Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Complete]


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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 1/8/15]

Post by HoneyBakedHam »

Mirage_GSM wrote:Well, personally I don't consider girls in trousers all that unusual.
Guys in skirts, though…
You must not like real Scotsmen, then... :lol:

Also, Trans Kenji would totally ruin is nutty feminist role.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 1/8/15]

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

swampie2 wrote:
Mirage_GSM wrote:Well, personally I don't consider girls in trousers all that unusual.
Guys in skirts, though…

"Yeah man, sometimes you gotta' take going undercover to the next level."
To me it looks like he's wearing a kilt. So Scottish Kenji.
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Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 3/8/15]

Post by Sharp-O »

Chapter Thirty-One: Redux in C-Minor


Okay, I’ll fully admit that I am out of my depth here… Not to mention I stick out like a sore thumb.

“Don’t look so worried, big guy. They don’t bite.” Ritsu reassures me as I take a look around the room. Is it a prerequisite that Music Club members be attractive or is it just that musical talent goes hand in hand with good looks. Maybe being musical makes you attractive? Regardless, I am the largest elephant in this room.

Ritsu is a given, and then there’s Saki Enomoto, the Club’s prize violinist. She is ridiculously pretty, not that I’d admit that to Ritsu, though I’m sure she’d agree. The other members are unfamiliar but equally nice. The tall green-haired guy with the trumpet has a kind of rebellious look to him that someone would find charming and the short-haired girl in glasses with the bass guitar looks pretty cute too.

“Brought your boyfriend with you this time, Ritsu?” Saki asks, sipping on a can of melon soda while sitting on a desk. Ritsu hugs my bad arm a little tighter and beams.

“Yup, thought I’d play him that little ditty I showed you during break.”

“Ummm, hey, guys…” I smile nervously and rub the back of my head. They’re courteous enough to respond but they’re clearly more interested in fine-tuning their individual instruments.

“First time in the Music room, Taro?” Saki asks, hopping off the desk and walking towards us. Ritsu pecks me on the cheek and hops over to her for a hug.

“Um, yeah… It’s a lot more laid back than I thought.” I observe.

“We’re still waiting on Shura…” She stops herself to look at me then Ritsu and then resumes, whatever thought she had clearly evaporating. “So have you ever thought of playing anything?”

“I don’t think there’s much I could play with one hand…” I smile wryly and Saki giggles.

“I’m sure we can dig out a tambourine for you!”

Ritsu tugs my good hand and leads me towards the black piano, Saki following. She sits at the bench and adjusts her spandex sleeves.

“This is going to blow your mind, Taro.” She grins, giving me a wink. I look to Saki who just smiles.

Ritsu begins playing a rather upbeat tune on the piano and it gets my foot tapping. I’m not really a music connoisseur but I like it. It reminds me of something though… She’s been playing for about thirty seconds when I realise that it’s one of the piano arrangements for Double Action! Without even thinking, I join her on the chorus at around the minute mark, trying my best to keep up with her playing.

“♫~When the voices of two overlap one another, we will be much stronger than anyone else… Reaching for our Climax, Double-Action! Our Present and Future becoming a shining, single moment…~♫”

Ritsu looks at me with utter astonishment, slowing to a stop. I look around the room and realise everyone is looking at me.

“I ruined the moment, didn’t I?” I rub my cheek sheepishly and blush.

“It… Wasn’t half bad, actually.” Saki offers. “With practice, you might become a pretty good singer.”

“Naaaah, I’m awful!” I lightly dismiss the compliment with a wave.

“I liked it…” Ritsu says quietly with a blush.

“Um, thanks.”

The doors burst open behind us and a loud, obnoxious voice rings around the room. “Alright, guys! Sorry I’m laaaaay…te.” The voice comes to a rolling stop when the owner looks at me confused.

“Hi, I’m Taro. Not joining, just visiting.” I joke, offering my hand out to yet another attractive looking club member. Seriously, this guy looks like a Shōnen anime hero made flesh.

