/Hanako/Rin/Misha + Miki + Natsume
Secondary Arcs: Rika/Mutou/AkiraHideaki | Others (WIP): Straw—A Dream of SuzuSakura—The Kenji Saga.
"Much has been lost, and there is much left to lose." — Tim Powers, The Drawing of the Dark (1979)
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Re: Within a Looking Glass – A Rika pseudo-route

Post by Downix »

brythain wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2018 1:22 pm
Downix wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2018 1:17 pm Argh, trying to figure out the calendar of events, and realized that there is a timetable issue.

This all is to have taken place in 2007. Assuming Hisao starts on June 4th, the first Monday in June of that year, we have the festival on June 10th. This makes Emi's track meet or when Hisao picks up Kenji's box on June 17th. That puts the big rainstorm on June 24th. Tanabata is on July 7th, with Hanako's birthday falling on the 10th.

Here is where the problem begins. Per history, summer break for Japan began on July 16th, and stretched through to September 1st. But, in Shizune and Lilly's routes, they have far more days going on than is allowed per the timetable given, like a 3 day weekend, Lilly and Hisao have two dates, etc. I am not entirely certain how to reconcile this. Any thoughts?
Since Yamaku is a private institution (such facilities normally are), I've always fudged it by saying that they adjust the national school calendar. Actually, since the summer break is six weeks from Sea Day (or Marine Day), which was 16 July in 2007, you could start term on 27 Aug if that helps. But generally, the private school fudge factor is best.
Hm, possibly. Then the 3 day weekend would have been for Marine Day. I seem to remember them stating that Summer Break was 3 weeks, instead of the usual 6, so how about making it start on August 13th, so it ends the same day as for the rest of Japan. Can't be too far out of synch or else cause problems in transfers.

And it struck me, Hisao's a real don juan, and is in a romance with Shizune and Hanako in the 5th week, Emi and Rin (well, she kissed him anyways) in the 3rd week, and Lilly in the 6th week. Then again, I'd asked the woman I met the night before to marry me once. We just celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary.
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Re: Within a Looking Glass – A Rika pseudo-route

Post by brythain »

Downix wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2018 1:29 pm
brythain wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2018 1:22 pm Since Yamaku is a private institution (such facilities normally are), I've always fudged it by saying that they adjust the national school calendar. Actually, since the summer break is six weeks from Sea Day (or Marine Day), which was 16 July in 2007, you could start term on 27 Aug if that helps. But generally, the private school fudge factor is best.
Hm, possibly. Then the 3 day weekend would have been for Marine Day. I seem to remember them stating that Summer Break was 3 weeks, instead of the usual 6, so how about making it start on August 13th, so it ends the same day as for the rest of Japan. Can't be too far out of synch or else cause problems in transfers.
There normally aren't problems with transfers because Japan's education is famously transfer-abhorring. Hisao's coming in so late after start of school year in April is enough of an outlier that there are concerns with him catching up. People just get slotted in and they have to make do. So our poor protagonist fails to complete his second last year of high school and then is forced to play catch-up in his final year. Hopefully he did some work in hospital and during the recovery phase!
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
Main Index (Complete)Shizune/Lilly/Emi/Hanako/Rin/Misha + Miki + Natsume
Secondary Arcs: Rika/Mutou/AkiraHideaki | Others (WIP): Straw—A Dream of SuzuSakura—The Kenji Saga.
"Much has been lost, and there is much left to lose." — Tim Powers, The Drawing of the Dark (1979)
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Re: Within a Looking Glass – A Rika pseudo-route

Post by ProfAllister »

Downix wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2018 1:17 pm Argh, trying to figure out the calendar of events, and realized that there is a timetable issue.

This all is to have taken place in 2007. Assuming Hisao starts on June 4th, the first Monday in June of that year, we have the festival on June 10th. This makes Emi's track meet or when Hisao picks up Kenji's box on June 17th. That puts the big rainstorm on June 24th. Tanabata is on July 7th, with Hanako's birthday falling on the 10th.

