Can You Remember Me? An Amnesiac Story [Updated 10/26/15]


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Re: Can You Remember Me? An Amnesiac Story

Post by bubeez »

Thanks for the compliment! :)

Newest chapter in 1-2 days!
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Re: Can You Remember Me? An Amnesiac Story

Post by bubeez »

Can You Remember Me? Chapter 6


Hisao and I are stopped by the blue-haired girl I saw in class the other day. Just a second ago, she tried to use sign language on Hisao and I, the moment we walked through the gate at Yamaku. She threw her hands into the air in defeat, and is now pouting at us with her arms crossed.

Hisao attempts contact.

“Shizune? Is Misha around here?” Hisao says slowly, mouthing his words carefully and with precision.

Oh. So her name is Shizune, and Hisao knows her. The pieces of the puzzle are coming together. Shizune shows no sign of understanding, only shrugging slightly. She hasn’t really looked at me specifically, only addressing Hisao. But I can feel her indifference emanating towards me... I wonder why? Have she and I talked before?

Hisao is still playing charades with her.

“Misha. Pink. Drills.” He mockingly puts his fingers in his bangs and makes spirals with them, following the side of his face. “Miiiiishhhaaa.”

Shizune nods this time, in some form of understanding. She grabs Hisao’s hand and... wait! What?!

Hisao is just as surprised as I am. “What are you- ahhh!”

Shizune is dragging him away into the main school building with amazing speed. She isn’t looking back at me or at the boy she is dragging around with her. Hisao is on his feet, but is forced to stagger along with Shizune’s pace. Just as they reach the door, Hisao takes one last apologetic look at me. They’re both through the doors now, leaving me on the grass outside. Just as the door fully shuts, I see Shizune turn back and stare straight at me, past Hisao’s shoulder. Our eyes lock in a death gaze as the door finally closes.

What is her problem? Did I offend her ancestors or something? Do I smell weird?

Whatever it may be, she just happened to steal Hisao from right under me. I’m not sure why I feel so annoyed by that...

I take off my hoodie and sit down under a tree. Hisao and Shizune have disappeared into the school. It’s now mid-day, and the cold morning has turned into a warm, lazy weekend vibe. I wonder if waking up so early was a bad idea. I feel completely drained after all of that walking...

Maybe i’ll just copy Suzu and fall asleep...
I wake up under the same tree but a different sun. This one seems to be setting already. Wait, what? How long have I been out?

I’m lying down, looking at the sideways sky. Just a few clouds are accompanying the orange sunset, and the view is completely clear. The hill that Yamaku sits on is quite a calm setting... like taking a break among the clouds. A slight breeze picks up and ruffles my hair around.

I’m too relaxed to get up, and I take in the nature. I may be all about the veil of darkness and the allure of night, but the light isn’t so bad every once in a while.

This feels so unlike the moment on the rooftop, where I cursed the sun for knowing its identity. Maybe it doesn’t know. Maybe it doesn’t need to. It just needs to keep on shining...

I realize now that the grass isn’t tickling my face, even though I’m lying down on it. I feel something warm press against my cheek instead.

I feel something soft glide over my face. It feels like some sort of cloth. I still don’t have the motivation to move around, but I make a small groan to tell whoever it is that I’m conscious.

Perhaps I should be more cautious, being on some stranger’s lap. She probably doesn’t mind, whoever she is. Probably Suzu or Miki. Now I feel a hand glide over my other cheek. If it’s one of them, who cares?

I’m still staring at the sunset, and whoever I’m with is in complete silence as well. I guess the view is that mesmerizing. I’m completely awake now. I take a look down towards the grass, and I get a glimpse of the legs of whoever is with me. To my horror, my eyes meet a pair of pants. This is a boy’s uniform!

What am I doing on a boy’s lap?! I don’t even know any boys at this school, unless it’s...

I feel a hand brush my face again; he certainly has soft skin. Wait, what am I doing?! I straighten up immediately, off of the mystery lap. I look at the mystery guy, who’s not very far from my own face.

Two large green eyes are peering down at me... very closely. This situation feels familiar, and those eyes are unmistakable... Rin!


My eyes widen in surprise. “R-Rin?! What are you doing?”

“You were sleeping.”

“Oh...” I let out a sigh, and my heart rate slows. The thought of being on Hisao’s lap is ridiculous at best. I mean, we’ve known each other for just a few hours. Right? I push the thought away. Something else feels off here... if I was on Rin’s lap... who’s hand was on my cheek?

From behind Rin’s shoulder, on the other side of her, I hear a tiny laugh escape.

“Hahaha! I think she finally figured it out!” I hear a friendly voice say. I know that voice... its Comet. The girl who helped me get back to class the other day. She’s as positive as ever. Rin says nothing in reply, only looking up at Comet curiously.

I decide to finally investigate just what’s going on. “What happened just now?”

