Puppet Show (Rewrite in progress, explanation posted.)


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Puppet Show (Rewrite in progress, explanation posted.)

Post by RidiculousLuke »

*What you are reading here is the older for version of Puppet Show. It was a simpler time when I posted this, young and fresh I was. And dumb . . . So very, very, dumb. If anything, learn from this unfinished tripe. Learn how not to react to criticism, how not to completely drain your angst into something and just generally, how not to be a dork.

Now, If you want to read the new and improved version . . . It's right here!*

Hello and welcome... To the show!

Puppet show is a full OC story (That's right, no characters from the original novel here!)


After a promise is made in a snow-laden forest. Kichirou Susumu, a rather average guy with a few missing limbs returns to Yamaku academy for his second year. New friends are made, new things are experienced. High school life sure is fun isn't it? Even if you're disabled. Well, that's what they think...

Friendship, romance, hardship and personal demons dance around backstage. The unknown lies before our cast for this show... Will they continue dancing in place or will they push past the curtain?

Act 1- Before the Show:
Chapter One- Visit (In this post)
Chapter Two- Class 2-3
Chapter Three- A Dragon in Formal Wear
Chapter Four- Disabled with Benefits
Chapter Five- Checkup
Chapter Six- Thankless Job
Chapter Seven- The Team
Chapter Eight-Preparation
Chapter Nine- The Festival Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Act 2- Start the Show:
Introduction- Leg
Chapter One- Assessment Part 1 Part 2
Chapter Two- Fun Delayed
Chapter Three- Night amongst Neon
Chapter Four- Romance Recon Part 1 Part 2
Chapter Five- Observation in Close Quarters

Character Bios:


Kichirou Susumu:

"Quiet, awkward and often wandering around in his thoughts. Kichirou is the protagonist of Puppet show and a second year student at Yamaku. He lost his left hand and most of his right leg in an accident."

Takashi Yamaguchi:

"Outgoing, clumsy, hot-headed and usually the butt of everyone's joke. Takashi is Kichirou's friend and a second year student at Yamaku. He has had minor Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) since he was a kid."

Hiromi Fukuhara:

"Graceful, kind and sometimes a little cheeky. Hiromi is Kyoko's friend, a second year student at Yamaku and is part of the Fukuhara Family. She has Elective Mutism."

Kyoko Kobayashi:

"Active, self-conscious and pretty easy-going. Kyoko is Hiromi's friend and a second year at Yamaku. Her condition is still unknown."

Chiyoko Iwasaki:

"Straightforward, a hopeless romantic and a little air-headed. Chiyoko is a second year student and a student council member at Yamaku. Her condition is still unknown but what is known is that she has a slight obsession with Kichirou Susumu."

Ayame Hanamoto:

"Elusive, crafty and sharp. Ayame is a third year student and president of the student council at Yamaku. She has Ideomotor Apraxia."

Fumio Nakajima:

"Thoughtful, meticulous and someone who always plays by the rules. Fumio is a second year student and vice president of the student council at Yamaku. He is blind so he always carries a cane with him."

Character bio will expand as more characters are introduced

Here is the first chapter for the story and the first post I ever made on the forum :P


Hello everyone!

I'll keep this short. Katawa Shoujo was the first visual novel I ever read and after reading it, I grew to love these funny computer books with pictures. After reading many of them and reading several different fan-fictions, I realised that I really wanted to try my hand at writing something.

This is something I've been writing for a few short months, I've re-written this thing several times and now I feel brave enough to post it. This is also the first time I have ever been on a forum before, so I apologise if I mess up a few things.

Anyway, here it is! In a sense it's a one-shot but it kinda feels like a first chapter.

Chapter 1- Visit


"I still really think you should consider it..."

"I already told you, I'm not going."


"Please Kichirou, listen to your Uncle."

"I've known some of the doctors there for years, you will be in capable hands."

"See? I think it's a great idea!"


"Well, let us know if you change your mind."

"Thank you doctor. Look, I'm sorry about the kid."

"It's quite alright sir. It's understandable why he would be so against it."

"He has been in this place for a long time now."


"I'll be back in a few hours."



"Yeah buddy?"

"Do you think I should go?"

"Let's face it kid, It's the best choice out of the ones we've looked at. We have to send you somewhere."

"No need to rush though, you still got some time to choose."


"Hey, will things really be different once I leave?"

"Of course they will."


Ouch! Wha-

A sharp pain shoots through my head, the blow causes me to lose focus, it takes a few seconds but I eventually feel conscious again. I must of been leaning against the car window while I was napping. Obviously I won't accept faliure so easily as I attempt to lean my head against it once again, but the bumps in the road make it a hard task.

C'mon! Just let me rest my head, We've been driving for hours now. Giving up on the idea of the passenger side window as a headrest, I lean back in my chair. The ache subsides and I finally remember the point of this journey.

That's right, today's the day. We're off to see my parents.

