Likes/Doesn't like

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Re: Likes/Doesn't like

Post by kensain »

Leave that to the doujins, yes? This is nearly deserving another thread =]
cpl_crud wrote: Misha, I think, could probably have a totally abstract fear, like of electric screwdrivers or something equally ridiculous.
Screwdrivers? With hair like that ?! :lol:
I can see Emi being terrified of ghosts.
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Re: Likes/Doesn't like

Post by Synoptic »

Anonymous22 wrote: Shizune:

-Dislikes: [...] disabled people
what the...!?!?!?
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Re: Likes/Doesn't like

Post by Seroanth »

cpl_crud wrote:How many times does it have to be said:

Hanako will not have anything but poo in her bum, ever.
Why did I start laughing at this.

I honestly don't get why so many people think Hanako would like anal.
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Re: Likes/Doesn't like

Post by Bara »

Emi likes: Jackie Joyner-Kersee (female track and field star who had asthma.) Pop music (as long as it has a good running beat) Math and Physics (but only as they apply to sports, forget about her working on Cosmic String Theory.) Dancing (but too embarassed about her legs to do it in public, possibly Para-Para dancing since it uses mostly upper body movements? Hmmm, too much maybe? She is already a double amputee running freak. Dancing is probably pushing it too far.) Kenji (they do both like charts after all.)
Emi's dislikes: People who drift around without a goal and a plan to achive it, creepy pedo dudes (Art Club Teacher), Russian classic literature (because Dostoyevski would suck at cripple porn.), Spiders (other insects are no problem, arachnids creep her out for some reason.)

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Re: Likes/Doesn't like

Post by Bara »

Seroanth wrote:
cpl_crud wrote:How many times does it have to be said:
Hanako will not have anything but poo in her bum, ever.
I honestly don't get why so many people think Hanako would like anal.
More a reflection of how many people want Hanako to want anal. The reflection of the readers desires onto to the charachter.
(Hmmm, KS merchandising opportunity here: KS "Hanako" brand buttplugs. For the discerning Hanako fan, nothing else up their pooper will do while fapping.) :roll:

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Re: Likes/Doesn't like

Post by Caesius »

Likes: House and trance music, authority, competition, Chinese food, military history
Dislikes: Rap, anarchy, biology and natural history, girls with a larger bust

Note the mutually exclusive "competition" and "girls with a larger bust"
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Re: Likes/Doesn't like

Post by Juno »

What about the mutually exclusive "house and trance music" and being deaf? :P
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Re: Likes/Doesn't like

Post by Caesius »

Juno wrote:What about the mutually exclusive "house and trance music" and being deaf? :P
We discussed this with a girl who was really deaf:

She goes on to say that she doesn't like feeling a voice "from a box" as it's impersonal, but I don't think that's necessarily the case for all deaf people, just like the part where classical music is her favorite (the dislike for rap is probably more universal though). A lot of house and trance is without vocals anyway.

But it is kinda weird to think of a deaf girl that likes to listen to music, eh?
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Re: Likes/Doesn't like

Post by Caesius »

Likes: Running, tokusatsu, ice cream, hard rock (think Eye of the Tiger)
Dislikes: Hurdles, greasy food, walking music, rainy days

Likes: Reading, black-and-white tile games (chess), solitude, snow
Dislikes: Attention, spicy food, large dogs

Likes: Classical music, hot tea
Dislikes: "Techno," potholes

Likes: Bagpipes, clouds, long hallways, sitting backwards in moving vehicles
Dislikes: Itching, menstruation, doors, food that falls apart to easily (Quizno's)
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Re: Likes/Doesn't like

Post by krabbymcnabby »

These are some of my favourite ideas from this thread thrown in with some of mine


-Likes: Shizune, eating, caffeine, chinese food, Cosplay, twisting Shizunes words
-Dislikes: being alone, Classwork, Homework, Scary movies


-Likes: Tea, neatness, efficiency, Challenge, attention, authority, chinese food, Efficiency
-Dislikes: Failure, disorder, pity, Lilly, being ignored,


