Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Complete]


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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 11/8/15]

Post by Alpacalypse »

Ooh, anime recommendations. I've got three, in no particular order:

- Black Lagoon, English dub; a gang of pirates swears and shoots up half of Indonesia. It's actually a lot smarter than that, but that's the gist of it.

- Your Lie in April; one of my favourite "feels" sources. Just brilliantly crafted in general.

- Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Budget Blade Works; The best-animated series this side of anywhere. Also, engaging stories and great characters (Fate/Zero is better with the story and characters, but watch Stay Night first, because Zero spoils it badly)
Sharp-O wrote:I'm not promising quality but I am promising quantity
You degrade your writing too much - I think you can get away with promising both :wink:
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 11/8/15]

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Hesmiyu wrote:
Surely they'd be better subbed than dubbed? (Will also help me with my learning of Japanese with I am trying to do.)
I've done both and personally I prefer subbed. It's not that I don't like reading, obviously I'm on this board for a reason, but when it comes to movies and TV shows I prefer listening over reading. To each their own, though.
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Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 13/8/15]

Post by Sharp-O »

Chapter Thirty-Nine: Inductive Insight


“Well we kind of all saw it coming, right?” Miki grins like the Cheshire Cat and I look around at Akio, Molly and Suzu, who all seem to be in agreement. The fight is the talk of the school this morning. Fights here are rare enough and even rarer are stories of lost lovers united against a common foe. It’s like something out of a fairy tale. Or Akio’s favourite manga.

“You really missed out, Suzu.” Molly smiles a little at the girl to my right. She would have appreciated the underlying romantic narrative behind it, I’m sure.

“Argh! I can’t believe I missed all the action! Please tell me one of you got pictures?” Suzu ruffles her hair in frustration before looking at me specifically. Kind of.

“I’ll ask Misaki. I’m s-sure she got a good shot.” I smile and she pats her messy hair back down.

“Thanks, Hanako.” Suzu says with a smile but her eyes don’t quite meet mine. Odd. Molly seems to notice it too.

“Did you show everyone the picture Misaki took of us?” Akio asks and I shake my head.

“Molly saw it but I’ve already f-framed it in my room…” I admit with a blush. It was a really sweet picture. I don’t think I’d ever look so comfortable and natural if I was aware it was being taken.

“Oh! Here we go…” Akio says, fishing his vibrating phone out of his back pocket.

“Yo? … Seriously? Awww, man! I needed an after-action report! … …Yeah, they’re all with me…” He says looking at the group getting the devilish grin he gets when he’s about to say something he’ll get a slap for.

“So what time did Ritsu leave this morning?” He smiles and holds the phone away from his ear, pressing the speaker phone button as a tinny voice shrieks from the device.

“AKIO! I will throttle you, you son of a--”

“You’re a dead man.” Molly smirks and the phone goes silent for a second. Akio is holding his mouth tight to stop himself from laughing and I’m barely holding it together myself.

“Akio?” Taro asks, clearly coming through.

“Yeah, man?” Akio’s smile is wide as anything when he responds.

“Just… Thank your lucky stars that we’re going to be in On-Campus Suspension for rest of the week. You’d be in a body cast if she was right next to you.” Taro lets out a chuckle and then a hiss of pain. “Okay, okay, it’s not funny…”

“We’ll see you guys soon!” I chime in and Taro wishes us all a good day from the both of them. Akio disconnects the call and finally lets his laugh out.

“You are such an asshole…” Suzu says, nudging him with her elbow.

He is… It’s a good thing he’s cute. I smile demurely and kiss him on the lips before we head to class.


“Hey, Hana?” Akio asks and I look up from my textbook to look at him.

“Yes?” I look across our conjoined tables at him, the odd numbering thanks to Taro and Ritsu’s absence mean we get to be in a group all on our own. It’s really quite nice.