I haven't seen them in quite some time. I wish I could see them in a better state then the one I am in right now, I look like I've been dragged behind a truck for miles and the only thing that I could hang onto that would stop me from being left behind was its numberplate. I didn't have a lot of time to get ready this morning since a certain someone I know had suddenly become an early bird. I frown and glance at the culprit, he sits in the driver seat with one hand on the wheel and another on his balding head.

My Uncle, the man with the fading hairline. I would laugh about it but I better not, I think it bothers him. What's left of his hair is slicked back and held together rather well thanks to a certain product I've seen him use. The lines in his face are heavy and an unruly five o'clock shadow covers most of his jawline.

Overall, he's quite worn. I do remember hearing once that he was rather crazy in his younger days, but with that smile on his face almost constantly, I think he ditched the drink the long time ago; or maybe not at all.

And about the smiling, it hasn't dropped off his face since he picked me up, It can be a little weird at times. Either way, I'm glad I can call this man, Haruto Susumu, my Uncle.

He coughs and rubs his nose. Can't blame him, It is still very much winter. To fight against this unreasonable weather he has covered himself with a thick grey jacket, complete with a pair of 'fashionable' brown pants and mountain boots to match. Where did he hide these things? I never saw them around his place. He only now notices my accusatory glance.

"You alright there Kichi? You're giving me them bug eyes again." He laughs a little.

"Huh? I'm alright." I mutter tiredly while I stretch out my neck and rub my head. The pain from earlier still hasn't left me, guess that headrest business was a bad idea afterall.

"That's good to hear." He rubs his nose again, "It has been a long drive after all."

I nod and peer outside, the tall trees fly past us as we drive. Each one covered in snow and reaching further than one would think, I hope Uncle knows where he's going. The last thing we need is the two of us getting lost out here.

It's a lot brighter outside since I last checked. Our car continues at a moderate pace through the mountain roads, the snow in the air continues to fall at a relaxed pace. I let my head rest on my stub as I gaze downwards.

Why do they have to be so far away? I've never been a fan of long journeys... Uncle likes them, of course. I heard he liked to travel when he was younger so I'm sure he's seen most of Japan by now. I am a little jealous to be honest. Compared to him, I never left my hometown intil I entered high school. I ended up moving to the other side of Japan just to continue my education.

My current highschool is a place known as Yamaku Academy, It is well known for the fact that caters to students with disabilities. I wasn't a fan of the idea at first but in the end, it was my only option. I was also quite hesitant when I arrived that day but things worked out and I enjoyed my first term. Our year end holiday started a few days ago and I thought it would be best if I stayed with Uncle for the entire duration before going back. I missed the guy and I'm sure he missed me, so it only seemed natural. This trip, on the other hand, was his idea. I tried to resist but he won me over somehow. Still, I can think of worse fates.

At some point we left the road we were on and got onto a highway. The car suddenly turns off as we change lanes, I almost hit my head on the window again from the force. We soon get off the highway and resume the rest of the trip on another mountain road. A few backroads later and we eventually reach our destination.

Uncle turns off the engine and braces himself before opening the door. The cold air outside hits us immediately, I try to sink further into my jacket for warmth.

"Damn, gimme a warning next time!" I grumble. My Uncle only offers a sarcastic sorry in response. He climbs out of the car and opens the back door, grabbing something off the backseat before shutting the door again.

Readying myself, I open my door and instantly regret the action. But nevertheless, I step outside, bravely embracing the cold while keeping my hand on the door frame for support.

I should've stayed in the car...

Uncle soon appears next to me with a basket in one hand and my crutch in the other. He hands me the crutch before staring at the metal gates across the road.

"It's been a while huh?" He rubs his hands together briefly before walking off. I adjust my footing and follow after him at a slightly slower pace, it is hard to hop through this snow with one leg after all.

The creaking sound of metal can be heard as Uncle opens the gates, he waits for me to enter before closing them behind us. The snowfall has stopped and the hazy blue sky stares down at us as we climb the steps in silence.


Black in colour, and covered in snow. The Susumu family grave stands before us. I stare at the names carved into the stone as Uncle places the basket down.

We both look over the stone, not a word is said between us as we take in the monument. The air feels much colder than it was a minute ago.

Shaking a little, I look away from the stone and sigh audibly. I don't even remember what they sounded like. I've even forgotten what their faces looked like.

Some son I am.

"Well, I'll give it a clean." Uncle says before walking off in search of something to get the job done. I decide to look for a place to sit. don't know if I can stare at this thing any longer then I already have.

Walking back a few steps I turn my gaze to the trees around us. Uncle returns with a bucket. Finding a spot to sit, I watch silently as Uncle starts wiping down the gravestone, top to bottom.


Time passes and with most of the excess snow and dirt removed, Uncle gives the stone one last rinse before standing.

