Sharp-O's One-Shots! "A Matter of Memory" 05/01/24


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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Foregone Conclusion" - 20/7/15 Upd

Post by Alpacalypse »

Hm, I gotta admit, I kinda saw that one coming. An interesting concept, methinks.

Also, have a cookie for being the only guy besides Brythrain to do anything with that random guy! :wink:

Personally, I think it works as a stand-alone, though - not really sure where you'd go with it, to be honest.

Anywho, nice work! :D
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Foregone Conclusion" - 20/7/15 Upd

Post by Sharp-O »

Alpacalypse wrote:Hm, I gotta admit, I kinda saw that one coming. An interesting concept, methinks.

Also, have a cookie for being the only guy besides Brythrain to do anything with that random guy! :wink:

Personally, I think it works as a stand-alone, though - not really sure where you'd go with it, to be honest.

Anywho, nice work! :D
Yeah, I felt I might have laid it on a bit thick but I agree that it works best as a stand-alone. Thanks for reading, Al! :D
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Foregone Conclusion" - 20/7/15 Upd

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

This was interesting. I love supernatural, ghosts in particular, stuff so this was right up my alley.
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Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Winter's Lover II" - 22/7/15 Update

Post by Sharp-O »

Winter’s Lover II

I have one last shiver up my spine and gently fall backwards onto Taro’s bare, heaving chest. He curls his good arm around my stomach and holds me. It’s weirdly nice. I’m not one for cuddling but this feels

“…Amazing.” Taro’s hot breath tickles my ear and I smile.

“You liked that, eh?” I giggle and roll off his torso to lean on my side. He scoots up the bed, wearing the face of a man who just had his mind blown.

“I guess ‘thanks’ are in order? I’m not really… Good with pillow talk…” He rubs the back of head with a hangdog expression causing me to laugh.

“You are just too precious, man. We had fun and that’s the main thing.” I pat his leg and go searching for my underwear. He takes care of the condom, somehow managing to tie a haphazard knot. With a little practice, he’ll make a girl real happy with those fingers.

“Wanna get something to eat, big man?” I call back as I slip my jeans back on.

“W-was that a fat joke?” He gives me the stink-eye and shakes his head.

“I don’t know about you but I worked up quite the sweat.”

“You were doing most of the work…” He says with a touch of guilt.

“That’s why you’re buying!” I laugh and toss his shirt into his face. I threw his hoodie on and zip it up to cover my bare chest. Damn, this thing is huge! I roll up the sleeves and he just gives me another dirty look.

“You’re not keeping that.”

“You’re built like a bear, you can do without it while we steal some snacks from the common room.” I grin.

“Roar.” He says with a real shit-eating grin on his face.


We watch some TV, we eat some chips, we have a laugh. Just a couple buddies hanging out.

“Alright, gimme my hoodie. I should go get some homework done.” He holds out his hand and I bat it away with the excessive sleeve.

“Nuh-uh. I’mma build a fort out of this thing.” I flick the hood down and glare at him as he laughs.

“You can be quite cute when you’re not smacking people around.”

“I like to think I can do both at the same time.” I pout, making him laugh more.

“Speaking from personal experience, you really can’t. You’ve got a mean right cross.”

“Damn straight!” I throw a few punches but it just makes the long hoodie sleeves flail uselessly. Taro’s face starts to crease up and I know what’s coming. “Don’t you fucking da--”

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” He holds his shaking belly as he lets a laugh like thunder. It would be impressive if it didn’t annoy the piss out of me.

“Do you want another one, tough guy!?” I scream, launching myself at the fat mass of giggles and grabbing him in a headlock. “Eh? Think you can laugh at me, huh?”

“M-Miki! Get offa me!” He’s still laughing. That just pisses me off more. I fucking hate being laughed at.

“You think I’m funny? I’m a joke to you, fat-ass?” Taro’s expression suddenly turns to worry as my arms keep flailing.

“Miki! Stop it!” He starts blocking my arms as best he can and I just keep swinging. Anger. Humiliation. Shame. More anger. Before I know it, Taro forces me down on my back, the sofa doing fuck all to cushion the weight on my chest.