“Have we… met?” He asks, cautiously taking my hand. I look at him and his face doesn’t ring a bell…

“I don’t think so, man.” I shrug, disengaging my hand and I feel Ritsu grab it as it falls to my side.

“This is Shura, Taro…” She whispers as he folds his arms.

“I do know you! You’re the fat guy from 3-3 that I thrashed. You’re dating this whale now, Ritsy?” Shura smirks derisively. Now I remember him… He came into the class room sometime last year and started a fight with Ritsu. We barely knew each other back then but I wasn’t going to let some dick berate one of my classmates. I tried to diffuse the situation but I think he ended up taking a swing at me.

Thrashed? Sorry, I don’t remember anyone hitting me here. Like, ever.” I shrug, feigning ignorance to annoy him and he just scowls. “If we have met, I don’t remember it. Sorry.”

The mood has subtly shifted from mild confusion to outright hostility. The other club members look at each other nervously and Ritsu grips my hand tighter.

“So what do you do in Music Club meetings, Saki?” I turn to her and ask, genuinely curious and keeping a relaxed tone, while purposely ignoring Shura’s quiet fuming.

“Um, well, I guess it’s kind of like a band practice? We usually partner up with a complimentary instrument and take turns. We sometimes break into a full jam session if we find a piece we can all join in on.” She smiles a little.

“That’s cool. With the variety of instruments you guys play, I’m sure those ones sound really unique!”

“And what do you know about music?” Shura asks, slightly annoyed.

“Nothing, but I can still appreciate it; especially something with a complex or unusual… arrangement? Is that the right word?” I look to Ritsu who nods.

“You’ve been paying attention!” She grins.

“Well, of course. It’s still interesting even if I can’t play or know anything about composing and stuff.” I smile and give her hand a squeeze. “I guess I’ll leave you guys to it then. I bet you don’t want an audience on your first day of practice.” I chuckle.

“Well it was nice to meet you, Taro.” Saki says, a murmur of agreement from the bassist and the trumpet player and a snort from Shura.

“I’ll see you later, Ritsu.” I smile and hold her face before leaning in for a kiss. I wave to the others and even give a polite nod to Shura as I walk past him. The guy’s clearly a jackass but I’m not going to cause trouble for Ritsu on her first day back with the Music Club.


I watch Shura’s eyes follow Taro out of the room and I turn to Saki who shrugs with a chuckle.

“It was bound to happen. Do you want to stick with piano for this session? I’d love to give that piece we tried in the summer another go.” She says, eyes glimmering a little.

“Sure thing, I’ll need a little more solo time with the drums before I’m confident with the rhythm again.” I nod and walk back over to the piano.

“Kazuki? Do you want in on this too? I think a trumpet might compliment this piece nicely.” I call to the green-haired trumpet player and he nods with his usual charming smile.

“So that’s it? You’re just back in the club now?” Shura asks, his voice as condescending as ever.

“Yeah, that a problem?” I shoot him a glare and he huffs, folding his arms again.

“And what was with bringing your whale along?”

“Watch your mouth, Shura.” I hiss as I stand up from my seat.

“Or what? Your whale will kick my ass?” He snorts.

“No, I’ll kick your ass. You’ve already shown Taro you punch like a girl.” I smirk and it pisses him off. Saki shakes her head as she places her hand on my shoulder.

“Now, now, kids… Ritsu, no one is kicking anyone’s ass. Shura, if you insist on being a douche bag for our first session back, you can just leave now. Might I remind you that I do not condone harassment of club members or guests. So play nice or shut the fuck up.” Saki states in her commanding tone, delivering the last line with a smirk. The situation diffused for now, the room goes quiet.

“I’d bet 500¥ that Ritsu could beat Shura.” Yuki states in her usual monotone voice as she idly picks at her guitar strings.

