Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Complete]


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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 16/8/15]

Post by Hesmiyu »

So it appears that even Sharp-O isn't infallible :P. Nice chapter although I'm not sure if it's because of how many fan fics I'm currently reading, but it I'm sure they already had a first time?
Last edited by Hesmiyu on Sun Aug 16, 2015 7:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 16/8/15]

Post by Alpacalypse »

Hey, I had to point out, like, four different errors back in chapter 8. He's most certainly not infallible. :twisted: then again, it's not like I'm any better :P

Anyway, THE CUTENESS HAS REACHED MAXIMUM OVERLOAD! Seriously, we haven't had one this cute for ages. I was missing it.

Thanks, Sharp! You made my morning with this! :D
I'm not sure if it's because of how many fan divs I'm currently reading, but it I'm sure they already had a first time?
It's because of how many fan divs you're reading. They haven't had anything happen beyond light petting and the events of this chapter.
I am the harbinger of your destruction... By herbivorous, mountain dwelling quadrupeds... fear me
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 16/8/15]

Post by Hesmiyu »

Alpacalypse wrote:Anyway, THE CUTENESS HAS REACHED MAXIMUM OVERLOAD! Seriously, we haven't had one this cute for ages. I was missing it.
You do know that now he will need an uncute one to even it out :P.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 16/8/15]

Post by HoneyBakedHam »

Actually, I was loving the whole shy and awkwardness thing going on, especially with how cocky and full of themselves they get with their words. It was kinda like the end of an old radio show, saying: "Will they ever get over their timidness and bang already? Stay tuned to find out..."
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Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 17/8/15]

Post by Sharp-O »

Chapter Forty-Two: Alekhine’s Gun


The moment the half-day bell rings on Saturday, we launch into action. Suzu immediately bolts up from her seat, startling Lezard and striding towards Akio.

“Oi! You haven’t submitted that paperwork I asked you to!” She slams her palms on Akio’s desk, almost making his tilted chair fall all the way backwards.

“Wh-what paperwork?” Akio asks nervously. She leans in with a menacing scowl and grabs his tie.

“The budget reports, dumbass! You were supposed to hand them in and now they’ve gone missing!”

“You said you were doing that?” He offers, clearly having no memory of a conversation that never happened. Given her performance, I think she would have fit in just as well with the Drama Club.

“Well, you’re going to help me A) find them or B) fill in new ones! Shizune’s breathing down my neck and you know what that does to me!” She pushes him a little as she lets go of his tie.

“It… Turns you on?” He chuckles nervously, trying to cut her fake anger down with a joke.

“It pisses me off! So now I’m breathing down your neck to get it done.”

Akio looks to Hanako who is equally surprised by Suzu’s outburst. I don’t think this is what she had in mind when it came to a distraction but hey, whatever works, right?”

“It’s o-okay, Akio. Go h-help Suzu.” Hanako smiles at her boyfriend who sighs in resignation.

“Fiiine.” He gets up out of his seat but takes the time to kiss Hanako goodbye. Suzu is practically pushing him out of the door, he gives a weary wave and disappears from sight as Suzu gives us a wink.

“Well that was… Something.” Taro chimes in, all ready to go.

“Right? I’ve never seen her so fired up! You wanna get changed before we head into the city, Hanako?” I ask the raven-haired mastermind as Molly and Miki close ranks. Hanako nods and quickly tidies away her things

“And we’re all meeting outside the school gates?” Molly asks, looking at Miki and Taro. After I told him about Hanako’s plan, he insisted on joining in, getting assigned grocery/cooking duty by me because I don’t think I should be dragging my boyfriend around lingerie stores with another girl.

“Alright, let’s do this!” Miki cheers.


I may have made a huge miscalculation…

“You okay in there, sweetie?” I call through the curtain to Hanako who is cursing under her breath.

“F-fine! Just this st-stupid… Fuck it, take this one b-back.” She hisses quietly and I chuckle as her arm bolts out from behind the curtain with a bra and panties bundle and a hanger.

“The strapless bra gave you hassle, eh?” I ask with a smirk.

“It refused to cooperate…” Her voice goes meek. I place the matching set on it’s hanger properly before taking several steps to my left to throw it back on the rail.

“I th-think we have a winner…” Hanako quietly announces.

“Can I peek?” I ask mostly out of curiosity, Hana’s budget is limited and the sale rails had some god awful sets on there. If there was treasure to be found, I’d like to see what it is.

“S-sure…” She meekly answer and I poke my head into the changing booth.

“Well damn. Who knew there was something that classy amongst the sale rail.” I comment and Hana blushes.

“Throw me the rejects, I’ll put them back while you get dressed. There’s a place I saw earlier that I want to check out.”



Ritsu drags me towards a trendy women’s store and my heart sinks. I just spent a third of my meagre monthly budget on underwear. I can’t afford anything from here.