“Miki, stop! What the hell are you doing?” His voice finally stops my arms flailing uselessly at the air. My eyes refocus through the tears streaming down my face and I see Taro above me. He’s not angry like I’d expect. He’s worried. About me.

“I… Sorry.” I whisper before he eases up carefully. He stands back off the sofa.

“You okay?” Am I okay? I just flipped out and started hitting you for no reason! I tuck my knees up to my chest under the hoodie. I shrink into the tent-like cover to hide from him.


“Just… leave me alone, will ya?”

There’s quiet in the room outside my cocoon and hear a quiet “Okay” before footsteps. I clamp my eyes shut, to keep out the world outside my little shame fort and to stop the tears in my eyes.

Why did I flip out like that? I like Taro! He’s my… friend. My thoughts scream of the past. Friends who turned their backs on me. Who laughed at me. Who… No, he’s not going to abandon me. Even though he just did. But I asked him to.

“ARRRR-FUCK!” I scream uselessly into the common room and a gasp makes me turn to see the timid burn girl from my class slowly creeping backwards out of sight.

“I-I-I’ll c-c-c-come b-b-b-b-back laterrrrr!” She squeels in the quietest way possible. Even her running is near silent. Congrats, you fucking screw-up. That’s two perfectly nice people you chased away today. It’s like you never left home


I get some funny looks as I wander through the halls of the boys’ dorms. Fuck ‘em. I’m not here for them. I’m here for the fat-ass.

I finally find his room and give a couple loud bangs to the door. He slides it open with a stern face that melts the instant he spots me. I barge past him and he closes the door.

“What’s wrong?” What isn’t?

“Came to give you your hoodie back.” I say curtly.

“Oh. Um, thanks. Are you okay?”

“Not even close.” I sigh, standing stock still in the middle of his room. My hand and stump in the hoodie pockets and my hooded face looking straight at the ground.

“What happened back there?” He places a hand on my shoulder.

“I fucked up and lashed out. Sorry about that, big man.” I grimly admit.

“It’s okay, you didn’t hurt me. You swing like a girl.” I snort out a laugh at his sass.

“There we go, got you laughing already. Can’t be too bad.” He circles around to my front.

“Can… Can you stop being the nice guy for like one second?”

“Not really.”

“Argh, look, I just came to give your fat ass this stupid hoodie, okay? Not here for small talk.” I unzip it and Taro gasps, turning away immediately.

“Oh for fuck’s sake…” I curse, looking down at my own tits with contempt. I see his shoulders start to quake.

“Please don’t fucking start laughing, I don’t want to hit you more…” I admit, turning and zipping up the hoodie again.

“Wa-was that what that was about earlier?” His voice changes tone immediately. “I’m sorry, I just thought you were being cute…”

“I don’t like being laughed at. Brings up… shit from the past I’d rather forget, y’know?”

“Sorry, Miki, I didn’t mean…”

“No, it’s not your fault. I’m the bitch with baggage.” I curse myself before feeling a strong arm reach across my collarbone from behind. Taro holds me close and rests his chin on my shoulder.

“The fuck are you doing, man?” I chuckle nervously.

“The only thing I can think of right now.” He admits solemnly. “I’m not going to disagree, you are a bitch with baggage…”

“OI!” You son of a--

“But! You’re my friend. Probably the best friend I have here. One who cuts through my bullshit like butter. Who sets me straight when I put a foot wrong. Who can share something personal with me like…”

I raise an eyebrow and look back at him. “You don’t know how much earlier meant to me.” He says with a wistful smile.

“Oh balls, you’re not in love with me, are ya?” I ask incredulously and he shakes his head with a smile.

“No, nothing that… strong. But I do like you. A lot. Enough to give you my…” He cuts himself off as he turns crimson.

“Oh shit… Don’t tell me that I just took your…”



“Exactly.” He chuckles and I elbow him in the ribs, causing him to release me.

“Why?” I ask, throwing the hood back so I can see him clearly.