“Do… Argh, how do I say this?” He furrows his brow, staring at his work. I peek over and it’s not a hard one to answer, he should know this.

“Do you have any secret ex-whatevers I should know about?” He whispers, finally looking at me with a quizzical eyebrow.

“Umm, n-no… I’ve n-never dated anyone b-before you…” I quietly admit with a stutter, placing my free hand on his with a small smile.

“I only ask because I’d hate to see something like what happened to those two…” He gestures with his head to the empty desks to his left. “To happen to us, y’know?”

“No secret lovers or evil ex-boyfriends for you to battle, no.” I pat his hand and he smiles.

“Okay. One more thing I have to ask though.” He places his pencil down and holds my hand, steadying his breathing. “Does it bother you, at all, that I’m bisexual?” He asks earnestly.

I ponder the question for a second and I can’t say that it does. I shake my head with a smile.

“That’s… good.” He says, breathing a small sigh of relief.

“Akio, I love you and that means all of you. From your ruffian haircut to your sc-scars to your shitty personality and even the fact that, sometimes, you wish I was a dude.” I tease and he blushes profusely.

“Th-that’s not…”

“Now there’s a scary thought…” I admit, shaking the thought out of my head.

“For what it’s worth, I’m sure you’d be just as pretty as a boy too.” He smirks, regaining his composure.

“I bet you’d look cute in a skirt.” I giggle and he grins. We Eskimo kiss and continue our work, our fingers idly playing with each other as we do.



I tap my foot impatiently as Molly and I wait outside the classroom for Akio and Hanako.

“Is the club meeting that important?” Molly asks, toying with her left braid.

“It’s not but I don’t like to be kept waiting… I’m actually surprised you didn’t join a club, Molls.” I counter, checking the clock on the wall for the umpteenth time.

“I thought about it, but nothing really caught my eye. I looked into the Film Club and those guys were just weird. And really kinda racist.” Her voice lilts up with her last statement so I can’t tell if she’s joking or not.

“Who’s a racist? Suzu, are you being a racist again?” Akio asks with a huge grin and a tone of mock disapproval. Molly giggles her ass off as my jaw goes slack. What the hell, man! I’m struggling for a comeback when Hanako decides to twist the knife.

“You’re giving him what he wants if you don’t fight back~” She cheerily chimes in. Like I don’t know that! I’ve been doing this longer than you have…

“I’m not, the Film Club is. I bet they wanted you to teach them about Bollywood, didn’t they?” I divert the attention to Molly who nods, wiping a tear from her eye.

“I don’t know a {bloody} thing about Bollywood movies! Well… I know they suck. Seriously, that was their first question after ‘Are you lost?’ Bunch of {wankers}…” She gripes, folding her arms and cursing in British. Such a beautiful language.

“Well, you can always come to the Lit Club with us.” Akio offers. “Hanako asked if she could sit in on the meeting too.” Wait, what?

“Akio spent so much time with me in the Newspaper Club, I thought it’d be fair to put in the hours with his club.” She smiles. No, of course, that’s perfectly fair.

“Sure, that sounds like fun. I can pick Hana’s brain about the NC too.” Molly smiles. “Is that okay, Suzu?” She tilts her head towards me.

“Why not? The more the merrier!” I sarcastically sigh with a shrug.


“See you guys!” I call to Morii and Ayame as they leave arm-in-arm. That just leaves Me, Akio and the guests…

“So you guys really just sit around and read?” Molly asks with a giggle, sitting at the table.

“Pretty much! It’s hardly exciting but if you like a good book, or manga in some cases…” I throw a knowing glance at Akio, who snorts in amusement. “Then you can’t find a better place to do it.” I smile a little, proud of my club.

Hanako yawns and I turn my attention to her. She’s sitting between Akio’s legs on his favourite beanbag, her own legs crossed in a lady-like fashion. Her back pressed against his chest and his arms around her waist. I really envy her.

