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Oh the Write

Re: KS threads on 4chan

Post by Oh the Write »

I'm glad some of you guys liked my thread. Be advised, all the posts marked with "alternate universe" are meant to be considered as non-canon.
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Oh the Write

Re: KS threads on 4chan

Post by Oh the Write »

Dammit, I sent the message too soon - Anyways, it would be nice to hear some feedback from you guys.
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Re: KS threads on 4chan

Post by Snicket »

Oh the Write wrote:Dammit, I sent the message too soon - Anyways, it would be nice to hear some feedback from you guys.
Well i'll give you points for trying something different, but the whole shinning Gundam thing started to get old.
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Re: KS threads on 4chan

Post by Snicket »

http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.p ... #p24040356

Richter Bromont
http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.p ... #p24042546

Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to post the rest of the links for tonight's threads. (If there are any more) Also I'll be away this weekend, so hopefully someone else can post Saturdays and Sundays threads.

see you guys Monday.
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Re: KS threads on 4chan

Post by Malus_Phasmatis »

"Time and place are nothing. Constructs of a feeble mortal mind attempting to categorize and understand the world around it."
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Re: KS threads on 4chan

Post by Zombiebees »

Umaguma's threads are really nifty, he has filled the hole the ST left for me. Cheers lad, most appreciated.
We are such greedy creatures, no matter how much we consume we need more and more...........KS feed the beast, it hungers, it hungers from the very depths.

Re: KS threads on 4chan

Post by Guest »

God I loved Bromont's latest thread.

It made me dawwwwww like nothing before.
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Re: KS threads on 4chan

Post by ccdr »

She heard mermaids, so it follows that something is rotten in the state of Denmark. I have an everlasting cold, but luckily I’m terribly dishonest. I cling to that.
<NicolArmarfi> so yeah speed grapher was bad
<NicolArmarfi> damn i only watched it because i thought that it was about a mathematician
<NicolArmarfi> who graphs things incredibly fast
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Re: KS threads on 4chan

Post by G3n0c1de »

Uma, I commend you on another well written chapter. I especially like that Shizune has been given a larger role in the story. And not only that, /a/ didn't fuck things up this time by trying to get in her pants. To top it off Shizune is a bro. And where do we go from here? Perhaps you could expand the roles of the remaining girls. And I wonder what drama /a/ will stumble into next? In the end, it would seem that we must choose, and STICK WITH only one of the girls, but that doesn't mean that we can't be friends with the other ones. Anyway, keep up the good work.

Bromont, it's nice to see that your stories aren't all 'piss lightning, shit success' awesome. You pulled it back and played it cool, and we finally have a girl! I suppose Hanako has always been the heroine, but for the first time in your stories the relationship has increased in level. It was also cool how you had Hisao die a few times for /a/'s stupidity.
It's a good thing Shizune is deaf, she is the only one who can stand (not) hearing "Wahaha~!" over and over.

Re: KS threads on 4chan

Post by Guest »

Yeah I enjoyed both of these newest ones, but speaking of giving girls larger roles... I've always wanted more Akira. Lilly in a business suit, acting LIKE A BOSS.
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Re: KS threads on 4chan

Post by Malus_Phasmatis »

Oh the Writefaggotry's latest thread.
http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.p ... d/24075067
"Time and place are nothing. Constructs of a feeble mortal mind attempting to categorize and understand the world around it."

Re: KS threads on 4chan

Post by Guest »

A close friend of mine has recently attempted to suicide.

I might say a witty quip and be on my way but the event has been very personally affecting. Uncertain of my scheduling for the next few days I can only find it unlikely that anyone should be properly expectant of a thread until Tuesday, but even that is not a given.

An odd bit of statistics, combined, women have a higher number of attempted suicides than men, men have more actual suicides.
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Re: KS threads on 4chan

Post by Storyteller »

Guest wrote:A close friend of mine has recently attempted to suicide.

I might say a witty quip and be on my way but the event has been very personally affecting. Uncertain of my scheduling for the next few days I can only find it unlikely that anyone should be properly expectant of a thread until Tuesday, but even that is not a given.

An odd bit of statistics, combined, women have a higher number of attempted suicides than men, men have more actual suicides.
Please note this post as my own, in my folly I forgot to sign in.
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Re: KS threads on 4chan

Post by Richiter Bromont »

That's rough, man.

Still don't feel too badly though, in fact, I'm agitated you weren't a better friend.
You're gonna have to work on that.

I apologize if that comes off as being a dick.
But you'll be getting plenty of ass kissing to make up for it.
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Re: KS threads on 4chan

Post by The Laughing Man »

No big deal, ST, take care of your stuff. You've got much bigger things to worry about than typing for us for 4 or 5 hours. I have faith you'll handle this all well enough, though. Shit sucks, I know. You can take some advice from me, and threaten to lock them in a bathroom for 3 weeks and feed them pancakes and pizza (or whatever else fits under the door) until they straighten up, but that only really works for someone who has a drug problem. At any rate, you'll do fine. I have faith in you, and that not only comes from a stranger on the internet, but an ordained stranger on the internet.

In slightly related news, I'll run mine monday.
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