Learning the blues. Act 3: Scene 2 revives from the grave


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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 2 up!

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Hisao joins us again this morning for breakfast and adds to the breakfast spread we have we his donation of some spreads and toast.

Well, I was going to say, that it would have been possible to turn Haruhiko down more gently, but after reading his reaction, I guess he deserved what he got.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 2 up!

Post by TheTealeaf »

AntonSlavik020 wrote:I have to say, Akihiro is not a person I would get along with in real life. I'm not big on constant swearing and i HATE smoking.

Also, I don't really blame Ayane for not apologizing. In her place, I think I would have fired back too. He was being an asshole.
Akihiro is based off me about oooo 6 years ago when I was a chef. I was that sweary and chain smoked. Different now though :wink: still writing his character gives me the giggles I have an interlude planned about his visit to the shanghai :lol:
Mirage_GSM wrote:
Hisao joins us again this morning for breakfast and adds to the breakfast spread we have we his donation of some spreads and toast.

Well, I was going to say, that it would have been possible to turn Haruhiko down more gently, but after reading his reaction, I guess he deserved what he got.
Thanks mirage, can't believe I missed that. Fixed now!

Ok I'm glad people are ok with haruhiko getting his clock cleaned, I thought I was being a little OTT
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

One cannot think well, sleep well, love well if one has not dined well
- Virginia Woolf

Cooking is like love. Enter with abandon or not at all
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 2 up!

Post by TheTealeaf »

This is a big one so I've chopped it into two chunks! No more updates until thursday earliest I'm afraid, but that said... enjoy!


Act 2

Scene 3

My little phantom.

It was another night of broken sleep. This is getting to be a bit like a broken record now. Not a nightmare, or a weird dream just pure restlessness. My mind keep churning over and regurgitating the confrontation with Haruhiko outside the store and the possible consequences of my brothers’ actions.

Arashi could face serious repercussion from decking Haruhiko. Yamaku has a very no nonsense approach to dealing with violence amongst students. I can recall an incident from my first year. It was rather hushed up but enough students had seen the altercation between the two third years to know why the pair were expelled a few days later.

It’s not just the fact of students fighting it’s the fact that someone could get seriously injured or killed by a school ground brawl and not just the participants either, a bystander could get caught up in it and hurt.

Bah, these thoughts are not helping me. I look over at my clock in the dark its dull glowing digits informing it’s four am in the morning. Fuck my sleep schedule this week has been appalling, I had best keep an eye on myself I don’t want to have a seizure on top of everything else and during exam week. I’m not getting any more rest. I swing out of bed and get dressed in some casual clothes I don’t mind working in. Normally at a time like this I’d try and get into the pool and swim some laps but not this morning. I have other plans.

I go into my wardrobe and hidden carefully at the back is a roll of black fabric tied up by a golden bow and with a forest green strap on the roll for carrying it with. I reach in and withdraw the roll of fabric carefully and gently wipe the dust off it. It’s been a while since I’ve used these but today I feel like using them. It’s been a while since I’ve cooked for other people properly so using the set of knives Dad brought for me feels oddly appropriate.

I retrieve my ingredients from the little fridge I have in my room and slinging the knife roll over my back with the strap, I retrieve another few bits of equipment and head down into the dorm communal kitchens quietly. It’s early and I don’t want to disturb people sleeping.

I slip into the kitchens quietly, and flick on the lights. The kitchen is a pretty basic one but it’ll do. Cupboards, some chopping boards, a hob and oven, a grubby looking sink, a fridge/freezer combination, various draws and a table are in the small kitchen. Most of the equipment I have I keep out of the kitchen, don’t want it going ‘missing’ after all.

I place my ingredients on the work surface, my other equipment near the bag and fetch a chopping board. I pull my knife roll off from my shoulder and undo the bow, letting the roll naturally unravel across the chopping board. My eyes roam across the blades gleaming in the kitchen lights. These would probably be confiscated if teachers knew I had them, sure there are knives here in the kitchen but I’m not sure that the school would approve of me having my own set.

This set is special though. Dad brought a set for each of his children when they turned thirteen. The knives are beautifully balanced, are light in the hand and possess a razor keen edge. Well at least they used to. Mine haven’t been used in a while, so I’d best put an edge on them.

I carefully unwrap the whetstone that came with the kit and run it under some running water. I pat it lightly down with a tea towel but not dry and place it on the worktop and then select the tools I will need for this mornings task. I’m going to need three of the seven knives for the job, so I carefully select them from the wrap.

A meat knife, a paring knife and a filleting knife are selected and placed down besides the whetstone. The wrap is then almost reverently refastened with the bow and moved to the table behind me. I then pick up the whetstone and my first blade of choice, the paring knife and carefully slide it down the whetstone with a small noise that is best described as a ‘wet scraping’ sound. Back and forth, back and forth goes the knife on the whetstone with the same noise echoing in the small kitchen.

The noise is nostalgic and therapeutic in equal measure and I lose myself in the motion, honing the knife to a scalpel like keenness. I stop after about a minute and half and check the edge with my thumb. I can feel the edge of the blade and it is sharp. Carefully to avoid cutting myself I place the knife down on the board and then turn my attention to the other two knives.

I’ve just about finished sharpening my last knife, the filleting knife, when a cough makes me jump in place. The knife slips on its last swipe on the whetstone and jumps; nicking my left index finger on it’s way past. Dots of crimson begin welling from my finger and I turn to the intruder, my finger in my mouth, the taste of iron and copper filling my taste buds. The intruder is Lilly and I blink in surprise. I remove my finger from my mouth. “Uh… good morning Lilly?” I say, conscious of the taste of blood in my mouth.

“Good morning Ayane” she says softly “What was that noise just now?” She frowns “It’s not something I’ve heard before”

“I was…” I trail off. Damn it this might land me in hot water. “I was sharpening my knives,” I admit. My finger is still bleeding and a small but steady drip of sanguine is ending up on the kitchen floor. I jam my finger in my mouth again.

Lilly’s facial expression is one of confusion “It is… rather early for cooking Ayane” she says finally. “Is everything ok?”

I can’t tell her about what happened. “I couldn’t sleep,” I admit, mumbling around my cut finger. “Worrying about stuff I guess”.

“You’ve been having problems sleeping lately” Lilly states her sightless eyes narrowed with concern. We might not always be on the same page and I know that she dislikes my occasional swearing habit but she really does care about everyone in the class.

“Yeah” I admit shortly, rummaging for a plaster in the kitchens small first aid box. I find one and place it on my finger, staunching the small flow of blood. Well at least I know that blade is nice and sharp now. “Why are you up?” I ask, “It’s rather early. Couldn’t sleep either?”

“I was thirsty,” She admits “I forgot to fill a bottle before going to bed last night…” her voice trails off as she gives me a small bashful smile. I reach into one of the cupboards and find a small glass and fill it with cold water from the tap and press it into Lilly’s delicate hands. Her face lights up in gratitude and she deftly finds her way to the table, sitting down in one of the chairs. “Thank you,” She says after taking a few sips.

“Not a problem” I assure her, “Sorry if I woke you”

“I was already awake, but the unfamiliar noise did concern me slightly” she admits, nodding slightly. I’m moving bits and pieces around and making a general clatter “What are you doing?” Lilly asks finally after I hear her place her glass back on the table.

I’m measuring out some cream into a bowl as she asks “I’m preparing for tonight” I say.

“May I enquire as to what tonight is?”

I slice a lemon in half and answer her at the same time “Study session tonight with Fujiko and Hisao” I juice the lemon and add it to the cream, whisking the mix together.

Lilly waits until I stop the noise before remarking “Ms Jakuzure and Mr Nakai? What are you studying?”

“I’m helping Hisao with his English” I say off hand as I measure the mixture into three glasses. “He in return is helping us with science”

“A gracious offer, it’s good to study together,” Lilly says. “I smell lemon, what are you making?”

“I’m preparing the dessert. It needs a few hours to set” I say as I sprinkle some prepared cut fruit into the glasses. A light sprinkling of whole raspberries and some diced orange chunks are added to the mix. “It’s an old English dessert known as a posset.” I say the unfamiliar word in English. “It’s a dish made from cream and set using the juice from a lemon. Sweetened with a little sugar and some other fruits it’s a nice, simple and easy dessert.” There is a moment’s pause before I add, “It was one of my Dads favorite dishes. He taught me how to make it when I was ten. I put too much lemon juice in it and he still ate it anyway, saying it was yummy” My voice cracks at the end of the sentence. I can see him now in my minds eye, the goofball, with glass in hand and a spoon, praising the dish even as his mouth puckers from the sourness.