“I’ll take some of that action.” Kazuki chimes in with a smirk.

“Me too…” Saki sighs. She’s got a real gambling problem, that girl. Shura glares at all of us before flipping the bird with both hands and turning.

“Fuck you guys then, I’m gone.” He huffs and storms out.

“I see my absence hasn’t improved his tantrums any…” I say with an amused smile.

Saki sighs heavily but then chuckles a little. Kazuki and Yuki share a knowing nod too. It’s like I haven’t been gone at all.


I hope I haven’t left Ritsu at the mercy of her ex but the other members seem nice enough so I’m sure they’ll have her back if he starts.

“Yo, Taro!” I hear from off to my right and turn to see Miki jogging up to me from the main building.

“Hey, Miki! Where’s {Sleeping Beauty}?” I offer a fist bump which is reciprocated.

“We’re not attached at the hip, dude…” Miki chuckles.

“What was with her earlier?” I ask, concerned at her less than subtle comment earlier.

“Dude, I have no fucking clue. Her mood is up and down like a god damn yo-yo. I think it’s stuff to do with the Lit Club.” She furrows her brow.

“Book nerds, right?” I smirk, causing Miki to laugh. “You got anything to do right now?”

“I’m free as a bird. You thinking Shanghai?” She raises an eyebrow.

“You read my mind.”

“Then let’s go, big man! You’re buying.” She slings her arm around my neck.

“Like always.” I groan in mock indignation.

“Don’t you sass me.”

“Just try and stop me.” We laugh as we head into town in the mid-afternoon sun.
Last edited by Sharp-O on Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:53 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 3/8/15]

Post by swampie2 »

I couldn't get the music to play :c
“I do know you! You’re the fat guy from 3-3 that I thrashed. You’re dating this whale now, Ritsy?”
Ughhhh... He's well written. So much so that I want to take a swing at him. :lol:

Riddle me this, did Ritsu play piano before she was officially diagnosed with wrist-itis? I'm sad to say that playing drums isn't really feasible with CT, piano would be possible as you don't need to be constantly applying impacts to your wrists, but it would hurt after a couple songs.

I really enjoyed this chapter. Reminded me of Sound! Euphonium.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 3/8/15]

Post by Sharp-O »

swampie2 wrote:I couldn't get the music to play :c
Unfortunately, this chinese equivalent to youtube is the only place I could probably link to without a slap on the wrist. (If you're interested in the song, keep trying or just google "Double-Action Piano Form 4")
swampie2 wrote:Ughhhh... He's well written. So much so that I want to take a swing at him. :lol:
He's essentially William Zabka in Karate Kid/every other 80's bully. Glad you hate him :P
swampie2 wrote:Riddle me this, did Ritsu play piano before she was officially diagnosed with wrist-itis? I'm sad to say that playing drums isn't really feasible with CT, piano would be possible as you don't need to be constantly applying impacts to your wrists, but it would hurt after a couple songs.
The references to drumming are small nods to K-On!Ritsu, as I imagine her carpal tunnel is a sly joke at the character's origins. I agree that piano is a much better alternative, hence Ritsu focussing on that.
swampie2 wrote:Aside from Shura and that gripe, I really enjoyed this chapter. Reminded me of Sound! Euphonium.
Isn't that the band anime that's rife with meme material? Should I be watching that? :lol:
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 3/8/15]

Post by swampie2 »

Sharp-O wrote:
swampie2 wrote:Aside from Shura and that gripe, I really enjoyed this chapter. Reminded me of Sound! Euphonium.
Isn't that the band anime that's rife with meme material? Should I be watching that? :lol:
I'm not sure about meme material, but it's a great watch, even made me cry. Follows a brass band trying to get into the national Japanese contests. If you liked Whiplash then you'll like Euphonium.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 3/8/15]

Post by Sharp-O »

swampie2 wrote:I'm not sure about meme material...
Like, seriously?
swampie2 wrote:...but it's a great watch, even made me cry. Follows a brass band trying to get into the national Japanese contests. If you liked Whiplash then you'll like Euphonium.
Never watched Whiplash but I'm sure I'll get round to Euphonium eventually.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 3/8/15]

Post by swampie2 »

Sharp-O wrote:Like, seriously?
It has it's moments, both comedy and serious.