Emi comes out of hiding from behind Rin’s shoulder and looks at me. “Well... Rin found you like that earlier, and she asked me to help her.”

Rin nods in agreement, leaving me still confused. “Help with what?” I ask.

“Well...” Emi says, giving her best impression of Rin she can and making air quotes with her fingers, “Rin said, ‘I want to wake up my girlfriend. But I need your hands.’ So here I am!”

Emi shows off her hands triumphantly, giving the air some vigorous jazz hands, and a few sound effects for good measure. How can she be so upbeat in such a sleepy place? Just being here is lulling me to sleep...

Rin seems unfazed by anything, but somehow content at the same time. Probably congratulating herself for waking me up comfortably, in her own way. We all take in the nice afternoon air.

After a while, I glance at Rin, who still hasn’t moved from under the tree. She seems to be thinking deeply about something; Emi, meanwhile, is pulling on the grass under her. Not out of boredom, but out of the need to do something.

Rin is the first to speak in a long bout of silence. “I think that I thought you did not know Emi, but you do.”

I didn’t know breaking the silence could be handled so awkwardly. “You mean that you used to think that and remembered it, or that you just thought that you used to think like that?” I ask Rin, mainly as a joke. Even she must know that question made no sense at all and that it was just to push her buttons.

Emi and I look at each other with a grin. Well, at least she gets it. Meanwhile, Rin hasn’t moved in a while. Is she even breathing?

Rin is staring directly in front of her, towards the horizon. She’s muttering something barely audible. “Did I think that I used to think that or did I know that when I thought that I must have been thinking that I had thought that-”

Emi and I stare at her, slightly shocked that Rin is so deep in thought about nonsense. Maybe I underestimated Rin’s ability for absurd critical analysis.

Emi decides to ignore the still-whispering Rin, who has disappeared into her own little world. She looks at me. “Anyway, Seiki. You told Rin you had no idea who I was!”

Ahh. I suppose I did, the day I was in that room with Rin. The crime scene of the theft of my first kiss. No time to dwell on the past, though.

I turn to Emi. “Yeah, but that was a while ago. I remember you now, but I probably didn’t remember you then.” I scratch my head apologetically. “Sorry. My memory tends to dip up and down; I don’t know when a memory will pop back up...”

Emi pouts harder and whines. “Hmmm.... Well! At least you only lost that memory for a little while! It would be a shame if you forgot the legendary hero, Comet.”

I smile back. I remember why I like her. She rebounds from everything with double the force. “Ahh. So you remember the nickname. Well, legendary hero, have you made one for me yet?”

Emi perks up and takes out a piece of paper out of nowhere. A small list of names is printed on the paper, in very girly cursive. And in pink pen. Either way, I wordlessly take the small list. Names like “Forget-Me-Not” and “Super Seiki” are already crossed out. I appreciate her effort, though. I never imagined someone would do something like this for me. I fold the paper and put it in the pocket of my hoodie, to read later.

“Thanks, Comet. I’ll look at them later.” I smile to a dear friend of mine. Emi nods and smiles as she fastens the attachments to her metal legs. Funny, I didn’t even remember she had no legs until now. She’s just... so normal. She even makes me feel like I can be normal, through pure inspiration. No matter how negative I get, she can’t help but find the positive.

I take a look at Rin, who is still staring out into the darkening sky. Her words are slower, but have remained completely nonsensical. “But did I only think that I thought that once?... Or... am I thinking that I had thought it but now I don’t think that I had thought it...?” She finally breaks eye contact with the darkness to take a glance at me. The wonder in her eyes is still there; it has merely moved from interest in the sky to interest in my own eyes.

Rin is strange, but a nice person. She let me sleep on her lap, safe from creeps. Or is she the creep in this situation? I can’t help but automatically forgive her. Rin just being Rin. I like her unwavering strangeness; I wonder if she understands that herself. I mean, the first time we met, she did call herself strange. But I never asked if she was happy being strange all the time.

Emi gets up from the grass. “Well, Rin and I have to get going. I think she would tell you that too, if you didn’t completely blow her mind.”

Rin also gets up, but doesn’t relent from her madness. She has a thousand-yard stare as she joins Emi’s side, still talking to herself. However, I notice a small gap in her talking, as if she mouthed “Bye.” Good enough for me. I wave goodbye to the two of them as they head in the direction of the girl’s dorm.

I find myself still glued to this tree. I don’t even remember what I was doing here in the first place, or why I chose this place to fall asleep. Maybe I should take some time and piece it all together. Let’s see... I walked into town this morning. I fell into some sort of tea house... the Shanghai. I met.,. err... oh! Hanako. And I saw Lilly again today too. I also promised Yuuko I would go to the library. Then I met Lilly’s sister, Akira...

And then I just went back to Yamaku? Was it luck that I made it back here? Or am I missing something? I don’t remember much in between leaving the Shanghai and waking up here with Rin and Emi. And here I am now. Just sitting and letting the wind blow again. Oh well. Today was such a fun day, I think I’ll just forgive my brain for letting a few hours fade from memory...