The lack of sleep must be getting the better of me. I’m normally far more controlled than this. “A good memory?” Lily asks, her voice soft and gentle.

“Yeah” I croak, wiping my eye dry “He was always being so stupid with me Arashi. He taught all of us to cook,” I continue, placing the desserts in the fridge. “In fact the other recipe I’m preparing now is another one of his recipes. He always said he learnt it from his mother, my grandmother. It’s Arashis favorite recipe, I had forgotten about it until my older brother Akihiro reminded me of it yesterday”

“You have an older brother?” Lilly asks.

I can feel her unseeing gaze on my back as I wash up what I’ve used and begin to get the ingredients for the next dish. “Yes and an older sister as well. You wouldn’t get on with Akihiro I think”

“Oh?” Lilly asks, her voice having a curious lilt to it “What makes you think that?”

I laugh lightly as I retrieve the fish from it’s wrapping and begin to fillet it. “Because he’s as you would say… rather uncouth. His swearing habit is ten times worse than mine, a habitual smoker and rather in your face with his blunt manner and sarcasm”

“Oh my” Lilly says.

“Indeed” I respond “I know you dislike it when I swear, I honestly think you’d have a heart attack listening to my brother, if you ever met him.” A thought crosses my mind “Which actually, you might”

“How?” Lilly almost sounds afraid and it does make me laugh a little internally.

“He’s opened a restaurant in the city nearby” I say as I chop the filleted fish into small chunks. It goes into a bowl and I then wash the board before getting some pork out. “He’s also considering a business venture in the town just below Yamaku. He has his eyes on one of the tea houses I believe, so you may end up crossing paths”

I hear a rustle as Lilly moves around “I mean no offense Ayane but I pray that I never do meet this brother of yours.”

I laugh as I dice the pork up, my knife moving effortlessly through the meat. I’m not as fast as I once was with my knife work as the difference in depth perception means I need to be more careful. “No offense taken. He’s hard for a lot of people to deal with, especially with his rather err… brusque nature” The pork joins the fish in a bowl and I wash the board and knife, selecting my paring knife next.

Lilly yawns suddenly, breaking the quiet atmosphere in the kitchen. “Oh my” she says “I appear to more sleepy than I imagined”

I shoot a glance up at the clock nearby “It’s half four in the morning Lilly, it’s no wonder. Go back to bed”

“I could say the same to you” She rejoins, rising from the chair.

I snort, peeling and cutting a mango as I do so. “There’s no chance of me getting back to sleep now Lilly. You on the other hand do”

‘I suppose you are right” Lilly says, beginning to leave the kitchen. She pauses in the doorway and turns towards where she thinks I am “Ayane… I know that we are not that close but if you ever need to speak to me… my door is always open”

That’s Lilly for you, always so selfless. “Can I ask you a small favor?” I ask.

“Of course” She assures me.

“My knives…” I trail off and look at the knife in my hand. “They were a gift from my Dad… I would appreciate it if…”

“I understand” Lilly says warmly “Just… try not to let Shizune see them. She may not overlook them as I am.” She begins to leave saying as she goes “Good night Ayane, do try to get some sleep”

I chuckle as she leaves and fire a parting shot “Surely you mean good morning instead class rep?” I can literally hear her roll her eyes from down the corridor.

I finish chopping the mango, add it to the bowl with the pork and fish, add some prepared prawns and then make the marinade. It’s a mixture of a ready-made sweet chili sauce, soy sauce, a pinch of grated ginger, a scattering of paprika and last but not least a dash of rice wine vinegar. If I’d had more time I would’ve made the chili sauce myself but I didn’t. I cover the bowl and place it and it’s precious contents in the fridge. I wasn’t able to find any skewers so I’ll stir-fry it later tonight just before we’re ready to eat.

I place notes promising swift, dire and terrible vengeance upon any who disturb my stuff in the fridge. I then sign it with a smiley face just to be even more passive aggressive and then shut the fridge door. I have the washing up to do now. My least favorite part…

The washing up is done with my brain engaged in automatic. I place my knives back in their roll and then tie the bow back up again and pad back up to my room.

I grab my wash kit, head down to the bathroom and shower, relaxing under the spray of hot water and then head back to my room. I change into my uniform, yawning the whole time, then glance at the clock. It’s a little after five am. A nap wouldn’t hurt would it?

I’m woken up by Fujiko. I mutter and grumble incoherently and yawn widely. Fujiko reels back as though hit by something “Morning breathe Ayane” She says, pinching her nose. I mutter a vague threat under my breath and amble to the bathroom and scrub my teeth clean. “We’re running late” Fujiko says from behind me as I spit into the sink and then rinse my mouth clean.

“How late?” I ask

“We’ve got fifteen minutes then class starts” What a wonderful way to start the school day. I hurry back to my room and gulp down my pills with a bottle of water. Not enough time really for breakfast so we leave my room, quickly going over our Japanese text books in preparation for the only exam we have to today. Tomorrow we have English and lastly on Friday there is the dreaded science exam. Saturday no exams thankfully, but we’ll all probably be bashed over the head with our results.

We make it to class with about two minutes before the bell. I’m nervous the whole lesson, fidgeting and fiddling. Period one comes to an end and I haven’t been summoned out of class and Arashi hasn’t text me either so I begin to assume that my brother and I are in the clear.

Period two passes in much the same manner and again there is nothing. I’m feeling particularly paranoid and I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. It doesn’t and class moves on to the period and the Japanese exam. I stop my twitching and focus on the exam. I need at least a pass or I’ll lose some support from Mother.

The bell rings moments after we place pens to desks. As the students disperse I turn to Fujiko “I’ve got a small request…”

There is an impish grin on Fujikos face. She already knows what I’m going to ask. “Yes, I’ll get you something from the canteen. I knew you wouldn’t have any lunch as you were so out of it this morning”

"Thanks Fuji"

End part 1
Last edited by TheTealeaf on Sun Sep 21, 2014 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

One cannot think well, sleep well, love well if one has not dined well
- Virginia Woolf

Cooking is like love. Enter with abandon or not at all
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 2 up!

Post by TheTealeaf »

Part 2 of Scene 3 'My little phantom'

I laugh, pass Fujiko some yen notes and then hurry out of the classroom and up to the library. I like the library, it has the musty old parchment smell about it and the ambience of the place just sits right with me. Yuuko is nowhere to be seen at the moment, so I quickly head into the shelves to locate some literature for this evening. The English section is rather unsurprisingly missing half its stock. Guess there are more people than just Hisao who are concerned about their English exam.

I quickly locate a book about grammar and another for spellings and then quickly bounce over to the English Language fiction area. Hisao likes to read so a good way for him to learn would be to read something that he would enjoy.

I have a little ‘eureka’ moment then. I have plenty of English fiction books in my room already. Why not use one of those? I give myself a little fist pump of victory. I shall introduce Hisao to the wonders of the world that is The Dresden universe. Hopefully I can get him hooked on those and we can swap notes. That would be… very nice.

I head up to the desk only to see the very person I’ve been thinking of. “Hisao!” I say and he turns, a book in hand “Alice in wonderland. Good choice, personally I adore the Cheshire cat” I remark.

His hand comes up and rubs the back of his head “Ah, I’m returning this one, taking out some science texts for tonight”

Huh, well looks like great minds do think alike then. “What an odd coincidence, I’m doing the same too” I say with a grin. Hisao returns his book to flustered looking Yuuko and checks the science textbooks out at the same time. I then check my books out and Yuuko hurriedly gives them over to me. Wow guess her encounter with my brother was more traumatic than I thought. I give her a pleasant smile, which she twitches at and I leave to catch up with Hisao who’s waiting at the library door for me.

He still looks sleep deprived. The bags under his eyes are more prominent than yesterday. I touch the crook of his elbow gently and I think I feel a shiver sweep up his arm. “You alright?” I ask as we head into the deserted corridors.

“I should be asking you that” He rejoins “You look like you’re waiting to find out news about a relative in hospital”

A facial expression I’m sure he’s familiar with. “Have you spoken to Arashi today?” I ask.

Hisao looks puzzled but replies, “Yes, he was in class. I think Shizune and Misha hauled him off to the nurse to get his knuckles looked at” I wince at this and he carries on shrewdly “this hasn’t got anything to do with Suzumiya being absent is it?”

Wow Detective Nakai, I confess, I repent, I throw myself upon your tender mercies! “Lets just say there was a confrontation between myself and Suzumiya. Arashi intervened”

“Thought so” Hisao said, one hand to his chin “I tried to find you after class as well…” He sighs “Yesterday Suzumiya cornered me after class”

I sigh “What did he say? I think I can guess though” I say dryly as we descend down the stairs towards the canteen.