(Huge gif, couldn't find a smaller one)
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Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 4/8/15]

Post by Sharp-O »

Author's Note: This is the first part in a two-parter that is interwoven with the events of Ascalon and Elementary, hence the odd, but meaningful, chapter title. Some dialogue will repeat but from a different perspective.

Chapter Thirty-Two: Intertextuality


The weekend creeps up on us faster than I expect. The days upon days of classes pass by quicker than Emi round running laps. Compared to the lazy days of summer, our first week of the new semester is over before we know it, the class breathing a collective sigh of relief as Saturday’s lessons are over and our weekend can begin in earnest.

Mutou collects his papers and hastily moves towards the door, wishing us a good weekend and to make sure we study as hard as we play. I stretch out my braced arms and jump across to Taro, wrapping my arms around his neck as I perch on his knee.

“I think I need another wrist massage…” I groan quietly.

“I think I’m there with you.” Taro gives a pained expression as he rotates his wrist with the faintest of clicks.

“Damn, that sounds almost as bad as mine!” I giggle. Our eyes follow a muted moan and we both look at Molly, whose head is lolling backwards off her chair to look at us. I smile and gesture for her to join us and she gives an upside down grin, her braids swinging in wide arcs with her rapid movements. Hisao and Sweet & Sour headed out of the door soon after Mutou so Molly takes Hisao’s seat.

“Hey, what’re you guys up to?” She asks, resting her back against the wall.

“Not a lot really. We were probably going to go for a drink at the Shanghai and maybe pick up some snacks. Want to come along?” I say with a smile, resting against my boyfriend.

“Sure, I’ve got nothing on. What about Hanakio?” Who? Hana… Akio… Oh.

“Looks like they’ll be busy.” Taro shrugs, looking past me at the pair talking to the Newspaper Club heads.

“Where’d ‘Hanakio’ come from?” I giggle, it’s pretty clever. Surprised Taro didn’t come up with it.

“Don’t you lot do that? Combine a couple’s names to refer to them as a unit?” Molly explains, Taro and I share a slight smirk with one another.

“Tarits.” Taro offers.

“Ritsuro.” I counter.

“I think Ritsuro is the winner…” Molly nods and I grins widely. I poke Taro’s cheek to tease him a little. “In your face!”

He grabs my wrist and leans in for a quick peck on the lips. “In your face.”

I smile coyly at his counter-attack, completely forgetting Molly’s presence until she speaks up again.

“S-so… Shanghai?”


I give a wave to Taro, Ritsu and Molly as they leave then turn my attention back to the Newspaper Club.

“Sorry, Hanako… It’s the first week back, there’s not a lot to cover at the moment so we’re not meeting until next week.” Natsume explains, throwing her arms up in an exaggerated shrug.

“Awww…” Hana bemoans, a little dejected. I rub her back supportively.

“You’re not running a piece on Misha’s new hair? Thought you girls would be all over that.” I ask with a laugh, Hana looking back at me with a slight furrow in her brow.

“Why? Because we’re girls? Sexist…” Naomi smirks, crossing her arms.

“No, because you love a scandal. Thought you’d be spinning it into some perverse angle. Plus you mispronounced sexiest.” I smirk and Hana titters.

“Pretty sure I didn’t.” She huffs with a pout, Natsume shaking her head.

“We’ll have our usual meeting next week and talk about the new edition then.” Natsume says and Hanako nods excitedly.

“O-okay! I’ll see you then. Have a g-good weekend, guys!” She calls cheerily as she drags me out of the classroom.

