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Re: Flutter - Level Four: Guard Break [1/3/16]

Post by brythain »

There was a 'slow as Fuuka' joke in there somewhere. :D

Carry on. Work always appreciated.
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Re: Flutter - Level Four: Guard Break [1/3/16]

Post by Oddball »

I do like this Rika. She's a lot more fun than the normal nihilistic death-wish take on the character.
You’re not the cosplaying little weirdo you were in Junior High
Rika cosplaying... It's a shame we don't have any art to go with this.
No, Hisao seems too nice a guy to be some freakazoid weirdo.
He is, however, a super-teen extraordinaire.
This makes it seem like there are two Taros of varying size.
Hmmmm.... That kinda makes me want to do a story about twins going to Yamaku. I don't think I've seen that yet.


Maybe later. I've already got too much on my plate as it is.
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Re: Flutter - Level Four: Guard Break [1/3/16]

Post by Hoitash »

Oddball wrote:
No, Hisao seems too nice a guy to be some freakazoid weirdo.
He is, however, a super-teen extraordinaire.
Well his brain is overloading,
But does it have a chocolate coating?

Sorry, you awakened my 90's nostalgia and it necessitated release.

The time skips are a little disorienting, but still enjoying the ride. I like Genki Reformed Chuunibyo Rika.
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Re: Flutter - Level Four: Guard Break [1/3/16]

Post by Oddball »

Sorry, you awakened my 90's nostalgia and it necessitated release.
Textbook case for Sigmund Freud.

... and right now people and reading this and wondering what the heck we're talking about. :wink:
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Re: Flutter - Level Four: Guard Break [1/3/16]

Post by Sharp-O »

Oddball wrote: ... and right now people and reading this and wondering what the heck we're talking about. :wink:
Yeah but check out Dexter Douglas, nerd computer ace. Went surfing on the internet and was zapped into cyber space!

Glad you guys are enjoying it so far. There's more to come, review work and 'real' work and my myriad illnesses has slowed me a touch. Next chapter is almost complete though!
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Re: Flutter - Level Four: Guard Break [1/3/16]

Post by Rhodri »

Will this ever be presented in scream-o-vision?
"She also ties you up to a chair. You're gonna like that. Chairs are good. Chairs are your friend."

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Flutter - Level Five: Gaining Meter [13/3/16]

Post by Sharp-O »

The waitress brings back a small trolley full of the drinks and food Hisao’s friends ordered after they piled into the booth. With me and Hisao pressed firmly against the back wall — and each other for that matter — and flanked by Kapur and Arai on the left and Hayashi and Suzumiya on the right; we have no escape from the torrent of curiosity that flows from the foursome.

“So how did you two meet?” The excitable Kapur is first to attack but is soon followed by Hayashi.

“Hisao was no doubt trawling the second and first year classes for tail.”

“Back off, Akio!” Hisao is quick to defend his honour with a laugh and a lazy back-handed swipe towards the male Fuuka. “It was at the post office, actually.”

“Geez! Between the sweater-vest and this, you really are an old man, aren’tcha?” Suzumiya throws a smirking barb in Hisao’s direction but it’s Kapur resting her chin on her hands as she leans in that gets my attention.

“So the post office, eh? That’s… different!” Molly smiles earnestly and I find my cheeks burning hotter.

“Hisao; you didn’t show this impressionable young girl your huge package, did you?” Akio casts an accusing glare at Hisao.

“Pack that in, Akio!” Arai interjects with a threatening point to the guy across the table. He looks to me with sympathetic eyes and a soft smile. “Sorry about him. He’s a filth-monger.”

“Hisao d-did have a big box with him.” I chuckle in a vain attempt to contribute something to the conversation but the double team of hands hitting faces from Arai and Hisao tells me I shouldn’t have said anything.

“You monster!” Akio jeers as he and his boyfriend burst into hysterics. “You absolute deviant!”

While Hisao throws a barrage of insults and half-hearted punches at Hayashi, I take the moment to take a quivering sip of tea. Kapur turns to Arai and whispers something in his ear. He smiles a little then shakes his head and whispers something back to her that makes her eyes go wide as her grin. Dare I ask?

“Are y-you guys t-talking about me?” I ask quietly, more than a little uncomfortable at the thought and it must be plain to see as Molly takes hold of my hands.