Here is where the problem begins. Per history, summer break for Japan began on July 16th, and stretched through to September 1st. But, in Shizune and Lilly's routes, they have far more days going on than is allowed per the timetable given, like a 3 day weekend, Lilly and Hisao have two dates, etc. I am not entirely certain how to reconcile this. Any thoughts?
Give me a little bit and I can dust off my comprehensive calendar project for more details. Offhand, though, Lilly's route establishes that Tanabata is observed in August at Yamaku, which is reasonably consistent with that region of Japan. As you noted, Hanako's birthday happens on July 10, before Marine Day and before Tanabata (since Hisao and Lilly were planning to go to Tanabata together before things went South).

Add on that Shizune's route includes a day or two of classes after Tanabata, making ballpark of August 13 a reasonable time to start the summer break.
Current Project: Misha Pseudo-Route

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Re: Within a Looking Glass – A Rika pseudo-route

Post by Downix »


In the sunlight of the afternoon, sitting under a portable shade is starting to become too familiar to me. A good way to kill time after class.

“What time is it?” She asks, not taking her eyes off the crowd gathered a distance off.

“4:10,” I answer, checking my watch.

“Ok, I need to be heading over to the nurses office.” She stands up and looks down at me. “Care to come along?”

“Why are you going there?” I ask, curious about this.

Rika considers. “My quarterly checkup by my doctor.”

“Your.. doctor? Like your regular doctor?”

She nods. “One of the reasons why my father agreed to let me attend school here is that my doctor is attached to the school.”

I get up and we start walking down the garden path to the administrative building.

“Seen him for awhile then?”

She nods. “Since before I can remember anyways. He’s nice. My father and him went to school together, so he visits at our house quite often.”

Inside the administrative building, I see a middle aged, balding man standing in the corridor, seemingly keeping an eye on the door. As he sees Rika, he smiles broadly. “Ah, there you are. Was afraid I would have to send out a search party.”

Then he eyes me. “And who is this? I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”

Rika handles the introductions. “Doctor Tomatsu, this is Hisao Nakai. Hisao transferred here only a few weeks ago. We are going to have dinner after my checkup.”

He looks me up and down. “Well, certainly I will not keep you for long. Come in.”

He gestures to one of the unmarked rooms on the opposite side from the nursing office. I take a seat, and lean my head back.

A gentle cough disrupts my relaxation. Looking up, I see the nurse standing in his doorway. “Need something?”

I shake my head. “Rika’s seeing her doctor,” I gesture to the door across the hall.

The nurse considers, then nods, looking at the door. “Ah. I only began here the year after he did. Seems like a descent enough guy. Very attached to Rika.”

I chuckle. “I heard that he was close to the family.”

“Some people want a personal relationship with their doctor.” At this point Emi rushes in from outside, and pulls up short as she sees me and the
Nurse in the hallway. “Then again, I can’t really say much. Hello Sunshine, finished already?”

Emi smiles. “Yup.”

“Alright, come on in,” the nurse gestures.

Being left alone in the hallway, I go back to resting.

I consider a bit. I’ve had a half dozen doctors over my life. A few pediatricians, and then a regular doctor starting when I was 16.

The door opens, and I stand up, carrying her parasol over one arm.

“And despite the way the pills look, it’s the same Ciclosporin you’ve been taking for years,” he’s telling her.

“Everything all set?”

The doctor nods.

Rika smiles and steps up next to me. “Time for dinner.”

I nod. “Yes. Let’s go.”

The sun has dropped enough to make long shadows along the ground. “Any preference for dinner tonight?” I ask her, looking out.

“Those noodles you picked up for me the other day were very good. I was thinking of those. If you want to join me in the girl’s dorm common room.”
I chuckle. “I’m there more often than my own, sure.”


The TV in the common room is on some kind of magical girl anime. I don’t bother paying attention. Rika’s prepped two bowls for us, and I’m finding the company good.

“So, the doctor tell you anything interesting?”

She shakes her head. “Nope. Just to keep doing what I’m doing. Gave me updates on information about my medication.”

I nod. “The doctors told me that my own pill regimen is going to go down as time goes on. I’d hate to imagine how many you used to be on.”