“I guess we’ve got the day to ourselves. What do you wanna do?” I ask and Hanako looks down at the floor, idly tile-hopping.

“Ummm… Well there is one thing…” She looks at me from behind her hair and smiles demurely. Oh god, is she saying… Are we there yet?

“Um, I, wh-what is it? I stutter, my cheeks burning red. She leans in, placing her free hand on my chest and breathing in my ear.

“I want you to help me study Biology.” Hot damn.


God damn sonuva…” I groan quietly as I stretch out my arms. I narrow my eyes at the girl sitting across the table from me, happily scribbling notes down while looking at her science text book. I smile a little to myself and idly stroke her foot with my mine.

I’m actually glad she actually meant studying. I’m not sure I’m ready for… I still want to ask the Nurse some stuff anyway, my biggest concern is my condition. God knows I don’t want to inadvertently break something during the act and scar Hanako… For… Life… Heh, I bet she’d appreciate the irony of that thought.

A knock at the door brings me out of my thoughts and into the room again as Hanako answers to Molly's question through the door.

“C-Could you come b-back later please?” Her timid voice calls back, looking between the door and her text books. She was making good progress too. She’s always had a bunch of work to catch up on when she was suffering with anxiety more. Before I brought her out of her shell. Now, because of the Newspaper Club and spending time with me, I’m the sole reason for her falling behind. That’s why I’m here. The dutiful boyfriend trying to assist one of the class’s smartest students.

“But I have a problem that only Yamaku’s best news-hound can help me with!” Molly responds.

“I’m a little b-busy…” She’s getting flustered, she doesn’t want to break her stride.

“C’mon, Hana! I need yo--” Well, I might as well help in the only way I know how…

“She’s a little tied up right now, Molly! Literally, in fact.” I call out with a wide grin to Hana, hoping it’ll send Molly running. It gets the desired result but I didn’t expect the barrage of cursing and being pummelled by a pillow. Hana’s beautiful laughter accompanying my punishment makes it worth it.


After returning my books into my dorm room, I hobble back out onto the grounds. I guess I’m flying solo now that Hana’s gone in search of Molly. You’d think Taro could add a few more dudes to this little Sentai he’s inadvertently created, maybe then Suzu wouldn’t think he’s building a harem. Oh shit, Suzu! I still need to talk to her about the Literature Club…

From what I’ve heard, it’s been going down the tubes since I’ve stopped attending to spend time with Hana. Without me acting as her proxy, I bet the members just leave Suzy to sleep and eventually got tired with the lack of direction… Damn.

I flashback to the summer break when I went to the club room to find Suzu. She was splayed out in the bean bag I often frequented. I took the Bleach manga off her sleeping face and she shifted violently in her spot, becoming more dishevelled. Not sure if it was cute or lewd, to be honest… Especially since I couldn’t tell if she was just murmuring or moaning… The thought of Suzu in any sexual context sent shivers down my spine. It just felt… Wrong.

I didn’t feel great about leaving her with her stomach exposed and her skirt dangerously close to revealing something either but I really didn’t feel great about man-handling a sleeping Club President. Especially when she seemed to be having a nice dream. The least I could do was lock the place down until she woke up. I’d fished her key from out of her purse and locked the door on my way out, sliding the key under the door and sending her a text about it.
I figured I’d catch her another day but I completely forgot… I guess I can always go find her in a bit.

I make my way to a nearby vending machine and grab a cherry soda, taking a seat and basking in the late afternoon sun. Man, this place is peaceful… I look at the various students milling about and spot a few familiar faces. Naomi is talking to that guy who sits in front of her, whatsisname… Shin? She seems to be flirting with him, given her body language, and ‘Shin’ doesn’t seem interested. I see a shock of long blue hair under a tree behind them, observing the same scene with a camera. Misaki would come off as creepy if she didn’t take such amazing photos. I raise my drink to the shutterbug on the off-chance I’m in shot but I don’t think she noticed me.

