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Re: Ask!

Post by TheSnowKing »

In the forums it clearly states that there will be no other work concerning Katawa Shoujo. However it also says that the same developers that made it are working on another game. Is the new game going to be another graphic novel/Romance like KS? Also this is my first time here so please excuse me if the answer is buried beneath 4k replies somewhere.
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Re: Ask!

Post by Suriko »

CoffeeDrive wrote:Say I made some KS t-shirts through a design website or by hand, would I be allowed to sell them for no profit? Basically at production value, or would I have to give them away for free? Or not at all.
If you made the artwork on them, go ahead. If it uses game assets, no. A few people have done pins and stuff with their fanart, like rtil, and that's absolutely fine.
TheSnowKing wrote:In the forums it clearly states that there will be no other work concerning Katawa Shoujo. However it also says that the same developers that made it are working on another game. Is the new game going to be another graphic novel/Romance like KS? Also this is my first time here so please excuse me if the answer is buried beneath 4k replies somewhere.
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Re: Ask!

Post by Zarys »

If you had the choice, would you have wanted that KS be a little less of a dating sim ? like more story-wise and without some genre conventions ? (I think I read that you often regret the sex scenes, because it is the element of the game that makes KS the most controversial and less "blameless" for the devs and justify most of the anonymity)
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Re: Ask!

Post by Silentcook »

Well, we had the choice and KS is not a dating sim, so your premise is flawed from the start. But to answer what I assume to be the spirit of your question: as far as I am concerned no, not particularly.

We bitchslapped quite a few of the genre conventions - some by poking fun at them or subverting them, some by not including them at all - thus I'm not feeling guilty about what might be left in.

Also for the record, my anonymity to the world at large is because I don't want to be pestered. A lot of pestering happens anyway. If I wanted to be truly anonymous you wouldn't even have a forum nickname to look up, and I wouldn't be here answering questions.
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Re: Ask!

Post by Suriko »

I've never heard any of the writers talk about the H-scenes in terms couched in any sense of regret. They were difficult to write for some, but we feel that they're an integral part of each story. If they're controversial, that's on the person labelling it so and not really our concern. Anonymity regarding the project is largely just the same level of anonymity any random internet-goer uses. We neither use more nor less than what we used to as a result of anything to do with KS.
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Re: Ask!

Post by TheHivemind »

I've gotten sloppy with my anonymity lately, because I stopped caring as much--if I were contacted on a different account about KS, I doubt I would respond, though.

As for the H scenes, they were a challenge to do, but I feel like I did what I could and that's all there is to it. I don't regret putting them in, or writing them. I would probably write them differently now, but that's only because I wrote those like... I guess five or six years ago at this point.
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Re: Ask!

Post by Bluegaze »

Hi, I am new to the forums and Katawa Shoujo itself, never played another game like this one, and I am not into anime or manga much (only watched like 3 anime and read 1 manga) but I fell in love with the whole thing, especially Lilly's Path which is really lovely and I would like to really congratulate it's writer as well as the artists who made the pictures, most of them are great (I really love the one in the bath and the one in the restaurant most, and I am only disappointed with one, which shows her kissing Hisao, I find it bit subpar).

Anyways, what I wanted to post is I played Shizune route now (it was my 3rd after Emi and Lilly) and I didn't really enjoy it that much (long and pretty boring for me, and only one choice during the whole game doesn't make it better) but that's not what I wanted to say. I noticed that you meet Lilly and Akira some time after the whole Tanabata thing, and Lilly was supposed to leave Japan before it. You also meet Lilly in the school much later (I think if you choose to comfort Misha).
Is it intended if there wasn't Hisao to stop her?
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Re: Ask!

Post by Jovereign »

This image of a Katawa Shoujo anime is a fake right? ... -chart.jpg
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Re: Ask!

Post by Aura »

It says so in the bottom right corner so probably.
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Re: Ask!