"There we are!" he exclaims with surprising gusto. I glance over the stone as he walks off, To his credit it looks a lot nicer than it did before. I stare at the floor again as I ponder why I haven't cried yet, I always thought it was something you do when you visit a grave. Then again, I think if someone visits something like this often enough eventually they'll get used to it. But this is the first time I've seen it in years, so why is nothing happening to me? I realise I'm not alone anymore, Uncle's back.

He kneels down and ushers me over slightly while pointing at the basket. I look it over and pull out what seems to be a lighter and a box of incense.

Deciding against standing, I crawl over and hand him the items, he's a little weirded out by this. He should know by now that if I don't have to stand, I'll just crawl around instead. Taking the incense out of the box, he places it at the foot of the stone. I kneel next to him as he gives the lighter a few clicks.

Soon, a small flame emerges and Uncle places it over the incense. It takes a few tries intil the flame sparks. Smoke begins to lazily waft through the air, carrying a peaceful scent along with it. Wasting no time Uncle claps his hands together and prays, distracted by the smell, I quickly place my hand against the stub that was once my left hand, and join him.

I'm not entirely sure what I am supposed to be doing right, I've never visted any shrines or things like that before. My old friends would often talk about the fortunes they would get, I always wanted to try but I never got a chance.

Intil now. But then again, this hardly feels like good fortune.

I open one eye and look to my side, Uncle puts his hands in his lap and stares at the grave, "I'll be back sometime alright" He says to no one in paticular.

"Oh and don't worry about Kichirou here," He snakes his arm around my shoulder. "You've got nothing to worry about here, I'll look after him for ya."

I smile as he lets go. He stands up and dusts off his pants, I chuckle slightly. He's never gonna get those things clean now. He suddenly pats me on the back, "I'll be in the car alright? Take your time." I listen to the sound of his footsteps as he walks off. I can no longer hear them and I'm left alone with only the gravestone as company.

Watching the smoke rise from the incense, I realise that can't watch it burn forever. However, I don't feel like leaving yet.


The snowfall has returned. Opening my eyes again, I feel myself being coated in white. Failing to shake the snow off myself I reach for my crutch, I hoist myself up and look towards the sky. As I stand I end up speaking to myself, "Things..." I sigh and look over the stone one last time.

"Things will be different from now on."

And with that, I pocket the lighter and start slowly hopping away through the snow. I hesitate at the gates but eventually I push them open. Hopping over the road, I reach my ride.

Before I get in, I look back at the metal gates of the cemetery. The snow falls calmly, carrying with it a sense of finality. I exhale slowly and watch the smog from my breath drift off into the sky.

Uncle somehow snuck up next to me, I hand him my crutch, and climb into the car, strapping myself in. I stare out the window as Uncle sits down in the driver seat. I flinch a little as he places his hand on my shoulder. The hands grip only gets stronger.

"You did good today Kichi, It's good that you came with me." I nod slightly as the car starts, the engine mutters as we drive away into the white-tipped forest.


Sun reflects off the window. I stare at the large, fancy gates silently. I begin opening my door slowly, every inch bringing more light into the car.

I spent the rest of my holiday quietly with my Uncle after that trip, not much happened apart from a few antics involving some misunderstandings about who gets the television and when to go to bed. But overall I enjoyed myself. The gravesite visit shook us both up but Uncle managed to lighten the mood after some time passed.

I'm glad now that I didn't have to take that trip alone. I probably would not have done it myself. Not sure if I like the idea of using someone as a 'crutch', but who am I kidding, I needed it.

A presence shakes me out of my thoughts, my Uncle faces me, a backback and crutch in his outstretched hands.

After taking my bag and checking my balance, I look at the man in front of me. He smiles at me and slaps my shoulder.

"Well, your all set! Your sure you don't need any help?" I shake my head.

"I'll be alright." I motion with my crutch, "I think I'll only collapse when I get to my room."

He chuckles at that and walks over to his car, he looks me over briefly and climbs into his seat.

Rolling the window down, he calls out, "Hey! Take care now alright? Don't forget about this old geezer!"

The car starts its journey down the hill as I wave with my stub.

"You're not old you idiot" I smile and lower my arm. Turning around, I look up at the gates. As I walk through the school grounds, the thoughts of what I said that day in the snow sound out in my head.


"I promise. Things'll be different."
Last edited by RidiculousLuke on Mon Feb 22, 2016 4:20 pm, edited 32 times in total.
Luke of the Ridiculous variety, author of Puppet Show.

(There's also the Old Version of Puppet Show, if you really want to read it.)

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Re: Puppet Show [OC Story]

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

I liked it. Not a lot to go on story wise quite yet, though I did like the uncle. It was emotional and I didn't notice any errors, though other people are probably better at that. I'll be following this.
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Re: Puppet Show [OC Story]

Post by Munchenhausen »

Not bad at all, lad! Certainly a damn-sight better than some of the other posters that come out of nowhere with an OC story ;) You've given enough to set the scene, but just enough to keep me wondering. I'd say you've done a pretty nice job, here!
RidiculousLuke wrote:Intil now. But then again, this hardly feels like good fortune.
My only other nitpick would be that you refer to him hopping across the graveyard and then note that he has his crutch with him. Is he using his crutch, or does he dislike-it-but-carries-it-anyway? I would probably use 'limp' as a better word for crutch-based travel, but that's just me.