“Oh, sweetie, not like that! I have a… thing I do when I find out about new couples…” She giggles coyly, her shoulders rocking in that sort of embarrassed way you see in anime. Do people actually do that or is it just her? Wait, what was that about couples?

“She likes to give couples names based on mash-ups of their individual names. It’s called ‘shipping’, right?” Arai clarifies a little before seeking some of his own from Kapur, who nods enthusiastically.

“Yup! And I was just thinking up a name for you and Hisao! Taro thinks he’s got a better one though…” She pouts in the big guy’s direction before looking to me again. “Wanna hear them?”

“We’re… not actually a couple though…” I admit, almost in a sad little whisper and Arai laughs, a booming laugh that suits his large frame.

“Trust me, it doesn’t matter to her. She’s been doing it to me and my deskmate since last semester and we’re as far from dating as me and Akio.” He says with a shrug.

“You had your chance, wide load!” Hayashi calls from across the table and Arai is soon on the attack.

“Don’t remind me… I’m just thankful you’re not squeezing my butt anymore.”

“You used to squeeze his butt?” Suzumiya turns to Akio, looking almost hurt and Akio is quick to begin reassuring him. As they continue their little back and forth, Hisao joins my conversation with Kapur and Arai at the most inopportune moment.

“So I was thinking Risao but Arai said Hika would be better; what do you think?” Kapur offers up each of her hands, as if the words were options to be selected out of the air and I look at Hisao worriedly. Are all his friends this intense?

“I have no idea what’s going on but I’m pretty sure it’s making Rika uncomfortable, guys. Ease off a little?” His assist isn’t the best but it’s still appreciated and it does make Kapur back down a little.

“You’re right, you’re right! Sorry, Rika… I get a bit carried away sometimes.” She smiles ruefully as she scratches her cheek. The chime of her cell phone thankfully draws her attention away from me. She studies the message with a furrowed brow before holding it up to the large boy next to her, flashing a smirk at him.

“Mr Arai — We’re needed.” She says with more… seriousness in her voice than she’s shown so far and whatever it is certainly makes the soft Arai look a little sterner.

“Sorry to eat and run, guys, but we gotta go.” Arai explains, shifting out of the booth and fishing a few bills out of his left pocket while Kapur slides out after him. “It was nice meeting you, Rika.” Kapur says with a little wave to me which I shyly return. The odd pair say goodbye to the couple left behind and rush to the door, disappearing in a flurry of animated arm movements.

With the way free and clear, I excuse myself and make for the bathroom, restraining every muscle in my body that wants to bolt for the door. Locked in a single stall, I crouch down in a corner and bury my face in my arms.

Ho-lee-crapbaskets! That was stupid over the top! What was with the naming thing? And all that stuff about touching butts? Is this what Hisao and his friends talk about all the time? Am I really attracted to a deviant?

The thought of Hisao smiling and touching my hand suddenly comes flooding back to me and I smile giddily. Okay, no one that cute could be a deviant. And it was nice touching his hand. Really nice.

If nothing else, this little panic attack is worth it for that.


Opening the bathroom door out back into the Shanghai feels an awful lot like sneaking back into the house after curfew. Well, what I imagine that would feel like. Never done it, always wanted to though.

I can already see that Hayashi and Suzumiya have left but peering into the booth reveals an almost clear table, save for a mug of coffee and what appears to be a fresh cup of tea in place of the one I left. Along the back of the booth, legs up on the cushions and arms folded, rests Hisao. His eyes are closed and his face is peaceful, as if he was more than just sleeping.

He died of boredom waiting for me to come out of the bathroom, didn’t he? Not an especially pleasant thought and one that I soon kick to the mental curb as I slide into the booth on one knee. I feel almost as guilty for waking him as I do for leaving him on his own out here as I place my hand on the sleeping prince’s shoulder and gently push him.


“Mm? Hey, you.” He mumbles, opening one eye to look at me.

“I’m sorry, Hisao. I kinda bailed on you back there. I hope you haven’t been waiting too long…” I apologise softly, knowing full well I’ve been MIA for at least twenty minutes, as he turns his body — yawning as his shoes softly click onto the wooden floor. He rubs his eyes and peers up at me.

