Emi inspired running/workout

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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by Xin »

It's my first time on the forums, and I haven't read all 178 pages of this thread, but I wanted to share that I too have started running. Not because of Emi, but because of Hisao. I have just the slightest heart condition, and Hisao's initial determination to push through and run every single freaking weekday really inspired me. As it so happened, my martial arts group were going for runs at 6:30 the day after I started Emi's storyline, and so when I ran one mile in 12 minutes I felt utterly triumphant that I had achieved what Hisao had. My legs were so sore the next day I had a bit of trouble walking, especially when going down stairs, but I got up early the next day to do it again anyway. And the day after that. And that. It's been 7 week days now (weekends off, like Emi!) and I'm going strong. It feels so invigorating to breathe the fresh air and meet the first rays of the day.

Perhaps I'm overtraining. But more important to me right now is the spirit, the attitude, of just getting up and doing it. So many of us struggle to find motivation to take the first step, so I don't want to yield so readily when it gets a little tough. But I'll also work hard to ensure I don't create any strains or injuries - after all, the goal of exercise is probably health rather than pain!
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by SpunkySix »

Good to hear, Xin. Keep it up!
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by metalangel »

Hi Xin, and congrats on what you've achieved so far. Once you get going, it's hard to stop.

My little update (I'd forgotten about this thread)

I've been going three times a week. Tonight I got to the gym, realized I'd forgotten my shorts, swore, and went home. I ate dinner, sat and looked around my apartment, and thought "screw it" and went back to the gym.

I did a freakin' HOUR on the elliptical with it keeping my heart rate in the sweet spot of 149bpm. Burned most of the stress away, though I could have done without it nagging me to put my hands back on the sensors every time I so much as wiped my brow or scratched my nose (or sent a text). That burned off all of dinner, basically (the readout estimated 905 calories). Did a few weight machines for my arms, back and shoulders, then used the back massage chair and went home. It would have been so easy to have just sat on my ass all evening and accomplished nothing.

So far it's been pretty good. I've only had one painful thing: my right bicep was sore for a few days because I hadn't heeded the personal trainer's advice to rise out of the seat when releasing the bar after doing your set on the bicep curl machine (if you hold on to it while remaining seated, it might overextend your elbow and that's exactly what I did.) I'm trying to work on the left arm a bit more since the non-dominant arm tends to be weaker.

On the weekend I took my 3DS with me. This was a great idea - I played a ton of Etrian Odyssey 4 while on the stationary bike and was so engrossed I just kept going not realizing I was pedalling about 5 rpm faster than I usually do for the whole hour. Sweating was a minor problem but I always have a towel with me so no big deal.

Overall, I'm happy with it all. A more varied workout than I was getting before, plus weights, plus all the cute little gym bunnies in their yoga pants to not look at in an obvious way, plus when summer rolls around it'll be more convenient to go during the weekday than going out for a bike ride is. My weight is currently holding steady, so far as I can tell - I usually weigh myself in the morning, not the evening.
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by AaronIsCrunchy »

Hope it's still going well for you metalangel :)

I've slacked on the running front :( After making so much progress last year, I lost all motivation to do anything around November time and I haven't been able to pick up properly since. I should really look at getting myself back into some kind of routine, but I think I need to set myself clearly defined targets as I think that's why I lost interest first time round (that and a change of location from woodland to city). I went for one a few days ago and I can still run for 30 min straight but it's really tough. Is it better to set targets after this on time or distance? :)
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by metalangel »

I'm going to the gym three times a week. I've just started a new routine, which is:

10 minutes warmup (elliptical) to get my heart rate up.
the circuit of machines which work everything, start with the back and legs and then going via the chest to the arms and finally abs.
free weights, with a bit of focus on my non-dominant arm
30-45 mins cardio (usually elliptical)

The reasoning being any number of articles citing you want to burn the glycogen in your muscles doing weights, not cardio.
http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/ask-the ... ights.html
http://www.shapefit.com/exercise/bodybu ... rm-up.html

When I did this on Saturday, for example, I was able to lift more, with more reps. Then I did the elliptical. Then I sat on the massage chair and felt freakin' awesome.

My BFF got me a smoothie maker for my birthday, so I've started making those (with a scoop of protein and a ton of fruit) for breakfast on gym days. I still haven't gotten around to getting a shaker and a cup so I can bring those things with me to the gym because I'm a dope.