“Honestly, I didn’t p-plan on it. It’s just…” He reaches out for my hand and gently holds it in his.

“When you held my hand, I felt this… connection. Some bond between us that I can’t really explain…” He explains, mostly.

“You slept with me because I held your hand?” I start to laugh. “Man, you have to be the easiest lay ever if that’s all it takes…”

“Don’t make fun, I’m being serious…” He chuckles, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.

“I know! That’s why it’s funny!” I double over and his laugh gets louder.

“Jeez, a guy tries to pour his heart out… You really are a bitch.” His snarky comment is followed by a shake of his head. I playfully punch him in the chest before grabbing a handful of his shirt and pulling him closer.

“C’mere, you doofus.” I wrap my arms around his chest and plant a kiss on his lips. I don’t know what the hell this is but I want to see where it leads…


Aaaaaaand?” Suzu interrupts drowsily as I take a sip of hot chocolate. Shanghai chocolate really is the best. Must be the way that jittery waitress stirs it. Heh.

“Well, obviously it didn’t turn out, did it?” I laugh, placing my mug back on the table.

“But why?! It sounded so romantic!” She’s never looked more awake. Guess she really digs that romance stuff.

“We just… Stopped. It’s not like we were officially dating… We just stopped fooling around is all.” I shrug. That’s really it. No big bust up, no bitter arguments over feelings, we just… kept being best friends.

“That’s such an anticlimax! I was expecting a love triangle or something!” She crosses her arms and pouts. She’s cute when she does that.

“Life isn’t fiction, Suzy. Not every story gets wrapped up as neatly as it does in your books.” I smile.

No, it certainly doesn’t. The fun Taro and I shared was fleeting, like a snowflake that melts on contact, but that doesn’t mean there’s not a happy ending here. We’re still the closest of friends. That bond he talked about way back then, it’s not romantic love, it’s an understanding between our hearts and hands. An oath that, whatever the circumstances, one hand will help the other.

“What’s so funny?” Suzu glares with narrow eyes as I chuckle, absent-mindedly rubbing my fingers together.

“Nothing, just thinking about how I’ve been spending too much fucking time with you! You got me thinking all sorts of wordy shit.” I laugh.

“I can’t believe I cut class for this…” She sighs, resting her head on the table.

“We can’t be cutting class, it’s a snow day!” I grin and look outside, fresh flakes falling on this morning’s powder.

“See? Miki gets it!” I hear a familiar voice call out and turn to see Taro and his newest companions, Ritsu and Akio, enter the Shanghai.

“Yo, Yuuko! Three more hot chocolates over here! Put it on Suzy’s tab!” I call out and beckon the trio to join us.

“You can’t do that!” Suzu objects, head still down when Akio pats her on the back.

“That’s most gracious of you, Club Prez!” He grins, scooting into the booth beside her followed by Ritsu. I move to let Taro sit next to me.

“Sup, big man. Still breaking hearts?” I grin, nudging his bad arm.

“No, but definitely breaking a sweat.” He jabs at himself with a smirk.

“In this cold? Damn, you really are half-bear!” I laugh and Ritsu giggles.

“He’s cuddly like one!” She beams. She‘s not wrong there. As Ritsu turns to save Suzu from Akio’s teasing, I throw Taro a knowing look. He raises his eyebrows and shrugs.

“She totally digs you, man.” I whisper and he laughs before leaning in to whisper back.

“Would you stop trying to set me up with every other girl in the class? Remember when you tried that with Misha?”

“She totally digs you too! And you know what they say about girls with hair drills…” I give him a sly wink.

“I remember what you said, shame on you, by the way, besides I’m pretty sure she’s into Shizune.” He retorts.

“No way, Shizune is such a pain in the ass! Why would someone as sweet as Misha like her?”

“I dunno, you tell me. Why do I hang out with you?” He gives a devilish grin. Son of a…

“I’m going to kick your fat ass for that…”

“You can try.”