“It’s okay, I didn’t even realise I’d nodded off. Thought you’d fallen in or something.” He smiles meekly as he reaches for his mug and guzzles what’s left in there. I take the opportunity to do the same with my lukewarm tea.

“Are you feeling better?” He asks as he stretches and I kinda feel like slinking back into the bathroom of shame. “Akio was actually looking sorta guilty before he left. Were the guys a bit too much?”

“No, no! You’re friends were cool! It was just… Yeah, it was a bit much…”

Hisao smirks a little as he leans on the table, arms folded. He tilts his head towards me and I shyly meet his eyes. Those big, curious peepers looking right at me with not an ounce of annoyance in them. “Yeah, they can be a little much. Maybe I should have thought about this a bit more though. What you said earlier, about me and Fuuka being your only friends? Maybe that should have been my cue to cancel rather than throwing you in the deep end…”

He’s taking it on himself. Damn it, Rika! Don’t let this nice boy think he did something wrong! Say something, dummy!

“I…” I begin and then let out a snort of amusement from my nose before I smile at Hisao. “I g-guess that kinda makes us even. Though you literally fell into the deep end at the pool…” He looks up to me again, with a little smile that could melt hot steel if he wanted it to. It’s certainly melting me.

“Heh. Okay, yeah, I guess you can look at it like that.” He chuckles softly before reaching into his back pocket. “Shall we head off?” He asks as he proffers his wallet and I’m quick to place my hand on his.

“Nuh-uh, senpai. This one’s on me. It’s the least I can do after I left you out here napping.” I give him some big apologetic eyes and he nods with a smile.

“Okay, sure, but I’m paying for next time.” Next time? That's… Encouraging.


The talkative stroll back up the dusk-lit hill to Yamaku is much slower than our previous one; some sort of silent agreement that we didn’t want to be huffing and puffing half way up.

Hisao talks and talks; first about school stuff I already mostly know, then about his friends which is enlightening to say the least and then finally about his past. How his parents were always working and he pretty much lived alone for as long as he could remember.

“That must have been so cool! All that freedom, no one breathing down your neck all the time… I always had someone watching me like a hawk growing up.” I admit, winding my braid through my fingers idly. Hisao tilts his head with interest.

“That’s what family is for though, right?” He offers and I shake my head with a smile.

“More doctors and nurses. I was super-sick when I was little.” Still am, really. “So I was constantly monitored, whether I was in the hospital or at home.”

“What about school?” He asks and I laugh, almost a little bitterly.

“I was home-schooled, Hisao. Too risky to be left at a public school where I could get jolted or have a sudden attack and no one be able to help. Plus all the operations and medication I had made me weak as a kitten!” I playfully, and weakly, bop his arm and to the boy’s credit; he feigns being hurt.

We share a laugh and it goes strangely quiet after that. Hisao, bless him, is many things but his ability to hide his emotions? Weaker than his Tekken game. He wants to ask but he’s scared. After seeing my medication, I imagine he’s got an idea what it is since I bet we share that particular bottle.

“Go on.” I nudge him with my elbow. “I think your social link is high enough to know my little secret. Just ask.”

Hisao looks pensive at best, down right worried at worst, but he lets out a sigh and looks at me with a determined look.

“Wh-What is your… um, condition?” He rubs the back of his neck, as if he had anything to be embarrassed about. I pat his arm proudly and come to a stop. We’re still a about a third of the way to the top but this isn’t the kind of thing I feel I should say casually.

Hopping onto the rail, Hisao following suit, I take a deep breath; both to steel myself and to catch my breath. Talking and walking is up a hill is really hard.

“I have hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Essentially the valves and stuff in my heart didn’t develop right when I was born. Been in and out of hospitals all my life.” I explain and immediately his face sinks. A sombre reminder him of his own condition, no doubt.

“Is that why… Y’know… The hair?” He points towards my face and I can’t help but giggle uncontrollably.

“Nope, that’s because I’m an albino!” I say in between gasps for air. “Talk about a one-two combo, huh?” Hisao smiles in response but he looks so guilty for asking. I place my hand on his, which is helping him keep his balance on the railing.

“Cheer up, senpai sad-sack! I’m a lot better now plus who else could rock white hair and red eyes as well as me?” I chuckle again, trying to keep the mood light for him but it’s not working too well judging by his expression. “Anything else you wanna know?”

