Word of Mouth (On Hold)


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Re: Word of Mouth

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Either way, she is here because she is unable to speak, and Yamaku as the facilities and curriculum to cater to that. I don't see why she should be rejected just because the resaons are not physical.
If Yamaku doesn't admit mental patients it's most likely because they aren't eqipped to deal with those who cannot follow a normal school curriculum or who are prone to bouts of violence. Amaya is in neither category, so she should be fine.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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Re: Word of Mouth

Post by Xilirite »

Hey guys, a bit of news -- Some things have come up, and to make a long story short, I'll be removing the story bits from this thread at the end of the month and won't be putting them back up until the end of March. I'd talk about why, but it would be kind of silly. When April comes around, the entire story should be complete barring a catastrophe, and so I'll be able to post the ENTIRE story then. Sorry about this -- I'll think about maybe doing some other shorter pieces in the meantime but this will no longer be updated and everything will be taken off.
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Re: Word of Mouth

Post by nazgul02 »

So, is Kazuya only missing four finger, or is there any other reasons that he's in Yamaku? And also, will Amaya actually be talking in any of the chapters to come, (not far away chapters, but closer one.) or will she just gesture everything for a while? Other than that, that was a good chapter.
I really don't have anything to put here... I might as well list my favorite characters in order! It goes Rin>Hanako>Shizune>Emi>Misha>Lilly. Note, however, that so far I've only beaten Hanako and Rins's routes. Good, bad, and neutral.
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Re: Word of Mouth

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Well, I prefer to read stories in little bits rather than having to go through the entirety at once, but you have to know what kind of work organization fits you best...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Word of Mouth (On Hold)

Post by Xilirite »

I'll still update in chunks rather than all at once, but I won't be doing so until April, when it's finished.
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Re: Word of Mouth (On Hold)

Post by Oddball »

You start out really strong with a cast that has just enough time to make you care about them before they disappear forever. It's followed up with an even more impressive dramatic wallow in depression section where our “hero” finds out what's wrong with him and has time to dwell on it.

Then you crash and burn by retelling us the start of Hisao's story. Look, we know the bit about the gates being dramatic already. We've seen Mutou meet a new student who's late for class part way through the school year more times than I can count. It's been done. Your story really deserved something better.

The elevator was a nice touch but the jokes he made felt somewhat out of place. They don't quite seem to fit the more empty and depressed character we've seen up until that point.
Also, on the story being KS2, that's basically the feel I was going for -- starting from the same basic point but going in a wildly different direction with a different protagonist, with different interpretations of similar concepts, specifically his being at the school. I wanted it to be enjoyable to read by people who've never even played Katawa Shoujo before, and wrote it with both potential audiences in mind.
This seems to play to your strong points. I just wished that if you were trying to be original, you'd have put him in a class that wasn't Mutou's. So far the cameos and references to the game have proved to distract more from the story than add to it.

Still, this has quite a bit of potential.
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Re: Word of Mouth (On Hold)

Post by Solistor »

Sad that this isn't up anymore; from everyone's reactions I feel this would be an interesting read. I like me some fluffy stuff but everything has a dark side, even abstract concepts like one's interests. I await your return in April, friend!
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