“That as the FNG, I should back… well I won’t repeat the word. I should back off and leave you to him, as you were his girl” The look on my face must say it all and must be positively murderous as Hisao holds up his hands as if to say ‘Don’t shoot the messenger!’

There is a beat of silence and then “Yeah, I thought it sounded pretty dense when he said it”

A wry snort comes from me “If I’d known he’d said that I would’ve punched him instead but you said he wasn’t in today?”

Hisao nods and I breathe a sigh of relief. Haruhiko appears to be licking his wounds. His pride broken he’s not going to do anything apart from recover and then crawl back to school with his tail between his legs. Fingers crossed that Arashi is in the clear then. “One last question” I say “Did anyone official come and ask for Arashi? Maybe pull him from class?”

Hisao shakes his head “He’s been in class all day” he confirms.

I breathe a sigh of relief as we head into the canteen. Fujiko waves at us from the table she’s sat at with Shizune, Misha and Arashi. Hisao joins the lunch line to get some lunch and as I slide in next to Fujiko she passes me some curry bread and a can of mango soda. I tear the paper off and munch into the spicy bread. Yum. I pop the tab on the drink and nearly spit take when Shizune signs [So are you going to tell us how Arashi hurt his hands he’s being very stubborn about it]

“Yeah!” Misha chimes in with a ‘wha-ha-ha’ tacked on “Arachan isn’t telling us a thing!”

I giggle through my soda. Arachan? Wow I’m going to have to use that. I can see Arashis frustrated face and I resolve to use that in the future. [Do not laugh] he signs at me [and if you ever use that I shall steal your manga and anime] Ooooo them be fighting words brother dearest!

[“I don’t know. You hurt your hands brother dearest? Do you need sister dearest to kiss it better?”] Fujiko bursts into giggles, my brother scowls, Misha giggles and Shizune looks scandalized.

[You’ve been reading too much icky stuff] my brother signs and Misha translates for Fujiko and Hisao who finally joins us at the table.

I take a savage bite from my bread and then say “Eh it was a poor joke” I see my brother roll his eyes.

[I’m sure you know how he hurt his hands!] Shizune signs, looking fairly annoyed at my disinterested expression.

I swallow my mouthful and then sign [Not any of your business. If my brother wants to tell you I will, if he wants you to kiss his hands better I’m sure he’ll tell you too] Misha translates and a tense silence falls on the lunch table. Pink spots form on my brothers’ cheeks and I chuckle under my breath. Is it just me or does Shizune look a little flustered too?

[I do not want her to kiss them better!] My brother signs very firmly.

[Want to bet on that?] Shizune signs back and the pair fall into lighthearted banter with Misha.

I turn to Hisao who’s sat down next to me and I can feel the heat of his thigh next to mine. He pokes morosely at his food. “The canteen food reminds me of hospital food”

I nudge him with an elbow “Well if you can wait until later I’ll be feeding you and Fujiko later”

Fujikos eyes light up. “Really? What’ve you made! Tell me!”

I can resist her begging puppy eyes. “Save the surprise for later Fujiko” She pouts and I hear a small and very brief bubble of laughter from Hisao. “I think that’s the first time I’ve heard you laugh,” I say turning to face him.

His chocolate eyes meet my good eye and I swear the canteen gets warmer. “Not had much to laugh about recently” he says.

“You should laugh more often. I’ve heard its good for the heart” I remark. An odd expression crosses Hisaos face and one hand comes up to his chest again. Ooops. I think I may’ve just touched a sore spot. He pokes at his food again, eats one or two mouthfuls and then pushes the plate away.

“I’ll try,” He says suddenly then elaborates at my confused expression “To laugh more. I’ll try to laugh more”

“Good” I nod. The bell rings and I frown “Guess we’d better head to class. See you after class Hisao” I wave as Arashi and company drags him off as Fujiko and me follow at a more sedate pace.

The next lesson is English revision and my tenseness from earlier has melted away and is instead replaced with anticipation. I’m looking forward to this evenings study session. The last two lessons of the day go by in a haze of studying and revision until the final bell goes.

When the bell does go, I’m hurrying out the door, wading my way through groups of students. I reach the dorms ahead of Fujiko and hurry to the kitchen. I nose inside the fridge briefly and nod in satisfaction that my goodies are still there. I bound up to my room and quickly shower but as I’m standing there, stark naked in my room after leaving the bathroom, Fujiko barges in.

“FUJIKO!” I shriek at her intrusion. “Why the hell did you barge in like that?”

She gives me one of her cheeky smirks and saunters past me and opens up my wardrobe. “Never fear Fujiko is here!” She cheers as she rummages through my clothes and begins to select items of clothing. She has that look in her eyes again so I simply sigh and resign myself to Fujiko dressing me up.

I have at least one small mercy though; at least it’s not a yukuta this time.

Twenty minutes later of endless decisions about what I should be wearing, Fujiko finally makes a decision. I end up wearing one of the two skirts I own, which is a light shade of green, along with a plain back t-shirt and one of my pale cardigans on top of the t-shirt. Fujiko says I look presentable then heads to her room comes back five minutes later, dressed impeccably, demands that I wear dragon eye patch and then seems to run out of steam. “Have you tidied your room?” She asks suddenly. I look around and horror begins to dawn.

My room is a tip I realize. There are panties on the floor, a pair of stockings, some bras, books all over the desk and some empty coffee mugs too. I grin sheepishly “oops?”

“He’ll be here soon you know!” She says and we both quickly dive into trying to give some form of order to the room. We have very nearly finished when there is a knock on my door. We booth freeze like rabbits caught in headlights only for Fujiko to gain an evil grin and open the door… for Hisao to get an eyeful of me carrying an armload of my dirty panties.

I’m not sure who changed color more and the fastest. Either way Fujiko ends up on the floor, holding her sides as she’s laughing so hard and Hisao and me are both rather red. “Sorry about that” I mumble whilst Fujiko dies from laughter.

“It’s ok” Hisao says, still red faced. “I didn’t mind” With that sentence Fujiko, howls with laughter even harder and starts rolling on the floor whilst my blush threatens to help me spontaneously combust.

“Ignore the rabid hyena,” I say darkly, inviting Hisao fully into my room. He takes a look around taking in the walls filled with posters of various anime titles, my row of DVDs, my shelves of books, manga and light novels, the hastily filled dirty wash basket lurking in the corner and my lime green duvet set on my bed.

“Nice place” He says giving me a small smile whilst Fujikos laughter dies down. “More colorful than I expected, although I did expect the posters and the DVD selection”

Ah I guess my nerdy hobby is exposed. Curses! “You knew I was a nerd ever since you heard my ring tone” I accuse

“No I only realized that after you addressed your older sister in the way you did” He retorts a smile inching across his face. He pauses “Does she really look like Saber?” I laugh and pull a family picture from my desk and show it to him. He stares at it for a moment and then I see the realization dawn on his face. “That is… eerily similar” He says finally.

Ok enough frivolity. I nudge Fujiko with one toe as her giggles slow. “Come on Fuji” I cajole her up “Hour and a half of study, I’ll cook you dinner then you can head to club. Why is it so late today?”

Fujikos shoulders still tremble with repressed giggles but she finally calms down to say, “Got a live model coming in. Was the only time Noyima could arrange so it’s late today”

“A live model?” Hisao asks, “So… you’re drawing someone naked?”

That shut Fujiko up quickly and she tries to hide her own blush behind the big, baggy sleeves that she prefers. I put on my tutoring cap, break open the books and drinks and begin to get down to it.

Being a tutor is surprisingly easy I find. Using some of the books I own, the lesson cracks along at a fairly fast pace and Hisao seems to be gaining more and more confidence in the subject matter. OK his accent is pretty thick but that’s something he can lose over time, I know I haven’t lost my accent entirely and I’ve been speaking English for most of my life. The idea I have of using fiction to read has seemed to help, although English is a very tricky language at any rate, with seemingly contradictory rules. I actually manage to persuade Hisao to take the first book of The Dresden files as reading material for bed and homework! I’m a genius!

The lesson continues in the dorm kitchen, Hisao getting some odd looks from the other residents as he sits at the table with Fujiko whilst I cook the dinner. We’re talking a little haltingly in English, so we’re naturally drawing some odd looks anyway. I think I see Ikezawa poke her head into the kitchen at one point, utter a dismayed squeak and then vanish at a rapid pace. Guess she wasn’t expecting to see Hisao in the girls’ dorm kitchens.

When the noodles are ready and mixed with the stir-fry, I serve Hisao and Fujiko dinner before joining them at the table. We dig in and the muted sounds of contentment bring a small grin to my face. Mission accomplished. Dinner is devoured very rapidly and Fujiko excuses herself for club. “I’ll leave dessert in the fridge for when you get back I say”

She literally vibrates on the spot “You made dessert?” I nod and she squeals with joy. “I’m looking forward to it!” she says before she begins to leave.