She tilts her head. “The… same amount I am on now. Some of them are higher doses, but I’ve also grown.”

I moan a bit. “Well, there goes that hope out the window.”

She just smiles at that. “Sorry to disappoint you.”

I notice a few girls off to the side gossiping among each other. Every so often they glance over at us.

“Have you gotten any more teasing since the festival?” I ask her.

She shakes her head. “I think they’ve moved onto the next rumor. I don’t know. I just know that they’re not bothering me.”

I nod. “That’s good.”

“Do you have any plans this weekend,” she asks.

I shake my head. “Nope. Why?”

She pauses, and looks down before responding. “I… I thought… Would you like to… have a picnic?”

I raise an eyebrow. “What brought this on?”

“I overheard Emi and Rin talking about having one, and I thought… it sounded like fun.”

I consider. “Ok, let’s have a picnic.”

She smiles at that, still not looking up.

“This is not going to help the rumors, you know,” I warn her.

She shrugs. “I don’t mind them as much now. Plus now we’re not as interesting.”

I smile at that. “Never thought we were to begin with.”

“You were the new student. Of course rumors would fly, no matter who you hung out with. Imagine if you spent the festival hanging out with Kenji, the rumors that would have been flying.”

I consider a moment, then shudder.

“That’s the last thing I need.”

Rika laughs at that.

I remember what I found the other day. “Hey, have you ever found open jars of olives just kind of laying around?”

Rika looks at me like I sprouted three heads and began singing a barbershop quartet. “Uh, no… why do you ask?”

I shrug. “Something Kenji is doing. Found one the other day.”

“Why would he… no, that path leads to madness.”

I laugh. “You’ve got that right.”

We chuckle a bit more before it quiets down.

“So, how have you handled getting back into your classes?”

I consider. “Well, science is not that hard for me. English I suck at. Not that good at history either. But, I’m not doing as bad as I’d feared I would be.”

She nods and smiles. “Mutou must love you then.”

I chuckle again.

I then feel her hand resting on mine and giving it a squeeze.

“You are doing so much better than you were. Do you realize that?” She asks, looking very sympathetic.

I smile and nod. “I suppose so. Still, it’s only been, what, two and a half weeks since I was laid up in a hospital room?”

Rika considers before nodding. “I suppose. But tell me, does it feel like it?”

I shake my head. “No. Feels like ancient history, honestly. Hey, can we talk about something else? I don’t… don’t really want to think about it.”

She nods, then slowly lets my hand go. I can feel the warmth from her lingering there for a moment more.
Last edited by Downix on Sun May 13, 2018 4:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Within a Looking Glass – A Rika pseudo-route

Post by Downix »

I wound up rewriting the next two several times to finally hit a flow I felt was more natural.


The Eaglet

I knock on Rika’s door. As she opens it I hold up the bag, saying “Picnic lunch is ready.”

She smiles as she glides out of her room. “The gardens?”

I nod. “Should be good watching material today.”

She falls in line next to me, and I take her parasol for her. This has become far too comfortable a routine.

The gardens as is usual for a Sunday is a hive of activity. People walking, playing, even one person kite flying.

“Hmm, those clouds look threatening,” I tell Rika.

She eyes them, lifting her sunglasses to look. “Yes, it’s dark enough I don’t need these.”

“Best get inside before...” I say, just as the first downpour starts.

We gather up our picnic and rush to the nearest building. I note in the back of my head that it is the Performing Arts Center.

As we close the door and look around the lobby, I muse to nobody in particular, “I don’t think I’ve ever actually been in this building before.”

Rika looks at me. “The theater club meets in this building. Over there is the auditorium.” She points to the door marked Auditorium.

I listen, and hear several instruments playing in the auditorium.

“Huh, I didn’t think there were any concerts coming up soon. I wonder what’s up?” Rika considers.

I gesture to it and ask Rika, “Want to take a look?”

She nods, and we both wander over to the door and peek through.

Inside there are three people on the stage. An older woman, likely a teacher, and two other girls. I whisper to Rika, “I the girl on the violin is in my English class. I think Emi once mentioned that she’s in class 3-4 with her. I don’t know the teacher or the girl on piano.”