“Sleepy, Hana?” I ask, maintaining a friendly veneer.

“Yeah, Akio’s been keeping me up all night.” She says, another little yawn escaping her lips. A curt ‘Ahem’ from her boyfriend makes her realise what she just said.

“St-studying!” She blurts out as her face turns scarlet.

“Of course you were.” I smirk as Akio and Molly laugh.

We really were…” She whispers, hiding in her hair. Akio squeezes her tight and she lets out an ‘Eep!’ that makes me smile. She’s quite cute and I can see why Akio fell for her.

“We should go see how the lovebirds are doing, eh?” Akio asks and Hana rises to her feet in a smooth, dainty fashion. She offers her hand to him and lifts him out of the beanbag with surprising ease.

“You mean the jailbirds, right?” She smirks, nudging Akio with her elbow after she hands him his cane.

“Ha! Good one. See you later!” He waves and I wave back, watching him leave hand-in-hand with Hana. I breath a heavy sigh and wander over to the beanbag, flopping down in it and undoing my bow. I allow myself to fully relax and close my eyes. I smile a little to myself as I feel his residual warmth.

“You really like him, don’t you?” Molly asks and I suddenly remember I’m not alone.



It’s really quite funny how people who hide their feelings make it so bloody obvious. I had my suspicions from earlier but as Suzu’s eyes go wide with shock, I can see the gears in her head kick into overdrive. She bolts upright and will probably give a flimsy explanation.

“N-no, I don’t! That’s ridiculous! He’s just…” She sighs heavily and her head and shoulders slump.

How did you know?” She asks in a whisper. Oh. Well, bugger me and my assumptions then.

“I didn’t, not for sure.” I admit, raising my eyebrows in surprise.

“Well, there it is. I like Akio.” She frowns as she says it, obviously feeling guilt.

“Do you though?” I ask and she looks at me like I just asked her if the sky is blue.

“Well… Yeah! Pretty sure I do!”

“And how long have you felt that way?” I ask, tilting my head to gauge her reaction.

“When he started hanging around the Newspaper Club… I guess since he started dating Hanako… ” She rubs her arms and casts her gaze down again.

“And how do you feel about them dating? Are you jealous? Do you hate Hanako?” I’m asking a lot of questions but something about this just seems… off to what I expect from a would-be seductress.

“What?! No! God no… More than any of us, I think Hanako deserves a little happiness. Not to diminish anyone else’s background but I think we can both agree that she’s had it tougher than most…” She looks to me for approval and I have to nod. I’ve thought the exact same thing.

“I don’t hate Hanako. I couldn’t. That would just be… callous. But I do envy her…” She admits, pursing her lips. Hm. Interesting.

“So you’re attracted to Akio, but have no intention of splitting them up. You even like them being together. Doesn’t that strike you as odd?”

“Huh.” She says, raising an eyebrow.

“So getting back to the real question. Do you really like Akio? You’ve confided in me that you desperately want some romance in your life and that Akio is the club member who doesn’t pull his punches with you or your condition. Soooo…” I hold my hands out and interlock the fingers of both hands, hoping she gets the symbolism.

“So I’m using Akio as a stand-in for my romantic desires because he’s one of my closest friends?” She furrows her brow, hopefully going along the same mental path I have to come to this conclusion. It makes sense to me, her actions aren’t indicative of a jealous love rival…

Now I feel bad for what I did in this beanbag…” I hear her say something quietly to herself but I can’t quite make it out.


“Nothing~” She giggles nervously. Whatever it was, I probably don’t need to know. “But… Wow. That’s immensely clever, Molly!”

“I just thought you weren’t acting like I’d expect you to… Thought there might be more to it.” I shrug with a small smile as Suzu scrambles to get to her feet and hops over to me to wrap her arms around me.

“You’re amazing!” She beams and my cheeks warm at the genuine praise.

“I’m really not…” I tentatively wrap my arms around her back. She doesn’t seem to want to let go.