I tuck into a ball under the tree, hugging my legs and letting my head rest on my knees. There isn’t much sun left in the sky, but there’s still an orange tinge that has yet to become blue.

While I take it all in, I see a pair of legs come into view in front me. It’s a boy’s uniform. Did Rin come back?

A voice comes from above that I have yet to meet. “Hey, Seiki. Have you been waiting here all this time?”

I take a look up at this new stranger. He has brown, gray hair. And I’ve seen those eyes before. It’s...uhh... it’s the guy I saw in class the other day! The one who took my seat! But... does he even know me? Maybe he knows me just from being in class together... Whatever it is, I’m slightly creeped out.

I decide to act normally and see what happens. “Umm... hi there.”

This guy seems kind of strange... he’s giving me a strange look, at least. I don’t like it all that much. Is there something on my face?

After a slight pause and momentary confusion, he continues talking. “Sorry about earlier. Shizune dragged me out of our nice conversation just to have me do some Student Council work. She really is pushy, you know?” He lets out a small sigh at his own expense. “I’m glad you’re signing me up for Physics Club now.”

I’m left there, speechless. This guy obviously knows me to some extent. Maybe now would be a good time to tell him I have no idea who he is... No. I’m not going to ruin today. I’ll be bold and pretend I know the situation until I have this all figured out. Why sour the mood of the sunset.

I shoot a nervous smile to the stranger. “Ha, yeah... the Student Council is a little scary, huh?”

He shrugs slightly. At least he’s not giving me that strange look anymore. “Yeah. But Shizune and Misha are nice people. They’re just a little tough to deal with.”

I give him the most generic answer I can think of. “Yeah, I can see that.”

He is still standing over me, looking out into the sky just ahead of us. I wonder what he thinks I know about him. I wonder what he knows about me. For starters, he has my name. He has the upper ground here. I’d better talk as little as possible.

He continues. “Anyway, thanks for having my back at the Shanghai earlier. Team Coffee was on fire.” He kicks the grass under him shyly, as if saying that took a great effort on his part.

I feel terrible for lying to him, but I’m afraid that letting him know the truth. How do you just tell someone you have no clue what they are talking about, when they’re talking about all the fun they had with you?

I feel a lump in my throat as I speak. “I had a lot of fun today. It was nice...” I trail off, with not much else to say.

The guy takes one last look at the sky before turning to me. “Well, I’d better go now. Maybe I’ll see you at the festival?”

I nod. “Yeah, I hope so.” I give him an exaggerated smile for good measure. Well, he seems pretty normal. I wonder how different our memories are... This seems to be my only recollection of him, apart from seeing him through the classroom window. But it sounds like he was at the Shanghai, too... And maybe after the Shanghai as well?

Just as he’s about to take his first step towards the boy’s dorm, he shrugs his shoulders and turns around again, facing me. I’m still sitting on the ground.

He clears his throat. “Actually... I wanted to ask you something else, too.”

I finally stand up, ready to leave as well. I stretch my back as I talk to him. “What is it?”

“Would you go with me to the festival, Seiki?” He asks, kicking the grass under him yet again.

I lose balance during my stretch and almost fall over, and I put a hand on the tree to catch myself. What did he just say?! And why!?

He notices my embarrassing shock and quickly adds on to his question. “... Uhh, you know. For getting me into Physics club and everything. I kind of owe you, don’t I?” He says surprisingly calmly.

I don’t know much about him, but he does seem nice. And he did get a little flustered about asking me... that’s kind of cute. I guess it wouldn’t be so bad if I asked Lilly or Hanako what happened at the Shanghai. For a little perspective before the festival. I’ll think of it as a blind date, or something.

I give him a nod, my hands in my hoodie. “Okay. I’ll go with you. Do you want to meet here, or something?” I am quite fond of this tree now; who knew it was such a great place for a nap?

He smiles and relaxes his shoulders. “Alright, that sounds perfect. I’ll find you here as soon as the festival starts.” He touches the tree and smiles. “I’m glad I don’t have to spend the festival with my roommate. He’s kind of... crazy.”

I can’t help but think of Rin at the mention of ‘crazy.’ Anyway, going to the festival with him might not be so bad. I’ll have plenty of time to track down Lilly or Hanako to ask what happened. Even so, there’s a chance I’ll just remember as well; just like with Emi. With luck.

“Oh, by the way. What day is the festival?” I feel pretty calm now, even if he is a stranger.

He looks at me with a slightly puzzled look. “You don’t know? It’s tomorrow.”

Okay, time to panic. Panic panic panic. How am I going to do find Lilly or Hanako in that time?! Or what if I really forgot what happened at the Shanghai that day?! That’s even worse! But... I already said I would go with him, even if I have no idea what the ‘Physics Club’ is or how exactly I got him into it.

