A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (completed)


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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (completed)

Post by EMMSixteenA4 »

Well, I find myself stumbling across this fanfiction rather late, wouldn't you say? You know (I'm sure), a good ending, a good, cohesive, real ending is one that closes all doors, leaves no room for a sequel because there needn't be one. Yuuko said it: "All good things must come to an end," and so they do, and so they must. As far as this goes, this was a great thing that has long ended. It was a delight to read, truly he best fanfiction I've ever seen. To encapsulate the feeling of Katawa Shoujo in a "pseudo-pseudo route" and yet have it be wonderfully different all the same must not have been easy, but I would imagine it just comes naturally for one of your talent, Scissorlips/Lunch. Consider me hyped for Familiarity, also(I anticipate Demo 2). But like I was saying before my tangent, that ending was brilliant, what with her finally finding a reason to wake up and all, that was some real brilliance. I sincerely hope that she gets that thick window to stare at the sea from, and wanting for a fictional character what they want is a real testament to your skill.

After this, I went out and bought a game of battleship. It's not to play or anything, it's just to sit there and remind me of that fantastic work you once did (and will continue to do in Familiarity, I'm sure, no pressure). In conclusion, you're an excellent writer. Excellent. It's been a pleasure.

That guy who arrived three years late to the party, and is looking around piecing together what exactly he missed.
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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (completed)

Post by Gajzla »

This is my absolute favourite story on this site, and probably of all the fan fiction i’ve read. Not sure how much praise I can give it, other than to say it’s the inspiration for my own writing. :D
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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (completed)

Post by TyronePotato »

My 3rd time reading through this fic, and I'm just now catching this:

“Well, last night I think I was on a train, and there was this woman wearing one of those big Russian hats--”

Yume Miru Kusuri references are great.

Anyways, amazing story. I know I'm about a year late but I took a long break from this site on accident.
ooooh feels.
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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (completed)

Post by Casper »

Thanks you for such a great story :wink:
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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (completed)

Post by Kibaro »

Scissorlips wrote:I am great. I am amazing.
Even now, in 2017, after so many years, this sweet "little" masterpiece still lives on and affects the lives (same word said differently, felt weird there) of the emotionally hungry humans(???) that delve in this small, feely corner of the disabled internet.

Scissorlips/Lunch, you probably don't linger here anymore but I still want to take some time and thank you for this really amazing journey that you took me and so many other people through. It was a really nice roler coaster, full of ups and downs, learning new things, perspective both for you as a writer and for us as readers. Hope you enjoyed your journey (albeit it was 4-5 years ago) as much as I/we did. Feedback would be irrelevant at this point but people already said what I would've said anyway so there's that.

Noticed Familiarity in your signature and saw that you're in the writing and editing team, and I cannot wait to see what other beautiful experiences you will create for me/us. Thank you again and keep up the good work. Hope to see more of your works as I trudge through the fanfic library :)

Keep up the good work mate ^_^
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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (completed)

Post by 404_Name_Was_Taken »

I guess im a little late to the party here but I think that its worth saying that this story was incredible. The way you managed to convey Suzu's scatter brained thoughts in writing was done amazingly well. The change in perspective from the original game was really cool. Im a little disappointed that its over now but the ending was does just as masterfully as the rest of the story. I read that you are working on a visual novel now and I think you have completely earned it. I must say that the reoccurring superhero dream was just amazing.
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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (completed)

Post by Bingus_Chungles »

Shizune & Emi tied for best girl.
Hanako & Misha are close seconds.
Miki & Suzu tied for best side girl.

Yeah I know, unpopular opinion. Fight me.
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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (completed)

Post by Walrusfella »

I can't remember whether I actually posted my thoughts back when I first read, but this was a terrific story. Thank you very much for writing it. Your love of the setting and your characters shines through. Since it's been a few years, I'm going to read it again!
Half Marathon with Emi: Complete!
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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (completed)

Post by robotsheepboy »

I don't know if anyone ever still looks at this page, but I just finished reading and I just wanted to reach out and thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing something so beautiful with the world. Your work is an absolute inspiration. This route was phenomenal. Thank you.
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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (completed)

Post by aggretsupo »

i dont think anyone will read this, but i just want to say that this is the best novel ive ever read and it has shaped me as a human being and i am eternally grateful that every decision i made in my life led me to finding this. incredible work:)
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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (completed)

Post by aggretsupo »

robotsheepboy wrote: Tue Mar 16, 2021 12:05 pm I don't know if anyone ever still looks at this page, but I just finished reading and I just wanted to reach out and thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing something so beautiful with the world. Your work is an absolute inspiration. This route was phenomenal. Thank you.

Suzu enjoyer. Tezuka's up there too

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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (completed)

Post by Titus »

robotsheepboy wrote: Tue Mar 16, 2021 12:05 pm I don't know if anyone ever still looks at this page, but I just finished reading and I just wanted to reach out and thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing something so beautiful with the world. Your work is an absolute inspiration. This route was phenomenal. Thank you.
Try reading Learning to Fly, by EuroBeatJester. It's a Saki route. It's likely top 5 of the most famous fanfiction on the forum.