“I don’t want to disturb them,” she whispers back.

We both back out into the lobby and sit down.

Without people to watch, we both automatically take out our study materials to work on.

The sounds of practice from the auditorium adds an unusual soundtrack to our day.

It does not take long however before Rika looks frustrated.

“Having problems?” I ask her.

“It’s science. The material is so badly put together, I can’t make heads nor tails of it.” Rika seems annoyed.

I ponder a moment. “Ok then, how about I help you?”

She looks at me out of the corner of her eye. “You any good at it?”

“My best subject.”

She ponders this, then nods. “Ok, here’s the current problem…”

Before we know it, we’ve spent the entire afternoon going over her science material. I find I’m really enjoying explaining it to her. We get so wrapped up in it, we don’t realize that we’ve gained an audience until a voice pipes up, “Having fun?”

We both look up and see the two girls who were practicing in the auditorium. A quick glance outside shows that we’ve been there for awhile, with the sky now getting dark, and no sign of the rain letting up.

“Yeah, we came in here to get out of the rain,” I tell them.

“Well, we need to lock up,” the girl we saw with the violin earlier tells us. I notice she’s using a cane to walk.

“Yeah, we should be going anyways.” I get up and offer a hand to help Rika. I look at the rain and sigh. “Ok, here.” I put my jacket over Rika.

“Oh, a gentleman,” says the girl who was on piano in a jovial manner.

“Aren’t you going to get wet,” Rika asks.

“I’ll be fine, we’ll head straight to the dorms.” I turn and wave to the two musicians. “Have a good night.”

They both seem to be enjoying watching the two of us, based on the expression on their faces. “You too,” says the first girl.

We move briskly through the rain, me holding Rika’s parasol to try and keep the rain off her, a futile effort it seems, while she holds my jacket to do the same to more success.

Rika and I split to head to our dorms as we reach them. I look after her, longingly at my jacket. Damn.


Just as English class finishes, a voice behind me says “You guys forgot something.”

I look up, and the violin girl from yesterday is standing there, leaning on her cane, and carrying Rika’s science book.

“Oh, shoot, sorry about that. Thank you,” I tell her.

She laughs. “No problem. You’re that new transfer, right?”

I nod.

She returns the nod “Well, hope you’re settling in alright. I remember how difficult it was to get used to Yamaku. See you around.” She starts to walk off

I say back to her, “See you.”

I stand and notice that a few students are still gathered at the entrance to the classroom. As I step out I wave. “Hi Hanako, Lilly, thought you’d be off to your little tea room already.”

Lilly turns in my direction, “Hisao, is that you?”


She nods. “We were discussing having lunch on the roof, but I’m not hearing Emi to ask about joining her.”

“Well, it seems that Emi is out sick today. I was planning on going up there myself to make sure Rin wasn’t left without any lunch.”

“Oh?” Lilly’s face had a look of genuine concern.

“Yeah, she missed our run this morning, and I asked the Nurse. He said something about doing laps in the downpour yesterday. Not surprised she got sick.”

Lilly nods. “Well then, Hanako, do you still want lunch on the roof?”

Hanako looks at me, then back to Lilly. “S-sure.”

“I’ll meet you there. I have to return Rika’s science book to her.”

I take out my phone and text her, “You forgot your science book yesterday. Where can we meet so I can return it?”

A moment later I get the response. “Where are you having lunch? I’ll meet you there.”

I let her know that I’m eating on the roof, and head on up.

Rin is lying on the roof staring up at the sky while Lilly and Hanako eat on the benches. I walk over to Rin and crouch down. “Since Emi’s sick today, I brought you something for lunch.”

She looks at me, then sits up. “Ok. I hope it is as good as Emi’s lunches.”

“Probably not,” I tell her.

“You shouldn’t have told me that,” Rin says back. Despite her lack of verbal enthusiasm, she digs in.

I rest by the fence, enjoying the sunshine after yesterday when I hear the door open. I look over, and smile as Rika walks out onto the roof. I wave to her as she walks over and sits down next to me. Without thinking I take the parasol from her and lift it up higher. She takes her science book from my lap. “Thank you. I was getting worried.”

