Quick Question About Lilly's Arc *Minor Spoilers*

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Quick Question About Lilly's Arc *Minor Spoilers*

Post by Taotao »

Hello, everyone. I just registered here after finishing Lilly's story, I couldn't just -not- read/talk about it.
I know I'm a little late to the party, but my friend only recommended me this game after I recently broke up with my girlfriend because he said it'd make me feel better. I didn't expect this level of feel.

So anyway, I just have a quick question about Lilly's story; Is there any significance in her minor episode when Kenji knocks her down and she pounds her fist and shouts "Dammit!"

Hisao seems like a total bitch and never brings it up because he thinks Lilly can just bottle it all up on her own and be fine through it (pretty much like he does through her entire arc until the end), but I just wondered if it was ever explained why she freaks out. Is it her pride? Is she secretly extremely self-conscious about her condition despite all her efforts to appear strong to Hisao and her other peers?

This kind of threw me off as I never noticed it being explored later, being quite close to the end of the arc.

Needless to say, it's nice to be registered! Holy shit this game hit me with the feels train at 200 km/h, but I just want more. :D
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Re: Quick Question About Lilly's Arc *Minor Spoilers*

Post by brythain »

Taotao wrote:Hello, everyone. I just registered here after finishing Lilly's story, I couldn't just -not- read/talk about it.
I know I'm a little late to the party, but my friend only recommended me this game after I recently broke up with my girlfriend because he said it'd make me feel better. I didn't expect this level of feel.

So anyway, I just have a quick question about Lilly's story; Is there any significance in her minor episode when Kenji knocks her down and she pounds her fist and shouts "Dammit!"

Hisao seems like a total bitch and never brings it up because he thinks Lilly can just bottle it all up on her own and be fine through it (pretty much like he does through her entire arc until the end), but I just wondered if it was ever explained why she freaks out. Is it her pride? Is she secretly extremely self-conscious about her condition despite all her efforts to appear strong to Hisao and her other peers?

This kind of threw me off as I never noticed it being explored later, being quite close to the end of the arc.

Needless to say, it's nice to be registered! Holy shit this game hit me with the feels train at 200 km/h, but I just want more. :D
Welcome to the Forums!

That moment is one of extreme tension in Lilly's mind, and it's no surprise to us that she snaps. But Lilly has known Kenji a long time too, since she's Kenji's class rep. So that really surprises him. Hisao should get the hint; he's shocked too. He later shows that he realises Lilly is hiding something, and he wishes he knew what it was... it's a reminder that perhaps honesty with the one you love is the best policy.

There are many post-Lilly bad/neutral/good end epilogues in the Library. If you're up to it, go enjoy some of them! :)
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
Main Index (Complete)Shizune/Lilly/Emi/Hanako/Rin/Misha + Miki + Natsume
Secondary Arcs: Rika/Mutou/AkiraHideaki | Others (WIP): Straw—A Dream of SuzuSakura—The Kenji Saga.
"Much has been lost, and there is much left to lose." — Tim Powers, The Drawing of the Dark (1979)
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Re: Quick Question About Lilly's Arc *Minor Spoilers*

Post by Taotao »

Welcome to the Forums!

That moment is one of extreme tension in Lilly's mind, and it's no surprise to us that she snaps. But Lilly has known Kenji a long time too, since she's Kenji's class rep. So that really surprises him. Hisao should get the hint; he's shocked too. He later shows that he realises Lilly is hiding something, and he wishes he knew what it was... it's a reminder that perhaps honesty with the one you love is the best policy.

There are many post-Lilly bad/neutral/good end epilogues in the Library. If you're up to it, go enjoy some of them! :)
Thanks for the welcome :)

That makes a lot of sense, and is the most practical explanation seeing as there's not much evidence to support that she's hiding her self-consciousness and insecurities about being blind. One thing I did notice about Hisao in Lilly's path compared to, say, Hanako's, is that he seemed a lot more honest with Lilly, whereas she was the one hiding everything. I have to admit, this struck a really bad chord with me because of how aloof she became. And while maybe her heart was in the right place, she seemed very careless with Hisao's feelings by jumping into a relationship with him without letting him know the uncertainty she had with her future. It was really neat and a well-used plot device to see the subtle changes in Hisao as he meets Lilly and constantly admires her for having her head square on her shoulders, then slowly morphing to a point where we, the readers, see the roles be switched, and Hisao's future becomes clear while we see that Lilly's is tumultuous.

Man, I haven't been this excited about a game after I played it in a long while.

I didn't realize there was a library! Awesome help. As far as endings go, the good ending for Lilly (the one I got; choked me up hard. That music box, man.) was definitely a lot more satisfying than Hanako's good ending as far as closure goes. Still, it'll be really nice to view these self-made epilogues.
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Re: Quick Question About Lilly's Arc *Minor Spoilers*

Post by 300BillionDegrees »

I feel obligated to link this video now anytime someone has finished Lilly's good ending (SPOILERS!):
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Re: Quick Question About Lilly's Arc *Minor Spoilers*

Post by Razoredge »

Taotao wrote:Hello, everyone. I just registered here after finishing Lilly's story, I couldn't just -not- read/talk about it.
I know I'm a little late to the party, but my friend only recommended me this game after I recently broke up with my girlfriend because he said it'd make me feel better. I didn't expect this level of feel.

So anyway, I just have a quick question about Lilly's story; Is there any significance in her minor episode when Kenji knocks her down and she pounds her fist and shouts "Dammit!"

Hisao seems like a total bitch and never brings it up because he thinks Lilly can just bottle it all up on her own and be fine through it (pretty much like he does through her entire arc until the end), but I just wondered if it was ever explained why she freaks out. Is it her pride? Is she secretly extremely self-conscious about her condition despite all her efforts to appear strong to Hisao and her other peers?

This kind of threw me off as I never noticed it being explored later, being quite close to the end of the arc.

Needless to say, it's nice to be registered! Holy shit this game hit me with the feels train at 200 km/h, but I just want more. :D
First at all, welcome :D

Well, she was on a period of her life when she must to take a very important decision. Go to Scotland with her sister and leaves the guy she loves, or stay with him in Japan and leave her sister. Yes, she hides a lot of things, but, in my opinion, she doesn't want to hurt Hisao. Yeah, seems legit. She hurts him, ok, but, she really doesn't want to hurt him, so she hides everything.

This is just only my opinion and my vision of this story ^^
Lilly = Akira > Miki = Hanako > Emi > Rin > Shizune

Stuff I'm currently writing : Beyond the haze : A Lilly Satou pseudo-route, Lullaby of an open heart : A Saki pseudo-route & Sakura Blossom : A way with Hisao
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Re: Quick Question About Lilly's Arc *Minor Spoilers*

Post by Taotao »

300BillionDegrees wrote:I feel obligated to link this video now anytime someone has finished Lilly's good ending (SPOILERS!):
Haha, oh man. If I had to witness the feels of Bebop and Lilly's ending combined I couldn't do it.
Then again...
Hisao: "See you later, Spa--... Er, sorry."
Lilly: :roll: "Don't worry about it."

I mean come on, he makes so many blind puns there's no way its not intentional.
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