Either way, now is not the time to hurt someone’s feelings. I already said yes. Maybe this can just work out.

I look at him and smile. “Sorry, I’m not in the Student Council! I don’t keep track of that stuff.” I say, laughing. Here I am, using the only information I know about him... is this a little unfair?

He laughs with me and says goodbye one more time before finally walking away towards the boy’s dorm. I head the other way, where Rin and Emi also left a few moments ago.

I head to Suzu’s room, giving the door a hard knock. Luckily, I remembered where it is today.

I hear a mumble from inside the room. The sound of someone very sleepy, even when it’s so early in the night. I must be in the right place. I wait for Suzu to open the door so I can ask her for advice on the mystery guy.

No, I was not in the right place. I’m greeted by a girl with bright pink hair. It’s also very messy and all over the place. The tired girl looks up at me, half-asleep. Her pajamas match her hair and look very comfortable.

She’s the first to talk, after rubbing her eyes. “...Seiki...?” she says, sleepily- almost in the same strand as Suzu.

I’m surprised she knows me. She looks at me up and down, while I just stand there and wait. She stretches and talks to me again, in a much more upbeat tone. “What’s up? Did you need something~?”

I stand there awkwardly. I think I’ve figured out who this is... Well, she’s in my class. That’s about all I can recognize. “Umm... not really... sorry for waking you up.” I smile innocently and begin to back away.

Before I’ve taken a few steps, I hear her say something to me. “Shizune is still mad at you, you know~!”

I stop in my tracks. First of all, why is this person mad at me?! Second, that guy said that name when we talked earlier. He said Shizune dragged him to the Student Council.

I decide to not worry about why this person is mad at me. I turn around and face the girl again, determined to get some intel. “What’s your name again? I’m sorry if we’ve met. My memory isn’t very good.”

She looks slightly concerned, but it looks like she’s dropping the subject. “It’s okay~. My name is Misha. We’re in the same class. But yeah, Shicchan is pretty mad at you. I called her Shizune in case you didn’t know who I was talking about~”

Sorry, but even if you called her Shizune, I would have no idea what you’re talking about. Anyway, I want information about the guy, not this Shizune. I’ll settle that problem later. I know my chances are slim, but I should at least try. “Did you happen to see Shizune with a guy today?”

Misha rubs her temples contemplatively. “Do you mean Hicchan~?”
Hicchan? Could that be him? But, if her naming system is as rigid as it seems, that’s not his real name. “What’s his real name, again?”

Misha lets out a big laugh. “Wahaha~! How could you not know him? He’s in our class~. Hisao Nakai.”

Intel retrieved. His name is Hisao. Now I’m getting somewhere. “Thanks, Misha. I’ll let you sleep, then.”

Misha looks back into her room, eyeing her bed. “Okay~! Make sure you talk to Shizune some time~!” She gives me a wink and goes back into her room, where her lights immediately go out and she begins snoring.

I begin walking back down the hallway, checking my sleeve for my room number. It’s become second nature to do this now. It seems a little pathetic that I just learned the name of someone who thinks I’m their friend. But what choice do I have? He was so happy about talking about the Shanghai...

I need to find Lilly or Hanako before the festival tomorrow and find out exactly what happened. Maybe it’ll jog my memory back in place. Oh, and I could really use a shower.
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Re: Can You Remember Me? An Amnesiac Story

Post by brythain »

Excellent work again. You're spinning a fascinating tale here. However when I saw 'I wake up under the same tree but a different sun', I was prepared for time travel into the distant future, or perhaps abduction of Yamaku by aliens. ;)
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
Main Index (Complete)Shizune/Lilly/Emi/Hanako/Rin/Misha + Miki + Natsume
Secondary Arcs: Rika/Mutou/AkiraHideaki | Others (WIP): Straw—A Dream of SuzuSakura—The Kenji Saga.
"Much has been lost, and there is much left to lose." — Tim Powers, The Drawing of the Dark (1979)
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Re: Can You Remember Me? An Amnesiac Story

Post by bubeez »

Thank you! :)

Let's save aliens and time-travelling for another fan-fiction! Haha
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Re: Can You Remember Me? An Amnesiac Story

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Okay, first of all, if there are six weeks between updates, it's kind of inconvenient if the new chapter starts in the middle of something and you don't know where or when you are. I reread the end of the previous chapter, but it seems you inserted an unannounced time-skip that confused the hell out of me.
bubeez wrote: she tried to use sign language on Hisao and I
Hisao and me

That was the only thing that stuck out to me.

Was a very fun chapter. I hope she's going to write her plans for the next day down - or Hisao will be waiting beneath that tree in vain…
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Can You Remember Me? An Amnesiac Story

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Loved it. The whole conversation with Hisao when she couldn't remember who he was was great. And if I were to guess(unless this has been answered already and I pulled a Seiki), I'd say Shizune likes Hisao and is simply jealous.
Best girl

Best route
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Re: Can You Remember Me? An Amnesiac Story

Post by Craftyatom »

Loved it! I would've preferred a bit more honesty from Seiki, but you know where you're going with this, so I trust that we'll all get somewhere eventually.