We each take out our lunchboxes and begin to eat. I’m most of the way through mine when I realize that two sets of eyes are on us. I look up to see Hanako looking at us in her curious way, and Rin is just gazing at us flatly. I shrug and tune them out, instead looking at the girl next to me.

It feels comfortable.

“So, Hanako,” I call out to her.

Her eyes go wide. “Y-yes?”

“How do you think you did on the test this morning?”

She looks down. “I-i don’t think I did well.”

Rika looks over at me. “Are you going to offer to tutor her too?”

“Nah,” I say. “Was just trying to get conversation going.”

Lilly then says, “Tutor, too? Does that mean you’re tutoring someone already?”

Rika responds, “He’s been helping me with my science work.”

“I just helped you yesterday, that’s all,” I tell her.

“Does that mean you won’t help again in the future?”

I shake my head. “Of course not, anytime you need a hand.”

I then notice the smile on Lilly’s face. “My, Hisao. You seem to have a calling.”

I shrug. “Well, I’m good at Science. Not like English.”

“Oh? You’re not doing well with English I take it?” Lilly has her mothering face on. I’ve started to recognize her various modes now.

“Not really. We have a test Friday and I’m completely overwhelmed by it.”

“If you ever would like a hand with your English, please ask,” Lilly says.

I muse this for a moment. “You know, that may not be a bad idea.”

Rika puts a hand on the arm holding her parasol.

“Do you want me to move it?” I ask her.

“No, I just…” her voice trails off.

“Ok. Tell me if you want me to re-position it.”

The bell rings. “Guess that’s our cue. See you at game tonight, Rika?”

She smiles as she takes her Parasol back and stands up. “Yes, see you tonight.”

As I stand up, I have a thought. “Hanako, you want to head back to class with me? Figure since we’re going in the same direction.”

Her eyes go wide. Clearly I surprised her. I figure she’ll turn me down.

“S-sure,” she finally says, much to my surprise.

“Then let us be off.”

I am dimly aware of Rika’s eyes following me, a sensation I am quite used to normally. But today, they have a different quality to them.

Walking with Hanako is a drastically different experience from walking with Rika. While Rika walks alongside me in comfortable silence most times, Hanako is using me to hide from everyone else in the hallway. It gives me a remarkably awkward feeling. Once we reach our room, she quickly heads to her desk. I take my own seat, and am aware of Misha and Shizune’s gaze on me.

“Oh Hicchan,” Misha says. “What are you up to?”

“Just had lunch on the roof with a few people. Figured since we are in the same class, we’d walk back together.”

I can see Shizune signing something to Misha out of the corner of my eyes. “Shichan would remind you that the school cannot be held responsible for any injury that comes from being on the roof. Furthermore, we could report you for breaking the rules!”

Two can play at this game. I look straight at Shizune and say, “I thank you for the concern. I will endeavor to ensure that I take care as to safety on campus for myself and those with me.”

Her eyes flash for a moment with that devilish defiance of hers as Misha breaks out in her distinctive laughter. Then Shizune smiles, clearly having enjoyed the exchange.

It all ends as Mutou enters the room.


“That’s game,” I say as Mika and Suzu lose their last Go stone. “It looks like Aoi and Kekio have won today.” The pile of stones in their area easily dwarfs the one shared by Rika and me.

Despite being rendered temporarily blind, Aoi handles herself well. Braille playing cards are pretty cool I decide. Thankfully they have the regular card pictures on them as well. I look them over while the other players pick up their things around the table before finally setting them down again.

Keiko and Aoi exit quickly following the game. As I stretch in my seat from having been sitting for too long, Suzu pipes up, clearly addressing me and Rika. “Are you both ready for Tanabata?”

I shrugged. “I’ve never been much festivals myself. Don’t even have a yukata to wear.”

Miki frowns at me. “Come on, it’ll be fun. What about you Rika? I bet you’d look cute in a yukata.” She gave a wink.