The girls’ dorm doors swing open and my girlfriend appears in her casual wear alongside Molly. Looks like they’re off on their own little adventure. I deposit my drink in the trash and slip back into the girls’ dorms. Luckily I don’t have to look far to find Suzu, who is napping peacefully on one of the couches in the common room.

“Hey, Miki. How’s it going?” I ask, perching on the arm of the couch she is lounging on.

“Not bad, man. Just watching TV. How about you?” She nods with a smile.

“Eh, wandering about while my girlfriend is on a date with Molly Poppins.” I smirk and Miki laughs.

“I thought I saw them go out just now. ‘Molly Poppins’, eh? That’s a good one!”

“You should tell Hana that, she said it needed work…” I shrug. “How long has Sleeping Beauty been out?” I tilt my head towards Club Prez.

“Not long, you might be able to wa--”

Akio… Wait…

Miki and I both turn to look at the small, sleeping girl who just whispered my name. Is this a cataplexy attack and she knows I’m here? I look back to Miki who shrugs and I lift myself off the arm, kneeling down next to the couch Suzu is on.

“Suzu?” I ask curiously, tilting my head to gauge her reaction. She murmurs something before I say her name again. She scrunches up her face and I look back at Miki who sighs.

“Yo, Suzu!” She calls and, almost immediately, I hear an ear-splitting “WHAT!?” screamed directly into my left ear. It scares the shit out of me and I scoot backwards on my ass, Suzu waking from her slumber looking more than a little bemused.

“Ummm, hey?” I chuckle nervously as I lean back on my hands, my cane at my side.

“You okay there, short-stuff?” Miki asks from behind me.

“M’fine… Whasgoin’on?” She slurs, still in a daze.

“I came over to ask about the club?” I say in a soft, reassuring tone. “Figured I’d try again since we missed each other during the summer.”

“Oh… Yeah. You stayin’ in the club or what?” She frowns a little, finally focusing on me.

“Ummm, sure. Can’t leave you alone with that sex-pest Lezard, can I?” I chuckle a little, rubbing the back of my head.

“Good man. Report to the club room at the usual time next week. Dismissed!” She gives me a two-finger salute and drops back onto the sofa again. I smile and ease myself up onto my feet. I offer a salute of my own before leaving.

“Sure thing. See you around, Club Prez. See ya, Miki!”

I hobble my way outside and see to see Hanako leaning against a metal rail overlooking the main courtyard. I tilt my head a little as I gaze longingly at her cute butt sticking out a little towards me. I walk towards her and spot Molly talking to some dude a little ways away.

“So this is the important thing she needed your help with? Chasing boys?” I ask, a little annoyed. I lean against the grey stone and slide my hand into hers.

“I must be good at it… Caught you, didn’t I?” She elbows me playfully with a coy smile. That you did

“Touché. So is that the guy? Pretty cute but I’ve never been a fan of blondes. I much prefer violet.” I throw her a wink and the corner of her mouth tugs into a smirk back at me.

“Cute. I said the same thing but about red heads…” She says and I smile a little.

“But I hope they get along. I found out he’s trilingual, like she is.” She beams, she must be feeling pretty good about playing cupid for our new friend.

“Tall, blonde and a cunning linguist? Molly certainly is a lucky girl.” She elbows me a littler harder for my snark but giggles.

“D-don’t go getting ideas, Akio… Besides, you wouldn’t like him, he doesn’t backchat.” Given his note-passing, he must be deaf or mute. Yeah, that would be a tough hurdle to surpass, especially with my humour.

“You’re right. Where’d be the fun in that?” I laugh and our eyes lock. I give a suave smile and lean in for a tender kiss.

“It’d be no fun at all, I imagine. Peaceful though.” I pout playfully at the sudden, but funny, barb.