Keep up the good work!
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Re: Can You Remember Me? An Amnesiac Story

Post by bubeez »

New chapter 1-2 days. Thanks as always, dear readers.
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Re: Can You Remember Me? An Amnesiac Story

Post by azumeow »

Oooh, very excited!
"I don’t want to be here anymore, I know there’s nothing left worth staying for.
Your paradise is something I’ve endured
See I don’t think I can fight this anymore, I’m listening with one foot out the door
And something has to die to be reborn-I don’t want to be here anymore"
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Re: Can You Remember Me? An Amnesiac Story

Post by bubeez »

Can You Remember Me? An Amnesiac Story Chapter 7- Part 1

I wake up to a warmer, calmer morning than usual. I can almost feel the sunlight settling down in my familiar, warm room. The coziness is a little unsettling, to be honest. I have never imagined my room here to feel warm. The severe lack of objects may have a hand in that. Looking at the tidy and squared away room, it feels a little artificial. It’s not that being clean is my forte; it’s that I have nothing to make a mess of in the first place. I’m sure if I filled this room with anything, chaos would ensue. But it would be MY chaos.

For now, the warmth of the sun is enough to keep the room filled. It’s a strange, new sensation for me, but I don’t hate it. The emptiness of the room eventually stops bothering me. Each beam of light streaming from my window illuminates certain spots of my room; patches on the floor, the empty spaces on my desk, big chunks of my empty walls- all places that have yet to be filled. I never really thought of it that way. Not empty, just waiting for its object.

The thought elates me. Another revelation hits me soon after- I’ve never thought my wallpaper could look nice in the day, too. I mean, it IS glow in the dark. But, looking at the light hitting it in a certain way, seeing my potential spaces for objects.... it really is beautiful, even in the daytime. The reality of the room doesn’t faze me anymore- I feel the tiniest shred of something I can only call hope. Or something like a daytime dream...

In a lot of ways, I’m still the same as I have always been. Constantly spacing out, staring into the distance, dealing with a barely-intact memory... it’s all still there. But for the first time in a long, long while... I’m okay with that. I have more important things to worry about. I have names to remember, people to see, adventures to be had. I guess I’ve changed just as much as I’ve stayed the same.

I get up to leave my room after a few minutes of getting ready. For something. I stop as I reach for the handle to my door. What was I even going to do today? The warmth is slowly starting to fade as I stay in the shade. The light from the window doesn’t reach this point.

Just as I’m about to retreat back into my room to try and remember, I hear a knock from the other side of the door. It’s a little early for visitors. Slightly wary, I open the door.

Standing in front of me is Suzu, in the worst condition I have ever seen her. Her ruffled blue hair is as usual, but her eyes look like she has been up all night. In fact, I think she may have fallen asleep as I opened the door. All I hear from her is heavy breathing, her eyes closing.

I touch Suzu’s shoulder and talk to her. “Suzu? You there?”

Suzu wakes up from her temporary slumber. After a quick, panicked breath, she opens her eyes and looks around until she notices I’m standing right in front of her. “Oh, Seiki... heeeey...”
I sigh in relief. I thought something was wrong. She’s never been awake this early before. She’s just unusually tired. “So what’s up?”

Suzu steadies herself on the doorway as she talks to me. “Last night... you went to my room.”

While I don’t remember doing that, this is not the first time I’ve forgotten. “Oh? What happened?”

Suzu’s cheek is now resting on the doorway. “You told me to remind you this morning.... so I stayed up....” she lets out a yawn. “... all night... just in case I fell asleep... it’s important....”

Things feel a little more urgent now. “What was it, Suzu?” I put my hands out to help steady Suzu, but she continues to sink lower and lower as she leans on the doorway.

She whispers a name to me. “....Hisao...”

Hisao? You mean the guy from the teahouse? Team Coffee? I wrack my brain for the answer. What could be so important about him? Does she know I forced him to join our club?

Her eyes are barely open. “... you have a.... date today... Hisao..... tree...”

I think on what events Suzu could be talking about. Since I told her last night, it must be about yesterday. Oh... that’s right...

Suzu crawls up into a little ball right at my doorway, where I was just standing a moment earlier. I move out of the way for her as she gets comfortable on the floor. The lack of sunlight on this spot and its lack of warmth is replaced by Suzu, who’s warming up the floor with her cuddling.

I realize Suzu’s sacrifice for me. I asked someone in a constant war with sleeping if she could help me... and she fought it all night to do just that. I’m looking down at my friend, fighting her own battles, helping me fight my own at the same time.