“You are!” She squeezes me tight once more before releasing me and holding my shoulders, looking more alive than I’ve ever seen her. Like a weight has been lifted off her. “You’re going to make an amazing psychologist someday, girl!”

I blush at the praise, stroking my right braid a little. It’s nice to be noticed.

“Thanks, Suzu… I’m glad I could help.” I nod with a genuine smile.

“You’ve been so helpful! If the Akio in my fantasies suddenly becomes a British girl with braids, don’t hold it against me, eh?” She playfully winks and my cheeks get hotter.

Y’know, what? I don’t think I would…
Last edited by Sharp-O on Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 13/8/15]

Post by Mirage_GSM »

“Just… Thank your lucky stars that we’re going to be in On-Campus Suspension for rest of the week.
Yes, punish the couple by giving them time to bone all week :-)
“So I’m using Akio as a stand-in for my romantic desires because he’s one of my closest friends?” She furrows her brow, hopefully going along the same mental path I have to come to this conclusion. It makes sense to me, her actions aren’t indicative of a jealous love rival…
I think it's perfectly possile to be in love with someone and still not want to break into the happy relationship they're in, but if it convinces Suzu, it's okay, right? :-)
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 13/8/15]

Post by Alpacalypse »

Have to admit, I'm not sure I get the chapter name here. I know it's a Monopoly reference Fuck that game, btw, I've never won it :x, but I don't really see the relevance to this chapter. Hrmmm :?

Okay, otherwise, good chapter! :D Good to see more Hanakio sarcasm-offs again, I was starting to miss those.
Sharp-O wrote:You really like him, don’t you?” Molly asks and I suddenly remember I’m not alone.

Well done, Snoozu :roll:
Sharp-O wrote:If the Akio in my fantasies suddenly becomes a British girl with braids, don’t hold it against me, eh?” She playfully winks and my cheeks get hotter.

Y’know, what? I don’t think I would…
Molly, stahp, you're supposed to be straight in this story. Aren't you? FYI: I'm okay with Suzu x Molly 8)
Mirage_GSM wrote:I think it's perfectly possile to be in love with someone and still not want to break into the happy relationship they're in
I can attest to it :(
Or, at least, it's perfectly possible to be crushing very hard on somebody and not want to break up a happy relationship. Actual love I would expect to bring a lot more jealousy into the mix. Which I think was kinda the point, now that I think about it. Well done, brain :roll:
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 13/8/15]

Post by Sharp-O »

Mirage_GSM wrote:Yes, punish the couple by giving them time to bone all week :-)
Shizune (through Misha) explained how OCS works way back in Chapter Four:
“It stands for ‘On-Campus Suspension’. If a student cannot be reprimanded by withholding club activities, they are given OCS. Instead of a regular suspension and getting a free holiday, it’s like all-day detention with the other trouble-makers~!” Misha explains, the latter half clearly being her contribution.
So while they may be separated from the group and together again, they're probably in there with a teacher and Shura :lol:
Mirage_GSM wrote:I think it's perfectly possile to be in love with someone and still not want to break into the happy relationship they're in, but if it convinces Suzu, it's okay, right? :-)
Alpacalypse wrote:Or, at least, it's perfectly possible to be crushing very hard on somebody and not want to break up a happy relationship. Actual love I would expect to bring a lot more jealousy into the mix. Which I think was kinda the point, now that I think about it. Well done, brain :roll:
I kind of came to this realisation as her story went on. She has a crush but she's never going to act on it, Akio just being a convenient face for her feelings. Her affection for him as a friend and club member got mixed in with her romantic desires is all and I think Molly, as an aspiring psychologist, was the perfect person to help her realise that.
Alpacalypse wrote:Have to admit, I'm not sure I get the chapter name here. I know it's a Monopoly reference Fuck that game, btw, I've never won it :x, but I don't really see the relevance to this chapter. Hrmmm :?
I'll be honest, it's mostly to do with Suzu not going forward with her feelings for Akio. I really couldn't think of a better title. :oops: EDIT: I've changed the title to Inductive Insight, Molly's reasonable insight into Suzu's feelings.
Alpacalypse wrote:Molly, stahp, you're supposed to be straight in this story. Aren't you? FYI: I'm okay with Suzu x Molly 8)
I only ever said that In a Bind is not part of the Monomyth universe... :wink:
Last edited by Sharp-O on Thu Aug 13, 2015 7:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 13/8/15]

