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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Zarys »

It's not a bit useless compared to the effort required ?
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by CoffeeDrive »

Zarys wrote:It's not a bit useless compared to the effort required ?
If youre saying learning new languages is useless youre actually an idiot.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Silentcook »

Atario wrote:I was sort of hoping the esteemed forum-goers here might click on the contact page and shit on them good and proper civilly educate them as to the error of their ways.
Except that we don't much like the idea of being the origin point of "cripple crusades", and that even bad publicity is publicity.

We can't control the fandom's actions, nor would we like to; but when the moment comes of expressing disapproval in a reasoned and organized way telling people to stop fucking around with our stuff or else, we'd rather be liable for our actions only.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Zarys »

Yes but I mean , japanase is a language not very usefull in the life for a westerner, not ? (only usefull if you are very font of japanase culture or being in the very cases where japanase is professionally usefull)

And it's not like you need decades to learn a language like that ? or almost impossible to write :?:
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by AaronIsCrunchy »

Zarys wrote:Yes but I mean , japanase is a language not very usefull in the life for a westerner, not ? (only usefull if you are very font of japanase culture or being in the very cases where japanase is professionally usefull)

And it's not like you need decades to learn a language like that ? or almost impossible to write :?:
Well, I can see your point on this one, but I know of people (not myself) that have gotten themselves to a reasonable level of proficiency in Japanese in about a year. And while, yes, it may not be particularly useful unless involved in said practices, there is still a certain beauty to learning a language for the sheer hell of it. I have absolutely no need to learn Finnish, but still choose to do so as it's fun.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by ogorhan »

Zarys wrote:Yes but I mean , japanase is a language not very usefull in the life for a westerner, not ? (only usefull if you are very font of japanase culture or being in the very cases where japanase is professionally usefull)

And it's not like you need decades to learn a language like that ? or almost impossible to write :?:
Just because a language is not usefull or not for a westerner or any other race/nationality doesnt mean you cant learn it. Like I said I like the language and want to learn it. Im not seeking to be perfectly be fluent in it, just that its very handy thing to have for the things I like.

And eh no you dont need decades to learn it unless you want to be perfect in it. Though it the end it all depends on the person learning it. Its also fun to learn a new language even if the task seems daunting (particulary in the case of eastern languages).

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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Comrade »

Zarys wrote:Yes but I mean , japanase is a language not very usefull in the life for a westerner, not ? (only usefull if you are very font of japanase culture or being in the very cases where japanase is professionally usefull)

And it's not like you need decades to learn a language like that ? or almost impossible to write :?:
I believe it is important for every person to speak as many languages as possible, as not only it lets you understand yourself better, it connects you with people from different cultures.
I started learning Japanese two weeks ago (it is my fourth) and it is not particulary diffecult. In fact, languages like English and say, Arabic are much more diffecult in my opinion.
of course, If your native language is of a widely different family it would be harder to learn, but once you learn one language, all it's sisters become a lot easier.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by CoffeeDrive »

Well, I decided to brush up on my Japanese since im moving to tokyo in the not so distant but still quite far away future.

Learning to speak Japanese isnt too hard. Reading and writing are a completely differnt story though. So many characters...
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Comrade »

CoffeeDrive wrote:Well, I decided to brush up on my Japanese since im moving to tokyo in the not so distant but still quite far away future.

Learning to speak Japanese isnt too hard. Reading and writing are a completely differnt story though. So many characters...
As all other writing systems, the more you practice, the easier it gets.
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Sea wrote:Comrade, as Khan Bek has convinced me to give Democracy a try.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Munchenhausen »

CoffeeDrive wrote:Well, I decided to brush up on my Japanese since im moving to tokyo in the not so distant but still quite far away future.

Learning to speak Japanese isnt too hard. Reading and writing are a completely differnt story though. So many characters...
If you want to learn the Japanese Language, but also like drunk, violent and obnoxious late-teen Americans who look like they're meth addicts, may I recommend Namasensei's Japanese lessons? He has fucking 79 Videos.