I half-drag, half-carry Suzu to my bed on the other side of the room. She settles down immediately for a well-deserved nap. It’s even warmer in my room now, thanks to her. The sun is hitting her just slightly as she lies down.

Suzu’s fight was not in vain. I remember now. I fell asleep under a tree, woke up in the afternoon... Rin and Comet were there, too. It was warm then just as it is now. I remember sitting there, contemplating after they left... and I happened upon Hisao. The Team Coffee member. The guy in “Physics Club,” but more like “Astronomy Club.” I remember the embarrassed look on his face when he said he owed me for the help, and asked if he could go with me to school festival... which is today, apparently.

I’m surprised with my recent spike in memory recollection. That was a lot to remember. Maybe it was that good feeling I had this morning. In a rather cheesy way, I make a fist with my hand and pump it up into the air. Today will be a victory.

Now... which tree was that?

I decide Suzu has had enough and leave her to sleep in my room. I’ll thank her with many cups of coffee to come. I step into the hallways of the girls dorm and begin to scout out a plan. First, I’ll need to find out when the festival starts. Then I should figure out which tree I agreed to meet Hisao at. And then I need to figure out how to tell Hisao about the whole club mix-up. It’s going to be a long, long day.

First things first- find someone who knows about the festival and is actually conscious to tell me. So that leaves out Suzu. I check the walls for posters about the festival- but none are in sight as I walk out of the dormitory. I guess remembering such a big school festival is not an issue for most- especially since it’s student-led.

I walk around hoping to find someone I know. A few students are already outside, setting up small stalls along the various walkways and grassy areas. Most of them are guys, though- I don’t recall any of them. I feel kind of lost in the hustling and bustling of these worker bee students- I distinctly recall not volunteering for helping with our classroom’s food stand. I wonder if I would have even shown up.

Wandering farther from the girl’s dorm, I meet a familiar face with a familiar cane tapping away. Someone with responsibility, seemingly infinite knowledge, and probably knows about most school activities.

“Lilly!” I call out to her, careful not to wave at her as well. Even though she would never know, I feel like it would be less polite to do so.

Lilly stops walking and turns my direction, her eyes caught in mild surprise. Her calm smile seems permanently affixed. “Oh, if it isn’t my dear friend Seiki. It seems we can skip the introductions today. How are you?”

I notice she’s carrying a small box under her arm. It looks like she’s helping with her classroom stall. “Need some help with that? We can talk on the way.”

Lilly nods and holds out the box to me, which I take into my own hands. We begin walking towards the students setting up tables. As we walk, we begin to talk. “So Lilly, when does the festival start?”

Lilly, carefully prodding at the grass with her cane, looks straight forward as she and I talk. “The festival officially begins in two hours. Until then, my class and I are preparing the stall. It should be just ahead of us.”

Off in the relatively near distance, I see a group of students fumbling about with a table and banner. I see a long, red and yellow scarf among the chaos that seems particularly familiar.

I set down the box on the table and speak to Lilly. “I’ll make sure to pay a visit during the festival, Lilly.”

Lilly bows her head towards me, more than a nod but less than a full bow. “Thank you for your assistance, Seiki. However.... there is something else I’d like to discuss. Could I ask you for one favor, from one friend to another?”

I would be honored to do a favor for Lilly... but I’m not sure why. I wonder if she has this effect on everyone. I check the other students around me, who also seem to be waiting for Lilly’s command. I guess she does.

I take the initiative. “Sure. What do you need?”

Lilly whispers orders to the other students, who get busy moving boxes around the table. She looks back to me after a moment. “Would you check on Hanako for me? I believe she is in the library. I would go myself, but...” she waves her hand in the general direction of the students, who are constantly bumping into each other and dropping boxes. I guess they really do need Lilly right now.

I take a look at the main building of the school. I know the library is in there, but... I remember trying to get to the Nurse’s office earlier this week. Again, I’m not the best with directions. I turn to refuse Lilly’s request apologetically. “Sorry, Lilly, but...”

I begin my apology, but it seems Lilly’s attention is now directed towards her classmates. She is teaching them how to guide themselves using the table, and it’s only now that I realize most of them are blind as well. I don’t see any of them giving up, though. Seeing them fight like that, I remember what I told myself earlier today. Today will be a victory.

Lilly, now done with her tutorial, returns to my side. “My apologies, I was quite distracted. So, about Hanako...”

I cut off Lilly, my confidence now brimming. “You can count on me.”

Lilly seems delighted, giving me a short bow before helping her classmates with the boxes again. I wonder how Lilly does it, flat-out refusing to give up. Maybe she has no idea what she’s doing, either. But she’s trying. I guess I’ll try, too.

I arrive at the main steps that lead into the classrooms and library. Before I head in, I take note of the large clock just above the stairs. I still have about two hours until I meet Hisao. Plenty of time to try and reach the library.