We laugh and bump fists before turning back to our friends. Our second snow day is shaping up to be more fun than last year…
Last edited by Sharp-O on Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:09 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Winter's Lover II" - 22/7/15 Updat

Post by swampie2 »

I through his hoodie on
Found a mistake. :mrgreen: "I threw his hoodie on."
He’s my… friend
Is he though Miki? :wink:
“I-I-I’ll c-c-c-come b-b-b-b-back laterrrrr!”
Nooooo! Scared Hanako worst Hanako.
...Remember when you tried that with Misha?
Tarisha? Mishao? Doesn't really work as well. :lol:

At first I thought Akio was talking, and I thought about Akisha / Mishakio for far too long.
And you know what they say about girls with hair drills…
I'm not sure when this takes place, or when Misha died her hair, but will this have happened by now?

Nice little wrap up :D
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Winter's Lover II" - 22/7/15 Updat

Post by Sharp-O »

swampie2 wrote:
...Remember when you tried that with Misha?
Tarisha? Mishao? Doesn't really work as well. :lol:
Yeah... Miki doesn't grasp the concept of good shipping names. :lol: (Other potential ships included Taruno, Natsuro and Tarolly)
swampie2 wrote:At first I thought Akio was talking, and I thought about Akisha / Mishakio for far too long.
Christ, could you imagine...
swampie2 wrote:
And you know what they say about girls with hair drills…
I'm not sure when this takes place, or when Misha died her hair, but will this have happened by now?
Say the latter half of the second year? Is that consistent with when she dyed her hair?
swampie2 wrote:Nice little wrap up :D
Cheers, bud!
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Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Mischief in Shadow" - 23/7/15 Update

Post by Sharp-O »

Mischief in Shadow (Slightly Risqué)


This is for the best. I know he means well but I just have to do this on my own. Now more than ever, I have to do this alone. I still feel bad about telling him to leave me alone on my birthday. My mind thinks back to the conversation yesterday…

“Did we not already celebrate your birthday? With the bow and the kissing?” He asks, rightly puzzled.

“Because of Lilly leaving
We kinda held both a little earlier than planned. My birthday is actually tomorrow.” I admit, my hands fussing in my lap.

“Gotcha, but why don’t you want to celebrate it?” I knew this wasn’t going to be easy…

Well, it’s t-to dow-with…” I start to stammer and cover my right hand with my left. Akio picks up on my meaning almost immediately.

Personal thing.” He nods solemnly before reaching out and placing his hand over mine. “If that’s what you want, I’ll respect your wishes but I’m just a phone call away if you need me.” His smile melts my heart and I nod rapidly.

I come back to the present as I pace around the room. Thinking about Akio has kind of interfered with the whole depressive brooding thing I usually end up doing. It’s nowhere near as bad as past years. Is that because of Akio? Has he had that much of an influence on me? I need to stop pacing or I’m going to end up crawling up the walls…

But what am I meant to do? I’ve cried all I think I’m going to. I’ve got nothing fresh to read… I lie on my bed and look at the ceiling wistfully, remembering similar long nights at the orphanage.

What time is it? I peer at the luminescent numbers of my alarm clock.


Have I seriously been in here all day? God… I wish Akio were here… I find myself closing my eyes and focusing on the red-haired trickster. That maddening, hilarious, utterly wonderful boy who lights a fire inside me… My pulse quickens and I feel my body warm with desire and temptation. I guess there’s always one thing I can do


“Hana…” I sigh sadly as I cycle through the songs on my MP3 player. “I hope you won’t hate me for this…”

“Are you still here?” Suzu mumbles from beneath her covers. I look up from the small illuminated screen and look across the darkened room at the small, bundled-up Lit Club president.

“Sorry, Suzu… Didn’t mean to disturb you.”

“Seriously, why don’t you bug your girlfriend? That’s the whole reason you’re here after curfew, right?” She scolds, shuffling around under her covers.

“I can’t go until after midnight, it’s part of the deal. I swear I’ll make it up to you for the inconvenience.” I say sincerely.

“You better…” She sighs and, before long, the hushed snore of Snuzu fills the room. I really do hate imposing but I can’t exactly sit in the common room for four hours, it’s going to be bad enough sneaking back to the boys’ dorms after my little cloak-and-dagger operation. I look at the small, neatly wrapped gift and smile. I’m sure she’ll love it. Not so sure about my theatrics but we’ll just have to see.

