Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?


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Re: Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Post by Blank Mage »

HipsterJoe wrote:I just realized that Hisao has the potential to be Tony Stark, and clearly Ultron would then be based on Shizune... Now I have another ridiculous fic to right.
*steals idea*
*runs away*
And we're back.
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Re: Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Post by Mirage_GSM »

There's nothing wrong with a story written in past tense - most stories are.
It's just that most stories here on the forum are written in first person PoV, and that lends itself better to present tense.

But how could Shizune arrange Hisao's heart attack if nobody knew about his congenital heart defect before?
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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No one understood that reference

Post by LordDarknus »

"Iwanako, have you seen this meme?"

Iwanako: "No, I have not seen this meme. Why would you think I have seen this meme? I have never seen this meme before in my life. Please do not post here again. You embarrass me."

"Ok. Thank you anyway."
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Re: Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Post by Leaty »

This thread is going to be the weirdest thing I'll see all day.
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Re: Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Post by HipsterJoe »

Mirage_GSM wrote: But how could Shizune arrange Hisao's heart attack if nobody knew about his congenital heart defect before?
How dare you bring logic into this! But seriously, I messed up and this is an artifact of the fact that I found it impossible to write Misha as a gleeful psychopath. Let's just say that Shizune may not have been entirely truthful to Misha.
LordDarknus wrote:"Iwanako, have you seen this meme?"

Iwanako: "No, I have not seen this meme. Why would you think I have seen this meme? I have never seen this meme before in my life. Please do not post here again. You embarrass me."

"Ok. Thank you anyway."
I actually hadn't seen that meme and thought it was a reference to ... 0217&no=31 or something similar. I can't speak for anyone else, but you are more than welcome to make my threads more awesome/ridiculous. I laughed a lot over the whole thing.
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Re: Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Post by HipsterJoe »

Disclaimer: The views expressed by characters in this fanfic do no necessarily reflect the views of the author.


28 Years Later

“For those of you just tuning in, we just heard Senator Walmart’s eloquent concession speech. Right now, we’re standing outside the campaign headquarters of Senator Nakai where he is expected to make his acceptance speech momentarily,” the pretty blond reporter says to the camera. Behind her stands an empty stage covered in patriotic bunting and a boisterous crowd celebrating the victory of their candidate.

“Many experts have seen this outcome as a foregone conclusion ever since the scandal, popularly referred to as ‘Two Governors, One Jelly—’”
“NECKTIE 2036!” an older man staggering by screams interrupting her. Dressed in vintage Ed Hardy and a popped collar, the overweight middle-aged man clutches a bottle in his hand, a paper bag failing to even remotely conceal it. He stops as he notices the reporter and camera drone before beginning to make his way drunkenly towards them.

“Let me tell you somethin’,” he drunkenly slurs, stopping at an uncomfortably close distance to the woman. The reporter cringes, recoiling from his alcoholic breath as he continues, “I said… I said I ain’t never votin’ for some… some foreigner, but this… this Necktie, he alright.”

“Thank you sir for that insigh—” the reporter says, edging away.

Undeterred, the drunk continues over her, “I mean, I mean after they found that other guy, ya know the other one with that octa… octapussy…” The man pauses momentarily perplexed. Before the reporter can interject, he laughs and slurs, “No, no that was the British guy with the cars… and the.. the.. shaken, not stirred… It was a whatyamacallit… a thingie... ya know?”

Seeing the drunken man’s expectant face, the reporter tries to regain control and responds, “Yes, it was the scandal involving the Republican forerunners and an unfortunate—”

“That’s right… that’s… that’s what I’m talkin’ about. And another thing... another thing I like about that Necktie,” he says holding up the bottle to point at the reporter. Cupping his hands to demonstrate, he continues, “That wife of his... that… that woman is hot… like I mean hot-hot, ya know?”

Not waiting for a response this time, he continues with a lascivious grin, “But… but even though she’s that… that hot, not once, not even once, did I ever see her talk back to that Necktie. She just stands there all… all quiet and respectful-like… a proper woman, ya know?”

“Sir, you do realize that Mrs. Nakai is de—” the reporter vainly tries to interject.

“And I think… I think a man that can control a woman like that… that’s a man… a man who can run America!” the man proclaims, throwing up both hands and splashing the reporter with the dark liquor from his bottle. Apparently satisfied, he turns and staggers off.

With a look of shock and defeat, booze running down her face, the reporter watches his back for a moment before turning back to the camera and saying, “Well, after hearing from one of Nakai’s supporters, I think its time to go back to the studio.”

As the picture changes to show two anchors sitting behind a news desk, there is a knock on the door and a voice from the hallway booms, “You’d better be ready~! Your speech is in five~!”

Hisao stands up and clicks off the television. Straightening his tie and cuffs, he turns to his wife touching up her makeup in the mirror and signs, [It’s time, dear.]

As Shizune nods in acknowledgement, Hisao—looking pensive—asks, [Who could have predicted that a heart attack in the snow would have led us here?]

Turning to face him, her mouth curves into a familiar grin as she holds up her hand and snaps twice.
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Re: Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

That was..... interesting. I'd like to imagine the drunk was Kenji, even if that doesn't make a lot of sense since this seems to be in America.
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Re: Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Post by Gajzla »

Ha, fun fact I seriously considered writing a House of Cards feat. Shizune fic, but decided against it. I really like this, it’s like I said before, silly but brilliant.

So, who’s Zoe in this story? =P
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Re: Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Post by Oddball »

How dare you bring logic into this! But seriously, I messed up and this is an artifact of the fact that I found it impossible to write Misha as a gleeful psychopath. Let's just say that Shizune may not have been entirely truthful to Misha.
I was trying to picture Misha as a comical psychopath and instead of Pinky and the Brain, I kept ending up with Shizune and Misha playing the parts of Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd.

Sadly, Hisao isn't quite clever enough to be a Bugs Bunny. He'd be more of a Porky Pig.
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