The fact he says 'fuck' at least once a sentence does get a little annoying, but I found it to be quite a laid-back and unrestricted insight into the language.

there's also Papa Franku, who doesn't have nearly as many lessons, but is half Japanese
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by ogorhan »

CoffeeDrive wrote:Well, I decided to brush up on my Japanese since im moving to tokyo in the not so distant but still quite far away future.

Learning to speak Japanese isnt too hard. Reading and writing are a completely differnt story though. So many characters...
Haha nice to see that you decided on brushing on your japanese.

I already learned some hiranaga from the site you linked but stuff like for example て (te) also meaning hand is to say the least confusing and these are just single symbol's :lol:

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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Charmant »

ogorhan wrote:
CoffeeDrive wrote:Well, I decided to brush up on my Japanese since im moving to tokyo in the not so distant but still quite far away future.

Learning to speak Japanese isnt too hard. Reading and writing are a completely differnt story though. So many characters...
Haha nice to see that you decided on brushing on your japanese.

I already learned some hiranaga from the site you linked but stuff like for example て (te) also meaning hand is to say the least confusing and these are just single symbol's :lol:
Every language has its confusing elements. English in particular has a ton of them, being that it's the Frankenstein of languages. Always remember, i before e except after c but only for a few words out of hundreds. And there are about fifty different valid pronunciations of "ough". :p Or as a more clever man once put it, “If the English language made any sense, lackadaisical would have something to do with a shortage of flowers.”

I developed an interest in learning Japanese myself some time ago but never found a suitable site. I just wrote out a list of the symbols and sounds and started filling pages with that. Memorization via repetition is how they taught me English in the early years so I reason it ought to work for other languages.

@Coffee: Huh. I always pinned speaking it as the hardest part though I haven't progressed to reading much. The ratio of syllables to information expressed is a good fraction lower than English so it's spoken faster to compensate. No small task for someone prone to tripping over his own tongue. XP
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Atario »

Silentcook wrote:EDIT, A LITTLE LATER: ...actually, they seem to have changed their site. Here we go again...

EDIT AGAIN, MUCH LATER STILL: Well, about freaking time.
Er. What? Were they gone at some point? Because now I see a much shorter list of products, with a "user's" name different from before.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Megumeru »

I'm not gonna' say 'western arrogance', but that's what's rolling in my mind at the moment. Then again, I've been absent for a while with life booting up again to actually know what's going on here. :?

But, I'll answer something quick
ogorhan wrote:Random question of the day: What would be the best way to learn basic Japanese, not per se speaking or writing but able to read it and understand it?

I suppose learning Hiranaga & Katanaka wouldnt be that hard but Kanji is a whole another matter :| .

Just something that I was interested in learning for a while but never did. "Playing" through Katawa Shoujo did make me realise that I still want to learn it to be able to understand it for other things but I need some guidance.

It may not be even usefull in my immediate surrounding nor job related stuff but I like watching anime ,playing VN's and playing games and especially like games that are made in Japan (also I like japanese voice acting). So learning it just enough to be able to read it would benefit myself immensly.
Want me to give free online lessons? i can help by PM...if I have time :p
There's pronunciaction in speaking, that's one. When I was in kindergarten and junior school, writing them really helped a lot--then again, speaking it everyday also bolsters it immensely. It's about the same how I learn English in the first place by writing.

Like what most foreigners who study in Japan said, Japanese is not an easy language to learn--takes about 2-3 years+ to get a grasp, and Kanjis will still be problematic--I'd class some kanji as the equivalent of 'SAT words', even. If you want to read, you have to know how to write. Speaking is easy (pronunciation is a mixed bag), writing and reading is another story.
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Re: Random KS Discussion

Post by Comrade »

Don't bother learning Kanji until you master Hiragana. I am using a software called rosetta stone, its a great way to learn new languages.
Message me and i will link you to a trial version.
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Sea wrote:Comrade, as Khan Bek has convinced me to give Democracy a try.
"French are just Spanish Germans, therefore Mexicans."
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