Sadly, it isn't completed. Maybe one day it will be!
What if life had a soundtrack similar to Katawa Shoujo's ?
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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (completed)

Post by MajorMadness »

I have held this route close to my heart for 7 years now, and with KS 10-year anniversary I have been re reading everything I did so long ago and to my surprise I never commented here yet. (Finished this re-read about 10 minutes ago so I got some raw emotions around me.)

I just have to say, even reading this again, probably for the 5th time, i still get emotional. I still get happy, sad, and cry even after all these years of knowing what happens. I love this novel with all my heart, I can't explain how happy it makes me. I will keep it close forever and i wouldn't be able to forget it even if I wanted to.

Thank you Scissorlips and everyone else involved, if you ever see this after all these years, your work was a masterpiece.
Trying to explain katawa shoujo to someone without them giving you the *oh its porn* look is one of the hardest things I have ever done.
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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (completed)

Post by StealthyWolf »

Damn, what a hell of a story.

(Spoilers ahead, for anyone who decides to read this before the story for some reason...)
I'm kind of at a loss for words because there is so much I want to say, and so few ways I know how to say them. I can honestly say that this is probably one of my favorite pieces of writing I've read, period. Now I can't really say it's the most impressive feat, I do wish I read more, but it's no small feat either. I don't know if you'll ever see this comment Scissorclips, but thank you for the love and care you put into this work. It was truly an amazing read.

There's a few things I want to talk about, if for no other reason than to get them out for my own sake. First, the writing was truly captivating on pretty much every level. The "voice" of Suzu in the writing put me in a sort of trance as I read, and did an excellent job of helping me "enter" her headspace. The few times I've been in a state where I'm awake but want nothing more than to sleep, or when I'm exhausted but can't sleep, those were the feeling conveyed really well throughout the entire story. And seeing as I am able to escape those feelings seeing as I don't have narcolepsy, yet stiull felt I was able to relate through sheer ability on the account of the writing speaks volumes to me. I'm not claiming to understand what Suzu is going through or anything, but the writing put me in a headspace and made me consider things I had never before. Then on a chapter to chapter level I was enthralled to keep going. I know that some people felt there were chapters at the start of act 4 that dragged, but I never once felt that throughout the entire reading. Every chapter had it's own draw that kept me wanting to read more, and when I finally reached the end I was left feeling empty knowing the story was over. Speaking of the story, as a whole it felt so good from beginning to end. The story was well thought out and really captivating from beginning to end.

I feel that some people might have said "it should've ended after act 3" because that's where it feels like the original novel would've ended her story. But this is a more complete story. Something the original novel struggles with, in my opinion, is that no story ever feels "complete" besides maybe Lilly's good ending. Even then there is a LOT that can still be said. Every story ends with so many doors that were opened and never explored. That's where Act 3 feels like it ends. It would've still been one of the best routes had it been in the original, but version feels like a complete story through and through.

Then there's the content of the story itself. I know it sounds a little pretentious to say, but the tale of loss, grief, and moving forward was really profound here. Every level of the story felt engrossed in meaning and had a lot to say about what it wanted to say something about. As I said at the start, finding the way to say all I want to say is a little hard. There's emotions and feeling but making them appear as words in front of me is not a tale of success right now. Point is, this story had a lot to say, a lot of emotions to explore, and it did so really, really well.

It's hard for me to remember a piece of writing that lead me to convey such a range of emotions that this one did. I burst out laughing when the moth flew out of her wallet and she called for it to come back. I shed tears when she saw the painting in her brother's room. I entered a state of despair when Hisao and Suzu were confronting such unfair and difficult problems. I've had to reflect on things in my own life in response to actions taken by the characters. It's been a wild ride to say the least. I laugh at a lot of media, laughing is easy. In writing it's a little harder for me, but maybe I just haven't done enough reading. Crying however, even shedding tears, that's been something I've always struggled to do until recent years. Again, even more so when reading. The fact this piece was able to do both is something worth mentioning to me.

I'm not gonna say the story was perfect, nothing ever is. But if perfection is required for a 10/10 rating, this story would push the upper bounds that much closer to it. and for realistic people who don't need perfection, and people like me, this was a 10/10 read. And quite the inspiration for any future projects of my own. I hope I may one day capture someone's attention the way this story did mine.
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Re: A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route (completed)

Post by Silentfrost »

I stumbled upon this game, and by extension the fan fics, far too late. In the hopes that you occasionally come back to this site, I just wanted to say thank you for writing this. It truly was a beautiful story.
Saki = Emi = Suzu > Lilly > Misha > Hanako > Miki > Shizune > Rika. Rin is off to the side somewhere pondering about what a tier list tastes like.

“Try explaining the concept of suicide being empowering. It doesn’t go well”
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