“I’ll leave a note on it so you know it!” I shout as she leaves with a wave. I turn and find Hisao doing the dishes. “You don’t need to do that” I say, joining him and drying what he’s washed.

“Ah but I want to” He corrects me gently. “Consider it thanks for a wonderful dinner. I’m sure your older brother would approve” Oh if only you knew Hisao, if only you knew. The rest of the dishes are done in companionable silence, the other girls having left to eat in their rooms.

“Ready for some science then?” Hisao says as we walk back up the stairs to my room. I nod, not sure I can trust my voice. I knew this was coming but I still feel a little odd about the whole situation. Me alone with a boy in my room. My heart rate is a little faster than normal and I think my palms are sticky.

We reach my room and the door swings open and we step in. Hisao pulls textbooks out and we settle at the desk, side by side on chairs as Hisao draws me down the rabbit hole into the weird and wonderful world of science.

It becomes clear almost immediately that Hisao is easier to understand than Mutou. Hisao breaks down the large unwieldy subjects Mutou rambles about into easily digestible chunks. I’m learning! I can understand this! I begin to smile and Hisao smiles at me. “Feeling more confident?” He asks.

It is then I notice how close we’re sitting together and how much time has passed. We are very, very close to each other. So close I can smell him. The room gets closer and I can feel my pulse racing. Hisao swallows and I think I see his Adams apple bob up and down. It would be so easy to…

I push away from the desk slightly and stand rapidly. “I’m gonna go get dessert! Back soon!” I dart out the door and heave a sigh of relief then curse. I sounded like Ikezawa!

But the atmosphere in there… I slump against a wall. It was… there are no words to describe it. It was… gah, this is hard, and I’ve known him for just over a week.

But there are no ifs or buts about it I muse as I retrieve the desserts from the fridge. I am attracted to him. Question is what do I do about it?

As I make my way more slowly up the stairs I make a decision. For the moment I do nothing. Carry on as normal I guess, play it by ear. I think Hisao is attracted to me as well but he needs more time to settle. Last thing he needs is a whirlwind romance.

Hopefully we can enjoy the desserts in a calmer atmosphere.

That hope is dashed when I open my door. Hisao is holding one of my music CDs, a very particular one. I can feel myself shaking and the desserts tumble from shaking hands as Hisao reads aloud the inscription from the inside of the case.

“To my wonderful little phantom, keep making the music of the night. Keep singing and make your Papa proud!”

I feel fuzzy and I vaguely register my knees hitting the carpet of my room. I can feel my eye flooding with tears.

Why Hisao, why? Why did you have to look at that one?

I’m crying as the words read aloud bring forth a flash flood of memories. Flashes of images and sounds assail me as a wail begins to erupt from throat.

The stage lights.

The green dress I was wearing.

The lyrics of the song drift in and out of my ears as more images assail me as I think Hisao moves to his knees, kneeling besides me. I see one last image, crystal clear, across my retinas.

My papa, dead in a playhouse seat, his hands forever frozen in applause of the song I had just finished singing. It had been our favorite growing up. I squeeze Hisao tighter and I can feel myself sobbing into his sweater vest. He begins to move and I hold him tighter. “Don’t” I say and he stops moving “Just hold me please” I whisper brokenly “I don’t want to be alone”

I cry for a few more minutes, shuddering in great heaving sobs. I grow quieter and the sobs morph into small hiccups. “Are you…” Hisao trails off “I’m sorry” He says finally.

“Not your fault” I sniffle “Shouldn’t have it out but I can’t bear to throw it out. I never said you couldn’t look” I give him a weak wobbly grin. “I…” I swallow. Hisao will be the first person apart from my direct family to know this.

I look him in the eye as I speak “Fujiko said I spoke good English because of my parents. That’s… not entirely true. Akihiro and Akiho are my half siblings. Papa married Mother after their mother died. Akiho and Akihiro’s mother was a third generation UK Japanese. She met Papa in England and they had a love of musicals” I pause and clear my throat “When she died, Papa kept her stuff in the house including all the old tapes of the musicals they loved. I found them, learnt English to sing them.”

“Go on” Hisao urges as I fall silent.

“Papa found me singing them in my room. We would watch the tapes together and he’d take me to places where I’d sing.” I meet his gaze “I was really good Hisao. People paid to see me. Papa was so proud!” I choke up again. “He’d… he’d call me his little phantom, as our favorite musical was the Phantom of the Opera”

I swallow as that image flashes across my eyes again. “Papa died during one my performances. He died in his seat, in the crowd, watching me sing our favorite song.”

There is silence in my room, a heavy, poignant silence. “It was after his funeral that I swore I’d never sing again. I can’t even listen to my favorite tracks anymore without having a flashback Hisao!”

Hisao holds me tighter, on his knees with me. “I am so sorry Ayane” He whispers and kisses my forehead. I sniffle quietly and smile at the feeling of his lips on my forehead.

“You’re the only other person I’ve told the full story too,” I whisper. “Not even Fujiko knows the full story”

“Thank you for sharing that then. I understand it must be hard for you” He says softly.

“Will you come into the city with me at the weekend?” I ask.

Hisao seems bemused “Sure but why?”

I smile softly. My heart is still aching, the echo of papa is still in the room but I feel a little better “To meet the other brother and sister” I say.

“Of course I will,” He says.

We stay locked in the embrace for a few minutes more. “I think I’ve missed curfew” Hisao says suddenly “I… I should head back.”

I stand and shake my head “Not tonight. I have a spare futon in my wardrobe. Please Hisao, I need someone here tonight… I... I don't want the dreams to come back”

I think it’s the broken tone I have and the pleading look I give him but he gives in and he stays the night on my floor.

There are no nightmares this night.

End Scene 3
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 3 up!

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Loved it, especially the scene at the end. It changed it from a good chapter to a great one.

Also, I keep getting confused whenever you say "canteen". I thought at first that Fuji was storing food in her drink container at first, and wasn't entirely sure why Ayane was handing her money. You don't need to change it or anything, just keep in mind some words mean different things in America. The hob was another word that confused me, as that means nothing in American English.

And I'm not sure if I said this before, but I think I'd be awesome if her brother started dating Shizune(just look at my sig), though I'd be perfectly fine with MIsha. Or neither if them, as he's not the focus anyways.
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 3 up!

Post by Mirage_GSM »

I can literally hear her roll her eyes from down the corridor.
Literally? I find that unlikely.

And yes, I always start when someone uses "canteen" as well...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 3 up!

Post by CloudGrain »

Thus far, absolutely loving it, kinda sad that I won't be getting my 'fix' until Thusday but life does come first.

You have a very, very compelling way of creating these new characters and giving life to them within Yamaku in ways that just seem to fit. Everything seems almost completely natural as to how it might play out in KS were it really another route in the game. Perhaps a few more 'animated' moments that couldn't quite be portrayed in the VN's style, but nonetheless all things that I could certainly see happening within the story without a real hiccup. I can't help but cringe slightly internally at the exact same moment, seeing how things are progressing so close to the same rate as the VN... Soon the mental breaks, and the feels multiply at an exponential rate. God save us if you leave it at a cliffhanger and get stuck with a massive workload.

Awesome stuff, great read thus far, cheers,
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 3 up!

Post by TheTealeaf »

AntonSlavik020 wrote:Loved it, especially the scene at the end. It changed it from a good chapter to a great one.

Also, I keep getting confused whenever you say "canteen". I thought at first that Fuji was storing food in her drink container at first, and wasn't entirely sure why Ayane was handing her money. You don't need to change it or anything, just keep in mind some words mean different things in America. The hob was another word that confused me, as that means nothing in American English.

And I'm not sure if I said this before, but I think I'd be awesome if her brother started dating Shizune(just look at my sig), though I'd be perfectly fine with MIsha. Or neither if them, as he's not the focus anyways.
Thank you for the kind words anton!

I apologise for my British language :) I guess it creeps in every so often!

As for Shizune and misha... All I shall say is I have plans! :mrgreen:
Mirage_GSM wrote:
I can literally hear her roll her eyes from down the corridor.
Literally? I find that unlikely.

And yes, I always start when someone uses "canteen" as well...
Eh Ayane is prone to exaggeration. She is the one narrating after all.

And again I'm a Brit. We use that word XD
CloudGrain wrote:Thus far, absolutely loving it, kinda sad that I won't be getting my 'fix' until Thusday but life does come first.