I select one of the ska tracks, turn down the volume so any music bleeding out into the room doesn't disturb Suzu.

Just ten more minutesJust a little longer


Just a little more, AkioJust a little… My mouth opens and a near-silent sigh escapes into the darkness as my back arches. I lie back with a satisfied sigh and reach for the wet wipes in my bedside table. Once I've taken care of that, I readjust my nightgown and fold my hands over my stomach. I chuckle softly and smile to myself. I wonder what Akio’s doing… As if on cue, my phone vibrates softly and I check the new message. From Akio. Is he psychic?

[Knock-knock. Check your door.] My… Door?

I cautiously creep towards my door and quietly unlock it, peeking out into the dimly lit and seemingly vacant hall. I open the door fully and find a small package on the ground, which I kneel down to retrieve it and examine. Shimmering purple wrapping paper and a black bow…

Who could have left this here? I flick open the attached card: Happy Un-Birthday. Love, Akio. Oh my god…

I rip open the immaculate packaging to find exactly what I expected after the note, a brand new copy of Alice in Wonderland. My dog-eared copy was almost as old as I am; it survived the orphanage with me and even the first two years of Yamaku before it finally gave up the ghost. I’d been meaning to get a new one… How did he know? How did he arrange this?

I hear the muted ding of the elevator doors closing down the hall and to the right. He’s still here! I place the book and wrapping on my chest of drawers and give chase, bolting left towards the stairwell. Thanks to that old elevator taking it's sweet time between floors, I can probably cut him off before he leaves.

C’mon, Hana, move your butt! Don’t let him get away!


Mission Accomplished. I hope she liked the gift. I hopped in the elevator as soon as I heard her door unlock and the slow descent makes me feel like an awesome spy who just completed his assignment. I open my eyes as the doors slide open to reveal Hanako, her chest heaving and her face like thunder.

Oh balls…”

She storms towards me, hitting the door-close button mid-stride. The doors close behind her and she grabs me by the collar. I’m trapped. I’m probably going to die. I regret nothing.

“Where the hell do y-you think you’re g-going, you rogue?” She stammers a little but her voice is no less stern. “You are in s-so much trouble…”

“I, um, that is… I…” I stumble to explain when her face softens and her lips curl into a wicked smile.

“Got you.” She winks and forces her lips against mine in a passionate kiss. I drop my cane and stumble back against the wall of the elevator. Wow, she got me alright. I thought I was a dead man and now my heart is pounding a mile a minute.

“O-okay. You caught me…” I offer my hands up when she lets me go. “I’m sorry for being too cool and handsome.”

“It’s not too late f-for me to throw you out on your ass.” She giggles, standing next to me. “What was your plan for the guards?”

“To be honest, I had nothing. Any punishment would have been worth getting that present to you at the right time.” I admit with a small amount of pride.

“Well, I can’t have you being thrown into On-Campus Suspension after such a sweet gesture…” She says and presses the button for her floor. “You’re st-staying here tonight.”

“I don’t want to intrude.”

“I’m not asking; I’m telling you. You’re sleeping with me tonight.” She states adamantly and I feel my cheeks burn. Her eyes dart to mine as she turns scarlet.

“I d-didn’t m-mean…”

“No, no, you said it now.” I chuckle nervously and she gasps. “Kidding, Hana. I knew what you meant…” I offer a sincere smile and she demurely smiles back as her hand creeps into mine.


We lay together on her bed in the soft ambient light of the moon and the outside lamps. I’ve never felt more uncomfortable and comfortable at the same time. It’s the clothes, they’re too confining…

“What’s wrong?” Hanako asks, lifting her head from my chest.

“Can’t get comfy with my shirts on.” I respond, tugging at the material of my orange t-shirt and grey long-sleeve shirt underneath.

“Y-you can take them off if you’d be more c-comfortable.” She blushes. I dunno… I guess I could.