He’s clearly thinking as he slips off the railing onto the sidewalk, now leaning on the railing as he looks at the ground. “Not that I can think of right now.” His lying game? Also weak-sauce.

“Okie dokie but you know where I am if you have more questions or anything.” I hop off the railing and rub his arm as I pass. “C’mon, Hisao. If we go any slower, we’ll miss curfew.” I smile broadly in my last vain attempt to get some positivity out of him and it seemingly works as he returns a smile in earnest with a nod.

We’ve still got an hour before curfew when we finally reach the split between our respective dorms. I don’t know about Hisao but I’m beat. Emotional and physical fatigue to maximum.

“I think I’m gonna be asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.” I yawn loudly as we stop to say good night. Hisao pinches the bridge of his nose while trying to hold in a yawn of his own.

“Know what you mean. I’m beat. Today was fun, barring the obvious. We should do it again soon.” Hisao suggests and I nod reflexively.

“Yeah, it was fun apart from my freak out.” I smile coyly. “But thanks for inviting me. It was nice learning more about you.”

“Same. I’ll see you tomorrow?” He still looks a little rattled from earlier but he’s not shying away from hanging out, which is a good sign. Maybe I should reward him for being so patient with me back at the Shanghai? Seems only right.

“Yup-yup! Thank you for a lovely evening, senpai!” I grin, taking a step forward on my tip-toes and pecking his cheek softly. I trot backwards, beaming like an idiot at his dumbfounded expression.

“See you tomorrow, Hisao!” I call and he says something but my pulse pounding in my ears doesn’t let me catch it as I almost skip towards the girls’ dorms.


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Re: Flutter - Level Five: Gaining Meter [13/3/16]

Post by Dannflor »

Wow. Can Rika get anymore adorable? Love the moment where she kisses Hisao on the cheek.
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Re: Flutter - Level Five: Gaining Meter [13/3/16]

Post by Gajzla »

Sharp-O wrote:and flanked by Kapur and Arai on the left and Hayashi and Suzumiya on the right...
...Here I am. :D

Hisao has god like levels of self confidence in this story. His date disappears to the bathroom for twenty minutes and his reaction is to take a power nap. 8)

I liked this chapter, just lots of fun and very sweet at the end. The sheer number of names was a little overwhelming on the first read though, especially when some people are referred to by their surname then again by their first.

Looking forward to the next chapter.
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Re: Flutter - Level Five: Gaining Meter [13/3/16]

Post by Dannflor »

Gajzla wrote:The sheer number of names was a little overwhelming on the first read though, especially when some people are referred to by their surname then again by their first.
Yeah, I have to admit that I'm having this trouble as well. I'm sure it's easier for people who are more familiar with these characters. However, I'm pretty new to the whole KS fanfic universe, so the "expanded universe" of characters often used in fanfiction is often hard for me to keep track of.
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Re: Flutter - Level Five: Gaining Meter [13/3/16]

Post by Hesmiyu »

Dannflor wrote:Yeah, I have to admit that I'm having this trouble as well. I'm sure it's easier for people who are more familiar with these characters. However, I'm pretty new to the whole KS fanfic universe, so the "expanded universe" of characters often used in fanfiction is often hard for me to keep track of.
I can't say I'm having issue but that's probably because I've read all of Sharp-O's works on here and probably will dye to the quality of them.
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Re: Flutter - Level Five: Gaining Meter [13/3/16]

Post by Sharp-O »

Don't worry, everyone! Rika was only using the names Hisao introduced them as because she doesn't know them very well. She'll start using their first names as she becomes ingratiated with the group (whether she wants to be or not) :lol:

Thanks for reading!
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Flutter - Level Six: Cooldown [21/3/16]

Post by Sharp-O »

Fuuka can tell I’m hiding something — she’s always been able to tell… Maybe I’ve just got a terrible poker face but she can tell something happened over the weekend while she was busy with the Drama Club.

She’s been asking surprisingly subtle questions since first period, becoming less subtle as the morning wore on, but as History class begins with Mr Togane and he pairs us up like usual, it only gets worse. The classroom is deafly quiet save for the scratching of pencils and hushed murmurs between partners as Mr Togane casts his usual disapproving gaze across the room. Just like any stealth game with a security camera with a visible vision cone; you have to be extra sneaky if you want to pass notes or the like in his class.