You have a very, very compelling way of creating these new characters and giving life to them within Yamaku in ways that just seem to fit. Everything seems almost completely natural as to how it might play out in KS were it really another route in the game. Perhaps a few more 'animated' moments that couldn't quite be portrayed in the VN's style, but nonetheless all things that I could certainly see happening within the story without a real hiccup. I can't help but cringe slightly internally at the exact same moment, seeing how things are progressing so close to the same rate as the VN... Soon the mental breaks, and the feels multiply at an exponential rate. God save us if you leave it at a cliffhanger and get stuck with a massive workload.

Awesome stuff, great read thus far, cheers,
Wow cloud, I'm blushing. Thank you so much for the praise!

As for your fix... You may be lucky and I can squeak out 4k tonight after I've finished planning

EDIT: Managed to get 1.5k for scene 4 done. You want feels Cloud? The first k of this scene is pure marshmallow fluff! XD
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

One cannot think well, sleep well, love well if one has not dined well
- Virginia Woolf

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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 3 up!

Post by CloudGrain »

I'm sure that the feels will be appreciated; when they're ready. Can't be letting myself get too carried away with things I've found that I liked and have access to upon request... I'll tell you, the last time that happened I ended up with a pool nearly completely surrounded by empty jello-shot and beer containers, a couple of friends and myself wondering what divine intervention had occurred the previous night that we all managed to survive, and a three hour drive to a kick ass concert.

Failing to see any bad in that whatsoever, and completely negating my earlier point, probably more apt to point out the fact that just a taste would be much crueler than waiting until everything was set in place to tie another scene up with a pretty pink bow. Glad to hear that you're progressing at an even faster rate than you'd expected earlier, and can definitely hope that it means you'll be pushing out a quality chapter either on-time or perhaps even a little soon. Immensely enjoy seeing that you've got an update out, and I fully expect myself to be re-reading the entire psuedo-route in its entirety after you declare it officially finished. Of course, as soon as you finish I'm going to need to steal some of the immense motivation you've got going to get myself back into the groove of writing. Can't wait for it. :twisted:

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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 3 up!

Post by TheTealeaf »

Early, ahead of schedule... enjoy!


Act 2

Scene 4

Lean on me
(When you’re not strong)

I feel very warm. Comfortable and snuggly so wherever I am, it feels good. Feels safe like I’m at home.

I snuggle deeper into my pillow and let out a sigh of contentment. My alarm hasn’t gone yet so I can sleep for longer. I feel so drowsy. I yawn contently and I feel myself smile sleepily. That is until I hear my door creak open.

Must be Fuji. She’s the only one with a spare key after all.

I crack one eye open and see Fujiko staring at me from the doorway. Her mouth is hanging open. She then shuts my door and three seconds later, opens it again.

She stares again and then repeats the previous steps again. It is when my door opens for the third time, do I realize that I’m sleeping on my floor and that my pillow is in fact another person.


The events of last night come crashing into my head like a runaway freight train. I hug Hisao a little tighter and he grumbles under his breath, beginning to stir.

Last night I broke down on him. Bawled into his sweater vest and asked him to stay the night on a futon. I guess during the night I’d wound up joining him on the futon. Fujiko is saying nothing but she’s entered my room and is staring at me very intently. This is awkward. Me wrapped round a boy like he’s a living stuffed toy whilst he’s sleeping on my floor and my best friend staring at me in my doorway. “We’ll talk later” Fujiko whispers, eyes narrowing at me as she steps out of me room.

Well that’s one bullet dodged for the moment… Now time to deal with the other.

Hisao saw me at my worst yesterday evening. He saw me when I was having flashbacks. That is never a pretty sight. Most of them are on my own but I know the mess I’m in afterwards. Hisao stayed and comforted me, listened to me pour my guts out. He didn’t deserve that.

I feel a small, soft smile form. Yet he did stay. He listened with no judgment; he simply listened and held me. Hisao is one of a rare breed and I’m glad that I stumbled upon him.

I can feel him begin to stir from sleep. I relax my arms a little as he stirs further, gradually emerging from the depths of his slumber. I feel him stiffen in my arms and slowly turn to face me.

“Morning” I say softly, not directly meeting his gaze. It’s soft and filled with awe and wonderment.

He looks as though he’s searching for the right words to say but he settles simply with “Good morning to you too” There is a beat of silence and he draws me in closer in a hug “I’m not dreaming am I?” He asks.

I shake my head in his chest, his chin atop my head, a small giggle coming from me “No Hisao you’re not dreaming” I say softly, returning the hug.

“How are you feeling?”

I give a small shrug “All things considered, it could be a lot worse.” I nuzzle deeper into his sweater vest. He smells good. “Just… thank you”

“For what?” Hisao asks genuinely puzzled.

“For listening,” I whisper softly, “And for staying and holding me. Not everyone would do that”

I can feel one hand stroke my hair and I relax under his ministrations “I don’t mind Ayane” He says “In fact anytime you want to talk, you know I’ll listen, after all I am your friend. Friends do that”

Friends… I’m not sure who you’re trying to fool Hisao but we both know that this isn’t purely platonic friendship we’re feeling. This is far, far too intimate to be labeled ‘friends’. Although is it something that a label can be placed on? We haven’t crossed the line into boyfriend/girlfriend turf yet but we are treading dangerously close to it. I like you Hisao. You’re good for me, I feel as though I can finally begin to breathe with you around, finally begin to lay some demons that still cling to me to rest.

I feel his lips on top of my head. I squirm at the feeling. Hisao… never stop being you. “Then all I can do is say the same to you” I wiggle back out his arms a little and look at him “Lean on me when you have to as well. I’ll listen”

A sigh comes from Hisao “I’m not sure I’m ready to share yet” He says, looking slightly downcast “I’m sorry”

I place my hand where his heart his and I feel him suck a breath in and retreat slightly, my fingertips grazing his vest. “I understand. I haven’t shared everything. Last night… wouldn’t have normally happened.” I pause, trying to find the right words “I bottle things Hisao, the only other people that know the full story are my family” I shake my head “What I’m trying to say Hisao is don’t apologize for not sharing. Do it when and if you’re ready”

“So what was last night?” He questions me.

“Last night was the bottle breaking,” I say “And you helped pick up the pieces and mop the mess up”

“Is it that bad?” He asks gently.

I snort. “Last time I had a dream about those… events I woke half the dorm up screaming” Hisaos eyes widen slightly at that revelation. “It’s rare I have a dream or flashbacks but as you’ve seen… it can happen”

“Why keep the CD?” He asks gently.

“Sentimentality mainly. As much as the memory is painful I can’t bring myself to throw it away. Part of me still remembers when I was little and we’d sing in his study together. If I throw the CD away, I feel as though I’m throwing all those memories out with it as well.” Stupid reasons I know but one can’t explain the intricacies of the heart and memories well.

Hisao nods gently “I can’t say I understand entirely, but I’m trying”

I give him a small, thankful smile and give him another hug. We stay embraced for a good couple of minutes in peaceful silence.

At least until the peace is shattered by Hisaos phone ringing. “Better answer that,” I say, pulling myself from the futon and checking the time. Early still. Enough time for a coffee and my tablets. I put my kettle on and turn to regard Hisao. He’s finished his conversation and hangs up, sighing and rubbing his eyes. His hair is a mess, his clothes wrinkled and creased and he looks positively adorable.

“I need to get going” Hisao says softly, rising from the futon. “I’m running late for my morning run with Emi”

I have to stop myself from saying anything immediately “Running partners?” I ask softly.

“The nurses idea” Hisao says, “It’s to help manage and improve my condition”

I nod gently “Enjoy your run Hisao.” I sweep forward and plant a kiss on his cheek, exactly like I did at the festival. “Remember me whilst you run Hisao” I say softly in his ear.

He swallows sharply and steps back eyes widening at the coy grin I sport “I find that it would be very hard to forget you Ayane” He says before leaving my room.

The silence after he leaves is almost deafening. I idly pour myself a coffee and am mid sip when Fujiko barges back into my room. “You, me, talk now!” she growls at me as my coffee begins to burn my lip.

I hastily swallow my pill along with my mouthful of coffee. “What do we talk about?”

Fujiko actually stamps one foot, hands on hip and demands, “You know full well what we need to talk about! Hisao stayed the night Ayane, what happened?”

I worry my lip for a moment. “It went well to start off with Fuji” I say softly, sitting on my bed. “He really helped me understand a lot of the science stuff.” I heave a sigh, “I went down to get the desserts. I came back up and he’d gotten curious” I look her in the eye “He found something that set me off” I admit.

Fujiko sits next to me and embraces me; “Oh Ayane” is whispered in my ear. “What happened?” she asks.