Welcome to the forums :)
Like stupid, silly doodles with no point? You've come to the right place, friend :^)
I also occasionally write oneshots. Why not have a skimread?
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Re: Puppet Show [OC Story]

Post by Mirage_GSM »

There are even three "intil"s in the text. :-)
Not many mistakes besides that though - I think there was a word missing somewhere but I can't find the line again^^°
Oh, there it is:
It is well known for the fact that [it] caters to students with disabilities.
We don't learn much about your characters. Not why exactly hie is in Yamaku, what happened to his parents, not even when the story takes place - except for one thing: It is set after the end of the first term i.e. during the summer holidays - so it's quite strange that it would be snowing where they are… Top of Mt. Fuji?

Other than that it's like you said. This feels more like a prologue than a one-shot.
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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Puppet Show [OC Story]

Post by RidiculousLuke »

Thank you for the replies!


There are even three "intil"s in the text. :-)
I cannot believe I did that. I feel extremely embarrassed now :P
My only other nitpick would be that you refer to him hopping across the graveyard and then note that he has his crutch with him. Is he using his crutch, or does he dislike-it-but-carries-it-anyway? I would probably use 'limp' as a better word for crutch-based travel, but that's just me.
I didn't explain this well enough now that I look this over. Kichirou's right leg and left hand were amputated, his leg was cut to just below the knee so he can still bend it but he can't stand on it obviously. I thought 'hopping' would work since I assumed saying something like 'walking' would be a little strange for a person without a prosthetic. I also just noticed that I ended up using 'walking' in there despite what I've said xD

I glad you said 'limp' because I didn't even think of that, I'm gonna try and use that in the story. To finish this off, Since it's such an awkward amputation, he has to use his crutch to get around. So he doesn't really have a choice unless he has something he can hold onto. I did also write in there that he crawls at one point since I imagined its a little bit of a hassle to have to hoist yourself up and down with a crutch every time you sit down.

Thank you for replying!
We don't learn much about your characters. Not why exactly hie is in Yamaku, what happened to his parents, not even when the story takes place - except for one thing: It is set after the end of the first term i.e. during the summer holidays - so it's quite strange that it would be snowing where they are… Top of Mt. Fuji?
Not gonna lie, I like the idea of a story starting on top of Fuji... >:)

Now I probably messed this up, this all takes place after new years, some time around February-March. From what I researched a while back, Japan snows during Christmas and that snow kind of lingers until the start of spring, which I believe starts around March-April. Unless there are parts of Japan where it doesn't snow.

I'm also not really following the games actual timeline, I like to think that this story happens maybe a few years after Katawa Shoujo, So most of the original characters have long since graduated. I planned for this to be a full OC story with no mentions to the characters from the original game. I feel it's a little corny to have Hisao and the girls be referenced without any real purpose aside from the name drops.

I should of explained that it was after new years, not during the summer holidays.

Sorry :)

And about the parents and the characters and Kichirou's reason for being at Yamaku, I felt it would ruin things if I just flat out listed everything that has happened. The story unfolds as it goes on, Kichirou explains everything at some point later. I like a bit of mystery! :D

Anyway, Thank you for replying!
Luke of the Ridiculous variety, author of Puppet Show.

(There's also the Old Version of Puppet Show, if you really want to read it.)

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Re: Puppet Show [OC Story]

Post by Mirage_GSM »

In that case it should be after the first year not after the first term.
Third term goes until end of March and the new school year begins in April.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Puppet Show [OC Story]

Post by RidiculousLuke »

In that case it should be after the first year not after the first term.
Third term goes until end of March and the new school year begins in April.
Oh yeah you're right. Thanks for that Mirage :)

This took longer than I wanted but here it is, Chapter two.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna take part in a course that explains the difference between 'Until' and 'Intil' xD

Chapter Two- Classroom 2-3


"No, that ain't it."

What is this? the third time now, that I've struggled to do my own tie. Obviously this is a task that was designed for two hands. I sigh and run through the steps again, taking my time here will probably help.

There, got it. I observe my handy work quickly before checking my alarm clock, still got time. I get up and look for my pants, I find them and sit down again, I manage slide into them after some difficulty. I roll up the right pant leg and make a knot, don't want to move about with something that can't fulfill its original function. After making sure the knot is tightly fastened, I pack my bag and search around for my phone.

I find it and place it in my pocket. Hoisting my backpack over my shoulder I notice my laptop on my desk. I better email Uncle later, just to let him know how I am doing. Picking my crutch, I hobble out of my room and lock the door behind me. Before I can even move a familiar head of hair is directly in my line of sight.

"Morning Taka." I say while yawning.