Rika shakes her head. “It would be a lot of walking.”

“A lot of it is happening here on campus, so you wouldn’t need to walk far. Come on, it will be fun!” Suzu is pretty persuasive when she tries to be.

Rika sighs a bit. “You guys won’t let this rest, will you?”

Miki laughs. “Nope, never!” A moment later she turns all of her focus on me. “And that goes for you too Hisao!”

I try and get them to drop the subject. “I’ll get back to you, alright?”

“Boo, no fun,” Miki says. “You can’t be so afraid of dying that you forget to live. If you’re that worried, go together and watch each others back. It’s not like you guys don’t hang out anyways.”

Suzu glides up to Miki’s back and puts a hand on her shoulder. “Stop teasing them. They’ll come if they want to come. Now, come on.”

Miki gets up and walks off with Suzu together. I quickly notice that Suzu is holding Miki’s hand as they leave and they are speaking quietly to each other so we cannot overhear.

I sigh and look over to Rika.

Rika speaks first. “Do you want to go? I’ve never actually gone, only sat and watched.”

“I don’t know,” I reply. “I suppose Miki is right. If we go together we can make sure neither of us overdoes it.”

She nods.

I shrug. “Well, so long as we take it easy. We can always sit somewhere and just watch for awhile if we feel overwhelmed. Sound good?”

“So, as long as it’s with each other, we’ll be fine,” she asks.

I nod. “Exactly, by watching out for each other. By working together, by knowing our limits, we can do things we couldn’t otherwise.”

Rika considers a moment. “If it gets too much, we come straight back?”

I nod. “Alright, deal.”

She nods in return. “Ok.” A few moments hover in the air. “You really don’t have a yukata?”

I shake my head. “Never saw the point in getting one. Do you?”

“I’ll have to get it from home, but that’s… no problem,” she says.

I consider a moment. “Does your family live near here? You mentioned lunch with your father once.”

She nods. “I live on campus because it is easier. But yes, we live in the city.”

I nod. “I have not seen my parents since I began here. Then again, I did not see them much before then. Late hours left me to fend for myself most days. You must be very close.”

“I am with my father. My mother… not so much.”

I purse my lips, considering. “Any particular reason why?”

She shrugged. “She’s always so busy, I don’t get to see her often. But father… he’s always there whenever… I get sick.”

“Ahh,” I say, grasping the weight of this.

It strikes me that conversations with Rika have become far more fluid, the odd pauses less common. I wonder if this has to do with her level of comfort around me.

I realize that she’s been shuffling the deck of cards for a few minutes.

“Want to play something else?”

She looks down at the cards, then at me. “Do you want to?”

“Sure,” I say, straightening up in my chair.

Looking out the window, I realize it is getting dark. “Hey, instead of the cafeteria, why don’t we order dinner? Shizune told me of a Chinese place in town which delivers, and I’d love some dumplings.”

Rika smiles at that. “Sure,” she says as she starts dealing out the cards.
Last edited by Downix on Tue Mar 20, 2018 6:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 155
Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2018 7:39 pm

Re: Within a Looking Glass – A Rika pseudo-route

Post by Downix »

Down the Rabbit Hole:

“You know, for being so adamant that we attend the festival, I have not seen Miki nor Suzu anywhere,” I say.

Tanabata is filled with people, and the school is crowded. Unlike the last festival, booths and activities can be found all down the hill, going into town.

Rika as promised was wearing a yukata, made out of dark fabric with a cream colored obi wrapped around it. The contrast of the two combined helped to hide how slim she was.

“Where is the bamboo for hanging wishes,” Rika asks.

“I believe it’s in the town below, not up here on campus,” I tell her.

Surprise must have filled my face, because she then said, “Can’t a girl wish on Tanabata?”

“Well, certainly. I just did not expect you to want to make a wish,” I say.

Rika gave me a flat look.

I say “I mean, um…. Oh look, there’s Shizune and Misha over there… and they’re dressed up? I figured Shizune only had school uniforms.”

Rika thankfully falls for my change of subject.

“Do you realize you are still people watching, instead of actually enjoying the festival?”