“H-Here, let me help…” She purrs with a stutter. It’s pretty cute. She slides her hand under both shirts, her soft touch running up my stomach and along my side. I sit up and raise my arms, the shirts coming off easy. With my chest now bare, Hana takes her time sliding her hand across my chest and arms. Her pleasant smile gives way to a furrowed brow as she runs her delicate fingers across certain spots of my arms and torso multiple times.

“A-Akio… Are th-these…?” She asks meekly. No better time than now, I suppose. I place my hand over hers and guide her hand to my ribcage.

“Left 6th and 7th ribs.” I say softly, moving her hand across to the right side next. “Right 7th and 8th.”

I move to the three irregular skin abrasions on my left bicep. “Cigarette burns. All courtesy of my bastard father…” I fail to keep the venom from my throat and Hanako’s face just drops. Not the greatest reminder of her own condition I imagine.

“You’ll get a kick out of this one though…” I offer a reassuring smile and bring my right leg closer to my chest, rolling up the right leg of my slacks. I take her hand once more and guide it along the five-inch scar on my calf.

“This one’s got a funny story attached to it. You ever tried to jump on a spinning merry-go-round at the park?” I ask with a chuckle.

“N-no.” She shakes her head a little with curious eyes.

Don’t. It’ll kick your fucking ass!” I laugh, gesturing to the war wound. Hanako looks shocked for a second before giggling slightly.

“Sure looks that way…” She tilts her head and squints a little to look at it.

“What about you? Any war wounds you care to share?” I ask, not realising what I'm saying until Hana flinches a little.

Stupid, Akio. Really stupid.

She takes a deep breath in through her nose and closes her eyes for a second to think. She nods and gets up off the bed, standing in front of the window and opening the curtain a sliver to let more light in. She pulls her night gown over her head and holds it loosely in her left hand as her hair falls across her back and shoulders.

“Burn scarring d-down my right side to my knee. Worst of it along my face, shoulder, arm and t-torso.” She gives a small smile as she repeats my routine, baring the full extent of her scars along her naked body. She’s so confident… She’s radiant.

“You’re amazing…” I say with a grin which causes her to blush.

“Th-thank you, Akio. You’re quite amazing yourself. Now pop your eyes back in your h-head…” She smiles demurely and slips her nightgown back on. She turns and brushes the hair from her face, giggling at my crestfallen expression.

“I was just admiring the view…” I admit with a coy smile.

“That wasn’t a peepshow, mister. Y-you’ve got to earn that.” She crawls to my side again and I stroke the right side of her face.

“You’re beautiful, Hanako…”

“Flattery will get you everywhere.” She nuzzles my hand before patting my chest and leaning in for a kiss. My arms curl around the small of her back.

“That’s the plan.” I grin cockily and she cuts me down with a very contemptuous smirk.

“Tit for tat, Akio. And since you’ve seen some of my tit…”

WellIt’s only fair

To Be Continued…
Last edited by Sharp-O on Thu Jul 30, 2015 8:08 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Mischief in Shadow" - 23/7/15 Upda

Post by swampie2 »

who lights a fire inside me…
I'm not quite sure this is a thing Hanako would think :lol:
“Tit for tat, Akio. And since you’ve seen my tit…”
Wahaha, I'm loving this version of Hanako right now.

Nice little chapter, love to see Hanako come out of her shell.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Mischief in Shadow" - 23/7/15 Upda

Post by Alpacalypse »

That... was adorable.
Sharp-O wrote:Tit for tat, Akio. And since you’ve seen my tit…
Pfffffffffffffffffhahahahahaha!!! :lol:
Damn, Hanako, nicely done!

Also, nice use of the in-game CG; I think it works well.

Good work, there, Sharp! :D
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Mischief in Shadow" - 23/7/15 Upda

Post by Sharp-O »

Thanks, guys! I changed the tit for tat line a little to make it a little more teasing. I have to say, writing this Hanako is a ton of fun. I don't think she'd shy away from the word fire in the context of passion, especially since she's used it that way before (Back in Ambiguous)

I like to use the in-game CG when I can, even if I have to edit it a little, because it keeps the VN feel of KS present in the story. Wish I'd kept up my drawing skill, it'd be nice to draw some fresh scenes. It wouldn't look as nice as in-game CG but it'd be better than relying existing assets or heavy use of photoshop... :?