“Don’t look so worried, Hana! Doesn’t hurt to window-shop!” She beams and tugs at my arm for her to follow. I don’t know how Taro keeps up with this girl…

We look around the store for around ten minutes, Ritsu looking at a few garments for herself and even holding a few against me. They’re nice but I just can’t afford any… I catch a glimpse of the black dress Ritsu slung around my neck by it’s hanger in the mirror.

This looks really good on me. It’s rather simple, sure, no where near as elegant as something Lily would wear but still…

“Go try it on!” Ritsu encourages and I look longingly in the mirror once more. It can’t hurt to just try it on, can it?


Compared to Akira and Akio, Ritsu is by far the worst bad influence I’ve ever had. With my new underwear and dress in a non-descript plastic bag, we arrive back at Yamaku.

“I’m sorry we spent so long in the city, Hana. I hope I haven’t thrown off your schedule.” She hangs her head and nudge her gently.

“As long as Suzu can keep Akio busy for another hour or so, it should be fine.” I smile. We reach the girls’ dorms to find Taro and Miki sitting on the steps outside, Taro patting a sullen Miki’s back.

“Oh god, who died?” Ritsu asks jokingly. Given this group’s luck, I’m half-prepared for that to actually have happened.

“Only Miki’s dreams of being a culinary savant.” Taro grins and Miki throws him a dirty look.

“Molly hit me with a spatula…” Miki admits with a sigh. “I was just trying to help!”

“I don’t think ‘Stop being a pussy and put some spice in there’ counts as constructive criticism.” Taro shakes his head with a smirk and looks at the both of us. “How was the trip?”

“Your girlfriend is a worse influence than Akio. I’m almost broke for the rest of the month!” I explain and Ritsu shoots me a look of horror as I metaphorically throw her under the bus.

“Welcome to the club, sister.” Miki laughs, hopping up and stretching. “Oh! Show her the thing!” Miki turns to Taro and pats his shoulder with the back of her hand.

“It’s not a big deal… We just thought that you couldn’t have a candle light dinner without, y’know, candle light…” He produces a small plastic bag with a distinct box shape inside it. I was afraid of this. I didn’t want candles because… well, open flames and I have a history together that I’m none to fond of remembering. I peek into the bag after Taro hands it to me and smile though.

“Taro! That’s g-genius!” I look at him and he gestures to Miki who rubs the back of her head.

“It was her idea.”

“Yeah, but you bought them…”

I place my bags on the ground and swing my arms around both their necks, hugging them gently but firmly.

“You g-guys are the best.” I grin. We collect ourselves and head inside to the common room.

“Hey, Hana! Everything’s pretty much set here.” Molly announces, her face full of pride. While Molly is happily cooking away, Miki goes to the fridge.

“Yup, still here. I’ve been making sure no one pilfered your other surprise either. Got some ice cubes in the freezer too, just waiting for you to pull the trigger.” She gives a thumbs up and closes the door.

“You guys…” I look around the group and feel a swell of emotion. Akio was right. I’ve got an amazing group of friends here. An amazing, bizarre, makeshift family.

“You okay, Hana?” Ritsu asks as I wipe a tear from my face.

“Yeah, just… Thank you, everyone. Sincerely and with all my heart.”

They all share warm smiles with each other but the ever-impetuous Miki speaks first, thumbing her nose.

“No time for this mushy crap, we’ve still got work to do. Taro and Rits, help Molls out since she doesn’t want my help apparently.” Miki gives Molly a smirk and she responds with a faux-threatening wave of her spatula.

“Hana, you need to get showered and I’ll set your room up while you’re in there. C’mon, bitches, we’ve got work to do!” She pats my back and ushers me towards the elevator.



What the fuck did Suzu think she was playing at? The paperwork was exactly where Lezard left it, fully completed. He came to the club room after hearing Suzu’s little tirade. Still, at least I helped them sort out their differences and now I’m just killing time until Suzu wakes up from her nap. She’s laid out in my beanbag while I idly reorganise the stacks.

An ungodly tinny ringing comes from Suzu’s direction and she jolts upright, fumbling with her phone and answering it.

“H’lo?! Oh! Okay, then. I’ll be there soon.” She rubs her eyes and looks at me. “Thanks for sticking around Akio…”

“No problem. Everything okay?” I ask, helping her out of the bean bag with my free hand.

“Yeah… Miki’s just having a little… ‘lady trouble’.” Suzu throws quotation marks around the phrase and I wince.

“I didn’t need to know that.”

“Regardless, thanks for today. Sorry to eat up your Saturday…” Suzu says with a pout. “What’ve you got planned for the evening?”

“I dunno. I’ll go get showered and changed and probably hang out with Hanako.” I shrug and she smiles a little.