Little over an hour passes and I’m right back where I began. I only have an hour left before I need to meet Hisao, and I still haven’t figured out where the library is. I pace around, planning my next route into the building. Maybe I should just open every single door...

In my contemplation, I barely notice someone watching me, leaning on the railing by the stairs. She’s rather short and her arms crossed, her eyes fixed on me and donning a satisfied smile. It’s the Comet!

I hardly notice her without her usual gym clothes, but that smile is unmistakable. She still has on her running blades. When she sees that I finally notice her, the Comet walks up to me cheerfully. “Where are we headed?”

Slightly clueless, I give her a dumbfounded look. “What do you mean?”

The Comet begins stretching on the stairs, taking short breaks to run in place. “This is like, the third time I’ve seen you back on these stairs. Come on, don’t you miss the times I was your school tour guide?”

She seems completely determined to get me where I’m going. I appreciate it, but can’t help but remember what happened the last time. “You mean when we got back to my classroom completely by accident?” I recall the bittersweet moment.

The Comet is heading up the stairs already, a look of complete focus on her face. “That was calmly and coolly calculated! Now, come oooon, where am I taking you today?”

Without her looking at me, I can feel her pouting. Such is the power of the Comet. I shrug my shoulders and close my eyes. “Well, if you could take me to the library, that would-“

Before I finish my sentence, she grabs my hand and races through the door, with me in tow. What is with these students and pulling others around all the time?! Zooming through the halls, the Comet zigs and zags through Yamaku. She’ll be a legend here one day.

She suddenly stops in front of a large double door, barely stopping her momentum. However, she also forgot about her luggage: me. Unable to slow myself down in time, I put my hands up in front of me to try and stop myself from tackling Emi. I fail, and we both hit the ground with a fairly loud thump. Just above us, I spot a wooden sign that reads “Library.”

Crumpled on the ground, I finally ask Emi. “Did you really know where the library was?”

Buried under me, I hear Emi reply. “Not really! But after seeing you try so many times, how could I not give it a shot? You inspired me!”

Me, inspiring someone? I feel flattered and laugh. Emi joins me for a laugh too. “Hey, Seiki. I just thought of another nickname for you!”

I’m intrigued. “Oh? What’s that?”

Emi gives a shortened breath. “Heavy!”

Oh, yeah. In my laughter, I completely forgot that Emi was under me the entire time. I get up from the ground. Emi springs right back on her feet, dusting herself off. I look in the small window in the library but see nobody there. Is it really open?

I pull on the door and it swings outward. Walking in, the smell is almost refreshing. It’s definitely not the old, musty library I was expecting. Now where could Hanako be?

Based on where she sat when I met her at the Shanghai, I check the back of the library first. Sure enough, I spot a flash of purple in a beanbag chair, right next to the science fiction section. She isn’t reading any science fiction, though. It looks like a cheesy romance.

“Psst. Hanako. What’s up?” I say as I approach her from one of the aisles.

She moves erratically, moving her book as far away from me as possible. When she notices it’s me, she moves the book back on her lap. “O-Oh. H-hey, Seiki...”

I stand by the books, giving Hanako enough space to breathe. And she seems to be doing just that, with a panicked breath. I talk to her, quietly. “Lilly wanted me to check on you. I kind of got lost, though...”

Hanako keeps her book upright. “T-That’s okay... Umm... b-by the way...”

Hanako seems to be worried about something. I give her a puzzled look. “What’s up?”

She nervously puts her book up to her face. “W-who is... t-that?”

Still confused, I take a look at what she’s looking at. Right next to me is none other than Emi, who seems to have followed me in here without me noticing. “Yo!”

After a quick introduction, Emi and I sit next to Hanako on the beanbag chairs. I don’t really know why everyone worries about Hanako so much. She seems the most relatively normal, actually. Plus, she has a great taste in literature.

Hanako does act differently with people, though. She doesn’t seem as lively with Emi around, not that Hanako was ever very lively at all. Just less so. Emi, however, seems completely oblivious to the fact. She’s just kicking her legs in her chair and taking in the scenery.

Hoping to make conversation, I ask Hanako about the book she was reading in the Shanghai earlier. “So, how is that Star Wars book coming along?”

Hanako’s eyes open in surprise. “Seiki! U-umm... I-I don’t know what y-you’re talking... about...”

Her eyes drift into her book, quickly terminating any hope of conversation. I wonder what’s wrong? Then, I realize it. Emi is still sitting with us, adrift in the conversation.

Emi looks at me awkwardly. “What’s Star Wars?” She looks at me innocently.

Hanako becomes visibly calmer, knowing that Emi has no idea what we’re talking about. However, her calmness does not last. “I-It’s only the g-greatest sp-space opera of.... of all time!” Hanako seems surprised by her own outburst, and covers her mouth in surprise.

Emi seems delighted, on the other hand. It seems she’s truly interested. “Oooh. Sounds pretty cool to me.”

