Short short is short? I mean, Reconciliation above is pretty good, but that's ten chapters, so it may not qualify. Second Beats is kind of a guilty pleasure of mine, and the fact that I remember it two years after reading it must mean something. However, beyond that, I can't say much, because in the end I don't actually remember more than a handful of others. I think the reason for this is that writing a good Hanako fic (or, more precisely, a fic with a good Hanako) requires some time to allow her personality to make its presence felt fully, which is difficult to do in a short fic unless it's from her own PoV, and very few stories do that well.brythain wrote:What short Hanako fiction do you like most, or has made the greatest impact (good or bad) on you—and why?
The exceptions, as Leaty noted, are stories that, like Reconciliation and Blank's stories (looking forward to that New Year's one ), are set some years after the VN, where she's had time to grow and be able to express herself more openly. Then the difficulty becomes connecting the new Hanako to VN!Hanako. Again, the number that can do these things well is quite small, and perhaps the haystack of Hanako glurge became a bit too imposing for me to put in the effort necessary to find the Needle of Quality.