I laugh. “Sorry, old habit.”

As we passed the bright stalls, it amazed me to think that the student council, all two of them, assembled these in only a few days. I almost feel guilty for not helping them out. Then I remember how they tried to rope me in on my first days, and my guilt evaporates.

I get so wrapped up in looking at the stalls it takes awhile before I realize that Rika’s led us not only past the gate, but a good distance down the hill.

“Are you sure you’re up to this,” I ask her.

“As we promised, if it gets too much we go back,” Rika said in a matter of fact tone.

“But the walk back up the hill,” I start to say.

She waved a hand. “I brought money for a taxi. I thought ahead.”

And now I feel silly. Of course she thought of that.

“I will admit, it is odd to see you outside without your parasol,” I say to try and restore the conversation.

“The sun has almost set, and once it has that will just be extra weight we don’t need.”

Of course.

I still worry. “Will you be alright until then?”

She points to the tops of the trees. “The sun is already behind them. I should be fine until it fully sets.”

I’ve walked the route enough that I no longer pay attention to the scenery, so it surprises me when Rika stops. Looking around, we have reached the town itself.

“It’s so beautiful,” Rika says looking around. It takes me a moment to realize that she is not looking at the decorations at all, but the town itself.

She is certainly determined to have her wish it seems. The least I can do is try and help her do so.

I consider a moment. “Are you tired? It has been a long walk, and the festival will be running for hours more. We could stop at the Shanghai.”

Rika’s eyes go wide. “I’ve never been there, but I’ve heard of it.”

“Come on, it’s right over there, and the bamboo should be in the nearby park.”

The ding I had not heard in awhile, followed by a loud thump. Yuuko, as anxious as ever, bowed right into a chair back, while saying “Welcome to the Shanghai – ow!”

“Relax Yuuko, it’s just me,” I tell her, trying to calm her down. “A coffee, and two sandwiches, and what do you want to drink Rika?” Best not to overwhelm Yuuko.

Rika pipes up, “Just water please.”

As we scoot into the booth, Rika looks around. “Aren’t there menus?”

I tense, remembering what happened last time I asked about Menu’s. “Um, don’t mention menu’s in front of Yuuko….”


“Trust me, just… don’t. Yuuko’s a bit… sensitive about it.”

Rika looks puzzled. “That does not make sense.”

“I know it doesn’t,” I answer, looking up to see Yuuko dropping off our order.

Rika considers. “Isn’t that the librarian?”

I nod. “She works here part time. University is expensive, so she has to work two jobs to afford it.”

“Should you be drinking coffee with your heart?” Rika asks.

I shrug. “I don’t see why not. It’s not killed me yet.”

“Father says I cannot have anything with caffeine,” Rika says.

“No Coffee? Tea? Soft drinks? Anything?” It strikes me that I’d never actually seen her drink anything but water and fruit juice.

She shakes her head.

“Your father seems very strict,” I tell her.

She shrugs. “He’s trying to keep me healthy.”

“He can’t run your life forever, can he? What happens when you’re an adult and on your own?”

She blinks, like the thought hadn’t occurred to her. “I… don’t know.”

“Well, you still have another year of school before University to figure that out,” I say, sipping my coffee. “You are nervous about something.”

Rika mumbles something under her breath.

“You look good in your yukata, but are you hot? Your face is all red.” A thought hits me. “Here, give me your hand.”

Her eyes go wide, looking at my outstretched hand. “Come on, I want to check something,” I assure her.

Cautiously, she puts her hand in mine. I then place my other hand on top of hers, and start running a finger up the middle of her palm. She jumps, “That tickles!”

I smile. “Good. That means your heart is working fine.”

She blinks at me.

“When my heart starts to fail me, my hands and feet lose sensation beforehand. With your face red, and the long walk today, I wanted to make sure your heart was ok.” I smile at her.

“Oh,” she says finally.

“You sound disappointed,” I tell her.

“Not that,” she blurts out. “I… I just… never mind.” She was flustered about something, but it’s not worth it to press the issue.