Weight is holding steady. My current plan is to keep on like this until the spring when I can start doing my epic bike rides again, and then cut out my weekend gym trips and make those during the week more focused on weights.
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by sean hyer »

I actually came on here to say thank you to the KS team, and wow there are like a bazillion other people here. It is good to know I am not alone

I am going to be very rude here and write this to get stuff off my chest. I am writing it for me to write, not for you to read. You don't have to read it.

I picked this as the thread to reply to since Emi has inspired me to start running, not once, but twice. Where to begin?
I always loved running. As far back as I can remember. I could list half a hundred moments, fragments of memory. But it doesn't matter. What matters is that running was mine. Every aching breath, pounding heartbeat, gasping laugh. It was mine.

The thing is, while I was always good at running, I never really made a serious go of it. And then I stumbled across KS right after it came out, and even though I had never played a VN before I decided to give it a go. And I saw myself in Emi, or maybe what I would like to be. So I started running more. Not competitively, not as part of a team or anything. Just for me, alone. I decided I would run a 5-minute mile.

And then, about two years ago, and jeez it should not still be hard to talk about this, I fell off a cliff. I broke my back in four places, both feet and one ankle. I lived though, and I am fine now. I can do everything. Don't worry. But the thing is, the doctors were very worried about my back, and the fact my body was going into shock and I was very ill and they thought I was going to die, and ignored the rest of me. So it was left to heal on its own.

Now, feet heal fine like that. They aren't perfect, but they are fine. Ankles don't. So I got back to England and saw the doctors there, and they poked and prodded and said 'The doctors did a great job. But your ankle is frakked and you will never run again.' And I did not want to hear that. I will tell you now what I never told anyone. I really did consider suicide there. All the silly little worries. Girlfriend left. 2 year expected recovery time. Wear a back brace. Miss a year of school, and lose all your friends. And now this. But I have never given up easily. I had lost so much and I was not losing running. So I fought. I did physiotherapy for years, for longer than I worked towards my back. I fought, and I won.

But then, I went to run again. And it wasn't the same. For one thing, I told you I had always been good at running. When I started seriously, I could run a couple miles (never measured it exactly) with no problem whatsoever. And now, for the first time in my life, I am out of shape. Not fat, just completely without muscle. Spending a year and a half in bed rest will do that to you. So rather than being able to RUN, I can kind of jog a quarter mile and then be tired. But that wasn't the main problem. The main problem was that, even though I had fixed my ankle so I could run on it, it twinged with pain with every step. A constant reminder of how much I had lost. It stole the joy and energy, and replaced it with foul memories.

So I carried on with my life (without running), and slowly started to forget my fire. And yes, I was fine, but anyone who knew me could tell you I wasn't ALIVE. The smiles and easy humour were gone, replaced by tired, bitter sarcasm. I was getting better, though. Trying to be happier. I decided to smile, and those smiles were turning from fake forced things into small real ones. And more than that. I had decided my accident did not have to define me. It was just a thing that had happened. I didn't have to be Sean, who fell off a cliff. I could just be Sean.

And then, I booted up my old computer so I could pull any files I needed off of it. And I saw the old bandaid heart icon, and I thought 'why not?' I had some time to kill, and I remembered the game fondly. So I started playing. And oh. My. God. I played Emi's route first, of course, because that was my favorite. And somewhere down the line, I stopped doing it for amusement, and started just desperately reading on, tears rolling down my face, just, just needing to know what came next. And my whole outlook shifted a bit. And, and and I can give you lines. From her story. "Look, there's something you absolutely must understand about the way Emi thinks about the accident. It wasn't a big deal." And I remember reading this the first time, and being kind of confused, and then moving on. And I had thought I was like Emi before, or maybe wanted to be like her. And now here I am having made the exact same decision. And it is so crazy and so stupid and so wrong and so RIGHT, and who did they have writing this game?

Anyway. I finished, wiped my eyes, got up, pulled on my old forgotten running shoes, and went outside. And I ran. And I can RUN. Take off, laughing for joy, grinning my challenge back at the world. So thank you, if you are reading this. Thank you for giving me back running. Thank you more than words can say. I want to scream my victory and exultation, but that would be weird, so instead I am here writing this. Trying not to laugh, and trying not to cry, and failing at both.

But you know what? I think I'm going to be all right.