-Likes: small animals, quiet, Lilly, Reading, internet chat/forums (maybe she feels comforted by the fact that no one can judge or see her scars while on the internet :/),Writing, Ice-cream, board games
-Dislikes: Conflict, fire, crowds, strangers, confrontation, greasy food


-Likes: Excercise, early morning's, D&B? (It kind of matches her energetic lifestyle :P) Helping Rin
-Dislikes: people talking about her Height/figure, Horror/ghost movies (the dark?) not keeping promises


-Likes: Painting, spicy food, do nothing, classical music (thats what i can see her listening too :D), clouds
-Dislikes: Seriousness, people ivading her privacy, menstruation, itching


-Likes: Tea, family visits, Hanako (Neurturing, can't spell :P ),Manners, Early nights,
-Dislikes: Quiet, Living in the dorms, bullying,
Last edited by krabbymcnabby on Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Likes/Doesn't like

Post by Suriko »

Synoptic wrote:
Anonymous22 wrote: Shizune:

-Dislikes: [...] disabled people
what the...!?!?!?
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Re: Likes/Doesn't like

Post by Caesius »

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Re: Likes/Doesn't like

Post by Wincrest »

-Likes: Ice cream, Ponies, Puppies, Being Helpful, Being thought of as cute, Companionship
-Dislikes: Fried foods, Slackers, Being told "No", Her body, Stairs, Wheelchairs, Scraped Knees

-Likes: Tea, Flowers, Calmness and Serenity, Dogs, Hugs and skin contact, Being in control, The feeling of soft and warm bedding in the morning
-Dislikes: Gaudiness, Excessive noise, Crispy chicken, Rainy days, Overuse of body spray or perfume

-Likes: Music, Reading, Board/Tile games, Her hair, Snacking, Eating the red skittles last, Chocolate
-Dislikes: Fire, Large open spaces, Her scars, Barbecued pork

-Likes: Caffeine, Slow dancing, Pop music, Meat Buns and meaty foods, Rain, Action Movies, Gossip
-Dislikes: Heights, Schoolwork, Meek and shy people, Being alone

-Likes: Cookie dough, sweets, Clouds and Rainbows, Kittens, Funny hats, Silly jokes, Shiny lights
-Dislikes: Rain, Normalcy, Swimming, Showers, Itches, Lumpy dirt, Those wee small hours of the morning when she can't fall asleep.

-Likes: Neatness, Strategy Games, Her Body, Having authority, The smell of chlorine
-Dislikes: Liars and Promise Breakers, Feeling helpless, Wastefulness, Being disobeyed

-Likes: Fast food, Superheroes, Kings and Emperors, Pretzels, Peanuts, Tights and hawaiian shirts, Polo, Cyphers
-Dislikes: Snipers, Hidden pit falls, Cyanide capsules, Bright lights, Strangulation, CONSPIRATORS, Cooties

Secretly, Kenji probably would like fanciful cocktails.
Last edited by Wincrest on Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Likes/Doesn't like

Post by Ice cream »

...I do like the idea of her liking Ice Cream........


dislikes: feminists
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Re: Likes/Doesn't like

Post by Storyteller »

Mes deux sous.

Aime: Vider sa boîte à outils, bien la nettoyer, et tout ranger
N'aime pas: Pisser à côté de quelqu'un

(J'adore Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain)

-Likes: Letting her hair stream out from behind her as she runs
-Dislikes: The drippings off a melting ice cream cone

-Likes: Listening to the soft noise that a book makes when you flip through its pages
-Dislikes: The stray wisps of smoke that seep from discarded cigarettes

-Likes: Smelling the gentle waft of steam from a pot of tea's first brew.
-Dislikes: The feeling of having a hitch in her clothes, when fabric catches on her skin

-Likes: Stepping in the puddles that form from a fresh summer's rain
-Dislikes: The lack of 'clack' when she pushes on a button of a membrane keyboard

-Likes: Squishing mud between her toes
-Dislikes: Having hair plastered to her scalp after a shower

-Likes: Dragging a pen straight and hard across paper to strike through an item on a list
-Dislikes: Single-ply toilet paper

Inconsequential traits that I suppose many of us might have held at a time or another. (But seriously, does anyone actually prefer one-ply over two-ply toilet paper?)