I change the topic. “I understand why you don’t run, but the nurse offered me swimming as well to exercise. Why can’t you do that? I see several people all using the pool, including that girl we saw at the performing arts center with the cane from 3-4. She can’t even walk well, but she can swim like a fish.”

Rika lifts up one of her pale hands. “Father says chlorine damages my skin badly. He told me that the last time I tried to use a pool, I got a severe rash.”

I ponder this a bit. “How old were you?”

“Just a baby,” she says. A moment later she gets a stern look on her face, “And how do you know she can swim like a fish?”

“I can’t have a girlfriend, it does not mean I’m dead,” I smile at her.

Rika throws a wadded up napkin at me while sticking her tongue out at me. It is actually a fascinating sight, to see clearly the red texture in the middle of her otherwise pale face. I realize a moment later that I wish I could have seen it for longer.

I look down, and realize our plates and cups are empty. “Oh, I guess we’ve finished. Shall we go see about your wish then?”

Rika nods.

In the park, the bamboo was already covered in tanzaku papers, the wishes of those who hung them. Tanabata is the festival for lovers, but also for the hearts desire, for wishes. I know that wishes are meaningless, the hospital showed me that. But, if it would make Rika happy to hang a wish, then I’m fine being here.

She seems more nervous than normal. I notice that she is now holding a tanzaku to hang. She had to have prepared it before now. For a moment I am curious what it is.

Then I remember to something she’d said before. “I don’t want to never have a boyfriend.” It was on her mind. Knowing her, that is likely her wish, as hopeless as it is.

Is that not the point of wishes? To long for the impossible? To dream of more than we ever could achieve on our own? The least I can do is to help her see her wishes off.

“Alright, here we are. I’ll wait over here till you’re finished,” I tell her.

“Aren’t you going to,” she asks.

I shake my head. “I just don’t believe in wishes anymore. Sorry.”

Rika looks at me. “Sometimes, wishes do come true you know.”

I smile. “Go on.”

I watch as Rika walks over, and hangs her tanzaku on a bamboo branch. A simple ceremony, but it is not her form I realize I am watching. Instead, I am looking at her, the curves of her face, the impression of her body under the yukata, her hair. I could watch, I can only watch. This I can do.

Her ritual finished, I walk up. “Shall we head back now?”

Rika nods. “Let’s.”

She starts to walk away. As I turn to follow, I hear a slight noise behind me. I look back, and realize her tanzaku had fallen off of the branch. “Oh, your knot must have come undone” I pick it up, and look at the ribbon it was hung with. “Yeah, the knot. Here, one moment.”

I turn it over to tie a new knot, and then see what she had written on it.

I wish Hisao was my boyfriend

My heartbeat thumps at this. Then I look back to where Rika was standing. She was gone.

Twisting my head, I finally see her, running away. Without thinking, I bolt after her.

“Rika, wait!” I cry out after her.

She shouldn’t be running. I shouldn’t be running.

My heart pounds, but it is tolerable.

She can’t do this. “Rika, stop!”

I’m getting closer, but my feet are starting to lose feeling. Then my hands. My heart starts to lose its rhythm. It does not matter. Only a little more.

Then without warning she falls to her knees, and clutches her chest, her face a mask of pain.

Oh no!

I run up and throw my arms around her.

“Breathe, just breathe. Focus on that. One… two… three… It’ll be ok. You are ok,” I tell her, over and over.

She is shaking, out of cold, fear, pain, or embarrassment I do not know. Her pale face is in clear pain, but her breathing starts to slow. Under my arms, I feel her heartbeat starting to slow.

It takes a moment before I realize my own heart slowed down with hers. “We’re fine. We’re fine. Don’t ever do that again.”

She finally relaxes in my arms, her head falling to rest on my shoulder.

“I’m sorry,” Rika finally says.

“Just don’t run off like that again,” I tell her.

“Not that,” she objects. “My… wish.”

I close my eyes a moment. “Sometimes, wishes do come true you know.”

She lifts her head and turns to look at me, a puzzled look in her eyes.

When our lips meet, nothing else matters.
Last edited by Downix on Fri Mar 09, 2018 1:59 am, edited 2 times in total.
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