I roll my eyes a little at Hanako, to show her that her fear may be just a little irrational.

I scan the room for a clock. I find one just above the exit, which is telling me that I have half an hour before I need to meet Hisao. Thankfully, my mind is intent on keeping this appointment.

When I take my attention away from the clock and back onto the situation, I see Hanako shyly handing Emi a book. It’s a Star Wars book- not very long, but a short-and-sweet eye-catcher with lots of pictures. Emi takes a look at the cover, entranced by the bright colors. I envy her. She’s about to go on a marvelous adventure.

Before she gets too into it, I ask Emi to take me back to the entrance of the building. When we get there, I stop her for a second. “Hey, Comet. Do you remember where that tree was? The one I fell asleep under yesterday?”

She thinks for a second, and points out a tree in the distance. “Yeah, we were right there!”

I take a look at the tree. I’ve walked past it at least twice today... All without remembering that it was the tree I’ve been looking for. “Thanks, Comet. Be a little careful with Hanako, okay?”

Emi turns back towards the building. “It’ll be fine, Seiki! I’m as finesse as it gets!” She starts bolting up the stairs, but stops when she reaches the top. “Make sure you take a look at Rin’s painting at the festival today! She doesn’t show it, but she likes attention sometimes!”

I give her a nod, and she returns it. The girl-to-girl agreement. With that, I head off towards the tree that Emi pointed out. It’s a short walk on some grass.

When I get there, I find myself sitting in the same comfortable position as yesterday. The sun is out, now... so strong...

I hear a ruffling in the grass ahead of me. “Hey, Seiki. Am I really that late?”

Hisao is standing over me, while I look like I’m about to doze off. “Don’t you know it’s bad to keep a girl waiting? Especially when she hasn’t had her coffee today.”

I stick my hand out for Hisao to pull me up from the ground. He complies, helping me up. I swear his hand held mine just a second longer than needed.

Either way, our hands let go and I dust myself off. I had only been sitting for about five minutes, but it felt like the appropriate thing to do. Maybe I’m just nervous. It’s not that I feel severe attraction to this guy. More like, I remember falling in love with him for a second, doing something I can’t really remember. But I’ll bury that for now. As far as I’m concerned, he’s a nice guy.

Hisao turns towards the area I met Lilly at earlier. Now, instead of just a few straggling students, I see a small crowd and many stalls lined up in a row. Hisao waits for me to catch up to him just a few steps ahead. “Ready to go? Maybe they’ll have a coffee stall.”

I give a little laugh. Is coffee really going to be our inside joke? “I hope so. Waiting around for a guy is tiring business.” I laugh again, mostly at myself. Hisao will never know the struggle of earlier today, but I don’t intend on having him worry about it.

Hisao laughs, too; although probably for a different reason. “Are you ever going to let that go?”

I stifle another giggle. “Faster than you’d think, Hisao.”
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Re: Can You Remember Me? An Amnesiac Story

Post by HoneyBakedHam »

I see what you did there with that last line. :P
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Re: Can You Remember Me? An Amnesiac Story

Post by brythain »

This is a fun read... but I'm trying to remember if there's canonical justification for Hanako and Emi being complete strangers. Or for Emi not knowing where the Library is at all. :)
Post-Yamaku, what happens? After The Dream is a mosaic that follows everyone to the (sometimes) bitter end.
Main Index (Complete)Shizune/Lilly/Emi/Hanako/Rin/Misha + Miki + Natsume
Secondary Arcs: Rika/Mutou/AkiraHideaki | Others (WIP): Straw—A Dream of SuzuSakura—The Kenji Saga.
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Re: Can You Remember Me? An Amnesiac Story

Post by bubeez »

I went off of pure memory on this one... Hopefully I didn't pull a Seiki and it all checks out :?
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Re: Can You Remember Me? An Amnesiac Story

Post by HoneyBakedHam »

Emi and Hanako because Emi is infamous for running in the halls and collides into Hisao with Lilly and Hanako there if you have lunch with them and, also, everyone knows Hanako for her timidness and not talking to people.

I don't imagine Emi to be the studious type so I could see why she'd forget where it was, at the least.
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Re: Can You Remember Me? An Amnesiac Story

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

I could conceivable see where Hanako and Emi wouldn't know each other. Remember, where this starts this scene,
HoneyBakedHam wrote:Emi and Hanako because Emi is infamous for running in the halls and collides into Hisao with Lilly and Hanako there if you have lunch with them
didn't happen. I don't think it's likely, but possible.

Anywho, loved this chapter. I was worried at first that Seiki would forget about her date with Hisao. I was mentally screaming at her when she was thinking her day was free. Unfortunately, I'm not a telepath. Fortunately, Seiki was smart enough to tell Suzu to remind her.

Also, is "pulling a Seiki" a thing now? Because I said the same thing earlier. I'd support it being a thing. It's fun to say. :)
Best girl

Best route
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