“Cool. That sounds nice.”

“You good to lock up?” I ask and she nods enthusiastically. I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder as I walk towards the door.

“See you soon, Suzu.” I call out to her and she doesn’t look up as she cheerily hums to herself, putting her things back in her bag.

“Enjoy your evening, Akio~” She keeps the same humming rhythm as she says goodbye. She’s certainly in a good mood.


Freshly showered and clad in one of my longer sleeve shirts, I lock my door. Taro’s door opens behind me and he emerges.

“Oh, hey man! Heading over to the girls’ dorms?” He asks, locking his own door, a bag slung around his shoulders.

“Yeah, man. How’s your day been?”

“Not bad, mostly quiet. Been studying more than anything.” He shrugs.

“At least you got something constructive done. I’ve been Suzu-sitting for the past few hours.” I sigh and he pats my back.

“I’m sure she appreciates it, man.” He smiles.

We chit-chat as we make our way across the grounds to the girls’ dorms. We enter the dorms and find Ritsu and Suzu in the common room. I walk in with Taro and say hello to the laughing pair. Molly and Miki come into the common room a minute or two after we enter.

“Is Hana in her room?” I ask and Miki nods.

“Yeah, she’s been holed up studying all afternoon.”

“Guess I should go give her some human interaction then, since you bastards seem intent on hanging out without her.” I joke with a sly smirk. I know they’d include her in the festivities but I also know how much of a bookworm she can be. They laugh and Taro takes his place next to a texting Ritsu.

“Have a good one, guys!” I call as I hobble towards the hall and they give cheery goodbyes in one way or the other.

I reach Hanako’s floor and follow the hall to her door. I give a few short taps of her door.

“Come in~!” She calls through the door and I smile as I open the door, intent on saying something suave or funny as I enter but the sight before me leaves my jaw slack.

“Good evening, Akio.” Hanako purrs.
Last edited by Sharp-O on Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 17/8/15]

Post by Hesmiyu »

One thing I have noticed on possibility every chapter, and slightly bugs me, is that at the start of doesn't say who is speaking so I have to guess. It does say who speaking when the narrator changes but not at the start. I just kept forgetting to write it after I had read the chapters.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 17/8/15]

Post by Alpacalypse »

Hehehe, this gon' be goo-
Cliffhanger just before eventful evening
Sharp, why? Why would you do this to us? WHY WOULD YOU BETRAY YOUR LOYAL FANS?!?!?!?! :cry: JK, dude

You have me hyped, good sir. like you didn't already :lol: I shall be looking forward to the next installment :wink:
I am the harbinger of your destruction... By herbivorous, mountain dwelling quadrupeds... fear me
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 17/8/15]

Post by Sharp-O »

Hesmiyu wrote:One thing I have noticed on possibility every chapter, and slightly bugs me, is that at the start of doesn't say who is speaking so I have to guess. It does say who speaking when the narrator changes but not at the start. I just kept forgetting to write it after I had read the chapters.
Sorry Hes, I started thinking it would be less intrusive plus I usually make it abundantly clear who is it is. I can go back and add the POV cards if you think it'll help other readers?
Alpacalypse wrote:Hehehe, this gon' be goo-
Cliffhanger just before eventful evening

Sharp, why? Why would you do this to us? WHY WOULD YOU BETRAY YOUR LOYAL FANS?!?!?!?! :cry: JK, dude

You have me hyped, good sir. like you didn't already :lol: I shall be looking forward to the next installment :wink:
C'mon! I had to do one last tease and, let's face it, the evening deserves a full chapter to itself. :D
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 17/8/15]

Post by Hesmiyu »

Sharp-O wrote:Sorry Hes, I started thinking it would be less intrusive plus I usually make it abundantly clear who is it is. I can go back and add the POV cards if you think it'll help other readers?
Even here people starting to call me 'Hes' :P. You can if you want but you don't have to. Even though I said about it, I haven't done it on mine (does only have one pov currently) :P.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 17/8/15]

Post by swampie2 »

Accidental shirt bondage.
Lingerie shopping.

Taro reflects on the story he'd just heard. Perhaps a little too much information was given to him. Some information he'd rather have never known. Some information that he'll never forget, no matter how hard he tries. He'll never be able to look at Hanakio the same way.

"Great... I can help out... with the cooking, maybe?"


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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 17/8/15]

Post by Alpacalypse »

swampie2 wrote:How Taro reacts
I'm okay with this :mrgreen:

...Wait a second.
swampie2 wrote:Accidental bondage.
How does that even work?!
I am the harbinger of your destruction... By herbivorous, mountain dwelling quadrupeds... fear me
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 17/8/15]

Post by Hesmiyu »

Alpacalypse wrote:How does that even work?!
Adding Shizune to the mix? :P
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