Post by swampie2 »

I think that Suzu really does have a thing for Akio, but just used Molly's explanation as an excuse to stop feeling bad about liking a guy with a girlfriend and even doing... stuff.

Then again I could be way off.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 13/8/15]

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Alpacalypse wrote:
Mirage_GSM wrote:I think it's perfectly possile to be in love with someone and still not want to break into the happy relationship they're in
I can attest to it :(
Or, at least, it's perfectly possible to be crushing very hard on somebody and not want to break up a happy relationship. Actual love I would expect to bring a lot more jealousy into the mix. Which I think was kinda the point, now that I think about it. Well done, brain :roll:
Hmm... Wouldn't jealosy be more of an issue with crushes?
If you really love someone, I think you'd put their happiness above your own and not even think of something base like jealousy.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 13/8/15]

Post by Alpacalypse »

Mirage_GSM wrote: Hmm... Wouldn't jealosy be more of an issue with crushes?
If you really love someone, I think you'd put their happiness above your own and not even think of something base like jealousy.
Not sure, really, didn't think of it that way. :? Bit dim of me, TBH. I could speculate, but I'd rather not embarrass myself talking about a subject I'm by no means an expert on. :wink:

Edit: 300th post, woo!
Last edited by Alpacalypse on Thu Aug 13, 2015 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I am the harbinger of your destruction... By herbivorous, mountain dwelling quadrupeds... fear me
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 13/8/15]

Post by swampie2 »

Sharp-O wrote:Believe me, we could spend all evening discussing the abstract notion of love and how it is defined next to other emotions like affection and lust and it would get us nowhere. :lol:
It'd get us confused and conflicted :lol:
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 13/8/15]

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Nice to see Suzu start to move on. I was getting a little tired of that plotline since I knew it could never go anywhere. I think you let it go on about the right amount of time. On a related note, I'd be OK with Molly x Suzu(Sully? I don't know, that's the best I can come up with). I tend to have very sensitive yuri goggles, but Suzu's comment and Molly's thoughts weren't exactly suptle.
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Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 14/8/15]

Post by Sharp-O »

Chapter Forty: Victoria



“Sup, bitches!” I hear Akio call out as we sit amongst the school’s gardens. Ritsu and I are sitting side-by-side on one of the benches, my bad arm slung across the back of the bench along Ritsu’s shoulders.

Please don’t kill him…” I whisper to Ritsu as a joke and she giggles.

“H-how was OCS?” Hana asks with concern.

“Just like regular class, only with someone staring daggers at the back of my head.” I chuckle slightly and Ritsu snorts. Akio and Hana share confused look and Ritsu elaborates.

“Shura was given On-Campus Suspension too, so that was pretty awkward.” She rolls her eyes in disdain. It’s not like we could have spoken freely in the glorified detention as it was but with him giving me the stink-eye, it’s hardly conducive to fun chatter.

“I’m surprised they put you guys in the same room again.” Akio admits, resting against the nearby lamp post while Hana slinks into his arms, pressing against him lightly.

“Eh, we’re hardly going to be taking swings at each other with Mr Kisaragi in the room.” I say, thinking of the lanky teacher and his dapper waistcoat. He thinks himself the ‘cool teacher’ but comes off as a total goofball. I like him.