“He hugged me” I say with a small shrug “and he listened. Even tried to leave after he realized it was past curfew. I asked him to stay, got the futon out for him and then you found us this morning. Guess I moved there during the night”

“I did say that you liked him Ayane but don’t you think this might be going a bit too fast?”

“I know Fujiko” I lean on her shoulder “But we only slept. He’s gentle Fujiko and I feel safe with him” I sigh “Safe isn’t quite the right word but it’s close enough. He feels like home Fuji”

There is silence as she digests the information I’ve just given her “I’m guessing he’s left to head back to the boys dorm?”

I frown “Not quite, Nurse signed him on as Ibarazakis running partner to help his condition” My tone is grouchy and a little bitter.

“Worried?” Fujiko says softly. Normally she’d be teasing but not this morning.

“You know my history with her” I say, staring into the distance. “But I can understand Hisao wanting to improve his condition. I think it’s a heart or lung problem, not sure but all the signals seem to point in that direction and if running with her will help him, why should I stop him? I’d just be being a giant bitch basically.”

“Have you asked Hisao about it?” Fujiko asks.

I give her a wry look “You know the unwritten rule as much as well as I do Fujiko. Even if the problem is very obvious, you wait until they say something. You don’t ask”

“I’m not some naïve first year” Fujiko grumbles “But changing the subject, what’re you going to do?”

I sigh and then lean back against a pillow, moving off Fujikos shoulder. “Business as normal I guess” I give a small shrug “I mean he’s already agreed to come into the city and meet Akiho and Akihiro.”

“That could be entertaining” Fujiko muses, “I’m not sure how Hisao will take Akihiro”

“Not a lot of people know how to take Akihiro,” I say dryly. “You know how he is”

“So, presenting him to the family?” Fujiko teases.

“He’s not some show dog” I say, “Not that my family has any say in who I date but for the moment, Hisao is my friend that…” I sigh. Ok time to bite the bullet in front of Fujiko. “Don’t get me wrong Fujiko I do like Hisao, I could see us dating I’m just not sure when I should broach the topic or how”

“At least you’re being honest” Fujiko says, “Do you think Hisao feels the same?”

I frown again “I’m reasonably confident he feels something” I feel my face light up as I confess, “He kissed my forehead this morning. It… felt good”

I’ve never been particularly ‘girly’, so why does talking like this with Fujiko make me grin and feel slightly giddy? “Can I give you some advice Ayane?” Fujiko asks me gently. I nod and she smiles her lopsided grin at me before she says, “I wouldn’t leave him hanging too long I think. I’m no expert but you both feel something and if you don’t do something about that spark it might fizzle out before it has a chance to burn”

Wise words Fujiko. Advice that I think I’ll take to heart. “Thank you Fujiko,” I say softly. “English is first period isn’t it?” I ask. Fujiko gives me a nod. I get up and head over to my desk and scribble out my phone number on a piece of paper. “I’m going to take my test then take the rest of the day off. I need some space,” I say half to myself and half to Fujiko. “Can I ask you to give this to Hisao?” I hand Fujiko my hastily scrawled phone number and she nods. I clap my hands together to energize myself. “Good time to get ready for that test I think”

This time Fujiko leaves me to shower in peace.

After my shower, whilst my hair is still damp with Fujiko lounging on my bed, my phone buzzes at me. Fujiko is nearest as I’m still reaching into my wardrobe. “Arashi” She chirps at me “He’s got breakfast and he says that your lover boy is with him” That’s odd. It’s only been forty minutes in total since Hisao left and I’ve spent half of that in the shower. I thought his run would’ve taken longer?

Maybe Ibarazaki pissed him off. The thought makes a small smile inch across my lips. I’m a terrible person sometimes.

“Arashi didn’t say those exact words,” I mutter, grabbing my phone. Sure enough he didn’t but I guess Fujiko is taking her points where she can get them. It’s taken her two years but she’s learning when and where to score her shots. She’s got that lopsided grin again and I just huff out a breath, “Come on giggles” I say dryly, “Lets get breakfast”

Fujiko bounds up off my bed and we march from the dorms, down the stairs, outside to meet the boys. As soon as I see Hisao I understand why he was able to join us for breakfast. He’s still in his running gear and looks pretty sweaty. He gives Fujiko a wary wave and she hides her grin behind her arm. He then gives me a very tentative, shy grin a hint of pink on his cheeks.

I suddenly feel as though a squadron of butterflies have dive-bombed my stomach. Heat blossoms on my face and I give him a shy grin back. My eagle-eyed brother has noticed the interaction and is watching our interaction with narrowed eyes.

We set up the exam breakfast and rather deliberately Arashi sits between Hisao and me. Breakfast begins, and Arashi takes the chance to interrogate me, whilst Fujiko distracts Hisao. Thanks Fujiko, throw me under the bus why don’t you?

[Something’s changed] He signs, eyes narrowed slightly.

[What’s changed?] I sign back. If he wants to interrogate me, we’ll do it privately thank you.

He cocks his head to one side before signing [Not what. Who. Something about you has changed] He pauses and marshals his thoughts [You’re different from yesterday and the days before that. You seem lighter. More like the you before Dad died]

My brother is perceptive little shit sometimes. [Hisao helped me unload some of the demons that have been haunting me] I confess.

[Good] My brother signs, nodding with authority. I nearly spit my coffee in shock. [It’s about time you spoke to someone else] he continues signing, oblivious to my shock.

[You’re ok with him?] I sign.

There is an ambivalent shrug [If he’s good for you and treats you right of course I’m ok with him. If he hurts you though Akihiro and myself have cleavers]

Brothers. They never change. [It’s not an overnight fix] I sign. [I’m still getting shivers and sweats at the thought of a stage or even just singing in private. I miss my music I miss listening to music]

[What did happen?] Arashi asks

I nibble my lip,

Arashis eyes widen [I… I wasn’t expecting that] He admits.

[Neither was I. It just happened] I sign with a shrug. [But it felt good] I admit with a small smile [After all the crying and screaming and snot of course] Arashi looks mildly repulsed and waves me off to continue breakfast.

I turn back to find Hisao with an odd expression on his face. “Can I ask what that was about?”

I ‘hmmmm’ before saying “Just Arashi in ‘over protective brother mode’”

“Should I be worried?” Hisao asks, partly in jest. Arashi nods and I punch him on the shoulder.

“Only if you be a dick,” I said bluntly. Arashi signs rapidly and Hisao raises a questioning eyebrow. “He said if you’re a dick, you lose your dick via cleaver”

Hisao turns slightly paler. “Straight to the point I see” Arashi just grins in response and gives him two thumbs up. Hisao shuffles close to me and my brother rolls his eyes, pulls out his whiteboard and heads over to Fujiko. “How’re you feeling?” He asks softly, his lips nearly directly on my ear.

Goose bumps fly down my arms. “I could be better” I admit. Although the pair opposite are trying to be discrete, I can tell that they’re listening in. “It was cathartic in a way Hisao but it’s just the first step.”

“Admittance” Hisao suddenly says, breath hot in my ear. I shiver again as he continues, “The first step is admittance, then the rest follow”

“I know but Hisao it will be a long journey, not just for me but anyone that comes along for the ride” That is a stark blunt warning to you Hisao. I’m damaged goods are you sure you want to begin walking this thorny, thorny road?

Hisao holds my hand in his and says “I need to go on my own journey too Ayane and you’re ahead of me. I still haven’t really accepted what happened to me yet.” I open my mouth to speak, swiveling to face him and Hisao cuts me off, “but I’m getting there. Slowly. So… I may want to walk that road with someone to lean on”

“Hisao” I say softly… I chicken out. Instead I gesture at Fujiko and she throws me the paper with my number on it. “My number. Ring me during lunch.” I glance at my watch “You need to go get showered Hisao, you stink and class begins in about fifteen minutes. Shoo” Hisao takes my number, winks at me and then strolls off in the direction of the boys’ dorm.

Cue two sets of interested eyes on me. “No” I state flatly. Fujiko pouts and Arashi rolls his eyes. We finish what little remains of breakfast, pack up, with me swiping the blanket and head to class.

I’m feeling confident about the English exam, so when the paper comes around and the exam begins, I crack a small grin and begin to tackle the paper.

I finish the paper early, even after triple checking my answers. The only person who’s finished ahead of me is Lilly. That is usually the case for English so I simply place my head on the desk and take a nap.

The bell ringing and Ms Miyagi’s sweet voice wake me from sleep. I take in the sights and sounds briefly, sweep my bag up and head out of the room. It’s not unusual and during the teacher swaps sometimes students leave. We are given a large amount of leeway here at Yamaku and I have a very good attendance record. One day isn’t going to affect my records.