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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by AaronIsCrunchy »

Due to a mixture of being busy and fear, I went for a run today for the first time since the end of January. Basically, I realised how much I enjoyed running and how much of a difference it made to my happiness, and so figured that I'm now going to run 3-4 times a week again like I used to. I guessed my stamina would have decreased so I opted for a 3-5-3-5 with 1.5, 2.5 and 1.5 minute breaks inbetween but... well.

By the end of the first 3 minutes I felt tired. I was genuinely concerned at the end of the first 5 minutes due to incredible pain in my chest (I don't think I've ever felt anything like it), but I decided to finish the routine anyway. By the end the chest pain had gone but the stitch I had was unbelievable, and when I finished I got back to my room and burst into tears; although I'd managed to finish it, given not 6 months ago I could run 45 minutes and not think much of it the fact that such a simple run had taken so much out of me the sense of disappointment was overwhelming.

I really should go to the doctors about my chest though.
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by Razoredge »

I have two weeks of Emi's push-up challenge behind me, it's not really hard, and I want start the Couch to 5K. I must say one thing : I'm not this kind of guy who like to run. Running in High School was like a sentence for me, not a pleasure. But I want to stay in shape, and Emi state of mind is a kind of motivation for me. I really hope that I can stand this running routine. I really hope...

So.... I must start :D
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by AaronIsCrunchy »

Razoredge wrote:I have two weeks of Emi's push-up challenge behind me, it's not really hard, and I want start the Couch to 5K. I must say one thing : I'm not this kind of guy who like to run. Running in High School was like a sentence for me, not a pleasure. But I want to stay in shape, and Emi state of mind is a kind of motivation for me. I really hope that I can stand this running routine. I really hope...

So.... I must start :D
And start you should! And stick at it!
But seriously, you'll quickly experience the almost masochistic pleasures in pushing yourself that little bit harder with each run I'm sure ;)
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by metalangel »

My status is as follows:
-Currently 180lbs. Gained a bit over the winter, but I still need to do my belt up tight and I have so much excess belt that it needs to be looped around itself or it hangs loose! Nice.
-I go for long bike rides again every weekend, now that the weather is warm. I think I hit a new record last weekend, 58.3km. My legs were in agony for the final stretch home, I had to cut it short or I’d have probably gone over 60km.
-Doing weights twice during the week after work. Somewhat noticeable physical change, but the real gains are in terms of what I’m able to do. I have increased just about every machine by 20lbs if not more since I started. I think a fair amount of that small weight gain is muscle :D
-With my BFF’s guidance I am now doing squats and lunges while at the gym too. The first time I could barely walk for three days afterwards, but haven’t had a problem since. Both are extremely taxing workouts and I highly recommend them if you want to feel super exhausted and happy afterwards!

Remember, folks, fitness has to be a lifestyle change. You have to find time and motivation to cram all this stuff into your life but it eventually becomes just part of your routine. Bringing your gym bag, spending a few hours at the gym, going running, entering stuff into your fitness app.
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by metalangel »

Very good article on how willpower is only a small part of fitness.

http://dicktalens.us3.list-manage2.com/ ... 1f9a62c701
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by AaronIsCrunchy »

metalangel wrote:Very good article on how willpower is only a small part of fitness.

http://dicktalens.us3.list-manage2.com/ ... 1f9a62c701
Brilliant article this. I don't know if the Biggest Loser has made it over here in the UK yet, but what I've seen of it I'd say the author has made some very good points as to its problems. Never thought about my fitness from a positive feedback loop perspective - it's made me wonder what I'm really trying to achieve more than anything.
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by Charmant »

Looks like everyone's gotten lazy. :P

Gave myself a headache pushing things too far today. :( Gotta retool my workout routine.
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by Hoitash »

Charmant wrote:Looks like everyone's gotten lazy. :P

Gave myself a headache pushing things too far today. :( Gotta retool my workout routine.
I've had close calls with headaches in the past. Right now my real enemy is the 85+ degree F weather. With 60% humidity.
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by Charmant »

Hoitash wrote:
Charmant wrote:Looks like everyone's gotten lazy. :P

Gave myself a headache pushing things too far today. :( Gotta retool my workout routine.
I've had close calls with headaches in the past. Right now my real enemy is the 85+ degree F weather. With 60% humidity.
This is why I scrapped Emi's 'running' thing and went with a general exercise routine. I can do that fine indoors. Plus there are no proper running tracks outside of schools and running on concrete is seriously bad for the shins and knees.
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