“To be fair, he looked so bored I bet he wishes we had. Hell, he’d probably places bets!” Ritsu giggles and everyone joins in. He definitely would.

“How was your day?” Ritsu asks Hana and Akio.

“School work, Lit Club meeting… Even had a little heart-to-heart.” Hana lists of the events of her day and Akio plants a kiss on her cheek from behind.

“Not to mention a long, drawn-out discussion about what we’d look like if we swapped genders.” Akio offers and I raise an eyebrow.

“Akio would look good in a skirt…” Ritsu mutters, bringing her thumb to her chin in though.

“That’s what I said.” Hana smiles coyly back at her boyfriend who shakes his head with a smile.

“He’s got the hips for it.” I deliver the finishing blow and Akio turns crimson.

“Fuck you, guys.” He glowers at me then Ritsu and finally Hanako who sticks her tongue out at him.



I slump face first onto Taro’s bed as he shuts the door behind us. Carefully kicking off his shoes by the door and pulling out two cans of warm coffee he just bought from his back. He tosses it towards me and I’m shocked by a sudden hot sensation.

“For god’s sake… I didn’t even mean to do that…” He sighs to himself, having thrown the can so perfectly that it landed right on my ass.

“I bet you couldn’t do that twice!” I laugh as I look back at him and he looks at the can in his hand for a split-second too long. “I’m joking! You better not!” I chide, picking the cylinder and propping myself up against his wall. I crack it open as he takes a seat beside me. Not too close, not too far.

We might be back together but it feels like we’re back before square one. We haven’t kissed since last night and hand-holding is almost as non-existent. I mean, there’s taking it slow and then there’s fucking molasses.

Taro sighs after taking a gulp of coffee. He places the can in the middle of his crossed legs and I place mine on his bedside table. I turn back to see him smiling at me.

“I think we need to talk.” He says with a warm smile. He takes my hand and I shiver in fear and anticipation.

“Something Akio said earlier got me thinking… I’m going to be honest with you, about everything. Just so that what happened doesn’t happen again. You okay with that?”

I furrow my brow a little but nod. He takes a deep breath and looks me dead in the eyes.

“I was born and raised in Nikko. My mother died in childbirth, I was born with monoplegia but I was raised by my grieving father and, later, a Spanish-speaking step-mother. My relationship with my father was strained but I think that was more on me than anything. Before I came to Yamaku, I had one girlfriend who ended up cheating on me.”

I gasp a little, I knew he had a girlfriend in Junior High but I didn’t know she cheated on him… Damn.

“When I came to Yamaku, I was really depressed. I hardly spoke to anyone. Then I met a certain one-handed student with aggression problems.”


“Together, we adjusted to our new lives here. Supported one another, helped each through the first six months or so and, eventually, started sleeping together.” He looks at me a little concerned. I smile in spite of myself and stroke his hand, encouraging him to continue.

“It lasted maybe four months. Emotional and physical support as and when it was needed. It ended with no fanfare and we’ve remained best friends ever since. I gained the confidence to seek out other friends and I joined the art club. I met Rin and formed… a friendship with her.” He smiles to himself. Yeah, I guess it’s hard to gauge where you stand with that girl but at least he made an honest attempt to befriend her.

“I never really got her work, to be honest, but I appreciated her dedication and her style. I always thought that her artwork was her muddled mind’s way of expressing how she felt and that resonated with me, like the stuff I draw reflects how I see the people around me. I also met a certain red-headed joker on Yamaku hill around the same time. You already know that story.” He smirks.

“Hell of a first impression.” I giggle a little.

“Not as bad the first real impression I had of you. When Shura came in shouting the odds at you, I kinda empathised with him over your break-up. Then he started ragging on your condition and your music and I just had to step in. I didn’t know much about you but I knew you were a damn good musician.”

“I remember.” We smile at each other and hold our hands a little tighter.

“The rest, as they say, is history. You know everything from then on.” He breathes a heavy sigh and lets go of my hand to take a drink.