Finally having enough of the silent third degree, I scribble onto my notepad that sits between mine and Fuuka’s forearms.

[Fine! You win!]

{Finally! I was beginning to think I’d have to torture you or something! So, spill it!}

She leans her head sideways, resting her head on her palm as she smiles devilishly. With burning cheeks, I put pencil to paper once more.

[I kissed Hisao…]

Her eyes go wide in surprise but her lips clamp tight. This was another reason I chose to tell her now; because she daren’t make a fuss in Mr Togane’s class and she knows that’s the reason too. The death stare soon gives way to a smirk as she writes her response.

{You’re a bitch, I hope you know that. Gimme more details!} I have to stifle a laugh but I happily respond, reliving the memory as I write. I spare no detail as I ‘tell’ Fuuka about my date at the Shanghai, meeting Hisao’s friends, my little freak-out and, finally, the moment I kissed Hisao on the cheek.

I smile at the words and look to my best friend for a smile of her own but find only an expectant expression. After a few seconds she scribbles down a question.


[And what? I kissed him goodnight and we went our separate ways.]

{You kissed him on the cheek and called it a night?}

[Yeah? What were you expecting?]

Evidently, she was expecting more because her head falls into folded arms and she lets out a sigh, much louder than she probably intended.

“Is there a problem, Miss Onodera?” Mr Togane asks from his desk, a disapproving scowl cast in our direction. His voice startles Fuuka into bolting upright and she waves her hands desperately.

“No, no, sir! Nothing wrong, just trying to get my head around this page! So many dates to memorise!”

His gaze narrows for a second before it softens. “If you’re having trouble, you need only ask and I would be happy to help with the material.”

“Th-thank you, sir! But I’ll get them to stick in there eventually, it’s just gonna take a bit of work.” She knocks on the side of her head comically and he rolls his eyes.

“I’m glad to see you’re not afraid of a bit of hard work… Unlike Miss Koharu.” He raises his voice slightly and stares at the dark-haired girl at the opposite end of our row who lets out an audible ‘eep!’ before knuckling down with her light auburn-haired friend. When I look back down at the notepad, I can see Fuuka has written something new.

{We are going to have so many words at lunch.}


“You are killing me, Katayama! Seriously! To death!” Fuuka exclaims the moment we’re out of the main building. She rolls down the ramp as I follow, doing little but fueling her tirade.

“I don’t know why you're making such a big deal about this…” I sigh with a weary smile. I know exactly why, mostly because it’s dominated many of our conversations since Hisao came into the picture.

“I thought once you started dating Hisao that I’d hear all the sordid and juicy gossip but noooo!” She flails her arms between strokes off her wheels as we make for our usual bench. She spins in place and rolls backwards to park next to the left of the bench before shaking her head. “A kiss on the god damn cheek… You make my vagina sad, you know that?”

I burst out laughing as I take a seat next to her, holding a hand over my mouth as I make some awful snorting noises. What does that even mean!? Where does she get this stuff?

“That’s right; choke. Choke on my disappointment in you.” She begins to laugh along and it only makes me worse. Coughing and spluttering as the laughter subsides; I pull my meagre, bread-y lunch from my bag and hand Fuuka the curry bread I picked up as well.

“If you’re, hehe, expecting me to prostrate myself, hah, before your lady parts — you’ve got another thing coming.” I shake my head as I tug at the plastic wrapping.

“You know I don’t swing that way, Rika!” She nudges my shoulder with hers and we both take bites out of our lunch, the sudden quiet falling over us like a blanket.

Despite Fuuka’s tendency for rather crude jokes, I do appreciate how open she is with everything. It’s kind of strange why she’s so fixated on my love life when, despite the one major downside to her being in a wheelchair, she’s perfectly capable of finding a nice boy of her own. Pretty, funny and given her filthy, filthy, mind, I’m sure she could be a little… inventive in what they could do…

Ewww, why am I even imagining that! Gross, gross, gross!

“Bread disagreeing with you?” Fuuka asks and I realise how scrunched up my face is. I swallow hard and nod.

“Little bit. Still, at least this isn’t the only thing I’ve got…” I pass my wrapper to Fuuka who drops it into the trash can with hers as I retrieve the last of the treats Mom sent in her last care package. I reveal a half-empty cylindrical packet of cookies and Fuuka’s eyes light up.