“C’mon, Sassako, we’ve got a date with a math assignment.” I tug on her hand and she follows my lead.

“All work and no play…” She groans in a sarcastic tone. Oh, you want to play, huh? You’re gonna have to earn it.

“Work first, play later…” I purr in her ear and she blushes, squeezing my hand a little tighter. Heh, I’m glad I can still fluster her like that. It wasn’t until we got to my room that we realised that she didn’t have her text books.

“I guess we can always tackle those math problems tomorrow…” I say suavely, tossing my cane on the bed and pulling Hana close by her hips.

“Like you didn’t plan this.” She giggles, resting her hands on my chest and nuzzling my nose.

“I didn’t but you know you old saying; If a boy wants to spend time with a girl, life finds a way.” I smirk.

“That’s not an old saying, that’s half a line from Jurassic Park.” She jabs derisively and I snort with amusement.

“Just kiss me already. It’s the only sure way to shut me up.” I grin, daring her to do so and she gladly accepts the challenge, her arms winding around the back of my head to run her fingers through my hair.

I guess we can always go over some Biology cliff-notes…
Last edited by Sharp-O on Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 4/8/15]

Post by Feurox »

Do I repeat what I said last time or can we just settle for it's still good I still like it? Because it's still good and I still like it, you're still pretty fantastical at this. Also, perspective switches are being done well for my tastes. I like this very much keep it up and congrats.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 3/8/15]

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Sharp-O wrote:It's definitely a good looking show, I won't deny that. Like I said, I'll get round to it :D I should shoot a PM to Anton, see if he's started The Devil is a Part-Timer yet :lol:
I have, and I loved it. The first episode had one of the funniest jokes I've heard in a LONG time. When Alciel is going through what they had in their fridge, I laughed for a good 10 seconds when he mentioned the cucumbers. That line shouldn't have been that funny, but it killed me. I'm having a harder time getting into Assassination Classroom(I've watched the first two episodes so far). I also tried out K-on for Ritsu's sake, but the musical theme of the show didn't really appeal to me.

As for the chapter itself, yeah that guy is an ass. I'm kinda hoping he doesn't show up too much since I don't really enjoy those kind of characters.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 4/8/15]

Post by Sharp-O »

Feurox wrote:Do I repeat what I said last time or can we just settle for it's still good I still like it? Because it's still good and I still like it, you're still pretty fantastical at this. Also, perspective switches are being done well for my tastes. I like this very much keep it up and congrats.
Well it's always nice to know people are reading, even when they can't think of anything to say. :D Thanks, Feurox! Hopefully the next few chapters will encourage some debate.
AntonSlavik020 wrote:
Sharp-O wrote:It's definitely a good looking show, I won't deny that. Like I said, I'll get round to it :D I should shoot a PM to Anton, see if he's started The Devil is a Part-Timer yet :lol:
I have, and I loved it. The first episode had one of the funniest jokes I've heard in a LONG time. When Alciel is going through what they had in their fridge, I laughed for a good 10 seconds when he mentioned the cucumbers. That line shouldn't have been that funny, but it killed me. I'm having a harder time getting into Assassination Classroom(I've watched the first two episodes so far). I also tried out K-on for Ritsu's sake, but the musical theme of the show didn't really appeal to me.
Yaaaaay~ It's pure joy and when it gets hype, it just makes the show even better. I think you'll like AC as it goes on, simply because it's so heart-warming, especially given how weird the subject matter is.
AntonSlavik020 wrote:As for the chapter itself, yeah that guy is an ass. I'm kinda hoping he doesn't show up too much since I don't really enjoy those kind of characters.
Shura will be recurring but only because he's the more overt, physical antagonist to be conquered so please bear with it.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 4/8/15]

Post by Hesmiyu »

Sharp-O wrote:Shura will be recurring but only because he's the more overt, physical antagonist to be conquered so please bear with it.
Conquered by whom? Us, or The Monomyth Group? :P
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