"Man, you sound awful. Did you even sleep last night?"

"I was cruising the internet yesterday and before I knew it, it was already way past midnight." I begin limping down the hall, Takashi catches up and matches my pace.

Takashi Yamaguchi, my only friend. I've known this guy since I first arrived at Yamaku, he's pretty cool. I didn't expect to make friends with anyone due to my condition but luckily, I was wrong.

Takashi's an interesting guy. He's rather tall and skinny, his hair is a odd shade of blonde. Since I've known him he has always had this weird comb-over that he claims is his secret weapon against the ladies, although so far it hasn't worked out for him. He is no better with the girls then I am, and I'm terrible with them.

Unlike myself, he wears the complete school uniform. With the blazer and everything, although he isn't wearing the dress shoes. Instead, he walks around in the same red sneakers I always see him in. I look down and laugh internally at the fact that I only have one shoe to wear. Maybe I should consider joining the circus now.

I can see that he still can't do his tie properly, that isn't his fault though. Opening the large doors, We exit the dormitory building and join the crowd of students outside.

"Jeez! Since when was school so popular?" Takashi exclaims as we push our way through the masses.

"Unlike you, these people actually care about their education." I laugh and Takashi huffs.

"I care! Ok, maybe not as much as these guys but they're the odd ones here!" His statement attracts a few glances, I can't help but sigh.

"The only odd one here is you."

"Man, gimme a break Kisu..."

Kisu. easily one of the worst nicknames in the world, I've told him to stop but he still uses it occasionally. I think he knows it frustrates me and thus enjoys it.

"Whoa, look at that! I've never seen them around." I turn my gaze forward, amongst the crowd there are two girls who dom't think I've every seen.

The tallest one is quite a sight, her blueish hair is tied in a ponytail which hangs just below her thighs. Another thing to point out is that she is rather.... Well endowed. The other girl is a little shorter, I can't see her face since most of it is covered by her hair. It's a lovely shade of black, I was always a fan of the bowl cut.

"They're really hot..." Takashi swoons, I take the opportunity to smack him over the head with my stub. He shrieks in pain and shoots me a loaded glare, "What the hell man?!"

I can't help but laugh, "It's not like you'll ever talk to them, numbnuts."

"Hey! The year is still young my boy!" He pumps his fist in the air dramatically. Well, I look forward to the excuse he'll use when I ask him why he hasn't spoken to them yet.

He will probably say some shit like the stars haven't aligned yet or something like that. We finally reach the main school building, we're still stuck in the crowd so we have to squeeze through the doors just to get in.

"Hey, you think we have time for a quick meal at the cafeteria?" I ask Takashi who looks down the hall.

"Doubt it man, if we did we might as well just not go to class."

It is a little strange, I heard that Yamaku had recently gotten quite a lot of praise. I guess that explains why there are maybe double the students here now, I remember the school being rather empty last year. Times change I guess.

In the end, we both decide to skip breakfast. As we approach the stairs I call out to Takashi, "Hey Taka, the lifts ar-"

Takashi is following closely by a group of girls, guess he's taking the stairs. Pervert.

I sigh and limp towards the elevators, pressing the button I stand and wait. It's not long before the doors slide open, I step in and press the button marked 'second floor'.

Leaning against the steel walls, I let go of my crutch and balance it next to me. As I hold onto the rails, A foreign object taps against the floor. It's a walking stick, I hold the door open as the person steps in.

"Oh, Nakajima."

"Hm?" The boy steps into the lift and looks around, trying to identify my voice.

"Susumu? Is that you?"

"Yeah it's me, Morning."

Fumio Nakajima, a funny name since Fumio is a rather masculine name. It doesn't fit since he's more of a book worm than a dock worker. He's about as tall as me with scruffy brown hair, I don't know him that well but I've spoken to him a few times in the past. He's a member of the student council here, I think he's vice president nowadays.

He is also completely blind hence the walking stick, which he uses to feel around. He also leans against the wall as the lift doors close, everything shakes slightly as the we start our ascent.

"Are you alone this morning?" Nakajima asks as he fixes his tie, how the hell does he do that up when he can't see?

"I wasn't a few seconds ago, but Takashi decided to ditch me for some girls." I sigh and grab my crutch.

"Ah Yamaguchi? He's still like that is he." He shakes his head slightly.

"Hah, he sure is." I comment as the lift comes to a stop.

We both exit the elevator and walk down the hall together. Suddenly Nakajima stops, I can't help but stop as well. I'm about to ask whats up but a voice calls from down the hall.

"Fumio! There you are!" The girl runs over and flicks Nakajima on the head, "Where were you? I was looking everywhere for you!" Nakajima rubs his forehead lightly.

"I decided to take the lifts this morning, I can hear how busy the school is today. So I didn't want to inconveniece anyone."

Nakajima's a nice guy, He's quite popular with everyone. Makes sense since he's student council, people probably want to be on his good side. Although I don't think he would do anything mean, doesn't seem like something he would do.