“You know what I said earlier about playing for the other team? Your Mom is the exception. I would go full-gay for any woman who bought me cookies from abroad.” She’s practically drooling as she stares at the American-style cookies. She reaches greedily and I pull the packet away.

“You can’t just say stuff like that and expect me to share, you weirdo! That’s gross! And I don’t want you as my Step-Mom!” I cackle as Fuuka continues to clamour for the packet.

“Don’t take that tone with me, young lady now gimme a god damn cookie!” She playfully scolds but one of her swipes knocks the cookies out of my hand and sends them a fair distance away, almost to the other side of the path. With myself and Fuuka a tangle of arms, help comes on metal legs as a dark-skinned student bends to pick up our treats.

“What are you guys doing?” Her portly partner asks with a small chuckle in his voice.

“H-hey guys.” I nervously smile up at the unusual double-act that is Molly Kapur and Taro Arai approach.

“Hiya, Molls! I’ll take those!” Fuuka says making grabby hands at Molly who obliges, handing my cookies over to her.

“Hey, Rika… Hisao told us what happened after we left and I feel really bad about being such a Nosey Parker. Didn’t mean to freak you out.” Molly frowns a little and I wave my hand.

“It’s o-okay, Molly. It sounds worse than it was…”

“Where’d you even get American cookies from?” Taro asks and I suddenly remember Fuuka, who is wolfing down my cookies. I grab the packet from her hands and she pouts, mouth still full.


“I told you; you’re not allowed any after what you said about my Mom.” I narrow my eyes at her and she gulps down her ill-gotten gains.

“Molls; back me up! It’s perfectly okay to say you’d go gay for a friend’s Mom if they gave you delicious treats, right?” Fuuka explains and Molly’s shocked and almost disgusted face say it all.

“No! It’s totally not okay! You don’t say stuff like that about a mate’s mum, Fuuka!” Her incredulous look at Fuuka is pretty damning but not quite as damning as the look Taro is giving Molly. He clears his throat, earning her attention before saying a name unknown to me. “Kyoko.”

“Ah, now!” Molly begins, suddenly very flustered and defensive. “That’s totally different! Your Step-Mom gave me Kit-Kats — that’s not a fair comparison! Not to mention all those desserts she made…” She practically shudders with ecstasy as she mentions these mysterious desserts.

“I’m just saying; glass houses and throwing stones. I’m just happy she didn’t hear what you said. I’d never be able to go home again…” He shakes his head with a rueful smile. Have they had a similar conversation? Are they that close?

“C’mon, I was only joking! I was doing a Russell Howard bit!” Molly playfully bats at Taro’s arm and he rolls his eyes.

“Whatever. Lunch is almost over, we better be heading back. It was nice seeing you, guys!” The large boy smiles broadly and offers his left hand up in a friendly wave.

As they continue on their path towards the main building, I turn to Fuuka and whisper conspiratorially.

“Are those two dating? Certainly seems like they would be…”

Fuuka cocks her eyebrow as she takes a glance at the pair and then to me. She goes to speak but the lunch end warning bell chimes. Her lips curl into a devilish smirk and I should have expected some payback for earlier. She leans back in her wheelchair, index finger tapping her face.


“Oh well, I guess I’ll have to tell you later.” She says, in the most mockingly innocent voice I’ve ever heard. The pettiest payback, yes, but damn if it doesn’t make me want to know more.

Well played, Fuuka.


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Last edited by Sharp-O on Mon Sep 25, 2023 4:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Flutter - Level Six: Cooldown [21/3/16]

Post by TubaMirum »

Sharp-O wrote: Author's note: Bit of a shorter, slower paced one this time around, just to explore Rika and Fuuka's friendship a little more before I go any further and probably forget her
But Fuuka is my favorite :cry:

Well, at the very least this chapter exists now and I won't be able to complain too much about a future lack thereof. I'm guessing the comment about mysterious desserts had nothing to do with the kit-kats mentioned around the same time?
Gustav Mahler wrote:If you find you're boring your audience, go slower not faster.
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Re: Flutter - Level Six: Cooldown [21/3/16]

Post by Dannflor »

Fuuka is so god damn likable. I want more of her.
Rin > Lilly > Hanako > Shizune > Emi

Kenji's Destiny - A One-Shot
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