At least, I hope it isn’t.

I head back to my room, staying in my uniform and grab a selection of books, putting them in a backpack, along with the blanket I’d swiped earlier. I pack some drinks, pack some snack stuff and leftovers in tubs from the kitchen into the bag and then leave the dorms.

I head out of the back gate of the academy, winding my way through the dappled forest and the stream nearby. There is not a sound and the silence is blissful and I can feel myself unwinding.

There is a spot here, a tree near the stream, not far from Yamaku that I found during my first year. It has this tranquil feeling and this lovely dappled shade that I adore.

It’s only a few minutes walk and I find myself at my special spot. I set the blanket up, flop down and draw some of my reading material from the bag. I pop a can of soda and relax back and enjoy the silence.

It gives me time to organize and collate my thoughts that have been stumbling and bumbling around. I feel myself falling asleep even as I try to stay focused but the cool, calm air and the bubbling of the stream lull me with natures lullaby and I cannot resist its call.

I wake, not sure of the time and yawn blearily. The aftermath of a dream hovers at the front of my conscious and before it wriggles away I can hear a sentence ring in the clearing.

“Every journey begins with a single step but no-one ever said you have to make that journey alone”

Wow subconscious way to tell me what I’ve already been told today. I guess even my own brain thinks I’m stupid.

I lean over and rummage in my bag and pull my phone out. One missed call from a number not programmed into my phone. I guess that’s Hisao. The call was only two minutes ago… and yes my phone goes off even as I’m looking. I always have very timing when it comes to phones.

“Ayane?” Hisao sounds a little confused.

I giggle a little at his confused tone “Right number Hisao”

“Why’d you ask me to call you? You could’ve found me at lunch” He states.

I hear the bustle of students in the background and possibly echoes of Mishas distinctive laugh. “Not possible Hisao, not on school grounds at the moment. Needed some… time” I give a beat of silence. “I’ve gone on a literary excursion with drinks, food and snack. Care to join me?”

I can hear the moral battle go on in his head for almost five seconds. “Where are you?”

A grin curls up my mouth. Excellent. “I’ll come get you. Do you know where the back gate is?”

Another voice chimes in and Hisao responds, “Fujiko says she’ll show me the way. See you there?”

“Of course” I say and hang the phone up. I dust myself off as I get off the blanket and then head back, leaving my stuff there. It’s only a short trip back but when I’m there, Hisao is already waiting at the gate, hands in pockets, a very small faint smile on his features.

I extend my hand and Hisao takes it and I lead him through the dappled forest to my quiet spot. He sees the blankets and books and a bigger smile crosses his features. He turns to speak but I simply shake my head, point at the pile of books and smile at him again. He gets the message and we settle down on the blankets with or reading material.

We sit in the shade listening to the stream; Hisaos head eventually finding it’s way into my lap. The silence is blissful and the only communication between us is through small gentle touches. It is when I abandon my book and begin running my hands through Hisaos hair that I break the silence. It almost seems like sacrilege to break the silence but I do.

I pick my words carefully. “Hisao…” He flicks his eyes up to mine. “Is it just me or does this feel really, really right?” Hisao nods, my hands still entangled in his hair. “It’s a little scary though. It’s been what, two weeks now?”

“I know what you mean.” Hisao says eventually. “I’m… not good with girls Ayane. I came here because a girl confessed to me and I had a heart attack”

That got my attention. Heart attack? Wow after a girl confessed. Talk about really, really shitty luck. Hisao looks like he wants to say more but his face is twisted in indecision. I shake my head. “You don’t need to tell me anymore” I say softly. “Tell me when you’re ready.” He nods and I ask. “Can we go back to the first topic? Like I said two weeks, it’s a little scary. Where do we go from here?”

He muses for a minute and then finally says, “For today, can we just stay like this? As for Saturday… after I meet your other siblings…” He sucks in a breath, looks at me and rather bluntly states. “After I meet and am threatened by your siblings, how about we get something to eat, maybe see a film”

“You mean a date”

Hisao sighs in defeat. “Yes Ayane, a date”

A smile graces my features. “I’d love to” Hisao blinks, seemingly surprised by my easy answer. I tangle one hand in his hair again and go back to reading and the silence descends on us again as the evening begins to draw in.

It is a few minutes later when Hisao speaks. “Ayane?”


“I know you said it this morning, I could lean on you but I just want to let you know that you can lean on me too”

“I know Hisao, I know”

We read in contented, peaceful silence until there is no more natural light to read by.

End scene 4
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

One cannot think well, sleep well, love well if one has not dined well
- Virginia Woolf

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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 4 up!

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Another great chapter. Kinda cheesy at points, but still good. Really looking forward to Hisao meeting her older brother. I know I said I don't like him, but in this case it should be fun.

Also, I think "I suddenly feel as though a squadron of butterflies have dive-bombed my stomach." was my favorite line.
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Best route
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 4 up!

Post by azumeow »

Knew it was worth staying along for the ride. The past two chapters were perfect D'AAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! material.
"I don’t want to be here anymore, I know there’s nothing left worth staying for.
Your paradise is something I’ve endured
See I don’t think I can fight this anymore, I’m listening with one foot out the door
And something has to die to be reborn-I don’t want to be here anymore"
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 4 up!

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Nce chapter again.

A few typos here and there, but I chalk that up to that insane release schedule of yours...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 4 up!

Post by TheTealeaf »

AntonSlavik020 wrote:Another great chapter. Kinda cheesy at points, but still good. Really looking forward to Hisao meeting her older brother. I know I said I don't like him, but in this case it should be fun.

Also, I think "I suddenly feel as though a squadron of butterflies have dive-bombed my stomach." was my favorite line.
Sometimes a bit of cheese is needed.

As for the meeting, prepare for swearing, that is all I will say!

Thank you for your kind words as always Anton.

I'd been playing some of Rin's route so dive bombing butterflies tickled me! :D
azumeow wrote:Knew it was worth staying along for the ride. The past two chapters were perfect D'AAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! material.
Thank you very much! Yes these were some 'cutesy' moments. The route does not always run smooth though -insert evil laughter here-
Mirage_GSM wrote:Nce chapter again.

A few typos here and there, but I chalk that up to that insane release schedule of yours...
I'll go over things with a fine tooth comb after I've finished I think.

As for the schedule. I write after I finish work as it helps me unwind, so 7-11 so four hours of writing. I can type roughly 1000 words an hour on a good night and it flows pretty well, so my schedule is a little insane.

Still Mirage you are consistent in commenting and always have kind words for me, so thank you!

Also over 1000 views! Wow!

Now all I need is this added to the library and I will be a very happy bunny! :shock:

Edit: Scene 5 is at 2k words and we haven't even reached the city and restaurant yet. Expect a two parter!
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

One cannot think well, sleep well, love well if one has not dined well
- Virginia Woolf

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Re: Learning the blues (HisaoxOC route) Act 2 Scene 4 up!

Post by TheTealeaf »

Ok. Big update. Nearly 8k words. I think I've got everything but there may be typos. Scene 6 will be delivered tomorrow night and scene 7 on Sunday night. I hope you enjoy!


Act 2

Scene 5

Through the fire and the flames…
(At least for Hisao)

Friday was a hectic day. The dreaded science exam was my main concern and I didn’t see Hisao all day as I missed him in the morning due to sleeping in and unfortunately the student council grabbed him for something during lunch.

We did however swap several texts. Most of them were about planning for the following day, Saturday. I didn’t give Hisao a warning about my brother that would be entertaining.

The trip numbers had gone up though. Instead of just Hisao and me, Arashi, Shizune, Misha and Fujiko would be joining us as well. I think it was the promise of free food from a high-class chef that was the deciding factor.

Bunch of gluttons.

Although I shouldn’t be so quick to cast the first stone. Akihiros cooking is delicious and I am quite looking forward to having it. He did curse at me down the phone when I told him the booking had gone up in number but it was half hearted. I haven’t properly seen Akihiro in nearly six months so seeing him will be nice.

All this leads me to being incredibly twitchy during Saturday lessons. I’m eager for the bell to go and to get ready for the rest of the day. The teachers have noticed too and I’ve been told repeatedly to stop fidgeting and being a ‘distraction’.

Fujiko seems oddly nervous for some reason and I haven’t been able to squirrel it out of her. I have however agreed to another form of ‘torture’ via Fujiko dressing me up.

Finally, the long horrific half day of classes comes to an end. We have an hour before needing to be at the gates and then getting the bus. Fujiko and I are heading to the door when Lilly stops us. “Ayane?” She asks, “May I have a word please?”

I stop, nod at Fujiko and tell her “I’ll meet you in your room in a few minutes Fujiko.” She nods and I turn to face Lilly. “What do you need Lilly?” I ask, trying to stop my feet from twitching or my impatience showing.