The girl notices me and flinches, "Fumio? Who is this?" She looks me over rather throughly, I look away in embarrassment.

"Oh, this is Kichirou Susumu, He's a second year like us." The girl steps towards me and eyes me closely, this is getting weird.

I extend my right hand as best I can which she takes eagerly, "I'm Chiyoko Iwasaki! Pleased to meet you!" She shakes my hand rather vigorously and mantains her grip on my hand for a little too long as she looks me in the eyes.

"Ah... Pleased to meet you." I let go and re-adjust my grip on my crutch. Iwasaki's pretty good looking, her blonde hair isn't that long but it curls upwards. She's also wearing a cute hairband, I also don't think I've every seen someone with freckles before.

Nakajima speaks up, "Well, now that we all know eachother. I think we should hurry."

Iwasaki breaks eye contact with me, "You're right, don't want to be late." She grabs Nakajima's arm and pulls him along, poor guy.

"See you around Kichirou!" Huh, first name basis now?

Iwasaki looks back briefly before they both walk into a classrom. I better get moving.

Sliding open the door, I step into classroom 2-3. It doesn't take me long to notice Takashi waving me over, He's pointing at the empty desk next to him. And here I was hoping I would be sitting somewhere else, Before I reach the desk, I notice the two girls from earlier. They're both seated near each other, the ponytailed one is talking happily as the one with the bowl cut just nods and smiles.

I throw my bag on my desk and sit down, placing my crutch on the floor next to me. I pull out my textbooks and look at the door, I wonder who our homeroom teacher's gonna be this year? Hopefully someone new.

Last year, we had one hell of a nutcase as a teacher. I still don't fully believe that he is certified, guy looked like a member of the Yakuza. I also wondered if he stole the suit he wore from someone else.

"Hey Taka?"

"What's up?" Takashi says while fiddling with his eraser.

"You think Mr. Okada's gonna be here this year?"

Takashi scoffs and shakes his head, "Pretty sure they arrested his ass long ago." We both laugh.

I look through my textbook briefly, I realise I don't have a pencil in my bag. I'm about to ask Takashi for one but that action is interrupted by a door almost being thrown off its hinges.

"Oh shit." Takashi and I say in unison.

I think that pencil is going to be the least of my worries.
Luke of the Ridiculous variety, author of Puppet Show.

(There's also the Old Version of Puppet Show, if you really want to read it.)

"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." - Hunter S. Thompson
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Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] [UPDATED: Chapter Two]

Post by HoneyBakedHam »

Very curious to see where this goes.
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Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] [UPDATED: Chapter Two]

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Nice cliffhanger. Looking forward to more!
Best girl

Best route
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Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] [UPDATED: Chapter Two]

Post by RidiculousLuke »

Chapter Three- A Dragon in Formal Wear


No one seems to notice the man that steps into the classroom, I already feel sorry for them. That naivety will be the death of them.

I guess Mr. Okada is going to be our head for this year. He's still as scary as ever, dressed in an abnormally stripy suit which isn't even buttoned up. His hair is still full of gel and you just can't hide that naturally ferocious face no matter what kind of smile you put on, and man is that smile fake. I can see that he's really having a hard time keeping it on.

As I said before, the students in here are not paying any attention to him. Oh boy, he knows, this won't end well. That flawed smile instantly cracks as he glares at the class, he finally loses control and kicks his desk chair over. Everyone stares at him in confusion and fear, what's odd is what happens next though. He seems to regret the action and he ends up picking up the chair and placing it near the blackboard.

Grunting, he throws one leg on the chair with a loud bang and starts writing his name on the board. The more I see of this guy, the more I start to think that I've read this manga before. Mr. Okada tosses the chalk aside and turns to face the class, placing one hand on his desk during the process.

Everyone in the class is actively trying to avoid eye contact with him, I notice the state of the desks and brace myself. If there is one thing I remember about this man, it is that he hates it when school equipment is used haphazardly.

He finally speaks, "What the hell is this? Fix your desks immediately!" He shouts and slams his fist on his desk, only a few more punches like that and that table's gonna break. I actually think he broke one once.

Everyone stands, well those who can stand anyway, They all start straightening their desks, I swear I just saw someone use a ruler to check the angles. No one is talking anymore, Mr. Okada now has their absolute attention.

"Right, good. Now, My name is Ryuji Okada. I will be your math and head teacher for this year, lets all work hard this year!" We all stand and bow, He nods happily and begins the lesson.

He leaves us to the problems in the book while he sits with his feet up on his desk, those are not the shoes that a working man would wear. The guy's a gang member for sure, or at least was one.

The clock ticks away as I run through the problems. Shit, math is not my strongest point. Scratching my head I look over at Takashi, he sits there with his eraser in his hand. He doesn't move, he looks completely lost. I instantly know whats going on as I lean over to him.

"Yo, what do you need?"