Post by Bluegaze »

Why is that that Lilly is said to be 'very tall' or even 'amazon', while according to the official site she is only 171 cm tall? I am not saying that is short, probably above average, but it's nothing that unusual, is it? :roll: I wouldn't go and call a girl very tall, let alone amazon, unless she were like 180 or taller.
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Re: Ask!

Post by Notguest »

Why are the white canes so short? In Lilly's sprites, it looks like the cane is barely waist height, and in the art class CG, Sunglass Boy's cane is also abnormally short.
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Re: Ask!

Post by cpl_crud »

Kibaro wrote:how come some 4LS dev's are still on the KS forums after so much time after finishing the game? im guessing the forums is mostly a pain in the arse for you guys, having to tame ppl like me and others from doing stupid stuff. but what made/makes you want to keep on going with KS( even in forum form ), i know you didn't hate KS despite the headaches it gave you but from what i gathered(but i might be wrong) you guys were really happy to have finished it and forget about it as soon as possible being fed up with it after so many years of developing
I have only recently discovered this the other day.
At work I occasionally receive thanks. When I left my last job my team made me a trophy that I still keep in my desk.

But that is nothing compared to the overwhelming number of messages that I have received from KS fans thanking me for my part in the game.

It has inspired me to keep writing regardless of my workload, and also to come back here to revive myself.
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<Suriko> Crud would be patting Hanako's head
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Re: The Hakamichi/Satou Relation?

Post by cpl_crud »

YutoTheOrc wrote:I know that Lilly and Shizune are cousins, related by their fathers, but why do they have different last names? I mean if they're brothers shouldn't they have the same last name either Hakamichi or Satou? Either could always have taken the wife's last name, but that's not a typical thing. I haven't encountered why in either the game or the forums. So I thought this would be a good topic to discuss. I'm guessing one of them changed their name due to reasons involving their family feud(not the one with Steve Harvey :P)
Actually a husband taking his wife's name is not uncommon in Japan.

I have one friend who has done so, and considered it myself for a time for ease of visas etc...
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<Suriko> Crud would be patting Hanako's head
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Re: Ask!

Post by cpl_crud »

Broomhead wrote:Is there an official map of Yamaku and the surrounding area, or a rough description on paper? I never could figure out where everything was in relation to each other, so I just kinda guessed the classes were smushed between the Dorms and nursing building, the dorms further being flanked by the road, while the nursing building was next to Rin's Forest.
There is a 40Gb HDD in a secret compartment in my desk that has scans of possibly the only thing that came close to a map.
My Novel - Now available The Zemlya Conspiracy

<Suriko> Crud would be patting Hanako's head
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<NicolArmarfi> crud is trying to dress hanako up like miku and attempting to get her to pose for him in headphones and he burns money
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Re: Ask!

Post by cpl_crud »

Zykes wrote:I've been curious for a little while, and since the topic of the license has come up recently, I'd figure I asked.

I get the major point of how the license works, but I've wondered about where that eventual line is drawn between Derivative work and similar concept is.

For example, would any type of story that is based on a school that partly or mainly focuses on assisting those with physical disabilities fit into the license, even if locations, other detailed concepts and so on are completely different from KS.

I think a recent thing that had this was with two movies. White house down and Olympus has fallen. They are pretty similar in concept but are different movies.

With something like that, would it be against the license or not.
Copyright law is really weird in this respect.

I hindsight I wish that I had written my own licence... With the knowledge that I learnt 2 years after KS...

In essence, a derivative work uses a significant portion of the original work.

So if you copied 14,000 words of the scipt or some of the art, that is a derivative work.

However, ideas aren't covered by copyright.

So if you use the setting of Yamaku then that is a similar idea, but not a derivative.

I suggest Shane Simpson's "Music Business" as a good text on the topic
My Novel - Now available The Zemlya Conspiracy

<Suriko> Crud would be patting Hanako's head
<Suriko> In a non-creepy fatherly way
<NicolArmarfi> crud is trying to dress hanako up like miku and attempting to get her to pose for him in headphones and he burns money
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