“Thank you for doing that, Taro…” I blush, twiddling my thumbs together until he gives me his hand to hold once more.

“Uh-uh. I didn’t tell you my name yet. Your turn.” I guess he’s going somewhere with this so I’ll play along and begin my tale. I’ve had chronic carpal tunnel since Junior High, I was mildly popular there and even here to a lesser degree. Joined the music club, dated an asshole narcissist and met this lovable bear and the rest of the gang. I thought I had a good home life but that turned to shit recently and I can fly off the handle at the smallest thing sometimes. I’m not perfect by any means but I’m trying.

I breathe my own little sigh of relief and I feel Taro’s hand creep up to my face. I nuzzle into it and gaze into his eyes.

“I’m Taro Arai.” He says with a warm smile. Ah, I see where he’s going now. Always with the cute theatrics. Never change, big guy.

“Ritsu Tainaka.” I smile back and lean closer to him.

“A pleasure to meet you, Miss Tainaka.” He smirks, using my last name is a sure sign that things are back on track.

“The pleasure’s all mine, Mr Arai.” I giggle. His lips are inches from mine when he deals the coup de grâce.

“It will be…” He plants his lips on mine and I melt. Perfect.



Akio’s finger work is nothing short of masterful. I don’t even remember how this started but I can barely remember my own name right now, let alone something that trivial. His relentless assault is driving me wild and I can’t hold out much longer… I can’t breathe. It’s just too much!

“St-st-stop it, you p-p-prick!” I manage to gasp and, thankfully, he does. My tormentor hovers over me with a wicked smile.

“Are you going to admit defeat?” My chest is heaving, my heart is racing and I don’t think I can take any more… But I will never bow to this… torture.

“N-n-never.” I sneer as my breathing calms and he shakes his head, a single hand tracing up my limp arm, leaving goosebumps in it’s wake. It reaches my collarbone and I wince when I feel it stop.

“Just give it up, Hana.” He whispers. Never.

“Go f-fuck yourself, Akio.” I breathe huskily and he smiles, a lone finger pressing down on one of my pressure points.

HAHHAHAHAHHAAHHA! OkayOkayOkay! I give in!” I couldn’t do it.

I’m too ticklish for my own good

He sits back on his knees, straddling my legs, and raises his arms in triumph, a cocksure grin on his face. Cutting off my escape was his first move. Smart. Not smarter than me though.

I bolt into a sitting position, grabbing the hem of his untucked shirt and start pulling it up his torso. His shocked eyes disappear behind the material as I push him onto his back, continually pulling his shirt inside-out until his arms are trapped and the top half of his face is shrouded by the collar leaving his mouth and chest are bare.

“What the hell, Hanako!?” He exclaims, the visual of a solihis solitary mouth reacting without his eyes is quite funny and I giggle as I straddle his stomach.

“You surrende--” I place a finger on his lips and shush him gently.

“My dear Akio… I lost a battle but not the war.” I purr, leaning down and crossing my arms across his chest, making sure he stays where I want him.

I’m going to pay for the tickling, aren’t I?” He whispers in quiet resignation. Watching only half his face emote is fascinating but all the ideas of what I could do to him right now flood my mind and heat my entire body with desire. I chuckle softly as I sit up and trace a line down the centre of his chest. He shivers at my touch, his nipples are hardening and his face is a strange mix of lust and fear. I lick my lips and they curl into a wicked smile.

“Now then, funny guy… What should I do to you…”
Last edited by Sharp-O on Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Joined: Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:03 pm
Location: Cleveland, OH

Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 14/8/15]

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Great to see Taro and Ritsu work things out. And clever misdirection with the words there at the start of the Hanakio part. You almost had me there. Also, personally, I've always hated being tickled, even as a kid. Still thought the scene was fun, just not something I ever really enjoyed.
Best girl

Best route
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