He flinches and sighs, "I messed this up, can you do this for me?" He points weakly at the one of the equations. I take the eraser from his shaking hand and follow his instruction, occasionally looking to see if Mr. Okada hasn't noticed.

After the erasing is done, Takashi thanks me and shakes his head. I tell him it isn't a hassle before I return to my own work.

"What did I say about talking?" Mr. Okada shouts and kicks a chalk brush at one of the desks closest to him, the students there flinch and return to their work.

Jeez, who even thought of letting this guy be around the disabled? Did they think it was good for us? I bet he pulled some strings and thats how he got here, he must have some connections.

The theory crafting I'm doing proves to be way more interesting than my school work so I barely manage to finish everything before the lunch bell rings, before anyone can leave Mr. Okada looks over all the work. He tells some people to stay behind and tells others to enjoy their lunch. He walks over to Takashi and me, he inspects Takashi's work before mine.

"Yamaguchi, well done. Keep it up." Takashi, despite his appearance is actually some kind of a math genius. He says that it's because of his parents, both his folks are big time bankers so I guess it makes sense.

"So, I'm good?" Takashi asks

"Yes, you are 'good'. Enjoy your break." Takashi pumps a fist in the air and starts to leave but whispers to me before running off.

"Hey, let's go to the Shanghai later, alright?" I nod and he exits the classroom.

"Susumu, lets take a look here." Mr. Okada picks up my textbook and scans through the pages, I feel a lump in my throat as I brace myself for his feedback.

"Not bad, you've improved." I'm a little shocked by this but I maintain my posture.

"Thank you sir." He places the book down and looks me over. What he asks next is rather unexpected.

"Say, how's your Uncle?"

Wha- What?

"Uh, he's good I guess. I'm gonna talk to him later." Mr. Okada nods and scoffs a little.

"Enjoy your break Susumu." He mutters angrily to himself and walks off. Does he know Uncle? Are the two of them old acquaintances or something? This surprisingly doesn't sound implausible, I can actually imagine my Uncle knowing some bad people, given his past and all.

Well, it doesn't matter.

I pack my bag, grab my crutch off the floor and exit the classroom. I notice Nakajima standing outside his classroom with Iwasaki, they both seem to be talking to what looks like third years. Student council business maybe? I make my way towards the lift and before long I'm in the cafeteria. I can't find Takashi anywhere so I decide to eat alone, could of really used his hands here. Now I'm gonna have to carry everything in my pockets...

I accept my fate and stand in line. I hope I won't be late to class. The last thing I need is Mr. Okada nailing me to the blackboard and using me to set some kind of example.


It's currently late afternoon and I'm standing outside the school gates, looking over the text I got. It still creeps me out that Takashi actually likes a place like the Shanghai, I thought he would be more of a Ramen kind of guy. Oh well, I put my phone away and start the descent down the hill.

I always hated going down this road, I'm always scared that I'm gonna fall down at some point and get run over by some middle-aged man in a pickup. Even climbing up this road is a nightmare for me, I guess I just can't win.

Despite the large amount of focus I have to maintain whilst hopping, the walk isn't all that bad. The weathers rather pleasant at this time of day, people walk up and down the sidewalks. Some of them stopping just to admire the scenery, Can't blame them for that. One of the biggest selling points for me when I was still thinking about where I was going to go was this area. Yamaku is built in a lovely spot, and the town below is just an added bonus.

The people who live down here are very friendly, some of them have been here for years while others have just recently moved in. It's a nice atmosphere, completely different from where I grew up.

Wiping the sweat off my forehead I spot the familiar teahouse, I push open the door and begin looking around for a blonde headed high school student. I spot him instantly and begin moving, A red headed man stops me.

"Welcome to the Sha- Oh! Kichirou. You here with Takashi?" It's Hironori, He works here.

"Hey Hiro. Yeah, I'm with him today." Hironori smiles and nods and looks around for a menu as I approach Takashi.

He notices me and waves me over, I sit down in the booth and place my crutch next to me. Hironori appears before us, I order a soft drink and take the menu from him. He gives me a thumbs up and walks off.

"Took you long enough bro." I sigh while glancing through the many different food items on sale.

"Well sorry I can't run down the hill." I sigh and finally find what I want.

"Anyway," I place the menu down. "It looks like we've got the dragon as our teacher again this year."

Takashi sips from his milkshake and nods, "Yep, I really thought they would of caught the obvious wanted criminal posing as a school teacher by now."

I laugh as Hironori returns with my drink, I thank him and order a simple turkey sandwich.

"You got it!" He runs off and I place the straw in my drink, the sugar rushes through my body. I sigh and lean back, staring at the ceiling happily.

"You know, I'm glad to be back."

"I was kind of bored over the holiday."

"Well, we've got a whole lot ahead of us now. Who knows, I might just get a girlfriend." Takashi stares off dramatically, probably hoping for that said girl to just walk into this tea house. Always about you hey Taka? I throw the straw wrapping at him and chuckle.

