KS accessible for blind players?

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KS accessible for blind players?

Post by boiwondering »

I have a friend who'd like to check out KS, after listening to me rave about it. One problem: he's blind, and the game appears to be completely invisible (pardon the pun) to his screen reader.

The irony at work here isn't lost on either of us.

I know there are Let's-Plays out there, but he's actually interested in the experience of playing the game, at least to the extent that he can. So, can anyone here suggest a way to make KS playable for a blind user?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: KS accessible for blind players?

Post by Oddball »

Other than reading it outloud, I can't think of one.
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Re: KS accessible for blind players?

Post by cutestKoi »

I would highly recommend Millbee's play through. I'm not sure how it would directly appear to be to your friend, but I found it to definitely be one of the better play troughs. He makes the experience enjoyable and hilarious at times.

Other than that I have no clue, maybe reading it to him would be best.

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... qFI9md_vbz
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Re: KS accessible for blind players?

Post by cpuwhiz11 »

As I understand it KS is built on the RenyPy engine which does have support for vision impaired users using built in speech synthesis: https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/self_voicing.html. That said this does not appear to be in use for KS. Not sure this if this was a conscious decision or perhaps this came out after KS released. What type of screen reader are you using?
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