EDIT: I undertook a massive overhaul of the chapter at Silentcook's behest. Hope people don't find it confusing.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Mischief in Shadow" - 23/7/15 Upda

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

This was really sweet. And smooth move by Akio to leave the book right at midnight. And of course flirty Hanako is always fun. Loved her line at the end there.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Mischief in Shadow" - 23/7/15 Upda

Post by Decadent Albatros »

Do I even need to say that I love this? I have to? Fiiiine, I love it!
Akio looks more and more like the perfect counterpart to Hanako, even tho with these stories, it looks like the shy Hanako might not be her true self... Interesting! Anyway, yeah I loved the thing that Akio did with the present and your take on the scene where Hanako shows herself to Hisao... even tho, regardless how much she has improved with Akio, I think she wouldn't show her 'whole self' to him so easily. Regardless, really well done and as always, these can't come any sooner! :D
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Mischief in Shadow" - 23/7/15 Upda

Post by Oscar Wildecat »

“Tit for tat, Akio. And since you’ve seen some of my tit…”
Reminds me of something I heard on XM Comedy Radio. To paraphrase:

After hearing the grandmother say "Tit for Tat" for the umpteenth time, the grandson asks the granddad, "Grandpa, what's a Tat?"
The granddad replies, "I don't know, but it doesn't seem like an even trade..."

However, If we get more cute stories like this, I'll be happy. :)

[BTW, after reading up on this Akio and Hanako, I could also see the pair developing (albeit in a different fashion, and a bit delayed in timing) following Lilly's Good End path.]
I like all the girls in KS, but empathize with Hanako the most.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Mischief in Shadow" - 23/7/15 Upda

Post by Sharp-O »

AntonSlavik020 wrote:This was really sweet. And smooth move by Akio to leave the book right at midnight. And of course flirty Hanako is always fun. Loved her line at the end there.
Decadent Albatros wrote:Do I even need to say that I love this? I have to? Fiiiine, I love it!
Akio looks more and more like the perfect counterpart to Hanako, even tho with these stories, it looks like the shy Hanako might not be her true self... Interesting! Anyway, yeah I loved the thing that Akio did with the present and your take on the scene where Hanako shows herself to Hisao... even tho, regardless how much she has improved with Akio, I think she wouldn't show her 'whole self' to him so easily. Regardless, really well done and as always, these can't come any sooner! :D
Thanks, guys! Glad you enjoyed it. :D

Thinking about it, I really should have switched POV to Hanako for the reveal, I think it would have given more insight into her thought process.

Yes, this seems rather easy but unlike Hisao's experience, this is in the dead of night with subdued lighting so Akio is barely getting a glimpse of her goodies and is more caught up with her being so brave as to share the full extent of her scars than sneaking a peek.

As for Hanako's side of things... The night before Lilly left, at the bar, Akio revealed his past and that includes his abusive dad. She empathised with how he felt bringing it up and so confided in him too. He even thanked her for sharing something so personal with him. If nothing else, I think that experience, as well as Akio's continued influence, has emboldened her. When he was open about his scars, she wanted to be too. It's tit for tat, so to speak. :roll:
Oscar Wildecat wrote: [BTW, after reading up on this Akio and Hanako, I could also see the pair developing (albeit in a different fashion, and a bit delayed in timing) following Lilly's Good End path.]
Hi, Oscar! Thanks for commenting! Always happy to see new folk give their thoughts. I've said in the past that Hanako shows more development when not the romantic focus and I totally agree that Hanakio still could have been a thing in Lilly's good end. I imagine it would probably start off a little more antagonistically though, like with a turf war between the Literature and Newspaper Clubs :lol:
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Mischief in Shadow" - 23/7/15 Upda

Post by swampie2 »

like with a turf war between the Literature and Newspaper Clubs :lol:
Oh god that's a great idea, why didn't I think of that? :lol:
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