"Not gonna happen." Takashi flicks the wrapping back at me.

"Just you wait man, I'm gonna do it this year."

"Imagine, my second year of high school. Perfect test scores in one hand and a bombshell babe in the other."

"Only one of those will probably come true, and it isn't gonna be the girl." Takashi flips me off while I laugh.

Hironori walks over with a plate of chicken kebabs in one hand and my turkey sandwich. He puts them down and bows before running off again.

I look over my chair, looks like its gonna be a slow day for him. There is only a few people here right now, but I do know that this place gets fairly busy at night.

I take a bite of my sandwich, still tastes as great as ever. Simple, yet five star all at the same time. But then again, I am an easy guy to please.

Takashi speaks up with two kebab sticks in his mouth, "So, you know what you're gonna do in the future?" That's a random question.

I haven't really thought about the future for a long time now. Better make something up, "I dunno, graduate, get a job maybe. Nothing special." Takashi nods while sticking another kebab in his mouth.

"Well, it's not that important right now. You've got time." Takashi finishes off his milkshake, with the kebab sticks all piled to one side. Take them out already idiot, the meat is gone.

But do I really have time? I briefly remember what I said at the graveyard. Maybe I should start considering my future more seriously. I finish my sandwich and stretch slightly, sighing in content. Takashi's already finished his meal and is currently browsing his phone.

Takashi puts his phone away after some time and speaks up, "So, you're heading to Aura-mart after this right?"

"Huh? Yeah, I'm gonna get some snacks and stuff."

"Yo, while you're there, can you get me a-"

"I'm not gonna get you a porn mag Takashi Yamaguchi!" I make sure to shout, it works wonders as everyone in the building looks oddly at Takashi. He shrinks under their gazes and looks at me with hatred.

"Whatever! Anyway, the bill's on you!" Before I can object Takashi as he grabs his bag and run out. Damn it, that asshole.

I sigh and call Hironori over, "Guess I'm paying." Hironori gives a look that seems to say 'it can't be helped' while I hand him the money.

I thank him and wave goodbye as I limp out of the door. Well, lets get going.


The teller greets me as I enter, I hook my handless arm under the handle of one of the shops baskets. At least I can use this arm for something. I browse the store, grabbing a few things here and there. I wander over to the magazine section out of curiosty, I hear the teller greeting someone else as I look through several different mags. I notice the x-rated stuff near the top, I look around the store and try to get a glimpse of the covers.

... Just cause I refuse to get Takashi one, doesn't mean I can't get it for myself. I reach out slowly.

"Hey Fuku, where's the-"

Someone bumps into me, I almost jump out of my skin. The collison wasn't major but it was enough for me to fall into the magazine section, my grip on my crutch fails and I fall awkwardly to the floor. I groan as pain shoots through my body.

I hear two people shriek, one of them hovers over me in a panic.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Are you ok?!"

What I am met with is incredibly pleasant, I can't see her face but I can definitly see her chest, I can also just make out the lines of a bra doing its best to secure its hefty cargo.

For a few seconds I almost forget the pain in my side. Wait a minute here, I know these two...

They're in my class.
Last edited by RidiculousLuke on Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
Luke of the Ridiculous variety, author of Puppet Show.

(There's also the Old Version of Puppet Show, if you really want to read it.)

"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." - Hunter S. Thompson
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Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] [UPDATED: Chapter Three]

Post by RidiculousLuke »

Just a little update, Chapter Four is on it's way but for now here's a little side work.

I like to draw my characters before I write them, I feel it's easier to visualize the scenes when I know what they look like so here's the first two:

Kichirou on the left, and Takashi on the Right.
Kichirou and Takashi 1 smaller 3.jpg
Kichirou and Takashi 1 smaller 3.jpg (242.41 KiB) Viewed 8535 times
Luke of the Ridiculous variety, author of Puppet Show.

(There's also the Old Version of Puppet Show, if you really want to read it.)

"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." - Hunter S. Thompson
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Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] [UPDATED: Chapter Three]

Post by HoneyBakedHam »

What's Taka's condition? Either I keep missing it or it hasn't been said yet.
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Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] [UPDATED: Chapter Three]

Post by RidiculousLuke »

What's Taka's condition? Either I keep missing it or it hasn't been said yet.
No one has mentioned it yet in the story, but a hint is in the third chapter :)
Luke of the Ridiculous variety, author of Puppet Show.

(There's also the Old Version of Puppet Show, if you really want to read it.)

"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." - Hunter S. Thompson
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Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] [UPDATED: Chapter Three]

Post by azumeow »

Takashi needs to stop skipping leg day, yo.
"I don’t want to be here anymore, I know there’s nothing left worth staying for.
Your paradise is something I’ve endured
See I don’t think I can fight this anymore, I’m listening with one foot out the door
And something has to die to be reborn-I don’t want to be here anymore"
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Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] [UPDATED: Chapter Three]

Post by HoneyBakedHam »

Ahhh...I think I know what it is now. ;)
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