“You left class early on Thursday” Lilly says slowly, weighing her words carefully, “Is everything ok?”

Part of me is amazed by the fact that she knew I’d left, that or someone’s informing her and the other part of me is debating how to answer that question.

The darkly sarcastic part wants to go “Aw gee Lilly, I’m just peachy. Still got Daddy issues but a boy just as broken as me is trying to help with that”

No, no I think that would not be a good idea. “Just some personal stuff Lilly.” I’m glad she can’t see my facial expression, as that would give the game away totally. “Took a personal day after doing the exam. I have a good attendance record, so I figured one day wouldn’t hurt”

Liilys tone carries a slight reprimand “That I am not concerned about Ayane, I’m concerned about you. I am not Hakamichi”

Ooooo ouch, burn. “Sorry Lilly” I say contritely, “I’ve been better but with some help from friends… I’m making progress”

Lilly nods firmly, that small mysterious smile back across her face. “Good. I’m assuming those friends include Mr. Nakai?” The stunned silence speaks for itself and Lilly giggles lightly behind one hand. “It’s the talk of the school rumor vine, the mysterious Tsukino Ayane from 3-2 in a whirlwind romance with the new transfer student? It’s popular lunch gossip”

Oh dear god in heaven no. Hisao and I are gossip topics? Kill me kill me now. Please. Lilly steps forward, her cane sweeping forward and catching my ankle. She touches my forearm gently and says “Don’t concern yourself with it, if it gets out of hand I shall stamp it out” Her tone is firm and reassuring and I begin to breathe again. “I’m just glad you’ve found someone Ayane, I was worried about you last year, you were rapidly becoming an angry shut it, it’s good to see you opening up”

Fuck it. I move forward and grab Lilly in a hug. “Thank you” I whisper as she stiffens in shock. “I don’t think I could ask for a better class representative”

A prim “I am simply doing my job” Is the swift but awkward response to my hug.

“L-l-lilly?” Ikezawas stutter is recognizable anywhere so I release Lilly from my hug and step aside as Lilly greets her friend.

“Take care Ayane” She says as she walks away arm with Ikezawa. “Enjoy the rest of your day” The tap-tap-tap of her cane as she walks away echoes lightly down the empty corridors.

Thanks Lilly. I plan on having a very good day and some good food.

I leave the classroom and quicken my pace to the girls’ dorm. Running a little behind schedule, I take the stairs two at a time and knock on Fujikos door. She answers the door and in the five to ten minutes I’ve been away Fujiko has got dressed in a long pale blue sundress, with a large floppy brimmed sunhat, her hair in her usual style with locks covering the left side of her face in a dark curtain of hair. Her arms are bare, unusual for Fujiko but the long pale sundress looks really, really good on her.

“Wow Fuji” I say, “You look really, really good! Got a reason for dressing up this well?”

She gives me a small smile “Do I need a reason?” She remarks enigmatically as she drags me into her room. She’s already laid out some options on her bed. I’m not so good with choices and as Fujiko regularly reminds me, my style of dress is rather tom boyish in nature.

“You know I haven’t got any idea” I mutter as I regard the choices.

Fujiko lets out an exasperated, long suffering sigh. “Go with your gut” she says “Choose what you feel comfortable with”

“Arashi is the one that goes with his guts and gets himself in stupid situations” I mutter as I regard the clothes as one would regard a poisonous snake.

I finally gravitate towards a set of dark blue jeans, a black long sleeved shirt with some ruffle bits on the front and a sleeveless cardigan that is oddly reminiscent of a tan waistcoat I own but in a different shade of brown. Fujiko nods approvingly at my choice and then rummages through her wardrobe before shaking her head. “No, no hat. Hair in a ponytail and put your special eye patch on.” I do so as she suggests and then she pins my colored lock of hair to one side, so my eye patch is visible.

She nods approvingly and then smacks my butt with one hand and grins as I let out a yelp of shock. “Hisao should approve of that bum in those jeans,” she says with her lopsided grin. I frown at her as we leave her room, grabbing wallets and phones and other necessities before heading to the front gate.

When we arrive at the front gates, Shizune and Misha are already waiting for us. [Where are Hisao and Arashi?] Shizune signs, one foot tapping [We are almost behind schedule]

I shrug and sign [They had better be on time if they know what’s good for them]. Misha’s distinctive laugh rings out and I spin to find that Fujiko has engaged her in quiet conversation.

Shizune nudges her glasses up and signs [Indeed if they know what’s good for them!] We share a smug satisfied grin and check our watches in eerie unison.

It’s not long before the boys do show up and on time fortunately. Shizune has engaged me in conversation about my brothers’ restaurant. I only give her sparing answers; I want it to be a mystery for a little bit longer. Hisao has again borrowed some of my brothers’ clothes (That thin silk crimson tie is certainly one of my brothers) and looks good even with his trademark sweater vest. He looks…

Can adorkable even be a word?

I should make it a word.

My brother approaching cuts off my musing. He’s wearing his black cargos and his button up black shirt and a casual, thin necktie. He looks good and Shizune seem very, very pleased to see him judging by the way she eyes him like a well-hung piece of beef. I pull Hisao into a gentle hug and see Shizune raise one eyebrow and then rapidly question Arashi via sign. “Come on” I say, tugging Hisao along. Shizune spots the movement and like a chain of dominoes falling we make our way to the bus stop, talking in a mixture of sign and speech.

The bus arrives a few minutes later and we pile in, Hisao sits next to me, Shizune and my brother in the seats behind us, whilst Misha and Fujiko sit behind them, whispering and giggling quietly to each other. I didn’t know they were friends. The bus rattles off, the journey into the city beginning. “How long is the journey?” Hisao asks softly.

“Around twenty minutes” I say softly back. There is a nod from Hisao and his hand finds mine and squeezes softly as the view rolls bye.

There is a calm, peaceful silence between us, only broken by the occasional rumble and judder of the bus. I lean my head against Hisao and simply soak in his warmth and scent. “Did you run this morning? I ask drowsily.

“Yes, it’s getting easier and easier.” He lapses into silence for a moment “Emi invited me to the track meet tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to come along with me?”

I try not to tense at that but I fail miserably. Hisao gives me a questioning look. “Me and Emi have a history” I say, frowning.

“About?” Hisao asks gently.

I give him a flat look and mumble against him “History about a boy”

“Oh” Hisao says and then gives a small laugh “But out of the two of you, who’s going on a date with me?” He gives my hand a squeeze as he says it.

Ok that does score you points. “Sorry” I say. “I must seem jealous”

“No it’s understandable, like you said, history” Hisao says.

“Still think I come off like a crazy paranoid.” I mutter.

“No, crazy paranoid is Kenji my dorm mate” Hisao says in a long-suffering tone. “I’m glad that your brother is opposite me on the floor, if I only had Kenji for company I think I would worry”

I nod knowingly “Does he still go on about feminist conspiracies?”

Hisao gives me an odd look. “You know Kenji?” he asks oddly.

“He’s supposed to be a member of my class Hisao” I point out and then add “Well, when he shows up that is. Which is pretty rare”

“So I gathered,” Hisao says with a nod. “He does seem like the hermit type”

I poke him in the ribs and he squirms in his seat “We’re getting off topic but the answer is yes, I’ll come along, cheer Yamaku on just if things get weird… history”

A small, satisfied smile comes from Hisao and he slips his hand from mine; giving me a one armed hug quickly, before putting his hand back in mine. “Thank you” He says softly.

“Don’t thank me when Ibarazaki starts a cat fight” I grumble.

“I’m pretty sure it wont come to that,” Hisao says with a slightly reproving tone.

“I’ll try for you Hisao,” I say. I can try. I will not like it but for you I will try.

Hisao gives my hands a gentle squeeze again “That’s all I can ask”.

We fall into a comfortable silence as the bus rides onwards into the city where our destination awaits us. I quickly listen out for Fujiko and Misha and they seem to be having a rather quiet, serous conversation judging by the tone of their voices. I can’t make out what they’re saying but it seems to be fairly intense. They’re not arguing just having a serious conversation. I tune it out, rest my head against Hisaos shoulder and wait the journey out.

It’s only a few minutes later when I spy our stop approaching. I nudge Hisao and he rings the bell and the bus pulls over, its door opening with a pneumatic hiss as we disembark.

End part 1
Tealeaf. Old cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'. That is what KS did to me. It tealeafed my heart straight from my chest. Especially you Rin. Especially you.

One cannot think well, sleep well, love well if one has not dined well
- Virginia Woolf

Cooking is like love. Enter with abandon or not at all
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